VOLUME LUMBER AND BUILDING VON SEGGERN BROS. & UTZ Wood, - - s. D. H A FINE LINE OF CIGARS, CANDY AND SOFT DRINKS 7v Culbertson & Johnson,props t s* M •; # Caters io First Class Trade Short Orders Served *■ tii' Newly remodelled, renovated, and under competent management. Everything neat, clean and palatable. ■if GEO. J. GORDON, Proprietor. WE GUARANI EE We make c standing guarantee to supply you in the cheapest and best groceries in the county, with a fuU assortment of canned goods selling at such prices as And a new shipment of assorted canned fruits in syrup, all selling at With all such Strikingly reasonable offers in com bination with the lowest prices in stapes, sue as Etc. We feel safe in making such g ftll _ imitation for returning you equal vaiue Our reputat.on io t 0 consldcr our for your money wdl , c ' 2 e trdth oi our state guarantee. Our proof as to the train o ments awaits you in our open o • We Sell Everything. I Or (JUdldie County ?pienccr WOOD FOR PERMANENT COUNTY SEAT MATERIAL We have a complete stock of high grade Lumber and Building Ileterid, and can fill any bill you may bring us, at Prices that are Satisfactory to all, right fror: our yards here at Wood. Call on us when Wanting to build, look over our stock,ask for prices and estimates, and your building troubles will end right there. OUR AIM IS TO SATISFY PALACE POOL AINO BILLIARDS MENARDS* RESTAURANT & CAFE BOARD and LODGING Tomatoes 10c, 3 for 25c Corn 10c, 3 for 25c 15c, 2 for 25c 14 lbs. Sugar for SI.OO WOOD MERCANTILE CO. • » ■ 'AV Wood, a. r. WOOD, MELLETTE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, O TOBER 18,1912 ROOSEVELT SHOT BY A CRANK Revolver Bullet Fired by a Crank Giving the Name of Jno. Shrenk Lodged in Right Breast. WOUND NOT A SERIOUS ONE AND T. R. MAXES SPEECH After Being Injured Teddy Makes Speech at Milwaukee Before Submitting to Examination—Ball did not Penetrate Lungs. Col. Theodore Roosevelt was ahot atioue and lower ribs. The Colonel declared that he was not hurt and was rushed to the coliseum where he addressed the large | LOCAL ITEMS / Win. Culbertson went over to Mur do Tuesday. J. B. Seri ven spent a few hours at \\ bite River Wednesday. For sale, 24 acres of trood corn, on the NW 18 40 26. F. P. Gavin. Win. Tackett, of Gregory, spent a few hours in our city Monday. Robt. Miller ean.e up from Carter. Monday, and transacted business a few hours. Miss Margaret Feeney went down to Sioux City, la., Monday, for a abort stay. D. E. March, of Hinton, la., is here building on the claim south west of town. R. I*. Carter is in Omaha this week, and Louie Menard is assisting in the store during his aleencc. 11. K. Nolan and L. F. Fox, lx>th if Winner, w» re in this vicinity Mon ■ lav, looking at some hud. G. W’. Sawyer secured 18 foot of good water in a 35 f«M»t well on Lis homes I < ad mar town last week. Mr John Shooter lost a saddle about a week ago, No. 3.X), with nickl< com hes, J. H. I bu oy Co. make. Frank Cummings and Dirk Joins tnotor<-d over from White River and spent a few'hours in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tisdrll and chihl are here from Farnam, Neb., building on their claim west of town. lx«o Gordon, proprietor of the Menard r wtauraut, enjoyed a visit with his father from Nabruska, Wed nesday. Messrs Miller, Wood, Anderson, Kirch and Cole were among those who visited the temporary county sent on Tuesday. Edwin F. Morrison, democratic candidate for states attorney, from Gregory county, was in our city a few hours, Saturday. H. O. Satree, who arrived from Newman .Grove, Neb., last week, is busy building and making improve ments on his claim north of town. Bert Cox. wife, daughter and son. stopped here Wednesday night while on their way from their claim to Winner where they took the train for Omaha to spend the winter. F. P. Gavin brought us in a sample of potatoes which he raised on his claim south of town. They were raised on spring breaking, were big fine specimens and Mr. Gavin tells us that he lias about forty bushels of them. Harry L. Gandy, of Pennington county, candidate for congressman on the democratic ticket, was in the city Saturday. He was billed to apeak here but was behind on lis schedule and only spent a short time visiting. Talk id) tut your countries that will raise garden truck any* lime in tie year! Nick Fenton brought us in a bunch of lethis and .radishes, Wed nesday, that he got out of the garden on the claim south of town, that were as nice a* any we ever atw anywhere in June. k % •' *4’’ ' V l crowd assembled to hear him for-ov» r an hour. Afterward he was rust.«