HADA WEEK IN CHICAGO exhibits at live W-nc.K AND LAND SHOWS CLN- V ter of attraction. hats wore doffed to Canada the two weeks of the lumd |Hv and the week of the Live Stock |K V at Chicago. Willing to display Ugi'C'd-*’. anxious to let the people of central »tat»?s know wha» could ■produced on Canadian farm lauds, tno quality of the article, Hon. J< nolle, minister of the interior ■ Canada, directed that sufficient be secured at the United ■m*. Mnd Show, recently held, to ■v ron-.e adequate Idea of the field ■oin.rs of western Canada Thoso ■.vein* had splendid location, and ■t.ii> d one of ths most attractive and grass exhibits ever seen ■ .<-:•> Thousands, anxious to get ■,k to the land.” saw the exhibit, ■ wlo.it that weighed 68 pounds to ■ asured bushel, oats that went ■ d barley that tipped the scales H' ounds. The clover, the alfalfa. ■ wild p< a vino and vetch, the rye ■i the red top and many ether sue- Hec and nutritious varieties of wild demanded and deserved from ■ r prominence and quality the at- Kt'ju they received. The grain in K straw, bright In color, and carry- ■ inadi that gave evidence of tho K-' of the statements of Mr. W. .T. of Ottawa, and his attendants, Kt 'li r ‘ wheat would average 28 to ■ b ishels nnd over per cere, the oats H t. lO.*> bushels, the flax 12 to 28 Hr! I■•. were strongly In evidence, Hd arranged with artistic taste on Hr Jis. The vegetable exhibit was ■ surprise to the vhltors. Potatoes. Knips cabbage, In fact, all of It ■ov<' with the world. cf the unique nnd successful ■s":* a of the exhibit was the sue- K. ?fu« and systematic daily dlstrihu- M ef bread made from Canadian y It was a treat to those who got , ( arridian butter Canadian cheese >at I I .cti.’hip of 1912, I '•ating .dr. I" • ■ / with the r.”’;e variety of Hill & Sons of I.’oy.Jmlnster, .’chewan, in 1911 won th« C’oiri t . ; t trophy for best oa’b *rr >wn. i noted fc in r. big ccinpetltion at leu mbits, Ohio, in 11H1. The product) f British Columbia at . t ? New York c.r.l Show In 1911 carried off ’he World’s championship for pot at . --The viceroy , and vlcequeen of India, Baron and Baroness Hardlngo. escaped i atlnn as if by a miracle here Monday ‘ it the hand* of a native fanatic when , making (h« ir ceremonial entry Imo ‘ D’dhi. the new imperial capital of In dia Three splinters of the powerful IR bomb, which killed one native attend an’ anti Injured another, penetrated ’ * the l eek and shoulders of the viceroy, and he was also wounded In the neck >r by the screws with which the bomb l * was filled --.nd which passed through C ills helmet The (lectors who removed the metal pllnb rs from the wounds declared It mat - ’ *lr is that tho viceroy escaped r af:»l Inmrle. Lady Maiding** was l ’ erlousl*. shaken :»p 'The eh-phant on which they were ‘ riding halted. and the viceroy tried to ’• s’and up. had reeled and tainted and r »he officials who gathered mound birr* l < hid much difficulty in removing him t» • roy and vlcequeen were being con (. veyed to the hospital and viceregal -. residence respectively. Ic i- CRISIS IN PEACE MEET t Allies Seek to Force Turke to Definite Decision Fighting May Be Resumed. s London. Dec 21. —Hopeful for peace, bitt ready to light, the envoys » of the Balkan allies went to St. ) .lames palace, determined to force the ' Turks to a definite decision The question of the resumption of i hostilities now rests on tho Turkish > demand for permission to revlctual • Xdrianople. If the Turks refuse to al ’ ter this demand the peace negotin ♦lons probablv will not reach consid- • oration of the surrender of the fort ’ dess. The allies nro united in the ■ stand that the negotiations must eon > Untie with conditions within Adrian - ople ns they are at present • The Balkan dole’ates will flatly re fuse to allow the provisioning of Ad rlanople. and will declare tor war un ICFS the powers offer an acceptable plan of mediation, giving to the al lies the privileges and preference which they believe theirs, as duo to the victors. Football Star Dead. Madison. Win.. Dre. 27.—John ••Kecklo" Moll. twenty-five, former Badger football star and head coach n f Purdue university, died at the Gen oral hospital here Wednesday of ty phoid fever. , Gibson Is J«tl Santa Claus. Goshen N. V, Dec. 27.-Burton W ‘ cibson acted as Santa Claus to tho nrisoners In his part of the Jail here ' Wednesday- Oibaon had oranges, bn- . nanas and other fruits purchased for . . them * EXPERT IS WANTED board of commissioners ask LEGISLATURE TO GIVE THEM AN EXPERT. OTHER ITEMS Or INTEREST From the Capitol City, the Various State institutions and From Many Different Parts of the Sunshine State. I’l»-rre.—The board of railway com iniMioncrß hua submitted a report to 'lh governor, and among the h'gisla tlvi* n-coinmendationti they auk that «h»- h'glHlaturr provide them with a ■ iivfflc man.’’•one who will be able ro niiet tiie testimony of traffic officials ot tlii' ralluaya who an- the ones put to the front in all suits on rates against the companies. To provide for aiipeala direct from the railway commission to the supreme court, to exp< dlte mutters in rate orders which th<* commission may make. Requir ing the the consent of the commis sion before competing telephone sys tems are placed to cover the same town or territory. Requiring public service corporation. Including ra.l --v ays. telephones and express compa nies to secure consent of the commis sion before any issue of stock, bonds or other securities can be made. An thorizlng the commission to secure physical valuation of telephone lines in the state for the purpose of rate muking And requiring railway, ex press and telephone companies doing business in the state to make station reports, for use In suits In which inter state questions are raised. The report is a long, detailed one. covering the work of th" board for the past year, but the legislative rec ommendations appear to be the live propositions they put forth in the doc men t. Good Roads Folks Happy. Pierre. Tho good roads advocates of th" state arc pleased over the out come of the vote shown in the 18 different counties of the state which carried the la«v of two years ago to a vote under the local bption provi sion!- of the law. Every county on whl-h a test vote was taken apjuoved tile law by a substantial majority, and ■that exurcssion will be used to urge greater advance in the road laws of the state at the coming legislative s: salon, when the points which had to be conceded to secure the enact ment of any road law. will probably be eliminated by amendments to the act which wus secured at the last session. The counties In which xotes were taken w re: Brookings. Brown. Buffalo, t’lnrl c’odington. <’:ay. Grant. Hamlin, Hutchinson, Minnehaha, Moc.dy. MePh< r.-.on. Miner. Lincoln, Stank) and i nion. First Cousins; Marriage Illegal. E k Poin.. Officers have returned hen- having in custody Charles Webb, arrested In lutwrence county on a eliur ?• of p ( rjury. Tho charge is an outgrowth of stat'-ments made by W"bb when he and a young woman riving her na.na as Bernice Webb, ap peared boiore the clerk of courts and applied for a marriage' Hcnnse. Wobb swore then ho and the girl were nut nlai'd and that the girl was over 18. Tin* I‘cense was granted and the cou ple w<-r. m'lrCcd It has been learned that Webb and the girl are first cous ins. the stut’.it's of South Dakota pro hibiting the n arriage of persons thus related. It is believed that steps will be taken to have the marriage de clared void aid that the criminal charge agalns* the young woman will be pushed. . Bridging Western Streams. Pierre - Engineer flardgering of Rapid City, who superintended the construction of the two bridges across Cheyenne river in Pennington conn* ts r< ports th.' Wasta bridge complet i'd. th.' Creston bridge having been put in first, and that there are now two good wagon bridges across the stream on two different cross-state roar’s. In thr bridge line the people of northern Staifley county want such a convenience to give them a road to points on the railway north of the river, and they arc attempting to se cure co-oporntlon of the Ziebach county commissioners to secure such a bridge at a point somewhere in the vicinity of Carlin. A New Mine Company. Pierre. Incorporation has just been obtained for the Kaleva Mining company, of which C. .1. Prase. Wm. Richards and .1. \V. Peterson, well known mining mon. arc the principal officers. Mr. Richards Is a mining engineer who has operated extensive ly in foreign mining countries and is now engaged in selecting properties south of Lead, where the headquar ters of the. company arc located, which will be operated. Practicing Without the Qualification*;. Leola Jacob J. Lammle. a McPher son county young mar. Is under a.- rest here, charged with practicing as a veterinarian without the proper qualification or authority. It la claimed Lammle administered a ce> uni to n number of horses as a pre ventive of black leg. and after seven norsos had died from the elects oar from Duke'* Mixture may bt f T aaorini with taxt fr< m HORSE SHOE, girti J. T., TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF. UIMRL S VA GRANGER TWIST, rowA?-«r from HQwWW J LW FOUR ROSES UOC’tin dottle couj 1). fiNHnZSL M FICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT CIGARETi ES. CUX CIGARETTES. FWhdßlS* other tasi or touy'tm imted by mj. V Address—Premium DepL - St. Louis, Mo. 13 i t ►J Mfifl A GROWING BUSINESS Btl.fuT ON A TXT,ON I STEELE, SIMAN Jk COMPANY COMMISSION SELLERS OF HO&S, CATTLE AND SHEEP Write us Thos. J x jSt pam.cureaw.udeuHi-.—bulth .M* Bachelors are "women’s rights," and widowers are women’s lofts. ’ • FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS Are Richcet in Curative Qualities FOR BAOKACHE. RHEUMATISM. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER B S«et Co«fh Syrap. Tmim Oood. Um £3 THE CASE. — m Heredity.