OCR Interpretation

The Mellette County pioneer. [volume] (Wood, Mellette County, S.D.) 19??-1971, June 28, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96090217/1912-06-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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lumber and building
th * i
t. :
We have a complete stock of high grade
Lumber and Building Material, and can fill
any bill you may bring us, at Prices that
are Satisfactory to all, right from our yards
here at Wood.
Call on us when wanting to build, look over
our stock,ask for prices and estimates,and
your building troubles will end right there.
S. D.
Culbertson & Johnson props
...... « » ‘ f lilt t,>.1. , .it. t
hite Thunder Stock Farm
Breeders of servicable acclimited draft horses. If in need of a
leam or saddle horse that is worth the money, call on or address
iheabove. RANCH one mile north of town. Office in Wood.
X A. K. Wood; Proprietor.
Miss E. THOMPSON. Prop.
* We Have Good Accommodations for Fifty Guests. Good
♦ Comfortable Rooms. Good Cooking
Caters to First Class Trade |
Short Orders Served f
V v BOARD and LODGING V - v £
WOOD. S. D. <
| Rooming Hotel j
f Everything new and up-to-date g
| Sanitary rooms and beds ■
I Reasonable Prices ■
I Culbertson & Johnson p P
Wood, S. D. ■
First Do«r West Of Hardware Store fBiJ
®he Jftdktte - County
Prices Reasonable.
S. D.
Preparations for the Six Days Celebration Next Week
Rapidly Nearing Completion, and Everything will be
in Readiness Nonday Homing.
Everybody in town and vicinity are
up on their toes these days, making
preparations for entertaining the
thousands of people who will bo with
us next week during our six days
celebration. A perusal of the pro
gram for each day will convince all
that there is no small amount of work
connected with carrying it out, and it
will be carried out to the letter. It
will lake hundreds of Indians to car
ry out their part of the* program, and
they are arriving every day to be in
readiness to do their part. This part
of the show alone is worth coming a
long ways to see. But that is only a
part. The noted Draper band will be
here to furnish music, several of the
best ball teams to be found will com
pete for prizes, the best horses will
race every dav. also all other kinds of
Homesteaders Lease School Land.
About 17,(100 acres of school land
in Mellette county has lx?en leased by
Auditor Cummins, most of it to home
steaders for grazing purposes. That
sounds good to us for the reason that
with a quarter section of land on
which to raise crops and a section on
which to pasture his st<x«k, the home
steader should Im* able to make a for
tune in a few years. It also indicates
that the new settler is going into the
stock raiding business along with his
farming, which is a wise move. Farm
ing alone, without the raising of
stock, never was a success in any new
country any more than it is in the
older settlet! countries, and we predict
the success of every homesteader who
raises horses, cattle, swine and pouitry
along with his farming efforts.
The Wood ball tensers, accompan
ied by a large majority of the people
of our little city, journeyed to Carter
last Saturday t<> play a game with the
team from Shoemaker. And it was
some game, too. Neither side scored
until about the sixth inning when a
few errors started things going and
the score stood three to four in Shoe
maker’s favor at the close ol the ninth
After the ball game several foot
races and horse races were enjoyed
by the large crowd present, and a
dance was given in the evening.
The Draper Democrat has gotten
into a sort of argument with the Mur
do Coyote over which o r the two towns
is the closest to Wood, and do not
seem to be able to settle the question.
As the best way to settle it, we would
suggest that the two editors walk
over here next week to atterd our
celebration, and see which one gets
here in the shortest time. Both of
them will be tired enough on arrival
to admit that it is a heap long ways
from either place.
O. E. Murray Here the 4th.
Our little city can congratulate her
self on securing 0. E. Murray, of
Murdo, to deliver tbe 4th of July ad
dress here. Mr. Murray has been in
the western part of the state for many
years and is well known to be a very
able speaker. Mrs. Murray will also
render a vocal solo on tbe same date.
Don’t fail to bear these talented peo
From my place near Little Crow, 1
dark brown mare, wt. 1100, and colt,
branded half circle R l>ar on left
shoulder. 1 light l»ay mare,with colt,
wt. 1100, white face, blemish on stifle
of left hind leg which shows lump the
size of an english walnut, left hind
hoof paster joint white. $25 reward
for recovery of same and ?2a reward
for apprehension of thieves if they
were stolen. C. S. SciiAßrm.
A homesteader named John Vick,
who has a claim three miles northeast
of White River, went insane a week
ago and was taken care of by the in
sanity board. He was apparently in
good circumstances and no reason is
known for his sudden affliction.
, i - * /F’ » ' <.■ w '•V S*'* X k f
/«, ” ' r-' '‘'‘'-a
■’ JI i» . SdiwSb’ ' da"’? '.-.J:
A Good Game.
Step It Off. Brothers.
Strayed or Stolenl
\ Gone Insane.
races and sports will lx* pulled ofT.and
everything else that van be thought
of will be done to entertain the thous
ands of visitors who will lx* here.
The half mile truck and ball ground
are the best of any in this part of th<*
state, and the large covered grand
stand will a fiord a go<xl resting place
for those who desire a shady seat from
which to see the races, sports, ball
game, etc.
Come and spend a week with us ard
we will show you the most interesting
and enjoyable time you ever saw
Read the program and judge for your
self. The big doings begin at sun
rise Monday morning and never let
up. day or night- we Woodites never
sleep—until the following Saturday
night at twelve o'clock —perhaps not
Taft Forces In Full Control.
The Taft forces have been in full
control ot the republican national
convention at Chicaj'o. That leaves
KiMMwelt and his workers (he alt- rua
lives ef sitting in th- convention as .in
independent faction, or boiling lb
unvention and forming a new part*
ifter this convention closes, probably
not later than Sunday morning.
Ao everlasting scrap from begin
ning to end. in which harmony lie
out of the window the first day and
has been out ever since. After this
is over there is still worse to come as
the democrats convened at Baltimor
last Tuesday and the prospects are
good for a livelier time than the re
publicans have tx*en putting up so far.
Look Out for Fire Next Week.
Il is probably not out of place to
call to the mind of our readers the
fact thut at this time cf year everyone
should Im* very careful about setting
fire that they cannot control. Every
thing is very inflamable during such
hot dry weather as this, and a little
carelessness right now might cause
the destruction of all farm budding-*
or w hole towns during the high winds.
It would bo very advisable for the
people here in town to clean up all
iutlamable rubbish, as there will be
thousands of people here next week
among whom there will Im* some, no
doubt, careless enough to throw light
ed cigars, fire crackers, etc., any piacr
it happens. A little cleaning up will
probably save some loss.
Daily Mail Starts Monday.
At last the long desired daily mail
has matenlized. It will start
Monday morning, July Ist. This will
give us a daily mail to Winner via
Carter and also to Murdo via White
River. Both routes start from hen*
and Dallas Shaw has been awarded
the contracts (or hauling the mail to
both Carter and White River. That
we people of Wood are greatly pleased
is putting it mildly. We are tickled
muchly, for it puts us in daily touch
with both railroads and the outside
world both east and west. Next thing
to a railroad, it is the best thing we
could have gotten. Congressman
Martin deserves much credit for his
able assistance in securing the route
and such good service. Wethank him.
The Scenic Highway Handy.
The cross state auto road from
Sioux Falls to Rapid City, known as
the Scenic Highway, which goes
through Murdo and other towns on
the Milwaukee Ry. north of us. is
rapidly developing into something
more than a name. Much enthusiasm
is being rieated along the route and
work will progress rapidly when the
details are all worked out. Although
we are not on the road, it is only a
short auto drive to it—about 35 miles
- and we can take advantage of it on
.i trip to the eastern or western puit
of tbe state.
For Sale!
Good business lot on Main street,
A’rxxl, So. Dak., well located. For
terms write owner, F. C. Brookings,
Burke, Sex Dak., in care Burke State
Bank. »2
First State Bank
CAPITAL, $10,000.00
iWe wish to announce to the f
public that our doors are now open •
and we are at your service in any f
j matter pertaia’ag to the banking 1
» line. f
1 We invite you to come in and 1
I get acquainted, look over our new I
building and investigate our way of J
• doing business. \ou arc welcome a
f at all times. f
■ i t
F. A. McCornack. President
A. K. Wood, Vice-Pres. G. L. WatSOll, Cashier
We have a forty-five horse power
tractor and gang plows and are ready
to contract for breaking
2 , I
5 Gen'l Merchandise,
Fine Candies and Tobaccos a Specialty
Nelson’s Meat Market
Fresh Beef
and Sausage
Salt and smoked meats
Also a fine line of fresh fruits in season. Oranges.
Apples Bananes.
Will Buy Your Poultry and Egys
Henry [Nelson.
and Provisions
Half Block East of Hotel
Wanbliciqala Tipi
’Z—C-’—t-’l—Z—.—i*-. -f—l—.—.—•**.—•**•<
Highest Market Prices.
S. D.
Salt Meat®
Lard and beef suet

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