Newspaper Page Text
SKhe ttatf-pmUL SATURDAY. FBRRlAnYlO, 1OC. HUHSi-KirnoN RATKH: On Tur . . W Monthi Thrar Mnnibi .1.00 JULIAN MVIlli - - - - fttaaar. CUT THIS OUT. Tlu- foiiowiiijr eommtni end irnpr sM sent us by Fred Oll Willi n request to publish. Mr. Otley's family has been iii;irun tim'il .is .1 H'sult of the scarlet fcvci i-p;il inn .it I.awcn. and he states ho bad occasion ti nee ll with m. M allstai lOTJ results. It was clipper ii. .in the Telegraph Herald, Iowa, and i tedi thw I herewith append a recipe which has lu-en used to m knowl edjfe in hundreds c.l CMe Md will prereiil Of cure the smallpox though tin- pilthigi arc tilling. When Jrnnei iii-m t i.d I small pox preventivi in Kngland the world of science inn led an ava- laneh of fame upon his head, bin when the most scientific school of imiluine in tin woild i that v Paris) published this rt panacea for smallpox it passed mi heeded. It i as unfailing at (ate and conqueis in cvei instance It is harmless when taken hv .1 well person. It will cure acailel ltei. 1 hive used it and cured in eluiiitr u-i leirai . 1 let it 19 as I have ued 11 to cure small pox when learned phytkiaM Mid the patient must the. If eounlies would compel physicians to use this there would l no nerd ol pel houses. If you value n usi this for thai term isc: ! ,ipc for iinallpo. and scarlet fever Sulphate of im, one 1 1 . grain; Foxglove (digitalis,) one ( t 1 rain; OOI hall 1 ' teai (ul ul stager; nil with two lablespooufuN of water; when tbOfOUghrj mixed add foul (41 nun. ea 0 -1 1 ful every houi. Kithei 1 will disappear in twelve hours. For a child smaller dose, accord iug to age. In' thai out and S.l.l The "hero" Immediately re phed. "M friends, then trait"! m the hall I Put bun Mil !" Hat par's Weekly, TfiACHBRS' RVAMI.NUIOV Went Throufh Ih Otobe Amun the lull ol Silgo then i a .1 Mil. ill l.iki renowned in t;i 1; region Im 11- fabulous depth, and is told the following Korj com em- injj it: A well known profes" .1. who WM in that part of Ireland this Miinmei, started MM Ll 1 a mountain, accompanied b) a native guide. As they eta asked bun if he would like to see the lake "loi it'- M bottom at all, son." "How do vou knnw that, Pat?" asked the pmfe "Well, suit, I'll tell ye. Ml own i.msiii was show in' the pom1 gentleman one day, sorr, and Ii look mcreiluli us like, jus! .in roil do, and me cousin couldn't stand it for him to doubt hi-, vm id. and so he s.ud, 'I'll prove the truth of im- w.iiK" lie Midi end off with Ins clothes and into I be water he lumped " The prof r's face wore an amused ami expiession. "Yes, sun, in he jumped, and didn't MOM up again, .1: 1 I, at all " "Hut," the piofcssor, "I don't MS that lie proved Hie point by drowning liimscjf" "Is it drowned? U ,. bn drowned at all be was. Burt, didn't a cable eottst bC4B bi'ii next da 111 Anieiici, ethia' for his clothes to be seoi on?" N.itiei' in heie'iv hold the regular applicants foi papers, at Ihe eoorl ha Ihirnev Count . ' l.nv I :!. ITATI I IPI M Commencing W dm sdn ' 14. at 'I o' ifi until Sa'ur.l.M . !'"' 11 I , I o clock m Wednesday: Psnrn rv, spelling, al?. I 1 law Tburadej : Wrl Theory ol u ki 1 plns, 1 h - Kriil i Phj atantal nritlm ' I'hv - iy inetrv. if 111 ral b lin ratun p I mi: eotjs Como sm .1 -..- W I tinning until Prldfl . rtaer, -i . w, tan rni . 1 r . ..ill, rg ii hy, i- nli Thursday W ology . Kriilav 1, gi nli Ihmetfo, - 1 inrnt. 11. :m itn w r graphy, arithmell Thursd 1 Sell' A HOMUIll I fill' - 1 ,: , I . . 'II. 111. i, ri itlog of lb inv nl..i 1- tin! Ii M 1 '.link ' in roaderfal nilh I'r l.:i - I hru-li .,: to Hal lays Ilea lectrl tl.. .ui B lag. Our kgi ' I I I Nl (halt 1 1 be lr Wini III. 111. Kilr..' II I. A .1 Irwi'i Ban Math at 11 a. in. .' p. in l ! n at 2 ' Mfdlal Invil .vim iui. etteud I u Ai tin l'i Burns, He.. A .1 1 . ' AoofBcei of the Ann. was one day referring in e humorous vei;n t" the large bod-, ol l 1. issnaal bi roes" produi 1 .i bv our w.ii with Spain, when he related 1. mm of Wi .in poJilk in woo endeavored to make capital 1,1 11 I w.H '' ie. oni ill . ul a. 'I'hi!, poliliciao, shortly after hi: return to the United Suites after being mustered OUt, bum. candidate for a minor office 111 the gift ot the Male Of Indiana He ni de in ins fl-unboyani ip in;-, in which frequent referen injected to the effect thai he had iWaM "been in the loiefronlof I,., Igbt." Furthermore, he dwelt with emphasis upon ln . braver) in two battles in Cuba Mere fought on the same day. At this point some unfeeling and skeptical person arose and asked the speaker how such a feat could have been possible, seeing that II. e battles lefeiied to hail been fought at pi. lies some tS nnies apart Neur&lgif And Other Pain. All pain In pair. tl. 1 'Ihe darting, buri inent nerve 1 sory tiei' is tli othi Dr. Mil ' '.it. ran ly . cr fail t" p mis by tool I nerves, ami tiaii'piility. Dr. Miles' Aiui-I'n.. leave ni bad aff are a reliable 1 kind of pain, sm i. backache, stoma. 1, lea, rheumati They also relieve I Sleeplessness, II ' ing, - 1 tar.l 1 j -.. ,, 1 1 Or. Milts' Antl-Piln PI'lt ar vyur drugjikt. who Will th t.rt oacluaa will fails lis will return yuur money. If It 1. . . ftrtt patkago wilt tun. 25 uo.o.. 2a cants. Naver aolu In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind sunibiv.' of eaoh month al II a. i ibbasb sol 1 1 1 ' a . m sniug Bund school II . (.;. ill and ni Van ll Mil ' . : v W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. ropial nd Domestic Fruits when in Season. tl ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. All kinds of Fnesh VegetnblnB In Sanson, GIVE HIM A CALL. - PROrRMIONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, rmitrCY at LAW, llm-iin, Oregon. orjiei' tirt ni at Baa. Main Street ill ?L at It, O.-fUON I y - THE-VVINDSOlt .. afJsaWaaWsSaBBsisWasfSJe" and jriir (ultind V '!:;tntmit::7;;ttt:.'num!trv ItlJAM DROP IN AND LOOK ni. the ' nblk tn call when rJeeirin( liw IN MY LINE. n'.s and Prices 1 ka, ewelry l all kmoa, .; 1 , i l.iiiilp.nnti tl I bin. 1 al .Vlllll : : . !iutntmtuntttnttiuuiuit!itmt:.-n , w noee. i.m w.N i" Biggs & Biggs ATTORNEYS- A'l - LAW, OR I'rnetie- in all the aottftl of Ore. Oolleotlone arsenpUii snne ... I htm, 1 . W. PBRRISH & REMBOLI). Altornnyp ut-I.fuv, MiiniHdinil Canyon 1 v . iOriron, arm 1..,,. 11.. In tli.. ronrls "I " irsnt ri.imlloa mill In tin "' "' ""' .ii.. 1111. 1 alwi 111 U.S 'an. I "'' -iri-. 11. 1 avuuard, 1 maaai ai-i ., , stteatii '" ' ol'' ' ti.iiis and Rani Batal matter". 1 lie In ... Hot 1. 1 Pnl : lii'HMS, " OntQtJo-fiafTnfi Stage iiine. I I biiuriJ nt (!:'!( a 11 lv from ( Tin- only thn I transft'i re ..3 t., J railn ,.- ... rir"i-eui .inii'iiinDiis. -i t so good Bating .-, nitni ilistai Btl S. B. VII 1 L. Wold I I &Mm B. si,i:ioiik. AllilHVKV. Bonne, " C.,11... ...Hi", lain "' '' laitfr i.roini I H iW '" DR. M. J. CERDES (ii BjSjral l'i" I" I Meilieme Willi Bnrsjary. OaU .r..iiiill. iii'-.t. I is) 8 nillit. Hn-nsey, OreR-ni. Don't Overlook the ptc:il Inducements Offered . . .in.- in as .,r artMsaj il ti let VQipH Msnil ) ' 1 l 1 ..-.,. -uf J. n BV, Ontario, Ortgoa 1 w .-ii ' .irtl.iiiil an, 1 Hols E w M 1 1.1.1:1;. NOTARY PUBLIC. burins - - - Oregon u .' OOIiBM v. ographei and Notary Public MS, 0 :ma J.ilis I i.Y I'b) ilcians end Snrgi IUI syr I I Ibbnixl .' w tii.oi I )1 v. C. kmow . DE1TTIST. 1 (in., 1. 1 . 1 . ORFGON SHOHTLlNf Aiir unitfN Pacific Mf.arl I fra. I ! B. ir I .1 p n., ii ni I. Si I . ; I M Ml II 7 n i. -.. 1. . ii . 1,. 1 I . Salve Bejesj -,. BULLS FOR earlingj and o Quani. FBEKCH-OLENr THE BURNS HOTEL -I. t THOMPSON, Ptopi. d J I can Meals, Comfortablc in, Courteous I reatn ent. Accommodations for the rii p Traveling 'Hen. J . i ,ss IK BVER PaiBTIODLll jn rt Patronage Solicited 1- 03XTT . ED AND SALE s Cure Your Cough stop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat und drive out your Chronic Cold, with tho only 1 tain, anu strictly soientlllc, Cure lor Cough iu J coldj: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION IS & McGEE, Propts. M in, .--. , i'..uii, Oreaoa. ' ' r v . t'-'celve (he best of care fi'oin evpesiasjajsj hands, H ivory turnouts tt'iijs flccommodated 11 asj ji;d Sold. r, 1 hi KM :. 1 M N I 1 ai.. Ul.' M 1 ' MwUlHI. II.111..I. .,.,,, I !uil .. . . I SI 1 III US , mi av- 1. .mil, rrttfai .. u ,. . ' ' Vl . nlvr. M,-,l...c... Iliil an. I ll.. , ;,,, l'oallul. . .,, BI II1.- ' IIAI-11,1, M, SJ ., 1 . ........ I an. I f.uilli Muudax. lu II. I...W.I , u.ii r) 1YI.VIAKKI1! HmIii K All. A I..,,,.,,. 1 (,,; in.. 1 1.-, l.y aril.. . t'lark, - A I. M est use ami . Will 1. 11 H. I nsasssv '41 u Scrip 1 1 ' 1. nit. giv urn 9s.l1 Ml al. UtI i3i s Almost in Denpalr. "Oar little daughtor was givu up uy two physiolnns With consumption of the throat, and we were almost n despair, when our diuggi it recommended Dr. King s Haw Discovery. After taking tour bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat troubk slnoe." OBO. A. LYLER, Cumberluud, Md. 4 kJ Ptlii-, 50c uud i.uo TRIAL BOTTLES FREE BBJBJPJ NKCOSSMKNDaO, OUANANTBCO SJJJBjU i ANireoknav The City Drug Store. .. V VSUQQM vikiSSSri F18E INSURANCE. tii-.-.... t '.ncv C.., o Nt-v York, I i '. I inn. on & (Jlobc, HVaiitW Co , Philadelphia. liHIU.i. uu Mi nroaon. mi ih ,,t LunabuiK & Oaltuu's. v je&WtMW MM0rl9eM JOHN tiKMUKiaiM., 'u.-l,,. )piu-iaii nnil 1 -nmuv it Pine Watch Kiii.unn- a Kbs laity, "9kW tTftApc Manaa fmMWK m I i- lean. :. L I mm. :j. S1000 Mt'M B. W. HAMILTON. iiKk UsiKClur, Uariky Uauly. Hasae addi . .,,.K0I1, in. 1 ni. iranl 11,., .. a. I . Brosro BaUtii A. Luudiii A 1 0I1 in .Mil.,, Mm, 1 Vuualur AiulruH -lloin.. Illlr ... 1'arliw latSSMilaj, t" Uiuvu nook should eivs Iks lasBetoi 01 , ,, Un .lays' ii..u. . iV, I'u., For Pttsw, UiirtMj,