Newspaper Page Text
1 Polk County Observer ALLGOOD & COLLINS LESSEES Published Semi-Weekly al $1.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance. Entered as second-clan matter March 1, 1907, at the post office at Dallas, Oregon, nnder the Act of Conirreaa ot March 3, 1S79. DALLAS, OREGON, FEBRUARY 12, 1909 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. school system at all and even the most radical of the opposition would scarcely claim that the state is in a condition to do without it entirely. While the removal of the MoDmouth Normal would be disastrous to tln educational development of the state, j the removal of either the Southern or! Eastern Oregon schools would be scarcely less so. If but one Normal were to be maintained, the Monmouth : Normal has tbe senior claim for the support of the state. But an effort to bring about such a condition would; be deeply and justly resented by the people of both Eastern and Southern ! Oregon. The problem of how macy j Normal schools the sraieof Orecn j actually ceeds ti secure she most : effective srriiv in lis at department of I its educations wcrir, j re::y a-vll e"'n-3 l; li-vj! pei..l wtrn ivr 'ta:n v8-.ic f.rves rvsnesi cp t!s Cascad. Calajw: oJ ostot?r rargs' What Aib You? T)o vou feci weak, tired, despondent have frequent headaches, coated tongue, hir-. r nr h.ui t:ite in tnorniiiir, "heart burn." Mo!:h;e of ga acid risinsrs in throat aft-.-r t-at:ng. stomach gnaw or t-irn. foul fcreaih. ii"y sells. poor or variable ap;'!ite. nausea at times and kin.!red su.iuloius? If yolNve any considerable number of thvatove "JXRrtorcs you are suffering frornVnou-ilJsN:id liver with l:idt eestienS:r IV P'erce OMcti Executors Sale of Real Property. txc ent nwr bt"-a t ! rv . TV.' - u:: ;-! . "".s !; :V ,s-i. A . t". '. i is .-- i v. V : Notice It- hereby (riven, that the undereifnied exw utors of the ei-late of William l.ivermorc, decraaeil. ill bv virtue of ail order of the Hon. County Court of Polk County, Or;mi, d"' made and entered of record on the 2mh day ol October. 1SU-, duly authorizing nnu eiiipi.eii..s them so to do. on or after the lth day of reb ruary. lWr.i. proceed to tell at private sa.e to the bluhcst bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to-wll: Lot No. five (o) in Block No. Seven (7) in Leven s Lacreole Hom.siead Addition to the Town of Dallas, Folk Countv, urefron. Sealed biffs mav be hsnded to the executors hereinafter named, or to the Attorneys for said W!wd at Dallas. Polk County, Oregon, this 1Mb day , January,. I.EO.NAKD K. L1VERMORE, Joint executors of said estate. iKtee .t- Krtkin. Attomevs tor eatnte. :r.v:vrator. stomaen oa;c, v " i nerve strvrisrthener. i Vss.Val D'..vveryl not -".e o.r svrvu ntrtisn. a . i k.-:;! N r:sj printed sikv is herebv riven thai the undersiened --r atv? atvsed r'V.ot 1 t-a !u Jolt appointed administrator of the f, ".. . . f Attw Campbeil. debased by the ' t! tw..:i ? ' f iViRty tvurt of she State of Oresou, for Polk :: r.o- a.vN''. vT hjtr" i c".:u;v. ti !. ha ijualmed. I iwntii fcavnie i-iamis against tne siu 'Hal T7 A tool Notice to Creditors. A One Dollar Magazine FREE rI c 1 err. fi :sta:i. at wiich t;as, if wed? r. jfarycf it f sec: :::e:a iie Orec.2 Lec:sji:-:re wen? r is this toiv. mcevi m m.w. Today the citizf-r,? :S li ur rritd Stan re tx&wi-s-ri-ts :zt binh fif Arotttn; LctAt. Tr-irt IS. :(!. toe 5a il ti ctv v- As-iTX-. a n-fcii it.s 5C"oi a s i i:-:--:' fa:es embroii'rry froca yer"i eci to year's end the story of the nations. Around the name and history of Washington, the hero of our nation becrinning, has clustered so much of tradition and fable, that, despite our wholesome American contempt for superstition, we have come to regard him not;so much as a man of natural human Impulses, but rather as a sort of half mvthlcal demigod, like tbe heroes of old Greece, until his great ness is augmented by the superhuman halo which nil of us, half shame facedly, yet unfailingly bestow upon him. Not so with Lincoln. Tradition may garble the Btory of his life and fable add a tinge of unnaturalness to It it Is so with the lives of all who have been truly great but the broad syra pathetic humanity of his gentle nature, glowing down through the years, In spite of fable and tradition steadfastly denies the demigod and declares him 8rstof;all a man ; always a man ; but tbe mightiest man It hat the Fat'S have ever bred and reared to face great issues in the world. While Washington was perhaps more brilliantly great, it is thissim plicity in the character of Lincoln that makes men who the former a species of adoration, add to it in their reverence for Lincoln, the warm straight forward love of man for roan. The cycle of ages can never carry Lincoln into the mists of a national mythology ; he will ssar.d to the people cf America a hundred years hence just as real, just as vital, just as human, as he stands to now; as he stood to the people who saw him at the dedication cf the buryirg ground at Gettysburg, when he spoke simply and quietly, the few sent-cees that have sibce been and always will be esteemed,' among the greatest that have ev-r been uttered : "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought fvrtb on this con ticent a new nation, conceived in lib erty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. "Now we are ecgagfd in a great civil war, testiug.whether.tbat nation, or any. nation so conceived and so dedicated, can loi.g endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that Held as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is alto gether;; fitting and ipropt-r that we should do this. "'But, in a larger sense, we cannot cousecrate, we j.cannot. hallow;.this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have con secrated it far above our poorpower to add or detract. The world will..little note nor long remeruber.'whnt we say here, but it can never forget what they did bera. It is for us, the living, rather to b dedicated here to the unfinished.! work which they who fought here have thua';;far so m bly advanced. It is rather for us to be here.dedicated tbe great task remain ing before us; thai from the same honored dead we take increased devo tion to that cause for which they gave the last fulltiieasure of devotion ; that wo here highly resolve that these dead should not have died in vain ; that thin nation under God, shall have new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by, tbe ope, .for. the people shal. not perish from the earth rSGMSIXG 01T10OS Iiv Giii? W"ifr Niw-I Daitas FV9.jf Hi liesrwi t.ri re o: til rv;. cfsiea s.:i U: ia th.'sse por:::::s :ioce-J ia the art; os A;-s - reoc.- o. o.i: j:t 2:r:2r n:ors:s I:y cca::y rs? a I: was ic:o teat neighborhood that J. Crowiher ma le his trip a short time ao to l wk after his extensive holdings in thjse sec tions : Mining' conditions in the Big Pine section, of Inyo county, are beginning to take on a brighter hue and it is expected that by the time the. South ern Pacific railroad completes its line from Mojave to Keeler, thus giving tbe ore shippers short and quick transportation to tldewate at San Pe dro, the territory tributary will see some very extensive development work well In hand. The western range of the White Pine mountains has long been known to be rich In lead and silver ores, while the range farther east contains some large bodies of copper ores and is also rich in gold, silver and lead. The main reason why this section has not been brought extensively be fore the notice of the mining world sooner has been on account or the; poor transportation facilities. All I supplies and ores have had to be j shipped by way of Nevada, first on tbe narrow giuj railroal and then i transferred to a broad gauge railroad. This has made operations very ex- j pensive. But upon the completion of i this line from the south this great j drawback will be eliminated and the j mining public may confidently look i forward to some great surprises in mice development from this section." c ..'r i. It f Suvi ttrH .rv ST ;iTT-re 'twsi jrvi.-cr:'!e. e A -. r - -!: f.wsj Kjih:. .' rxl. .- rvol. tl i:i ; ,,.vrt ro'i. r .verves isd .V ;-.--. i ' '. , -V ' (; "S A ' . H.f' : . ; Ci.'. -.'fe. i: 11 I. : :'v.' c-i. : ,'-vf V J' 1 C k: l 1. - Vi. t.V..e : a .: V I'.. A : .- . : i'- ' S-:a- ' . .-. : .;v:3.-:r.c lrt-( . . V Li . Lv?c. I r..r ot It E.: rw.viL V. .. Au-h-r i x-d i ' B"'-e!t Mevii-S-":d i'4e ai'.a ad- , , "o Ir K- V. Pierce. Rif--wr lvi;let (T"v:r5 - ; . a'S Tb a've n''O.i- i.- c others ei'.dors'.nir. in the - r .-r-; -i. ea.-h and every in- 'ticiden Medical t'i'ov . f ,.,.nr Pellet" reirulate and i .. i-v.-r and KweN. Ther ur-'T ion with "tolden -v " if N.w.-I are much coo re finy and ukrar-coatetl. era:e .-e cervt t noiiCt-vl to t'r'seii uie same .iu'v Yvrtii. tcvter with the proHT vouchers ; vrv.'?. Co u:derie'.Kxi. at irieUworlice i.ii.-t Kiit. ia liu'Ciiy of Dallas, in said .Vc:ii, ti;:i si aioutii iroin the date of this La. ivt in'. FUb'-Uhed January 1;. tOT. . V. CAMFBK1.L. AdrJltustrator of the estate of A'.:a.:sca CauiplU. dtivaed. BUSINESS LOCALS. fAdvertisements under this head nre charped at the rate of I cent per word, tirst insertion ; pent per word for eseh insertion thereafter; H) words or less, per month. No advertiseuieut inserted for less than 15 cents. FiRures count as one word. For .instance, the numeral combination "?J50" counts aB one word. Two initials count as one word. For instance, '.). M. Jones" counts as two words. The minimum charge is for 15 words; that iw, an advertisement from 1 word to 15 words is counted as f words; an advertisement from lb to 20 wordH, inclusive, is counted as '20 words; from l1 to 25 words, is counted as 25 wordw, etc. The figures followiiiL' the advertisement indi cate how lontr it is to run. and are not charged to the customer. For instance, 3-;il-2t indicates that the ftdvenit-ement was first published on March al, and that it its to be inserted twice. The fitrureB and letters 4-1-tt' indicate that the advertisement whs first published April 1 and that it is to be run until the customer orders it discontinued, J Notice ot Final Settlement. ! ie?vbv iv?n that .he undersikmed a- i'imitLiyCrairix o: tbo esiaie of Frank Bmier, .eHit. r' ri'.ei her account 5 -wh a iiui:it-:r:nx in the orhce of the tsw-Mrv .'I-r. oi l'o!k Countv. (.recu, and that S.-ituroy (tie 6th day of March IA at the hour oi ton o elocs a. m. na. teen nxe-i oy uie i-ion- orable t't.untv Touri oi Polk County. Oretrnn as the lime and' the court house in Dallas as the place for hearine of said tiual account, and the siuenieni uiereoi. ah peincus nnis uujeei ions to sai'i final account are required to pre sent he anK' at sjim time ana place. lated this i)th dav of Kebruary, 1W9. KI.EANOK F. BLTLER. Administratrix of the estate of Frank Butler, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. Wanted. A second band fireproof safe. J. E. Beezley, Falls City, Ore. For Sale. Choice vetch and oat hay. Morrow, Rickreall, Oregon. 2- W. O. -5-tf For Sale. Full blooded Whire Leghoro roost ers. M. D. Oatnian, Rickreall, Ore gon. 2-9-tf. Notice is hereby (fiven that the undersiened as executrix of the estate of J. K. Hubbard deceased, bun tiled her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk Countv. and that Thursday, the isth day February, l'Mi, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of the said County Co'irt in the City oi Dallas, Oretfon. has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the neurit)? of objections to tne saut final account ana the settlement thereof. ELLEN J. HUBBARD, FIxccntrix of the estate of J K. Hubbard, deceahed Oacar Hayter, Attorney. Duted and first published January 19, COURT BOISE NOTES Items of Interest From the Records in the Ounty Offices Hriefly Told. For Sale. Good Myers snraj-er. Used only 'one season. H. G. Campbell, Dallas, ; Oregon. 2-12-3t i Lumber. j To trade for pood eow or horse or for botb. N, G. Harris Dallas, . P.. F. 1). -22-tf The great American ieople were no doubt both relieved od surprised (i when the oRieUI count of the electoral Totes Tuesday tdiowed that W. H. Tafi and J. H. Sherman had teceived 321 ami V. J. Kryan and J. V. Kern 162 nd the former were therefore de clared duly elected. A member of The Oregon wiltes that beu lliry defeat a U-am that ha. tierer before Ut-n bi-aten on lis own floor, the ral id basketball fans of that city immeaditely aocu them of Daring "stolen the game and begio to murmur dark threats of mobbiog them. Reverse tbe situation and recall some of tbe titnes when Dallas baacuffered defeat on our own floor and tbe behavior of th.e Eastern "rooters" does n4 seem ao unnatural after alL It make all the dl&Vrenor Id tbe world wb. ot Is gored The geographical divisions of Ore gon make tbe maintenance of three Normals aebools almot imperative, if tbe eta re is to Lave any Normal ap- PliOBATE. Estate of Jacob Brown, oa:h of office and bond fild an 1 proved. E-rtate of W. A. Van Loan, de ceased final aceount s-t for h-arinnr March 13, ldfj at 10 o'clock a. in. Estate of of T. P. Jack, deea-d report of eale of real estate s.-t for hearing February 20, at y o'clock a. in. HEAL ESTATE. Ella B Ctitl-r and hd to Laura B Barrj-ey, lot in Dallas, $13j0. C A IUmsey ct m to A G Cutler U.2S acres in t 7 s, r 6 w, fll2S. A J Barharn et ux to Lydia M Wil son, lot iu Dallas, iVM). 3 L Collin et ux to John Cox, lo acres In t 10 9, r 5 w, fjorjo. Ellis Burch to Verd Hill, i interest in CM acres in t H and 9 s, r 4 w, f 2Juu. Susan B I'lankington and hd to Guy F Phelps, land In Dallas, flow. Ellis Dod.son, et ux to Mary H Cox, lots ltl Independence, f 273. John Sihindler et ux to William H Pelke, i Interest in 320 acres In t 7 s, r 3 w, f sikio. Lost. Between academy and home a lady's fur. Finder leave at postoffiee and Jeceased 'claim reward, (i. V. Mver. 0 Summons. In the Ci:t'uit Court of the state of Oregon for the t. ountv oi eolk, Department No. '1. Joseph Floria, Plfiiiiiitl' vs. Kuth E. Floria Defendant, Summons. t To Ruth E. Floria, Defendant: In the Name of the State of Oreeon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiifd aeainst you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the dale of the tirst publieation of this summons, io-wu: un or oeiore on utn day ot Mareh A. I), law, that benis the date of the last puhlii ation of this summonB; and if you tail or rietoeet lo answer sain eompiiiini, lor want tfiereof. the Pliiiutlil will apply to theab-ve named court for tiie re.ief prayed for in his saia eomppiini arm win inKe a decree ihereror. to-wit: That the marriaire reialion and marri aL'e conlrftct exisiiin? between pifiimie;' and defendant above named, te dissolved and held for naueht. uf,on the pround of wilful deser tion. upon the party of the defendant. The date of the first publication of this sum mons is January -jytli, lifciy, and the date of the lat publication thereof, is March 12th, lytxt This summons is published by order of the Honorable Willittm allo-way, Judge of the above mimed court, duly made and entered at Chambers in the City of McMinuville, Yamhill i ouuty, Oregon, on the 21st day ofJauuurv 1'.p9. ED F, COAD. Attorney for Plaintifl. Notice to Creditors. Cedar Posts. Good cedar post9 for sale at 11 j cents each. Also another car of extra Star A Star ehiugles. Soehres Ware H(Jt'SE. 7-21-tf Aged Pioneer Is Dead. In the d-ath of Mr. Mary Ernest in Polk county late T ties. I ay uight. Ore gon loses one of Its oldest pioneers, tiotb in the length of residmce in the state and in actual age, Mrs. Ernest being more than i0 years old. She was born in Kentucky, and like all daughters of the early south had the strong characteristics that male of her an ideal pioneer wife and mother. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Jennings, with whom she made her borne, and a grandson, who Is a mail cleric on the Southern Tacitlc railroad. The funeral tik place yesterday from the old borne, and Interment was made in the Ernest cemetry on the farm. The services were conducted by the Kev. I, a Knight Statesman. Furnished House Wanted. Man and wife wish to rent furnished house or furnished housekeeping rooms, close in preferred ; nochildren ; good references. Address. P. O. Box 227, Dallas. For Sale. For cash only. J. W. Tolley, Eng lish, double barrel gun No. 10 a fine gun in giod order enquire of Mrs. Frank Butler. Falls City, Tolk county, Oregon, at whose house near the df-pot the gun can be examined. 2-2-fit No. 7172. BEPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Dallas National Bank At Dallas), in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, February busines S, 1909. .1110 -'.'7 (C ... 9st S9 . . .i"..(wil 00 ."OOu 11.112 41 4.1.10 00 Martin Elliott returned Tuesday evening from Yamhill countv where he had attended the funeral of his brothel's wife, Mrs. Clara M. Elliott who died February 1. In Redland. California, where she had gone for the benefit of her health. The body was brought up from California and the funeral aervloe were held Tues day, the remains being interred at ' South YamhilL Tbe dcaed Is sur vived by her husband, J. W. Elliott, three child rn, two sister, and five brother. She was about U year of age at the time of her death, which I t- was directly d j to aa attack of heart trouble corn pi icat1 with paralysis. RKSOr Rl 4 iraiis and discounts Ovcrdratts. secured and uns.-curcd I'. S. Bonds lo secure circulation I'rcnnums on r. s. Bonds Bonds, securities, etc I ankiiif house, tnrniture and futures Due (rom state and Private Hunks a,i Banters. Trust Companies, and Savinrs Bulks 3.3d Vi Due from approved n-serve rents 1.r7 Chin ks and other cash items 31 S'P-sof other Nations! Banks iku Fractional paper currency, nickels and ' 7M Lkfi i Money Reservi ix Kink, viz: Specie l:.s.VvuS m tender notes ... TOO 00 2,.-Ni05 Redemption tun. 1 iti, V. s. Trt lrcr 5 Jer cvitl of (irciilatloo 1.2.'liO Total l.lASILinrs. Capital stock juii,! Surplus Fund Individed profts. les ei-n tases aid a;i.HiMl linn mMe ouiManuinv Due to mic and I'm ale Banks au.! Bank. Itwtivldual lepaits nt.ject to check lemand eeriincatea of dpiant Notice is hereby riven thiit the nndersipned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Andrew Monroe Miller, deceased, by the i oiiniy i ouri oi me Mate oi Oregon, lor t'oik County, and has qualified. All persons haiutr claims against the said estate are herebv nolitied to present the same duiy verllied, toemer with the proa?r vouchers therefor, to the undersigned al his residence in the illy id Dalles, in said County of Polk wittiin six mouths from the date of thiB notice. jialed ana nrsl published jHiiuary 2t. lyny. I . S. OKA NT, Administrator of Uie estate of Andrew Monroe Miller, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Orceon for roia luumy. ifepartineul Ao. 2, 111 the matter of the application of Frank Gib son. to register Title to the following described land: In the Donation l and Claim No. 51. Not ification No. til of James White and wife, in T. 7 s. k. .1 . oi the ill. .Mer. in Fair Oaks, three fourths of a mile from Salem bridre, beine 2 ,Xi acres ott the East side of Lot 5, and all id Lots o, i.aand iu in rair oaks, as laid out by s. D. t.ib son aud recorded September 2."th. laol in Plat Book No. 1 at Polk County, Oreaon containing 70.:;2 acres more or less." James Simonton: The Male i.and Board aud all to whom it may i;uiicei II . TAKE NOTICE. That on the tirst day of February 1909 an an. plication was filed by a dd Frank t,'ibson in the t lreuii court ot Polk county for fnitial regis tration to the title of laud above described. Now. unless you appear on or before the 4th day of March l;s.l and show cause w hy such application snail noi oe rranied, the same will oe laaen us eoinessea, and a decree win be en tered according to the nraver of the noi.lic tion, and you w ill be forever barred from dis puting ine same, E. M. SMITH. Clerk of Polk County, Oregon and Ex oiliico negisirar. A CONSTANT ANNOYANCE Sick Kidneys Weaken The Whole Body Make You Weak, Ner vous and Irritable. and Half the nervousness, half the irrita bility that is so common in everv dav life, is really sickness, and in most cases a condition that accompanies kidney trouble. It is the work ot the kidneys to keep the blood free from uric acid and other poisons, but when the kidneys are tick, and not doing their duty, the uric acid permeates the body,' and attacks body, brain and nerves. The irritation causes nervousness, irritabil ity, headaches, dizzy spells ; makes you languid, unlit lor work, and inclined to worry over tnlles. Besides, there is nothing more annoying than a bad back, and backache is the most common sign f kidney trodble. You teel lame and tired in the morning, suffer dav and night with a dull aching in the back and it hurts to St.. p.,r tie. 1. 1 or lilt. IiDoan'i Kidney Tills art taken in the beinnniinr to . they Kill s.on rorrvid, the disorder that 22.S-0 ib exists in tbe kidneys Continued treat I ment cires cascj ,4 oliaT tandin2. Ff t st i you aunVr (rem r,v ol the above svnip ll...rff.t..nia. do not Imitate to give Isn's iron, Kiin.y Pills atrial. Thev are for the w ai-im t olilv '.no no Viu no R-1Ui..K1. 1. ...... . ... , . ll.,, t'er-' it f rsioncy borrowed . t Vois. : Time nrtlficalea of IVr.-o .... ,.JIMIUI1! c naiiiT-rorming ornrfs. Home prool is convincing evidence of Ibe et1. ien.-y rd lKn kidney Tills. Ca'.l at lirit Cberrington's drug store and ak tor statements erf !!! . love named j P1" r' hate need this remedy. ea'e ny an Healer?. Prn-e SO Koet:rMili.urn Co., BnfTalo, ".e aients foe the I'm ted tbe name Ooatn's and the T.tal tat- ft I'rrn- 1 t ounty f I'olk.i I. E. Darter. Cashier ol k. 00 solemnlr swear thai 1 s , ""' roe w the beat ol mj kaie.:ire and belief. E. H VVTER.rasnter. fotwritwd and nora w kelorr at this ilia aay ol Frtroarr. OstAI HtVTtR. Notary Pub ic i"arr Attest : lL R. E W tL114 N L Urti ant pirvrwts H. Mit aLioaV Kov cents. ew lor cts!r. Kemertiber no other. FEBRUARY SALE j I The Pictorial Review Magazine, one of the most popular and reliable Fashion and Home Magazines for women today, sells everywhere at 15c a copy and year's subscription for $1.00. Beginning today we will give a year's subscrititinn 2m j.. -e .:.u rt: nn j. -j. j.i . 1 ' til 10 una jimgaz,mt; nee wim cvciy rive luititis speia at tms Store prior to Feb g ruary 28, 1909. H We handle the Pictorial Review patterns the only patterns with which Cut- ting and Construction Guides are given. In order to put this magazine into our patrons' homes and show the quality of Pictorial Review styles and patterns we f are willing to enter and pay for one subscription to be sent at the direction of Hi any one purchasing $5.00 worth of merchandise at our store before February 28 H 1909. One subscription will be entered free for each $5.00 spent. p This is an excellent opportunity to make gifts of this magazine to your f friends and to yourself. Begin today to save your duplicate sales slips and when they amount to $5.00 bring them to our store and enter your name for a year's 5 subscription it costs you nothing. DALLAS MERCANTILE CO. THE OF DR. KING'S AND ALL THROAT DISEASES . . . . . AND LUi!G PREVENTS urjoniA " eonsurMioti "Two years ago a severes cold, settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I wJ unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's Sew Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c AND $1.00 lulrnil SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY L BELT & CHERRINGT0N, Dallas, Oregon Wood For Sale. I)o you need wood? In preparing to place your orders remember that I am able to furnish you all kinds of slab wood from either of the Dallas sawmills at the best possible rates. Send in your orders by either phone. Mutual 1196; Bell 443. 8-4-tf. AUGUST BOWMAN. Guardian's Sale. Notice ii hereby Riven that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Folk County, Hitting in probaie, made and entered of record in taid ourt on the 4th day of January. In the matter of the estate and guard. anKhip of Lyle BhII, a minor, authorizing and liceniingr the undersigned aa guardian of the person and estate of said minor to sell certain real property ui ii is Hnii i warn, nereinauer uetvcriueo, at private dale, for caah, iu the manner prescribed by law, the undersigned js inch guardian will, from and after Thursday, the IKthdar of Febru ary, 19u9, at the law ortue of 0cr Hayter, Esq., in the ( ity i.f Dallas, in said County, proceed to sell the real w-operty. at private sate, for ciih in hand on day of eale. in accordance ulih ; said license of snle and in the manner pre-1 rioed by law, subject to confirmation by said flinty Court: aaid real pronertv beinr i.ap- ticularly described as follows, to wit: An undivided one-third interest in and tn that purcel of land described as beginning at a point A.ii chains East from the Northwest cor ner of the "L" of the Donation .Land Claim of Henry Marshall nod wife. Notification No. Ittv5, claim No. w, iu Township n Smith, Ha nee 5 VVet of the Willamette Meridian, in I'olk onnty. Slate of Oreuon. and riinnitiir ihnn East fc.Ti chains: tnence North la.&l chuin- t hence W'ect 6.75 chains: and them South i.i ni chains to the place of beginning, containing 10 A an undivided one-fifteenth lr.rt tn and to that parcel of land described as begin - uiiik . me uum t-M eonier oi ine "i. oi said Donation Ijnd i'laim and running thence Tin 19.:i! chaina to the orthtat Mfm.r ni id L:" thence East 141 .37 chains: thence South iy.:?2 chains to ih nthMBt n.. said cUira : and thence Hpi mi 37 chains to the nace of beginning, containing lye acrea. more or Dated this 1Mb day of Jannarr, 199. l-KAk H. EAK. Guardian of the pemoo and esut of L Tie Hl minor Oscar Hayter', Attorney. Notice For Publication. Esr.y Riser T1 f MMMia UIU pltla. Dopartmnt of the Interior, C. S. Land cxtioe at Portlanil. umon. Ntir is hereby irtven that sley T. Pouohoe. raiuas. Orvron. who. on n.mhM 'i i -i male Tlniljer tr Mne No. T.M for Am Of V K. !tion it Tnmn.hin Tflnnih kanre i , Willamette Mrn1ian. baa tiled n.tire of intention to make Final Proof, to estah.iah claim to th 1. .. k.. dernbl. before K. M. r-mith. (onnir Clerk of P k onntT. Orecon. at laa.Ua, Oretron.on toe llhitr.rof Marr-h. t lalmant name as srltneea: ? p. Con tee, of fiallaa. tw; K. St. Hinsh.w. of Italia, tareron: W. F TiltHson. of Lasiaa.Ore. pi; M A. (onlee of Bnetl. reni. ALotR.SON 8. iKEPFR, ReciMer. FOLEYSHOlHlTTAR "s4(7TO BOOT" ?1 More women wear the "Queen Quality" shoe than any other shoe in the world. Think of tbe saving from what you pay for this same grade of shoe when made by an ordinary factory. And you can't ever know COMPLETE comfort till you try them. Buy one pair on our word. THE BEE HIVE'STORE DoUaa EXCLUSIVE DEALER. Ore mn 1 1 ii ia