Newspaper Page Text
Times-JIerald. . I.AROKJfT rlRi'l r.r-APER inthi or S0AT. APRIL M im. cal News Then Coleman and son are orer from Harney. W. I). Arnett made ua a flying visit yesterday I. I.. Clark m a visitor from Narrow thi week An almost new go-cart for sale Inquire at thia office. M V, Smith lain the oily. J. W Shown ia in on business today POLITICAL ARROWCm N1 I hereby announce myself at a Mealey In. creek Geo. Cawlfield waa up from Ner- B the cilr rnw a few dam thia week Mr. and Mm Jaa. Pirie are in the hate at greatly reduced citv from their home on Cow creak. . A. turd s . . ... . - mrir m . jm in jromrmtmmr falev WM up I torn hi ymm .j, tm, rifki .--Br Narinws Tuesday. JTa-rway J9a Wot ka make room for new few njCa custom mad gar HBhp ia he can do well in menta for men and boye left that K if iii v .nil at once will he sold for cash Fred Haine. Miam took b : Everett Schweitier ia over from last Monday gcornir.g tor Vale, being the traveling oompan- d,T W" where she will :ach a ton of Chetf T. L. agener of the ; Nfcf,, Bm of school, railroad aurvey. f nawiey ahoiit r minor. Ixmia Miaw, engineer in c ataiidardbrcd trotting of the railroad surveying party M. JlJ.a. t t II.. T. F Arnold waa orer from hi..c"na,u""' " "Tr"""" "' ""' Pine creek borne a few day. thia " lo ""? s- of the democratic voter, at the pri marie, to be held April 20, IfN If you wish to be located on a j aja)wraa, good homestead, aee F. M. Jordan, I , the surveyor. , ,,blnt my ,, , candidate tea The ami wife. C W S " comiartoiK on the lmocrtie - , . . ., . ... Ucket and ldewr' mveelf If elected to All Crawford and wife and Mr.. Wro. . ... . .. . ... i. tha office to the beat of my ability My Ru.ael! were all down from Harney j, ,waMnce i itamev OMsSey haw daring the week. given me an intimate knowledge ( the ,, , . needa of it. growing popalatioa and de- If you are particular about your JJJJJ ,, ,, i will ,t .11 coffee, try the "Barrington Hall" times rtrive to act with the idea in vie brand, your money back if you are of acbordinatiag personal Interest to not satisfied Lunaburg A Dalton. PNe good. A. a member of the cmn- court t mould try to ggg Ry post Simon Iwia waa confined to h)aNtion known on .11 .object. before that home several days thi. weak euf- by aty recorded action at all time. Jisr. ium 1 l" rabj mni.iii . I ii in didnto for commissioner f II I of1 the republican voter nt ih. pi ngg He. to b, held April 10, 9M a i loan v TlMl-.KK LAND NOTICE KkOYVN'S" "THE SATISFACTOIA STORE - ItPOWN'S" faring from stomach trouble, but ia again ab'e to be on tha streets to- shirte. men's under- yi wear, overalls, s uspendore, boota harge jgrekte.t bargain, yet offered Fred party Hainee A- Co We most mora r stock Mrs i iMtmlng sflhwen or i- .wns casn sore. NI:W SPRINQ OOODS ON DISPLAY. th, ,.:ui,.i; Inwns. Batistes. ClMfnbrtyt, Silk Hrnrintt. Sii'r. D S mk Dimities. Challles, Nailes. Royurei I .t; ! ( l"th. Allciennes, Pongees In Black an. I ' ! t (nl litto of JriminlnKS In the Iwt tu;ilities ;iiul tha lai rket to the very in.'M --Prices same as Nw Y.rk or ny city win r ill he vt'ml to hciiiI aamplea to our out of town custom n t rvquet i.o KST PKICRS FOR BHTTI M 00004 I OR CASil BROWN'S CASH STO IE. was in goods to get ready for aoon to arrive He will stand tliii season working near Wagontire. B ground. the city this week BBkorted that if I am elect- riiiniore t htei. the handsome Mr. u. Waters received a ftii'r loiililing n 4i.iH.i dtandardbred stallion will make letter from her husband the other :1 jn-t want o sav the stand at the fair ground in thi. da) .tatmg he had accepted a poai- court I mm al good iilv tin. scp son Those interested , tion witli Lang A Co. at Lewi. ton, B idi tild call on P. F. Hawley for Idaho. She expect, to join her vi. at.d the tiv Misses P"ticulars husband there after school closes . Brere orvr from I'rrw.ey A social dance was given at the Married At the borne of the hi. week vie itowen home on I oison creek last inae s lather in mis cilv, Monday on land night in honor of the marriage of ; evening. Mi. Blanch Pickeneon, aa st Hed BL .1 ill n tl ibas gBBl irOaB MM gri .-' aawJJ1' Marion Wilson and Pickensno Miss Blanch in Hmi and " - the H summi tor, drmo-itic cntnli- uiitv jud i the Clt v. n looking i -r the .l!i- on in v.irious gat i- wrll aitli ; H -tchei:. i . i was ' one 5ted with II kn MM a ii on i.i -IMiiding aawgrgtl 1 1 . c I rejvel f.iiiil' l i.iK-wyr.ii II ! I.IH -ile A Clydesdale stallion Call aW M - I year. old. weight 1800 lbs; ac climated to this oountrv and a foal getter. Addreaa this .llll'C Buchanan and wife .pent a f-w day. in thia city thi. week. Mr- Buchanan ha. leen in rery mr health for the pa.t few month. now itnbroving. and Mr. Marion Wilson. Justice Jameson performing the ceremony The bride i. a daughter of B. A. Picken.on Mr Wilson is a grand son of Mrs S. I.. Bowen. Both the contracting parties have re.ided in thi. section since childhood and hare many friend who join us in extending congratulation.. County Clerk Molher.head in forms us that a large numlier of re I hereby announce myfelf a c.ndi for the iiominstton for th office of coun ty judge of Harney t'ountv, Oregon subject loth led won of the repnblii n voters al the primary election to tie held on the JOth day of April l0ii Should I receive uch nnmlnstion I promis to make a tigoron. siul honor. acle campaign ami II elected will qualify and phtlgc v elf to give the offict) mv very bcl .1 teotion at all lime and will fa vor managing the affair of the count) upon purel) bomes principle, at .11 time, hewing to the line letting tin chip fall where thev may. Without rafting any reflections on other., I behevr it in the interest of eo. noniy and goid roads to divide the coun ty into smaller road districts and ill if elected favor a division of road dilri-t Number I so a. to incluh- DMWMJ sml ) in.- i ie.1 nn inrl- ill on. road ill trlct I am in favor of road sale i bridge, and in -onlr. ting ln-reer posaitil. all work and con.trnrtnin there- Hi, all contrart to he let to the iMMkl bidder ottering a gNl and suffWaait liod , hut believing ae have competent builders in this count v would favor borne hiddeta where oibl. i.k... Kav. NOTh i (POM 1MUI ICA i in -1 tximrt n-l 1 I NOTIC1 roB PUBI IC ITION. mvlLlUms BURNS. OREC.ON t M I I til I OK lilt M wtgBtNT. .mtttnitttittttttm:itirttii:u::iitii;!tt:n'tt gflnt i . In given Ih. I then-, .ii treasury, for thi ' i- mi fall warrants ii the smile Will I ililte, M.rrb ,'l. .1 M Pu ms. I II i unity Oregon CITY MEAT WIA ET. H E YOUHO. Propt Meats of all Kinds gi.tration blank from outlying pre- I hereby announce mraelf a can einct. tailed to reach hi. offloe ls- j,.i.,. .... ...i.i,., ..r ll.r,,. ..- The Windsor har is aaain onn fote the registration Inxik. closed on . . " is again oiirn . . ,...,, ,,i.. ,,i. ,, i .. .1, . ,.i..i. ,,t - A .... I If, .J . . ..,,.-.'.. .. ...m ..- nass . Istwlna i 4 I . Null! i i "i; - pi in ICA1 i'N ... 41. under the management of the old lime saloon man, Iee Caldwell. Ha would tie pleased to have hi. friends call and see him. Ann hi. ana as a consenuem-e mativ voters will have to swear the ne .lemwrai voiers at wie un vote, in on the day of the primar ies It i. the duty ol the clerk to report to the aecretaty of state the Mr. (.o. Waters offer. ber Rowing the closing of the re- , Ri.truti.m hooka and all those h uisehold effscte for aale. also too blanks receivd that date do h.-r-rs net of double harries, sad- j not appear as registered, therefore liec, etc If in Hied of .ucli rou the voter, must swear Ikeir vole. marie, to be held A L I .ril -ii. Sim i mi (all at har in iKo tmttjf mud - km Hss SSmi Qra ;k us Kiiiu ik- kter gg Hi ill-re H n ks after lo .king .Iter Bar' ' "? CMIL ENUINEEK WAOOENEs! HEKE. I bereh) announce anelf a candidal, j for th offiue td Count) Judge of lis. r.on. , luiijsi in tin- choice ol th MiUrs st the dmo rati, prnn.ri April HO, ItlOn. II electad I will eodeavor to discharge the duties ol the otlnv impartially, aim ing In give the whole people a uare laal" Coudurling mvsalf a a scriaut can ge a bargain in this city. Wtm King is in receipt of a let- ter from hi. .ti Will, who ia in the 1. L Waggeber, chief engineer of the ta.ui.le and not a tool ul any fa. sheep bu.ii.eaa orer at Kmmatt, iu charge of the railroad surrey, tioo. I will give euaitant attm Idaho in which h. atetea he has "l,w tM'"'K made it. th. county, ar- the delta of the ufll.-. Uiog ever ready riveu iu tin ciiy yesterday alter transact the daily routine of bualtia noou, but only rsmaiued for the an.l will not 1- "juiI i..aa," whtm night, leaving tin morning for huaine of such natun- lo be trans Narrow U hen seen at hia hotel acted la-fore me. I will ...n.iu. i th CARMIR & 4MW Burns, Oregon Real Estate. Timber Cruisers HMIMUU AMI IHMKI LtUllsMS NmW. '.. It n. n. an a il l' iig Sl4tl .1 . I I III S) 44 a I MM Mi- SALT FI8H Butter and EAi8 Lard, Tallow, Lunch Goods l:crythliiK on hand uaually kept by all flrat il.i- in uk rt - For sale at re j so Prices for CaS uiutuitiiiiiiiiiimi:! i nut:: n oome through the winter with f not to esceed luti bead. in llsnlev has returned from kej a representative of The Times- hasiuesa ol Una office a aooooiuhwlly a, . ,.e.i to u,.,ue po.iu. ,ne Halj Mr had nothing .., h. co.MMr.i, the and liner-Herald would suggest that p.,tjcur for publication Hl.pnrlkll adomil.t.atnm ..I fount) .f- tairr, looking leav lu th welfare and left tl In jK-oj.leof thi. city meet with .luted, however, that iter, was make three line. Iwing run in this county at this time Ii due. not mean the imu.ediaie construction of three lines, however, al least we in fer such from conversation ciiief B1'- '' ' Mi llanley immediately and settle i aged lio- (.'urey sel.clion project so that K "f t: , we mav make definite olana in re- B i . i;ard to the development of this Hni V I" K It Hall, a cattle buyer repre- nitigth. Careteo. Packing Co. """ Seattle .nd Tacoina, came in 14 ii the railroad the first of the eaap week in company with Wm. Hau- , Tw . ' I Law was looking for fat beef Hh. "i ili- nry fund lor immediate abiptuent and made LajMe urogram ba t !. a deal with Mr llanley and Judge rd a eti. for a number of bawf. V '!: Rev. A. J Irwin and lilUe ton gsssssssssWj...tai.. aaaa.p a.i ,...-.1 I.. II a .. . a - e i map win tag. departure , th. on. now being .urr.yed br Br '"' ' -Monday morning for outside point, lxnii. rShaw and hi partv who are BB-prepnf end v Irwin will first attend the ll no doubt dish up the Presbyterian 8yi.od and then pro- V" Kood ceed to lie Moinea, where he goes To to represent a portion of this slate V(il I ' at another meeting of hi. church. B I" '"-' the nature of which w. do not MM lr,u' the minute remember. Duriug hi abeeuoe be tow up (but UI die- Jin jpearf a fHW WM)ka witL bia f . parents and other relative in Iowa foundali n for the report that the beet lutereets of th. pe.ii.h- railroad people wer. now asking for bid. on grade work from Vale wart. Ha did not know when construction announce myself a can j Burns Flouring Mill JOB STURTBVWNT, Piopt. ,i)!li:i'. KOI !I:IMIII.I. HUH. bS IS USED ' .' il in i i i " ii- nil" mill n sufficient rapacity ( vupfilu thi country l,,i ii i minis nl KM mill- in Iniinl thills- t e e Reserved for the wora wou.u oegiu ... didale for judge of Harney counU I ' . , mmmtm .,-. ASmVSSSAJnt --wCt TLi FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEV, CHOI'. AND: i-inity of the Narrow, to surray a cralic voters at the primaries t , J Hoc toward uksvi.w This will held Apni 20. iwu , Kinds of Mill lied always on Hand J P Ri llig fe2f5 HIS IS THE TIME I To think of your 111 FOOTWEAR carry the best and warrant y pair to give satisfaction r is I OTAE1Z & BODELMAN. IjHJNTB, ORESCSL-CDlSaT- I hereby announce n,velf a Ma ua. lo didate for clerk of Harney county, ul.Jecl lo the decision of the repute lu discussing the matter it was lican voters at the primaries to U found that to get tha main line bald April 20, P.... through to Natron waa tha first ul. , ff )niikw a 1 1 u ject aud from appaaranoaa tbi. Una I hereby announce mya.lf a can- now between the Warm Spring aud didate for judge of Harney county, subject to the decision of the repub lican voter, at the primaries to be held April H ItOA (JMA.NT Tiiom-so.s m IR MllillrSl MARkl.l I'RILI I'AID l"K MXlD MII.I.INti BkAl J CUSTOM WORK DONE j : Good Seed Wheat for Sale j M. M.CO E. A. FRASERi Man. ( )ntario, ( )re mi. Wagontire Mr Khaw waa iu dur ing the week and informed ua that hi. party would paaa to the north of Wagontire about eight mile. Chief Waggener admitted that the lines to Lakeview and Priueyille mmmmm " " """" " were side lines and were not ao im- I hereby announce myself a can- l-irtaut at thi. time. Thia waa 'dida, for .benfl , ,,. . , 1(.ly brought out by the dlcuiou ofth. , .. poMibililia. of a route up the rirar J" lUt d'B0" uf -" ,'u,'- and ov.r the diride at the head of lC" oU-m at the pr. marie, to be Emigrant creek. Mr Waggeuer held April 20. UtM slated be would ha ready tb. latter Wai.iim i.kav. part of next month to inraatigate .... that route, but for the be , b-r.b wix tuytH a can- desired Ij pu.b th curver. out .... , .. aero- the dert while there was d,"U for ''"' uf "'" 'u" water He had been informed that l. uhject si the decision ..f tb. the route up Emigrant was well ' republican voter al the priinarn-i- watered and could be investigated to be held April 20. ItM at any time. U'. v 11, .,. Mr aggeuer will remsin In Ibis section for aoiue lime, but not right lu this my. He will return in about two week. 1 hereby announce myself an didate for joinl-repr. Harney and Malbtur coonlir. aub- DISSOLUTION NOTICE jjct to the decinon ..f tl.. Notice l hereby given ibst the tBU voU,, l lh" jwfsMsftaw at co-partnership heretofore eii.liug , L",u AurU M lJiJ,i beiw. en Irs L Maredeu and J W li.ary has thi. day beeu dissolv ed by mutual consent. All peitie KhaMK C. I'.Moh.n 1 hereby auuouuoe myself a can a ka ' BaL JieS b Mk I r MA BMasWaMaBLWH'-i1' . I here u ose aye a. and ' . 1 N j gHHLVi I ! m I 1 m aV JOHN McnUI.LI:Nv k TMtllMODAIt PhuUMjRAPIjIK 30 ! aV Proclaim you'ic well 'it utd ant MJIIMAliI rOMat j; Don't pay ualcM you ae Saunplcs Shown and Ordt BA9KY, FKNWKK .IM KSON. D.V GOODS, IXUNblHMiS, SMOI S, IIAiS AND CAPS 0-IwOCX:iSI3i2S All the laical tlrs and imp use to be Im. i ul I'uncU, Aiti.t'. I'n l'o4icutiu piotrss. I'h. ' style upoat application. All eiaca Irom luckcl piclun up ' I' oi o am i (I .Mary eppoalis I Iral Na.kii l Haeli. urns, JOHNIDEERESULKY PLOW BeniciaJHancock Disc Plows. knoi:ig tbemaelvee lo be indebted didate for sneriff of Huriiev count v lo the firm of Maraden Geary ,ui,JrU tU deci.ion of law .1 are reuueaU-d to call aud make sellle.u.ul at once cfUc VO,e, l lU P""'"" W L Maraden. '1 A'nl J- ltt(J J W. Geary. A K K" so. - " I ' w DUWOLUTiOi NOTICB I be.ady announce myaslf a can prut. VTei;.ble. 8ott Drink.- ConfOC Notice i. beteby given that the didate for sheriff of liarii 4 couul . j - i co-partuerehip heretofore existing subject lo the decision oi ibe repub- ?.W.A- A;.U'ck" " H B jlioan voters at tbe primaries lo U Hibbard lu tbe muling businese, . . . . ., ,luu. has been dissolved by mutual ooo- hW Ar" M' 1J- ., sent, Mr HiLUrd retiring from tbe M " mtmn buaiuea. 1 he accounts due tbe firm are payable to either uf tbe 1 hereby announce myself a partner, aud the indebtedness of jdidale for .beritt of Heruey county. tbe tirm i. assumed by B. 4. Dick- .ui tu ,,,0,1 of ibe ropub euaoo B. A. Hick euaoo. )iuu voter at the primaries lobe H. B. Hibbard. held April M, iwt). Bum. Oregon, March lOtb l0fi. I W- Y. Kisa. tionery. Oiars and Tobacco fTlgtlo St., Burna, O-aqon fcaaCaBMaW aaVi m m - Hl H eP- a lBMpV((y - ,'--h mW. . ' mmm? ittTBmWWf gmgmmm, m aasajaaj MBMBasMgaMal asBW BaBBaaaaBB awaSBi aaaa a asaaasa aaaaasw I 1 laasMaSBseawaw MSB.aBSBaBe4aBwMBiaBBSBWaassaBBBBaB.aB ! TPlxo Oregon Hotel w All T Manager abrM'claa.. latlou. eilti nlMM . .i.4ii4hls Irieieis .to sto wilii MM l..o o. Burn r.MM well iuraished Mesls ' LUAUK1NC PUOLUi OP AslOVB mK Tooth and Disc Harrows Thomas Disc Drills. Gall and gat oricea before purchasing. C. H. VOEGTIeY, Buriu.f Ore.