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Newspaper Page Text
f 5 hr sZvuirs-Ifcftafd. K1AY U'Bll It I MRKtRirTlOI. RATI: are making for me. and take thi f Shenff Sale. opportunity of saying that if I MB h si eras fill in securinc tin noimn.i- tion for the office of fount Judge of this county, I will m.ikt . Tiaiter I as BOTH FOR IM Itl.KWTlON "h mi One Y Mx Moata i .1 I I IAK FTUn - - - - I .ill honorable effort within nv r to he elected, and if elect- J, the dutie i nch other conscientioun and I. ; ed I will discharge entioush impartially and to the very best The report of the cooflttion of of m Ml" and - the 1 ii Nation i Bank of 15 . , I ..( v II. sit tan, -... ... - I whuh appears in this issue show a mot health condition of affairs lit tin time oJ lh ii dt- cidei HJ of the ition in iu histor) on i The ilep N up .i n hand. hard winter this pH lot Hat iu counts The local bank, like the new- United v Respectfully. CJRANT ThoMNON II --it' MM REWARD $33.00. Notice is hereby gieen that hunt ing and shooting upon the enclosed 'iiiiiIh of thf American Land A Live Steel Ot I riled in townships 31 I Range 35 E and township - I I W M. Harney Co 1 1 rearm (better known as the Trout 'k and Colony Ranches.) ia Strictly forbidden Any person or H found hunting or treepass- 1 with a Bun in their poeeasioii h si'.ve described prnpertr will Mhalr One of the perfect and :i.inoonie horse ever brought t" ii.riu- County is the stand ire bred stallion. Fillmore Chief, the proper: of I F Haw ley of thi I his horse certainh one of the best bred horse in the lit i .1 N-auti- asr, has n a -'l,01 ,,,rm- " . Ilf ntion md alto-ether I f He n.v this Hffbt. H b" W"J requisite to tutions demand our l,u al mip- " n,m anuwg nrei iit to "vers 1 v 1 a mt; ft I TI II ' isssb is tie prosecuted to the full extent of he law. A reward of f Vo ts here I v offered for eyidence that will icsd to their arrest and roiiiction. Amis m Lass 1 tra Stock Co, Bt F R Hll.l Ra 11 MaNAOKK SALE 'am i Mkl ( Sale ScbMl INMrki Bar of horse Tne --Herald it pit m.ikt if uch nonic animal, is it i interested in ifu improvement of the clas of bnr- M in H irney county and bv cr- urinc such horse as Fil v, trn-f much may be accomplice.. I rURNF H0IM1S' Time- i g the political situation luring the p.tst few eapoust the .u mdi viii . - interested in p men it Thi the senator 1 nation on th '.pu-ii.. in .;'. is yT 1 Coleman, a M am- Tlii l ulftnan arrived from cr more mte-et- low Pirn Als last Krnliv hat I rum induji n baen jsst a week on the av law. A. J. Irwin cam awat ft Uiirns Saturday and preached that e the onlv car Sonde orniaf a: ng returning h-.tut Monday III Mllllg 'position Tuerr was a good session of tip "cfcool a: . it unde- . it' of Assistant Mipt 1. M Hamilton with an attendance of . II ' . him I: T Hug bet candidau hi Burns Monday ika hands with the Harn-v aid although he got ll a harited wire ienc- 1 I. .I'hardsoti had that (laid pretty well covered - i.liams. manager or tin ,, was : l ai ' fur . -.. (PIS lii- 1 -"i .!' : t - . gpH fl if H'ii realu ba has . M tim his name p. acid up- tor the primary tion an ire ursed him in the Majsk purpose Tht can be d - name in me -pace f Hmx Ur ,.. . , .,, it but Isal ks KSM icraid i bis dale la it-ttn ,. Vliiiuk-I ihi 11 11 tiutes "llt-a l li.. Ikiard ot Tra.i I SaV uaj tnis wk i rlain ia which ha M Mr. 1 was hoi gootl tult la I of at-i iarin-y 'lir.v '1 . v U ncassary 11 r Is tiershy gieen that a i-vrtifi- wo! election held by School I . liarnev loon It, Oregon. i llll 11. nv ofBif on the rs.h ilav si IweniU". ItfS, b thr jodge ami .ttJ bonil sir. lion, hreio it ia ! that at an el- kali in said I iaj 01 DM . ItMKit il that thf l-nd ol saitl )itrict br issoetl i- thf fua o( ga Tboasaml PHa llunilretl lollar ' r thi 1'iiri.oa? of rwtuntlnig ontstaniline bonded in lalitedoees. '- issued in denomina- Hundred 1'ollar- MOO 00) each, parahle aboliitl in Twenty rean fmai date, al l said bonds re deeaiable at the leaure of aaid ehool li;nct at atiy tun. alter ten 10 years from data. 1'riiicipa! and interval pay able in t nltrti Miilr trolil coin at the office' : IheC aiatj Tsaasarsf ' Harney I Qasaiil ureiron oral uci. saaas aa may he deeiguatcd in the City and State of r Tart at the option of the parcbae r Tli. bond hear interval al the rat- at aa toaawaaf r cantam I per niiiiioi. y -anoualh I. id. will be received lor ibe whole or o ! said iHindt. reeelee aealed at above ..( I. .n.l u M i' i-k P II t.n. boai ' saaassafi the 3Hli day of . baa ihey win N- aaajaa at irn 'irefon J"sUl lnd to bed Ate.! Ma I l' All bltl h"ii!d Ute where the prin Ipai and 111: id bond ahall be oavahle ami lh m'e .f uitera-t hich hall bear. The sasi bnU will n.4 bs Sasi lor less than par The right . to reyset aay and all bids is reserved. ads most t er- laatnpanied b I .erllned bank 1 heck i. ling ' per ami .aiotiat of .; a; l.urn . Oregon, this ITsa iaj l Ntft ltaJa. .,! j M l'VI Coat T .lob prrinting The Timee-Heald ASSIGNEE'S R. L. SABIN, Assignee. The Geer & Cummins Stock of Seasonable Goods is being closed out at prices that will instir its quick safe. PLOWS. HARROWS, DISC DRILLS. HOES. RAKES Ore a? att 1 BUM Field and Garden Seeds, l Hose, besides all kinds of. II I ifn 0 0 mm 11 beat haa Bah I) 4 Call at the old stand, Burns, Orel tan notice fou rrnucATioN - Hvmi nr..t' . V Ni la SeeM ( .." I itaated anile- baa ni..l at 10 was, Saa an.l laataall nl ; . a-a4a Salaei a aastateraa.l aeeelvar ' Bur .,!. SI. lst ,u Jaaaa atiaati ' "' trrsawa. H. . Na lt lor IS, . I s . a. t, r. a v HraaWOTta (..I ..ttio witneav kWeanUaatw mi-' m .aa.1 u Jaw Turaar I illlan 11 su.a' Hu-a. I e .. aasisaw. Burns Meat Market NOTICE tor rVTYll f Nailaa U a Stat fir Sl Sura, orarna. Saa n ni.n atii'N I .f. ia aUswa goa oaaaiartla n. aatas Hi' W1 Mill.: J suta in I Wi I '. R. I itlafi W m pairaggfc i-ge. laad J.naw 1 . ...1 .c. I Paaaa, a Wool growers are inviletl t.i ca'l on or write W A .iHdnian. Hun and get terms hi shearing with t li ne w plant be ha ordered rVeesss Tiir ilflTTI ipi: nuici H The the Sne icarn 1- and V. Mil.-tr. the per a issued last vcck.. bia bt) . nil 1 H satisl ' k will bring tt.c a a localities. Vou bare a I indid county and the Pair ail . wbsn storafe reservoirs wi.l ba OOOStruL'led for saving the waatr water 1 d M uitlicult to be done lei 'ii- .r-wti' pisj Ai ougbt to be mads at th- nest saanra rrhef in tm r--I . e under seperate rai a pan of wter rigb'J Tha ssStoMPY law ify....L . - . illVv ar t sr-a ej-was gfi, iaSrr.. - t f 1 isiiii kr m 1rdinalPrincipu:s (rtrnMsliaMiHcWiillkiOad 1 tolak"V)ur BqsukjU Acxjiwirl int. HI y---::eu ountu jc:;.:. H ; T. suaas oacaoa fl BalvL. ' 1 I BBaWaWaSBBaaBBar -'VWaaayfCtBtSS?BBasas- a-Baaa -""-" ; m llSM saeesVI Pa'WiJl7 e j j 1 1 .1 B3ejBasa-aKriwsrwsEaBwesalTw i r J I lb at a at 'till V aJasK-BailSaBripSlf.i j f e sseasjaBBasawaJSTsjasaesssiJiii.iJ,iii . ;i Wi aaaaeaei nOl up ba a issa " m J b Imsi ttt 1 he La pert ;' Alln.V at... i ,s--',t ;-...? Lunaburg Dalton'i- r.achjand conduit California an . .... . aaaaal uUiitna! with liir ll 1UI IJUHUl 1U1 inc n un both ti. ' wd nilicers regai . in - Bonouacad 1 sho are sincere, v. hue t fit their piatfo: 1 inoM 1 fo'rna. gon 1 dr urea ui legislation wn. areot by a careful atu tba pauipiiic' Urvelopmetit action of the state is retarded on ibi accouni and the labors o: -... :l,rerr in irrigation uatirr when tltc voter made especially didicult ' -emeu sbouid see tbe i .:.UiOre Chief the U - L. N SMTH. M1U.UK aarus Baasai rcVIBf Ci-n able pnuaa. n '. iMl Via priiiling al r.i,..ii ' 7 I MklNd AND SLIIEKIOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING S e arc now able to allow you a larger and more complete atock than ever before ur priu-i are as low aa they can be sold. Our linea in DRES5 GOODS and TRIMMINGS compriaeajthc newest and moat beautiful thing, out. V e' have also a new line of Ladies' Misses, Children Hais and Cai& j j ZFZemiSTER. BROwI'i HE Agnts Itr ii) . ilHK IMI. THh CITY I) H ... "ea.yV VMVt ,. aassr BIKNS LIVEir: okl (let M aa stat lis, I saaa pan nlai itlioi u aa 11 Ti - bet ftoj wio liaa. T)t T a inal . u t.UHMLMi:TEIl lie Repubi1c.11. BlaCI H.uiicv v in: Un account of earnest solicita .1 iaryc number of ughout tbe iiiun ikd upon t en rate lor nomination to the ol i. unty Judge of . .a ine primaries held on U - , Owing to the exceptional con dition of the ttcatlicr this spring :nalc it imperative that whole attention to tin persona: interests in looking kfUef tny stock it will be impossioie ioi uie to make an canvusa of the counu in in own behalf, as is the usual luslom I appreciate the effort iitati 111 republicau friends Na. aii '..-. 1 1- -as a '-- FIRST NATIONAL BANk OF BLKN- - - las a? isa 1 m I Uataaaaa iNaweaai. I - ;. : :a TJtf : pesaMasj - saaii i Baaaaiaiiua raad SSSS ti. forniiuf ml Ssiuim a-SSSW I I ash suo 'loa ifum Bauu -..- THE OVERLAND HOTEL. F. A. COL , Propt. i Burns, O 1 a m on Iks H HwS ocam.'.r., ftrm er an- lou- tiLbls MUM CULKIkOlSLi biKHli First Class, Well Apf. . Sal N NM t.-. 1 . r.. LiASii-tTiaa. wssass last i-rusi . an Noiaa t- aa..w -M. Tgfc jrav-i-rt VlrAfl Bai bat BBaht " S HahlbK "' - ti..,. at J . We rsaelluli iuiU tbe abhc to call uo OS ami sa our gootta and get our pnas WsguafauUer salialactaoit . We uc here 1 bail 1 up liar buatueea and pruuse It. tic It will. LOW PRICES-SQUARE D'ALINC. uuuasaaiammmmmmmtmmmamumm : i . ...sat 1 uolar ol lot sSei aaavco ..aariaai Uw aautc sui' attut t u u. u tuc aast ol air kaawardajt au-l asaa J. L aVSBia. asitwi sasasas 11 M Hoa j w oaaai K I ' aaraaisa Bassasa stitawriaaa sad awoni la aaarn ava UI Mi. d ul -Iplll, US Wa Bhaaaa .Sotarr fusUc lu utagui. Our New Merchant Tailor, b ia tui) iu du il kiasUaf Ckaamg. Pre-,, Uefttr ui Allcrat ua BsHt isr Mta ui (jcalkiica un! aatst April B. wats bis u intis utm Iks k aill rcia) U aai. - CaaUaiag. Naa 1 tbe lust lu gtl aar Mkm ikapt. 2rices lESascr2.a."ble. A. SHEKK, Merchant TaUor, McGee Bldg. Burns, Or. : Special a Givu. t to ConductiDf tun a hEl AMI ACCUaII. Ha. . t CMfeClaW WITI 8 iiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiTTi . G. W. Clevenger & Co. FURNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING. CAlrHS, 1AI IMSJ1AU PARa..4sViIK, IAT11I5SS, MtHtHitKATtttS. KILMM mi CA0 T PAltl, MMNi. Our Stock is complete in Every Particular Due us Oral aud get prioaa. Maio Hi , burns. Oreguu : .J .aaiian "Mil limn I kga (Jt BURNS MIL HORTON dc 6 Rough and Dre seti ib Rustic, Flooring, . touid.n Finishing Lumuer. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Sf0j Lumber Yard in 4 H