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The news=record. [volume] (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon) 1907-1910, December 26, 1907, Image 5

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Ring Out the
Ring in tbe New new goods, new fixtures, new and improved
grapbopbouee, new music to play on them in our new quarters in tbe
new Fraternal Building. And new friends as well as old ones are
invited to visit our store. We appreciate the generous custom given ua
during 1907, and will endeavor to merit as well in 1908.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Next door
to R. B. 4 Z.
Hydraulic and Irrigation Engineer
Second-Hand Store
RODGERS BROS. Proprietors
Dealers in Now and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs.
Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Storo
'fixtures and Old Mission Furniture made to order. All goods called
for and delivered any place in town. We are locked in ihe Enterprise
Restaurant Building, west side of the city square.. Call in and see us.
Joseph h Elgin Stage Co.,
Tariff and Rata Sheet of FaresTrom Enterprise:
Effective on and after September 1. 1907.
One Way
Enterprise to Joseph $ .75
" " Lostine 1 00
" " Wallowa 1.75
' " " Canyon House 2.50
" " Elgin 4.00
Baggage allowance 40 pounds for
rates vanie as old taritt.
Makes connections witli stages at
Thursdays and Saturdays ' For Flyra, Paradise and Aimtone, Wash., mi
Mondays, .Wednesdays and Fridays. ' Carries U.8. Mall and Express. '
Connect with Stages at Vnterprlse for Imnaba on regular days. Stopover
privileges given on round trip rates. ( ' .
F. D. McCULLY, Pres! E. W RUMBLE. Mgrr
and mion Pacific
Dally Kx
Depart for
Time echedule,
Dully Ex.
Ar- from
No. 81
S:46 p. m.
miller: A Mod, Inland
City, I.n Urinific, con
nect lr.fi ;ir La aranile
with trnlnH for all .
points euot and went.
No. 82
11:80 a. m
Low Rates.
Through Tickets To and From All
Parts of tho Country.
H. H. Weatberspoon, Agent.
Elgin, Oregon.
Watch for
Next .
Old j
Round Trip
1 75 .
3 00
Excess baggage
each full paid fare.
Wallowa for Promise on Tuesdays,
Some of the Things Found by
British Dead Letter Office.
Daring the ten days preceding Christ
mas about 100,000 parceis are handled
every twenty-four hours by British
postoffloe officials, or approximately
1,750,000 for the entire ten days diving
which the rush lasts.
Tbe contents of many of the parcels
are, to say tbe least, somewhat curl-
oub, says the Pictorial Magazine. A
hamper of live leeches, for instance.
seems a strange sort of Christmas
gift So does an artificial leg. Yet
both of these were among the parcels
"treated" last Christmas. Another long
coffin shaped box excited suspicion on
account of the odor emanating there-
from. On opening it however, nothing ouer articles, ail tne best of their
more dreadful was found than a young kind. I saw a young man who re- I
alligator in a dormant condition. An- clTed an all leather suit case. This
other evil smelling hamper was found!11 ltem seem strange on a ranch,
to contain, no fewer than 800 dead DUt there are many polished gentle
mice, while yet a third Inclosed a do- men among the employees who would
funct puppy consigned for postmortem consider suit cases very necessary
purposes to an eminent sursreon. i should they have occasion to visit tbe ,
Christmas presents of live animals . ctty
are constantly being sent through the 1 MAU thls whUe mn8,c wns to be
post notwithstanding the fact that the beard from a band stationed on the
practice la strictly prohibited. Pigeons, ! tront P0. where many of the visit
rabbits, white mice, rats, ferrets, silk-! 018 were seated. After the Santa Claus
worms, lizards, snakes, guinea pigs ' of the Christmas tree had retired and.,
and even on one occasion a per" lamb . the Presents to the grownups had been
have all been dealt with at some pe-1 distributed all repaired to the porch
riod or other. . and front yard to see again tbe glee-
No longer ago than last Christmas ! ,ul cnUdren and the tree, and surely It
eve a box was Intercepted containing vm thm of beauty and, with its
150 live frogs, and a short time before mlta and flowers, looked as though it
twelve healthy young adders were dls- j nad t11 transplanted from fairyland,
covered in an Innocent looking hamper ' "Tne people that came from a dls
which was supposed to contain poultry. Itance departed before nightfall, but
Some of the lnclosures are decidedly tao8e ttat llved near b remained for
sarcastic. Of this class was a two foot an nlngof music and good cheer,
long cane bearing the indorsement: "A thus endcd a haPP7 Christmas
Christmas present for Johnny. For
outward application only. To be well
rubbed in."
Umt Prairie, Deo, 21-R. L. and
Jack Cole and families went to Flora
literary last night ami report a grand
time. C. H. Allen Is a rustler when It
in liner m fth fUhrmi work.
The Cole Bros.' big barn is Bearing
oompletioi. -
Miss M'lory clfwd ber school with
a r.lesmt eittrla'n ncnt.
. James Jo!e aim wlf- were blensrd
with a fine boy tbe 18th inst Jim
says it's just like Its pa.
The north" country would like to I
represented by one elective o'Bcer.'n
June. Don't you valley folks think
go? Onr choice is an assessor.
The mumps afflict tbe family of G.
M. Connor. Bubsckibeb.
part owner of one of the largest
ranches In Texas, the Coleman
Fulton ranch, so called, a 1T5.000
acre "farm" eleven miles from Corpus
Chrlstt on the San Autoulo Rnd Aran
sas Pass railroad. One hundred men
are always and 250 meu - sometimes
employed on It.
"I was so fortunate as to have the
pleasure of seeing a unique Christmas
tree on this ranch," writes 3fery Elise
Muncey In the St Louis Globe-Democrat
"Christmas morning, though
warm, was foggy, and a slow rain fell,
but by 12 o'clock tie sun came out
and the people at tbe ranch house be
gan to make their preparations. Ever
since early morning the employees
from the different farms had been com
ing In. All kinds of vehicles were
pressed Into service. Some came"bn
horseback and some ou foot There
were many children.
"I saw what I had never seen be
fore, a growing Chrlstiuus tree. Just
In front of the house was a largo inul-
berry tree. The ladles of tbe house
came out about 2 o'clock and . deco
rated the tree, with the assistance of'
some of the men. Even the men re-. 1
quired stepladders to reach the top
most boughs. First the ladles gave
them some artificial Icicles, which they
bung on tbe branches In great profu
sion. ' As tbe son was shining brightly
by this time. It gave tbe Icicles a very
glittering appearance, and the wind,
commencing to blow, shook them gen-'
tly, making the illusion more perfect
Then long bright ribbons of many col
ors were suspended from tbe topmost
limbs and fruit and candles tied on
with ribbons of the same color or
anges with orange ribbon, apples with
red ribbon, limes, with green ' ribbon.
etc. Small toys were suspended from
the tree; large ones were at the base.
It presented a very gorgeous spectacle, '
and tbe sight of the happy children
'surrounded it made one wish to i
be a child again to enjoy it to the ut-1
termost But the best was yet to come,
"In tbe front yard were the presents
Intended for the grown people, and
eacn mBn received one. One was a fine
surrey. Five were each given fifty and
seventy-five dollar saddles. Several
married men got handsome metal bed-
"toads, with springs and mattresses,
Twenty or thirty fine hats, costing
f apiece, were distributed and many
"The Queen's Christmas Card."
. Queen Alexandra has not given up
ber Interest in behalf of the unemploy
ed. Last Christmas she sanctioned a
unique plan to raise more funds for
them. This was In the shape of tbe
Issue of a Christmas book, consisting
of poems, stories, sketches, drawings
and music, which was entitled "Tbe
Queen's Christmas Card." Algernon
YVT w'u" "i? " . w"i T
F'' - Mukvcw, auvuh uatuj, OIUIIV
Corelli, Hall Caine, George Meredith,
Arthur Wing Plnero, Sir Laurence
Alma-Tadema, Edwin A. Abbey, Wil
liam Holraan Hunt Sir Edward John
Poynter and Sir Edward Elgar 'are
among the boat of those who contrib
uted. The production of the book waa
practically gratuitous. It sold for
half a crown, and tbe proceeds were
devoted to tbe queen's unemployed
Strange Story of Skipper Shlpwreoked
oh the Pacific
Captain S. A. Iloyt secrctnry. of tho
Masters and Pilots' association of Seat
tle, Wash., and possibly one of the
most widely kuawn seafaring men on
tie Pacific coast, has a fund of expe
riences to draw from when he wishes
to while away on hour. Up in' the big, I
pleasant rooms of the association the !
captain recently told the' following 1
tale: j
"The approach of Christmas alwaya I
reminds uie of tho December that I
spent on an Ice ship. Never heard of
one? Well, tly are unusual. I was
master of the Utile brig Holly, and
along about tho 1st of November we
were wrecked away down south of the
Born. Tbe ship went on an Ice floo
and was battered nil to pieces. We
did manago to save some tools and
food and part of the cargo.
"I put the crew to work to cut off a
large pinnacle of the berg. Then I set
them all to work with axes, and we
shaped It into a graceful ship's bull.
After that we hollowed It out Inside,
makjng cabins and everything like a
regular ship, and with some of the
timber saved from our vessel we rig
ged her as a bark, side light" and ev
erything, even going so far as to paint
her and name her tho Holly. She was
a fine craft and floated like a duck
When finally launched. We spent
Christmas on board of her and had a
great time. I loaded part of the wreck
ed Holly's cargo In her, and we then
started for Callao, which was our des
tination. "The ice ship sailed fine and was as
good a sea boat as any In which I sail
ed. This was only, however, when we
were down south In cold water. The
nearer we got. to the equator the light
er became our vessel, and I finally dis
covered that our ship was melting be
neath ua. Another two days and we
would have been In the water when a
steamer picked us up and also saved
the cargo. This paid for the loss of
the vessel, which was also insured, so
the owners come out ahead in tbe
How an Old Lady Found a Parson the
' National Poitoffice Couldn't
"The fates call and mortals obey."
The speaker was a small, precise and
elegant old lady whose diminutive stat
ure wng quite forgotten by ber bearers
in the realization of her force and dig
nity. She bad gone to the dead letter
sale under protest and was narrating
an experience which grew out of tbe
purchase she bad made. "I went to
that sale not because I wanted to or
was Interested or expected to buy any
thing, but because I've an Impertinent
grandnlece who hinted I was too old
to be in such a crowd.
"After awhile the auctioneer offered
a package as big as a sack of flour,
and I bought it for 85 cents. Then
when I brought It home I found it
contained nothing but a lot of worn,
threadbare clothing mended almost to
death. I was Just about to force it
on that grandnlece of mine and make
her distribute It to some poor families
when I found a letter In tbe pocket of
the coat I've kept that letter. The
writer was a young girl from down
east In Massachusetts. She was send
ing that clothing as the only Christ
mas gift she could make for ber broth
er Ben, who lived in a city iu Wis
consin. .
"Well, when I rend that tetter I Jupt
sat down and cried to think that poor
girl's sewing bad all gone astray. I
made up my mind that If the postal
authorities could not find that girl's
brother I could. So 1 did up the bun
dle again, put a letter outside asking
tbe postman to return the puckage to
me if be couldn't deliver it and then
addressed tho whole thing to 'Mary
Burgess' Brother Ben. . Wis.'
Would you believe that that postmnn
in that Wisconsin town really found
that poor boy and gave him the bun
dle? And now I've n letter from tho
girl in which she tells me both she and
her brother are In much Improved cir
cumstances, that Ben has a fine posi
tion in- a furniture factory and that
they are soon to bo together for good."
Washington Star.
Life on the Boards Is Not All a Happy
"I like ChrlKtmas," said an actor.
"No two are ever alike In my busi
ness. Last year, for instance; the com
pany I was with was four weeks be
hind in salaries, and we were simply
banging on with the hope of tbe big
houses Christmas day pulling us out a
little. We were playing one night
stands and left some little town in
New York state for Wheeling. W. Va.,
right after the performance. It was a
trip that called for three changes of
cars, and there were no sleepers In any
of them.
"Every car on every train was loaded
with holiday excursionists, and every
male excursionist was loaded with rye
and brimstone There were fights
fresh every half hour, and constable's
met as with open arms and clubs at
every station. No eating stations were
honored by us, and we arrived at
Wheeling too late to give a matinee
performance, our manager bad two
black eyes and a broken wrist, and
our star had lost a new set of teeth,
without which be refused to play at
The report had It that we were all
In Jail, and there would have been no
bouse anyway. We bad to get up
three benefit performances before we
could get money enough to buy tickets
to New York, but we got there. How
ever, as I said before, Christinas days
are not il alike," Buffalo ews.
he Kaiser's
ROBABLY uo European eoart
gives Christmas presents ou so
extended a scale as the kaiser's.
Every one gives presents to ev-
one else, and for weeks bafore
Christmas secret Inquiries are made
about the. most suitable gifts to be
stow. The empress and her seveu chil
dren mysteriously dnsb about Kerlln
and Potsdam, visiting Jewelers, toy
shops and other establishments where
something new or striking is to be bad,
and they hold a levee every morning
of tradesmen whom they have no time
to visit j
Tho kaiser does no shopping him-;
self, but he Is the greatest Christmas
box giver of all, end his presents lu
every case exactly tit the desires of the
happy recipient Early in December
he makes a list of the persons to Whom
he Intends making presents. His wife
heads the list and at the foot Is usual
ly some old pensioner or invalided
housekeeper who has served the Ho
henzollerns for half a century.
Soon before Christums the royal mint
sends the kaiser a bag of bright new
gold twenty and ten mark pieces and
another of silver five murk pieces HW
majesty 'fills bis pockets when lie goi'M
walking in the parks at Potsdam, und
tbe little children 'and old men nml
women who are fortunate enough to
meet him or soldiers standing sentry,
stamping in tbe snow, are certain of u
gift accompanied not infrequently by
a Joke.
The kaiser's best side Is seen at
Christmas'. There Is a story current
that once near the palace of Sans
Souci the kaiser came upon a half
frozen sentinel with very red nose and
eyes. Tbe sentinel, with stiff fingers,
brought bis rifle to the salute.
"Cold duy," said his majesty. The
sentinel did not reply, but" his teeth
"How loug have you been on duty?"
asked the kaiser. Still no reply.
"Stupid!" sold his majesty. "Why
dou't you speak when 1 address you?"
. The sentinel moved his Jaws and lips,
but no word escaped. The kaiser bum
out laughing and, turning to his ad
jntant, said:
"Take this chap into the palace, put
bim before a fire, thaw hi in out, par
ticularly bis Jaws, see be gets a big
hot drink and a big feed, and. here,"
turning to tbe sentry, "take this and
drink my health and tbe empress'!"
The soldier found voice nt last. He
bellowed out tho one word "Majes
taet!" The empress Is always practical with
her gifts. Every yeur ber majesty
grows more popular among the best el
ements of the people. Her unasxntutng
ways, entire freedom from hauteur,
consideration for servants and kindly
Interest fei the welfare of the poor and
helpless endear ber in ever widening
circles of Germans. She Is fond of pre
senting ladies with costly lace.
The young princes, headed by the
crown prince, show little discrimina
tion In their gifts scarf pins, rings,
dogs, cigarette cases, matchboxes, and
so on, being their staple gifts, varied
sometimes by a book, a picture or a
statuette. Victoria Loutae's gifts of
dolls to her friends are numerous. To
favored friends she does not mind pre
senting kitchen ranges and furnished
dolls' houses. She Is In close bxho
elation with the matrons' and soldiers'
orphanages at Potsdam, and tbe num
. ber of little girls wbo receive her gifts
Is enormous. Stores of oranges and
boney cakes are collected by ber tor
distribution on Christmas eve. New
York World.
An Old Christmas Cuetom.
A century or two ago there was a
costom lu Germany for all tbe parents
in a town or village to send tbe pres
ents they designed for their children to
one chosen Individual, who called a'
each bouse clad In a motley robe, n
mask and a huge flaxen wig. Knock
ing on the door, be called In a loud
voice for all tbe good children to ap
pear and receive the gifts which the
Christ Child, tbe Chrlst-Klndlelu, bad
Rent them. This was the primeval
Krlss Krtngle. Coleridge describes this
custom and records that tbe bad little
children bad a rod left for tbelr cor
i rection. Brooklyn Citizen.
The Last Christmas of the Southern.
"We bad some memorable Christmas
days In tbe south during tbe war,"
said Mrs. Zebu Ion B. Vance, wife Of
the lato United States senator from
North Carolina. "That of 1861 was
different from any that had preceded
it because we were in arms against the
Federal government and many of tbe
male guests at southern homes that
day wore Confederate uniforms. Much
of the talk at the Christmas dinner
table was of sieges and battles and
marches, but we were all full of hope
and confidence.
"Christmas, 1802, found us but poor
ly prepared to celebrate It. Our sup
plies were few. and Confederate money
was at a heavy discount Then came
tbe bitter year of 18G3, with the fall of
VIcksburg and the defeat at Gettys
burg. With sad faces, harmonizing
well with their dresses of coarse black
stuff, the women of the south devoted -themselves
to picking lint and spinning
and weaving for husbands, fathers,
brothers and sweethearts In the field.
"Christmas. 1804 the last Christmas
of the wur dawned, and what a
gloomy festival It was for the people
of the south! Of manufactured prod
ucts we bad practically none. Our
hairpins were made of long black
thorns, with a bait of sealing wax on
the end. We bad made Into dresses
every scrap of available material,
while our feet were incased In home
made cloth shoes. The1 slaves, having
heard of 'de 'mancipation proclama
tion,' knew that they were free and
had ail scattered away. Desolation
seemed to reign over everything. 'Of
all the Christmas days I have known
that last Christmus In the south In
wartime Is the one of all others that I
am most certain never to forget"
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The Only Known Postal Memorial of
the Deoembar Holiday.
Stamp collectors say that the great-"
est Christums gift ever made was a
postage stamp of the value of 2 cents
On 'Christmas, 1808, Great Britain pre
sented to all her thirty-seven colonies
a Christmas gift In the form of two
cent letter postage in place of the rate
of C cents, which for decades bad ex
isted. In honor of this event Canada placed
on sale ou Christmas morning, 1898, a
Christmas postage stamp, the only
stamp of the kind ever Issued by any
country. In many respects it Is unique
among all postage stumps.
It was larger than our Columbian
stamps and showed a map of the world
with the possessions of the British em
pire printed in bright scarlet. The
oceans appeared lu n blultih green and
the frame of the design In black.
Across the top waa tho inscription
"Canada Postage," with a crown rent
ing on laurel leaves tucked in bi-twtpu
the words. At the extreme lower part
of the design is the declaration, "Wo
bold a vaster empire than has been;"
above this. "Xinas. 1808," und a figure
"2" in euch lower corner.
It Is worthy of note that this Cana
dian stamp was printed by a bank
note conipuny In theUnlted Btntes. It
marked u new epoch In stamp produc
tion, Inning three colors. Blcolored
stamps are not uncommon, but up to
that time no country hud ever attempt
ed a three color stamp.
This Christmas stamp was probably
the most expuuslve ever Issued, cost
ing tbe Canadian government four
times as much as the ordinary single
color stamp. Although Issued on Christ
mas, 1808, the stamp's availability for
postage usos Is unlimited. New York
Miraole of the Loaves Repeated For
Washington's Poor.
The flay of miracles has not passed,
according to the firm belief of a hun
dred or more poor people in Washing
ton. Last Christmas day Almas tem
ple of the Shrlners gave its annual din
ner to the poor. It was a well planned
affair, generously contributed to, and
turned out a big success. But tbe most
notable thing about it was not ou the
programme and made tne hit of the
While tho Shrlners were feeding
their guests "there came to their ball
100 loaves of bread. Tho huge six
foot Santa Claus was busy cracking
Jokes as bo waddled about and took
down the gifts from the Christmas
tree. In the middle of one of bis sto
ries there entered another big, fat San
ta Claus, carrying a colossal basket
full of bread, and behind him were
three or four negroes, also carrying
bankets of bread. One of the Shrlner
committeemen at once inferred that
some one bad sent a gift of bread to
be distributed and signed a receipt fer
the ICO loaves. In a few minutes they
were handed around to the heads of
families, and an additional smile of
Christmas Joy went around with them.
When tbe festivities were nearly
over and the crowd, had begun to dis
perse a man came running In and ask
ed: "Did yon got 150 loaves of bread?"
"We did," was the reply.
"What did you do with itr '
"Gave it away."
"Well, that was an order from tbe
Carroll Institute. It came here by
mistake. But It is all right. We are
glad you gave It away, and If you need
more let us know," and the man went
away, evidently fully satisfied wltb
the incident New York Tune.
Grain Market.
No change in grain market: Wheat
60c bu., oats 1 owt , rye 90c cwt.
barley 85c cwt.
Flour la (1.50 bbt.

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