Newspaper Page Text
Polk County Observer C. L. Starr, of Salom, visited in Dal las, Sunday. V. P. Flake returned Saturday from a visit to Portland. E. A. LaDow, of Falls City, visited in Dallas yesterday. i C, Tavlor, or Mcuoy, was a tor in Dallas, Friday. The Star Theater Dallas' favorite e itertainment resort. AVilliam Faull went to Hillsboro yesterday on business. j e. Yoakum, of Perrydale, was a Dallas visitor Sunday. J. M. Lyun went to Perrydale, Sat urday, Tor a shftrt visit. G. W. Cone returned this morning from a trip to Portland. County Assessor C. S. Graves visited near Ballaton last week. A. B. Owen, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. Mrs. S. B. Taylor went to Poitland, Friday, for a short visit. W. J. Southwell, of Falls City, was a visitor in Dallas today. T. A. Finseth went to Portland yes terday on a business visit. William Schlndler, of Salem, was a visitor In Dallas yesterday. William Corloy, of Crawfordsville, is in Dallas for a short visit. Ira Lowe, of Falls City, was in Dal las today enroute for Portland. Hon. J. L. Collins went to Salem yesterday for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbard were passengers to Portland, Friday. Mrs. Alice Dempsey has gone to Portland for a few weeks' visit. Charles Hartung was down from Falls City yesterday on business. Frank Gilliam returned yesterday from a few weeks' visit In Salem. TJ. W. Beeman left Saturday for Pendleton for an indefinite stay. County Commissioner William Rid d'.'ll is over from Monmouth today. See the programs at the Star Theater, Dallas' favorite entertainment resort. I. G. Earhart, of Independence, was a visitor in Dallas, Saturday, ou busi ness. Dr. J. V. Scott, of Falls City, was in Dallas, Saturday, enroute for Port land. Mrs. N. Dornsife is reported to be a trifle improved Trom her recent severe illness. Hon. H. V. Gates returned to Hills boro, Friday, af er a business visit in Dallas. Rev. H. J. McDevItt, of Portland, was a visitor in Dallas, Saturday and Simday. Will Paull and Cleveland Seal shave returned from an extend stay In the Coos Bay vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiteside returned Thursday night from a short visit in Portland. "Colonel" C. W. Matthews was up from Portland over Sunday visiting his Dallas friends. '09 SPRING GORDON HATS Smart novelties for the young fellows-shape 'em as you like. Dignified styles for elderly men. Popular and Faddish Greens, rich Browns and conservative Blacks. Get yours here. THE BEE HIVE STORE i.o.o.F.Bidg A Reliable Place to Trade Dallas, oreon Mrs. Anne C. Farley returned from a visit with relatives and friends In Portland, Friday. Do not fail to visit the Star Theater when you want wholesome and attractive entertainment. County Clerk E. M. Smith issued license to wed to Earl W. Wallace and Mildred Guilliams today. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Ramsey and daughter returned from a short visit in Forest Grove, Friday. Mrs. B. Casey and son, Von, went to Woodburn, Friday, to attend the fun eral of Mr. Casey's mother. Mrs. H. B. Cosper and Miss Ollle Howe went to Amity today on busi ness for the Rebekub Lodge. W. E. Nevrsom was in Dallas yester day on his way back to Portland after a business visit in Falls City. A. C. Robinson, of Independence, is assisting in the sheriff's office during the rush of the tax collection. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier, of Falls City, were in Dallas, Saturday, on their way to Portland for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Gerlinger and Mr. and Mrs. L. Gerlinger, Jr., re turned Friday from a visit in Port land. E. C. Richmond, of Corvallis, was in Dallas, Saturday and Sunday, enroute for Perrydale on a business visit. E. W. Kearns, manager of the Will amette Valley Company, Is just recov ering from a severe attack of la grippe. Mrs. J. N. Hart left Friday for her home in Baker City after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Alice Dempsey, in this city. A special meeting of Naomi Chapter will be held on next Tuesday evening February 16, for initiatory work. Libbie Muir, secretary. The newly completed Improvements in the Craven Brothers' hardware store add much to the appearance of the establishment. and the convenience of its floor space. The Walker hotel In Falls City has passed into the hands of Cal Kramer, a partner of Moss Walker for several months. Mr. Kramer took charge of the establishment last week. Roy Wassam has lately received news from Portlaud that B. C. Miles, the manager of the Spaulding Com pany, is much improved and the pros pect for his recovery is good. Sheriff J. M. Grant began the col lection of taxes yesterday morning and reports that the money is coming In rapidly, the total amount collected on the first day being $1224.40, Joel Shaw was thrown from a horse Thursday afternoon and quite pain fully bruised and shaken. His Injuries have not prevented him from going about his work however. The Bennett barbershop was opened In its new quarters adjoining John son Brothers' confectionery store yes terday. The new establishment Is equipped in a thoroughly up-to-date manner and will no doubt become highly popular among the men of Dallas. The New Are Out Always $3.00 S. J. Heffelman died in Falls City yesterday morning at the home of his son-in-law, A. W. Cooper. He was about 82 years old and bis death was mainly due to the general breakdown of advancing years. The body will be taken to Goldendale, Washington for burial. National Committeeman R. E. Williams has been honored with an appointment upon the Reception Com mittee for the president elect, William Howard Taft, and received a letter recently from Theodore W. Noyes, Chairman of the Committee, inform ing him of the fact. He left today for Washington, D. C, where he will re main during Inauguration week and for a short time after the Inaugural ceremonies. Sheriff J. M. Grant came up from Oregon City, Friday, bringing with him Mike Malloy, who was wanted in Falls City on the charge of larceny by bailee. At his hearing before Justice F. K. Hubbard he easily cleared himself of the charge against him, but was a seeond time arrested on the charge of dealing illegally in liquor. He was released on his own recognizance and returned to his home. The trial is still pending. The second half of the term In the public school in this city will begin, Monday, February 22. In the pri mary department the work for the next'half term will be a review of that work ot the half term just closed. Children in the primary work who were unable to begin at the first of the year, or were compelled to drop out, may begin the work at that time prac tically on an equal footing with those whose work has been less hampered. The entertainment given at the armory Saturday night by Eramett D. Angell and and W. R. Boone, was one of exceptional merit and deserved a far better patronage than it received, Professor Angell's work in mind read ing, his exposures of popular spirit ualistio fallacies, in fact his whole en' tertainment, was interesting and mystifying in the extreme, while Mr. Boone proved himself equally an art ist in his part of the program as pianist. Senator Bingham's forestry fire bill, carrying an appropriation of $10,000 tor the employment of a mas ter fire warden for two years, passed the Senate, Saturday with little opposi tion. The master Are warden is to be appointed by the State Board of For estry and is to have general supervi sion of the enforcement of the laws respecting the burning of slashings, the setting of fires, etc, and is to dis seminate Information regarding pro tection of forests. For the purchase of the Oregon City locks by the state and the Na tional Government, the Senate Friday night passed the substitute bill intro duced by tho ways and means com mittee at request of Represert itlve Jones, of Polk, providing for raising $100,0"0 in each of throe years so soon as Congress shall appropriate $300,000 for the joint fund. The $100,000 raised under the old law will be turned into the general fund; likewise the $100- 000 that will be raised this year. '09 School Report For County. County School Superintendent H C.Seymour has submitted his report of the schools of Polk county for the month ending January 22, a few of the more important and interesting features of which follow. The record of attendance for the month was hardly up to the usual average owing to the extremely bad weather during the month, which made it impossible for many children, especially in the rural districts, to attend. The average daily attendance for the whole county was only 2164, or about 83.6 per cent. The following schools are placed on the roll of honor for attendance, hav ing made a percent of 95 or more: Polk Station, Butler, Upper Salt Creek (100), and Rock Creek. The follow lng schools were placed on the roil of honor for having bad no tardies dur ing the month : Smtthfleld, Bridge port, Fairview, Butler, Antioch, Spring Valley, Upper Salt Creek, Montgomery, Etna, Fir Grove, Lone Stur, Pioneer, Rock Creek, Pleasant View. List of New Members. Following are the names of the new members acquired by the LaCreole club during its membership cam paign : E. H. Craven, E. Gwinn, W. J. White, George L. Hawkins, Carl Williams, L. Bruckner, R. H. Har mon, R. H. Wassam, George Morton, Charley Gregory, Edward Coad, W H. Gaynor, W. L. Soehren, F. J. Coad, R. W. Finseth, D. C. Crider, O. W, Blaok, W. L. Tooze Jr., E. W. Fuller, E. A. Hamilton, O. E. Williams, S. B, Taylor, Oscar Holmes, B. F. Beezley, L. D. Butler, C. F. Brobst, R. B. Wins low, Vera E. Johnson, Leif Finseth, Tracey Savery, A. F. Salllcky, Henry W. Stump, Charles Lynn, Chester Rowell, Ralph Adams, Ora Savery. It might perhaps be a revelation and likewise a rebuke to the misin formed character who is always mak ing ill-chosen jest? at the expense of the climate of Oregon, to know that in spite of the fact that both January and February have been stormy months, the precipitation still lacks about four and one-half inches ot being what it should be at this time. The average rainfall should be 28.86 Inches according to the precedent of the past 37 yearn, but up-to-date only 24.42 inches have fallen. The months of January and February have been months of heavy rain, however, and if the precipitation con tinues as it has since the beginning of this month there will be but little deficiency remaining on the ushering in of March. Embroidery corset cover edges, the latest fad, just in at Dallas Mercan tile Store. 2-12-tf. agazme A STAR SERIAL BEGINS NOW There is an article in this number with a big jolt in it. DON'T MISS IT. You know tome of the things Everybody's has done. THIS IS ANOTHER. There is story by the " Pigs Is Pigs " man that is one long ache of laughter, and back of these special features a big, fine Everybody's Magazine. .for bale by W. R. ELLIS and W. H. ROY Legal Blanks at this office. Legal blanks for sale at this office. Dr. Donohoe, Dentist Cglow Bldg Legal blanks for b ale at this office. The Observes office wants the print ing you are particular about. Hank Hays the plumber and tinner at Craven Brothers' hardware store. 2-9-tf. L. D. Brown, attorney; abstracts; collections. Office In Uglow Bldg. 2-6-tf World's Best Quick Meal Ranges at Craven Brothers' hardware store. 2-9-tf. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-Improved farms. Sibley & Eakih. Look for the liberal magazine offer published elsewhere In this issue by the Dallas Mercantile Company. Bran and shorts at M. D. Ellis' Grocery. Special prices on Lisks Graoite Ware at Craven Brothers' Hardware. 1-26-tf Lisks Granlteware the Best Special prices until our new assortment arrives. Craven Brothers hardware store. l--tf. Highest market prices paid for all farm produce at M. D. Ellis' Grocery. Don't fail to look for the Dallas Mercantile Company' liberal maga zine offer In this issue of the Observer. Dry fir cord wood wanted in any quantity upto500eords;to be delivered In Dallas or Falls City. For further i particulars, call on, or address. Salem ! Falls City & Western By. Co.. Dallas j The Dallas Mercantile Company is making a liberal magazine offer which will be found fully explained lo . their advertisement elsewhere In this issue of the Observer. j W. B. Ellis, agent for Dally Ore-! goniaa and Evening Telegram. Have a dally paper delivered at your house by the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. j Dry fir cord wood wanted in any q uaotity up to 500 cords ; to be dell vered In Dallas or Falls City. For farther ; particulars, call on, or addreae, Salem. ' I Falls Ctty & Western Ry. Ox. Dallas. I Pool and billiards Parlor In Uglow Bldg: in room formerly occupied by J. C. Shultz. HThe Neatest, Best and most Up-to-date establishment of its kind in Dallas. Cigars and Tobacco on sale. P. E. FOSTER, Prop. Your New Year Order for fine groceries Is invited. Give It as a test of our ability to supply you with better groceries for less money than any one else. WE DELIVER ALL GROCERIES promptly anywhere. It makes no difference whether your order be large or small. What we want is your steady custom. We'll get It too if good groceries, moderate prices and prompt service will win It. Don't for get that trial order. E. BOYD & SON Phones: Bell 63, Mutual 814. Our Correspondence is well ordered and surrounded with that degree of dignity that's neces sary if your stationery Is bought here. CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY Is greater In variety than what cus tomers require for business. We have both kinds and whether for business or other use stationery bought hero is up-to-date. Wo don't go astray on prioo, as that like our stationery Is always satis factory. W. H. ROY $ CO. DALLAS, OREGON Quick Meal Ranges excel In quality and durability. Craven Brothers, sale agents. 1-26-tf ROYAL AMERICAN FENCING We are expecting our car of Royal Field Fencing every day. BETTER SEE US FOR PRICES. We have the agency for Union Lock Poultry Fencing. The fence with the SQUARE MESH. Our new stock of Wall Paper will arrive this week. Attractive patterns and prices. A new lot of Leather and Velour Couches just arrived The Best $10 Couch in town A new and attractive line of Iron Beds. Our bed for $2.50 will surprise you. See us for your Picture Frames We would be pleased to see you about the right kind of plumbing and heating. We guarantee it. GUY BROTHERS & DALTON HARDWARE AND FURNITURE THE STORE WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THAN )J&Z&Z2&B NOT. Our store is the only place in the county where you can buy this f am mous line of mattresses. ALL $ HAYES FURNITURE STORE Clean, Fresh Groceries We carry the Famous DIAMOND "W" brand of Extracts, Spices, Coffee, Tea and Canned Goods. Fresh Bread Every Day SIMONTON SCOTT Dallas A WORD OF WARNING Just recently a citizen ot Patterson, New Jersey, contracted lep rosy by wearing clothing that was sprinkled through a China roan's mouth In a Chinese laundry. Dr. Bpaulding In charge of the department of contageous diseases of Chicago says: "The method of doing up clothes In Chinese laundries is dangerous and ought to be prohibited by law." Phone us and our wagon will call at your door. We want your bundle, large or small. Your linen will last longer when laundered by one who knows how. Special attention given to shirts, collars and cuffs. Dallas Steam Laundry Phone, Mutual 197 LOOK HERE! The City Express & Transfer Co. does all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates, Stand and both phones at Webster's Con footlonery Store. MUSCOTT & STARR Proprietors DALLAS, OREGON Calls promptly answered day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER DALLAS. ORKHON Bell Phone 103 Hulnal Phone UUt TIMBER LANDS Puller & Elliott Only Real Estate firm in Polk County handling Timber Land exclusively. Don't fail to call or write If you have timber to sell. Office in 1. 0 0. P. Building Dallas, - - Objcoon MRS. MAE WRIGHT teacher of Elocution and Vocal Music Studio In College Dormitory. Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Evening lossons it so desired. DALLAS. OREUON