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THE POLK COUNTY OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917 J BRIEF tOl. Ijiphi ot ale I 3 d his home .illo was Illinois, waere for several c H.forSanFran C .here he ez- Jmnm'8 circus Portland U his family LrtingforC. from Port al on account n,i M. Tripp, Cjp at Red , Portland last not was maae Mterr. Mrs. -fi the Parent- Praine. on was' in and the financial condition excellent in ell respects. Profit of $400 on the capital stock of $21,500 was report" .i eu. The Loyal Workers' class of the Sabbath school recently held an en joyable party at the J. T. Hunt home. 'ine iaaies' &ia society met last week with Mrs. Joseph Fennell. The next meeting will be witu Mrs. Ueo. Frazurc, March 8th. Mrs. Wheeler McMahan'a mother has returned to her home in Vancou ver, Wash., alter a visit of some length with her daughter. VAnv Heise was ia week-end visitor at home from Eugene and other places to toe som.ii. "Hlnrrrv Fennell of Marion was nn over Sunday guest at the home of his brother, Joseph. Mrs. Arthur Moore returned to her home in Portland Thursday evening after a few days' visit with Mr. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Moore. Miss Mary Simon entertained about 20 of her friends at a Valentine party at ner florae last maay evening. !,meots to give tfrom Mexico Jta the benefit his farml and ito, His many i fe. but wish ' wr they go. 1mm leave for Cher husband is Vg farm, feket and Wil 'ufinnville Sat- the hop yard liyear. fWe were over ft visiting' ma inly were over "fa Mr. Price's "jCook celebrated ary Thursday, RI0KREALL Tlu hasketball ?ame rdaved here recently 'between the teams of Rickre all .nnri Buenn Vista was a liaru fnnffht fame and was won by Buena Vista bv only two points. The score was 25 to 27. Two p-amfis were olaved last Wed nesday night, the first between Mud Slough and Smithheld and tlie sec ond between Oak Grove and Rickre- laU high. The first resulted in a vic tory for Smithneld and KioKreau won out in the second. The second of the scries ot leeturcs .ni mf.rtainnMnts was sriven last- Friday, February 23 in the anditoriurt of the sahool house. The lecture dj Dr. Starbuek of Dallas on "Individ ual preparedness" was augmented oy a program of music and recitatioM. Miss Edna Morriso-! of WUU V Dallas each rendered delightful so los and also favored the audience with a duet. Two songs by the high nnd a recitation by Stanley Tatom concluded the program. The closing song by the high school chords merits special mention, oeing an wo tnna with new and original words of I interest, especially to Rickreallites. The talk was enjoyed Dy an press... though on account of the storm there was net as many out as was hopel for. , ,r tit i .T TWah and daughter, Mrs. B Ifis. Clarence E. F. Craven were Dallas callers Mon- Jlwday. Tc Dempsey returned this week Cook's daugh- froir Heppner, where he bas.ibeen em- were visiting !,). ed for the past m '- l. .!... Tia hia familv expect to i noon. IHJl'ULUD. iiu - riml, u q fw weeks to mats iSaturday shop- their home in that country last weefc ena jli has secured with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. McLean in oaiem. MONMOUTH I . . l.nm arVYlll f lAMd with a I W. P. Fisher, alter spends ----- s for about 14,- two months visiting with ms ibe delivered in ter. in Portland, returned home tn- La. p.. I I , u- -l.- ti ti,.k, h rural mail earner , JUH.J, nin, wool ji. j. . ..i.'! . , -4tbne ago foT sava the snow was about 15 inches Mil very Ul. deep, at one time, or. the MO i 'W association ihill. west of town. , , ting from, Feb- Guy Hewitt, a farmer and hne stoc because of the raiser of the Little Lucamu illness in the ley, was in town on, busmess Twsday y' . .. . u; TiwihAr. Mrs He also called to bbb " an interest- C. E. Herren has two acres of !po Jint meeting. tatoes planted for early potatoes. fy was ceie- Xruo banK nan u" i.iv -cv I . mu: -,; itiafeB it more han- uuuse. rn- tnodeiea. iui " m Supervisor dv and eive them more room. fa wnmn fmm tj, ftoiih of Albany was in wu JLit a il.. if I T.iaoIow Y ml iuo muii-1 on DUsuiww wrest- f nr. present. W. M. Jones is B-;fi !misviiie is vis- lor of Monmouui, n . - , Toney Hakney, coast, for the other day M . itooo " W four and came out without FlSon eomnanv I anrntch. i.i bredjack John White of tteAmc r1"- torn was in town m " Hed to attend He formerly lived here. h Kane mnles r, V.. Herren made a business .. . TL- r;tal city the lauer r" I II IO v"" i P Sommit vis- 0f last week. CROWLEY I Sunday at Oak Grove. run Wilson and Claud Hickerson attended lodge in Amity Saturday night. Mrs. Ben Carroll of Greenwood vis- itAfl SAVAPdI Aat!B tVn fiat- nf tlw. n.nAlr with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank v aiuere. Charley Knower made a business trip to Dallas Tuesday. Several from here attended the Mc Coy dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Sherwood of Rickreall are visiting Mrs. Sher wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Dennett. Kaner Trent bouriit a nice colt the first of the week. Eftlio F.llia of Tlflllaa i&npnf. Satur day and Sunday with Myrtle Valliere. George Smith of Salem' spent sever al days at the home ot his grand' motW. Mrs a C, Smith. Harry Euhne of Tigard is in this viftinitv loolrinfl for horses to ibuv. John Brader of Falls City spent Sunday at K. J. Williamson's. M. F. White and Georffe Smith drove to Willamina Saturday, where Mr. White had a sale. Cecil Riess was a Dallas visitor Miss Pearl Dennett is on the sick list. A, M. Holmes, was in the neighbor hood Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valliere were Rickreall visitors Sunday. James and Harry McBnde iorded to Dallas the last of the week. SUNNY SLOPE Charles Petre and wife returned to their home in Tonchet, 'Wash., Sat urday. Winfield Eeelston and lamuy at tended the dance at Marks' hall Sat urday night. Patal Rilev purchased two cows oi u "W RisW this week. R. M. Boslev purchased a cow oi George Sullivan this ween. Mrs. A. J. Shipley returnea aonis from Falls City Saturday. -!, Twic of the Dallas Meat Dasscd through here Thurs day on a hunt for beef cattle. The snow reached a oeptn oi The new law making eight monww i, minimi lensth ot the scnooi term meets with approval in this dis children will now have the same opportunity those have who iivw i t- crn and X?eA weieu 0W on""bv" . imrtlo. Frank Sweann- gen, at Oak Dale Saturday ana omi "ay- . . Hay is getting very ra vicinity. . , ., mi U Tncifiifl fflOIUUUUku uaA nifcA a muddy drag before they reached home Saturday. jar. vuuj . .v - for Mr. Bosley and is now cutting for t.; TT, hearine animals are J . in this vicinity. They were SWUVV - , all trapped out last r. of 24 to 11 The Perrydale Tigers de feated the Smithfield Beavers by a score of 14-9 Monday night. mi. r . a. uym sold Mr. (July oi Grants Pass a number of registered Jerseys this week. Billv and Dnrot.hv PnlHwoU have been very ill, but are improving. Mr. John .Tollv wont, in nallna the first of the week to spend a few days wiui ma son. Mr. and Mi's. John Derrick have moved into the Keyt residence in Perrydale. Mr. and Mrs. Gaeen were Dallas visitors Saturday. TT PRESBYTERIAN NOTES At the Presbvterian church next Sunday morning Rev. D. A. MiacKen jiifl will sneak on thft theme. "Tenvo- tation," being the final discourse on the Lord's Prayer. The choir will render the anthem, "He Leadeth Me." At the evening service the pastor will sneak nn the subiect "America's Call to its Young Men," and the choir will sing, "Mow the iay is uver. At the Presbyterian mid-week meet ings on Thursday evenings, a series of addresses will be given on tne t.imelv subiect. "South American Neighbors." The following subjects will be treated: "The Continent oi tomorrow," "The tragic heritage of a twnle." '.'Some Social Factors," 'Tho Sniiit of the .Pioneers." " pres ent Day Problems," "Educating a rnt.Wnt." "The Jsvaneelical Mes sage and How to give it," "The Pan ama Congress and the Outlook." Thoco dresses will beein at 7:30 and will continue for one hour. cordial invitation is extended to all. Selection, Adjustment and Care of Farm Machinery, Experimental Sta tion Reports, Vegetable Tests on San. Av Smlo t. TTmntillfl. RrTyfrimAnt Farm, Variation of Literals! Struc ture of Apple Varieties, A Study of Variation in Apples During the Grow ing Season, Seed Corn, More Prof itable vovn. nanting meuioas, miec tious Abortion in Cattle, Feeding for tgg?, Housing of Poultry, Incubating and Brooding Chickens, The Common Red Spider, Hop Investigations, Prua ing, Fruit and Vegetable By-Products, Hog and Field Pea Special, Pollina tion of the Pomaceous Fruits, Indus trial Clubs, Grain Standards, Pota toes, HugarBeets. J and Billit I lhndred pap ing toncne- gh i: RttAii nn 101 . j HWaiof'Sr IMr. d Mrs. Cass f West Sa IreaU was in town U)Wn George tw ul Wednesday. . Md at the A rural school McNART j clay of Salem came over to r.r,a Anv this weefc. see t. m. iis . . Mr. and Mrs. EO. Mrs. M. ueeaer Jled on V' x ' , . .Ua John Daderwood was workmg the . n road , . h,KineSs r HI lihMn1 flUMlQ jars. iiiin''- . . r A..lh TnftsdaV. .rmade.triptolndepen dence Tnesaay. Jofferson W. W. uiw- ?- . . .,. county soon to Iook ai mtereststhere. Frank, Mrs. """"L-TL Salem Mon .jnade business trip to "em day. ,workforMr.Toung U.Bmwf-:-:. e Salem Mage and Jonn ruaJVonngdMrs.Rob- jura. , .r dav-oia bin. have p acea -- ... aav nab i," egg "verine from Oreeon normal w d.U in si " i - ni i 'ot are other honor or me n - mral Salem is! schools of ireetors of Washington & Cr0 hich met perintendents rrw . y D.l.. D.lfc onntV. U"" r- r, "gcr mtuen f ui w , w r.. ly"1""" . T "ww sne- oi cttttsot rioya nd &cno t. TW I rural inrfrnet.on, i I" Salem is schools or "' eoantiea. So firertors of Washington sndMan0" . Mid fan. SM members Moore of preseii'- market i w t v 1 1 AT.E - . .ttsnded the W. Mrs. Ja - Tcesdav. J. E. Yoakum , Brateher wcre", Mr. J. " visitor Tuesday- W- c. M- & "Trlila. Tuesday. T. U. meetm? , Uwrenee Mr. Carl .r" Saturday. McKe, Ki88e8 "wtaHriW. Saturday. Bryat were 1 Dent, Messrs. Sa I'fr" , Fr... Bill HatBeld a . p, Tho rohMraal of the ereat oratorio. Tho rrmit.inn." will begin at the hich sehool this evening at cm P- m Prnfosaor .Toserih A. Finley, di' rector of music in tho Dallas public schools will direct he chorus. It is hoped that at least 50 voices will be present from the very start. Th TBharsal of the rjaster caniaia The Easter King," under the di- r.tim of M. U. V. r-olinsr, wiu oe continued next Monday evening in the puMic library at 730 promptly. FIRST FLAX SEED IS SOLD. Penitentiary Plant Ships Carload Out of State. Tho firat. iwmnlete carload of flax flhw cod fivr sent out of Oregon ci, Wlnpalnv nierht when the IV l L. UWW. . . j 1 ...i- - r.t xontml shinned from stai uvwu -A , , the penitentiary flax plant low dusb i. f coed eonsiened to Conrad, Mont., where it is to be sown for flax fibre production, the ouyer is i v .1 wio ViUrn comoanv. which ' ... headquarters at Oreat rau, Mont. The price paid the state w f n K Rftlona. . , . The seed has been ready ior suir ment for some time, but has oeer. u imabilitv of the Ore- gon Electric company to obtain a car. TLi car was ohtainea yesieruj j. i AA TRBterdav afternoon. DOB " , . . It is believed the state plant is the only concern in the state having y -oU Rmaller than carload seea "a """ , . lots have been shipped out of the state before. m tho nronrietors OI l ikuui. r r . ..j ft. tana company recenuy -penitentiary plant and inspected the mill. . k.. "The purchase was maae . i,ot t.h Montana men saw when they were here," said Superin tendent Crawford last mgr. . ftai growers come here and inspect our mill and then buy from us it is very evident that we are n-s ORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR Every factor of a good investment ia met in the Ford car for business utility low first cost, small upkeep, H"'""1"1 depreciation. With these merits is all the motor car performance yon can buy at any price. In city or country Ford ser vice is close at hand the service that keeps more than 1,750,000 Ford can in daily use. Touring Car $360, Runabout ?34S, Coupelet 506, Town Car $595, Sedan $645 all f . o. b. Detroit Remember, Ford owners drive their cars all the around. year S,h reeve's Oarage Dallas. Oregon I To Lovers of Fine Art The Oregon Art Company Will display some wonderful free hand Pastel Paintings in the win dow of Crider's Dry Goods Store during the next two weeks. ! Star Transfer Co. WE MOVE ANYTHING THAT IS MOVEABLE PROMPT SERVICE I G. A.&LC. MUSCOTT & A. P. STARR, Preps. Phex SUBdi:-Web.t'i CoateUewn '511 Ellis' Ceafeetloaary ltd - . , j Dallas .. . immi. . . .i- irtimn wis luenjuemi , . JL B. ri-- eTening- I" prw- proeeon. - . aepartmenu ---- Franees W S C - r'and O. rMar j - deav- II farin, 1918 by the W ttw ' following ! attended vne Ust weefc rnui"" -the delegates who I distrib- scIhooI yells and roaty rnonn fed their cj. wdel tne Ust weefc ntionBiMon t v,vt vas a D. U Keyt Bectric Sign Tor Orpheum. n n Smllli of the OT- jaanager w. . -- pheum has placed oh the local omce oi w. - - , conrpany for a new eleetne sign to be .tov.theMaint- trance of tne tneaire. - - . .l i nmhn" and will company expects to nave by the middle of March. Commercial Club Has Bulletint. TTT. ..ut. vital to the Bulletins on " . . . fanner and fruit grower J ,had 1nK . . m Winnia Braden, e,h. TheW..u-.r:-ft7a!U ejub by tne nepoi""- . at Washington D C, and h. Oregon Aericnltural college for IWrSt FoUowing W the avaJ-j laWeUst: v?tion of .TTvT of Orn Soils, The Mofrruit,.Th.O, Son of the Oren Fruit Indue Z Proerams and Sagsest.ons for ;7v Clubs in Home Economy Study -" , pl .-! Rar Farm Butter " HerS: the Dairy Calf, . OUR PES . . . Our Res are just as good as the "kind mother used to make," and sometimes better. We rather like to brag about our Pies, and Cakes, too, for that mat ter. And lots of folks say we are jus tified. We want you to try mem. YOUR BAKER WINTERS j m. Feeding the uarry w, LEAN-HOLSUM a GROCERIES a The Best of Fruit and Vegetables.... PH05X US TOTXE ORDERS VIERS S COMPANY N it h- ,1 nm: M T"-r o" ro ' i ..d Cream, W" ' th, dav- f Marion " ' iioi-' i nranrrtv "Porl showed t of debt ideTeate w- GiUfViu.