- Mellette Coca ly Pioneer FRED C. KIRCH, Publisher. WOOD, - • SOUTH DAKOTA. 1,000 ffi STRIKE WALKOUT GENERAL ON THE AN 8-HOUR DAY DEMANDED Employes Also Ask for Establishment of a Pension System and Hospital Reforms—A Complete Tieup of Traf fic May Result. Mexico City.—Setting aside the agreement between the grievance committee and the management, a gen eral strike of thr shopmen was begun on all the lines of the Mexican rail way system. The number of is approximately 7,000 The order for the strike was signee by an official of the United Workmen of the National Railways* organize, tion. which includes all grades of m» chanics. Reports from division point - indicate good order and the regular movement of trains. The men have asked for a revision of certain service rules, an eight-hour instead of a ten-hour day. the estab lishment of a pension system and ho.’ pital reforms. Some of the demands of the tnet. were agreed to when they were Orf formulated and the agreement wn signed. This was not satisfactory t< the grievance committee and the rai way management was allowed twenty four hours in which to grant the full demands. In a statement the manage mer' avers that the granting of the incrca? ed pay and the shorter hours wool : mean an increase In expenses of b« tween 50 and 75 per cent. Unless speedily settled the strike* In all probability will result in practical!, a complete stoppage of tratfic. The officers of the Mexican railway men’s alliance will attempt to effe t a settlement. They have counseled the strikers to return and will confer with the railway management. The alliance is an organization admit!lnc any railroader to membership, which is therefore very large. LEAVE STRANDED VESSEL. Fifty-seven Passengers and Eighteen of Crew Reach New York. New York -The fifty-seven pass*’.- frrra and eighteen of the crew of th* United Fruit company’s steamship Turriubla. ashore nt Brigantine shoal nine miles north of Atlantic City, N J., arrived here on board th? United States revenue cutter Seneca. Th? cutter had stood bv th? stranded ves sel all the night and nt 9:00 o'clock the next morning. part of th? craw and the baggag? and mail were safelv transferred and th? rteamcr started on its Journey to this port. The sea was srr.oo'h and th weather fair wlv; the transfer wa* made and the passen gers experienced little discomfort. According to reports brought here, the Turrialba lbs v.ith her propeller damaged, stern post cracked and rud der missing With good weather the vessel will be saved, ft is thought. St. Paul. Minn - The Soo road soon will begin the ext naive operation of trains on its Chicago division by the telephone dispatching system, if the method proves feasible it is probable, sax Soo operating officials, that the cartein will be established through out tlio transcontinental route of tho S' O and tho Canadian Pacific. Peking —ln view of the unsatisfac tory position of the opium question, the Chinese government has issued a manifesto reiterating its desire to sup press the evil and save the people from a life of degradation. The man fr< ‘to expresses fear that although the government is in earnest the people are evasive. Amesbury. Mass. —Relics of the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, Includ ing autograph letters from notables all over the world, and manuscript wore burned or seriously damaged by smoke and water in a Are which part ly consumed the building ccdupled by the Whittier House association. Holyoke, Minn.—Edith, the 5-year old daughter of John Frabelle, wc» burned to death in a fire originating from a lighted Chritsrnas tree. The bouse w r as destroyed and the seven other members of the family barely made their »-;cap<». Christmas Tragedy at Peoria. Peoria. 111. While celebratlrg Christmas at the home of Thomas Hamilton a ouarrel started which end ed In Hamilton shooting and fatally wounding James Young. He w*as ar rested. Christmas Football Game. Boise. Idaho—Boise made the only score in the football game here be tween the Boise high school and the Wendell Phillips high of Chicago, who went to defeat by a score of 6 to 0. MEXICAN RAILWAY SYSTEM. Soo Road Telephones. Chinese Opium Crusade. Fire In Whittier Route. Child Burned to Death. SAVED FROM WRECK 57 RESCUED AFTER 30 HOURS* VIGIL ON I.INER ASHORE OFF NEW JERSEY. REVENUE CUTTER DOES WORK Captain, Officers and Crew of Strand ed Fruit Steamer Turrialba Highly Prased—Heroism of the Passen gers Caused Special Comment. New York. Dec. 27. —Wednesday evening the 57 passengers and mem bers of the crew of the United ITuit company’s steamer Turriall»a, which grounded on the Jersey coast mar Atlantic City early Tuesday morning, arrived safely in this city. They were brought here by the Uni ted States revenue cutter Seneca and were met at pier 15. East river, by a throng of friends and relatives. Be sides the passengers and crew the gutter took off all of the baggage and a corps of customs inspectors ex pedited its examination. All of the passengers told substan tially the same story of thr wreck and rescue the feature of which was the excellent discipline of the crew, the orderly behavior of the passengers in general, their relief from a night of terror and prayer for relief when the Seneca hove in sight and their final transfer in lifeboats to the rescue shin. When they sailed away thr sea about them was dotted with thou sands of bunches of bananas, which were thrown overboard with hundreds of bags of coffee and coconnnts. jcttl soned in the hope that the tugs will be able to pull the vessel off the shoals at high tide. ('apt. Charles E. Johnson, command er of the rescue ship Seneca, said that when he last saw the Turrialba she was heading about northwest, heavily grounded forward and floating aft. Her rudder, stern post and'propellers ire smashed and she has a 15-degree list to starboard. The work of transferring the pas ?engers and crew to the Seneca was begun at daybreak. The mail and bag cage were taken off .after the passen gers. The work was complet'd nt 10 I. m and at 10 30 the Seneca started back to New York All the p3FS'’ngo!A were unanimous In praising the captain, oficers and ?rew of the Turrlnlbn and the Seneca and all had a special word of praise for th< Burnt gat B at-h life-savers. There was only one variation In the story of heroism and coolness told by sll. It related to one m:.n who. It was c tated. became i.-.n’c stricken at the most critical mon’* rt a” I rushed upon, the captain's bridge of the Turrialba leading to be saved. FATALLY SHOT AT J ol ice man Shoots J. Belden After the Latter Hid Attempted to Kill the Contracting Parties. Taylorville 111.. Dec 27. —J Held n. i carpenter of Staunton. If in a local joEpital in a dying condition after .laving b?en shot by a policeman, fol lowing the breaking up of a w tiding party at neon here Wednesday by Belden. He entered the home of Miss rx celt tv and of th»* failure <»• th? meta! to pan out. Anoih*-- xdd ?> mi t»i is rep; rted from near th? same sec tion at th** p’Tseitt tin? . ;nd there terms io b** no questl?’ but what it will b? a big paying pr< pt ?:o; Gr* at <;:.* a h* re* light r. suited. Rat/, wav- bangs and huts x*.« r? stnwii oxe • 'ln sidewalk and th? fight w:*s broif’hi t > a close by the Towd that was loci, ng on. In police • ot* th* Moody girl wa.- convicted by :* jury o. t! • clmt g* plae?d against l.'-r and rh»* "a: 11 1 .-I" and cotts. and he Kins'y girl pl* ad'*' guilty to xxhat she did md xvtis lined tin* same amount. The t pl. ode caused quit? ti got d deal of »A rem* nt while it was on. Ic Turned Down. I’ap.d <’ity lb cau*'e County Audi tor ’’ .ling refuses *’<» approve th? bond of Putrid. Egan, t trie's attorney- •I* r t. aad Stater. Mtotaey Denn re sign'd this countx is nov. without le gal advice. Ec.iii «• er?d to fill th? ’wo weeks' breech b ixv?rn Denu’s un •■xpired term and hi. own term which eommeiK'S with th- mxv year The auditor declined to approve his bond without th" advir o'.’ th • state'., attor ney and Egan cannot advise in such capacity until hir. bond Is approved and D* nt; d» clin?s to act sine ehi.« res ignation x.as accef hr. ind Ihiiy Fendrlch. (he latter losing »hree head In the laut raid. The loss of the three farmers Is placed m $3,. COO, and there! Is little or no chance I for them to bo reimbursed. / • IIOICTS RAIL Ki C. S. MELLEN, 8. E. c L.N ANO A. W. CHARGED WITH CHARGE TRAFFIC Federal Grand Jury at Ne v y . Plan Constituted a Con Restraint of Trade— 0 * Make No Comment. New York. Dec. 2f, p grand Jury. umi< r the < rii , of the Sherman anti trti * dieted here Monday cii. Jen. president of the New’ . Haven & Hartford ratlwaj ' >n virtue of that office, Im |, ‘ k New Englands transport.! Jties. ' lf 4 Indictment* were a’. against Edson J Chamb. 1 dent of the Grand Trunk rail; J"? Alfred M Smithers of | man of the Grand Trunk !. ,1 rectors. of * All throe defendants a with conspiring to mono| strain Interstate and for. ? meroe The Indict im: upon the proposed new n. i,. " trackage agreement betw. . Haven and Grand Trunk a t ,- which was turned over n \*.‘‘’ n th neral Wick* rsh.im I. .Mellen with the Intimation that 8 that document uas contain* I t'.u> w ;» ground upon which the •<, thought It could proceed .1 ns- .fa. two roads under the dr.rt|. sh rm*j law. Instead it is based vj < ;1 documentary evidence obta *)■■ the office files of both corp : b representatives of the dep;-r 0 » Justice These documents show that «0 | CC| ago us lust August the chief . x r m. heads of the two roads had b . n to conspire to bring about a h. rd and fast working arrangement wherfty the Canadian corporation w.c.lt con pletely withdraw from \. * and leave the .Mellen-Morgan i. cop. oly in absolute enjoyment <> : ic v field Neither President Mellen no dent Chamberlin, the (ormer b.-lnz n New Haven and the latter in thh ci’r would make any comment n; >n *b» grand jury's action when i < v.« of it •vas conveyed to them by r- ; No such high ranking < r ■ -t;i railroad officials have ♦ ver be< n called upon tc face t na! charge for violating the Sh. • • trust law The penalty, if • is established before a trial c- If they should plead guilt’ 11 I - avoid trial Is n maximum ' $5,000 or one year Impriso* both fine and imprisonment I NEWS FROM r | | NEAR Mnnl' ii. Bavaria, !»< < - Ludwig, the new prin« Bavaria, will become kit/ mad King Otto’, who m vet that he was a royal perMri.i:- . ! d» throned, in all prob.ibili year. Washington. I>»*c. 26 •’ ”*” Indicatix? of th? spread of Madero revolution from the most boidrr of Mexico to rrn confines of Yucatan r /tat? depart men’ Monday Washington. Dee 24. A t ely of dtirum wheat, which ? to b? valuable for the rer >1 ■' erg of the northwest, has i ported by the department of tore. It con; h from B< ■ ■*' Houtlienstern Russia Marton 111., Dae >4 It wild xvegt, Eugene Goodall. s ; v > old. was shot nnd killed, and « Yates. s?ven years old. w.i: wounded by a charge from a ;• ’ I,r by Chester Yates, nine years •< I M r didn't know the gun was load MYSTERY IN WOMAN'S DEATH Mrs. Lillian Lawrence Found St. Louis—Believed Widcw cf Chicago Broker. St. Louis. Dec. 20.- - A woman '' here as Mrs. Lillian Lnwrem Who is sal*! to bo Mn l.i•’ don, widow of a xv(*althy <' 1 •dock broker, was found <1 ' her apartments at 1221 utreet. The police an* at a loss how ;he» came to In r eloat ; In doubt as to whether it to natural causes «»r a sulci** Speakr to a Woman After Boston. Dec. 2C».—.base Charleston |r Ison's famous man condemned to live fore from hls fellow beitirr In n-I flnrmenl. spoke here tn V: M. Foss, wife* of Governor • the first woman he has sect liis mother tor 35 yens Distribute' 1M5.0C0 to Laporte, Ind Dec 27. Rumely company brought ('hr cheer Into the homes of s,‘Mio « mon In this city, Richmond. Id. Battle Creek. Mich., by distril ’> H5.Q00 Wednesday. Plead* Guilty In $3.500 000 Fraud Portland, Oro., Dec. 27,—1L *• \ Whorter, a Seattle real estate " nleadi d guilty hero Wednt’fda.' using the mails to defraud I'• ’ ;>.500,000 De Larm Columbia ra« • orchard swindle