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i (TWICE-A-WEEK) DAIiAS. POTuX C0ESTT." CKEGOX. IXIDAT. HAXCH l lfI7 rmt- t ZT7 .Z ' -- JV. X. I IS FOUND lojBXPBoiBDLT w DOCUMENT c l (8et To MoSr nd jmturM; Attorney ide Governor. j 15 foond. , Appeared just as i mysteriously as it -as discovered about jr afternoon by W. If clerk -of the house, jfc committee on re ',',1 ork at the state itbe bills passed by 1 imd tbe bill while "me other measures. ir docianents wuicn in (be committee s bill got into tbe box. n! . I'll fi-ef jf Lav um " " feappeared saturaay u rumors of various uBerons since then, mused more exeite- ud has been the ob- determined lobbying time before the leg- Kcent session. The 4 by Representative tountv and was aim- iiildin? of the inter im the hands of the sneers, who are steel Polk county to pay L-ding to the assessed X( Aperty. Judge Kirk- t fcntative r uiier ura fie fought the bill all bat fell a few vote ate. They had eome In, however, that Sa- pass the bill, as entered it uneonstitu- k would thus be dip- rave by delaying the bndge in trying to prions piece of legis- hm in Dallas is that e up and decided it icliey to make toe bill Mem instead of Polk ned to lose the bill, 'ten questioned, firm- ' eonnctioa that the iS'SH ROAD argumfnts this m mmmwt nuiv I VII WW Willi Will I Vm la &ast Cmcjocct. deal mainly with the factors that have made possible the great success of the ; eo-operative packing plant, aero u( iuamette. j Tr-.p!? pow.a rfi r -i u bus utk witn ins own account of the D. Cea. t-,, . t benefits be has received from eo-oper-1 Er:y. Tx. ,H aUve prune packing and what t pres woiUd mean .f earned out on a lar p arrs m j, V u ue truii men 01 it: tr&aa- sad fL5 per wwk f or ear seetam in is tke ianeai xv-Z,. Tie rier " S .'sntiaSt a3 kDh hxdi ia tbe Pr- i& diviskat. Israt5 tie wiattr OUST . HXT2S TXL2. EOT TO ua wii mot kwar ETZXSeTEZX D ALIAS. :y t 12 ttaksig t ay " sioes ostly i2PT. er aarj tffltttgi irwec fr IS MnesRlifs f He. Ca- r, tornT. ITto Til Be E Ite- TT. worth. The onranizatinn if vr. ous ; it has paid for a large plant ai pram packer out of its pr6ts and COX3GTTZZ TOCIJ the local irmwurs! t. r Paulus' talk with in,, w,- SCHOOLS IS JJISCCSSGJT they may do something aloes the to- i operative line, soon, according to S- :. ,1 retaiy frank Brown. Mr. Paulas wj?. " rsum OTmat Tm immm Eei t Be?araMara at Prifr ARE USING OLD BKIGSE VXST SALE3C FEOFLE KAZX SZW USE OF STAIZWAT. fill SZOV r025T sczsxs. Ht Crwl Tcra-Ost Gaga TTHM F" j ri aaJ An C;wn Scrae tare FmC Wot &&ttsi tiiri ine Uita taw I S ia ur t!ii a&j bit mauswrat- Cash Register Inventor Here. Thomas Bilyeu of EilUboro visiii his cousin, Charles Bilyeu. of tis city yesterday. Mr. Bilyeu inv.-cicd the cash register which was ocd &s the stock in trade of the Xaison&I Cash Register company, offerers of which started their penitentiarv tens 1 9tms vmoamzzT taJu Vv tie Boat Fcreccr Here w"-ti ! : E. : - i-cr twa.-aae'La as lie Tib-" Vsk IduStra. OA. X. i tct c wswe u t-maw - Sfai tter r. A. tim wu : -g m -.mW f inline 1 bra- tie CeaBBiBria! LiA : ILnni. Ed jran ioia f fr Kmsmto'ii r. a far as fwanraaa bait -lis s !i trv. one tioS arv cuot tie Puk acrr ptwfue aext vtx. u 4jvim4. Tie fwu b t at ta u R.Si.ii-itWi a. a cc u i-cuM wutea. .-ue tat'affw w awm at U lura nai.5emM iarrwT k& ia aaz t asewiie r:ot V.a.i im ke-1 "mxr mnw sjam to itabi 4-f a osum acafiaja ben rettaiy ais4 ; f- mc teafiie as Si.a wk wk votfi M a ut Jem- wE j perausci f iie suce 5etej r rreciy a9f.Ksa fcy baaiifaKs Wat ceaknl is oci ;o aca ti Pi&iajs t t3x-'iiccj mt lutasi. fwicut mu saw jjock. Tie (tsa 'rer ue wru f ts It tra state aa.i esuaiiis ;rj jicrrefi.-ar 1 CumrnnT-'icy Modi lie &rxa- wfiu ie ara ac Ut a CHusierrakJ : t tiot wvn Mwm aia Swr 61 iOBe S12 fe- sitj gg--a"-3g irramas' J"'" 1 votCi i lie ss aii iwacs n Itiiaa M S Xvb-Ivw cmf,4 aai teSaue rating wfcy tie ta:e Kwiii i;Cidv ots tjt f sit wal it pa w 2L IT. llis. iaia c7 eweasBg. Kiowa Sao. C Tiaaay ; j?t. stft taw- Saim Jr irr mm road rrvrna 17 i uc S 'Se ataimt if iucruim. K sje arcr sjy wJt be uwa as Btt I " sr ntfrrhi xtmaomsa tmlt- lepsliST ussBno. I laivvrK-.. m. ike tf Xarra 7 ck ai4 o. WaT erasag a: .( fajia Ws were f n Wt Sav Aliitiitss iia t-itxs- itx 3flC Jkjj iin CmsenW dh mm. Iu Ccry. ' kns m ta ft -f li hktii (&iai seiUd. it ijrf Wa andcac IMiii31 a6s bens ne ut Tie ascn wsS ie aam;iisTiW ' abaa fnn tje P3; tmoCf ae aC (re V- t rr-jn .f i iw nusas aii in-s;iiar net ic a ttt nsnsSnr ad aacmirt itt- - tm- Wm- u ij Ffne c ut muL ast week for .tnnino th. r,v; r, I ' " " " ' .,, ... .... , , :-r tie az4 wmo.S avs: ar-a-i19 iw sue ius linur? s ssssks muavT ut vm&m. A aissas-: r fact tarns tie asmemiaim a -?i jt;i i a j ac"' mil vu. - jjj East e KiB m wi wmm le is.:t wsvs: irS. a Jw-eLiw aiit 7r.ttr t a wimmimrrr '-iS7 Fr ricni amwti'jm nrr amMraoic to 4 jnow es lar acker ; mat ui tarn rtr wia t&rf Wiraanl tSa ue fojw mui -annn war a bsb m nr lie & sold all his rights early in the game ..j jo 1 to the company. - , T ft.-.3Mt " V.J. ...... -r- ..IVRI: 1- M1T1MI I lit 1 1 ' 1 llfiW JJF Buying Tarm Horses. ,64 ' ti ess?! rarfj1'" Albert A. Werner of Perrvdale was ' reir w t tiai wii naErne a visitor here this week buying up Taunas SL Souk ss4 Kat Kaon . nage. horses) for the Werner t.i farm at rsi: e la EJiPwjc gnaf t--Hmmgrgt. wol mti t jm aa a;annwi au jaitvauaonr nu(IBiatE poulM Bt Perrydale. Several head were boosit Siaa Biaa. ssaac s 1 b Tjattta? aer-;4llEaule keaA iM auur fa- imm nf lvl f.rm t ,n ,r f". 1 t tet es&Tt, er aura- "ra-. -8 trsra a "'?' ' ' -- amiM t B w aw about $200 each. placed on the farm and held for spec-1 illative purposes. j HIGHWAY BOARD NAMED tatr nurpm ru- t. . :ti v. ' tu ob itjsemiae ra s s3TaS o-maait at a Jbbiik eUff Bit ai Bik we BRB - I any res&Seet I tin Ka. of jwamiaa aroasr Hi ccr at asa. at ... aou w " jaa fasut aas seea aaoa anawa 25 as,j S15 w rm UiaicuR3 jssm tjssaw Gwr EaS. tm mum zmaai aear tie raw tank. High tcbe s:he3 womBiePnM jmnniii-D: ianit aai iaaws ;C u M jiufwti! a yak. in a sreal o:ei3 rni far ti." ?--aai K a wax atue s PH I CMV II1Y I'lIUlI I7C '! 4 naaaa iiaa fee ; on statewide fce&tfci. tie bust eay iaBKI!iT lfl,t tak m. ianm6- UUftilUJ til ft I blUL iUU. rw lie am an paraw atf sa aav drawir Ss2 ais jKtaa!1 awa" auanuaim- aw. - fjsoa. iC I "AI a yesiT I contest will oe EES PROM THIS DISTEICT i ',hiiiw- . im jwmi araaT far twe aw t rot a sa - owAarei wr Gr- ta Capua Sains. ra . X ana aavfr aw eaaBty ar cay aibaaaa uvnuv iiiiunwmw vd j r - - ,., i appointed tbe new state biirbwav com-. toe whole state tie kmet f rv imsr. yi meg ia - mission, naming E. J. Adams of a eonsideratioB f tie vmA w J ;7. iEuceneas tne memoer irom tae nest-.iiiafc u pai. m , . . nam- MMC-anif ia t?ti . ponjinai and no a rwj, Kstrvt onlside of Malt- a eoajprefcetaw as &xj lysant - . . . . - Wuim Ta-! .. i , nomah county. Mr. Adam Jaw- ol '7.. v 3 V Zvmmm. a a 4 a. aaaa a. s - e la tie ro- W yer and cootractor of that city and Tie -- : frt - w to r it hn. his tern, of office a for ooe Ter. Na- Sficxior Wcc-t-m -f TV, . wz. r2 . , T t Kanas ratfw tat aw Polk county friends of H. asitw naow rasm ? r " . --;t ' - - " w .g ml. ft. It 0 icoto&e tsat ta wr n f o a. I Ei:ar j -u - f B a ataraaee a i i E. J. ADAMS OF ETJGE3TE IS KE3I-: seiosl at ittl asi tie S jci wjE J p"B mBna mm li CA1EP H AUtOiT rTZT(tris warn tie . t las Im )cwii an in ne aaflt I m at tie anam. aoa aan aw w- ua e a a s aaf m io v t ojese it ytdT. Mazw S. Benson, Capitalist of Portland and W. L. Thompson. Pendleton Lawyer, Other Hem ben. the !0. f It las beea saraw-JL asj w3? probalh-y be tie r e-f tie .&. wil. i nut i? r; -S- one essay. Ee or i w3 in ! lc,t- rarse of 4t it w-3 m oac ' fK.t 4 kr . Ji& n as t.-t-tW . i tat - a -Jjol a Inaioi : JLr a -s a isensat '..m 3s 'nannawt wm. 5tss Jt Ynd Be Ta Ts mi Tim Ta Axinai Lake: Csjazi fcafria r.faaa ia atawK auaa aaeaf lb afir kf niaanie; tw piar War tae aew arnapnM va aor, faat aw A garia age aaaa to rwna. fa. . "AnawaoiT tae aaaa fir - w. The bill when bn statement as it )' handling such as it p the course of earry- h ud the handling by merons Hirscfaberg of Independence had nrg-j ed the governor to appoint him as tie ; tW-Iaa-i em wtJ tte ww i. - rf vmmmn. to ifc rT L ' amw-a waa ttay eaaU W Wat nwun n Ramus ia iu .rr -ie r- - . "-. 1 - nvmltfr fmm thia district. rtlhw members of the board are S. euiMuta e specified five , fjenson, eapiubst. philanthropic acd iof rbeessScs w-3 be anwnmai wsi- to the eieeo-!TOad eipert of portland. appointed for a a f w ays. w?3 be via fee Ids that the bill can fitted to the governor that tbe sent to we exeeo-j Sitnrdav. He said . . tk VItao-l Tf --o pm:ASue :t as . ,m lunriau ' ..... of the house who toolAv district, W. L.'p?t of s-ae pr-J-wicri-Er es w3 umittee on revision ; Thomneon. attornev of Pendleton, wio be iocJaied n t-te crn3 fir ae h law bv law to eoro-1 .;,, ferve tw0 Tnn fmm toe Ear.cra Wd taa w cwra a hrk, which includes ; w-,, district .. ;tj5rt cimj:i y t -c-r making the meas-; The eoveraor declared, m ann&33s?3 , ra ccnis? a3 hsm - N timilar dntiea. .ointments, that with the per-, toSi - iag to Mr. Dr. MnneUf e eomimHtee ar.d te fe- 1 . jraarus imvi - . ie gMuTT nil r ana.. Tat easy s j - ew sr w Sa att&aa Lav Iwea Lauav mrt aa taev ia aat ---eaarff-rtiej ? tT uoe tiua w-3 Va . - r jl. o&aa taawe ir C ww n f COTBeraal a t S ifm 3 ES' aq v iau 7ib aaa. EH, p-trji! CAT5I ST7T ra ! Tiim rr w r - i "Caa jw a . - atmi . j d.i t f v ..j tirv aK?t tea! i' mgy in uir mnu ui uim:i, n j . a m n m 10 n , ir.f . wof the hoose for md win then be aob- "mt Withvcombe iyeombe nron learn ld been fotmd and l the coarse he in '. stiil that he will be l a.. i onestion is pronern iraey eeoerai nn , , v. tl- rr-r4e oi wmta vl cs- Warcd to make any rndag the rtatns of F vtit nntil tbe mat ttbantted ta him v T V Je. he w r.rcy re- w-3 be r,T J ! ,T . x- jr, s lea seal a . - . trn-rimi tie TaMTV ac v." t- t. --frr .' smrriar f-rtr ia- Jrmmc.y Wfore eonissr sa ary onB-jnsi. n - -. -. jr..a j - - , t - "T wit a. c fe? .-J I coniJeT tie n-- . w s. Szr-Z c i Kacr. v ; ml WiJKfflt ia fc Hs- . ". . - " -..-r. (.'went prmn; br the people in in favor of tbe bonding pi-"1- "In seleetinr tbia coinrisno I have keenly felt that it has ba ih most responsible doty that placed upon me finee I entered vx nffire." said the pveror. "Tie rt; tbe r-e: uAe actiaa to at tae Crvfie. waa f arnl ttof awaw amiot abt a f wwiinimii? 12 i SiJa 5r m val teat lei aw irat aenary atafl aaiaif. AflCt ' - it tte f roarii naiirar'a ma 1 ! - " ... .3. m. S 4$ni9 a ninnrr"Tr aTiara j."- a ansonrv s is na d tSiere arei" but 3 tiTv aVia yrawujtt aawf tr ix tie rWTaa awnamy. ! g'aanf 5ae ttsraifi af laa aaf rjmii ffji-a- tXMiaaaii Be. njdiiflK Trait 4 -j iT aa ana wa ens. t a 3, of e jwiwiuna Mad aw tie n xr jmunmraie gnamteae aaaa arser tae t- X 3t Xjukz Bf a T- F"1" racimm fce " waa "- . aBRti &-3i Taw aabl aa a f aaitn " waa tie aaeect af a kcar raramrf Vaaeaw aoara bc hw r ai t EewwB. aeemary af tie PmA Cmacf Frut Gnwmm' aaain l- If tame at axw caiasae. w .t todav. The I"e?5ltre as fa-rerah'v r- pur Tanmrv t &nrt ta mxs nacx. - v na T Ajb an are . s tr Cfeacjax fl rrw::W i. E aa uwu-W me t-aa by JLV i crve ary , . &e tw -j w w-.'i eo?mare piretianneU, tat that , .u j, ay Kate a 'wngh a mesa of law . . parallel . "T.v. !' tat biU makes false i , 4v, caf-wai-i tiat i which have beea 7. i i tv- .. VmA r ' were abnuvc wl n Vf' ? e Salem paper. !f IWis. I atatr PJk L . . . .... T . - - -tz i)tmr i cm l - - - tiiM" h.i-l - - - BIIW OK C 5. Kacawt ac n-annw-"'- o rmm a-D tact na t - w-iJ- - . hit the good air-! r W (n tbe a tfee awnwrv an TlTV-. Tj tar ac 1WT-V .r": peoole wia m r-"-- , JEL re Wsma s-rr"i SttTJsrA-s Tae hatar &oaa CSmaaaUL Cfc te kw ixe nai iarrr ta WSLaaa Kayriiwi iianjaiy, a larr aroowa aawfeaed tabar mui aavwa tie aaaeraae auartac. X eajttir tie aecaie it w2 noran f i acat -asaaa af awiaur iarrr a-3 ;r 2- ter aaaa atat aa aw &9eatw wJ ta mmiwr ariB9aea 'am namt aaeatriaaa. tae tT Jtst. Tmtmum , annd acaa-.w .ae at wiie4 rv - -ar. ac4 ie it art5i fak aaaacy amee iht !ar e beat w icj ,- , . I mei a n? be nad WHaa at Oatr Oaw TatTT KaanaC. bmw after be restart roe of tae wbere-i , tj VuMgeet The tactics Baed.,, th, Sf- a 5-r- - , Vtafaram feii" '"Pie im tae ar-' . . r, tftsun fvr te rwSaa. n -' a w i.m. Vtowilasatoa ewya aaacawj ac aairtniT at aa 'ae inrtrw M after be ra aact caaw Cal aad fa i HI atrataa 5 e . MS-ww. .waaWO-taa-eaaU. rf -TW Cat ArTTgrr rj Wja2W rf . , i.ry b ill iaaa taw " as? ? war toiarti." aaai Eeweaar, aemaaaaaa ac na) tie Tte arawrw haw V IMJ,,U, . wary tml Urn rr, mm TfAniaaa baa- - rrfmml Tie t"7 wj aa est bii sa? bat at bow r fie inwnrr ia ( S saaak V womt amwaa a aw ar i fjaa Nat ant to ae la awe '7' "' " rilL Cr. r aaiM. Kt TDaZjawtoa eewaocy iiai aatw ) "'TV. !,fHrf ''-TT t r HZZZ ?AT- br-e b- Vil w-T,ba- noi T. Ten Ai- ,v, H W w-T V tS - - flTT ie t c Aa Ssar. v. i-rK-i -" . . T ,T. r. ar-"Tr. . . rwrw a - fir-e wa " . -tcr - tT t Wt , vw e 'i- a- 'r w-1I T:- 3 ? Vrw t '""lL Trw f fe '""fS -s. tHr r wra 3Ca-r r last year ,rT fc i i6- Snffl ia fr it "??-ir ; to te f Coertv Fnct- DH.I tlS fit -Caanw Faar" tiC taftx ftecs a Btaw Ta Raw "Wirt iaeaa tt tae w-Aj to Vww fe wv : 1 aa aaavwu anw. u ww.w- a4 frw wear ia Sb wwc Pr.irr rjrtt. . Tr- wit V mat asrv at en. Ta tar trv aw te 2 Wda a bai. -Tae w rt'i rse Tarn. i K" a w rrre toa oav to i e to aad t