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Ikt friars IRftaCd. FIRST REPORT EXAGGERATED Notice 0' Sheriff's Sal KATfRDAT. APRIL II 1 IKXVM NEWS F0 SAN "1ANCISC0 MDRf FNCOl'A0INi Tlsissi land a. t Jobs tr, ,.,..... ,,i, M'THK K-R ITIU.H'ATION fon. for Hani- I FrmK-'iuiTJo kats llm Sri Oas Tt U Months Tarsr MuaUai t MAM BTStr. - - - I.Ik Will Nai Eicaaa Clti Seeeee la TW ta The lirst news received herr A .-cording to the letter quoted . bv our Marnex i-nrrernnrint in -St issue from Governor S"n Frani ,KO hom f Chamberlain. ibe state land board an earthquake Wednesday morn- P IMer.l i r i'. 11. n, . I mean, UNI' Halloii Binr aini l'h . In kii, Rol .... .1 i aaa lass at Mali - mun !. i- Nse ' "'' ' '' imannin. S raa thai w'h-rvaa on tin ii. : iVciiit " aB.1 ' mirt a ih. wire of the terrible disaster al l-" "' B,"! & rsaeaaaal ' : o inn-.! plaintiff ami agum' 1'iularta A. I' Dai nn, I .1 Ibim-an and I' ST. ntiTH - i T i tixirt-i Burn. Iti Ma-t-h m rW. ..tire i- hri. trn thai In rnasailas-. itMoo ol th act of ronsrssa n! r itn-Mk.t nl.oraot . wmmm . that i nrsf. II. 0 acrn- I... -I- J .1.- . . - . J : I : I I '" ,!,c suhhiiu oi w.iier nit; !i mun ocprrwing ann mm- , ) I placed upon Carey cited the most appalling calami! artll h aaal aaas from -elections in order to secure pa- that ever befell this continent. V; """ . . mi ii 1 fc r - in tin- tent prohibits Ktnt of these segre- Main a. our aniens who had gallons from being radaaaMd aa relatives there were in a fever of t o, atter- dei that gvw. The requirement anxiett up until this, morninn. .i Mln-rasa ..t . of 1 acre fee: of w.tler certainty it wa imrvassiblr to wet nnvaii.1' I . sounds the death and again complicate the matte; Icaadmg report seemed to add to . I.. .. iLU ...I1-. J nn iaw n una anr i coin ei neti Mr Hir.iv's .umnan can never come up to these requirements and the sooner This- t reahaed and ot hi.. ... V sbo- ' Tim- ' inar J. tela. i FOR criM.K'ATIOX 55.00 REWARD $1500. Notice is hereby given that hunt ing and shooting upon the encioaed lands of the American Land A Lift Stock Co located in townships X f 4ala5 Ra E tDWnehip .sT " s R ' K NV M. Harney Co iVatoaji! ("aTnii i letter known as the Trout Creek and Colony Ratiohaa,) ia atftatlv forbidden Any person or persons fonnd hunting or traspaaa lag with a sun in their poaeaainn on above described property will te prosreuted to the full extent of he law A reward of 2.S ia here I v nftered for evidence that will lead to their arrest and conviction. Vmkrii a Lamd A Livk Stock Co, Ih F. II. H111 Ranch Makaorr "Of to 1m t.l- tar It - pwiyoao nfor- 11 11 l -It th I Baal -nh it. " aai S'liaaii 1 of life and proer- .1 4A1.I ilt. knell to some messages through and each mi. v i,,n.i ami P V : saparats 1. jiittir- and .likeled it. said eaunt) . ea tb 7tli ilav and Wl rvil B) Mm t -M aini fing filth Jim- Nnii.t al Sak el ScaaaX Dtatrkl the terrible Ii Thi morning, however, more reassuring news is received .inri settled the bene: fo' the country several Let the people take thu mattei up rr.u lit-d a1 oni-e n( private messages have here. Among these messages i one from .V Hrnwn stating that all are aafe. The report that one half the city had sunk and the other half j t almost destroyed by fire, with a terrible loss of life occasioned by the use '. dynamite in wrtikini: MliiuliniT . ti atnn lku Hmu ......... the value of t,r,n,.r-. ,h ..i "" S. "'-,. n.v ...,..., -,-m? m ' ,, to be all fiction iieni avlTcr.lllOg it- tic-- Ilia thereunto lir- jonathan Bu-ne haa ieti rer precinct in Harnex eoaMatj M far at heard from for the re publican nomination for U S s: ' I':i! . - . : aaj Bourne will - - be elected U I Sen.rn from Oregon ao long as the right thinking pa.'pie iiaee thr p;v,. . t unity to vote and have a aay in the matter, but he haa certainly demonstrated the power of advertising m- 1 ni.T- s at 11 ai .!- 1 M I at tin UN. I I was iaeaed . -be if Ii. law rrquiml i Itnieni m.. 1 V,Nfil SOI 1 vtrKi' - Hum The latest news was received from N. U. Carpenter at Baker ' ! City this morning and is authen-1 ami tic. This contains the very latest Ian aanri obtainable from the stricken , 11 and is moat encouraging ! The message states that the tire , ' ' I has caused the most damage ' 1 The shock broke the water mam- ' " " ib .III.! lll i- May, l. 1 V ol Mid It ntbi-s. the rijlit. I kwsa- - 11 hl.ea i. Havi . 11 "t. ut einfOte Id- ( oils u an tit e - I . - Timee- Herald is informed an4 It uu. .mr..,kL k. .u " asi - ssa-s.BBesaJir i llflll illl. that many land patents are being, dames The burned dutr; and have been received a- the I - .Pn(, from the bay t0 Van N- cal land offica. Many of vc. on tnp weft j t-,,,,,,, - at and oat called for l - street on the north. Th. pe ehould eeru'e these patents the entire wholesale district and the entire busines- dis trict of the city- The large 'uildings such as the Call, Exanu v.'bromcal and Palace hotel 5T- ere wrecked by the shock, the independent votet is the ii'.ter however not material , man behind the gun" when it damaged until it caught tire cones to selecting the officers in sinking of the citv whatever June. Fitness fur the p aMeaM 'be firat report being that fully fret rpaaiiliiaiiin in ""e half of the city had gone iato all officers fr m-. tip hottosa of be hay. No disturbance in the the ticket Th.i - pr.iper bay, ad the las of life will nut - In take .f the situation and exceed Sti. and have them recorded with the OawJaMjl c.erk :n orde- a9 i unplete T .n unKir;.mf matter kint lUlr . . laic NtU: BLICATION .! Tlnatf itio An MiTu 1 roa inn. - N.itii-e Is hereby giveo that a rrrtifi- assj of l-intl slecthiD held by School No 1, Harney Coanty, Oregon. eat filed in my officr on the tMth dav 4 liecemher. iYi. b the jndgae and ii-rk of aaid bond Imtion, whereia it Is 10a tr ""tried that at an sleet Ion held In said ase iistrn-t 011 lite IMth day 01 Iks-.. 1HOTV it s as voted that the bonds ol said district saj- should Ih- IminxI ir. the ion ol rtmnsand. Five Hundred I hilars , I' in lor the ! irpoae . ' lalaadlag oatet.indiDK bunded indshteiloeaa Said ootids to be issued in demnnina Flea Hundred iKtllar- awafwl leach, payable absolute! m Twenty Sn, lyeaei irom date, all of aaid bonds re I'l HI.H ATIOJi dwmalileat the pleasure ol said school 1 district at any turn alter ten 10 years Iron, dale I'riu.-ipal ami interval pay- ... atili ii i tilled t.itr- k-...! hi a' the ott'tc 01 the l unty Treasurer of Harney unti h-eiron or at aucn idace as may lap designated in the City and State of See "i -k at ths option of thr parches er. These bonds bear lOterest at the rate of not to esi-eoi nt wr rentnai ,,"". ,. i.- innum .,! mi banauall) Hid sill be rereired lor lbs w hols or anv par- ot said oomia. 1 will receive sealed bids lor the above issue of Isinds up lo 4 u'l-hwk P. M. ' .(state Imur ot Munda, the :unh day of April, t'ssi. when they will be or seed at my office a' Hiiro. Oregon ald lind ui be data.! Vat 1 IMOa. All bids should state shere the prin cipal and inter. -at "( -aid Ixuids shall be Mys!i)s and MM rste af interest a hich MsSJ "hall bear. The said luids will not be sild lor lees than par The right to reiecl any and all bids is reserved I. ail. hid for the bonds must la ee companied bv s certified bank i berk .its. ling '. per cent of ths amount of ths hid Itated at Mas "regon. this 1 7lla .lav nt PtMsJ UNM. -ignvdil M DALVM Coootv Treasurer. v Ii tlar eilliau.. i ,. . . ,' t aas llaglent I a. BhSSJ anO i.tast.iii i Joli prrintitig The Tirues-tleald ;.'"" '" c;alf: ASSIGNEE'S R. L. SABIN, Assignee. The Geer & Cummins Stock of Seasonable Goods is being closed out at prices that will insure its quick sale. PLOWS. HARROWS, DISC DRILLS. HOES, RAKES Field and Garden Seeds, Garden Hose, besides all kinds of raMe" j Kim ROUS HOD H&nhTO 14 a sv. are y. 1t rta r. I ye Ollt rali Call at the old stand, Burns, OrM . Hsraei NOTICE FtU IM AT10N t'srrst. "Tt Ilnn.a ur-"- la Nsties is sti. un ths aasssO satiier kat r ...I i.. la astt Seal sraot la supsor .. t au.1 Ibat aai.l sros" "til -r Bsaistsrsad ascausi at aann Aattl St, ISSV l Jason Bwaas iirsssa. H. k Ss ism I as., a. aii. t v Ha aaaiaa the l.iliowtas wilt hat rsntlaaeaa taaiar eesa . al saM laad. n lawea A Turmr lus. Tnrnr Basri Hill al ul Mara. "'. illiaai n esiia.a' in.aa Utefsa ea F,anft kas.s NOTICK KOU rtTBUCATIOK fsrris Stats 1 Saras, uragoa HtM . Nstl.S It hsrsl? f isi His A.b-t- H ui Suras iirsyon ka. lo aais prasfaa fcla Ssa i lor lbs l.o t. s, : T. SK I I S S lost Iks SsajUlsr as.! Ks (ssi a aatu raa, lt II .u a Haf lit lanai Ib- lnii,.uaj Hnim Is Mass lbs aassyMHs .n.aaiiut at. ' Isad Joi.u a i uls I ....! I i Ptsaseaaaaad iamsa saiiii. a Burns Meat Market Nnrlb ul I'usi Oiiiv. ur. V.ain Si. attf J Vs. laiM ,-T. I W HlMf Pork, Yii'iiM1' BoloiriiH ;inH Liver SaussuH in w patronage elu:'.d. (hi;mtit v. j Propt fair Mass hew . I Ollt Kallla- Veeeeaaasteeeeeee e Wool growers are invited It aall on or write W A nuduian. I'-urns and gel terms fur shearing with the new plant be baa ordered ssfisssssesssssssssa TflE HOTEL BURNS BflR. :. afcrir!a'iUWMi tiic rcvur w it MKSEt llOISOb :iuri-i, F-i-- p iai at '..I aabau, i,,d .a 'eg . ai aaai tbo usual gaagf i' the afternoon. Over I a, , l.teeei.'. igsaa alien- lam .,, i ,,.,,, i.unoi, and card as taekieiiijee tf the dav This t certatnlt weltunir gfJWt be people of tin- s i tiui W'tuir tiit- loss of property can hardly be estimated, il has services aiioycd the magnilurnt harbor unday and the .i: v. ill tinallt recu a certain extent. The Times-Herald has bulletin issued from time to time and alc ga nf the Uoiae Capita. e. jjivinj; accounts of n 1 Tiatbv- Laaa rici roa m u mo, OURfbUR y?DINAi: FRINCI PLES "On fbu Hasts ate WW Befflad (0 K UlK( ' V)BT Bu5aTJC vktfkJB 'felix it aaaW s avsb Jftapntj bounty fya ropfwtor. piw Winp- Liq ors and Cigars s I sesvs SMs.a4a .ssMMSS kS yCa nsv rriaa; atb l HUJTI eat k nag iat wn. sUM Hi Tile Largest a id Mosi Complete Mock am sii i.riiaran. aatirakviitad tv . . ., . - arthquake. but a- I - bad bes all distorted will not publish 'lieii. Fred Haiiiea and Mrs 11 I wmt earthquake it... war The bouse was practically ruined San Francisco ad by'e wboj was felt in Oakland. Alameda, - gin; tst . a i. lierkley. Sacramento and smaller Easter oflariug of Is 63 for tl Sun- pUcei in that section. Fire er. dav Baboo, supniies uu.i ttia-usr ,,, , thlt- wttmaetimtn,i Rev A J Irwin and son 1'bilij. serious damage was being inu. Dunn ounuav i i,c repartb this mormn suaas oaiaoa ill I I 9Mm m hi m mh I III T. .' i ;.! aT Jwaav sll.l'JII ff , 75SZ . .','A staaai to the effect that the fire is uncU-t control at San Francisco and in. and ware guests uf Mr aad Mrs L M Ham. .ton taking lepartura Monday morning iur,unher M .Mlclwllr.fl , llraa.n k... la I U. VI I .i'i. -':wii- uiau iu ava ari.i.ri lows ti. attetiti Prestivtenai asseii. bbea Ems aod fami.t wers viaitinK here Monday and Tuesday Hursemeo should see the pedi gree of Fillmore Chief trie trotting stallion The lav en Draft Horse Compan ill strnd the - IMPORTED BLACK PEKpTO S1ALL10N POLEDOR Fvr the Seasoo at the . S. Groves Ranch south of batxien M H Hraatoa candidate for sheriff aa here Mnndav H., nas wt a' Burns oo a SI . a LITtkAtV SOCIETi 1 be High Sabool Lilarary Boeie tv met yesterday afternoon at 1 15 l'ht llulllllMSaa far the elaa-tii.n null ".ureeyor gare Knd.v ., Kiot Thou.o- M i.duv comp;aiatK Vbe survey for . H,eD. 8.a,D Vl0e prewde, Ike road steal of town pemumed for gJ 8raUbi h., Buck Mf-1 a.1 Haiaas and other. -,ub. Gtsorge Oraaly secretary, A Hawtbon, representing blanch Terrill. Irving Millar, Julia -wl k a. -, -, a (:! a. . . . u snoe oikiiular- nui ireasursr imuglass aawiev. turers waa 1 uesdav ur mevehanti Myra King Song bv Society Mary Had a Little Lamb George Greeley Flo Thompsui. Curtis bmitL Keeolve, That r'asaet.- Should be Keduced er has been iiuiiding Aflirmatiyt. Emma Mullsr. Mart e feuce mi his Cow creek niece Seal aud Agues Sayer Negatne a. Marshall waa i.uildine wira fence tbi gwai Heading N'oeal Solo A ford with Kicbet A Co . Riding i'ortlaud paid ,iur piae- s visit ibis tt..i- ger Kates Week Cood pastxre and mares will receive the very best of care For terms see D. 8. CR A VE8 Lawen, Oregon THE OVERLAND HOTEL. F. A. COLE. Propt. burns, Oregon The Home of the Stockm.m Farm er and Tourist BitsTS most wixituisn SOUU Finat-Clsiaa, Wall Appointed House . fall hsraterl, Mel. lurulabed u i-uuilortablc rvMiOi- Lunaburg & Dalton's SPRING AND SHIER GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING We are now able to show you a larger and more complete stock than ever before. Our prices are as low as they can be sold. Our lines In DRES5 GOODS and TRIMMINGS comprisesthe newest and most beautiful things out. We'have also a new line of g),vv 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 $ 0 0 0 : pur: av 1 titk I r Ajats tor An Periodical Published. Ult NCTrS FtftSCKIPfWS GIVE1 STECUL AlltMMH.. THFCITY DRUGSTORI . H. M. HORTO .,. Propt. feet I srrssl liubt II be re tl saw ad Mi art aawieasnawevt , vas -.-taeew 5 " 'siaas SSSSSSasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. . aH ISSV A UkM BURNS LIVERY AND FttD STAnLL 1.1. 16 , i. pv Ladies' Misses, Children Hats and Caps, fa "i&be KOWN J " ' ' a9wai t igjgJSejgSB . a) 1 Jtsaasiw LJAMSIlTbslOTHtsiJssSAJ., r iassraia nagggB roa. aSisBSa CLAUT -XJfiSSg CPY-C BUJ-flsBQVN j ,-a.aSavitrf ' 'flasat'aai ' attention ; , , i.i , , Hot m Ai ,,'ny, FIRM Has: JUKI IlitMHIS our rn ur.- n. ) We raactiuli) invite lbs public tu sail uu us aud i and gat our prices We gna rallies- aatiatoetmn. W bui. I 0i oor busineaa aud proaaM tu ilu it wiUi Sr our guuia arr bare !. Ibte week ai.d says it is hsrd work. I he J .mer-Herald will make tii.s a bargain moiiib it. ibe way of riptioos aud Lac arranged t . give ibe hewi-U eeiclv 8t Louis K- tiuiiiic free u all who pay up .i ir rare and one year in advance lo C'baracter Kketcb Ada Neal Blanch Terrill and at ble Cross Tbe judges oo the debate were John Sayer, Henry Da) too aud Alios Bweak, critic, Roswell Ham ilton. The judges decided io favor uf the sflirmatiee. . . Gertie Harnet- LOW PRICES -SQUARE DEALING. , V'. ttm&Zril i$&$$&6i& VVivvsr aaeXrfa.; sawawsSawawaswawaasasasai aaa The Times-Herald. New subacib- ' Song by Society Old Black Joe era who pay in advance will also j Current Events Harry Buck receive this great national seiui- Sung by Society Juanite weakly newspaper aud family I Tbe president appointed Iuioii tnagasina iu the foiled Slates , Muller, Ada Neal aud Agrjes 8ayer The two papers one year for I 'J , to prepare the program for next fur this mouth only. Friday afternoon . rs 312 Our New Merchant Tailor, Is aaa Mat " " kM ' tkaiiat, rrnsiag. Repair aaa Alteraliou auri far Ualsn aaa ifalkaca aaltl aiaai April L5, waaa his at gasss arric Iks at a ill reis it stake Nc Ciathisg. hu is tst last I jet year clststa ig skate ices'tole. A. SHENK, Merchant TaUor, McGec Bldg. Burns, Or. aiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimni G. W. Clevenger & Co. FIRNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING. CAITETS, aUTTMISJWAU Pal. IfetWCAtTS, lATIaHSStS. MffllWJUTwtS. UILMM ssiOVCl PaPtt. gMHMi. la Every Particular Special Attcntioo (iivcu to Conducting Funerals Nta AND ACClRATt Ma SCALtS IN UJNNfcCIMN Villi BARN. aHV A """ -i Our Stock is c See us firat and get prices. Bt , Burns, Oreguu BURNS MILLING CO NORTON A. 8 YER. P,n, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. iiearest Sawmill to Burns. Cood Roal Lumber Yard in Burns.