Newspaper Page Text
I'V- 'I *5 1 tk j' vv •f" ,-,• •vt •yd. f. V' & rr A 'ft w. i'. f- THE CITY IN BRIEF. Capt. Haserodt went to Custer Mon- H. Maddook, traveling auditor of the B'4 lt A M. V. spent Sunday in the city. Beginning next Sunday evening the Presbyterian services will .begin at 8 o'clock. Mrs. H. J. Curtiss returned Tuesday morning from a short visit to friends In Omaha. Mrs. F. R. Porter left on Friday last •for Rogers, Ark., where her sister is dangerously ill. ..Call and see the new line of ladies shirt waists at tee Bee Hive, W. H. Wilson -returned Tuesday morning from a buiuoss visit to his old home in Iowa. J. T. Bentley, of Deadwobd, commer oial agent of the B. & M., spent a few days in the city this week aooompanied by his wife. OU« MOTTO:-- Not how cheap, but how good. J. G. Richer & Co. The Boomer hotel is being thorough ly overhauled aud renovated prepara tory to opening about May 15th for the summer busiuess. Qlenrock coal. Burns as clean as hickory wood,.. Insist on having it. No clinkers, no' soot. Sold by Hulst & Price. On Saturday last Mr. Chas. A. Frink and Miss Martha Bussow, both of Odell, were married at the home of C. E. Wil cox, of this city, Rev. Baker officiating. The STAR congratulates. Gold Dust flour,81.00 a sack at Hulst A Price's. Phil Duff, Arthur Montgomery and' John Boney, threo old-time stockmen of tifis county, left with their stock, consisting of about 400 head in all, on. 'fidesday for Harding county, where they 4U locate. Iloats 'ay hand corn for your 'arses •},'£,hut Tjarisfer, Feed & Fuel Co's. Mr. Liebmann finished packing his goods Monday aud'they were started for Cripple Creek-tlfat evening. Louie expects to get started in a day or two. He carried a ver^* fine stock of goods here, aiul is thorough business-man whom we regret to lose. May success attend liim.'™ Ladies- •&» *. 5?h.1i"fcwaiirts. ,. Shirt walgts for ladies. *, (io lK:."'1*'r' to the'New York Store for them. Cnpt. W. W. Marsh came in from Omaha Monday aud loft Wednesday metaling for Deadwood to look over the new Bullock hotel, in which he is I -heavily interested. The Bullock opened for business Tuesday. A tele gram received by Capt. Marsh Tuesday evening states that ninoty guests took supper there. A new shipment of shirt waists jus! iivrived at the JTew York Store. Over 90 patterns :m3 colors to select from. The linest assortment yon ever saw. Jim irass took on a good sized jag at llermosa Sunday and started for.. Keystone with a spirited' four-horsb.' team. The. team ran away, smashed tho wagon, scattered the freight along the.road for some distance, rtud Jim was picked up by the roadside with a broken leg and collar bono, a severe scnlp wound and with internal injuries th it may result fatally. Remember wo have the soundest, the di-.vest,, the hottest and the cheapest summer fuel to lie had anywhere. Transfer. Feed Fuel Co. Phono25. R. Standen's little four yearS old,boy fell from the top of a stable^'Moiidily evening, by the breaking of-.a board, and for a time it was feared'^that he was seriously injured, being rendered uneouscious by the fall, a distance of twelve feet. The little follow fortu nately escaped without any broken bones, and was but little lamed bv the fall. Rev. Ida Sherman has taken the money that was presented to her by the friends of the late Kittie DeLand of tlint place, »s a recognition of her services at the funeral of the unfortu nate girl, and will make tiie present a nucleus of a fund for the erection of a home for outcast and disgiaced women who seek to reform. Miss Sherman is doing a noble work at Deadwood W. H. Duttou. advertising agent for thfe B. tJ, R. A' N. railroad, with head quartersi'at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, arrived last Sunday aud will spend a fortnight bere. Mr|.Duttou is a young man of considerably experience in the passen ger department and has gained his present ^'sponsible position by effici ent services and deserving promotions. He has visited many other resorts but is especially delighted with Hot Springs. H. D. Clark returned Tuesday night from the miuing district northwest of Custer where ho went to look after operations and development work on the Aspen property. The shaft is down 52 feet .and is now following a four-foot vein of white quartz that is rich in free gold. Messrs. McLaughlin & Heumphreus have charge of the work. Mr. Clark says there is an itn monse amount of development work goiug on in the district contiguous to the Buckhorn property and aa^ a gen *eral thing, the] showing thus fa^ made is very satisfactory. THK BMTi» buy the nfjst of. what the People of- That's Why Hood's Sars9.parilla lias the largest Hale OF AU MEDICINE If. Wm ^anoastor, of Mystic, is in the )ity:ai|^f intends remaining during the su^me^jnQnths.—Call. Anew line of dry goods, boots and shoes cheap for CASH and cash only at the Bee Hive., Arthur -Eaton managed the affairs of the Merchants State bank during Presi dent Kelly's absence in Edgemoht Monday. Cheapest and latest is the artistic wall waper sold by Sackette. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Vroman. of Edge mont, spent a delightful Sunday here in company with the Philadelphia Hats, caps, straw bats, latest styles and lowest prices at the Bee Hive. John Boyer is talking of going to Cripple Creek to take ^advantage of the building boom that has set in there since the late fire. A Hon. J. B. Dickover and son, Warren, expect to leave Monday morning for Rapid City, to engage in the mercan tile business in that place. New. line of dress goods, novelty goods, wash goods, draperies and car pete down to bed-rock prices at the Bee Ilive. On May 22d tho B. & S^.wfl'F Ml round-trip trip tickets to Deadwood aud Starfish at one faro rates, good to return from Deadwood until May 25 and from Spearfish until May 28. Mrs. Potts has rented the Shann block on Chicago avenue aud is over hauling and fitting it up for a hotel It is expected that it will be ready to open for. business within ten days. A social' was given at Lamport hall on Monday evening by the Ladies Aid society of the.M. E. church. Ice cream and cake wa6 served and the cash re ceipts of the evening were very satis factory. Walter McKay came down from the upper Hills Saturday and visited bis brother A. D.: McKay for a few days. The latter Has been somewhat im proved in health during1 the past week and has great hopes that he will soon be restored to health. Mrs, R. L. Robinson is ajgain danger ously ill and her life is despaired of. She has been an invalid, for several years and several times has been very near death's door. Complications have intervened that render her condition extremoly critical. Prof. Orlando Ferguson predicts that' there will he a plentiful supply of rain during the next three years. Tlfts year, he stiys, tho rain fall will be Con siderably, heavier than forseveral years past.' next 'year still more so aud the third year unusually heavy,- Mrs. Boiseourt, mother of Prof, eourt of the Black Hills college, ar rived Tuesday morning from Baldwin. Kansas, and will, (cumin until after commencement.. -Miss IJoiscourt will return to Baldwin with her mother, io remain until school opens in Septem ber. .. A contributor to the Watertown Pub jlic Opinion has experimented in tho matter of soakiugseed corn in kerosene and he thinks it is ago n! thing- that it doesn't at all interfere with the ger mination of the corn, but will make the seed aud tho tender shoot unpala table to the festive cut. worm and, be sides it doesn't swell the kernel, and thus interferes Jess with feeding the seed through the plauter. Mrs. 13. Dougherty, of Crawford. Neb., says her girl Bmma, now four teen, has had catarrh aud swelling in her cars from tho time she. nursed. Her ears run and smelt very offensive, and she was so deaf thatshe could only hear thunder and steam whistles. Nowhej-etirs are well aud she can hear a comihbn conversation Dr. Clark's catajyh.remedy did it. Conductor Greeu, who succeeded Charley Dayton on the run between this place and Buffalo Gap, has at his own request been relieved and will re turn to Chadrou. Ho has been suc ceeded by Conductor John Broderick, who for some time past has been run ning "extra" out of Chadron. Mr. Green will take Mr. Broderick's place iu the "chain gang" out of Chadron. Mr. Broderick is delighted with the change and will move his family up and commence housekeeping at once. E. Elsey returned Monday morning from Omaha, Nebraska City and other eastern Nebraska towns. He reports everything in a flourishing condition down in that section, the late heavy raius having revived the drooping spirits of the grangers and business men aud given matters generally a most encouraging aspect. Omaha business men are jubilaut over the prospect for the early passage in the house of tho appropriation for the Trans-Mississippi exposition. At the regular meeting-of Modern Woodmen on Monday evening Judge Cull received the Fraternal decree and became a fully obligated Neighbor. S. E. Wilson, G. B. Hito and EtJ". Blakey woro elected as delegates j^-'the busi ness meeting of -the M. MK^A. Pienic association to be held ar*t)eadwood during the week at whidtf) time tl^i time aud place for holding the next' annual log rolling will be,fixed. Edge mout is a candidate for the hon^ this year aud if tho committee sees tit to name the Mid-Republic city as the place for holdiug the picnic the STAR will guarantee a royal time aud a warm reception to those who attend. \VANT!:P -A pig. Enquire at th's office. jt ,,V- 1 ,i" c?i V/r *V Tree planting is the order of the day. Archie Rlordan was over from Buf falo Gap Saturday. The Hotel Fargo is sporting a couple of nobby, new signs. "Billy" Mutton returned on Friday of last week' and will probably spend the summer here, Ren Ralyea, Jr., formerly connected with the Ralyea House, of. Vinton, la., is now night clerk at the Evans. T. Thomas went to Keystone via Hermosa, on a combined pleasure and business trip, returning Sunday even ing, J. M. Butler has rented the building lately ocoupiedby Bennett's drug store and will open a saloon therein in the course of a week or two. James Tucker, of SmithWick, one of Fall River county'8 most thrifty gran gers, brought in loai of produce yes terday. He kindly remembered the STAR iu his rounds. Major and Mrs. ClifliSes Lynch, of Fort Robinson, arrived l?fidry morning and spent a few days.very?pleasantly in the city.' They were accompanied by Mrs. W. .K. Pierce, of Syracuse, N. Y, It is said that tho. of the death of Danny Daily was ajoaBird. If Danny is still in the land of t(i^ living he will probably put in an appsarance in Hot Springs during the summer. Charley Large, who is quite well known in Hot Springs, having at one time been engaged in the bottling busi ness here, was shot in a row iu the Gem theatre at Deadwood Thursday. His injuries are not serious! A.'G. Buchanan and J. A. Hoke, live stock commission men of South Omaha, and W. B. Cheek, live stock agent of the B. & M., arrived Friday from Miles City, Mont., where they attended the meeting of the Montana Stockmens association. Mrs. Lawless desires to inform her patrons and the ladies of Hot Springs that she has opened her dressmaking establishment on Minnekahta avenue, first door west of Rylev block. Morris Liebmann was down from Deadwood Tuesday closing up his busi ness affairs and making final arrange ments for.the transfer of his mercan tile interests from this city to Cripple Creek. Louis Liebmann expects to leave this (Friday) evening for Cripple Creole. Andy Traut returned Wednesday "ight from Lead where he has just se cured tho contract for tho plumbing iu the new business block of Cotton & An drews and S. U. Smith now in course of construction iu that place. Trout & Gillespie will commence work on their new contract about June 1st. Fred WliitJieid is undoubtedly one one of the happiest mortals on this mundane sphere as he is now the proud lather of a buxom boy of more than average weitfht. Tho young gentleman arrived Tuesday evening. The STAR extends hearty congratulations and best, wishs for the future of the heir of the house of Whitfield. Geo. F. Paulk departed Friday even tug for his home at, Los Angeles, Cal., accompanied by Miss M. 10. Keissling. Mr. Paulk sold one of his lots in this place to John W. Smith, our enterpris ing cigar manufacturer who has decided to cast his lot witli us. Air. Paulk has also disposed of his Bazill Mills, Neb., property. Ho expects to visit Hot Springs next season with his family. The Siloam bath house, near the Catholicon hotel opened last, week under the management of Oscar Prin gle. Mr. Pringlo is making several im provements in and about tho bath house. He has put on a wagon to ply between hotels an| boarding houses of tho city and his bath house and patrons will receive every care and attention. Mr. J. Rosenhaum, of the'well known live stock commission firm of Rosen baum Bros., arrived Friday morning from Miles City, Mont., where he at tended the anuual meeting.,of the Mon tana Stock association. jAbout 450 members of the association-Were in at tendance and the meeting wa£' a very profitable and nteresting[ one. The interests of Montana are in excellent condition, Mr. Rosenbaum says, the low prices of cattle at this time being the only discouraging featurcntr stock growers. This is Mr. Rosenb&gi's first visit to.:Hot Springs, althoudfc. other members of his family have jS^b here several times, and were deliftb£ed with the place.. He has traveleffcfxtensively and his opinion in regard jniic^lthand pleaypre resorts is wortf^pfinething. He Said to tihe STAR: "Ypjtflmve one of the most'attractive resUpliIre that it haseveibeeu my pled£$o to visit. The whter, the climate arm«ft),scenery all combine to make it alto&st' without a riyai, andSvheu its vari$«tl(actions beedtne more generally ki^vb jjlLu may expecljp steady influx ^f aerffth and pleasuw sffekers throughout the year. YourllStef^ccommodatations are as 111 find anywhere, your goo facilftKp$MjIaking care of invalids are excellem^BA cures effected by the waters arg^jguttething wonde'rful and I see no rqgpjffli w"hy your town should not. contljpue to grow and jjyosper." Mr. RosMwum left Saturday Evening for Chic%o, accompanied by his son, Eddie, who has spent several weeks hero very^pleasantly and has greatly improved in health....-- •, Geo. Leach this week purchased a residence lot adjoinihgthe Wm. Bruner property. Gus Lancaster left Wednesday night for Neligh, Neb., where he is cited to appear as a witness in a lawsuit. Emil Hargens has rented tho cigar and news stand in the Evans hotel office and took possession the first of the week. Wm. L. Taylor of this city and Miss Kate Butler, of Crawford, were married by Rev. H. V. Rominger on Monday afternoon. Louie Leibmann, Joe Walker and Willie McL^man expeot to leave to night for Cripple Creek. May pros perity and good health attend them! Dr. Jennings was called to Fairburn Wednesday on profesrionai business. There are several serious cases of ty phoid fever in and around Fairburn. The city council met on last Friday -evening and canvassed the vote polled at the late city election. The result was as announced in last week STAR. It is reported that Editor Meredith, of the Edgemont Advocate, is desirous of .being circuit judge of this district and will be the nominee of the popu list party for that position this fall. Dr. Clark, the catarrh specialist of Edgemont, is meeting with-such grati fying success that he has decided to re main another week. He is staying at the Hotel Fargo where he may be con sulted at any time. License to marry was issued yester day by Clerk of Courts Chesleyto Frank L. Freidrich,of Oral, this county and Miss Matilda Walter, rocently from Nebraska. The marriage will be sol emnized today and will be celebrated by Mayday festivities and a social bidl in the evening. C. A. Diamond, a St. Joe knight of the grip, arrived yesterday morning and spent the^lay interviewing his pa trons. His- bristlier John, who. is well known here, has nearly recovered from his late illness and is now able to talk politics with his old-time- vigor. He has recently taken up his residence at Brookings. Walter Beal and Cbarfey Llndqujst who left here two or three months ago for South Africa, write that they arrived safely at Johannesburg and found work at once at about S5 per day. They 'aro pleased with the country. Thoy saw Ed Ciug, who they say, lives in a pa latial residence and is one of the many wealthy men of Johannesburg. Will E. Sawyer and wife, of LaCrosse, Wis., arrived yesterday morning from Hot Springs, Ark., and will remaiu three or four weeks. Mr. Sawyer is suffering from throat and lung trouble and hopes to bo benefited by the cli mate aud tho use of tho waters hero. He is a member of the well known lumber finu of Sawyer & Austin of LaCrosse. Capt. Haserodt, returned Tuesday night, from a visit to his Globe. Cup mining property, seven miles west of Custer. The property consists of a group of ten claims and some de velopment work has been done thereon The captain brought back some speci mens of ore from this property that are rich iu free gold aud give promise of great results. A company will bo organized at once to develop the property. C. E. Lee and Frank Evans have entered into a partnership for the trans action of a general bicycle business. They will keep for sale and rent a full line of the latest and best machines and will pay special attention to over hauling and repairing bicyles. Mr. Leo is an expert in this line having had several years experience in Chicago They will occupy the corner building, opposite the Gillespie. Watch for their ad which will appear next week. Another party of distinguished busi ness men, capitalists and professional men from the Keystone state arrived Saturday evening over the Burlington in the» Pullijian buffet car "^rerflent," from the northern .Hills. ThwAarty consisted pf^Stf-Governor R.£^J$||tison and" wife, "IIo^. Thomas Bi wife, S. S. Thompson and wlfi^Diy C. S. Middleton, all 'a^.-Philadeij)iiii D. C. Ammidcfe] of. ^Itimore F. C. Grable, of Omaha Vf*^. A. Farish, of Denver and Harry (SbJdard, the versa tile editor of the' Edgemont Express. The party ..*?as in 'charge of F. C. Grable, of Qipaha,^ assisted by Harry Godtord of |h°e Express. The gentle men are heavily interested In 'Edge montf and were investigating the .re sources of the Hills with a view®to further investment. They spent Sun day very pleasantly here and departed on the evening train for Fort Robinson, where ou Monday morning they Wi entertained with a guard mount1" Snrade under the direction of iddle, a former Phlladelphtan. Thl_„ were treated royally by the officers of the Fort and their ladies, and returned to Edgemont Monday afternoon to participate in the celebration of the I. O. O. F. anniversary. Theydeparted Monday night for an extended tour through Colorado... Wind Cave Couniany ^hiK. Major Anderson this morning re ceived notice from the United States land office at Rapid City to the effect that the contest case of the South Dakota Mining company vs. J. D. Mc Donald involving th6 title to Wind cave, has been decided in favor Mr. McDonald and the Wind Cave com pany. Major Anderson is counsel for the defendant and he is justly proud of his victory. The case will no doubt? be appealed. .("V I awytwiffiiti Ifojv HOSIERY I E Death of Wilbur McCurdy. Wilbur McCurdy was born in Hoop erton, Vermillion Co., 111., on May 29, 1877, died at the home of his parents, in Hot Springs, on Tuesday, April 28, at 2:10 a. m. He was taken down with la grippe on March 12. From this attack he seemed to be recovering, but inflammatory rheumatism set in, issuing in brain fever. He suffered a great deal though loving hands were ever ready to minis ter to his comfort. Much of the time towards the close, he was delirious and unconscious. Wilbur was a good |on and brother indubious .about his' work kind and getrtle to the smaller ohildren of the neighborhood and obliging to every body. Funeral services were hold on Wed nesday at tho Presbyterian church, kiudly offered for convenience, and were conducted by Rev. Robert Leslie pastor of tho Baptist church, assisted by Pastor Baker, of tho, .Presbyterian church. C'ut'il of Tliunks. We desire to acknowledge our heart felt thanks tjlIioKn who assisted aud extended theif "sympathy during tho lato sickness and dc^th of: our beloved sou and brother^ xv'' MR. ASD MRS. MCCCKDY. SAUIE MCCURDY. ALBA MCCL'IUJY. A Nali^iml Uiiiik ut Hilgemont* mmmmmwmnii $ CHASE'S. E E A Values :. IN MENS' WOMENS -MISSES. n- FOUND IN. THE TOWN. You Know it is at X( During thg-ft&ent .visit of prominent eastern capitalists to Edgemont, nearly all of whon\ sire heavy, stockholders in iuthe Edgemont-'Co., it was decided to organize' a national bank. Sub srripjbioii books [were opene^jpt' the offlc&of the Edgemont cohipahy on Monday afternoon and nearly 820,CC0 wort}i ofVsjfock was subscribed, for within un'hour. I -v. ,,'.. '. A, iStovkdulH Kronghl Hack./, Roy Stockdale, who was arrosted last week at Douglas, Wyoming, for stealing a horse from Robert Parmley, of this city, was brought in by Sheriff Blakey the first of the week, and taken before Justice Dudley for preliminary trial He waived examination and was bound over to circuit court in the sum of 8500. Stockdale sold the Stolen horse to a rauClier near Douglas and was given a adggi-ck on a Douglas bank in payment thejffor. He was detected while en dmiwring to get the ciheck cashed. To Kaunas City and the South,* "There's only one QuicKEsr^route— the Burlington. Nearly 12hoursfaster than the ftetest. Here is the schedule: Leave Hrt Springs 8:45 p.m. today Arrive Sfflbe,.. .5:50 p. m. tomorrow Arrive Kauas City. .8:00p.m. tomorrow Arrive St. Louis.:. .7:19"a. m. next day Close' connections in Kansas City and St. Louis with all east .find south bound trains^ffor full ihformation call on Vv *H.J. CURTISS, Agent. Rook Spring* Coal. Quickest, hottest, cleanest coal in the market. For''Hulst & Price. Coffees. j-V l.„V/ tation. -Wfigons for the accomra^da- 9 tion of bathers will commence making V, regular trips Monday morning. orning. J4 COl The Best O CO CHASE'S. 45^ Opening of the Stewart .Hath House.. 'he palatial Stewart Bath house, on College hill, will open for business on Sunday morning under the management.,, of ha S a an A ah a a No charge will be made for baths oh, the opening day but patrons u^W furnish their own towels and transpot- a 'I A A I V| A Rake-off. I laws of this ng business in Oar Fire Departments' Under the insurance state each company, doing the state Is required to pay to organ? ized fire companies two per cent of the?' premiums collected each year in any town which maintains organized flro companies. Hot Springs quota for this year is $163.44 which will be a very ifeW 'respectable additiontothe exchequer '9 of our€ifficieut.^flra\department .'and The .-.dttiep.^118 towns will rocehfc'ijj| following sitims: Ceiitraf Glty..|5.2)R' Deadwo6d, 8G08.G0 Rapid City, Close Figuring GOOD TO EAT! Enables us to sell all competitors. The old saying is "^er place like home." \Ve w^nt yc^ when at our store t0,^feei you ^o when at ho.m^^ A|ltu:,::^' shp^you somevof tho^lcrieS sui(:6 f0r 75 cents 9 per cent, nvi ted overalls 50 and 25 cents , bed hose for 15 cents qyr 1^| three for 25CU' hose, fast. guaranteed. Ask us to prove that we the best goods for the money iij toMi. Pick out any thing in "our, line and we will prove to your salv isfaction that such is thf case/]if:- Respectfully, Any groceries bought at. RICHER Good to Drink! jr. F. M. GODFRJ0T., New York Stijfel Chase & Sanborn'sTfejas I :sii7.13^r Spearfish, 850.71 Sturgis, 884.08^Whi^^ wood, 821.73. The Alt«niiiti »f Xraveh-rs Is called to the fact thatbthe jr.ciia via O'Neill, Nob. and the Pacilic Sha Line is the shortest, cheapest an" to northern Nebraska, Sioux Cil tho east. .••'.I*? MM •... gp -sff. v*i