Newspaper Page Text
, The Official Paper of Harney County, sTIi Tim-MiiilA linn the Isrgvst rlt.iilntlom and it one of J the bt ailv'tilng medrSSaYBl Ketrn flirpm e m VOL. XIX. mimt$Mtfutk m m V as fr : " : tVfei rt MsrstQ Cstmtrrj r en mm of .eW.WJ 2 . ,,ri,.w"w .. y . BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY.ORKGON, J. " ! ARY 6, n WO. T. tuc i'cutdii nunnnN DO An on nrw IImp of track, the nrot-1 IN THE DAYS OF LONG AGO murderer of John Sexto. I III. VI.I'i lm vii4vn nr. . , pec la for heavy ps.r'nings from the " idev the rond ip ready for operation I HI ORRfiONIAN NEW YEAR ISSUE OrVBS TONNAOE. Mew SBMBSJ feaalMlltlea el i-t.itrtr W It is Ul Trrttl PIMHa--i laalaaM. While lie inhinN tn hi. much 1 woman, it seem aha in to be SrSOS reimrtioularlv promising in Or.- HISTORY 0 THE OLDEST EASTERN durorowl as wall. K Mr wouia gon east of the Oaeoade Th. 0RC00N COUNTY. onnsult the court journal of principal items may be autnmarii-j I Malheur county he would Bnd that ed a follow Flrat, liinhar SS1 hi former wife had faved hin. tl-r liimlieri Moond, oareals and otln-r Wast Casety Paraxrly Ceaiirtn all at trouble of gating a divorce hv al- i FORMER OOVBRNOR kll The New Vaaf addition of the ( Irrconmn is quite a dkjappniutmaiit Mi -adera in lbigiritj. While il ia poelhlv up o former Uiuat In one respect, it lack particular and accurate new concerning the iffl prod into of (li soil, third cattle; fourth eh"'. fifth wool; sixth, merchandise. rxpra and mail. eventh, pairigere. Taking the items adeeriutnu, the follow figures are ooneenrmtv". baaed upon com pilations SSrefollr caloulaled: Two train a day and 200 toon to a train Average haul about The Start Part ( the Caere- laitrtftlat gtecnea tetaraa ba te:280 milea; e-tituatod freight rate. Tin Dalle Chronicle print the following entertaining review of Waacn county, the origin of it oaroe, its history and ee'tlement. TeM ObrSsMh aaya; The oldeet political division in thie portion of Oregon in Wasco ready securing one. srwl in now the wife of ennther man. AND PLUG KNOWS A BOMB USED W ITH DEADLY EFFECT AT MS IDAHO HOME. Prank Steaaarecrt Maw a Up 'at HI Uarc-AII the Pnwar Intake te tea D Hit aaasntsi, ' 'i 41) i' in The r 1 lodsv propowd railroail r-m natron to tiotanta, iw i- ,2H0 per ton: For W)o days to imnlv. t WM rgmniMil by the hinfl m re .left- t, yesr. results hp ,trial vears before the state However. It does give some! Anilim i,imgn. I'JO.OM .. ...Imitts.l to the Union Fr.ighl at t'.'Hd p, r ton. $Ms Th following were its boundar- 000. ea: Commencing at the Caeoadea Cereals and land product fbo 1 0f tne Columbia river; thence tip total acreage of irrigated and irri gable lands reached is over 507,000 aura. Transportation of the pro ducts of half of this at two tons per acre ami a freight rate of 12 per tatietical facts which hear nut the statement made by The TioiMi He ,.l,l last week that It is after the baHtnaaaj of Central Oregon, and ihere i sufficient tonnage 1 1 justify the building "f the road. It will le uill regardlen of the movement 1. nil- Th- map showing liie location of ,...l snd weal line m n. "nu"t m- Ufae other half from the irrigable I to show only the general i...,!, ...,i ,iln wi..,i ,iM, .... tr, iliro.-t;oii, as It has the genr...hv IggbJa produot out of the calcula of line Motion so badly iwiateii that ' i0lt one can gel no nl-,. ..f it Regard-1 Cattle If this road carries one ing the railroad bnild'i g in r. i.tral l4Mtti, f the oattle exnorteil from ( iragon it atate in part : Qteimi In Itfll. il ineane lOfiK Jamee I' O'Hrleo, - i,r' -,U'1 1 hood of cattle or 4 lo oarloa.U, with mai.agr ..." the South-! ,n Rverage haul of ISO mil-. At miiI river to the point where the southern shore nt said river if 111 tereecled bv the southern boundary of Washington territory; thence east 11 lung said boundary to the ton reaches 1,1 H-l laM , null leaves .tnntwr,, boundary of Oregon terrl- The new route under considera tion from Natron tn Oolsrio will cover a distance of approximately -!' mile, and will lap a greater territory than. is to le found he- here In Hie Cnited Hi tat tndny v without railroad Mrvlou, sayt 1 blown off nod l'tnnk SlMin'nbtri;. forSICl nor of Idahi. vmis killi-d ;il 6:40 oVIim k last atuid ioj. nt bis home in tbc tfrrtirbs dwvll. A lMmb was pi 1. -il t of ihe ;al- with a OMt CtMtritNNKM by whivh ii explode! he entered Moth legs In lived bu' K 11 iootca There is no V reason for the outrage but it 1 nl to Borne member f tin famous inner cucle of the Coem d'Alenc dvn.'imilrm whom In I 1 0i asn lirwa nd On djroari and Savagotiot isajy. recently announoed ofllelsllp hgl th" sum of 14,160,000 had eau eat aside to build II li'xl . . in 1 tae of this In..' 1 . il allien 1- JUM ,11 in rllnr:. . .Igi- ! . h, i ulgi 1 tli uiapa us lar- the lower figure earnings nf 1112,400 are shown But nm -third railmr tliail one-leiith Ih a inlli li llo'i' rraaonabb' eslim; p The Nnle 1.1 point oot nt (rionf"i I".". nr i-iort- eil at rHHj.lMH) Crook CoUDl al inu I 11 shown on the tax (ury: thence uloog the eastern boimdHrv of said territory to th southern iioundary of the , j theuce west uloog saul southern k. . .. 1 .. p . 1 iha Pa aMAflA iiuiiir. Creek gap, aftei ahiebils lama lo tin plsce of tieginning ' Oregon then extended from the Pacific ocean to the Rooky Moun tuiue. iiml Vauu BODOty cuiiiprin-d uotern pail Inn wean the Portion of what is BOW 'he slates ol Idaho nlniuc ainl .Munliitm were UMinprised Willi in ils bum I U To tin antiquarian it is a matter insult (he rec ord in the oil -V DaasM m The J .1 th en, .n returns Ontario Argus. Its entire line will lie through a country lhat wiil d yelop rajiidlv under the chanired conditions that will trip (he few oflbeir Mwer to "hold down" 1 he advantage iher tiberiied from nn- ture by reason of having gut Hire PWWCUted to relentlessly in. flrat It will Ik. a haven f..r lb when he wa governor. Jnhnnv-eoine lelalv, iimi nnl main mil rnoding is prepatinjj tn pari veins will pass until the chnracfor tin' full itippotl of the state be- istic of today will ho the lone ami hind llu- olli. lain in mnoin dOWB the legend of a forg't ten pi ,u. ,., p, (I ..,N ,,( ,lC Clmu.. Fron. llourio lbs will CWHr,l U) ,j,c follow Ihe Maiheui river, and cross 0(((J l- into Harney vain- thrnugh t'rane nniniilt of $18 been offered for the inuhii'i.'i I' ia thi.iiobt n route ia " ' 1. ... u.. 1 .:- j. ..:.. . rather .nor difficult to -" '": mgm from thin ci.H. It will cros the 00lty will b i.-l Silvia river at Burns, or a few wna tome 01 lis nesi m limits below II ami tin 11 bend al- scene nnd lb- slate willed im-al dir. :. west for the Casei,. i-il..s lhJ fsal in re u will take a hharp Imixl i fan find powei !tbo iinrthve-i ruin. roe into Natrui Steunetib?rg was goventOf in Si. keejing Shivering FlU 7-1901. .hi gad ieli childrtu lie II was M thn e roll M ilhoaf and llan.ey not much if auv hm. Fiaurinu on llu frou U n!ui Wall timl othe' pr- lli- ..a. nt along the Wilh.ii. , - aafoi eattU. anolb-r em . In o-i, ngt .... and evuu o.l crossing to the BOOtorn ui (, , , 4(MJ f, lH ,ij,d ( ,lm, , ,Mlu -nd Montana ilateoti can ha maib it is atutid Oovcraar to DUsohe MM Cowpenles. , . - nun nl f 1 ;;,4HO oiiy 'I. ...!ai 'iirtiiliKa ,1. gradnm a ..... exdlf . ,.!-. 'ouaideriiig the '.Mis.., -nt, altbongii the am line bu.t; OOOpooodotl Oregon's pr,.,linu, ill have a maximum of I r nl ., svtkt n ,B m ml( .Hlll. until uch time a r pSM irlh w,n otllr,, , , m 1, work that will a long. , r()(4j M we . con-id,rillK j,,, oMItorar, .uipnaii. ,.,... e..,- g,, ,hMg Bt Hh.ii.ieo. tl,. Crook plat the perleiii new una Or-gon Eaaltrn Compauy The was fire, d a few uuoth- ago for the oiirpoo of luiiidn ,: a hue from Na'.ron aeroae ih .livid- , thence lo ' iniario, making .in uai.1 and wet railroad MfOM lb center of liie stale, from wti lit I. ranches ore ptopoaed lo Im nuill north lo the irrigate n along th upper ui.- liiv.M 1 tn Klamath Falln nnd nil ' "liter irrigation of ago- " .. d an . I Bitten I . tin . im in malaria, fur 11 emm 1 'no curative inline. 11 0.1 11 .1... ....... drivi... it entire! "' " - Oreg. court records had been itj m g ( In neea'nO. ninnd than I. : lein c - i'r Kll.g'a New 1 I srr jo .1 liver troul)le. u at th- Drug v r from faul M f ed I, oali 011 1 H. Davis t n Oregon jobn National Bank OF BURNS OREGON. A Several Banking Business Tnwacfcaf rrrwmti 6mpAt ml tAt mm rtt trjf. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. DIRl n Daly. C. A. Maine. ramtna. Twawasliat II M. HortM, M AiaXANoaa. Pareinasr Wa JuNj m - -ron oe-ewo . vrea, Oaahlat test CaahteT r.M.ia. h ImJk ' e' , FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO, OREGON. Illt.MI-l I .ll. I on . i 1 ...-.(m. W Solicit Your 8nkiuij Business. MTOCKIKM.IU mot, I II Tot, C V. Kenyon II Aleand.-r. K-ti ns. Wlllia Miller. Frank R Rafls, Th.w Toti FaXOC. JM0f i KMt. r . Mi Ilnnka n)4r 1 kr !'. 111 1 nf a anaa. 1 M Ji.uri nrvaerv.d, sul.poenu' - would'beon file wirved in e.v'l aetimi on it iiss at Fort Hall aud other places hundred., of mile distant In IHo'.l tin statu wus admitli ii iiitu the Union, ami a latgu portion prefer i.iuiue, having none ir I'hiiu.lwrlaiu within a fee nf'a l.e.l ufl..,...ff-nl- " " lorHe4IOe Willi t US OSStS term. nu of the ( oltimbiu of Wasco was plucrd in Washing 1 BOStssrs, are crowded to r. pli.tiun ion and other territories Then with wool every kSSSMi smith:-. auie politioul disintegration, and Hiinl in just about the center of Hie in ISt'.'J Jiekor county an formed In.. under dlACUallou o wool , i ihe lugialuturc, and also I'ma- couriug plant, to handle K.' tO.OOO tills. In lstJI, I'iiku. county was pounds, ia building at Portland wt apart, (.rant in I87U, OfSSh in that at Poiidletou boodUd I .'and in the yeara fcllowing piionda l-ul aeaaon and is to have Hhorman, (lillinin aud Wheeler, il capacity doubled Is that tret- Th. cuuntv now comprises about tic 10 buth direction is assured '.'-Pio s.juare miles, aud extend on At lea than cu.ieut rate wsolltbt no. then, boundary, from lb.- dsvi In . . ., . . .. 1 8 Miiudar, nf HenrietU T- " " '- ' "" " writes: ' -M br..i her wa very low: W'"- lr""k WHsstaaSO sf wiH. malarial fever nnd jh...,"' corporation department ol Uiihotonk Klectne BiUar. which oroUry of Uto'i off... ha- t u.ul i.u lie. a. il.. nu, 11,. u ed over lo th" governor a list vi tor; price 50c, guaranteed Bay Marc I and .'. ihiu e iriiuralions n hid. have been a . dolinqoonl fur tan yers, and, 11. 7st Lesc Star RE8VAURANT i" lor. MBf Abu HOJRa Bskopy In eonnsstion vriitlty af SkeTl nfSetg. Tshll ISfTeSaSf tbomarkd 1 . patron y Howard BwMSt.PBBSBaStI w. n SCSSSS.VaM ' ta.ocsrr & vy a. A COaVSSN Jk 5'., SS -. . a .. S ym national mm CALI)WI:LL, IDAHO A Oencral Bankin-r Businons Transacted ' CORRESPONUKN" IRD Jk k-ST ore wn h tl H, law, the ynri.or urn 1. in 1 ., 1 , time di, ling the mouth of Ja..uar Ian.! jtif-s can ne ret.iKii.'e.i anti. .'. tin payment of ell lock license I - dial. lets and d M Jsf iigrinultu- ' ,,, $117,600 to the returns ('us.'.idt' Locks to the mouth of the b-Mute Merchandise, general prodtide, Des Chutea, a distance of aLoui no Havmc ,1, .iluiu.J. ei ihe south- maiia u(j express Taking into miles rSSSfl Sf i'sikor'l Isap I tool the rnpul settling in o Tina is along the hue of the Col- htljf vsryit! SilsSlsf Kla- ; ,.,,iire district, development nl umbia river, ami the O. RAN 11 ill. Keils, Uie .i.gineenug corpa jnduaines, greul and little break- 1 mpunv' rallroud follow the lie li. Ill baa 1 und thai Ihe eh- ,K fsrSM sf irrigated land, at k river Irum ihe wuetern to lb- eeal- 111 may Isr u.ainUlusd with ' interesta everywhere, oud apply u.g orn boundary. Acros the county little change 11, extending south- MUon , ullsideratioi.h Is Hw Balks h-m the eastern hue to Buck H..I- Hk"w ' "" wovaruiucin con len. plated, nf iJlW S Lit.u.i,,,, ,.., 1 (Iku. iaiMillii.ii..j i - - 11. .. """ i"' "... . ..w... ! per uuv is yery conservative iuu- few years lo add V.3C,tJOO acre of for the year SMSSfl ISlt. irrigated lands to the productive tuMio,mble. The moat recent fig- nurd to the greut tioverumeiit ;,,.,, .temnlated. eeri.iinn of 1 lLM low. a little below Hhear' bridge, is . Alhlelie hallJauini' fSMSveul .ia . . I, A litk only 40 mile, and this is the nar- '" l,e given in memory 01 1 no 1 i,,lu,illV ,.,.,!, Kel up roweal part, while fmm the tiorlh weaterii corner to the eouthttasleru urea ol Oregon and N .rtheri. I'ali 1'irnia With easy yrudtent by the Cali- ures for population of several of ht .part SO mile beyond Antelope on In addition to ten acre of which 11 purchased for lurn.iual purposes ul Ontario tin ' Short I. a..- bun purchase. i a farui "t IN scree near the city from Thome Marlon. Frank VsJS "d 1 Wright The deal was in 'he name of the O S 1. and Ihe pursssst sgls was 112,000 1 111 the iielghborliood of the .u, ehaaes of the railrouil eumpuny ai Mlling lor m ironiage ,o.. .. Sjt,v( A lU.k Md , ..,, the Uioiii I going higher cuts, burns u.ulsorea. th. City Drug Htore A uniiUe dnnue is to be given in Athletic hall January r Tseevent Alfalfa al. A Ull rsaod d, Turk THE CARTER MOUSE. AHl KtCAN IM.4N ONTARIO, Okl. N. Fire-lJroof, Modern. Hleant. RsUs $a.oo and $2 50 ptrr day. AH Outside Rooms Near Depot Tin 1111..I1 in ssSr I '! ws onK pened to th public. M.ii in 1 '"in. 1 . pcop - v.liomo and courteously i connection. LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. her I'tauty. 1 II .ward, of W :;i . . . loix.ul urn lime tuul Iter Oeaulr wuh skin troutiif She writ- I had Salt Rheum lor . ore, I. ui nothing would cum I .lit I used buokleu - An Bobble Doreey, an .ld di easing mas eytan alfalfa seed, Re.l , terof Prineville, and is leing ui- Call and examine unl ftf r ranged by Wm. Wigle, who will , ibibUs diiuuce "''' ' " '""" "" pu14'" "k lb. towus alonu the ('antral Oregoi. the John 'lav river is a la. line Irum the Cascades to the Hnaks nf ll0 ..!. Km... i.nrlh U. anulb "'a t""" Oanuea given i.y tn.e wen toruia North -urn from Wd and Kiver am a follows: Prineville of HO lime 'In Bounty i (it) mile 111 length remembered dancing teacher ii.e by th. -Oregon Cistern from Natron, ifOQ Hums, 1200, Outario, 1600 The word VaBco wa derived Ooor Stauagera are C ntth, kiauiaih Kalis toSf ut no distant Suu.pier, 3000; Canyon City TOO;! from a tribeof Indians who i..hab-0w)r-" aouUior. 1' H I'omu. day become th important midwa i;,..!. f.OO: Uidlaw. 300 And all iu-d this uoriiini of ihe northwest. ' . Howard, M lltgge ' Robert Ferry died ut neari failuie lust Tuesday n.-.riiiug at tl I 'ETTWTtTFTwW . aasM ' a . aH wj..- ...a.-.'.. i n im m m m A Jg V NieruM. VF 1 i 'ut V .Tj, 1 I. N 9 t jft i - sl f wapion d. ooya Real Estate. Mines and Mining. . mm- aPV r . J. STEVtaS MS Mm TOOL OB. tl W e. o. au Mi OMIOOPCK PALL HA. U. . A, W jf CJf Ovrasto, Oi ii. M VT X ".."arWeSke as uric. J sr f ' J" afl&aSsna a MC mmwmmmwmmmmmmwmm . point . i the tl ugh route between ul, ..jug fMi. d kaj BSgM a given to them Portland and -..n Francisco. The J'eaenger traffic An ea'.iuiaU oecauae the were adept in muL prMin ssln a.., ..I the Southern ()f ,,nly 60 a day to pas irTT 1st ling Nilii ahluh snllsssj I uoih wuuhi n t i aoauduned by i me is mol moderate. At 3 cents of the hard ville Journal. E. N. NELSON Hag st svar 24 yn WANTED Ag.nte, Huatlera basaltic roek abound- Salesmen, Clerk and every! i.j ...e...a, ... ...- mo sawasr ., mile tins lota. a 10 soi,wo earn- i,,y in that regi..D lbs basin wi,0 Wlku lo enjoy a good hearty uc alone t to great fur that, but it mgs for the year. Vera Mgerlv oof hi In iba ahurig-', Uj BOllj fe for 'T. is ni..rf.icr iiiuusuir mat miiiujn 1 akllig no aecoliul ol lorunnui ,i.i-s lor poundini; or grinttlug uiita ..-...- " A'ui .., irain- will operate over ijutn routes burgee, which it lb impoBible now tt ,, oauai runts intou coarse meal alter ilae uew Una are linked iii ln , .jQnte in advauce wun auy n.en . xtnaively used a food by Soiaihotii ..; lb 0a i,.giee of accur cy, ihe items abovoS.. rVh i.n ... nut the line given totsl 12,292,145 a earnings he anticipated lor the in. -I year of the up. ration forth. OsagSS Kaalern, when completed laii.-'h hi the tali of I hi i,,ti amy I Klamath Ma. she-. II an earlv llQaiu-. lo be .in. If no- i;uoi:id to ihu finauoial dirt 1 ol in.. y .tcui, ibe tact h .- u SiAlle public; out II is udillli- be purpoag 1 bstol U) con - is ilmlv ena.:l d, pietitu the asaUou of IM bom Death ..tie. anatbei Victim Advent ut tin. representative ol or Fueuiooiita VUUI MAKSIUU WOMAN. any per son who utile goods for a lifi If not satisfactory your money I back. ('ircular for stamp. Pr, While electric Comh Co . I ' tur.Ill Watchmaker and Optician. Second door north of post office., Oxegrors. A A I. liagcuy Mark hi lugh hi al i- M Maxtor, in-1 1 u stir asking Hun tl. ind of mat- J r.uniiiv : ,e UOUliuully td iierelofore b.-t h und' in tiiu.iBjnds. of M,il lleadley.o. im.,. pioperly ..-. in euuh ,naa ng, Mabel Rhode. he formaP-j f OuoauniBtion ', ami legally dissolved. In hie igbi mpluint hi troug railru'iila, limti. ..i colds an propei ij Heated, the pooeed t.dant in Run , intereair into Oregon u tragedy is av-r tod. (i llunlley, ', , .ml, r th '.eortlidad sotiii Imv utedi it of O il. laudim. Ivui, ariuai Al y psgstion that eiie was a widow. niHi.iiive that ll.u ilurriumn a, - wife had in aonatimptUHi, and Muc theg be has become acquaint-1 u sniet.Uid the advaniiigeouo lostoM gave tier op. Finally ilwitiithe aturtling (act thai she . HlIU Ihev h.lVi li let. .fur. uciil- I ' III the oi. jUWOa'fbi hence :'ie cunatiueiiun uiuven. -n; that ie !"- in us uutgu.tu.iu all biiu- ner stale that are rti-nliv been a.uong thn foro- iioat in railroad building in the "Hale. Wl it is nut usual! eatiiuatod railroad traffic otlici.tis that iui- i dntie touuage may he devub.ped t Royal Baking Powder 2s made of Grape Cream of Tartar h i. .k lb. King's "-w li.,covery wite tin legal wit. ut on Auto I lor 'ids, It hod. v bo is very much al. which cured her, ami today she ia hm nut apparently anxious lo claim well ami Htiotig ' It sills the .that v. Inch he had d at the AbSOltltvlV PlltC germs of all diseases Hue due altar. There were no fruite of ellh relieves (iuaraiileed al oOc and i er uuinn und the complainant doe a The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Fsr Sak isiy al Hotel Burns Har Aients, Burns, 0-e. ejTRi.thci J hi ' ui THE CAPITAL SALOON, 1 lUHCII A r. Biirns, Crogon. XaOse Tlxls X3Ieid.qL-v-xaxf : Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billi-trd nnd lool labl5. Club Rooms in Connection fl.OO by the City Triu! hot. In free Looking for snap V ii Bu I. luiai.'a ad. Drug Kture. is Hchwartx uo the present wbeieabouts of hi i ' -twhile mate Raker Cilv Demuorat This is the .vumaii who oame here a the wife of Hairy Kgbart. th.' Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. CHAS. WILSON. UCikOaTO.W.l0 A Alt. i ttlacksiiiithsog and tiursshftciog. Wagon Work. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. OsWSJ IT IHTOlAKO loomrriij kmmnu mencimja ma anr aaaaBBSBsaBWBwaaBaa J& H aSBssWSninsWasaj Ostr BOO j'-ffll fc-nJ ir ituaHul A . ' 'Vsoo Uo turjm. fl I agL- SBaVsVaaCftHrSlWcOMPAMY. HilSIAK. 1. L LEWIS lkfkfla 1 isrsst PARTICULARS and PRICES Te .tSt aMrisf INFORMATION. IgtS Main St., Burns. Oregon htSlliNS. THE TIMES-HERALD. Job Printing.