OCR Interpretation

The times-herald. [volume] (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 11, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96088246/1906-08-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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Lmes- Jferald.
larr cimrn.ATiow
ritR inthtscoujitt.
IT '
1 1 News.
the com ins City
II urnry country
this neir fmrn-
nmrki-l. Offices j
ir.v. ifnrns ami
me.it er Building,
c. tik.yi r.
Sill I uj .
i hot.
wa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aa ..
First National Bank of Burns
I lt)
. .
Frank Sigeret came in from lite
railroad yesterday.
If you wish to he located on a
good homestead, sea F. M Jordan.
Job printing The Times-Herald.
For African water hag go to J.
V. Wi-loome Sons
Fred Otlev mid son Fred were
Frank Ihhhle and wife were over up from l.awen on business during
l-on was a business from Silver creek lnring the week, the week.
larry Carj
,'uaday, rat
t morning
Ire. W U
made us n ll ing vis-
H ...... T l.
"" iumu. n. u u u . . ., .
'. aa. . iiwiu'M niin wnr iiivv
is now crr.itlojred returned from their visit to Baker
igh school building, t 'My.
eked but one degree ,ee Caldwell has cloned the
ttest day of the sea- Windsor while he is out in the
. nawaajfcomnletc line of shoes You'll miss it if von don't come
jt B" received Jamea in and see my late invoice of shoe.
ilk. .lames Smith
k was in the city Mrs C A Haines nod children
darjBiiF to some probate are up from Narrows the guests of
Peter farmer, the well known
timing to I.awen the real estate man, "look to the tall
timber" last Sunday He is at pre
sent doing some cruising.
Infant shoee, half-shoes, tan. pat
ent leather, etc. in all aires and the
Ueorge Hibbard left vpry Ut,,l ty lea come and see
reek eslerday morn ibrm Jams Smith.
John Itarsey took his departure
Wednesday for Hreweey Mrs
Darsey is much improved in heslth
and hopes soon to be up
Miss Klla Crowley had the mis
fortune to step on a nail the other
dap causing a very painful wound.
She k" has to walk by tne aid of crut-
, be.
Mrs llatiie Hailie has moved her
stock of MilhiHTV ami Notions into
tie building just east of the Wind
sor and is prepared to trim iu the
latest styles Call and see he.
Dr. W C. Brown. Oculist. Offic
in the new stone building north of '
the Post Office.
I-nok Out (iel the safely Incu
bator, now it runs without a lamp.
See W. T. Smith about it. Burns
f the .t.istl.-e court Precinct ..i
mix sliile of ' '
iC'fl ;j,u , i . i miter,
'iff. v Kelin Hardier, Hen
I Hardier the nliv. mimcl .!
lint :
In lbs name of the state at i
' i'".- herein ii',) niinl to Hcsr ami
1 Maver the shove . . onpliints Med
aitaln-t ion m tlir above entitleil s lloa
'within si aceks trtitn lire i lie of tlie
li'-t I'UblH-stlon o( this sintnn
11 Ml t" N Mttl or Sl.pi-Sl fnt
sin thereof : pblntilT will tskc jmU
nent iiKainst nm in th sum
gat ilollsrs,(iii Interest thi
1 1 er lent t minim (r in Hi
) 1008 together with aUnraaj
unl iosls inn) disbursements ol tliis
oil. tin- nuioillit of the .lemsmlv
in i minus' eaaaaUlat hm
MMMM is -nlilisliel h or.l.T
i . P. Ilakrr a Justice o( Ik
for lirewser prat in. I, Connlv a llsrnci
' I .li.te.1 .fnlv l
Our ladies department offers unusuel bargains in
Summer Goods. We do not want to carry any
light goods over. Remember they are the latest
and unexcelled in quality.
kn "I Boys' Clothlnic- The whole line through, til nt n hlje reduction.
Our new full nnd winter clothing; will he shipped Aug. firm and we mwet
htvc room.
Country moil Orders Solicited.
N P Indemnt
Ari on Mi (InwAN,
The I sndman
$.M) equity in bouse and lot.
lvalue 11.100. (would take .HHi
homestead relinquishment part
pavment) M blocks car line ROTH I FOB
1 1 and daughter,
over from their
outing with the fish
nad come over from
at Saturday and is
r ilai gliter. Mrs m
f iu
Vandcrpool was in
a few days this
It a musician
rson iuhI son ill
Bit v Ibiirsitav Mr
iflering qu
ill Ifajajl
Heruld man and a
tin I S tieer home
brnooii und "ere treat-
rirnw berries, wlncb
one of the ratigtrs
llaiu forest ri-e 1 1
srdav vetting after coompanted their
st. ites he lis- an
Mr and Mrs Hedru k and their
granddaughter left Monday for
their home in California after a
crop of the season, pleasant visit with their daughter,
-dames C ti Smith and (i. W.
Vic (iibaou and Carey Tbornburg
wies to tbe
mountains Thursday where they
at Crane Hat '" camp for some time with tin- r
balnee, both fif wlioin are Buffering
with summer complainl
The Harney Cont Bank have
the facilities for handling your ac
count and would l- placard to have
M I.,
I a-hier
Or and Mrs Marsden left Tuei-
r Bear valley where they
K.nt ibe week combining busioees
nnd pleasure Oeurgc Maradeo,
devil" also apeut the
week on tbe Bear creek ranch a-
nlKipated at '" ihlie bay crop
(jeorge Purter arrived here
Tlmrsdav with his family and will
leave tomorrow for their new home
near Crane creek gap Mr Porter
is from Sherman county and was
here with bia father and others io
June when he filed ot. some laud
Frank Jackson arrived home
Thursday from a visit io his moth
er iu Malheur oount) U bile ab
sent Frank took iu the Circus at
Boiaa and gut "atuck" aud followed
Fred lenstedt is reported quite
sick with typhoid fever at hi home
east of this city.
Wanted to sell, Improved aud
I'niinproved land
Archie McOowan.
lVputy Clerk Cawlfield and
Claud McOee left here Thursday
for un otititig in tbe mountains.
Fancy Duck Blutch Oxfords for Mrs. Maddux. 107. K Ifl St
men, wr.men and children some land, Oregon
neat and up It date-Jamtij M(Mr, ., ft M.dlux ad Man-
Sm,,b- IniaFitchett arrived here We.ln.-.
'rank lleiut and family MM "p day eveaiug from Ontario with
Iroin l,awen a dav or two this eik. their families Mr Kitchett was
Frank having just returned from "lost agreeably- surprised to lio.l
the rinlronl with a IumI of freight. ! the excrllent MVpi on every hmd
... . . . and surprised to find any fruit at
I srttes are beret. v noti hid to t. '
.11 .. t l. I t: a.. If.
mii, mm wiirn nr nioi ins jinnv i- 'i
'i order raqalraa this summons to
Land serin Soldiers additional. ' imhlislie.! m the Times Herald s
Sante Fee all ' ' ielas-r, puhllslie.l at Hums.
MNNItMl I r n perio I of s
I 'he. late ol tlie tlrst iublii-slion
i- .1 ill Mill, I
t'arl Id:
Hotel Owfil,
.1 I II;. '
i sitsdsi .ti-i .-
niitns hi
I. ' I o rn llisl I riil.tl.ali
i Hiillll . Hi.
lMA.AVeat a IVMaBBl
M.-si. t. r iin. i
i-eiroll sh.I
ir sit nl I n..t it
nf Hums, .I'ssnii
s faaaa. aaaaei
frain from trespassing upon my
fiirtu north nl Burns I shall pros-eciil-sny
jiersoii found trestussjnu
l.l'i MiMIIII
here the fore pari of lime the
ther was anything hoi fmorable to
orotsa and the fr. exes he t Imulit
would put an end to any frim i
Fnd Ksndall came in on Thnri- peels whatever Mr Maddux will
dsi's Ontario stage. He baa been locate some land in a few d.irs if
In Alaska for the past several j he can find any to suit htm Ti v
monihs, having left here last ate enthusiastic regarding the W
Tln.ls-1 i i.
ItOTICR rOR Pllil li MltiN.
I tlmi on. I
. IS I
s ' "nl in . nni.llsni r
i tin i el .iiigr.ss !
ii i ... ...
I .. Ilk' .ism ; t i, ..ii. !,
Oil- i.fti.. lli.ir s..ri. !!.
Bill Hartley came in from the
rmiro.id Thursday. Hv went over
to Baker to see the circus II. ns
a genllemsn by
tbe name of Th mpaon.
Ilopkitis is at preaenl
n the mountains with friends, ha
tore of the Harney country as
agricultural district and will begin
isriuing at mice.
In a general dirouasion of ct
con.lilions in Fastetn tlrej;
tug bM adv,..d bv bsr physician M.m.UyV ( r. Koman has the f..l
s.i I .
..nut . ..I llsr
aan "i iim
l.l. N.t
el ll
to lake tbe little daughter
Pine 1 1 miser on account
to the '" ra,f","a' Hie llsru-r eoantrj
if her
Front quarter Beef Ac any rut
Wheal has done unusuiilli Wi
ill Hriie) loiintv This is .In
the tart that the elevation is so
thing like pssi feet Jatn.s KiL
ewr 10 y 't imn b
ii th roaMants of Harney Coun-
'isheA In in a position Io
eraiaad bo to handle tour
kiag moo
l.ii M. Biiowv.
RRRRw a mi i
gs arnv.-d
a ft urn an fiom his home in
MtaVJ'JPe via Cstivon
' and ia I. u look after aoeSt
Ha Mtn plains of our chilly
ihwr 4e)i v way of compari-
' ' Oajlnnu beat.
RRRBlilietl. I. Hither our
netl, die
na deAtii-r in Waahingtoi.
in his 7Hth year and
flvrinu from cancer
RRRV here his brother,
lelt irajfci.g since with his two
RRRRV' but a week after
over .1- ins uii trout quarter Mil. fmit and produce man. returned
rump.i. round steak :l lb 25c; fr,IIU or, Salurdav and is
chuck ataak :i lb ".. Ullow fie. tbualaalic about the nonditions of
n w it w:
K ii. lianlBtrri,
HI II. Ir . Iltii
irUiu m
R0Tf( I M rwi'AVKHS
oh. i. Iot. by given thai the
board .l pqoall ili a o( Harney
connlv. Or. e,,,,. mil mei't si the
I lb . oii.ir clerk, at the
court hoiii. in Hums. ONgMaj M
R IJ U e Mh dav of August.
I'.KM., ll. I ,.!,.. i, atMalM the
aaseeeui. ni nil i,.r the ear I'.hsi,
iiml cor.eri nil imirs which may
I n in nl.i in the valuation .f
prop. Hi , i II ,1, o , i lunly 'r.i
l lalm errors In
have Inn n. ,.!. m their assess -no
nl, me noM'i I . .,.i Iftj nr.
Ml thiil i ii.
I lns I hi, ,v of Angu.l,
ASS. s. ,r
I A. I J.oir
MOTK I i Oil l 111 MMHIN
on. i
' I.,
a ), .
McGEE & SMITH, Propts.
Rfg i. ml, i ,,,, ,,n Mai I , , .1 it
- iitireh mill new ii- at .1 ii.sh, well gall
a ptatteM io in. loinidaie I he pahlle i ser parii.-ular with
oiuf.irtithie c - ;ii,. apii ,, j Kraal
ia neutrally 1 aiaal la the lesilinc hotels of tne
it All i.'i k 1. 1 in our can
Horws Iroanlcd l (lie day, week or motitli
I hsil. II
I 'S.I.
Veal, pork and mutton always
hand at City Meat Market.
Halt likea his new our office
that his oraotiea!
I s or City. He oame iu from
of mauy that way and reports the Carpau-
I tera well and happy
tiaa tha
Hi lose
The Busy Corner Store"
-.- ai i ing to dispose of ours if price
BnJ quality will do it. We will not carry
$ 1 over. At the prices we quoie you
Bin batter afford to carry them than wc c jh
urMg August every piece of sunv
er gcjods in the house will be sold
riBuced prices. Come in and
Kf yourself.
m your mail orders--they will
ceive our best attention.
('has Johnson and ( W l.uckv
with their families aud Mr- K. N.
Nelaon and little son returned home
Wednesday from their outing in
l-ogan valley The entire parly is
etijoiiug eacellent health and re
Kirt having the time of their live
Following are the applicants who
are taking the teachers' esamina
tion for certificates: Mrs. Mary
Bain, of Harney, primary cerlill
oale, Miaaes Lena darker, Joay
pbine lecher. Ktate oertifioaUe.
Tbaaa for county certificates are
Miaaaa Mary Otle, Klma MarsLall,
Mable Hibbard, Merle Dallon, Anno-
laorge 1 .:! Tarrill ami M, I
K lirsvea. The examining board
cousisu of Hupl Ittgby, Prof H A
Oillard and Key. A J Irwin
W I- Klott. recently of lx An
gles, California, arrived here Thurs
day with the intention of location
kiid looking up soma
that section Fruits have dune
particularly well, although thia is
practically a new ii.dustiy for far
mers there. Mr Kile slates that
according to eslimnles l.e beard
while at Hums, main af tin-farm-era
Will average M bushels of w I. out
to the aire this year Hav,l..irle. ( 71 D M F h
und oala have done equally aa well, Vlll"ll 1
although there is not a great deal
of farming owing to the distance
from a railroad Two railroad pro
jects are under OMMMVllM for
Hanoi Counti , whuh will o
up something lik ,u res
agricultural lan I
"J. fv (Jeer. Slate Kepresentall e
of Malheur and Har-.ey lounlns
during M1 and u cousin of ex-
' ruor deer has gone into th.
fruit raising business on a liuuii.l
cal-. Ha ia cultivating apples
pears i hemes and all kinds of '
ries, and is doing well Mr Kyle
markete.l t his i h. rriei in
l'ortland The Uaa are only i
land for ' ?' 0,d. out '' ff "it ' ee.iail)
Real I stale
Ala Lecalor
III ll, - - OMUOM
Burns. Ofeqon.
Real Estate.
::; Timber Cruisers
..I III. ..
,i Ulli
MM .!!. S
' . I ...
'.ii n I
a U
. '.. ihu I last
i. i. ii ii
SI, ..I .. l. lai S's..'
ll.'B. ..I. .. il.la. ll.s lllk
V I amal. sua
Oil ft. ria. I .
. la IUIS III.
Reserved foi the
M. M. CO.
1 . . 1 raser, Manager.
( )ntario, ( )reffon.
ss, HsgieMt.
Ucaliau Maat.
Null, i I ,.: ITIll.lt IMS
.un i .
.Ii.i ha lot s;.l, ju.es a, ISBV I
friends H. hs.i received some in
formation ubout the Harney couu
try which' seemed loo good to Ita
true, but after reeing our valley is
c n m need that our descriptive pam
phi. tr were not colored in tbe least
large with a splendid flavor.
"Fruilraiviug promiM. i.
new aud prulilable in.ln.ir) MNM
the residents of Harm loun't
, Among tbe advantat-e. ,. the fail
that the fruits ripen Lie iu t,,
and we have ey en better than repra I ". r MM BaM diaaffjaaj
Mr Blott is a very pleas
ant gentleman and has the appear
ed from market. I'lentU
the farmers will Lave m troul
ancaof being just tbe kind of man fi"d"f ood ,"le f"r ""'M'."
to make a good citizen jducta.
Mr. Kyle might have slated fur
John Biggs took one of his fa j tba, tbat this is not a particularly
mous trotteraout Thuraday morn-; favorably sea. ,. I,.. ..,. ,. it,.
ing with the intention of taking a ,
lauy friend out for a rid.- and in
ciden tally to meet
Walton over at Bear valley aud
bring him to Burns He made
ormg aas ijuite backward and tin
usual late cold injure.! crops ten
bia brother materially that la Iiml .,.,,. ..
peciallv The I'ortlan I gwatl
might have also fouiol nth, i tine
II. a luall
.. ' u....l..
Na'.as.' m
imir i
. I list Iks
II.S llwUi
' tsf saSNaaltaisJ seisnass.
ll Hwii .
..I . I
aula. II ..IHU)
1 i
M i . K.suMai.
Hu " is aasjaaa i -.- ,
E 9' lUMJaVaJ
ei - m
: iLfflRVL f I
IIk flap rm fl
'.L m A T
iRitr m m
Pi i; -j ' t
H vs''l RjRjV
l H.V ewRR
lor a sua of oar aVaaiaa n ! B
a II
1 ilB m. RI9
n Baal B ajajaiBW
' HalkiaV fl RBI
H Raar aH Ram I
TaOora, C .1 ic ago B aikjajal W
I un"- i I i Anff ' Ytr
'! I ' ni in
Ulli' '
& CO
Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drinks. Confec
a SI P
tionery, Cigars and Tobacco.
main gr., lurm, Oraqon.
- - a '"
Liataat ld in
t. S. sMIIU, MKfcilrl
Bear valley all right but took a hearing orchard- h.l ',.
IU1 '" "ougo i in- inouuiains the K J McKi ,n M n,,,,-.
cuu.ing baek
loat his way
to make time He
and finally reached
Mrs H
I. boaen, W
liain. .Issuer
ll I
Oav J 1'
ry i , T- I. "
WdWl 10 WHdf (idrnOrS K.e..il4ll-biia.i.r. M.lbeurriaJaM
I greatest sun liou.s in lounii. Isn I, Irrktatkaa a. ,
si. r Mi
hee Ilea suinnl. s
IS. IU AS. II.M)N. Kuril, Urcgaa
Un nl I'f ltll)ki
w " r rgaRf raagsaa "S MRi
Ttxo Orearon Hotel
.1 II Nil .i. igr
srilli neat, ale
ll... a .. I
' s
Frank Metschau's aWol -i o'clock I Eactor, Adam tieorge. ('. B , icr
rW ""'
yesu-ruay morning j ins la a
secret ),,. v.r. and we ask his
friends In say notbint almut it
Mrs. J. C. tiarrett
Iron. In r hnme in Washington some
two weeks ago. Ibe pencil pusher
of this freat religious' wrote a local
tj this etl'ec.t at the time, but it fail
ed to get into type from some over
sight The rimes Herald takes
special plvaaure iu uieutiouiug old
L.n.e jK-ople like Mrs. (iarrett, for
aha has many old tune frieuda
throughout Kaatero Oregon who
will be pleased to hear of the lady
beiug iu good health Bbe ia at
present visiting her children, raud
son or A Venator rgnataM in thai
i' .U be y ielL U the snuil.. rn ai !
anived here ' '""' '"'-""Iv be ., ,.) ,Ve
lounii i rois in ail ailol .
citymIat MARKET I Burns F,0l,rin9 Mi"
I favorable than here, ajyj , i I,.
1 woulu visit our loc.l fa,, ,, , fajj
be would th .. uully find u.,lae
ralw thintcs in th, II , . i,v
l-ack af knowledge as In tin pro
per care ol (run tiees and barricj
i is a great draw buck to ibis as
thai will soou be overcome. Many,
like the writer, are overnl.,,,,.
j push their trees aud vims without.
enough consideration to the tan.
city or strength of the plant That
should be kept back from loo early
for Clean, Wholesome Meats
I i illiliitf k.'t ill i.il'l slot ige a, hi i ill Ii. o ... uosts
led ring on the blocks or baugiug aruuml tin .1 ami
Hi. laughUl uinl .li-ii.i
Krol.t i,U,li.l Im-cI I ,1 la. ki .
-uiukeil liallhul I'likl.-.l oliiolls, chow . In vi .o ,..a lo bulk
I liauss sml i a,
-viiis a.i.ning in. m i.i i in tsi( ac.
inMjrtii,u null
.chliuruu and givat-grand-childreii , bloouilug in spring also. However
iu thia county. we will all learn iu time.
Sold at 10 per cent Margin.:
i during the season.
fall nub limn. . t mlssIs anil ,
.. aoii iuii Io all isii,is iim n.g I l.e season.
J . J l fc.lN I . Pi opt.
J '' ii ' I l ' ' i ' i ' 1 ' ' ' i " rf I lf(l Jt i
All kinds ol' Mill Feed ...way aa Uaad
Tit! VfcIV MJWbl MAHkll I'alCl; fAlK H na WIUH MtAl'
Good Seed Wheat for Sale

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