ft he wt-$ttM.
ATURDAT, KHHt'ARY 17, 1106.
Om Ymi 1200
Ms Montha 1.00
Thrw MnntM K
JULIAN WYRir - - - - Maant.r
Arnn Dowh writr-s of the nMga
wnrs in the I'notlic Monthly nntl
work promises to be exceptionally
good. Appropriate scenery will
Itta be n feature and tin- choruses
will be n revelation to the people
of this section. "Esther is worth
seeing many times and will cer
tainly be appreciated by all who
R H Herroun, a ncvsp.ipri
man, recently from Hum, WM
pictures some portions of Central an esteil at Baker Lay and
Oregonratherbl.uk. In stalling brought to Ontario last evening,
his article Mr. Dosch savs i he hid his preliminary hearing
"Kvery man living west of the
Rocky Mountains probably has gsj
before Justice G. L. King at 10
o lock this morning on the charge
opinion on the right and wrong ol omommg money in laise pre
bctween Hi. cattle and sheepmen ln SfsrWhsf WOTtllrSM
cnecks, ami was hound over m
the sum of $1511 to .iw.nt the- ,u
lion of the grand jury, in ilol.iulii
of which he will he taken to V.ilr
tin'- afternoon and lodgtd in jail.
Ontaiio Democrat.
.In. Oihsnn and his brother Kd
Otbeon were in town from their
ranch over south on Tuesday.
H.rt Bower started for l.nwen
with 11 load of wood returning In
hnlf a day claiming he had broken
thn record for trip to Unit place.
Mrs 0 W McClain passeil through
this plum Tuesday en mtllo to
Drewney on ti visit.
A (' Millard MOM over from Van
'Sunilu to attend teachprs' exami
nation at Rnrna this week
Mm Hell'' Haven iviw a MMMMMf ''"
on the stage Ttrareday en iwrta lo Imnlng, '' 10 ihu Biallard pleea
via Barm after a tiett lo "d wjoyli ! In daae
in then Itniggte for the open
range. Kvcry man's opinion is
worth just so much. It is ceitain
to lie biased Kven the f.uls ian
be biaseil, and so these Ml) be
which are ct down below."
Hi's right. His "facts" read
just like those ol many otini win
crs who know nothing ol M lual
1 oudilioiis, lut thaw then own
puturc after reading reports from
sensational press lipatches. The
illustrations are misleading and
ih awn from imagination Siu h
articles are largely responsible for
the wrong impression the eastern
people have formed of the frontier.
The Times-Herald will not at
tempt tn criticize er comment up
on this article now. but it bring
to the front the happv condition ol
range affairs in Harney county.
BM the pleasant relations of the
i. title and sheepmen throughout
this section The Mocknu'ii of
Harney imintv respect the rights
of tle-ir neighbor and .1- .1 consr-
ajwu ihen .in- no cfaaehea ovti
As an instance of the MtadtMp
existing between sheep and cattle
men v call attention to .1 recent
urrance: During the I..
now storm this wintei .1 large
number of P, C Peterson's sheep
were 1 in off from feeil and In- was
in dangei ol losing the entire
hand not baiOf abli ! in.vc them
through the deep snow. Cattle
and horse men of the vinous
wi-nt to his rescue and worked
with a will to save Mr. Peterson's
stock and they did save them.
All these men use the range and
run their stock in the same u on
ly, yet thej are on the best of
ii-nn- .owl i-11 h respects the rights
of the ether. Range wars are
caused In tin- 1 lass of people who
handle the slock fair-minded
men have no trouble.
At the last meeting of the city
council .irr.ingemenls wore nude
for the annual election to be held
mi March 6 to elect .1 in. not, two
couucilmen a recorder, treasurer
and Maishal.
At the same meeting the 111,11
sh.il was ordered to tear out .ill
sidew.tlks put down at the rxpen
se of the city under a former or
der that had not been paid fot hy
the owners of the ptopertv.
While many objected to sajriBf
walk at the time of the oidci .
thtra will now be as stiong ob
jection to removing them.
teal thoy had everything, eejtog and
In an uproar before the word hutilt
eoulil b thought nf And the sup
uer that M" Dtintnn rotvel was
Itn'iotnce We mel Mr Duntnn in
town tlir next rlny goeea that he
was baying more suppliee
Mm Hill and bar brother I M
Davis entertained n few nf their
frfende last evening it was a line
iiiiisieitl treat
Mrn W l linker enterlainad the
Inging olaaa one : thia week.
Nearly all lh young aaoejle of
Drawatij taking the advantage of
fiiM' sleighing and 111 "in light
A Heating Oospel.
At an adjourned inrctino of the
I iiiintx court last wrek officers
were appointed in the various pre-
. 1111 t- liu the purpose of ri;'
lilg Voters. it should be u'linm
licred that 10 ordei t. parthipat.
in the primaries voters mu
istcr and it is now up to the var
ious i.mdidales to rustle tin n
ttnnds out. Tin- ays, 1.1I juMu., m
appointed w.ie J R f ciiklil .
Cold Springs precinct; V Ii Alb
erson. Alvord; Geo A. Smitl..
W Id Horse; J. C. I'elein. m.
j'uehlo, W. H. Parker, Warm
Springs; Claud Smyth,
lf there i any man in Harney
county close to the hearts of the
people that man is In. Rector.
He is one of the pioneer residents
of the county and closely identified
with its interests in every respect.
lie commands the confidence and
respect of every man, woman and
child of his acquaintance and that
means almost the entire popula
tion. The democrats are certain
ly fortunate in persuading a man
of his standing to enter the race
for the important ollice of county
judge. Should he be successful
the gOOpsa of Harney county may
rest assured of an honest econom
ical administration. Joe's fi lends
say "theie' nothing to it but the
Advertised letters lo? (It.- 1 .,
day ending Feb 1st.
C.i 1 , James
. .outer. Wm 1 aid
Dunkui, C. W.
Gardner, A- J.
Harris, Miss Nellie
Hankins, Pleusautou
Lewis, John
Mullins. Hi:
McGec I
Noiiun Mrs KU.i
Nelson, Charles
Stoll Guslave
Whalcy, H
Wade Jinks
Persons calling lor the above
will please say advertised
I. VV. Welcome P. M
Hoy A Lea representative of
Swift V Co visited nnr DsefabanU
Wtdnaaday ami took (he ttaga la
iimi 1
Valentino day was sonn what
tanii' Owfasf te Hi" quarantine re
strictions n.'virtheless iiuilr a ntitn-
espreeelve and eeotieaafltatl
feJeallnea wete both mailed and
received at our post ollice
W I. N.'il and .1 VV l.eehtenberu'
er were in (own Tuesday iifier a
trip to 1 turtle and Mrs I. BOeOCBg
ni". I Ibeni alter several weeks treat
lames llnrr of Jlennlwiro. Mani
toba. (11, id, 1 paused thrutigh nn Ih"
Pith inquiring for horses which he
prop, is.- to bll) for shipioent to
.1 II Sloti, Id with Northrop Hard
ware ('.) () II li'k'll.)tl. of nick
el, Fell (irocrrv Oo I .. it 1 1 lioni Hoise
worked our town very satisfa.t. rllj
Monday and Tuesday
sVaaeeej aUsar visitors the past
W ; HIT.' till 'lil- I-,. Ml k .'
Warren Bf I'h. itic lliscuil ('.. ,
a It tic with ti Paeife Ooaaf
Syrup Co, I! ( Skil.. of the l; I'Vank
Drug Co and I l llr.iwu with
Ctidany Packing Co each an artist
in his line and comb I they are
ing. .1 W Soui 1, furnished the mu
sh ami III jjtallarri the supper
I ked l"' were there and rottt
reporter we rerpi --,, d lo say sim
iih , lint
The maak hall wae a 1 nt oeea but
the ittendat mi was not larg . There
. r. abonl BO maskers on Ihe tl nr
The seven Indies who repri
tie "simple seven" were the bit of
the evening snd ktiee Peerl Smith
Who repr ellte.l .1 JapailtW l.l.H,
was deelar. .1 Ih" prize winner o
the eveoing There wi-re plenty ot
otle 1 eoelomee worthy nf meril but
"pace is ti ,, limit, d 10 tin Dtion
iheiii all
l i- 1 in hVthetil 9fl Ins r. 1 11 ru
ed from Iturns
Mrs Met 'lain mul daoghtet of
Hums ian,.' oyer I" attend Hie Weil
ding 0 1 he, -i-ler Lena l,,l
Tbe marriage of ' A Wealherly
and Mi- , . I. 1. rt is sol
amniaed at ib" hone "i Ike bride
on lb.- alie. 11. 1. in of Pi b II. Jllltloc
W l Baki r pi rfarmln II rs
The Rev ! C Warren, pastor of
Sharon Baptisl Cburdb, BelatT, Hi,
lays of Klectrio Hitlers: 'ItV a Cod
send to mankind It cured me of
Ian - baok, stiff joints, and complete
ilia pee I was so weak
ji look me half an hour to walk n
mi!, Tuo Lollies of Klectrie Iti'
ters have mad" me so strong I have
just walked thrfi" miles in 10 min
utes iitd f "1 like walking three
nio'e. It's made a new man of
in,'' Oreeteel remedy for weak
ind nil Sioniach, I.iyer and
Kldney nomphtlote.
guarantei it the Oily
Price BOo.
Sold under
PriiK Store.
Notice ol Sale tt Scfcnol Olitrkl Usd.
Notice Is hereby (riven IbstaosrUI
eateol bond e.loitl.m hcl.l by Hehoul
' i, Harney Conntv, Oregon,
was file.1 in my ofllee nn the yslh day
,,1 Deonnbsr, I'xv,, b the jmlaesnnii
clerk nf "ii'1 lininl ele.tioii, wherein it Is
I th it t nn elietion hel.l in I ,i,
. 11 llie l'Ml, da; H IN I il
- roti 1 Ibat the bond 1 1 hW .litrict
sbottkl be leeaed in Mm saai af -i
I ! lea llnii.ireil Doilsra
1 1 or the UUrp cif relllinliliK
sitflfaadlaj bonded In lebteduete,
bonds lo be issn.-.l In dsromlna
lion ol live Hnn,lr-il hollo ggtOtO
sj ii. pavabie ahaetetely In Twenty (2ni
yaere from .late, allot sai.i beostare
aeeasaMeal Ike gteaanraol said school
llstrict at any lime after ten 111 (rear
from date. I ' "-! .i -
lil ill I'nile.l HI In at the
"tllca ni tboO 10 if .surer ,,1 Marnej
1 'oiuity, 1 10 1 , 'as may
lie designated in the (Jit) an. I Mate ol -
New York ill II OttoO of Um piirchas
er. 1 1 I- beat 1 ittr,-t at Hie
rate il not to eaeOOd fix (0 sir lenlnin
sei iiiuiiini, gayabss somhanaoaUy
Bids in be n ii'ii. I the ekots or
any par
We have .he Goods We make .he-Prices We &t the Trade.
Harrows of Every Description
In fact Farming Implements of all Kinds.
Camp Stoves.
In various Patterns. Sizes and Prices.
Shelf Hardware
Builder's Supplies.
Doors, Windows, Qlaae, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Etc.
CEER & CUMMINS, Burns, Ore.
, '';
lIltllH! I 11.1 t i I
Burns Meat Market
I lll receive . ah-.! bill lot lli'-aliove
niony. Tin Iiinl- It a rla .. 1 :, 1 1. ,- ni, to I .,'. ' ' P. 'II
ii late Joseph Koharteon and aitslatahooi ni Momlsy, the Hilb day of f,1,1;'!
i- i'h ii norrirr
nun,. 1 1 i
Sollrp I, l,,rrl, irlo", Ih.l In , ,,tnpllttn. -
,L-r,'." ..I
i,,r il, ..!. i.l
if 1 'k llotr ill '
nvt. .'el "
llliill SCHOOL 1 III KHN
D. Hatfe lia announced
his candidacy for count) judjje in
this issue, (or the consider. tlion of
llie dcinini.ttu Metre at the April
niniuiies Mi. IllgSl 1- .in old
tinie resident of flame) count)
and served one term as county
commissioner. He has a large
number of friends throughout the
ci unt) who consider him .1 strong
man and hope he will be the nom
inee of hi.i party. Mr. HuMy is
in business in this city and ,i lie
asserts in Ins statement, will at all
Units be 1 1 aiiy to transact county
business. Attention is called the
statement lie lias published in this
The High leheel Literary Boole
l) met Krnlayaftarno.il at L'.l'i
The piogram for the al'ternonn
consisted of.
loii i.y Society Oemradoe
Instrumental Solo. Lea Holniison
Current Events Will (Joold
Easav Vivian Jordan
I'-'-ate Hesolve. That Arbitra
tion Should Take the P!a of ir
Allirmative. Neil Htuith, llho !
Teiril and Km ma Muller, negative,
Mason Smith, Krank Knit; a"d Ada
Tile judges on the del, ate ,ru,
I sMM II Hamilton, Haynion.l Si
more ami Irving Miller, they dtci I-
e.i in lavor ot llie negative llie
untie was Will (iould
Song liy Society
Hocked in the Cradle of the Deep
Vo.al l)uet
Hyrd King am! llolen. Sivain
Vue-al Solo .... Myra Kin,'
Song hy Society, Come Hirdie lonm
After erfchVe report the president
auiMjiuted Myra, Hyrd and Krank
King to prepare tho program for
next week.
Wednesday evening tVssduotoi
Hurry ,ev of Diet) S I, accompan
ied li v htewNhSSSM from bin limn,
in Huntington en route 1, hum
Il with frien.1 (t was
d Hint he in -late. I ,,i
1 prominent pOOltlSO "Kl the Iliu
llV Valley Divisinu af the O S L
ami ll ibjeat roopeotfully r-
l-rml I.. Id" tireat liehgioua wlioee
head light claims to have imidu
information on railroad-.
Mi-- QaseJe Bsbeeteea af lma-
srhlh r.l.irninn to her dlltien ni
twokkiiiH-r for Patter, Miller A
Hits wan at the Ugu hon-e wnitiug
r.mm Tseeday ssstsj ig
Mi- A I Millard Went to loin,"
1 iy evening In attend teaahete
"xamiiiatt n this week.
Impiirie-. 1 oneerniiig the mill
' .'"lltilllle o I', ,,i, in
and aever.il y.r lavorahh- proposi
ti, .ni am ueder consideration from
onllwriuhtM and millers who pro
n Ihoon'.eri rise As
soon an the weather is prnpiiinm
tin further consideration of the suh-
II BO taken up in earnest.
The General manager W II Han-
.rol't ot Ih. (IS I. In- .oUi-ed the
Harney Hoard of Trade "I under
stand that surveys in your section
af the country havo not yel pro
grosaed far enough west to f.ive an
idea of what line will he recom
I liu' 1 have asked the part
ies in chane of these surveys to
give . ,n ml consideration to a route
that lakes in Harney and the Har
ney valley."
The (to I l.nnineel ill' the Den
Mi, rVeetern and Paoideaaya
i am gathering together tnl'.irma-
tion relating te the eatern eounlry
so that when 1 make an examina
tion af that eotinly I wili be pre
p.inl in advance Other lines
Buy he heard from iii a few .I.ivm
io.I th la in no doiini saVfl
an- ggaring on raalaa ihroujxh thla
vaMy I, t th, o, eoine
'I'lirtliermore "
v,rv p , ol, 11 voting I nly "I mis
"I'l'in'ii M 1 Weal baa lone
I oil Of II irin .mul v
and baa 1 heal oi in. ads The
iiri.i. .1- ii, eead In bile 1 11 :
willi orange 1,1 .- ... 1 1,,
lion il lilu.'k. The 11, in
!)rewi".j friends wleh Mr and lire
u in ' .. long and happy lif"
Having Hold the fnrnlliir" litist
nesH, (' A lisid will non turn he
altenllon In painting and 1
hanging and eolioiia a -Inn of'
con p. in, n. le,' . Be v ill alas 1 en
duet 11 1 aloi.el an. I r. pan .imp
I trll, IflOil, ". ii'ii Hi 1 um I ! it
my utile,' ., Hum Oregon Kal.l bond
i., be dated m ij i ISM
All I.I.I" -le.llM ' it" llll.Te llie 1 lhl
ipsl Bint 1'iier, ( ,,( i, I, 11 I i.rilibi raesiMM
....l.l I II I....I. ' l""r'-
,.,-,B I,, 11
, Sarin 1 Uonk, .a , ,,, 1. 1 rnist . ,,1 m.Mi, ,,
-l.l, . t, I Or. Ho. 1. ...fir., rlnt,,,,,nt N,,
il,,- fin 1 . . MellKli
l.,w,i.lil .', n.iiiII,. rn.if, ' 'rl I,
11 sbls nn, I tt 1 . wliieh
tliev .lull Im'.ii .
um' be 'l'l I", I' I In) rlxlit
and till bid ' Is re.ei .
I'.sci, 1, i,i lav tiie 1, n,i. matt
1, ,1 I,. 1 , iiitiiMi imi k aheeb
r.pinlllng ,', per amtol Um are nit 'I
1 I,
lni.'il .1 Hum , Hi,, 'on. lln - I'tli
In ,. I .1. I'',.
M lil.lii.
l.,r II,,. i.ur, h.. t,t ill, '
1 u xiii :,"
j ISJMM I' Li-Li "' ont.ri,,..
1. nn. Ji ...I,
. N,,r. S Klfl.l,
su 1,.,,.
.1 iiiii.ii, ' ,,,itii
Klein. nt
1 lalhi 1
Diur palrouanc eli.
North of Post Office on Main Si.
Pork, irnilii,
Bologmi tad
Liver BaiiHaes
Beef in any
'" "N f-1 ---
f BJI BlEvffa "icSi
' r JvliUsssssU ''in
ke1eE Ww' 10 sjAtBrsViss 9
Ws VlKlsT wsr
nt 1 y
I'l.iiiiuN 1 1 nt i.itjiiii: 1. his 1
We. tin- iin.lersigiie.l logsl vol
lalLe preeillCt, ll.llllev fNilllllv. M lie 'l
liregoii, res 1 wet fully petition tl.. 1 1 o,
1 .01111 1 nil .,( Il.rii.n 1,'iiiiti, SlaUi
efOeegan le arsm HeeMeta H aaj
r.inietiy to .ell MplrttBOae( Mall ami
ion. 111- I t-1 ti-r- iii It's. iiiitiiii'. than
0110 gstloii in l,.ik Precinct Karnav
I OUIIl) . vi , : ll, iHSrtixl
i 1 ores ..' 'i.m in.iin.i sm
will e ' 1 I , .
1.- 1 .11, ,1. 1
hunk 1 010 tndi 1 11 A -I iini-1
I Ia... Hi
r.nff.M rut. IV kl.
I " I -mer. ksaSseas'
Thow.KdHa and hurley roller $$ 'i"' 'I.TSST'U .'
Of AUStitl ion.MII III I kept 1. II
Mil, order.' ahead all ll.e l.n.e tfftULSfSrhtSl
It that VOIir wood is ..n. ' ' .rl orcui, J.mr. I Kl.l.l .u.l Nor. A
Ki'ii i ijimbi i"', " 'rwgim
- ..
ami boseed
vielllllll I
lh- Htormv
Job printing The I iiinu-Ilerald
ol Ih
II ! I
..ll I
, iy .10
Mint 1,,
D f Nnllei
Jin, li I
(iiiirga Muimoas
t 1 bteKelvo)
II liloUI.I
I I "'iingr
Tkoassh c rnsarioa
Den 1 laker
I .Uar.l Anderson
hrr.l Keott
1 I Harper
I , L'ouiegjrs
I Line
N'oliei I- III 1 .1 on -tlnr-
day, llie lot), Jav Mareli, Ituk.. llie
enstenigBed iii apply t. lueConati
( .nirt ,1 tl,. state 1 I . IragOB lor II.11 uny I
ixnioiy, tor llio lieens, HHiitioiie.1 111 tue
teregetee ueilllon
SIM I 1. U1
-in 1:1; 1 - - u.i:.
l.l, w ..
Vl Cr.,, Ir ,'
ItOHM OWN C..h iIMim(.i
of Burns, Oregon.
Asthorized Capital, SSd.NI.N.
-cco-a.rits Solicited.
nrnimin.:.. i'.itiwu;u::t.!i::i. .mnnuimttu
Hi a.'-'w-ww vwwvvwvwswo ' -'' syv-i
arney County hank. :$ he Largcs, and Mos( Complete stock
Tiir iinTn r,urMir rnr.
m BAILCY. proprietor.
pine Wi'-11 l.ic iors and Cigars
(ffjwjtsfordnilaird Club Wb;
Courtootis and otli4in Mixulc ;
4a a.'-fa,
iv..'vv'yevr,v vti -.vt
Music lovers have heen an
Mously awaiting the production of
"Ksther" and watching for the
date. This has been definitely
-ariUed ami the uruduction will De lr dav ,or eP'
"oiiucuoii wii ",flu,,,,LY Cq u t
U." l.iv. 1 Ml
WANTKD: 10 men in each
state to travel, post signs, advertisn
ami htuve. anii),. of our gondii
Salary $75.00 par month. ;i W
day for expeuces. HOYAI.
W. Chicago,
lla sued, Aisike coiver seed
iced, lied top seed, Turk-
wa-' Kodoidvoraoati.
W t ii.v i, iioarn (nam Van viaii
il tin- week.
I lines to.irliart Ih down Iron,
' . imiiv today he am Polk is
le .illlg cattll) All all thai I." out
The P I. 8. Co has pnieliii ,ed
the ha) mt Ihe Tom Arnold ranch
thin w.ilv
u. Allen tin Junlura ihavprnan
c in,e iii tn lake in the dance on tint
ll in ruining till n , th I I'll hi:iI
tie r I i. iio-i il oj looinu some nf
. id lUighing.
Silim licOph have uuile a limn
stopping iu town (uarintioe mid
olli. are are the cause.
Yes, from all reporla Mr and
Mrs DuntJti did not profit from the
g of the Tiuiex-lleiald and
Doaen" look the Huuton
0 by storm. No use to oh
"y nrln issued In tlio
Clerk of tin. I "Hilly loan of II, e Mate
,'f I rej.'oo , lot I .. II ,1 nel , to
11, - oii iii.iieliiix ,
the tmrl sii.l ,i,attelnof tiie ,leliinuont
lupaytrs nssssil in the dellnqoaal tax-
roll loi said I unly lor llie yeui HUH,
llieret 1 utiai'lie.l, net 11 n.n, !, iiinj,
then epea He' real preportVi - ml lortb
an. 1 iaaseibed In Ika .sii ilnllnonenl
taxroll, or M ininh Hereof s .hall sat
it ti,e stio'init oi ism eharawl them
in, iot. itior 111, 1 tail ex Moaesa,
I llBVe .lull lelie I ll, ,, ti
described pteo 01 istrosli ol Is
W l l.lll I 11,1 . . - III.," I III (.,,, I, I .n I,-'
1 o iim 111 .an I II.1101 . .
Mate , i 1 ir, in, '!,- 1 1 bed ami as.,- 1, 1
a follow
I 'ravtiunl, U 11, I u , , , ,
b oek la, In llsi 1 1 1 1
II, iiiiin-, , I,, lie, I.,, 1 .; .ml 1 ni
sjm Mi 1, Mi r -;i . i ,, res 1 Sfi
ll.lll, Ncrtell. ... , . In, ,
Mi r '," , iii
Kilh-, I iin, -
III 1 '' " . 'ol I .nil n.-'j -, ' ,
tee. I'.', SUil ne' j !.',, fee.. to,
ii. .'i, 1. :tt e , M saraa I:.' u
Millei .k kUggS.I I- T in.l H, bloek
li, Burns . . atl 1 1
Morton, KraoL, m ' .,' , oi.l e
Lunaburg & Date's
We urc now able to show you a larger and more
compU't 1 ,tiick than ever brton . dur prices are
as low as they cun be sold. Our lines in
COmpriaMM UN newest and most beautiful
things out. We have also a new line of
Of drugs, medicines, dmggi -
perfumes, stationery, bo
plies, etc., ever brought I
linest wince and Ikfuors i ,ti
purposes ilwsye on hand.
Agents for Any Periodical Publish-,..
H. M. HOKTOiN, iVopt.
,'''''0'e...u .,
: ssBSBsVasBSBssRiyvak amsamnasLiBV arsssVsBisVai
XiaHX BAair" """ssPeMiKBWT'blh
mmmm mmmmimmmmtm! eaaa
1. KW IS S (i,l;i.i n 1 ,
SpeoitU an i, ion ,,
ti tun,- ., Iltl(i
j ITtiit , "UIUS.
I . 10
-u ,. sac, 8, t,. 1.1, 1. ;t e., lui
Slnl.loii, Halghi lot !i, in bl.H-k Iii
Mlor, .lie, . se1 , ' ,, iH-e. il, tp."
I!), r. M n uiet lots 2 anil J, SSW
.;, t,, '.'0 1. .it .., UJg acret...
Siuiiiis, A 1, St 0. e1.. we aii. I1
r. 31 , 'sm aaraa
Ami on slomjay, He- llMlittai al If'afc
ruury, ItKMi, at Ilia Jioiir of 10 11 ,
ui, oi aald day, at my eeha luilu .,
Iioiim', in Hal, I ioiiul .iu, I slute, I Hill
sell at public auction (or cash, tliu al, a,
ilesellU.I leal ei-latu, to llie iMjrooii wle,
offem to pa tli t.i.l iiriiinie nl ta, -,
peusllie.-, inlereot an. I aivruiii cost
and take u e.rtilu.iie ot sulo at the low -
et late ol illlel,
iuu Aii,
.-lieiill of Harney lounly.
e revi'ii Unlit inwte tile iml.lie to call on ux ami see our sjood
auil net our pii.-os. W guarantee salislactiuu. We u, l.ere Iu
buil. I Up our busilMH .mil proMs,) U '" ll nltb
G. W. Clevenger & Co.
Our Stock is complete in Every Particular
Sou uh lirst aud got prices. Main Ht , .Bums, OfMjeg
iniimmmiui:ui:iits;siititmsuttt:iusu::-' r-:.itnmuutiuniuti::::iiiattttttmt
', tin iluy,
...,. ri
nsi OAii am
on Uunti
" uliciiys
Special ((on i.in Given
: to Conducting i uneraL
"Mr , ',,.,'.' Soliei,,. , I
Sooth Main Hi . Burna, (Won
31 xfl
HORTON ft 8AYER, p, pt8.
Rough and Dressed L mber,
Rustic, Flooring, Moulding,
Finishing Lumber
Nearest Sawmill to Burna. Good Road.
Lumber Yard in Burns.