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ui VOLUME I To The diet, Homesteader Mellette County ©tor tud f Stopps THE MELLETTE COUNTY PIONEER. the BiaaesT newspaper value in the county. s.a I——lll, 1 I ar eto Of 25 per cent on all Overshoes, Overcoats and Suits. Also some unusual prices on certain Canned Goods such as .28 .Forest City Apples, 3 lb cans, 3 for Forest City and ABC Pineapple, can Spring Dale Peas, 4 cans for These are some choice bargains and an opportunity is thus presented that it will pay everyone to consider without delay. Our coldest winter weather is yet to come, here is an opportunity to buy brand class Overshoes and Overcoats at a big reduction. Buy now and save money before the chance slips by. faro WE SELL EVERYTHING! WoodMer.Co. tan. TA. COAL We hevea good stock of Hart and Soft Coal that weiere selling at reasonable prices. LUMBER AND BUILDING When you want to build anything e us figure on your material bill. e Y® most complete stock of all kinds o ui g HateriaL We n tri ve to please. VONSEGGERN BROS. &TJTZ Wood, - WE ffl _ „ .AU Kinds of Feed For Sale Oats, Shelled Com, Ear Corn, Ground Feed, Chicken Feed, Etc. Wood,S.D. Or ‘ (County German Colony Will Make Mellette County Blossom Like The Rose We want to add your name to our ever increasing subscription list. You need the Piox: an and we need your subscription. During the year we shall print in our columns at least three aerial stories that sell regularly nt Si.BO at book stores, so during the year our readers get s4£d worth of this class of read ing alone. Then we give one complete short story in each issue, also five columns of live f ariu matter pre pared from reliable and authentic sources. We have reliable live slock and grain market, a Womans illus trated Household and Miscellaney Department, the latest news of the state, nation and world each week. All the local county news of intrest and during the coming year the official county news will also appear in these columns. All of the above and more, for an entire year for only SI .50. Subscribe to day! \We have a good proposition to offer some live hustler fellow to canvess the county for us. Drop in and see us. MID-WINTER EDUCTJONS> MATERIAL fflf HD MO k v. . , , “ < ’ ~ eXI M 1 I ..-A,- ’* .15 .25 and first new BARN WOOD, MELLETTE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA. JANUARY 17.19 Picked Up About October 25th One Chestnut Sorrel Mare, weight about 950 pounds, two white hind feet, no brand, age 11 or over. Owner can have same by proving property and paying cost of advertising and hoep. Jas. W. Carter, 17-31 :,3 miles east Carter, S. D. Erratum. In printing the’formula for a horse colic cure in our issue of the 3rd inst. we made an error anti we thke this opportunity of correcting it. The formula should read as follows: Spirits of Niter 2 oz. La in I num ]’ oz Capsicum 1 • oz Awfovtidae I oz Ihu Pioneer To Be Official Paper. At the meeting of the County Com missioner* last week the Pioneer was named as one of the official papers of Mellette county, to be effective as soon as the paper is a year old, which will be on February 7th. After that date all official county news will ap pear in these columns. Now is the time to have vour name added to our giowing list. Road Supervisors Appointed. The following Road Supervisors were appointed by the Board of Conn ty Commissioners at their meeting last week. We were only able to ob tain a complete list of the appoint ments in Commissioner Wood and Sigmunds districts. They are as fol lows: District Nc. I, Lon Hilliard No. 2, Arthur Zickrick: No. 3, Frank Richardson; No. 1, Mr. Moon; No. 5, S. A. Hill; No. 6, Fred Lewis. Church Services Sunday. Rev. Alec Russell of Carter will lx* here next Sunday to hold services in the school room at about twelve o'- clock. He will on that date give an illustrated lecture on the Lifeof Isaac Ou that date an effort will also be made to organize a Sunday School. The Revrend informs us that he has ordered a supply of Sunday School supplies for the Wood Sunday School Everyone is most cordially invited to be present. Remember the date Sun day January 19th at 12 o’clock. Still Need That Auditorium. A number of our young people at tended a dance given in an empty | store room at Berkley last Saturday 1 night. Wood has no empty buildings . nor even an empty room, neither is our much talked of Auditorium com -1 pleted yet, and there is absolutely no place to have a dance or other gather ing. Most of the surrounding towns have no public hall but nearly all have empty store rooms which ran be I used for dances etc. We are glad to note that there are no empty build ings in Wood, and personally we hope there never will be, but I hat does not dispose of the fact that we do need that Auditorium, and we need it bad almost eveiy w»»ek. New honestly, don’t you think that if we would get right down to business and work together that we could get that Auditorium and have ecmething doing in Wood in the amusement line every once in a while? It is wor thy your serious consideration. A German Colony For Wo»d. Guenthner Bros., of Dallas were here last Thursday aud Friday with a -party of thirteen Germans from Hutchinson county. South Dakota, and a majority of them bought re linquishments and deeded laud with in a few miles of Wood. Some time ago these same people located a small colony of nine families north east of town, which now* gives the German colony in this section of the county a good start. It is estimated that there will be at least one hundred families of these Germans locate near Wood before the middle of the summer. They are all sturdy, successful farm ers, who will help develop these fer tile lands and make Mellette county blossom like a rose. These people are devout Lutberns, and it will not be long until they have a church build ing after they locale here. We are glad to see them coming in for it means a more rapid development of thia new country, as they are expert farmers, stayers and not easily dis • cogged. • ■ '"• l Z;2¥vA ■ Seed Oats For Sale. About 700 bushels of good S<*d Oats, pure varieties of Big Four and Russian Green. Thirty-five cents per bushel if taken at once. Wm. Wohl- Ed E. Johnsens, two miles north and three and one hall miles east of Witten, S W «4 31.101, 76. 2t Louis Roubideanx Dead. lamia Koubitleaux, who has been official in terperter at the Agency for the past thirty-five years, died Tues day of dropsy after an illness of a bout a month’s duration. He leaves five lx>ys and two girls and a large number of . relatives |to mourn his death. He was alxmt 6K years old and enjoyed a wide accpiamtauce on the reservation. The funeral was held at St. Francis Mission yesterday (Thursday) and the remains were laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery at that place. A Story Of The Rosebud. An interesting (>ag»* in Collier’s Weekly for the last*?eek is devoted to the newly opened portion of the Rosebud reservation in Mellette and Todd counties. The story is by Joan na Gleed Strange and tells of the fine farming lands and the good crops to lx* raised on the Rosebud. It is illustrated with scenes from the reser vation and contains the picture of one young woman who,is pronounced by Collier’s to lx» “the belle of the Rose bud.” Her name isn’t given, but the News would like to know who it is. The article farocasts.that the North western will extend its road in the near future ami speaks of White Riv er, Wood and Winner with enthu siasm.—Norfolk News. More Land Settlers. The Burke bill, f authorizing the sale of surplus and unallotted lands in tho Standing Rock reservation in South and North Dakota, comprising 219,000 acres was passed by to day. The measure had already been passed by the senate and now goes to a conference committee. In dications* that it will become a law before adjournment. The rules and regulations govern ing the owning of these lands and the price per acre are the same as governed the opening of Tripp county It is estimated that the sale of the lands will net the Indians more than 5i,000,000 and aid in the develop ment and settlement of.the Dakotas. The projxjsed sale is approved by the Indians.—Tripp County Journal. Robert R. Miller of Carter was in Wood, Wednesday. W. N. Huse, editor of the’ Norfolk Daily News died Monday after a long illness. Judge Archibald will now be at lil>erty to devote all of his time to business. “Base Ball Tool” is the big game at the Pool Halls in this town just at present. The wind storm'Monday night de molished George Howards barn in the west part of town. Dan Feeney returned Wednesday from a two mouths visit with his dau ghters nt Sioux City. Wm. Metcalf of St. FraucisMission is hero visiting Wm. Flood and family He is on his way home from the Yank ton Agency. C. E. Freeman arrived Wednesday from Oklahoma where he bad been for some time. He has a homestead twelve miles north west of town. Several of the ><T.oubideaux from here went to the Agency, afternoon to attend the funeral ser vices of Louie Bordeaux which were held on that day. Bert Hancock of the Wood Mer cantile Co., left yesterday for Lincoln Nebraska, where he will visit with his parents. While aWay he will also buy a spring and summer stock Tor their big store here. A Washington woman is the inven tor of a rubber shteld to protect the face and neck of the victim of a thoro ugh shampoo, the sensation of having water trickel down one's body being a good preliminary torture to bring about insanity. Now if some other hunutoitarian woman, or man, will only'inventa painless gag for the shnmpcoer, the ideal will have been 'e more on earth. Ex. ?.**<*? First State WOOD, SO. Does a General Banking Business. Issues drafts, writes insurance and makesjfarm loans. Safe, Sound and Conservative Better open an account today and join our rapidly increasing list of depositors. F. ■A. McComack, President A. K. Wood, Vice-Pres. G. L. WatSOIl, Cashier ROBERT P. CARTER General Merchandise Store of Quality, not Quantity In Post Office Building Nelson’s Cash Market Fresh Beef Pork and Sausage Salt and smoked meats CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Will Buy Your Poultry and Eggs at Highest Market Prices Nelson Bro’s. NORTHWESTERN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY SUPPLIES am. We have a forty-five horse pdWer tractor and gang plows and are ready to contract for breaking' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AND CAN X SAVE- YOU MONEY ON BREAKING X WOOD, S, D OF We Strive To Please. Wanbliciqala .Tipi onraao - . •»» •• «haa ■■ ii.<i. it '1A ■ NUMBER 49 Bank DAK. Smoked and Salt r/Vleato Lard and beef suet AIRING M J. 1 1 r k ■