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Polk County Observer court house notes
Items of Interest From the Records
in the County Offices
Briefly Told.
Published Semi-Weekly at 11.50 per Yer.
Strictly iu Advance.
Entered as aeeond-clasa matter March 1, 1907,
at the post office at Dallas, Oregon, under the
Act of Congress ol March 3, 1879.
DALLAS, OREGON, February 16, liJ9
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronise Dallas people.
Senate bill 82, by Smith of Marion,
to provide for one normal school near
Tortland and appropriate $100,000
therefor, to be referred to the people
at the next election, strikes directly
at the House bills calling for appro
priations for the maintenance of
three normal schools.
The passage of Smith's bill in the
Senate yesterday, puts the normal
school problem almost as far from
solution as it was in the beginning of
the present Legislative session, for it
is scarcely reasonable to expect that
the House will treat the "one school
bill" as kindly as has the Senate.
The apparent division of sentiment
between the House and the Senate
may result in neither accomplishing
anything toward the settlement of the
vexed question and at the same time,
if it be carried to an extreme, deal a
severe blow to the whole normal sys
tem of the stuto.
If the highest efficiency in work is
what they seek after, the demand
should be for three schools. If econ
omy is placed above efficiency, the
demand should be for only one school
but that school should be one of those
that are already established and not
a school to be newly established in
some other location. The expense of
founding a new school, aside from the
loss resultant from the closing of the
schools already established would
defeat the very end sought after if
that end were economy.
If the decision is to bo for one school
only, that school should be retained
at Monmouth by all means. As the
senior among the normal schools, as
the largest, as the most favorably
located, the Monmouth school is en
titled to it and the effort to remove the
seat of the state's uoruial system to
Tortland merits only righteous and
steadfast opposition from those who
. truly seek after the betterment of the
ictrica:e educational machinery of
Tte p?.-;-e of Ure:-n at, or
i ar: :L t. :::.. r;ui2 d-fic-;
s -i t 5i ; reset: i:&:jre ,
rii.:.T-,j a iLL-.r m ::
Estate of C.J. Hussey, deceased-
estate admitted to probate, Olive E.
Hussey appointed administratrix;
letters to issue on tiling bond in sum
of $3000.
Estate of J. D. Ellis, deceased final
account set for hearing, Thursday,
March 18, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Estate of Evnline Steffy, deceased
final account set for hearing March
20, nt 10 o'clock a. ra.
George E Cutler et ux to Birdie Har
ris, lot in Dallas. $ 12(H).
I'eter Springeret u.x to Thomas H
Fennell, 240 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $1,200.
James McEldonury et ux to W H
McEldowney, i interest in HO acres,
t 9 s, r S w, $tioO,
Leander Conner et ux to A C and R C
Thomas, 158 acres, 1 6 s, r 5 w, $10,000.
Sheriff J M Grant to Joseph C Polly,
lots in Ruena Vista, $.83
Mrs. E F Harris, and hd to G E
Cutler, 5 acies, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $300.
Frank Gibson to Josiah D Walton,
31 acres, in t 7 s, r 3 w, $3,450.
E:nil Schindlerto William H Pol
ker, interest in 320 acres in t 7 s, r 3
W, $8000.
V C Brown to Lott D and Leta W
Brown, 4.86 acres t 7 s, r 5 w, $729.
C F and Etta E Charles to Michael
Smith, 9 acres in t G s, r 3 w, $800.
John Warren et ux to Henry Heine,
80 acres in t G s, r 8 w, $1200.
J. P. Holmes et ux to F W Waters,
land in West Salem, flO.
W N MeLoughlin et ux to J O Hun
nicult, 79 acres in t 9 s, r s w, $3200.
Ed Plaster $70 00
Jacob Smith 18 lit
K F hoe 2.1 00
Millard Cautliorn 5 40
I. A Mathews 2 15
K Lewis If 50
R F Loe 18 2fi
I-ottis Ilusser 4 80
Jap Kllix 4 tiO
Do Yon Open Your Mouth
r.-lke a youn? bird and snip down what
ever fixii or medicine may lie offered youf
Or. do yi in want to know something of the
runiixisilmn mid character of that which
vou lake intn vour stomach whether as
food or medicine?
.Most intelligent and sensible people
now-a-days Insist on knowing w hat they
employ whether as food or as. medicine.
Dr. Pierce jelicves they have a perfect
risilit to iiistel upon such knowledge. So he
pub!ishcs,"6Qidcasf and on each bottle
wrajMier. whatTTTrUcines are made of
indvetjSes.jjyiMTPr niiifo This he feels
he enn wKL :Tor1 to do hecansp the m..r
H of which his medicines i
ini ioil and understood tho
Executors Sale of Real Property.
arc made
I .'"ir superior curative virtues'
For the cure of woman's peculiar weak
nesses. Irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to fivo,uent headaches, back
ache. dragirii!!;-Uou'ii pain or distress In
lower ahdoniihiil or pelvic region, accom
panied, ofitinies, with a debilitating,
pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp
toms of weakness. Dr. 1'ierce's Favorite
Prescription is a most ellicient remedy.
It is eoiiaily effective in
imthkIs. in iriviiur strenir
mothers and In preparing the system of
the expectant mother tor uauy s coming,
thus rendering childbirth safe and com
paratively p. unless. 1 lie "1-avorite Pre
scription " i- a most potent, strengthening
tonic to the general system and to the
organs disti'vtly feminine in particular.
It is also a soothing and invigorating
nervine ami cures nervous exhaustion,
nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria,
spasms, chorea or St. Vitus's dance, and
other distressing nervous symptoms at
tendant upo'i functional and" organic dis
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medical authorities of all the
vveral schools of practice, recommend
each of the several ingredients of which
"Favorite Prescription" is made for t'e
cure of the ; 'enses for w hich it isclaiir ed
to be a cure. You may read what they
sayor imr:lf hy sending a postal card
request for a .free booklet of extracts
from tlie lepeln-r authorities, to Dr. R. V.
Pierce. Inv:i.d.-' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute. liu:'::io. N. V.. and it will come to
jou hy retire io-i.
Notice is hvrebv given, that the undersigned
executors of the estate of William Livermore,
dei eaaed. ill by virtue of mi order of the Hon.
County Court of Polk County, Oregon, duly
imide mul entered of record on the liuth day oi
October, 19cis,iiuly authorizing mid empowering
them so to do, on or after the 1Mb day of eb
,T..rv unit) ,ireeee,l in Kelt at nrivate sale to Ihc
highest bidder for caeli ill hand, the following
described real estate, to-wil: Lot No. Five (;)
in block No. Seven (7) in Lev-en's LaCreole
Homtsiead Addition to the Town of Dallas,
Polk t'ountv, Oregon.
Sealed bids may be handed to the executors
hereinafter naniva, or to tue Aiiorncjo ior mm
"IJiited at Dallas, Tolk County, Oregon, this lsth
day ot January, mi. b
Joint executors of siiid estate.
Sibley & Knkin, Attorneys for estate.
A One
Dollar M
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed admiliislrittor ol the
suite of Ainrusta Campbell, deceased, by the
County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for 1'olk
County, and hiis ipmlilied.
All nerseiis having elaims against the said
esmle Hre herebv llotilied to nrcsellt the SSlne
duly verilicd, together with the proper vouchers
H,u..l. i , h. mul, ruiiri'i1 Hi I he nV nltice
i curing paitn'iil f osenr'llavter, in the City of Dallns. in said
ith to nursing County, within six months from the dale of this
Dated and first published January 1!, 1909.
Administrator ol the estate
of Augusta Campbell, dtcensed.
Oscar llayter, Attorney.
S V Morrison 2 3
Ezra Hart 17 40
1) M Maxtield 3 50
E L Parrish 25
I! M Wade & Co 3(1 8'J
W II Kiggs 7 00
Manna & Irvine 17 00
B F Ueezlev IS 30
John M Fiirlev 4 (HI
V ti Hem pel 4 00
Evan Evans 5 00
Allan Shaw 2 00
II P livers 4 00
Willar.l 'author i 3 04
P K Conipton 3 00
Salt Creek Lumber Co 21 Sti
John Kitner 10 50
Chits Kitliu t! 50
1) A Hodge 20 !KI
(i A Wells lis 00
W K (iiKKlell 4 00
J A Tate X t.i
J II Mnlkev liw 75
10 !i.'i
50 70
15 I 'M
M W Miv I.)
it 1' l:i i. r
'i W Wl.ite.iker 4 15
A M M. U:i.-!,i:n ii i 25
J J Parker 75 ini
Advertisements under this head are charged
at the rate of 1 cent per word, first insertion ; j
cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 3U
wordsorless.il per month. No advertisement
inserted for less than 15 cents.
Figures count as one word. For instance,
the numen.l combination "I'fiO" counts as one
Two initials count as one word. For instance,
".I. M. Jones" counts as two words.
The minimum clmrge is for 15 words; that is,
an advertii-ement from 1 word to 15 words is
counted as 15 words; an advertisement from IS
to 20 words, inclusive, is counted us 'JO words;
from L'l to 115 words, is counted as 25 words, etc.
The figures following the advertisement Indi
cate how long it is to run, and are not charged
to the customer. For instance, ;l-ai-2t indicates
that tlie advertisement whs lirst published on
March :il, and that it is to be inserted twice.
The figures Hud letters 4-l-tf indicate that the
advertisement wits rirst published April 1 and
that it is to be ruu until the customer orders it
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as
Hiiminislrulrix of the estate of Frank llutler,
deceased, lias tiled her Until account
as such administratrix in the olllce of the
countv clerk of I'olk County, Oregon, and that
Saturday the lilh day of March lull at tlie hour
of ten o'clock a. m. has been lixed by the Hon
orable County Court of Polk County, Oregon as
the time and the court house in Pallas us the
place for hearing of said liual account, and the
settlement thereof. All persons having object
ions to said liual account arc required to pre
sent lie same at said lime and place.
Dated this nth duv of February, l'.Kia.
Administratrix of the elste of
Frauk Butler, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement.
A second hand 11 reproof safe.
J. E. Beezley, Falls City, Ore.
For Sale.
Choice vetch and oat hay. W. O.
Morrow, Kiekreall, Oregon. 2 5 tf
Notice is hereby given tiiat the undersigned.
as executrix of tlie estate of J. K. Jluhbard.
deceased, has filed her final account in the
County Court of tlie State oi Oregon, for I'olk
County, and that Thursday, tile lsth day of
rebruary, l'.iesi. at the hour of 10 o clock In
the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of
me said tounty t ourt in the City ol Dallas
Oregon, has been appointed l,v said
Court as tlie time and place for the hearing of
objections to the said llnal account and the
settlement tnereol.
ELLEN J. lirilBARI),
Fxecutrix of the estate of
J K. Hubbard, deceased
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Dateil and lirst published January ly, 11H)'.I.
For Sale.
Good Myers
one season. H.
sprayer. Used only
O. Campbell, Dallas,
To trade
for both.
si R. F. I).
for pood cow or horse or
X, O. Harris, Dallas,
1' .
-ij? t
;C ; - V ;r.v- b
tit :i-t
i:r l-fc&xprr a
vf solution tl.: have bevu brought
- T
it r-su;
r-rv. The
, i
fr:ib:eai, i
r-f-ais of j
;, but Lids!
n;e'.h.ls of
-: t
'. t-ry
pi mi
12" ""
1" I"
41 5-ii
Cedar Posts.
Good eeilar posts for sale at 11 J cents
each. Also another car of extra Star
A Star shingles. Shehken Ware
Hot'sE. 7-24-tf
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
me i ouniy oi roiK. iiepnrimenl ?,o. 2.
Joseph Floria, I'laintilt' vs. Ruth E. Floria,
Delenclaiu, summons.
To Ruth E. Floiia, Defendant;
Iu the Name of the state of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint had against you in the above entitled
suit, on or lietore the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the lirst publication of this
summons, to-wit: tin or before tin Utli day of
March A. D. VMJ. that being the date of the hist
publication of this summons; and if yon fail or
negiect 10 ans'ver cam euiuplnlnl, lur want
thereof, the ulnilililf will annlv to IhpMb.ive
named court for the relief prayed for iu his
sum euiiietiiiiii iiiiu ii in utse a uecree inerclor
to-wit: That the marriage relation mid marri
age contract existing between plhintie' and
defclinHiit above nHmeil, Le dissolved and held
lor naught, upon the ground of wiiful deser
lion, upon tne party of the ueleiidant.
Tlie date of the lirst publication of this sum
inous is January Jy t h , UM). and the date of the
iat piioiK-atiou thereof, is March 12th, liitr.i.
This summons is published by order of i lie
Honorable w ilinim i.alloway, Judge of tlie
nltove named court, dulv made and entered nt
Chambers in the City of McMimiville, Yamhill
nuniy, urcgou, ou tne 2ist day or January
Attorney for 1'laintiil.
Notice of Final Settlement.
If Harrinian des indeetl have the
IVsehutes road into Central Oregon
begun nt once and rushe-l with all
speed, to completion, its it now seems
he will do, coming generations lu
Oregon may in all propriety rise tip
and call Edward H. blessed, for such
action on his patt may serve to fore
stall nnd prevent the stnte It si If from
embarking on some era.ily conceived
and debt breeding scheme of "build
ing, owning and operating" its own
Jack liinns, the wireless operator of
the wrecked ship llepublie, seems in
clined to refuse to allow himself to be
tegarded as a hero by the hysterical
hero worshipers who h.ive so un
ceasingly sought after him sine the
time that he sprung so suddenly into
the range of the public eye. Jack j
Hinns is right. He is uvt n hero; that ;
is, not in the sense of having achieved j
something that s-ts him apart, as a
sort of a demigi-l among Lis fellow;
men. He merely did what the occasion J
and his duty demands, exactly h
the average America a young rua;;
woulJ have doue it, under iiu;iar ;
pnnsure of circurtis'.aaiv. Tbe cl. rv
of the American p le is not sj much
in the heroic act if cce mc. title
the knowledge that there are tt
ands of yo'ir.g m-'Z. the v-l cf
Sniper is as so jr. 1 -3:r. 4.
that of Jack l;.:.t-.
ii:ve re
II t' vvfi.. ;r
U W K.rk ...
K Cr..m lev
l!Kli;il !
J E lHmt..ii
1 W A Mower
1 'alias Hotel
r A Uiggs
C A Kidiinsnn
We-t Sal I'o
C K. 1 1 uiiiK-v
.1 K Seal ..."
Stowe Itrns
Mti Iove
I (i D.iv.
I' S lauigharv
i V Chapman
Capital Improvement Co. . . .
C W It.rket ..
C 11 Morris
Pulk County lteuiier
tilass ,v Pi'ii.lliomnie
Adams .V; Punlist
Pacitic Telephone Co
Miwutt A Marr
lttirrotigirs All Machine Co
Polk I'oiiiiiy ( O.server
In ieen,le!ice KnterpriM' ...
Ki kti.ii:
Mil'er .v Ale
J M 1-jrt n
O 1 r.yers
Pt-fer Kurrv . .
Aa Tavi-.r .
w, p.; ,
Ai-yrT "
H B f.-;-r
t HT H '." ll'KSt .
F J I 1 !
R 1 :a
I:' W
j Furnished House Wanted.
Man and wife wish to rent furnished
I house or furnished housekeeping
rooms, close in preferred ; nochildren ;
g -id ivferems. Address. V. O. Uox
i27, Dallas.
2-. V.i
:Vi iki
lii tn
12 IKI
I" mi
mi mi
12 4 .
1 ,'.!
10 40
7 ."hi
." ii."i
10 no
."itl tKI
o 40
Jti I'll
1'1'S I'')
:;ii iki
11' Ve
2 Vi
111' 40
St .Vi
For Sale.
For cash only. J. W. Tolley. Eng-li-h,
double barrel gun No. 10 a fine
gun in good order enquire of Mrs.
Frank llutler. Falls City, Tolk
county, Oregon, at whose house near
the depot the gun can be examined.
Of Filing Plat of Survey of Town
ship 7 South, Range 9 West.
7 iiii
2 mi
t; mi
ri in i
ti im
7 iO
7" mi
4 m
' mi
United States Land Office, Portland,
Oregon, February 12, 19ii'.i. Notice is
hereby given that all of Township 7
South, Hange ', West, has been sur
veyed ; that the approved plat of Hid
survey has been received at this oflkv
that said plat will lie filed in this office
on March 2:1, i'.hjO, at y o'clock a. m. ;
and that on and after said date, viz'
March 23, r.mst, we shall be prepared
to receive applications for the entrv of
the laud in said township.
YTT0,l!iT at LAW.
Oscar Hayter,
UptjJn In Cmnpbrll building. Mill It
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
asadiniiiistrator of the estate of ilesler Ann l- l.
lis, decense.1, Iims tiled his final account in tlie
i ouuiy i ourt oi me slate ol Oregon, for Polk
canity, and that Thursday, the lsth duv of
Murch. )'M'. at the hour of one o'clock in the
iierno ni ol saul day. at the Court room of the
s.iio t ouniy l nun m the ( ltv ol Dallas, Oregon
bus Ut'ii apisiinled by said Court a
the tune and piace of the hearing of objec-
neus t,f liir.-mu liuui aeeouni anu l lie settlement
Administmtor of the estate of
Hester Ann Ellis, deceased.
Oscar Hflyter. Aiieruev.
Dated and litsi published February If,, PJ09.
In the circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for
I'olk ('utility. Department No. J.
in me matter oi the application of Frank (lib
son. to register Title to the following described
lnlid: 111 the Donation Land Claim No. "il.Not
lin ation No. til of James W hite slid wile, in T 7
s. K. .i . el ihe Will. Mer. iu Fair Oaks. Ihree
lourths of a mile from Salem bridge, being 2
acres oil l he Last side of Lot 5, and all of I ols
ti. 7,v and le iu Fair Oaks, as laid out by S. D i.ib
soll and recorded September i'lth, 1ml in Pint
It.sik No. I at Polk County. Oregon couuiiniug
acres more or less." James Minonton : The
Male lud Board and all to Khoinil may
cuiH-eril :
That on the lirst day of February ISA an an.
p.li'Ktion as riled by sid Frank Oibsun ill the
1 lreuit Court cf Polk County for inituil regis
tration to the title ol land above descnlied
Now, unless y..u appear on or before the Jth
day of March l;i.i and show cause hy such
application shall nut tie granted, the same will
! taken nt confessed, and a decree mil be en
tered according to the praver of the applica
tion, and you u ill be forever barre.i from di
puling the iarae,
Regis'tnTr F'k Cm"Hy' 0r-'"i n 1 t'Joiiilco
Sick Kidneys Weaken The Whole
Body Make You Weak, Ner
vous and Irritable.
4 .i
Nsc t Cr4it-a.
The meoibers c f tLe lir.i; s Lr
deavor Sxivty cf tte L t,-.
church were r'':'y -ir.i-:
at the home of Mrs. W.I. Ji:t
last Di;ht with Valectite tk.-y T
even i op was spent with r.i
amusemenU appropriate to the ta: .r
of th entertainment and ad- l.ci .
luncheon was srrTed. Abut 5.' rae.v
were present,
Come to the Serroth Pay Adrect;t
Church, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday erening Lrvtures tcic
promptly at 7 :45 Su.'t The
Praroo and It's Work, l oited States
la th Light of rnphery and Ood's
Seal Sign, Mark, and It's Counter
part It .
rrofrram at the StarTbeater height i
theater to be clowJ WelcesJay aed
Thursday olghta.
O. ;a C- p-r Buildicg.
1 I'i-I L. L-LNCE, - OREGON j timt
Half the nervousness, half the irrita
bility that is so common in every day
life, is really sickness, aud in niost'caee's
a condition that accompanies kidnev
trouble. It is the wurk of the kidnev's
to keep the blood free from nncacid
and other poisons, but when the kidnevs
are sick, and not doir.fr their dutv, the
uric acid permeates the l,lr ' .n.i
auacKB oo.iv, orain and nerves.
irrnaiion causes nervousness, irritabil
ity. heaJaches, diny fptiig; makes you
laneui i, unlit ior aurk. and inclined to
orrr over trifles. Besides, there i
nothme more annoyinjr than a bad back
. .. ..i,, ic ne common sign
A kidney trouble. You feel lame ami
in w,e
The Pictorial Review Magazine, one of the most DODular anrl t-0i;u n , .
and Home Magazines for women today, sells everywhere at 15c a copy an(j
year's subscription for $1.00. Beginning today we will give a year's subscript'
to this magazine free with every Five Dollars spent at this store prior to
ruary o, ivvv.
We handle the Pictorial Review patterns -the only patterns with which Cut
ting and Construction Guides are given. In order to put this magazine into
pciwuiia uuinco anu ouuw Luc 4UdiiL,y uj. ricLunai review styles and patterns '
are willing to enter and pay for one subscription to be sent at the directinn 2
any one purchasing $5.00 worth of merchandise at our store before February 28
ifw. vnc Dunjaiipiivu win uc ciibcieu net; iui eacn ibo.uu spent.
This is an excellent opportunity to make gifts of this magazine to vnn,
friends and to yourself. Begin today to save your duplicate sales slips and when
tney amount to $o.uu ormg tnem to our store and enter your name for a year's
subscription it costs you nothing.
I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that
when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind.
Price 5Gc and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free
BELT & CHERRINGT0N, Dallas, Oregon
Wood For Sale.
Do you need wood? In preparing
to place your orders remember that
am able to furnish you all kinds of
slab wood from either of the Dallas
sawmills at the best possible rates.
Send in your orders by either phone.
Mutual 119C; Bell 443.
Guardian's Sale.
r t -.
l i- 1 ml twtxr.ur Tm .1 tjm
U t ia-
j. i.. rvi.Lixs
I -Jja
t im
rmzMi ' J I- m t . -
itv M ia us e. 4
N. I.. I;iTLk.
mows & STOUT
Notice is hereby (riven that by virtue nnd In
pursuance of an order of the County Court of
me .-mie oi wre: ior rout c ounty, sitting in
probate, maile and entered of record in aid
Court on the 4th day of January, lsw, in the
mailer of the ettnteaud guardiahip of Lyle
n iiiiuOT, autnorizinK ana licensing the
undereiuned as Kuardiau of the ncrsan and
estate of said minor to sell certain real property
ol ins said ward, hereinafter described, ai
Tlvate sale, for cash, in the manner nn-wrilH
bv law. tlie llllilemiirned anh iip1ian wilt
from and after ThurMlay. the lsth day ol Febru
ary, m. at the law oliUe of Oscar Hayter, Esq.,
iu the t ltr of Dallas, in rmiiI 1'mintv i.r.uul n
sell the Mid real t.roperty. at private sale, for
h in hand on dav of kale in acranla,.. .,in.
said ll'cue of sale and in the manner pre
scribe! by law, subject to confirmation by said
County Court: said real property being par
ticularly deMTili as follows, to wit:
An undivided one ihirS interest in and to
that panel of land described as beginning at
point .Mi. chains Easl from the Northwest cor
ner f the "I." Of the Unnttimi I anrf Cl.4 4
Henry Marshall and wife. Nouflcalion No. IW5
laim No. m, in Towni-hlp a s.uth, Kange S
l h Willamette Meridian, in Polk
" ounty. State of Oregon, and running thence
East 1..., chains: tlieuce North chains
thence et . T.ichalns: and then.. s.,nil, 1, ji
Tlie ! """ 'o the f laceof beginning, tontaining io
A :. an undivided one-fifteenth interest in
r-MTim tana oesi-nlbed ai begin.
n.rig at the Southwest corner of the "L" of said
v ;,k . . na ' ,"m running thence
;V .. i lhe Northwest cornt-r of
-h k"".6" '"' t "': thence
iT. Vii ch" he southeast corner o!
said cllm: and thence Unt i,.i :ir .h.i... .n .1--
uie ami i.'.ar.iw..n..in. '
tnornina-. surTcr .iae .n.f U " .ere., more or
j n urn wiin ajuii acf.ing in tl.e Lack anl
, it harts Mst.mpor lnJ or Int. Ii Ikd'
Ki-lnev :. are taken in tlie tx-iitin ir.e '
j .h-T m :il -jn rrrx.n tl.e .i.,er that !
ens't 111 the kiineis t,"ntinn-.i trtat- !
nrniUTwriM .j i jt.g unim. If i
' too su:f-r fr..ir, at v of If.e l ve sin p- '
t-n s. .!., t,. he-it,. t. eive I .', 1
Kilnf Tp i.. ,tr. tnee are .f tl.e
kklBos-soniT. aalrsitaio o p.tsonuis
halntirrrir, ilrnk'a.
' . ,,r ,r e-T.vin.rc evi.l, nre of
tfeef:-n,T ,4 l-ns Klinev li't
at lV:t a Crrerrinstcn dn'nt St.. re
arM ,k t.iae s-a:en,. r.ts U ro
""- riase oe.i tr.it rea.e,jT.
t s It !( ar. " Trice V!
j-ta-r-Muimrn to.. H.:fal,
N s- e I t;. l-Bitej
Iwtert this Jth day of January.
.vardian of b, r..,,,.,
LJ" -ha minor.
"v HsTter, Attorney.
Notice For Publicatioa.
.- - , fv rrtner,t r the Interior.
5- "as oftce at fort land . itrrcon
X.M-.tat-.. ... "? - !-
of I
00 o:br.
tl nair-e fi.a
-anj , t
Early Risers
rie Tin v . m.w s. t-a. Z
. , Meridian, has e;
v tn Und a..
i.rant as wit neon.- o f r
a A. 1 vM.w-e ai 1., .. "
!'. Che-
More women wear the "Queen Quality" shoe
than any other shoe in the world. Think of the
saving from what you pay for this same grade
of shoe when made by an ordinary factory.
And you can't ever know COMPLETE comfort
till you try them Buy one pair on our word.
I &Bas tXCXUSrvr DIALER. Ores'
" - ;
Tbas timw litU pffla.