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f hi itftrs-SfctrxCd. ATTailAT. APBII II lt erWKBirTIOK RATS lii The Moo la. mil let Ob Tsar Ms Months I.W Siinrlat of eacli month at 11 a. m. aii.. ii tlnlb school at science ha prnren mat we moon ,,, ., ,, morning. r" ftmt : i . ''if Baptist ,' i-hii-ri, . . .i Jiul Sundays. murium; ami vrnnig Sunday i.r chK' Sunday at 1 ' a j t7LIA Y - - - lKm I.AMATION Where, the Secrelarv of Slat o the Stat of Oregon, ha notified m in writiof that pursuant to the provision of an ait entitled 'An Act making effec lira the initiative and relervii.luu Moat of Section 1 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of i treyon. an.i retralating election thereunder and providing lwiialU for violation tt tIiiod of tliif act.' approved Kbrua St. 1S08. th, 1' pl' Power I.eai; Oregon dol filed id hi offir ary 3d. l0u an initiative petition con mining WH2 igntnm proper) a'tncti ad to a topy of sal I niea-atir. certified accordance wr.l. law. demanding that a proposed amen (men-, t I of the Constitution of Hie Slate oi 'r. p jn. to ha diatgnaiad in the Constitution a Paction 1A of Article IV of M totton. shall be tubniitted to the leg! voter of the Hut ol Oragon for their approval or rejection at the general laatioa to b bald in aaul ui. . i the 4th d of June, being ti nnj is June MM, designated by van: pie'- I" .wot Iagn of iregoi titotraoa' amendment for the initiative and referaadnm on local. pecu Bum ipi. law and part of law.' hid said proposed amendment it bare inaftar particuarly cet fortt., Kow. Therefor I (; K i' iam. OoaamoT of the ttateof irrg obedient to the provision of said act bereinlwfore firtt mentioned, ii fafJ sake and issn thi 1 "roc la lion to the people St the "tat of I Tegor.. ami. am ine tbat lb People f'owar league of (rayon baa Hied aaid initiative petition the requisite number c! ignture IhereW attache .. demanding tha ne eubmittad to tbe legal voter of the Stale of Oregon for their approva. or re jection at the regular election If be held on the 4th oar of Jane. 1HM. aaid da t the flrat Monday in .aid month, a amendment to Arti. le . tbe Conatftntion of the ut of Ore gon, to he designated it: ana I ttitaiion as Section 11 of AM . aaid Paopiv Power Lengwe ( "ragon Cuaatltwlliaal amendment for the initiative end rafarendnai on locnl, pe ahi and mon ia w and pa:: law.' wbicl. .aid p'.ipue.: a:..i..tii.ea is a follow . ' Article I of 11.. t onatltiltg.1. ut o! Oregon shall be and her: ha an atmosphere, which msk. life in some form possible on that satellite, hut not for human being, whe have a hard enough lime M tins eartn ot ours, especiaiiv tn. who don t know tbat Electric : ., I it.. . . j - . I . MSuUllll At " MMI& II"- I'.tritn n .ii irnvn m g4,?i b- ihird Sundv i . ... .. S,,; A '! !'. Min . . rstlle !l aa rtgwtekV iti t. en, ana aom w hr rtlhi ' hie srt r.Y,r. lrt Mv ti-k. SMtaltst -l.1ra Lr hhinan;eaafli rraw, aaaerblt ana as ters cure headache, biliousness. malaria, chills and feeer. jaundin dyspepsia, diziinea. torpid liver, knlney coniplainU. general debilitv and female weakness) I'nequaled M a general tonic and apetier fur weak persons and especiaiiv for :h It induce sound sleep Fully gauranleed at the lity Prn Store Price oulv Mt ' mrk Mt'ilVbtl la l- "kiMumImM' irk. aaaerMt lr - -. I art I! .T'.l .! Herald ' haal fi " !r on Irfi nip O'lnedoaUrthto .. uurt,- . rap aa tik. ea- Tea in hulk Haines A- Co. cheap at Fred Having sold the furniture lu-i- nese. (. ft Hyrd will now turn h alleiilion to painlins and paper g and solicit a share of ; .itronage He will also HaV duct a cahinet and repair shop in lr i .: :. if! bl III on lf htaat i '.ft. W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. HE ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats. Shirts, Clothing Underwear Cet Prices CHILDREN S CLOTHING. All kinds of Frsh Vgtbl in Saton, CIVE HIM A CALL. ihirkheimer Building. - ROFFS!tA CAB Ontari rni Main Street Win. MILLI ATTOKM ' W Bum tHHce first door west of Rank j w mnna. Biggs & Biggs attokm n ! B K!R. Practice in all th Collections pfrW .. a Reauu - II 1 At- Religion Senricca. b laaerting thn foiiowin. Ua. In aaid Article IV after . -.ion : Mian, and It shall be do- in t:.r aBaaTataaaaal taataal lAof Artier IV I A. Tbe rwtarendum may be : III . ... AW. Oil. tor ttetne aactiona or nan of any act jA the lagMlantr iiimblt in tbr aa. annar in wbiah anab power m naarcMad againa: a caaipUt act. To filing of a raleraaslan. pMitM. again at on or mor Heat taction or pav an act thai! not delay tbr ranniyrlar of that act (rum haanajtng opatntl. Th initiatitrand pawen raaarr ad to the people by the oonauiuUuo are barab lurtiwr raeartwl u u.r i.-a . r of atari municipality and dii lv all local special ami municipal legula uon of eenry llatrnrat In or lor their i prctie momcipaliua and The maar of excrcaung aaid p ball be praactiid by ganara, . aept Haal clltaa and town may pioti u tor the minaar of enatvating I live and referendum now mn.anpal ligltattion Not mote than tan par cant of th legal rotor n. required u- ordar th rlerenduu., uor mor than tiftet par ceut hi propose ao maaaura b tbe initiative u I city or tow lAiae at th aplio at naien Jfstt day of rabruar fSignad 1. i i. nou.iiN. fornnr. By the uoearnur (Signed 1 . 1 Vv-.. tscreurj of -tata lMl . 1. 1 ll J loriurr i no nurse thai, thf atrri caa of Piles that alfhcted tut Than I was adtiU t . inn Aruiea aiid ir ijamm a box paruiaiientiy cured lutr an - Napier, of Kugle. Cy H . all wounJ, liurn and 8or magic I'.V at The City Jj 8 lor. TUahar Laad. Act Jaa . Mm rOI I'llil.h ATION -1 ate I i i rite i.i f rat CtMtlh Christ scientist sr I n u. Ulidai I : nge-- riiT 7 H Wed evening meeting a: "undar tcbool tn. in tin King building two door norti. of Tbe Herald office. Rev A J Irwin will preach at Harney the itod Sundar of each a: 1 1 a. m. and 7 M t. Sabbath school every sabbath at 1' p n. Tin Harney Sunday school meet k each Sunday and r. .'ordtal invitation it extended to al. who car. attend to meet with u At the I'reehytenan church Hum. Rev. A J Irwin paatnr. Irviu eervice the third and fount. Extraordinarij Clubbind Proposition Th- Timen-Herald, tin- Ht puiilit uni unv one of ti. roiling pujier- rjfjM jwatr lor iff paid this mouth: Th-S'iiii-W.'klr rinn JoVBml f i' irtiatid. tii- ffkaj B Frani - BxavniaMr, Tiin ,i -. k -w York World. The Tii!. H-vui.l hu.: mavke thio a tiuT. b uii' I 'iff! I f'luiitiitijrrattti. 'I wh pa1 tiieir MMcriptiou -ar in advau .until w- will .uci tbe Twieu i f - . awpob 11 f i Lomia, an i-utirf year fm-. Till Will if- piVr-n IlfW r.ul x-riiie and old on fa U-M dOfiaag the month Tine-Heraid. tIi- K- pilili- and Weekly 'rejroniao ur lor $8.00 si paldtlll month. DO IT NOW. . f blp natk rrjr km A ' ran sani sa lean knaaaai r:is y, .j w : . :aaao aw n aghi rr n tfl . . arc m it. i: . ... r iefwh- iraa. rent ttt 'a of arh rat - iwl: hsiaej isii I. as left THR,WIT)S(IH WT- 9n -f I i iL4LWV f lAlHSIX wi auana owiooa , Jb . . k ff jMkLajs. " ' " '' P3Rfl Bfeand Hair (Ti tlinci lions and Ii . Bl KN. Ciln-;i.ii' Lan Eutr mallei - at i dm M MU.M a .. bit-, ai. ' .rac. bi llllllllllllllllllllllllllt ml DR. M. J. CFRDEi tieneral I'ratlici Call vr I ; ' I :: C JamL.s'. aMfsaaaBr DROP IN AND LOOK II m t ua Kb ua araar(. an W AMXI' TBt HTWOKTHT MCN AWl- mil ivert twb Jej lied hou. "f oiid hucantal " . '"l tui.tiin. T" a year ai. pcne all pat'i in cal. S( eTa uc la i.l: a siag r . :e reave sad ea- ed i'amped envi ataJUM Il'i a- w rtl :: i. start a kgitifaati payii nioeaa. i it nec.fulh let today sad a nil i and a taiasi ilj I am prepared to furnish my customer with the usual Mgk class (,'ood and invite the public u call when desiring ANYTHING IN MY LINE. J Guarantee the Goods a d Pruts B ' Wmdbm, Fancy Clocks, Jewelry ol all kind. S icrwure, LIon ware, Cut Glasa. Handpainted c'luna at Coat. Take a peep at my windows 3-cra bexl Ing. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiinc J. UJ. GEAR Hurii. - - - Offic- I i M LU. U WAO.SDE.N '.' I i I ll.' I Ke I Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered tc time la the interior who take lb trouble to com to u for anything they Bd in the complete line and al price that would faWB. an) tan order promptly attend d u Isacriue what ynu want am! w are ear Jim" J. M. PARLEY. Ontario, Oregon Large! More ttt ween fortlaad and anal. W C. BR ' DeWitis fBSl Salve For Piles. Burma, teorea. BILLS FOR SALE Nearlings and Two-Vear-0ld5 Quantities to Suit. THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Qood Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST CLASS LN EVERY PARTICULAR in Your Patronage Solicited, i mania "TI aavar a u. iiaw aia I MB ll aob a m eh v tmt "Wi thii L M hio.L K i. - ai .r aaa4 ucSnui. Kerui oRliCK o Unl. . :. , . Ua ! '. an "-sr-r KOTIOI FOB PDBUC4T10N l:iii rtu Lanrn. i Sura, .iir JMfa I aaeea gi i. iSai i. - orweoa. ha SU- luteal la mate OL bl. . t- KSK M . M Ulotvlb. a:. I- . wiaaea. an Ptsaa. laa ttlL Jar J a. U aaw ti tsllawi .! M Irncaii iaad Jaae Pwtc. Wiluii. Bhbii. . A ab LuuJ.sIl ai ali.ia dnfui Wa K.kb kau(c: . log aitaaioaia ad rKiaiuai... Periodic Pains. Anti-Pain Pill are a most remarkable re:: for the relief of periodic pains, backache, nervous or sick head ache, or any of the distress ing a lies and pains that cau-c women so much suffering. As pain is weakening, leaves the system in an ex hausted condr.ior 'ong to suffer a moment longer than necessary, and you should take the Anti-Pain Pills on first in of an attack. If taken as directed you may have entire confidence in their effectiveness, as well as in the fart that they will leave no dis agreeable after-effects. They contain no morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine or other dangerous drugs. "For a Urn- time I b auaTaraS puU) with apaUa at becaaca. taai oi aimaet mor tSaa I can . Tbe an.-. 'ka man on vr morn;. and Uat two or thr day I a ucn abl to t anrtaina l.'.i would ie am mucl. rlif until I o bacaa fh u. of Lit llllaa Ann -fair, flu and n.r alwar rliv mi In a short tinw Mr iatr whu auflrr. th asm way ha uad thn with n. am result ' MRS I'AKK TU g aUeluswo St.. South Band. lad. Or. M' Ant. Pain Pllla are aold by your druggist, who will auarantaa tnat in first pacJuaa will Varvaflt II It fall n will return your moaay 25 OHM. 2S cants. Nawar aaid In Bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind fan t arena da (.. .i .if H Uuw .us to ili furnu). iniuruiaiiuD a to price FKWHUNN LIVE STOCK CO. Cure Your Cough top your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and strictly scientific, Cure for Cough aad told: DR. KINCS NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION LIVERY, FEED AND SALE r LEWIS & McGEE, Propts. Main' St , burutUregon. Hones receive the best of cert tram experienced hands. Elepent fleui Livery turnouts. Outing Parties Accommodated Horses Bought end Sold. ll TLVU jajmj Meetai AUr. Kin. fSja. UAKS1V VAI i i VCAJtS' (H LNIEfsCI ala TfLt. Ill Ll Si Maatsswrj f.sin. u.. A 15 asSfl 3 l a afam I 11. 1 1 r- Ht'.il M. L. LEWIS Almomt in Oeapair. "Our little daug-hter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." Qm. A. EYLER, Cumberland, Id. INSURANCE. JOHN vCHMJ ; l tui Fine Watch K. . .. -ialt. i I Tti lrlo, soc l.UO TRIAL BOTTLES FREE icommisoid, owAanntean ab eotn nv The City Drug Store. ... Represents the... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Qlobe, Fir Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OFFICE WITH BKK1S a BKMS. anma. Oregon. C newer (mm of I laaltasa's. B- W. HAMILTON. Slec. Issstcur, H4fB , Hun,, u.ldr.-- il TlKi: -i fan i li.iu.Mjj iiruan K. A. Muni. a l.ui.diu Aiclii MeQowan larlivn Uiteui v tbe tnauector or , -r. Jay a l. torn Uat 4MI lie ri,. z,iM U vY,cA.