SUPPLEMENTIO HE LLEIIE Mil PIONEER. ■’(»L. I. |Ha K Wood and Theo. Fihn made Hrip to Westover, last Saturday. ■lt Iwgan Knowing New Yean* after- Hoo. and we now going to expect ■na* real winter weather. ■I) (i. Miller and family were enter ■iucd at dinner at the A. K. Wood ■itne just south of town New Years ■ ■ A brother of Henry Siegmund who ■as been here visiting with him for a ■Duple of weeks, returned to his home ■t Michigan, Monday. I W. E. Dean was here Tuesday and ■nished up the deal for the two stage ■lies and will be here to take charge ■ext Monday, so we are told. Hubble A Kent came over from U bitP River Tuesday and are build ng a new house for Mr. Stranger Horse about a mile north east of town It is reported on pretty good au thority that an effort will lie made to Tood county, totb»* south of us to settlement next summer. A num ber of the Tood county Indians an* said to favor the proposition. Miss Stella Ducker, one of our pop ular young lady homesteaders, has the honor of mailing the lirst packngt* from the Wood post office under the uew parcels post law. .1. B. Seri vens w as the second to take advantage of this new law at this place. THE PIONEER FOR NEWS. ONLY $1.50 PER YR. Wood, S. D., Fbiday Jabvaby 3, 1913. A Wbist Party. J. B. Scrivens and wife and G. L. Watwnaud wife, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo. Fihn at a whist party Tuesday evening. Mr. Scrivens and Mrs. Watson walked off with the honors. Refreshments were served. Denied Enrollment. The most important matter up for consideration before the Business Committee at the Agency, Monday, was the application cf A. M. Cbarlaui neai’X of Todd county for enrollment as a member of the S'oux tribe of In dians. After considering the evidence submitltsi the Business Committee voted thirteen to one denying the ap plication for enrollment. In printing the Christmas program last week we inadvertantly omit Its I a recitation by Miss Fae Krieger, really one of the best numliersof the even ing. W e offer our apology Io th* voting lady for the error. (In another page of this weeks issue ol thePiosKKß you will find the new parcels |>ost fully explained, ami illus toiled with a parcels post /one map. The new -ei-vice commenced Wednes day of this week. It will pav you t • read this article over carefully and familaii/.e yourself with this new ser vice provided by Code Sam. No. 47