PACK KOl'R DAILY B'JGCB RIVER OOl'IUtkR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, I01N. POPULAR SONGS 15c each,' 7 for $1.00 postpaid . . Cash with order The Nation's Awakening. When Vou Come Back. 'Daddy. I ain't mad at you. t --Daddy, mlna. & Dallas blue. .-.... Dancing down In Dixie. Dark town strutters' teU. j. Daar UtUa noma aweat home. . Dear old homo. 'Dtrty doxn. l Dtxla volunteers. i Doat ba anybody's aoldier boy bat mlna.- ;' Don't blto tha hand that'a feeding yon.' " 'm -; ; Dont laara ma daddy. , Don't try to (teal tha sweetheart vot a aoldier. 'Don't torn the smiles to tsars. Don't worry dearie. . "Dont you hear mo oalllnf, dear? Do you sometime' think ot me. Down the aunset trail to anion. " Dreamy days ot long fO. -Dreamy moon. .. j i .Drifting Along.. , ; The Music and Photo Hesse Stanton RowU, Proprietor MORE BOOZE PEDDLERS El . . . Ill BEGIN NOW And enjoy yourself . . -Jy taking your Soitday, Eveniiig At the Oxford Grill ... SPECIAL Baked Young Oregon . t Turkey !; Walnut dressing. Cranberry. sauce ; 1 50 Cents PERSSNiflL LOCAL ryE;;rTT'"''"""'l"T''"TM"''1r"!""g'"?""""''MM Here la where you get a good meal served apnetlxingly at' a alight price. Two more bootleggers, with a car load ot. boot, met their Waterloo tills morning, as they were arrested at the second railroad crossing south of town by Sheriff Quine.. says the Friday Issue ot the Hoeeburg Re view. The men were putting all speed possible on the oar. for they had safely pawed CanyonvlUe and had hopes of getting through Rose- burg without detection. About 100 1 bottles of liquor were plied loosely In .the car and were of the Sunny brook Tintage, from Hornbrook. The men gave their names as Peter Beregowsky, ot Portland, and Mike Takovenka. ot San Francisco. They admitted they were trying to unlawfully transport liquor through the state and put up a pie to Sheriff Quine to let them tree, but without effecL. They claimed they had got the liquor from San Fran cisco and were taking it to Portland to sell. , ....... The two men were taken before Justice ot the Peace Riddle and Ya kovenka entered a plea ot guilty. Hla companion. Bergowsky, claim ed that he was not guilty and had no knowledge that the boose was in the car. He said he had gone to Cal ifornia with the other man only on a trip and thought that he was also taking a little vacation. As this was an old story, whloh la being told to the officers quite often lately. Dis trict Attorney Neuner decided to try the case and Beregowsky was con victed. A tine of 1100 was imposed upon him and In default of payment 50 days in Jail. Takovenka was sentenced to a $250 or 123 days in jail. As neith er man could pay the tine. District Attorney Neuner told them that one would be released if he could raise money to pay the tines, as the jail now has a good many prisoners and It is an expense on the county to continue feeding them. UTAH AFTER COYOTES, ! WOLVES AND WILD CATS - I - OBITUARY Ezra Ael Fail-child Ezra Aael Falrchild, son ot and Mrs. W. T. Falrchild, of Seattle, Wash., and grandson ot Mrs. A. B. Falrchild, 315 Burgess street. Grants Pass, died at Newport, R. I.. Wed nesday. October 11, aged 21 years 9 months and 11 days. He enlisted at Seattle March 9, 1917. and at the time of his death was a member ot Co. H, 99th batallion, U. S. ma ; rinea. and was stationed at the New port training station. Young Falrchild is survived . by his. parents, now in this city, two sisters, Mrs. Viola Wade, of Sheri dan, Ore., and- Mrs. George Jantzer, of Glendale. and by one brother, Glenn Falrchild, of Grass Valley, Ore. i The funeral will be held in this , city at Hall's chapel this afternoon at 2 o'clock, the services being pri vate on account of the recent proc lamation of the mayor. Salt lake City, Oct. 19. An ex tensive campaign against coyotes, wolves, wild cats and other preda tory animals has been decided upon by the Utah state livestock board, and the government has promised to cooperate. ....Fifty .hunters and trap pers are already exterminating farm and livestock Dests In this state, ac- Mr-'cording to recent announcement by Thomas. 'Redmond, secretary or me state livestock board. Half of these are employed by the state and the others by the federal government. Mrs. M. Scuafftr. ot Elgin, Ore., was tu thecity tor a short stay. . "Sherwln Williams Products." Sa bln has It. . 93 Beef scrap at Cramer Bros. 93 .. F. Macduff made a trip to Wolf Creek Friday night. C. E. McLane. democratlo nominee for sheriff. T7tf . Prof, AppWhoff. ot Ashland, spent Saturday In the city. Scratch food at Cramer Bros. J Mrs. R. L. Burdlrk, ot Bakersfield. Cel., Is visiting Grants Pass friends. Poultry tonic at Cramer Bros. 93 Mr. and Mrs., Brownie Hampton of Kerby. spent Saturday tn the city Flower pots In all sixes at Cramer Broa. .( - ,i Dr. little Flndley arrived here from Hill City. Kan., to take up the practice of Dr. K O. Clement. Umbrellas repaired at Cramer Bros. 3 Mrs. C. Slagle. of Waldo, and her daughter... Miss Ruby., left Friday night for Seattle tor a short stay. A. M. Heston. returned Friday night from Bray, where he spent the summer at the saw mill. .. Small airtight heaters at Cramer Bros. , ,. . . ,S Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Klocker. of Medtord. are spending Sunday with friends. . . ... -Mrs. W. P. Counts returned Sat urday from Richardson . Springs, where she spent several weeks. Oil heaters for these cool morn ings at Cramer Bros. 93 Mrs. Nellie Hyde returned to Port land Saturday morning, after spend ing two weeks here with her mother. Mrs. Wood- .... If you want sweet, peas early, get your seed now at Cramer Bros. 93 O. O. Bunch and family and Mrs. Maud iRenshaw Miller returned Fri day night from Dorrls. where they spent the summer. J..T. Chlnncck, a member of the eitlxens training corps at Eugene, 1 spending a few days at home on fur lough, i , Morse's Spencer sweet peas for fall nlantlnc Just received at Cramer Bros. 3 Charles Crow, of Merlin, who has been working In the Portland shlp- yards for a year or more past, Is home for a few days. He was In Grants Pass Friday. The best standard varieties of Morse's Snenctr sweet peas at Cra mer Bros. 9i Misses Augusu and Gertrude Par ker arrived Friday night for a few days at home. They have a vacation owing to the closing of the Klamath Falls schools on account of Spanish influenza. Goen to KHkiuie ... R. C. Crowell. ot Takllma, gone to Spokane, Wash., tor a days on business. ' bus tow Moves to City M. N. MeClay and family, ot Wal do, have moved to Grants Pasa to make their homo and have located on M street. Special at Roue's Saturday and Sunday, Haielwood French salad Ice cream. FStt No Luncheon . . Owing to the threatened epidemic ot Influents there will be no lunch eon served at the Chamber ot Com meroe rooms tomorrow noon. AMERICAN TRANSPORT IS ATTACKED BY SUBMARINE An Atlantic Port, Oct. 19. The homeward-bound army transport Amphlon had a two hours' running fight with a German submarine 800 miles off the Atlantic coast last Sat-1 urday morning, in which eight men ' on the American ship were wounded two fatally. Allies Chocolates Fresh Delicious All ready for mailing soldiers $1.00 At CLEMENS The Rexall Store Organization Wins Organization Is what wins In war, In business, or in banking. We used to think this bank was Ideally organized but how very much better we are situated today as a member of the Federal Re serve Banking .System. Membership links us with the strongest and best organized hanks throughout the country. Their organization Is our organization; their strength is our strength. And your financial security may benefit, In turn, If you are among our depositors. um.i,". 1 -- "T-ratrtrvsT; THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON MEMBER FEDERAL BE8EBVE .SYSTEM- Here From lti Jaoerio George R. iterrou, of Rio Janvrlo, Braxii. is at the oxford. lie la quite taken up with southern Oregon and expects to make his horns here. lve for California Wm. O. McAdams and wife left yesterday for San Francisco, whers they expect to locate. Mr. McAdams Is a barber. Fine Fixhlnic Trip P. A. DeGenault and son, l.ewts, and Jaa. Dean returned yesterday from a few days fishing trip near Gallce. They report splendid lurk, Master Lewis, having landed a ten- pound allvvrside. National Preparedness ' 1VM1INS IN TIIH KITCHEN " - ' ., ! ., i . ... , , t: Fathers and Mothers, It you want your chlldreu to be tit members of the great preparedness brigade, feed tbem I'l'RK FOOIM4 I From Hie Pure Food Store -. V . Ws sell a line ot , family staplxs that have no superiors and but few equals. Ws sspeolaUy like to sell to "people who know." THE ROCriDAiiE THE STORK OK GUARANTEED OOODA V.6..H. FIFIEJ4K MauMier Ohio leopl Here Dr. Chaa. R. Scott and wife, and Dr. C. C. Scott and wife, touring the country from their home at Day ton. Ohio, stopped over here a day to enjoy the scenery and sunshine along the Rogue river. - Amateur's Work Last night some one, whom the officers believe to be local talent, cut a hole In the rear door at the Bas ket Grocery store. Either through fright, or lack of burglar's science, they tailed to make entrance Into the building. Paul's Electric Slot Wiring, lighting, everything trlcal. Phone 90, Medtord. Is, (heaper,. to Paint Than It Is to Build , An un painted bouae soon roU away, hence It I the part of wUtlom to keep your Immin well psUated. Our supply of I'ainU and Varnishes pawied. litH u m them on to you. unnur- WK IX) FINE SHOE RKPAIRIMO Jewell Hdvv. Co. Klned Ten iMtent Friday evening, before Justice Holman, Jos, Woodcock, of Foots creek, was tried and fined '$10 and costs for assaulting his grandfather. Joe Chamberlain, of Waldo. elec-103 NEW TOWAY J08. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur ance, plate glass liability Insur ance. 204 H Sixth street. tf INSURANCE Any kind, bast of companies. L. A. Launsr, real estate. APPLES for sale at 35c per box at Rio Lado ranch, two miles west of town on lower river road. ' Splt zenbergs, Delicious and Newtowns. No deliveries. Bring your boxes or sacks. Geo. Seeback, Phone 606-F-13. 94 A Fine lUvord The First National Bank has made a fine record In the Fourth Uberty loan drive, which ended last evening. This bank sold 760 sub scriptions, at a value of $90,100. a little over halt the total quota for Josephine county. Med ford Over Top Hurrah everybody! The Medford district went clean over the top Frl day In the Fourth Liberty loan cam paign exceeding its quota of $29H,- 158 by the safe margin of $10,000 The total of subscriptions reached Is 1308.000. Jackson county Is also over the top with a margin ot $15, 000. Tribune. Three New ( The local physicians lam evening reported that there sere three new cases of Influenza in this city, and one more at Rogue River. Thus fur ths disease has not spread to any great extent here. Paul Kinney Lieutenant H. L. Truax 'has received a letter from Mrs. H. C. Kinney, of Pomona, Cal., stating that her son, Paul Kin. ney, had Just complete! the course; at the officers training school at Camp Hancock, Ita., and hid born commissioned a lieutenant In the machine gun section. He Is as yet unasstgned. Calhoun brought her son to Grants Pass Immediately and Dr. Laugh rldne took three sltlche In the boy's Up. Bomswhers In France there Is an American boy fighting for you. Have you proved yourself worth bis won derful effort by finishing hla socks oit' time? FOR SALE Motorcycle, Gottschalk's garage. Family Hit Hard The family of Sheriff George Lewis Is having Its share of grlet at the present time, MThe sheriff Is still confined. to his bonie, his son, Al bert O. Lewis, together with his wife Inquire at nd ahy Beverely, III, and Bert 93 R. Lewis, deputy sheriff, and his DISTRICT MANAGER wanted in wife, are, sick,.,. All the , cases are every atate for new Auto Clutch supposed to Je Influenza. The baby Lock. The cleverest and most pf- of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lewis is Bald fectlve anti-thief t device on the to be dangerously 111. market automatically disengages - 1 - ... mi MnPii and locks it so car can! If you have, anything to sell try not be moved under its own pow- Big money maker lor aram- IJnuteiuuit Clements HeNrtM ' First Lieutenant L. O. Clement who left Thursday night tor Camp' Lewis, reported for duty at the base hospltsl Saturday morning. During ' Dr. Clement's absence his practice , will be carried on by Dr. Lottie' Flndley, who confines her practice to the specialities ot eye, ear, nose and throat. er, tlous hustler. Exclusive territory given. $500 to $i,000 necessary. American Auto Clutch Lock, 803 West Ninth Street, 'Los Angeles, Cal. 93 A. BURSELL M. D. D. C In block north of postofflce, corner Sixth and D streets, surgical, electrical, chlropratlc and osteopathic trea ments. Offloe phone 197-R. WANTED Furnished cottage or bungalow modern. Phone 328-J or 115. 94 PREFERS 10,000 PLANES TO 500,000 SOLDIERS Washington, Oct. 19. Lord Sy--denham, British authority on fortl-. ficattons, in a message received here today by Major General Kenly, di rector of military aeronautics, says: "Impress upon your people that 10,000 airplanes at this juncture are worth more than 500,000 troops on' the ground and will not require near ly so much transport. We can bring Germany to terms by air force, that is certain." a classified ad. I tog IliteH Small Hoy Ethan Calhoun, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Calhoun, of Mer lin, was quite severely bitten by a neighbor's mastiff Friday afternoon. : The lad was In the habit of playing, with the dog, which was friendly to' all children, but this time as soon as the hoy put his hand on the dog ' It snapiied 'and bit the boy's lower j Hp, Inflicting a severe wound. Mrs. SUNDAY TAULK DK HOTE DINNER 50c at the Dew Mblne Now under new management Come in and let us get acquainted with you MED A STOVE? We Sell 'em Have you examined thoxe tipplers to see If they will k through the coming winter? Or iierhapH they are old style and oat of date. You cun't get the maximum heat if this Is the cuho. a "i ' ..... 1 ' . 1 . We Handle the Very Latest In Stoves Wo can sell you a stove or range that will give you the moot poH Hlble heat with the least poMHlblo fuel. And they are beauties. Come and see them. 1 l ! t 1 Grants Pass Hardware Co.