H 'II - TfT-
... ' ' ...... . .. - . "in
:-'v'vA i..---- ,r.:: . .. v ' i'- v : -r-7 ' "T'"' ' ' v"'.. : .". . , 'V
; :M '.nWR i A-": ' -' - h 1 i-J , ttt H ' ' A ' IF- it-:- -r;: -
, -. ....
i . "
j . t ; "" I . (, . w 'jj... 1 Mirmriw 1
- I 1 I - - " V !Wl l.
' v : - - - - . - i J? t J - r-l ' -r ; ' ' :
Ji 1 I f
u s c -r '
1.- u -i?: y.
I MAURY 6KNTINEL,, KtmWl4Ued,ii(77.
v& Solicitors iaCLmcfry,
hi tb CocrU of M aory nd
iDUes, and faaprenie nd Fe-
1DB unoirai iw-
ftU bual-jess eutmst-
-8011 t.n mde r est
1 iDties, nd be
i- zJ f cro. OII4C9-
pt if? -..'i
n'rnstp'l to
tu 'I bird
.72 fjliurch Streot, ieny Clock, Opp,
Maxwell House,
Apr. 29-lui.
Wholesale Crocx iio tejde.l la
And Gucrl Comxulsfon Merttatoint,
c52 CO;
r 1
. ft- .
J u
J e. u
- r il ilfip 'iVi
I Ybt kAttktyoi.r i,.tt in Mpmre beat; f
Wj"n A.ne vuio 'ns 10 you more tt w tvet?
:fanu n tfti'J' oa know
UoBift.; y (. :. 'id. f'ow!
For britfbUMt ey f t we . t. . aytri,
And swwet,t vo:et. ti y-jM ; u vi.iU tuakid
The vwrv ''.
And Uiciiuj ; i n.
Whea J'.m'ro
Abu, Kwit4 -i- -Call
n kmm t .
Vour vexstfts inii oi
fv-r many a on ! -And
thought to
A nd yet b ne r
iu j.rlnt. And l:
Oo slow, i-
TTlipn yon to gr'
A ti.l ion the 111
'1 r.t' always 1; '
Fur thonancs,
bet for tt:- ti;et.
-as a iicjv,: , i w oo;
.V fTlyua, t BitW !
.' yon re a po-n
. ..ri.i itnow it.
snow It,
w tiad blow,
;,y fn-fiul, go slow !
liicd oi
st-ii kiiH lifcrne
. v friiiud, go oto w :
Hons of cratilude for tier kind cr-
T vias tiiu lauUoa b: as iior own uoor
j jii-tf. five minutes before: Lt-r" fcotlter
U,'s, tu aVJvaa a little suspicious that
; '.it brotnirould considir hor nd ven
ii ura rathw Ciulxotlc. '''' '
To avoid conmwii t, sho did not even
nform Philip that she Lad ever met
Mr. Bisv'low. He took . freriucnt.'or
i .;.-..!-. I -11 t "
supplied her place." ' . ' " , ;
It five us plwwurc to fcUiilit jh-i-ther
Philip nor his pl(er r,j iaui oc
casion to regret Ihe doublo fikpemeiit,
liOC and Lincoln. IIow lho
' Confederate Cbitf Heard r
.of (IieireciIdent"i)A i
!- v"' - - - una. . i
. absent ra (w .V0vijg at Point Lookout, Md., dur-
"I wonder, Raid PhSfa ''K-tl?WMHvm,B.f01! ",e1
i n-i4. tir niLui ,Ur t M -1U projector. H. Taylor Suit,1
i tn! ffj-u::
E '
; i I .
liii'Jiuiue Block.
tcmoy-At-Law and Solicitor'
!i merry. Office over Childress &
u s lurance rooms. Columbia,
' j Attorney-at-Iiaw.
and special attention paid to
liic colk ctiouof all cluiuis. Office, Wliit-
h r:;; Block, Columbia, Tenn.
Atterrty-Rt-law and General Land Agent.
11U.LSDOKO (Uill Co.). TEXAS.
rAU business given me will Receive
iwiiifit personal attention.
lit. II. IIATC1IKK, ' -
" i and
O ".i-v : 1 iit dior
East of MethodiTst
jJL AVl. 'i.W : CAK.MACK, "
lC,JHiaht, ,- . - Tcnn.
!". c- Vl itihoi-ne Wock.No. 22, Wot
j.irs txTationalBank.
-',-"-'" -.' i- r - -i 7- -!,.: ; . " . -. - ."'-I
v-'TiiJ1. c'iHrCil Ci.iJ iidi ... '' : s ' . I
f.s beloro at- O. b. R. JL.iijV,! A
da:.-t5 l-i ;he n"" ?fojit:Sy evenir- 'whtther the
-And nowa returned ff
l- -e V.'e-! r. osdaVa
iKoL.f. KurtJVi-
Virtu vintUii "ac:iT!lle daring the Eitoitioa, v 111 bet M .v-, u-rif lo'-f! lo call
on ns. They can lo iiocomruodalod witil ti e beHUiies liie luulkels a1d. Aieo ex
uuileut room.
" I have the exclusive prlrllese of the Boda Fountain In the Exposition bnlldlng, Dont
Wl tosee the sign: all. modern Improved byrops. Take notice of tiie last ciaoe.
Maye-3m. . JOHN KESS, Jr.
Wh.olesal Dry Qoods,
242, 244 and 246 Main, and 51 and 53 Seventh StS ,
Farmers iuivinv a unrnitm of any kind of Ii vt rtock. and wishing to dispose of same, can
mu Uowi by applying to tiip uuderslgned, who banontaalsed a spring sale to be held at
KBxbvllle. Evt-iy larinrrou'i otlcr Lis stoolx o't pqual terms with bis more fortunate
neighbor, who has stock euoujju to have a sale of bis own. "
Feb 25
G-2ZO. Tt.
ckX-noTjrrj rc go..
1 m
May ti-lni.
' We ki.'f p the -vly Complete Stock of
Optica,! -Groqds;;':
In the OIL e ir Watchis and Jewelry C ire.'u! ly lt'T lrod.'u
1 1
i to c.
1 r
:' f .
. ..
No Further ExecsFor II ,
with those who prefer Us being the fornior
color. -
- (Nashville, Tenn.) '"'
.Restorer !;
dot not gum the balr: will not stain the
skin; dispenses with the necslty forriiam
poonlDK by keeping the hair and sculp nioe
and clean, which will aa -voa more" mon
ey than the Koxtoratlve orx ya; ls -a x -lilHlte
dreKslDg; nicely periumed; spurdily
iehioree gray balr to Us former color: cIcmu
MHHia lu ad of all dandrvff, lthlng, Iitimor,
eto ; promote growt h of the balr, prevtxita
lta falilog oft, and renders It soft. glOKy,ud
beautiful, bold at t he very reasonable jTjoe
of . . - . . .
50 t ents a JSoitle.
TbebutUrs hold aa much as the dollar tot-
tleaof other kinds, and the quality In guar
anteed equal 1n alt respects to auy In uw, as
nothing bin strictly first class articles enter
Its corniKWI' on. Uivelta trial, and If it
falls to satisfy you, be sure to r?tnra it and
get your money. Hont auy where; on re
ceiptor price, la ordering it, mention your
nearest Kxpress otttoe. Drfg Store, College
Pt.. fonr doors below Public siaare,' towuiu
Loutsvtlle Depot, Nashville, Term. ,
Apr ly.
J 'U 1 UK.nsox, f 'Hs'r.i
1 i Pios't. . " ;
' ' WITH
At toe oil liellable Drugstore, No. 11 Fub-
llo square.
rouimt. tksmssee.
Corner Charch aad Cherry Btreeta,
(over DemcvUia Co'a. Drug Btore),
Now opener the Mtcemraodatlon of all
who r.iy oewire to learn Telegraphy
Kooms .-rly tittad ap for both male and
lem. studetia. and furnished with flrst-eltt-i
:r liruniern'. Kxperlenoed t-arbors
In n'l-niMic. Terms reasonable. CaUon,
or ajnr
apr-a. E, J. WILSON, Managers,
Boys the BE-T CATTLE In the Market and
Choice Meats.
Fromptnew in filling orders guarar teed.
Nearly opposite Bethel Botel.
obtain for dbw lnventlona,orfor lmproyr-nii-j.i
m "id Caveats, Inrringemen'a,
Tml-M', and all patent business
prornp'-v tt4"Tf?t to.
A K'TTKIl niy silii, in rootcaaea, be patent
wthi Iw-mg oipolte the IT. H. Fatent
ortir. fni.-Ht tn PATENT BtTSINE-SH
KXt'I.l sl tliY.wen secure patents in
ns uitie ibaa tnoee who are remote from
When Inventors send model or sketch, we
make search in tbe Fatent office, and ad
Tlw as to its patent-ability free of charge.
trresponrteuce eonfldential; feee reasona
t e n U-r by permission to the City Fost
" uater, and to tbe urlntndeot of the
j. -U'm Mouey Order Division tn Wash
fj -on. For Bptclal reference, circular, ad-
'rUi eto., ao drees
lce" C. A.HNOW4CO.,
Orpo e .Va'enl Offlce, Washington, 1). C.
Nor. li u.
all hinds?" -?cr2;
(Cor. lxjadrlck. and Suaru, ami N. Coi!
N. (Dock) Ajnbroso.
Ucer'ou Dni
j, opp. LI nek's Hotel.
Charles ITewma
Tennessee. '5
laries Visiting AsliviIIe Should Xot lail to See tlie
Xew and Jlaguiliceut Lnildinr oftlie
UNroTu- ""orli lPalace,
The largest, most eiefe-anlly arranged, and the moat aentral located House In the city.
Wholesale and nta!l Dealers In Dry Goods, MllMoery, Notions, Ready-made morning,
Boots Hhoes, llat. Trim ks. etc Wearennw showing our lmraenae stock of goods In five
beantlfal and exwllHiitly lighted momsl21ix20 Wearethe teadeis In Styles. We are
thecknowietit:e.l lieci(iUHrt"M. We rwiva i ew eoodii dally. We guarantee goods as
rep-ewnted. We are duinu the larneel buaiuet-a la the South, ind our PRICES are the
No- 56 College Street, Nashville, Tennessee.
Whips, Buckles, Bits, Thread, Roecttes, Girths, Webbing, Ualters,
Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets, Sweat Blankets.
Oct I-ly.
, z a u Alt
; ... ... L U - . t tatai
5 n3
sm- i...,i----t-ret-"rned. froii
r -- -i --....
... oi. John ITo
la a la
lton.se Muc
vlien solid, y
than utility." iiv n
the mature of "! ' 1 y,
was close to; :.;. m.u, -sueifa
solitii y i-..;.' 1 ' -y '
seeking no ou ; ' v.
of the other, t:i. ,.tv e vs a
l'elieve that tiicj v uld
follow the same course till
tresis of time th'-vi'i '! t,"
the famil-u-Ton t ,
many i;ontTatitn (.the
liwt-lntr, n .1-1 f 1 . . f--l , . --.' - -
"i do.'i't know," said $rterf and in
her embarrassment dropped ' tialf a
lozen t:tcbfs from tho.-etocking, she
held in her band. i "1"
"Not tiiat I approve of itaafrlage-'1
i .. . I. J 1
tcast ra mTiyirn case," Sfiiu j-qinp, not
'notic'insiiimon8tration, "but It
may i,? iiiifcreM with Jfr. Bicelow.
Ke Lisr.CeStey c .superiiitend hia es-
' taoiishexji-r I don': know, however,
thefei anybody likely' to
this yilJage' Lefrnesee
s Preston: she wli-ht do."
cj.2 "No, I uuivt think fKhe: fcvould mrft
' hots k.MiiinV't -- ., batur.;;iynjhtlv
! "VI,v. T fl,miilir. vol. .,H Wk. " W1 Hotel,
x,.r ( .... I. r.;..?i i.i.ii:., pyinR on his bed wee
: k i - - i
i U ! :
: u
liiere was more r
fince they took h.
unmarried life, no:
trtit by precej-t.
. "JSo,'-sa.-U'ln.i..
this 8uhiect by a in
"marryini; may vt '
jeop!e, but 1 etaiUi ni
my whole l.Mi'yQt"-- yn i
by the iHt.od'i.'tii'l of :
"IJut by-rtnd i y. v, ,
or you will fc- i ti.e r
more than :t ;
So," midi ::-
have a cisler - r,t
and wj-.ile cii-uvi" I i ! .
oUier."-- . '
As ie fi.. Msll.'.siie .
that she woiirYya- - inn,.
herself for any Lum V-v ; ;
women wemfiKiIish eii- u,, .
their hisJeneBdeuce, n j LU-r.
to a tii'.n, for no earthly in.-.-:
to burdiu iheuis-jviK wi i
toils fromoiioruiit.-r t;tl i -;
sure slit' imii n '';..:.
own part she f v-'-v. 1 1'
k mi si if had Sis ways lH-e
peaceably and l.npi"hr, fm.i
not think f.heivl : 1 ii-l.
for the better, t ', ,
Of couisc it'V.'.-- i'Kiun ol by
w!iose Oi'l 11 Ktu i. a i'i"i.v i
lUitv'-rf that in-. ito; in, "
jiinion she miw only mkiii j
i i.'CCK-i;y, aiid th:it -' iv: ' -
contente(l wlbV one's -f"- i'
there T rvcrni e.V;-fUUin a vi!j: t - . t . .
and so V reader. .'est K A , -
bue eoni ive and ....,(..... ' t:l 4t '
. - . --'..i'MtO
T "v pee bit ri...
TJieir work, aii
Jearo that the
services of
1- 1
little I'lizzled.
"NVeli, so we are," returned Esther
in lier usual tone; "but Ir-I hardly
I think ahe would suit Mr. Bigelow."
"IVrbapa not," be reioined, and so
the conversation ended. -1 ' y
i rora the conversation which we
1 mi ve recorded above tbe reader .will
obtain fme insight into tbQ .character
"f iliss lather's feel intra -toward Mr,
j ;?elow. 8h would, shartily confess
it to herself; but, as a matter of fact,
i cr ideas of marriage bad suffered a
i 'f.ferial change-within abrtef period.
iiean wliile t he centleuian, continue
i;! vjtsit.a. Oftentimes he would aik to
e the bed of flowers, on which Jus
: or rather prided herself, and -some
pries he would petition for seed, being
''TV :onrj or nowers. as be said, ana
y anxious to introduce them ir bis
' i uardon. , - - r
n cue of these occasions Mr. Bige-'
'.after a little visible trrnbarrnflf
:t, said, hesitatingly: . . I '"' '
. "I would like to ask. your advice j
i-s lather, on a rather delicate ' eub
;, undone of great' importance, to
vf. There is one thing I wish to
e to make my establishment com
but I hardly know In whatrioan
(r to ask for it.". -
'ii.-it is it you refer, to?" jasked Hs
t r, i r.suspiciously. ' t , .
'A wife," was , the signiflcant ro
; . t
-taatpy a crirnsora flushed Es
. cheeks. She did not U ust her-
ed I say that yoo 'are the one
i, of U others, L wtnild' eek::to
; in that position ?" '-"'- i :
t.xlvber unresisting baud ami
d it with all the guMautry of a
if lover. ' : -
at what will my .Tin-other soy?"
S 1'sthcr, when she- bad found
onoe Lie Ariel of tbe Gold Room it
Xvew Yorkr later a Maryland planter,
told this reminiscence: ',
-f 1'Tbere lived near me In Prince
f3eoi0rt's county, at Upper Marlbo
WCCt, a cousin and favorite of (ien.
gvm n.. lveo named John 1. Jbee.
wa Judge Advocate of the United
States army, and when the war broke
out was absurd enough to -'resign ' this
coafortable olace, and his 'rank of
Major -to go over to the (.lonfederacy.
Aly intimate relations with him lett
?ie to know Col. R. 13. Lee ' slightly.
At the cr-weof the war, alxint April
i-, icKui, raje avissi to acicJirn::,
vi aiU H. I jftTrirr.'iyrr
ent to Ids room
. A Dos" i Sense oismelL
Have yu ever obrveid bow really
wonftMr.rntli tbe oor's sohse of "meli
vuacuaiyiH (says jjis nappy - owner;
knows irv, "hen I dreel lo
clotheu hi ever aaw: bdfore, by bis
nose alone. ; .Let me get fciyself iu
a theatrical costume anil covej my
face with a-mask, yet iw will recognize
me ry some (to us) uodiscovered per
fume. .Moreover, ; he. will" reoonalze
k.ie ouor as clinging to mj clotu af
ter thev hnVA lfr. tnlrcti Tf T
a ehble on tbe beach, he tan pick out
juat luenucai peooie vy spent among
u i.jousana otners. iveh tue very
gr.iund on which I have (trodden re
tains fjr bim some faint Biemento of
my presence a few bouN afterward.
The b'pqd-hound can track a human
scent a week old which argues' a
delicacy of nose almost incredible to
human nostrils. Similarly, too, if yon
watch Anacharsis at this moment, you
will soe that be runs up and down the
path, snifL'ng at everysiick,. (tone,
and plant, though he gojt separate
and tlistlnarjishable scent out of every
n,.rf-tnevflj -And so bd mnsf, no
doubt; for if even tbe eartji ' W?e a
terfume of the person wbosliaswaiked j
ovt r it hoijre l.fr.rp, -snrely ieveryr-ob
jvctfiUjut u.-s aijt .have tnme" faint:
with ht'
tlicre Jl
v u,tr ria-.ir.i..
i .should lie say? -.ion are
but he ia always ridiculiug the I reoox-npil:
; irriage, an I couldn't ven- i C(J ? ,, la've
,i mm. - .. (
i 1 of St. Let's run awat' to.
-!k and ; get mariied." Vw
, he added gaily, Mwo arc be t
-r nnd rwiian.; ", find it would
and found him
nine I inoulred
tue cause, out ne sobbed mat he could
not toll nie then. Helm? mvstifipd
and excited, I pressed to know his
grievance, aud lie finally said: 'I am
going oft in the morniB! to, Washing
ton: before I go I will tell vou Hh
informed me at Rocketts, as the steam
er was about to depart, that President
Lincoln had been murdered. I came
aaliore again, and. filled ! with the
weight of such information, which was
Known to out Tew m llichmond, I
tnougnt it would Justify me in calliu
on tien. Lee. who bad arrived a dv
. e . . . ...
vt iu of aiiu.was at nis l tiweiJjnor.
fri. t i , j j . . . -
i ucio x was ioiu tuat uen. jiee was
about to attend religious service, but
wouiu oe at iHime about 12:30 o'cloc k
X 11 , a
x cmira agsin and lie received mo
eoruiaiiy, and inquired particularly
aiwui vaiiuusinnius, luaces and In
teresis aooui wasinngton, l.alUmore
and Maryland, I iinally said to him:
uen. Jee, 1 liive a niece of nrivntfl
iiiiormation wnicu i came here to give
you. sir. The President of the United
States, Abraham Lincoln, was assassi
nated night belore lust in Washington
"He turned suddenlv. hLs far-e lw!n.
. .. . - r
tnit nair turned towards nie before.
. S, I ...
nun iooeu mio my eyes wuu an ex
pression I shall never forrret. JTe look
til me tli rough and through. ;
.."UButfnu saia l. -mere can be no
doubt of it. The President's Marshal,
CoL- Iimor, told me of it, and it has
iieeti tuny connrmed in clpuer mes-wtrres-
to the militarv authorities.
Mrliat do you think . alxiut iL Hen.
Lee?" .;-
"He raised his head and chin, as
sumed a positive exnressiou. iml ex
,'Tho South has lost lier best friend!"
f 'Jlefore I came away I remarked:
, T 1 I in.. i
vminui. x wuuiu iiue ..to nave your
opinion as to who is the best of your
I Irtt....l.,o,
lie answered. Still a little stnnnod
ver saw. A man'iiam-
get K i)
to be jiM
federal. !.'
lit i
, ho'"'''1 !:
ff. l.-j
112 utiles: snc7xr3T
fliia'i) aul lie Sorthivcst,
ilmly One Jliaiie
C b Pinati. Cleveland. PittKburKh,
r't. lionls. Chicago, Philadelphia, .
New York, Boston.
and the beet rotate to
Baltimore & Washington.
OO il throng
ani louii
j,! S the" -'t
- ,i(h r'
; I'll- -1":'.'
: '-Yl"lB B'
' . ' AS
ri'T I MAN P l.A' K CATi.S
i itslns twt -m .e- (.it lean
. kmI cinniiKitl with-
: ; , cih m;o.
h'b Mi'iioni tu&cge oi
f :V
- ri'I onl'jtt route to all
i Ti-ve-"
iiik ai J niu-ie at StDii;;,h!K,
: i i'-iQ-vl.ij for all iioinM,
; v.-t..ri:r..T emigrants
1 . ..i.i'j. l y tl.lH route quicker,
r.u rnoij co.-afort than by
i v i:
rtiaoi 1-
..'tii..'."i to
t itious cm-. fjive yon uu
f.rmatlon ;j t!;ne toil
polota. and v ill procure
ij nud ihrouyh Ucketii. Fur lurther
:i raiaUou airena
r. J. ATina K,
' 'len. Fhss Ticket Agt Jjuunviiio, Ky
, . N. HuiHiKFaia. A t., Najiii viuts
Wholesale Southern !Vp.-t for the Wo- W noKnel WF.BKR, H1R DNaW, (HAKE,
Also the Grand Old Reliable Chough Wrr-r., New Haven and Bridgeport
Whlrh 1 i.-tmote lo fniii!h us lows-,.r.v rn,iK,
I am tlie m (lenk-r In ! ho Hoi,' i- . - . I -i,v hi,
to the motto i-l '.u!'-lt .! em' ; a , , a,.' i
EUUMitM to sy a y'.u from bu) t-i r , (,:s a p. i -. .ir
J -. n.-rl.'.. It is generattT ooncef1sl
o i my imrn.nsa trade by adhering
i to inn beiore purchsKlng and I
. t , Apr-vnaim.
T. Ii.STIlAT-K.iN.
m9. Stfr&KaD
K. W jURANTLAND, Late Tiiana, Ala,
Bagging and Ties on Hand at Lowest Market Rate. Consignments Solicited and
. Advance Made. , .
21a ml 21 Korth Market Street,
IioIIb, TiyH, Haliy 'a
r f '
1,1 Z B
hi oinoj, and Ilctnrcg of every kind, go to
' ryv?W a IPal
. ur 17 and I Cedar Street, (Between the -Oomaxr-
-.P'l Jt'e 1'r.t.'-, , Mtiaar ),
,! kc ( -.tbe '.-'
K.,J 11 v ' ec!'i'i
r-C N DAY-' ai. 'i '
I' vis, lor UUI.i
liif A I'. lU-"i''K
CtirWoms O'-"1
pTnnlne his nit" it
osi iouul, I moan,
ot notm .tean;.. rf
RA'l 1'
: ' -i i-.i-S i'r-a'cvt varlrtv to be l.ad sonf b of ttifi
' . r. vat inl Nev RfMii,-s til'i.a hie i4, li'MjiC sar
-,.li.. I i--;:tK,iorH'LIiAY iiFtS Had L
.' 'i !.:1'1;!'. IUm -'Inc. ai-i' eveiytblng-.- i .
. i . - : h... r- r-ncii h i- -.; Art-r.-iWins. lVy B'i; ... (
t h to-mica special,;, y. Hew . itht-r WboKwalo or .
no j i,u ij'iy eisewhere. r.a h jir his prices. He 1 ,"i
, -.Ho f-'ar, Allen, U'tU-rcli-;u, :iiiu and Williams enii
f i;U sens P.wsie 'i. iiiiot, au.l in arts on the liiinkaof ! -. i
; bio lUvor,
' for the
. - i f?.' -s.
; , en i
Fiu.r.w a
I. ( nil - J
-lit i-.-r t . j
.hi ion
arul, tit Ia v'
iny li-.ia.
Central Shoe Store!
U. IL. Pre witt & Co.,
No. t) South Side Pub. .Sijuare,
Umb re 1 1 j: i
' , 4' Deal i t .g E xcl usi vely 1 1 1 -
Tlib abovo named articles
vre can offer to the public a
larger 'variety at - cheaper
rates . than any house tiii
side of JVashvillo. ...
Heavy, custom made, p. : -ged
boots and shoes wo make
a specialty of.
Our line of Hats la especially ' fu'.J. Inn' iia
lng every desirable novelty of Fur, Wo,,;,
Haxouy.Bi.raw and Cloth. Our Hue o' Oom
(Shoes for Sprints aud Hnminer werr in m-ii:-and
nobby. Including the Alexo, 'rt..-.
Blsmark, Creole, Cotmress, Oxford, -ic. We
have fciplendia line oi irwii.'.t! tau-.
whloh we areofferlns; vory cheap, i n jr.
aleled lnduoemen' in La ties Faury t-,j'ix-mer
Hhoes and ISitpprs. Reirveuiber v .,
have Jurtt started a new store, oonsequenUy
have An entirely
r task of
iare oc, 1
own; wDic.u'
at home. - V;
"Early meuf-i
ther i;wi iircoui
el, nliig nw: a- the din
Sle:tn-g thfi.vtawuy Hi tin.'. u;iioard af
ter a tiiorosbrti weni"gi nlvaa
led bv a rni";it tbeuoor '
Si-irtK-wr.'; surprised i-jy -caller at
this unu-ual hour, sbo aiissvere-i the
summons. Slie was ft Ihtleapprelien-
si ve tiiut it as a neirhboi-Bisb oi
late proved v-ry troul'iviotne from her
habit of berrnving art: .Jes and owing,
it i to be j-r tr-,.. 1, ta habittnd for
gotfuhit', r. tiii' to return thwia.
"I Iio;h.',":!.c raus. i, "tiiat if'-f-' is
Mrs. js.uioyiicy ' 5- wanting to
bt -rrow suinethmr it I have not
got." - ''" -V, '
she opened ifc do ., T -l nd Mrs.
liailey presents bei Aii t.) b xject
ing gtt.e a gentleita-t'i of foity-ttye,
nay, eh-gt-iiUy -JDdstoot ;befor
lies vmtr pard-f for' inJKi'.lng,
nialau:e.'" sid" he. t notk-etl "Es
ther's looi-i.of eurpr
direct me OJ the in.
Wellflee C haw
for sale, n. LT.TOni
have hearii nfit, ju-
"It ) ttH'iirxt In.
answered Ji-f'ier, w
at r
n sbi
ait u you
'he late Mr.
ir-at it was
I --scription I
i- snit me."
,,n .it- i.t, sir,
,v u-M had lion-
- i H
while tlie eviitknuan m as f iwatting, -to
.vn-.l.i.i- i,iuaraii.v.'- wluiU did
not fail to ihprws hr-r iaviral-l.w
.."Thank von for tb- infjnJaUn
trust you will . ion 'ine lor IVie trou
ble I haive iM-ra.-:. ned you," replied the
gentleman, L iving.-
.- "Not ttvc leaittioub! in the world,"
lirtl l-tlit-r. lilt'' iHiiu-ii uy a
tjrs obj'i-'fed, bin'
-",'urjj.hat in ''
s 1 ot
cos in -',rt"-v '- t'"s ru
.Ji -Tiiio to niakf prei'nratio!
-iuiwhr.4, if ftUiii b.. d iu Ik.-l-iv
xcinsiveiy occupied wuu titv, own i ?
aus, she might have notioe't '.,t a
inu.ge had come .ver Pliili , j'f
V :m often absent evenings, and w Ay
t home was more sliest andabstractfd
V-au his wont. The former she readi
lattributed to the cause which he h,d
- fened namely, a pressure of bui i
Hsl!A The latter she did not oiservi4,
her Viind. being preoccupied,1 We,
who tC.e. in the secret- may take the
liberty bf following him on one of lib
businesa calls. It was a neat Cottage,
from whose front door dangled an im
mense knocker. '' The door was opened
1 y tbe same Mbs Preston, who some
months before, he thought' might do"
for Mr. I.igelow. -
k'Oood eveniue, .Maria," as .be en
tered. After a brief ; convert atiou
about the weather, the crops, aid oth
er standard -topics,- wlilcu, - nowevee
trivial tliey may seem, could hardly be
dispensed with, ho began o enow
signs of embarrassment, nd' finally
ejaculated: ' " . . '.". ''""''
"Maria Miss Presf on T mean Ma
rla, what are your opinions about mar
riage 7" . t
"Why," said bbej "I baldly know
I dou't think I have given much caiu
sideration to tbe subject."
l i my mil '
v" ,'i ia, "i ht'e
oa i;.?
li lading
ilolVrt nce ls whii.'I,'i
aiTii.- tonn.il.
Two d-'vn rftc!
that Mr, Wi!!f!eei'"
purchaiieil by airau
low. She it nco v
rii-.rlv- tliat. l!li W,'!-'
fi-W drVW il:i',"-i
i.uii n"t been
nt heard
ii.s tHen
:ed Bige-
! I-Mhi
:.Tij h
r liaine-.l IJige
inj'titnnl, and
hir isiior. A
stbVr . Mason
reivive-JaitoV't-r )
lll.HI. 7 ' .
"1 have, rfay c
Mason." !' b -,.U1
t fr-ioi thef.entle-
!t-.?t i taili'
; r al our "!
iy ju-1.
yod :Miss
I it scorns In?; had
r nani-; 4,i m vaware
:bt n
it,' but
move ,"iihoi'-
a !.
j fun,
! 1- al
NEW Stcck of k
and aa far as prices are concerned, we
ask. you to
Give us a Call,
9 South Side Pub. Square.
Ptesii Laser Bser Vault.
. ' -.
(Better known aa Tony FritxJ
Has int r.tted up In the most ltr prore.l
tyleX'.iTiple Rootns, under ti o Kii'.;nil
House Hrir Shop. He la a dwiiit in J-or-oitftiand
IXirriesUe Wines and Li.r,lirs. "h1!
t -w cviellTHled John Usuck i an-'iniiaii
fc. r, tid all the best brands of uliirs.
..Don't fall to see the sign .
' Phcenix Lager Beer Vault.
Atrent celebrated
the state. f
Apr-2H. '.
U. F.
" fnr
xjuaiutatpv'win hard-
I tnr-t tv wui " re
im. V,on'i'"ist khow,"
", 'a' - Jin a bacii-
W,;-6pCC'bi tipon
. ; , ,a j S;"'"b a good
i iT teV ;'f t it-. As iy
i has arriv-,) butlia not yet
-axeed, I 'uld esteem it a
. .. ,-" if yin Would give me your
p, ime PUie matietH resiect
I i-..iv;t dj-ordtiou. My car
nal: :s at tKe doar ready to carrj you
"Jbt " s;'i'5 r.--'-':u"i a little besitat
hi"!f '' I do n it ''Mn to-Jia-ve mnch
t-iTt,' 1 fear 1 s.'-'-il I ,'''n'e 110 more rt
1,'abr- n that i'e;Vn 5''-"-' how:
kCc-.'" - "'"
n' have ' v '"o!c i'RH nie,"
Pf'l Mr. .r.igvb-f1'' !r; vo oe fully
lirtitd upon t.iaf point.'
Kher' cher.t'-unjod with jleaflute
tt tjd5cotnpiiv-''!t, and the mad pre
parations to ff-y 'it.'w-vil-:
or'src'i'icffi ' , ,. ' '
It was notwiaiout a Im.e uuf.shirtuv
nijia of tbe f?n-iV?rr?y of .r;- !-i(wu
that K'tli 'i- f"-!l rx-Auf, by
the side of a .M'nk-'.v.an tvut whom
she bad a;-1'" 1 es.'ban. f'.', half a
dozen v ' i-N i"' ' C'-'i''"--'' i'f Ler life.
Thei'i- - ' - ever, w, but tliort,
andsh ""a V.if.i for reflec.
tion ixjirriv.; i.:r--7'ace of de?ti-';ai.-.e
ctiu trtof -her
bo a -.:-- .a-o-.l.fVl;;
"ihfa.i'itur via b, oy'-r.-o way
w.-,q now a, i ban t-ol ie, had bfi-n ar
ranged in the roan atier a f.ishion;
but lvsther vas uNe
oral f-lsT.--''' for bif
whif-li Mi - '-'jvu,r; j
Mr '''-''' '(VV wor.id l it jbe satisfied
wfthi'Ttit-'t-iiO'.- in ui uove fvni ac
.,;Bi.iiif aa over the intse, : from
vpouit out sev
iler, wiiJi all of
i-Sy'-i'il himself
hi: :a-pic-ted
tO I',
net. Wtaaw.
II waseom
with pi-o-
Because." contiuutKl Iliilip. ,1 find
my opinions have suffered a i great
change on this point. . There was a
time when Itboucht it unwise: but
now, if I could get a good wife, such as
you, for example, I should be Uiclmed
totry if." . ... , . . . "I - -
"Oh, Ir. Mason,'? said Miss TresUm,
in some perturhation, whow you f.alk."
Five minetes afterward M in j Pres
ton had accented tbe proposal of; I Jill
in, anal the two -were,' t all intent
and mirrvoses. engaged. 1 . I - '
"The only thing I think of,"! said
the eentleman, after a brief pause, ' "is
that mv sister Esther is a decided cn
emy to marriage, ami ; I hardly ! dare
tell' her I am about to. marry. If we
could onlv get away -and liavo the
ceremony performed it would be pleas
aster." - - 1 --
Suppose we go to Aew lork.v sug
gested the Wide elect.
good idea. - we n go. vt nen
can you be ready 7"
'rext Monday morning." i
Sonext Monday morning was agreed
uiion. :lt so happeneil . that Ksther
wastoj'arton Monday afternoon for
the witve place, with the same purpose
in view but of this coincidence nei
ther parly were aware. : i
Tlie reader will please go forward a
week. By this time the respective
parties have reached New York, been
united in the holy bonds of matrimony,
and are now legally husband and. wife.
They were located at hotels situated
on the same street, and even . on j the
same side of tbe way, : but were I far
from being aware of the propinquity.
On tbe morning sucoeetiing the I wo
marriages for a singular chance they
happened on the same day Mr. Bige
low aud Esther started out for a walk
down the street It so.bapieued .tliat
rfcilip and bis wife were at. the same
moment walking up the street. The
natural eonsequeuee was that the two
parties met. -. .-.: .
"lleaveus! my sister!" exclaimed
Philip. ' . . I
'Mercifu goodness!" , my brothel!"
returned Esther. ..'-!..
"What brings you Tiere with Mr.
Bigolow?" -
"Nay, how happens it that you are
here with Miss Preston?"
"Mis Preston is now my wife !" !
"And Mr. Bigelow-is now my hus
band !"
"But I thought you were opposed fo
matrimony." s
"And I thought you were equally
"My friends," interposed Mr. Bi't'e
low, --"this. is a day of surprise, but '.I
trust of siK-h a nature that we shall nil
be made tbe happier thereby Aly re
gret, Mr. Mason, at robbing J'ou of
your housekeeper is quite dissipated by
the knowledge that you have so soon
A oiuieqi I:m Iricnf orthrU'ar
f trcn. Gordon said to nj-. v"johi. v
1 hope never to ? throjgl such, .'
ar ,-w iLiat agninT I don't H!)ive '
"aid stand it nov, but th f we don
v, .... i-. uic.cei..;s arise
'' 1-'ev nf ver -..il;d ba
1 olien think of Sjxittsyl
1 raw- si-en mv too-V K'andi ,
dead bnd!.-s ot'h,-i 'i-oinrndi'C.
oi. i iiauir, untT'Y .int.lii;n!it
f.ieaiu below tfteiit, the death in Iron
;f them, and the dealh everywhere
me (tenu bodies were lyuif; down nt
Ride the works, in the d ich, which
'M half biled with water, and there,
musing in tne rain, me dead men lay
and their friends were using their bo
dies to get a little elevation In putting
in tliat terrinc work, let," said the
general, "there were some right funny
scenes in tliat war. Bid I ever " tell
you aliout the man coming in only to
look at niy camp?
."We were on the Rapidan river,
where it was a little stream, hardly
on hundred feet wide. Uen. Lee
sent me word that I must go out and
break up the communication between
our pickets and tbe enemy's. They
una got to trading witn eacu other In
newspapers, tobacco, lies, and what
ever would vary the monotony of
picket lire.,, l hey would not shoot at
-. M ine and Otherwise. )
All vbaible things ore emble,rC:J
what thou eeest is not there on It t avil -, Jf
account; strictly taken, l nat ther; '
all. Matter exists only spiritnalKj-',--
and to represent some new idea, ainL -
body it forth. Hence Crotln-s, as des
picable as we think tbem, are so u II
sieakably significant. Ji'arly U.
An Irishman was aeekti of htenl-
Ing a handkerchief of a . fellow-travel
er, but the owner, on rinding if, apolo
gized to Pat, nod said it n.ii
take. "Arrah, me jewel," rutorted
Pat, "it was a two-elded nistakoTrjou " ' .
took me for a thief, and 1 taok you fur - .
a gentleman." .
A Texas paper speaks of the lAte
George Eliot as a very gifted but im-' .
mora3rian. To which another pa p. f
replies: "Ve. Poor old follow, he had '
bis weakness; but as a pugilist he stool J
unrivaled. England wiiKnot soon for
get bis celebrated Mill on the Floss."
Tbespirit of liberty'' I feot merelv.
aa multitutles imagine,' a'. Jealousy of
own particular rllrhts bu't a -rrsnwL
for the rights of others, ,and an u;i
willingnesa that, any man, whether
h. or low. should La WroilL'ed ai:d
tram'riel underfoot. -i '
Arr-obt Kooteb lady gave a iwihi fed.
T :rTr-Z'Ti'1Z 'tui 'Olwr Tho kuew he Lm
leCU wblhh have lObC-hed Jt. ' llirn- t-Trto,1ert tm urni .X :
fore the smells which mak; up half- a I prise that she should contao reirtil-Tr-
dog'g picture Of this life mint bo-mirr-Hr to bear bim ni-.Kl, fcdi.r
cessiveand continuous. Ex.
Tbe Home
the in
f . Hid :
IMasae. -"
On the Easterh Continent
tested districts consists of the
uncultivated Steppes of Eunopean and
Asiatic Russia. These Steppes areim-
xucuse juains oi me. . ricneex auuviai
soil, very little of which is enclosed
with fences, while a greater portion is
nit nn lmmcnscooramon, pasture land.
From time immemorial these Steppes
wave oeen devastated, bv rinderrwt.
lung plague, sheeipox and other pes
tilences, and in all instances where
me sources of such plagues have been
perseveringly traced tbey have been
been found to lead back to these fence
less plains. The rinderpest, which by
its extreme futalrt v ever attracts more
attention than the less fatal animal
pestilences and those ef slower develop
ment aim nroirressi lm nrst recorded in
Europe as having traveled hi the wake
or Aitiiia and hislluns, who! descend
ed from these same pestilential regions
a . - . a. O
and mow alter Him the cattle necessa
ry for the supply of his army. The
plague introduced into bis coRimissa
riat j.aiksattheout.sef was necessarily
kept up by the infection of all the suc
cessive additions made in., the difler
ent countries overrun, and it thus
reached to the very gates of. Rome,
and later to Western Europe. Down
to very recent times the, distinction
between the different iilasues was
rarely made, andtbat which developed
the most apecdily and proved the most
fatal in its conseqauceH' . is ; the' one
which is generally recorded: Vet In tbe
light of modern experience we can infer
wuu me greatest probability what was
the experience of remoter epochs. In
the last two centuries any great Inva
sion of Western Europe by the plagues
of cattle followed a course of this kind.
r irst apiiearcd the foot and mouth dis
ease with an incubation of one or two
day,ii'odiy followed by the incom
parably more fatal rinderpest with its
lateirt period of four to . six days. As
the last at?ection supervened wjspoedi-
I .. n, . .1. , : . .J . .A . - . '
tjii nii-iiisi., aim cut nu us victims
y litmdnKIs and thousands, , t alone
ot a pl.-u.' f on t
-'; -r - moil.
i hf .-M1 Oi a ,
'-! still, a:':, f s
i-i -nlj- (U-vi-i. i
ts', and mi i' )
w as so ri'ich v
often lo .i ' '
of the nn
r.TCorJ; and ff
li d at. all it
'-at-j-1 : -L-asi'.
. . -fi a :
"e t a.!-1 ! v, ;r, - was
:. t.,:e M-Te i:
lily f:-tal innbblya
w i tue gospel." - .4:1
, A traveler oftlie mofst familiar tyj?
to a fteedyold gentleman In railroad
car: "But why.'sir, do you not aaswer
me when I address you?" "And you,
sir, why do address me when I do not
speak to you?" No more conversa
tion. . -
It looks new as if Columbus discov
ered this country for the especial pur
pose of enabling English walker, lets,
turers, aud opera-constructors to come
here and carry borne thousands of dol
lars belonging to Americans.
Empty platitudes weary men of
bearing tbe gOKitei, drive " intelligent
persons into heresy, aud make sensi
ble hearers quite silly or half mad. A
sermon with nothing in it is worse
than useless. C. H.Spurgeon.
You often train more knou.lo.1....
from a shrewd though Illiterato man
than from a pedantic scholar: there U
generally more nourishment in a mess
of oatmeal porridge than in a costly
It is legal iustead of moral hnnestv
that rules too much in the men-nut ib
and financial world. If it did not
there would soon come an end to ram
pant "peculation. Boston Transcript.
The man who farms ids brains t
their full extent vear after veur nr.,1
does not believe in occasiomd fallow
ing will find at last that brains, like
land, will run out.-tlreville.
Jn certain parts of Germany Ihe pea
santry consider it good luck to meet
a pig. ii isn't considered good luck
in Jbls country that is, if it is in a
car, and you . want a seat. Boston
A critic, in noticing a discourse on
The Payings and lMinrs of f'in-.tt
Men," remarked: "It ia sad to ob
serve how much thej- said, and how
little they did." . :
V The late Georee Prentice once' re
marked: "There are two periods when
Congress does no business, one is be
fore the holidays, and tbe other a.'ter."
Beyond all credtruitv- is the cmlul-
onsnifs of atht is's, Vt.o bi lieve that
'-fiance could make
it e.'iniiot bu,
a ho
each other, and so it was not military
like. So I started out one morning
on my uorse ami rode tne wtiole length
ot ine picaet line, and just as 1 came
to a certain oint I saw that there was
eon fusion and surprise, as if I had not
been expected. "What is the matter,
men, uere." i asiieii 'Nolbinar. cpn-
eral, nothing is here.' 'You must tell
me. the truth," said I; 'I nm not wel
come, 1 see, nd there must be some
son for it. 7S ow, Mbat is the mat
n" j-n, 1 i . .
.- .-xuere niw tK-en noiMiny bere.
general. We were not expecting you:
tliat is all.' I turned to two or tliree
of tlie solclfers and said, 'Beat tlown
these W:hcs ere.' Thev had toobev.
and there suddenly r'wc up out of the
weeds, a man as stark naked as he
had etinw into the world. 'Who are
you. asked 1, '1 am from over von
der, general.' 'Over yofult-r where?'
lie iMiinted to the other side of the
river. 1 What regiment do you belong
to.-- i - ine inuii Pennsylvania, gener
al.- vi nat are you doing in my
camp." ' liy, I thought I would just
cgme Over and see the Isiys." 'See
the ooyx what boys? Do you moan to
mean to say you nave entered my
camp except as a prisoner? Now, I
am going to do this with mom. . I am
going to have you marched to Libby
prison ftist as you are, without a ran
of clothe on vouV . 'Why, general.
you wouldn't do that, just U-caiif-e J
came over lo see the boys! I didn't
mean any harm. I felt lonesome over
there, and wanted to talk to the boys
a little. That is all!' 'Nevermind.
sir; you march from this spot, clothed
as you are, loiiibby rrison:' 't.entr
al,' said the man, 'I had rather von
would order me to be shot right here.
'No, sir; you go to Libby!' Then sev
eral of the soldiers sooke uo: 'Gener
al, don't be too hard on him; he's a
pretty good fellow! He didn't mean
any barm; he just wanted to talk with
us.'. , his business must be broken
up,' said I, 'mixing un on the picket
"It bad not been iu mv heart, how
ever, boweyer, to arrest tbe man from
the beginning. I only wanted to scare
bim, anil he did beg bard. 'I'll tell
you what I will do wjth you this time,'
for I saw that be was a brave, good
humored fellow. 'If you will promise
me that neither you nor anv. i.f vmir
men shall eyer come into my lines
again except as prisoners, I'll let vou
go."God blew you, general." -said -'the
man, and without any more miien i,
just leaped Into that stream aud came
upon tneotner side, and took to the
WOOdS." .
General Gordon said, referring lo
the relative bravely of (Southern and
rroruiern soiuiers, mat he had ser-ii
as perfect instances of cool and desper
ate pluck among the soldiers in liUe
as among the soldiers of his own.
Johnny Bouquet in the New York
Tribune. .
There is a mistake as to the regi
ment which furnished.--tb-"vcdture-sorne
blue-jacket, as thpCilNth was not,
at that time, in the Army of the Poto
mac, but iu South Carolina.- Doyles
town Democrat
Tia. in - I'la-
tl.kt, tUl
rather Lisrfi;ii, the name !
posterity will rememlier him
SU-llslOits Belief".
n is prevalent lu ion
i.u til i ii e iai...tii v.uri
nue xor:i i-ieaeoiisiu-i-i. or
a tuch
was oi
atheist io tendencies. That the tlewas-
ei sintvinai was a deeply religious
man uo one cau possibly awert. II
wustia great extent of the world,
win -any, ana lookeu upon - tbe Church
of i.i gland mainly us a valuable ad
juuet'io. the Htate. Bnt yet-. Disraeli
was no htheint. The following vxtract
ironi xomair proves mis : i
Ciiance, necessity, atomic' tbeories,
nelailar hypothesis, development, evo
lutiou, the origin of worlds, human an
cestry and what then? . There mnt
be design. The reasoning and the- re-
searcii ol all philosophy could not be
valid against mat conviction. If there
were no design, why, it would all lie
nonscusei And if there were design,
there oiust be intelligence'; and if in
telligence, pure intelligence; and pure
intelligence was inconsistent with any
disposition but perfect good ,
Man requires that there shall be direct
relations Iietween tbe created and the
Creator, and that in these relations he
should and a solution of -the perplexi
ties of exist ej ice. The brain that teems
with Uiiniitable thought will never
recognise as ins creator any power,
however irresistible, that Is not gifted
with consciousness. Atheism may lie
consistent with line taste, and fine
taste under certain conditions may for
a time regulate a jol ished society', but
ethhs with atheism are fmixijsible,
aud witlMjut ethics no human .order
can e strong or permanent. i
In those days of saientitlc unbelief in
tho truth of reyelatian faintly echoed
by many little minds, which cannot
grasp the principles that the scientists
ia yf down, and cau only, parrot-like,
repeat their utterances, it is important
to note that one of the greatest states
men that has ever swayed the desti
nies of Great Britain, sawiearly the
evidences of design in creation, and
recognized the necessity for a Great
First Cause. . ,
KoRistratiou oritirlliM.
The law recently passed by the Leg
islature providing for registration of i
niarnatr.es requires tho officiating min
ister, Judge, Chancellor, or- Justice, of
the Peace, to make the return within
thirty days, nnd calls for tlie follow
ing information:
1 ate of marriage. ' - i
Color of contracting parties. i .
Bridegroom Christian and .sur
name; age; place of birtu; residence at
timeof marriage; occupation. !
Bride Christian and surname? mai
den name if widows age: place of birth;
resiuence at tna mneoi marriage, j .
Three Witnesses Name and ' resi
dence of each. -5
Date this record is made. i
Name of person officiating, together
with oflicial station of authority.
Columbia, South Carolina, is likly to
become a great cotton manufacturing
center. The .Saluda cotton factory Was
doing a large business there before the
war, aul made a large ouanty of do
mestics during the war for the Confed
erate government. -Sherman burnt
the factory down - when be reached
Columbia in February, 180.5. ; The Sa
luda snrf is road livers meet at Colum
bia and form the Congaree, and a eona-
pany 'ortniei prising capitalists has
been tunned in mat part of the State
to dam the waters of the Congaree at
Columbia at a cost of &275,0oo, and
erect a cotton factory of 25,000 spindles
at a cost of $1000. They will make
yarns and cloths, stid count on a profit
of 2- per cent. - liny is trie way to
bulldoze the north. ' i
a n-;.i.
' " wail!
i !. " ,-i
ii'il!':: :
to :-a. '
e.. l'ii--
at ufli
bsi! ;
p . ;
i.ient .
: are l.-i
In 'iiv i r (! o
. -ir.
lv C' !i-i..r.-4 . - ,
ftne woild, w!,,
-e. Dr. S. C!ar.
tUeie i:e in the
ia t!.e i-tomach,
en :.
very fensiiivo
lieels, tbey dunce, t-tc.
t'l'IVirtunlties ure
niin-, ii vuu Mignuinem on ihtir lii-st
vis-it you very -elloni see t aen nguin
Put lic-ys to work, and s how they
will play. Set them to t lay, uud see
howtheywill work. Syracuse Kuti
day Times.
Genius has reformed in a ' tneasurf.
It can get along without drinkiug Ut r
or wearing long hair.ariihu News.
Tbey who possess tbedeepest knowl
edge of human nature are the least
violent in blamlbtr its frailties;.
u Th circumstance wldch mnke
the shallow misantbrovical Incline tbe
wise to be benevolent-, v l .
Three degrees of miniug'upeculation
iosiLve, mine: comnaratiho m
BUiierlaUvo minos. . .i-.v
.u? man who m atout solely to
kill time aliould online himself strict
ly to his own time.
It does beat H bow grKnl lulvloa will
!,ke.??,mefoll;v squirm. Jobiati Al
len's Wife.
.u.".01 ljrel','fr,es natural and esv
that It can be take for mem nhn.i; .
Tlie cleverest of i
tunity. Vicland.
ill devils la ; oppor-
Charleston News and Courier : Tui- "
lion at the South Carolina College is,
absolutely fret', except In the Depart
ment of Literature, where the students "
pay such fees as may lie agreed on
with the instructors. The .South Car
olina College js absolutely free, ex
cept in tbe Department of the litera
ture, where Ihe students pay such fees
as may lie agreed on with the instruc
tors. The South Carolina C7W., v
emphatically a poor man's college.
It is suptiorted by the annual interest
on tbe invested proceeds of the sale of "
the agricultural land ncrln r-iven ti.o
(State by net of Congress. The Whole
fund was lost, but it was replaced by
the Present State Government; nnd
the interest is regularly paid. This in
terest maintains the College nt' Ool-
anbia for whites, and the Clafiu tr-ni-
versity at O-angeburg, for colore j per- r
sons only. V - j , - -
... - - - '"
State Temperance Couventioik will " " ,
mevt in Nashville on the 2tihtiist A - f
All friends of Temperance and Mor.-Ui- j '
iy in lennesseeare cordially uiYited.
AH who intend to go aro requested b
notify R. I,. Hayes, Secretary, .sn'
Main St. East Nashvjlle, or W. II
F. Ligon, Ch'm, 23 Public Square,
that suitable arrangements may bo
made for holding tbe Convention,
An obituary of a fish is one of the
queer items in a l'ans pajn-r. One of
the fattest carps, it says, in the lake at
Fontainebleau has just died. 'It watt
called Fanny, aud is believed to have
been born in the reign of Francis I., or
nearly four hundred years ago." she
was accustomed every afternoon to
show herself to an admiring crowd,
and accept crumbs from their bauds)
as she bad done in times past from the.
hands of many of tbe kings of France.
The new settlers In Texas will jhid
plenty of elbow room, if nothing " else
One of them writes that he has ' "the
Rio Grande for a bath-tub and all
Mexico for a back yard." - -
The Columbia Herald, Columbia Jour'
nal and Maury Sentinel, have beea miT.l
into one piper. The new naner wi,i
'ilvei' correspondent of the London
Titftevat Berlin, comments on the
great fcicrease in the emigration to the
United States, and says that whole vil
lages are described by local papers - as
migrating from Posen, Prussia prcjicr,
and Schlewig.
milieu me Columbia Herald, ,,.
edited by Wr. A. S. Ilorslv, tlie f
prietor ot the Herald and ifaiL
Stof kell, lorinerly of the fcsentii:
business mannger of the new
are sorry that any of the Col
ists should step down and i
glad that our friend llor-'lrv ,
to the editorial quill. V
els of stifces, snd r
propperity, Murl:
ll" v
' aCj;
- H
i A
) )