Newspaper Page Text
Polk County Observer ALLGOOD & COLLINS LESSEES Publlahed Semi-Weekly at 11.90 per Year. Strictly Id Advance. Entered as second-class matter March 1. 1907, at the post otlice at Dallas, Oregon, under the Act oi congress oi Marcn 3, iayy. DALLAS, OREGON, February 19, 1909 The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. HOP MARKET ACTIVE Report! of a Number of Large Sales In 1908 Crop In This Section Recently. The East has at last discovered that the Pacific Coast states hare Interests fully as large and fully as worthy of protection as those on the Atlantic seaboard ; a wise and timely awaken ing and one that may result in keep ing the "yellow peril" for some years to come nothing more serious than a nervous phantasy, just as it ha9 been thus far. lis but a matter or a little more than 21 hours now until the anxious, average man may relax his convul sive clasp on his pocket book, heave a sigh of relief and awake suddenly to the fact that, with the Legislature adjourned, there is nothing for him to keep bis little hammer in practice on except the weather and that even will prove but a poor substitute. Buying on an active and general scale, considering the quantity avail able, is again reported In the bop market, In the past ten days a total of about 1200 bales have passed out of growers hands. This leaves the un sold stock of 1908 bops in the state, according to statistics compiled Tues day, at 7200 bales. Of the preceding year's crop, 4000 bales are left and there are 2500 bales of 1906 hops left in first bands. A year ago there were about 60,000 bales of all growths In the state. Among the new deals reported Tues day were the purchase of the Maley & Mix lot of 179 bales at Independence by H. L. Bart at 7 cents; the Lope Sing lot of 223 bales at Salrm, bought by Charles Livesley at a price said to be around 7 cents; the H. Wenger lot of 56 bales and the O. L. Dich lot of 31 bales, at Silverton, bought by William Brown & Co. at 7 cents, and the Louis Pose lot of 36 bales at Sher wood, purchased by J. J. Metzler at 7J cents. Some of these lots are only medium, and when it is considered that but a short time ago they were valued at a nickel, the tendency of the market can be readily seen. The demand for contracts is even greater than that for spot goods. Ten cents is the ruling price for the 1909 crop, and at this figure it is estimated that fully 5000 bales have been signed up in the past ten days. Oregonian. Do Ion Open Tour Mouth Like a younir bird and gulp down what Bvi-r food or m ictne may be oltcrea you (Jr. do vou want to know something of the cumiKisiiioti and character of that wmcn you take Into your stomach whether M food or medicine .' Most intelligent and sensible people now-a-das insi.-t on knowing what tne emnlov whether as fttxl or as medicine. Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfc right to Iiixist n pon such knowledge. So he pubIishcs,"ftiiekNist and on each bottie- wrapper, whaijnsr4ieines are made of anfwfiesJjTrTpT-e2j This he feels he can wTLa rford to do the ingredients are m;ule nr-- sin re which his medicines nd understood Uia more mil tueir superior curative virtues' 3C Notice. To E. C. Kirkpatrick, D. C. Old Chief Geronimo, the incarna tion of all that can be said or written or dreamed of Indian cunning, craft and cruelty, is dead at Fort Sill, Okla homa, after being held for 21 years a prisoner of war. Kept studiously away from his native homo, the bar ren plains and mountains of Arizona, the old Apache chief, although allowed a greatdeal of freedom on the reserva tion, has gradually wasted away from homesickness. Captured after a long and bitter pursuit, with his hands stained with the blood of murders and tortunngs Innumerable, it was only through the clemency of the Govern ment mat no was not put to acuta as a penalty for his crimes. With the pil grimage at last, of Geronimo, the Cruel, to his lodge In the Happy Hunting Grounds, passes the last of the type of Indian chieftains about whom Cooper and a score of lesser writers wove the threads of their enthralling romances, the unmeas ured epics of a wonderful race, now docadont and soon to pass utterly from the face of the earth. HAVE OUTLINED CODE Joint Committee On Game Draws List Containing The Proposed Features. Up As agreed on by the joint committee on game, the following are the main features of the proposed game code: Deer Killing of females, spotted fawn or yearling deer prohibited; buck doer, in Western Oregon, open between August 1 and November 1 ; Eaotern Oregon, September 15 and November 1; limit, five buck deer a season. Ducks Open October 15 to Feb ruary 15; open Multnomah, Clatsop, Columbian counties, September 1 to January 15; open Harney and Grant September 1 to April 1 ; open Klamath, Lake, September 15 to March 15. China pheanauts Closed on hens; males open October 15 to November 15; closed In Josephine Jackson. Hood River, Malheur, Douglas; closed In Eastern Oregon until 1913. Grouse. uitil and native pheasants Open Octolier 15 to November 15; Jackson and Josephine, October 15 to December 13; iu Eastern Oregon until 191:). Trout November, December Jan uary, February and March ; sale prohibited. uniyllvo birds of Chinese iiheas ""'i niuHt native pneasunts, or quail to bo killed iu one day and not more than lOin seven eonsteoutivedayc, Bine prohibited. Present game warden to be retained during pleasure of the Governor. Crfder, W. F. Pfeiffer: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Dallas, Oregon, will sit at the Council Chamber in said City on the 1st day of March, 1909, at 7 :30 o'clock In the evening, to hear and determine objections and remonstrances to the declaration and assessment of a deficit in the cost of the street improvement provided to be made in Ordinance No. 105 of said city, in rront or ana abutting upon those certain tracts or parcels of land described as follows : (1) The North half of Lot 3, Block 8, Original Town of Dallas, Oregon owned by E. C. Kirkpatrick ; amount of deficit, $4.50. (2) Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 9, Original Town of Dallas, Oregon ; thence West 100 feet tbence South 100 feet ; theuce East 100 feet; thence North 100 feet to place of beginning; owned by D. C. Crider; amount of deficit, $10.05. (3) Beginning CO feet North from the Southeast corner of Block 9, Original Town of Dallas, Oregon ; thence Wost 100 feet ; thence North 30 feet ; thence East 100 feet ; thence South 30 feet to place of beginning; owned by W. F. PfoiiTor; amount of deficit, $2.80. i nut an owners ana otner persons in Interest may attend at said time and place and show cause, If any they have why said deficit should not be declared and such assessment made. Done ry order of the Council made on the 15th day of February, 1909 Witness my hand and the official seal of the said city of Dallas, Ore gon, this 19th day of February, 1909. L. D. BROWN, Seal Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas, Oregon. Tor the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses. irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, DaeK- ache, druiririiic-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom nanied. ofttimes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness. Dr. fierce s favorite Pron'nTlrn U ft most efficient remedv It is equally effective in curing paniiul fClS. in giving STre?i(TTn to nursing mothers and In preparing the system oi he expectant mother for baby s coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and com arativelv painless. 1 he "favorite pre scription i a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general svstem and to the organs disti'vtly feminine in particular. is also a soothing and Invigorating ervine and cures nervous exhaustion. nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria. p.isms. chorea or .M. itus s aance, ana tiier uistresi!Tiff nervous symptoms at- ndunt upon functional and organic dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical autnonties oi an tne ,veral schools of practice, recommend each of the several Ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription " is made for t' e cureof the c eases for which it isclaimrd to lie a cure. You may read what they sav fur ymmclf hy sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from the lending enthnrities, to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In rtitnt liiifT;io. X. Y.,and It will come u ou by rctirn mt-i. Executors Sale of Real Property. Notice in hereby given, that the undersigned executors ol the estate oi viniaiu Y.i ii ,T def eased, wl oy vinue ui an uiuy. ... ,.! At I'nllt County. Oregon, dn i runnr.l on the anh day October, 1 mis, duly authorizing and empowering them so to do, on or after the lKth day of K'U rnary, 1909, proceed to sell at private sale to the hinhcat bidder for cash in nana, wie iu i -io.,u, m ull : Lot NO. HVC (, in mock No.- Seven (7) in Leven'B l-aCreole Hoimsiead Addition to tne limn ui U..O. I,,.,,nti7 llrciroii. Mrfa nniv be handed to the executors hereinafter nainea, or to wie ftiwnirj, "Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this 16th day oi January, iuu. LEONARD R. L1VERMOKE Joint executors of said estate, Sibley & Ealtin, Attorney! lor estate. Notice to Creditors. vntin, iB hprphv o-iven that the undersigned has hem dulv arnointed administrator of the stale of Aususta Campbell, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor rw conmy, ana nss quHiimni. aii iwraona hariiia- earns against the said eatate are hereby notified to present the same luly verified, togetner won wie proper vuuura. hpil. to the undersigned, at the law office of Oscar Havter. in the city of Dallas, in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. ... , ,,w. Dated and first puoilsnea January i, raw. VV. D. CAMPBELL, Administrator of the estate of Augusta Campbell, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. BUSINESS LOCALS. A CONSTANT ANNOYANCE Sick Kidneys Weaken The Whole Body Make You Weak, Ner vous and Irritable. Items COURT I10LSE NOTES or Interna from the Records in the County Office Briefly Told. PROBATE. Estate of Hester Ann Ellis, deceased final account set for hearing Thurs day, March 18, at 10 o'clock a.m. Estate of Loraine Maude Muhlig, et al, minors Inventory and appraise ment of Polk county property ap piovej. Estate of CJ Hussey, deceased J 8 Pettyjohn. J C Cockerham, and James Wooden appointed appraisers. Estate of J R Hubbard, deceased final discharge crexecuttix entered. REAL ESTATE. W C Brown to Ann Kersey 5 acre la 1 7 a, r 5 w. f 750. Ann Kersey and bd to W C Brown, lot In Dallas, 500. Maggie Buffum and hd to James P Altizer. lot la Independence, $.100. Edwin Jennings et us to Lean dor Conner. 4.79 acres in 16 s, rSw, sod lots In rerrydale, 1 130. ' Half the nervousness, half the irrita bility that is so common in every day life, is really sickness, ami in most cases a condition that accompanies kiilnev trouble. It is the work of the kidney's to keep the blood free from uric ao'id and other poisons, hut w hen the kidneys are eiek, and not dohnr their ilnir. tim uric acid permeates the IkxIv.' and attacks body, brain and nerve's. The irritation causes nervousness, irritabil ity, headaches, dizzv snells : mukea von languid, unlit for work, and inclined to worry over trilleg. llesides, there is nothing more annoying than a bail hack A -.i i... . , i. . . . ' mi uacsnciio is me most common sign ui money irouiue. i ou leel lame ami tired in the morning, sutler day and night with adiill aching in the hack and it hurts to stoop or bend or lilt. II loan .x,.ii insure iHKon in me tieginning mey w in soon correct I lie disorder that exists in the kidneys. Continued treat nient cures cast's of long standing. If you sutler from any of the above syni loins, tlo not hesitate to give 1 loan's Kidney Pills a trial. Thev are for the moneys only, ami contain no poisonous oi nnuii-iurining irug. Home proof is convincing evidence of ine emeieney of lean's Kidney i'ills. van i mil .v v iierrington i drug store and ask to see statements of Dallas peo- I-,, -iih.c utK-ti hup remedy. for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents 1-oster-Milbnrn Co., itutTalo ew lork, sole agents for the United piNies. Kemeruber the name IVan's and iiu uinrr. Advertisements under this head are chareed at the rate of 1 cent per word, first insertion; cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words er less. II per month. Nj advertisement inserted for less than 15 cents. Figures count as one word. For instance, the numcrt.1 combination -Jo0'' counts as one word. Two initials count as one word. For instance, ".I. M. Junes'' counts as two words. The minimum charge is for 15 words: that is. an advertit-ement from 1 won! to 15 words is counted as 15 words; an advertisement from 16 to Al words, inclusive, is counted as 3) words from 21 to '2n words, is counted as 2.5 words, etc. Ihe nirures followine the advertisement indi cate how lonir it is to run. and are not charged to the customer. For instance, ;i-31-2t indicates that the advertisement was hrst published on March 31. and that it is to be inserted twice. The figures and letters 4-1 -tf indicate that the advertisement was first published April laud that it is to ); run until the customer orders it discontinued. Notice ia herehvffiven that the undersigned as administratrix ot tne estate oiriam miner, iWeniu,i . has filed her final account bucu administratrix in tne omce ot me nnntv clerk of Polk Countv. Oregon, and that turuay ine tm aay oi aiarcn i-.sii ai mu m,ui ten o'clock a. m. has been fixed by the Hon nrahte Cnuntv Court of Polk County. Oreiroli as the time and the court house in Dallas as the place for hearing of said tiual account, and the settlement tiiereot. ah persons ubviiik oujeci. ions to said nnal account are requireu to pre. sent 'lie same at said time ana piuce. Dated this 9th day of February, 190,9. ELEANOR F. BUTLER. Administratrix of the estate of Frank Butler, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. Wanted. A second hand fireproof safe. J. E. Beezlev, Falls City, Ore. Baled Hay For Sale. Four different kinds. U. S. Grant, Dallas, Oregon. 2-l!)-tf. For Sale. Choice vetch and oat hay. Morrow, Rickreall, Oregon. 2- W. O. -5-tf For Sale. Good Myers sprayer. Used only one season. H. G. Campbell. Dallas. Oregon. 2-12-31 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as executrix of the estate of J. K. Hubbard, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oreuon, for Polk County, and that Thursday, the lsth day of February. liSJ. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, at the Court room of the said County Court in the City ol Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement tnereoi. ELLEN J. IICBBARD, Kxecutrix of the eBtate of J. K. Hubbard, deceased Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and hrst published January 19, lDOi). Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Hesier Ann Ellis, deceased, who was administratrix of the eBtate of J. D. Ellis, deceased, has tiled a final account of the administration of said estate of J. D. Ellis, deceased, in the County Court of the Binie oi uregon lor font county, and that Thursday, the 18th day of March, P.KIll, at the hour ol ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of said County Court iu the City of Dallas., Oregon, bus been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said linal account and the settlement thereof. EUGENE HAYTER, Administrator aforesaid. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and lirst published February 16, 1909. Notice of Final Settlement. Lumber. To trade for good cow or horse or for both. N, G. Harris, Dallas, R. F. D. i-22-tf Cedar Posts. Good cedarposts for sale at Hi cents each. Also another car of extra Star A Star shingles. Soehren Ware house. 7-24-tf For Sale. 80 acres choice fruit land. House. barn and orchard. One mile from Dallas, $150 per acre. Cleared land James Howe. 2-19-4t For Sale. For caul) only. J. W. Tolley. Eng lish, double barrel gun No. 10 a fine gun In good order enquire of Mrs. Frank Butler, Falls City, Tolk uuuuiy, uregon, ar. wnose Douse near the depot the gun can be examined. 2-2-t TIMBER LANDS Fuller & Elliott Only Real Estate firm in Polk County uauuung 1 1 in uer ianu exclusively Dont fall to call or write if tou ha umuer u sen. Office in 1. 0 0. P. Building Dallas, - . Oaaoox TTOSSIT AT LAW a F. JONES Office In Cooper Buildinjr. IXDETEXDEXCE. OREGON NOTICE. Of Filinft Plat of Survey of Town ship 7 South, Range 9 West. Uuited States Land Office, Portland ureson, reoruary 12, 190. Notice is hereby given that all of Township 7 South. Range 9 West, has been sur veyed ; tnat the approved plat of said survey has been reoei veil at this nfllrv. that said plat will be filed in thU office on Aiarcn 23, I'.Hia. at 9 o'clock a. m. and that on and after said date, viz Match 23, 1901I. we shall be Drenarerl to receive applications for the entrv of t lw. u,w jn ...... 1 . 1. : J . ! v. i ii on hi luwilBUip, ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. GEORGE W. BIBEE, Receiver. LOOK HERE! The City Express & Transfer Co. does all kinds of baullnn at reasonable rat.-s. Stand and both phone at Webster's Con fectionery Store. 1 MUSCOTT & STARR Proprietors DALLAS, ORXCON N. L. IiCTLER, OBc over Dallas city Bank. OREOOM. Notice Is hereby eiven that the unriprsicmpri nsadininistrator of the estate of Hester Ann El lis, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Orexon, for Polk i nuuiy, ana mat inursuay, tne lHtn day of March. 1909. at the hour of one o'clock in' il,p afternoon of said day, at the Court room of the said County Court iu the City of Oallas, Oregon, has been appointed by Bald Court as the time and place of the hearing of objec tions to liiesaid final account and the settlement thereof. EUGEXE HAYTER, Administrator of the estate of Hester Ann Ellis, deceased. Oscar Hayter. Attorney. Hated and lirst published February lc, 1909. A One Dollar Magazine FREE FEBRUARY SALE The Pictorial Review Magazine, one of the most popular and reliable Fa V and Home Magazines for women today, sells everywhere at 15c a copy ann year's subscription for $1.00. Beginning today we will give a year's subscrinf & to this magazine free with every Five Dollars spent at this store prior to in nr t AAA vu- ruary o, ivvv. We handle the Pictorial Review patterns-the only patterns with which Cut ting and Construction Guides are given. In order to put this magazine into patrons nomes ana snow cne quality oi rictonai Keview styles and pattern nrp willino' fn fnt:pr snrl nav fnr nnp snhsr rintmn tn ha eont au- t s a r--j .in nv osin, at uie QireCtlOIl (if any one purcnasmg $o.uu wortn oi mercnanaise at our store before February 28 1909. One subscription will be entered free for each $5.00 spent. ' This is an excellent opportunity to make gifts of this magazine to vnnr Vtto P 1 I Ti . j . .1 i i . if: inenas ana to yourseii. .Begin toaay to save your duplicate sales slips and when tney amount to $b.uu Dring them to our store and enter your name for a year's su ascription it costs you notning. DALLAS MERCANTILE CO. Notice to Creditors. Notice is herehv ffiven thnt tha nniWat,i.1 has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Andrew Monroe Miller, deceased, by the ..uumj V.UU1I, in uic oiaie oi uregon, lor folK County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the aald esiaie are nereuy nouneu to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at his residence in me oi Lianas, in said county of Polk within six months from the date of this notice nafccu auu iirai puuuaneu January liti, lyoy, V. S. UKANT, Administrator of the estate of Andrew Monroe Miller, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for In the matter of the anulication of Frank nth ton, to register Title to the following described land : In the Donation l.nndi'iaim Kn ai Vil ification No. 61 of James tVhite and wife, in T 7 8. K. 3 W. ol the Will. Mer. in Fair Oaks, three fourths of a mile from halem hpi,1vp lu.ic -i aii acies olt the East side of Lot 5, and all of Lots o, i.iibii iuiu raironxs. as laid out by 8. D. (,ib son and recorded September th, laul in Plat Book No. 1 at Folk County, Oregon containing .:a acres more or less." James Simonton: The 0,Bre "u ouam ana ait to whom it may poiiiiorn J TAKE NOTICE. That on the first dav of Kchrnarv iooq an n. plication as tiled hy said Frank (i'lhson iu the i iirmnuim m i mi county for initiiil regia tration to the title of land almvp, i1ihii , ., L youapiear on or before the 4th , larin nan, ana snow cause why inch ipplicatloil Shall not lie vrantp.1 thp.u.nuui.ll lie taken as confessed, ami ri.ra.i, ,niu. . cconung 10 ine praver of the ai, plica, lion, and you will be forever barred from dis ru"s me miuc, . . K. M. SMITH. Clerk of I'olk CUiuniv rin..... l,. Ilri:i D , - j i - ... .... -v in n i. "Siir. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County ol Polk. Department No. 2. rl"i"ff vs. Kuth E. Floria. i iivi.nk, cuiumuuH, To Kuth E. Horia, Defendant: in ine am nf Hip KiatM plaint filid against y,m In the above entitled mi. on or neiore me expiration of six weeks Irom the dale of the tirsl publication of this ...... .u... . iu-wu: n or oelore thi l.lh day of .March A. D. 1WM, thai being the date of Ihe laal put. ill aun ol Ihn summons: and If you lail or peglc-t I.. (jDs-rer said complaint, for want thereof, the i.laintitl will ,k. .1 named eourt for Ihe relief praved for In his aid complaint and will take a decree therefor lo-wit: That the marnare relation and marrl- "'nirari eiiiunr between plainlie and ddenaant alwve named, be dnwlved and held .... uiih me groiina ol wlllui deaer- Hon. wyan the Mrly ol the drlendant. The date of the find piihilcation of this inn. ataire named eourt. dnly made'and entered .1 banner, in the Ity of MrMimirl le. Yamhill day ot Jannarv. eautx. inn. Urigou, uu lh 2,m El F. roD. Attorney for f.aintiff. """ST AT law. Oscar Hayter, L"ptaJra CampbU bnlldln. kill St DALLAS, OREfinv MRS. MAE WRIGHT teacher of Elocution and Vocal Music Studio In Oollepe Porm.tnry. Hour. a. m. to 4 p. m. ErvoitiK hwn If so desired. DALLAS OKEOilX C1I promptly answered day or nlebt. Pw L. CIIAPilAN FOR COUGHS UMG OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS FOR THROAT OR. ICBNC'S AND LUNGS luu 0 FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY BELT & CHERRINGTON, Dallas, Oregon Wood For Sale. Do you need wood? In preparing to place your orders remember that I am able to furnisb you all kinds of slab wood from" either of the Dallas sawmills at tbe best possible rates. Send in your orders by either phone. Mutual 1196; Bell 443. 8-4-tf. AUGUST BOWMAN. Guardian's Sale. Notice It hereby irlren that bv virtue and In pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of (ireiiiin, for Polk County, fritting in innate, iubui; biiu eutereu oi record m 8aia 'ourt on the 4th dav of Jannurv. lunu. In tim matter of the estate and guardianship of Lyle Ball, a minor, authorizing and lleeniing the undersigned an guardian of the oerann anil eatate of aaid minor to Bell certain real property of hia aaid ward, hereinafter described, at Erivaie aaie, lor caen, in the manner prescribed y law, tl.e undersigned as such cuardian will, from and after Thursday, the 18th dav of Kehrn. ary, laud, al the law office of Oscar Hayter, Ksq in the City of Dallas, in said Countv ivroH i sell the said real property, at private sale, for caxh in hand on day of sale. In accordance with I license of aale and in the mannnr nr.. scribed by law, subject to confirmation hy said County Court; said real properly being par ticularly deaerlbed as follows, to wit: An undivided one-tbird interest In and to that parcel of land described as beginning at a point 2u.ii chains East from the Northwest cor ner of the "L" of the Donation Land Claim of Henrv Siarahall and u-if. Nnilflcii..n vv. io Maim So. 68, in Township 8 South, Ka'nre 6 West of the Willamette Meridian in Pnit County, Plate of Oregon, and running thence r.aai .,. chains: thence North 1531 chains thence West .7i chains: and thnr- MiitH i-ji thanit to Ihe place of beginning, containing 10 acres, more or leas. Also, an undivided one-fifteenth interest In and to that parcel ol land described as berln- ... um .-uuinum corner ol the "L of said Donation Land Claim and mnnln. ih.n rth I9.:t; chains to ihe Northwest corner ol d L: thence Fast lot 3? ha.n.. i south l!i..T2 chains to the Southeast corner of c1"1 : n1. thence West 101 37 chains to the r-"1"' "giuiiinar.coniainiiig tab acres, more or UaM-rl this lutta day of January, 1909 FKANK H. FAa'K, . (.nardian of ihe person and estata of Lyle Hall, a minor. "i miyifr, a Horner. Notice For Publication. l . s. Land Oth oe at Portland. In-eeon i-tl?.!"'r'bT1v" 't'ieeley T. Docohoe; 01 '"ai aa. Oregon, who, on November 2t li. Department of the I nterinr. November 2t. !!. matte Timber or Moo. vrt n-ai !j Jr?Um J0-j"nhipT South. 5! Lamia Meridian, baa filed "'tic Of intrntlnn i . dewnbed. belore L. at. Smith. Coontv Clerk of fo.kiointT.Oimtii .in. .. 1 TV" ibk . '.. . .. - vnvTruu. ua UM Claimant nmes aa witnesses: o. p c. lee ol llla. orwn: E. w. Hinshaw rlla Oregon : . r. Tillouoo. of Z'oZ tm; M. A. Coulee of Bn-'l. tiren.n ALoeasos a. dufstk, Kearwher. roiYsno:iirTAR "s40TO BOOT'' More women wear the "Queen Quality" shoe than any other shoe in the world. Think of the saving from what you pay for this same grade of shoe when made by an ordinary factory. And you can't ever know COMPLETE comfort till you try them. Buy one pair on our word. THE BEE fflVE?ST0RE v M sweat DoHas tXCLVSIVX DEALER. I