Newspaper Page Text
. i i is -. '. i- ; 1 ! : . ii'iiiiiiiiiisiiniMi'siiiiiiiisiii r 1 "" Imkih u.liij'jijj.i j. ..x ' V . . . i i t J ) -' i r - . - ' . . -..-. I. TOWN AND COUNtY. WilJV,.'Iay 13, SSI. Lsuisvillc ftlaslvillftDftatBrl. E. Scheie tUAISS JQUTH. Ktptiii 1 .-!.' ;,-) ., , , , ffl'lil t' li ) ... Aeaouimotia.iou , , ' TUAlUS SOKTU. !prw.iiV:vi . -MhU j A oeomuioiiattou ... 9 i ! P. M 10. 4S A.M W 1 U 6:18 A. . iuop.m Kiy' !.. .U.tuw Cann K. . Schedule. 1 .UV OS THCBSDAT, AFRiL 1, tO .. . trOINli EAHT. lilt Cnlambl. .s retonbartt , GOlN'a WEST. ersVci-eTsburj5. r l:;-ft'Isimre;. J ye coi union., -.3:20. ,.t:lU, 7:00, A.M. if-, " :6j, m .sen naoo'lon Is made with through i tb Louis viUe-Jiaauvllia A Great , : ; Jile Florence Railroad. - tlains south. -i ar.S". . F. Junction.. 2 r. M. - ar. -oiuinbla 8.04 P. M. 1 ar. N . A r Junction .5.18 av m. ' ar. Columbia.... 5 2U A. X. TRAINS NORTH. . -2 v. N. A F. Junction.... . Colombia... .............. . A F. Junction. Iv. ' iv Colutntjia... s.30 P. X ,..28 p. M ..6 04 A.M J6.UU A. M Ot'K-TEKMS. THlUiK PLANTATIONS fOH BALE. In a 4v of ahont l.Wf.crM oach, 4m!!f w-t of & elt. Art,, steam ami horse, aiins, 70 No. 1 mil. -, li ps-d, v,j;ims. Ao. Plenty wells, cist n du houses filled with ten ants mitineirt, aid are now cultivating hltout 1,7'A) 4;ra In c)' Ion and corn line fu-oeitee. one good payment and balance a i" i x aupuai instalment at 1U par cent, per annum. Or would exchange my horns placa tr a farm near Columbia, Nashville or 1'aiaskl. Title perfect. Would sell be car" I wish to retire from business. Ad-, " H. Cioiton, Helena. Ark. llofcrenoe. MaJ. I. N. Barnett. Uen. . E. Pol. Hon. W. (J. whltthorne. I tml tm.wd . aUiUOLLH OF CARPETS. Jnst received erery style and quality, at greatly reduced prloea. Bknson Co.. VT . I '..II 11 Apr.29m. Nashville, Tenn. lWWNTHErUO. KEUGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. lev. Avm. Graham. D. D. preached in 8t Teter church, last Sunday morning and night. - The morning sermon, was ou "Angels," and is spoken of as an unusually beautiful and comforting sermon. Rev. A. V. 1'hUlips ot the uapusi church, will preach next Sunday on the "Perseverance of the Saints." lfis lecture Fifty thousand dollarv worth of Carpets, I at his nrsver meetinir last niirht was on the Wall Paper, Matting,' .Shades, Bugs. OU Ten Vircins." Next Thursday nilit hs FOR RENT VERV CHEAP. A nice cottage la West ene, short dlBtance rrom nuipncr well. A Danrain ir laaen im medlatelv. Address, Uko. C, SJilnkk. DOUBLE SHOVELS. The best assortment In the city. . . . , Btbkkt, Kmbk v 4 Co. REPAIRS forKncines and Threshers, Reapers and Mowers. . Btkket, Ekbuv & Co. J HOUSE FOR SALE. J. w. 8. Taylor, of Woodlawn Mills, baa a very large horse, half-brother to Alice West, which he will sell vety cheap. It is a splen did barnesa horse: can trot a mile In three minutes: was never passed on tha road by any horse. He is young, large and not pretty, but ha Is the cheapest horse for the money we know of, lor he is a goer. mayS-tf. SWEET POTATO- PLANTS at Fairmont, Palaskl pike, one mile from Columbia. Orders left with E. W. Uamble promptly ailed. . . M. E. CUIXKN. may ty-ii. REMEMBER THE NEW YORK STORE, Wboreyouwill And white eoods, linen lawn, peuuet and poplins. Also custom- t-l.-: a j cap in Advauee. TEorLE'A coLuacr.' " ;.:!!: -.;uu wakt. kkowk iw tuis owu r.. It iu. scBELr pat row. "Fivjt Cr.fTi PER 1JX KACH INSBKTIdlt. sriUNU ANDSUMMEROr 1381. "yfer- ' i:'4 pf? WfI P- ; t u . ; mtt rri irwi v.r ' !.L-r,fcr-y "?r trrs err? h'-5- h'- '-m fr ftf I ' v n F'"M rr ;fH rn- t- ' FOR COMFORT I- '-! I ii'i Frlerson'8 line of ladles ai.d miH,,mn-ri!nui'rs and sandals. Their sum-2. nevtr was iaiijtr, nu ba iriae never were lower, ueou low ugiuuinkitui. ally. - - .. . .; . : 'Z-v3 SURPRISE Your family, Vour ffiendx, and your neigh bors Dy weariT;- an eictfam uress purcuasea out of the iiiimiuatb dry hoou store of Emory & Frie-ou. Cloths. Cornices and House Farnishlnc Uoods, for sale at the recent reduced prices ai uenson 101, tio. im (Jouege Jaau- Fifty thousand roll of Wall Paper lor sate at reuueeu pnoes, v " No. 60 College 8t- Nashville, Teno. CARPETS f AND HOUSE FURNISHING The larerst stock In the South -everr srmua ana uesign can ana sea us. No. 50 CoUeae 8U 2m. s Nashville, Teun. TJ0 pleona our Llaen Lawna allehtlv uamagvu uy water at ten ceo la per yaro. UBIBKCK ct BRO 2U Naahvlllo. Tenn. 2,000 pairs Seamless Balbrlcgan Hoaa at 15 cents a pair. . ishbck ttaos.. xsaanvuie, Tenn, McClnre's Temple of Moslo. No. 85 ITnlon Btreet, Nashville, Tenn is the oldest house in the elty; has the largest stock., beat in struments. Bella at prioea which defy oom- jjvuuuu, Kiiu men mstio at nau tne usual rotu jwioch. Apr. iJm Do at forget that UoClnra axils Hhaet musio io everruodv at half tha lut orloe. Call or write to bis Temple of Muato, Nash- vujo, 1N1U. Jjn; New Musle received dally at Mnclnrx-i Temple. Nashville, and sold at on-hir puDiisners marcea pnoes. . . it. We advise our friends, who an In ni m Furniture or Mattresses, when they visit the Exposition at Nashville, to call and see Weakley St Warren. Noa. 11 and I t Nnrth College street. They are tb largest Manu- h urnilure, and all kinds or " nH HprlDfj Heus in the Southern Slatao. Parties In waotof such fcoods will And It . to their uiwrtsfc w nut to see uiem AN ASSERTION, Holding good. Embry A Frlerson's line of J ruauiiDiiX, Laces, iiuttons and Edg ings is more complete than all the stocks in uoiumbia combined. V(JUN(J MEN Who wish to be neatly attired should visits iiuLry A friersoii aviii buy tnelr new anl nobby style of B'IKfeON HAT. A large In voice oi every suaue just reoi veu. UNDERWEAR, for Ldles. Misses and (Jliildren. at nriea ims vuu we cost ui material, at Einury i M. Bern krM llnr Mannr.tnm Union etreot, Nashville. Tenn. 78 Smoke the La Rnso lie Hutium- ik f,,r it M. BnuswALO, Smoke none other than tha Kirkhanm . cent cigar us: for It at all eigar storea. AprtfAt. ai. Bjehbwald. J'IC-NIO - And ViltlDg Baskets In endless vu"!ev now on display at Ef bry & Frierson's. All 1 tue newest aesigns ana shapes at bottom ugurtut. Uray, the Naahviile Hatter. . ismoke "Our Frlta" A nam. ueiui o cro.,aoie agents, jNashvlile. Tenn. the leading 10 cents elgar. vie ages ta, n asn vine. Rosenuelm A Ur aprZi-lm CENTLEMEN Will And at Embrr Frlerm's the latest novelties lu r urointiluK UoihIs, Neck-Wear. Jewelry, An. it will l av vuu to call and see tiiem. ... ACK.VOWLKlXiElJ By ev-ry one thst Kmbry A Frlerson have waiarKHilBnu wl Hel-cl HtW'k fif 1 .a. Idlos Kid Uluvoi, lu all the lulut styles and shades, fur ilraw, i vculuy and opera wear. iuAm.uun suiiuiteu. Tt. jlj V 'WILLI . -tn- r --t C5T h . , ., nave a Ih IT.. ' JTT" r-. zr. t ASTONISUINU ! But true. Er ibry A Frierfcon are offerlne i splendia Lawn, extra uiillli. suitable for I spring ana sum mer wear, at the extremely w m yk VI lu vtru la. . REMEMBER ! The larirest and iiicst aelnrt ktrlpn nf WHITE I'lolJKH are to bodiuml nnlr it r.iuury a rTierson s, anu iney nave them as low as , cents. The Parrot chtar iMki for una auw agents. j asn villa. Tenn. aprD-lm , Jonn w. Lawless sella new hitvIa iauiia ".m'j , oeruuarat, alary Attuer- Ladles' house s 11 Doers, attn- MIbm and folldreu's slippers, 2dc and 4Wo; Ladiea' New ports, II; also, button Newpons, II: tMOdals as low aa t: Misses' and Cmldren'a New port ties and button, from Sue to 11. An i. uRau jiue ui vent s dooia ami anna in imw 4atteroa as low ax J1.50. We nay them in crrerj-buiug MSU prices. When yoa visit Nash viiia. fail i tn to nil Upon .LriMieet liroa.. the nonulavr tlrw anwvila 300 pieces eleeant Parlsla n Till (iM. In all the newest deslgna, from 73 eenta to li P' jruu. jJtl HK4 K A lijtoa. Nashville. Tenn. Uray, the Nashville Hatter. AM8A COCHRA , lrs for Men, Boys and Cbll- rc lot of all wool suita in V' CKfll 1V '7, tlV,tll, WOICQ IUOQIU IW 4 (i.iilU'.Hi h evt-iy tiuyer before purchas- . ..... ... UU w WO W V J . fcv I- r yi.-abg men. I filiir.onr 5j and 75 cents Bummer .11 uh, with wide or narrow brim. its, cur urnlerHUirta at Uo, 40 and umtorr drawers at 35, 00 and to ,id aftract toe inspection of every deviree to be olothed very genteel KiiTate price. V, Williams A Cch;iirak. Ji''-baudtomest line of 1 quar- k i-ii. ami laooy liaif hjee ever VI -1 LAD1E4 Should not fail to supply themselves with one of Kmbry A. Frierson's new style Para sols. They have an excellent assortment at ail pi ices. Uoods at cost at Comstock's for 30 days. Now Is your time to bur Wall Psner. Window iShados. Picture Frames. Window Corblce, Notions, Toys and a thousand things cheap for cash at Comstock's south west corner publlo square. - AprJ0l.dt Comstock has moved to southwest oorner public square, aud will for the ueitSU dava Sf 11 goous at coat -4sj mako room for new stock. at. our buyer Is now in New York tmvina- our second Spring and Summer stock, aud out patrons can uepend upou It tha our rrj ,t aure tue latest ana price the ioweM. uubbck A tsuos , 2t- - NaahriUe.bum. Frank Uray. the Nashville Ratter, has all uw leaoina su u in Hats and fine Knrnlxb. lng Uoods. auay A. . 1 :. WIUJAMS A Cot'H BAH Ttir trunks repaired with j'"ti..--, dtOHCI 1). Hotri"S. NXlMAPSCNii.'. ill cost at the Soul Ladles Uata Hodge's. Straw -llaa Hodge's Ln(lifiS,'-wm- put pair ktUtniii. very cheap at Oooree D. AprJO-lf. given away at Ueorge I). I i--!'" s. cauU i-'.oO ClolUlns veiy cm V , , UKOSUIDUOU.& , r, .-j . -j.i " . - Mho Tprpiu noils an all-U-ttir Top j; .i nuHiry lor s n), ana a gooo. -!ni:e ilsr- . l-,r - i j; unuoii) uainess lor l-i m. And , ot sutue fw say they can save money by away from home for what they ca.eiui wnere you ten it. WKIPS! WHIPS! ,WHII"6! . 'id you ever see the like? only once, and '-t vifci st K.uhn A TurDina. Whins. 7;' i:-, i Ai. il.M, and on up to tlioO, lor one '.nip. V JL i : : ' -YES! y .a sett ni tuicKy naruessoniy V) w, LKubie (it uniy tji.wi. Coma and see. Lap Roots carreeponumg in prices. eprl3 .il , ' - . KDHN A TURPIN. J. W.TAYLOR, Joues Valley, Tennessee, Has Just returned from the East with the jar;.-. Ki ami best stock el Biapie and r aucy jiry itM-os ever wiine orougutto mis mar- kit, w i- li I am oth-rlng at prioea which ooty eomi'eutioii. 1 cordially invite my !r.;un ul ljickuitn ami Maury to oaJl n me au-l prc my tuotlH belnre bityibg else- ct.l will s ive timm from a to 10 pr ct-nf. In lbrir purchases. Country Produce takwi lu exciiaiige lor goods as (Jsh. Pol lie Kaliiien always read- to wivit on any one woo may tvor me witn a call. No tronble tOCh'lW glHMlS. J. W. IaYUIH, Kt Ouorgw i). iiudge', UiiiIh.ji n A HHiuii, f, t- I 1 . .., . 6" . ' '-1 puce cornN tiuiSE, lit tjt-ore rjheapef than the cheapest at Ueorce D, Hodge's. BELLING. OUT AT COST. Dry Uoods. Clothing. Boots. Choes. Hats. ao.,aiiueev loixouinti . ipai-U Ph. HlKSHFHXl, . AT COST t AT COST 1 In order to close out our tock of Ilannan and Reddish low out shoes, we will sell tuem from this date at cost. Come and see vnem. apa-2w li. W. Watki&'S a Co, Remember that we are offering our stock oi Newport ties at ooki. apar-.w r. w. watkius a Co, Come and see our 7o cents Hats, the cheao- apai-ZW it, W. WATKiHS CO, Don't forget that wo have the nlaest and cheapest line of low cut sboes-ln the city. .l-iW , Xi. W. W ATKINS A t.O. Ladies, call cud get a pair of the latest sty le ailppeiu, at p-w It W. W ATKINS CO. I dont, believe Kunn A Turpln can soil a Mce t-atiier Top Buyi;ie and Uaruesa tor IIAi.uu. iN neitner u 1. until 1 went and saw lor m self. l--Cl?-tl. ; l lust .nova what close attention to Duiits wnf tlo. kuuq A iurpin aotual,y seils a itisi -ciass Buggie lor foo.00 luu than auv u-hnuis-aufer North. . ix-dl.-u. STREET, EM BR C A CO. have full stock of Uura. Bolting, Leathnx Belling. Ihreshcr Teeth. Tbreatiiier r,iim. llnss, Lsoe Leatner, Hemp and Rubber racking, best quality "Maculns and Lard Oil, KnlvuH, SeoUons and Rlveta, Pitman Holts and Boxea for the Buckeve and Champlouii iteapera. ALso Hectlons and utvau lor all other Reapers and Mowers. bulky lay Rakue, v uoa njy luutes, for sale by HTUAkT.EMiiKY Co. ' I UL'NalS! TRUNKS!! TRUNK.!.'! M h.M yu want anlceTrunk cheap, don't ipimim.,i..iiiuCTn ouy tnem oi nidlivui Wotttf t la.00 each. "HfMi-tl Ubomok D. Hoooe. V , , NOTICE TO THE LADlE-j. Mr? M.J. Bryant is tne only agent fur iron i Lu rn, niiuesUirs, Metropoll an t 1 svievts at htr residence. No. lu wri Tan Ml uiiU niwi, n, nr ,ui tsireei. Any orilers l!il ttu M is. Kjdy or the New lurk more win be ,'i,)ii!puy nued. Mlie lias also ou rii niioii i liirga assort in on I of Ltdies .iMi-r. Huuiiianta ol irimmiiigH, Iw- n l I fiibii.iut.rits. 4'uolce hi.m-mt ,,l 'i ii. V ens !! Neus all at New Vork pruves. wuiiuary ami intvis : tl s& J r""ptiy filled at Knl- HtWlM. J.bKVAST. en, rsc v-a . 'A -t tuvf K,t. .. i I-H' I'M. 11 li 1 A-: . X -.. ..ts.l I 'i;-rt.-i IS III ;t '"i tl. 1 1 1 l'nca i ".! ;i:i.l tl r .ml positive core for i, -t, (..anker mouth muU uii'-n , Cniarrh l-uit-'iy. '. with each boiue. L ne t in nuu aweet brentft. -- -.Alt by i. it. iJtiu v .- -j a. tit I:. . '! r.!f wlMl ('! i-.l.t. . " ;i nouaceiit'-?! t.,,tt tr it a nevt-r-1 i.t.-e most popuiMr intMt iu, rival as a cure for ilftHua) i Vie tnrttst am. luugs, and each dav aliH lr-h lrnui. tius Ui its long list ot vi-;tA,n- over fuuiis, Cuius, and more seri ous ,l,-, il,,i s of tne tbroat and lungs. One tri-il will nemtim-e you. Price oO cents. . Mr. 1 1. - !d by T. B. Rains A So. " " " T ' " ' ' Wa wji psln. .1 to heal' of the accident to the btitiai pMrt ou last Tuesday evening. Tni'f-'trst-a In ice carriS4:a containing Uie br -lt and groom took fri,ht near corner ot rWi'H" ami Hlrnels, precipitating Mr. .i .l.n Jtweail hisluvely bride. Miss Annie M-iy.iin lno miiiw curbing, spraining his so wie, and loilicting a severe bruise on her ,-i-iiit cliwat, ail ot whlcu were relieved by ( nii-(-n' l,tgdtultii Liniment, a cure for Kijt-u'naiisin, Lame Back, Hpralna, Bruises, etr. i'riue ail cents. F or teale by T. B. Raiss a ban. OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal frp-: ot the sure approacb of that more terriljie disease Consumption. Ask yoar-f-elv.- li you can aHord lor tbesske of sav in it -' -"tuts, to run tha nsk and do colli m for it. tVe know from expenen,. thai .hi at m lire will re your Cough, it- uever la-Is. Xnlsexplains nbj ui"i -niia i mil J , on b-rities were sold the p,t r. it re Iivn v rtinp and Whooping Caaik'i at ones. Mot tie; ! ''' not be without it. i Jt Lame . .-iiile, or iciest, use Bhilon'f Porous A'ii-;r. For sale by T. B. Rains A Son. lv.i,Kt'siA ami i.rvr-rt ompiaist. i m u-t worth tue niiti vr.-e of J5 cen'a .rt free vuaraelf of every s.-M.f.tom of Ihtse rtr..-li.4 c HBVia.i'w. i .--- toina so Crtll OI KUiloh's 'ed guar- l! it lioes .,ti; -. l.Ut. .1 . nr r,ore aaa s-i- . -i. sr. t very nv,tle lii-a pr. at -r -o It. ue scoorcl in y and -otnl it K-ill :o- t't b t.1) t ! piEAl'C find - ' - - i 111 tiluc i;i : l ;:lfhU.''i I t-jii iie toiit. - -f u no; lutt. ' ;.. AH it MOAK':-'. ., i w E-jckeje Uie llght !,,.( inrtei- j el (ilionij u4 1 ' "im aud isteei ex nuJ U'.-i l ie Ittn. H! i!ikT, Kmtuy A Co. KEAU 3I0.E. - Misses Autrusta and Annie Priile nf fnl. liokrt, reminding one of two lilies in the bosom ct a beautiful lake, were in our city Wonly,nhojpiu;r. . Miss 1'attio llaluufunt, of Cuileoka, whose beauty is like unto a moss-rose as it grows lieside the garden gitte, or the myrtle ivy as it climbs the old castle war, wan iu the city last Saturday. ' Miss Ella fehenpanl, whose musical skill adds to the music of her voicti and her charming conversation, and her lovelvlirtle sistet Miss Mattie, returned ou hist Siimhiy from a Icnrrthv visit to friends iu Nashville. Mr. Walter P. V olilriilvre; of Columbia, one ot the travest nml cleverest mnf inr,st genlloiiiauly oi the Maury county .tllautK, clinic to uie city tins wet-k, and was eorn ally welcomed by his whole host of friends. uinlay Conner. - . ) Mrs. James M. Shenpard, accoiiiisaiiied ly her handsome, brown-eved ilani-titer, Nliss Florence, i-pent scveritl days iu vil.e since our last i-vsue. - Mr. Walker Ilariu-tt hiik-ii- Hie Co- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i : I folks 'rlio lips week visited tli caiv. tal city'l 1 ! l.iu l-i.j-ol-1 oiuuilnaf Imiked iu upon .N;i.-ht ilirf and its' many at tractions Uie past few days Mrs. A. C. lleech, fonnerly of N'ailiville, but now mis treM! ol a beautiful country place near Me- McMinnviJl--, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. Sifter, 1 j i'ctnonbreuu. Sunday Courier. Mim loula Uordon of Dark s Mill and Jl':!- rirsie Ewing of ilulherford creek, were in town Monday.. Mrs. W.J. Freeman, of Columbia, is on a visit to the ICxpositiou, aud is staying ul the Nicholson House. American. r or the latest and most imnmtad atrku 'u iiawanu iiih r aruiaaiof ooouf, osll on -.fuA. , Maas ittuuvuia Jatter. Uray, the Nashville Hatter. I SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The well-known Kvea' Hotel and lies to u- rant, near the Chattannogo- depot, is the mosiiconvenieut and comtortable hotel in the city for visitors to the Exposition. The house has recently undertime thoroueh re. rjiairs r.Bd presents a most iVriting apnea. j, nee rioth outside and witif a. .Read the 1 ihu t-- , , isue, and I'rcv.V-'' ,he knowMrre reee Trv he i -a -"" t, uu j vt. ,w. regret it. - .. i nrwigie opruis;s,ane . " cr resor on ' t'-p t CatUDerianu !' ' ..s tt-. ; t-iiiiyciy aavenisea ui i,; A .- .The ct tne magninceut notei lii - '-; o reac ,i: - t in e lor this issue, netwurt p eekers win, ,nd this pisce a penect ttsrsixe,. is t , j saiue height of the famous Ruersfcrba, aocf.t e ii!!ic3 utoyij oewsnee, and 13 tneAfi ..road. . . - -. j -siThe welJ-V "oa-n Tavel A 1 Iowell a pp-far laottf -oi-in to-tiay with their caplay card annouii(.i;,jr to the that tlaw boeks, b'iks and stationery of sir kinds can be found .n their house. This is a liable firm, as years of experience baa prov en, and it is impossible to find in the land more elegant gentlemen and pleasant men to deal with than Albert Tavel antt Bob Howell. I We call especial attention .'of tjtif legal Ineuds to their card. 1 . John Wood may be found near tmv Ex position building, opposite the 1 Custom House, where he will entertain his -many friends in a hospitable manner. Read his j 1 j , - caru anu oe sure anu can on mm. . rt .-. Servant Sadler, of the Porter Rifles, ae. knowledged the best drilled soldier in the 1 iiiieu oisLca, iias estaoiisueui 111 nisei 1 iu business cn Church street, opposite the Nicholson House, where he will be pleased to see his old friends, and all friends of the Porters. Don't fail to call oa him while at the Exposition. 11k xiomi are newly fitted bth elegant and with an eye to comfort anu convenience. - John GUyan A o. V' wish to call the attention of the ladies of Columbia and Maury county, sml our readers generally to the fact that John tiil gan ec Co., Nos. Ill and 113 Church .Street, Nashville, Tenn., have the largest and most tasty selected stock of Dress Uoods, tfiik, Laces, ami Hosiery that can ' be found in the city. " Their stock is suited to all classes of trsde. They have extra liuo regular silk Clock Balbrietjan Hose at 23 cents per pair worth 50 cents. Their line of goods ex tends to the most elegant and elaborately wrought that can be procured at astonish ingly low prices. .Sail 11 I.rocades J'A inches wide, ail fashiouabJe- uaw J-pring shades, at l.'-'o per yard; a drefS ol those elegant goods will only cost 1.. fcipring Laces elegant new designs in black and. cream at extremely low prices. Special bargains in Lace Buntings, 12 cents per vard. Beautiful EavDs 5 cents. Silk Ciock Hose 10 cents. Fans, Parasols at prices that will astonish you. We know there will be a large attendance upon the r-x poi lion from this Fectioti, and to convince you that w hat we say of Uiljjan t Co. is true, don't fail to call at 111 ana 113 Church Street, Nashville, Tenn. Apria-tf. The Juidii's Jlazitr. OaipctK, Oil Clollis and Mai tings. yu only ask an examination of goods un der tins bending 4i be convinced that our tiii-k is il: - largest and ciic;ipcit and hand- foiiliv ! 111 to 11. A IlOftliNTitALifc liKO, Mr Ueo W Kendall, The Bkiiletl desitrneT and ".Brent '-of the eelebrsitetl Mouumentval Works oi AIuMoon& Co., of Louisville, Ky.,nd ;arara, ataiy, arnvea in our city on Wednesday morning, and is stopping tit the Nelson House. Mr. K. wiU ti nitin here for several days to look after te interests ot 11 is House, and will Ui t jateful for any orders our citizens l aay confer upon him. He has a Very lar;;e collection of elegant designs with' him, em tracing every variety of work. and will promptly respond to calki or com munlcauoiis eent through our post- Presents. Iiow ig a list of presents given to Miss Anns. K. Adkins en the occasion of her mar- ri-' to Mr. B. A. Sattei field: iiandsome horse and baggy, by B. A. Sat trnid: sett of furniture, W. H Adkins; gold aud pearl penoll, bv A. IS. Horsiey; sliver iKKKiions, oy atrs, ij. u. r orgey: silver pickle -Htor, iiy Ab. McMen and lady; toilet aett, by J. t Regenold ni' W. P. Woldridge; i 1: toe l-Hiu- rmyon by Miss An- j ,c 1 . --j o-, 1 -; . o . ivrar vase, by Tom B. M-Mn; r.,-.,. oy tl. A. Hardlsnn ol iSashvliie; rrt j-tn t.i, by lr. Lu B.rergey celluloid nin-r..r, -y W.J. IMle, Jr.;Kepbyr plncof-hlott, l y v its Kate E. Uray; Jersey cow, bv . k v- iLotn-Hpoon: decorated cup and miiM-r t t ;:. v. K.tier field by Mrs. At kius; ' . ,1 -i if-brtgH, by Mrs. A. M. (iu-l - win' f i t-rier, t-y ;wi,ig Irvine; beau- tliul .;.- i-incusntoa, by Mrs. Vour toelp; S'-wing raacbloe, by Mrs, W. S. id kiio,; .,tnuiy paper, "Household." by Mm. T. M. i e'ienve; turkeys and chickens, Mr. Ad i- iu and Mrs- Foigey; handsome bou ,, 1 t. y Mrs. Louise Brown; beautiful oard t- ,-elvei. by Mrs. l'olk Uodwin; lastly, ahov t i, t usei,- article) by Simon Thorn peon, eoL Wanted. An active, honest and energetic young man of good family, who would like to have steady employment and is willing to work and build up a good trade in selling pianos and organs. To the right man we will pay a lair salary and expenses. Address, V. U. Baldwin, A Co. niayl3-2t Louisville, Ky. Trip to the Falls, On last Wednesday morning, a large par ty, composed of the beauty and chivalry of Mi! Pleasant, and a few eon plea from Or. lumbla, visited this very favorite reaorV the party was cnapBruueu. aj Bars. A. 1 L trail. Mrs, Uoodioe and Mrs. Dr. Long, and was composed of John Kegenold antf Miss Jeftte Holding, Andrew McOord and Miss Ella Lsn, Willie Cecil and Miss Maud Long' Lu tner Krierson and Mlaa Mamie Uuodloe, Alex Orr aud Miss Addle Uoodioe, James C. Voorhles aud Miss Katie Kittreil, Ed, Kin dell aud Muss Nettle Hunter, Brno Amla and Miss Nannie Jackson, Seth Kittreil and Miss Mattie Jackson, Mick Orr and Miss Ida Frlerson, Lee Hughes and Miss J inmate Irvine, Ernest KKUeli and Miss Tenuis Diokaon, W iiiis Conner and Miss LI (sue Klt trell. Jimmie Uocsiloe and Miss Annie Kit- U-Ji, lis.rry Harlan and Miss . There were tnree or lour vtner ooupler, whose names wo failed to ascertain. The party leltMu 1'Ieasaut about B o'clock, and arriv ed at the Fails about half-past ten, and af. ter remaining some time started for Sum raartowu, where they touad a sumptuous dinner spread and waiting for theio, whioh they ate with lienrty good will The even ing was spent iu garnering flowers, court ing, etc., aud tieu the lenz; lomir. s.'isu- ows wj u"U tricm 01 tne ttionui Uay, they started for home, fefliing tlmf. the remem brance, f t tUat day worn 1 It .. ;i tne vase in wbicu rirf.w liav iong lie, n ot-u.lel. ouiuny i,r :-ait, you may s iiitat the Vse 11 yiol wi:i, But the Ki Kiit of the rosea win hung "round It f-ua. . . - . - : will lecture on "The Talents." The Doctor is a man of trreat learning, and has travel ed much, and his lectures are unusually interestinc. The Baptists have quite an aennisitiou in Dr. Phillips. The General Assembly of the C. P. church, will meet at Austin, Texas, May 20th: Kev. IL O. Pearson and A. Barr will go from Columbia and Dr. J. G. v William son from Evergreen, They will start ou the ltb. Mrs. A. Templeton . will come back to Colombia with them. P.ev. A. D. rhilliDS. according to ap pointment, visited Franklin last week, lie was heartily received, ana on n eanesuay met a good congregation, notwithstanding the very inclement weather. Among the audience was the beloved pastor of the Methodist church. Rev. W. M. Green. Thurs day morning, before leaving he had the pleasure of visitiDg and addressing the Prof. Hamilton's school. The school num bers about 200 pupils, and is doing a fine work for ednci iion. Prof. Hamilton for merly taught in this county, and is- a good teacher and a cood man. Parents and Gnardians who want their sons and daugh ters well educated would do well to send them there. Kev. G. T. Thompson, the able and ex cellent pastor of McCain's, Pleasant Mount, and Glenwood, has been called to the church at Franklin, and has accepted the call. He will preach his farewell sermon at McCains next Suaday morning, and will take charge at Frtnkliu on the first Sunday in June. He has been at McCain s several years, and has greatly endeared himself to his people on his charge. A number of revivals have been held by . him, and hundreds converted. .The: harch at Olcnwood has been built throuch - his instrumentalities, and a flra risking congrc,- gatioa established. Three hundred have been added to the C. 1. church in the three churches, and the old members greatly revived and strengthened. Our people will regret to hear of his departure, but their prayers sad good wishes will follow him. The ?. P. church to which he is call ed is one of the handsomest iu Franklin, we learn, and the congregation stronc. Kev. Mr. Johnson will succeed Mr. Thomp son at McCain's church. Rev. Dr. Beckett, of the Enisconal church, in this city, enchanged pulpits hint Sunday with Rev. Dr.. Graham, of Nashville. Rev. Georere Beckett. the able, learn ed and.beloved pastor of the St. Peter's church, preached in Christ's church, Nash ville, last Sunday. Dr. P. says, "after all, he is better than any that take' his place." Rev. li. Cr. Pearson has greatly improv ed since his evangelizing trips to Lebanon and Nashville, lie will next Sunday night start to the meeting of the General Assem bly of his church in Texas. ,. . - Rev. it. u. irviue- win preacu in the Methodist (church next .Sunday, morn ing . and night. In announcing " it Rev. T. J. Duncan said that since Cro. Irvine's great affliction, he preanhes with an unction and spiritual power, -wlucii was never felt by hts hearers before, Key. T. 4. Duncan announced from his pulpit last Sunday morning that the 3rd, Quarterly Conference lor . this .station would be held Saturday May L'L That two thirds of the conference year have passed away and one third of the amount for Ministerial support had been paid. Showing that two thirds of the workT main to be done in one third of the year or remain undone forever. Rev. S. M. Cherry of ML pleasant oc cupied the pulpit of the Methadist church last snnoay nignt. lnougn tne weaiuer was threatening the . audience 'was -good and the sermon was excellent though the preacher only consumed twenty five min utes in its delivery. The Presbyterian Sundarv School was well attended last Sunday 4 P.M. The in terest is said to be on the increase, and the ceal of their workers undiminished. Dr. Mitchell has a class in the School, and has dispensed with night service.' Five hundred and seventy three. Sun day School workers and pupils in Colum bia were engaged in the Study of "the Prodigal Son," last Sunday. How aiuny prodigal sons in Columbia were not study ing the same lesson is quite another thing- The assembling of a large class of small children in Sunday School while their ever faithful teacher is confined at hoiie by se rious affliction is a touching sceiy,. Jf the Master prefers that his servant llioulJ be called home rather than continuN in snch a blessed work the employments f heaven. iimst be grand. f. Anions the - onenugs ma-,? to - the Mission Home is that by a nobi-.l hearted. r'esnviernii jiijy or. stove, nv, l-oukiae u.cnsiis .i'i turniture iur out, '-,,n, Bnit a d-recB good soolts."- fcevctai ot," : m'Te- spondiug generously." iaylor ..f wiiuTir'oiter a year's bread stuff lor the noi ve, Messrs." Leamon and Berk, of the Law rence Press, were in town Monday, and re turned home Tuesday. Mr. Lemon wished Mr. Beck so see the hne country from Co lombia to ML Pleasant, and secured a horse and vehiclefrom Capt. Black to carry them torougn it. - Capt. li. K. Polk and bride were expected at Col. . W. Polk's this week. 1 t. II. Hatcher went to Pulaski Tuesday ana returned on Wednesday. Ma jo Will Polk has returned from Mis sissippi, and is busy arranging for bis biy sale of stock on the 17th. . Miles C Ms.y-j returned from Memphis last week, having disposed of his intertst thereV . He and Mr. Iodson will go to work and build their fie w stable. We are gld that Mr. Mays has returned, and is likely to remain with us. .,. - Mrs. Win. R. Uodge returned last Satsr day from Puhuki, where she had been Kjieudiuij a few dsys on a visit to her sister, ' Airs, james Tayiar. . Jnduu T. V'il'url'T and John H. Hender son, J."-.'L, of Franklin, were in. Columbia tins H't f i. ''.'' . MissLi.xie'ikiii. Alex Parkes. S.- T.; Cook and 'wife, went to the Exposition .vreaucsuav. ' ; Mrs. J. W. & Taylor left for Vikiniis Wednesday moraine-. Mr. Tavlor -accom panied her as fai-as Nashville.- Major White went to Nashville last week and returned the same day. - Miss Armstrong, Misses Ella and Narcissi t nersoa returned from Mississippi ed? nesday mornings ' Ediriir Jsmes and Jainvea Ensrle went U Nashvilje Wedmiiay evening. 1 CoL Fred de Funiak, General Manase L. & N. A O. S. H. R.,pasied through tolntu. bia Mi mriay .evenin;. on his way back from Mobile. , a . Mrs. IX. WZlZLtSV' Spring lliil. has just returned fro-u Clarkswi!-, where she has been visiy3i Mrs. iiV,hu AV"arfi(!, CoL John Hon f nd Serror D-usitl. X-f. McLemore is tiivLiJOther o.'our tow qsiuhii, H. S. iicljeroorT " ' . . ' Roljert Kii !i u. 'A ek, of Na--- . Ua been spending ietcS:!J,d'?8 ,a V'1' ;' JUaicr w. 1'. Ino-f 1 rui im " sas v cunes'iav weeks. If is hi lumbia ?ii 1-n an Absence, "i '"-s..i! licence fcjt f-J!ll If vou visit the Exposition call at Win stead & Bros., opposite Maxwell House, for a broad bottom gents shoe, a nobby young men's shoe, and. a ladies tancy siiji per. - ; arr29-4t. The contemplated fishing party to be given my Mrs. Armstrong to her Sunday- school class, has been postponed to the 'Jsa of this month." ' -.,..' .1 An elegant pair of bay horses for; sale. Apply to, i Wltf. rlAILEY, - li - Snrinir Hill. Tenu.v tf. The C. P. Sunday-school will have their pic-nic at the t air urounds near uoiumnia, on the ML Pleasant pike, to-morrow. The teachers and scholars are expected to meet at the church at 9 o clock sharp, where eon veyancea will be waiting to take them out to the scene of enjoyment. Be euro that yon are en time, children. Twenty new pieces of Matting just re ceived at Kmbry & Frierson's. - ,,-tm Judrre W. s. Flemine was not wen rnoiiirh to open his court at Lewisburr an Mooilsy, but recovered sufficiently" lo- ena ble him to go up a lew days later. , ..; i-4 You will find the most complete stock tf Parasols in town at Kmbry & Frierson's. A full stock of Ventilated Hats aa band lit Embry A Friei-son's. wc. .- - The Criminal Court finished the' misde meanor docket on Tuesday and took ap the felony docket yesterday.! -EMhty-t in dictments for playing "pool," rd Lb cases submitted. . ," t .rmi Vi 1 : Buy yonr Kid Gloves forjtte Exemina tiom from Embry & Fr;j rionj Ask for the E. P. Laced Kid Gloves a!l r-olora.t1 I . The ladies of tlie Baptist church win open a strawberry and ice-cream: festival about the 23d or 21th of the present month. The place will be given in timei ! We trust they will receiye a liberal patronage.' i , ' i 1 Before, visiting the Kxpositioa, Ladies should purchase their. Ulsters' auad Linen suits rrom Embry & Frierson. , I - ' I rtt The aweUiug-house of MrJ Ji T. Craik has been rocked recently, bup-ika rascal that throws them r-annotbe discovered. -. r Miss Alice Williams-will read the vala dictory, and Miss Nettie, Dewvwill read the salutatory at the AtUcq;ium. at the coca mencemeut. .' i f j j I ( -!- '' The new hotel is t zoiiig f up ! gradually, but surelr, and looks larger snd handsome' ceiving his invitation wanted, to know the meauiug of "Aller'a CheraL Upon being told, he is now at a loss to know whether be should go horse-back, mule-back or foot- back.- We bespeak lor those w no ' are so fortunate as to attend, a pleasant, evening, .1 it::n ', Col. this v, A. V hi. . , Voting Vetiui Csj.t diviile 11, JlUsa" i r.erson, t ue asU- i 'k elo-iirua-froiu a lliniiui.uiis , t . . . John D. KfEtu'j, ThnrsUav morrrmg. Mrs. Kllen Mays, Nellie Mayes, Miss ilarr ( Miss Sailie P,uaavU2 went ville Exposition Thursday n. Judge John . Viri.'tit, our cptent staiidard-benrer in tr,e tonal canvass, retjrru-ia .,! professional visit to Lawreuc capu J. li. Murpay weat bin's Monday attend court Mrs. W. J.Lfale, Jr., went Friihy to attikiVi'e Eij-c.; turned V e-lnesday. - Ueo.L. inomas, T,-':irv t Company. out -to J't'i-sJc . on business coiinec .d w.-h Hie i Walker Barnrt sil N. Dale.- o'r. nicest yonhii lnou, w,ivt ti 1"m'. week or two t'ga, ui a t uircv him very charmin ; Lim, drivini arotiu l the sigh, Tfiey "" "yrned 'iae-vlsv. Cspu J. W' St-. i nos, v : " Mii-s., nrrj-,i. mi t ,i n v.:rUir, ' rismaiii ii--re several -ia) .s. il i.iuiiti:; here sn ai"-"1 ot to see him. iur weil-knot Tti4'sn,BiUie is doioif a Ihriving f osijcV in ids . , tograpit gallery oa tiij --pnlnV ' ,, .ju Nashville. . Gtad f hear !T"ei!. i' Mr. Geo. VK. Kcmhiil... jraft-s- .m pi, agent for M. Miildoon t C-o.Iof Lv't-, iie, who have the most extcntjve pivi,i;r possessed byaoy tim in, the SUU, i: iiie line of designing and iiujxortinr y -mcnts, is visitsng our city tsis wcr. ,ir. Kendall is a picsng gentlejnan ii t sociiii way, and, reiieentn.' as he doe,' is most celebrated atii poridar houti fiit. Vviud on the continent', ho has-met iii 3 kind re ception" iron the people, i ' tsevf i clmste aud rarely beAutilui mtlZ'i'X',JLiTit:r Carrara stu-dios now ornament fenu teries, and re would ju jrit to v of our readers purposing to srect this l.t tyken id love and rfuiembniime ever tlioi; 1. tha thevsceui" uesici,. 111 tk;- hinds of tnd iore imposing as it gets higher. . 1 lVini,, John T. Atkciiron, a clever young gen- 1S;V I j ieman of the Bear Creek county, isiagxis ovi.te'-iselling goods in the reliable and popular ,-.rv 1 house oi C I . Dwt-n, in this city. r aw. I Chancery court adjourned last Satur- i st I day alter having transacted a 1 great deal tile I of businets. : "Major" White has a Hver-plated Mdee. "Nelson House, ' . on his lappeL "Msjor," iuherit the eloquent facility of Kxprcssion that belongs to his name, and is iull of business and enercrr.-- i We have been assured by one who has heard it rehearsed, that the Band of Nod sdvertised eise where, is qmte an unique ud chArnnng altair. Those who love , tne sweet ways of little chidren, will find it very attractive. It is under the "charge . of several ladies who well know how to present a good thins In pppropnate dress. There are 30 children who appear in it . iu rich costume. All things considered,: it is woll worth the price it admission, find we hope they will hare a full honse. " 1 The McKimmia conibiuMlion. 'ftaTcj' -of ;ive stock, which comes oil" et Nsshville on the 20th of May, is quite alarge aflair. The sale catalogue, which is out, embraces cat- Je, principally of the Jersey sort, and liire of almost all kinds. There" are some well bred trotting stock.. Theatile oottui up -I head, and the horse part 113 head in all 131 head of vtocka Some, of the eouiae) have for sirea cacrrnntabilitivs - as A Uie WesLiJlackwood, Jr.,' Country, Gen tleman, Indian Chief, Almont, Bonesetter, Lookout, Ualsora, Blue JUiU. , Many of the dams are on an eqoality asf to blood ' with ereu these noted sires. &t pan ire to say. 111 eluded in the fcoml part of the offering is a daughter of Alexanders Abdallah. t T 1 . 1 ' h tvillici V UIU IMU. . , In the case of the State vsj John II- Holoornb, now. bv appeal bofort thc Su prt-nie Court, aa . KmuieaUon was made to judge McLemore to, take bail, and he de cided that iiolconib wits entitle,! to be re leased on bail. Yesterday was set for giv ing the bond, but it not being made irp then the matter was froutinued over until Monday next. 1 ; '. to 1. 1 reuce- -( N.1-.I1 ville i';:i, mij 1. Ice IVdiC had r-.ejn 1 ; -oi-i-i -I li ,1 tnii; OUR KEiqilBOKS. ' Esq. W. B. Erwin tells us of a eat at his house, near Shady Grove,: which had a "family" of Kittens, and which brought in to them a couple of young rabbits. The rebbits were not molested by the cats, and remained with them for twi -weeks, when they suddenlr disappearcd-Miupposed to have run oft ; The 'Squire supposes the rabbits must have sucked the old cat, as they had no other visible means of living. ......Our young friend, Mr. Van B. Shouse, formerly of this county, was married on the -4th of April, to Mrs. Fleming, widow of the late James 6. Fleming, whom our readers remember was drowned in Duck riven, sev eral months ago. AH the parties were form erly residents of Shipp's bend, below On- treville, 1 We extend our cougratulatioa to Van and his bride, and wish them a long and happy. ate miss Anna Adkins, our fair correspondent of Water Valley, Maurv county. ("Bansrs"! was married on last Sunday morning, to Mr. Satterfield, of River ; Station, Maury county, ; we have not learned all the particulars of the happy event, but are satisfied that "all want merry as a marriage belL" We offer- oar kindest and best wishes to Miss Anna, and her worthy liege, and wish them all the good life can afford. We trust that Ban;s" will not allow this to interfere with her da- tiesf?) to' the readers of ' the Pioneer, Hickman Pioneer. '! I 'Sheriff Billie Wlthersnooh -and his deputy. Bob Green, of Maury county, earns' down this momintr. and will this even is 2 carry John R. Hofcomb back- jwiih them, who will be tried before Jndze McLemore. next Monday, for baiL He has'" been sen tenced to the peniteuti iry for ttrenty years, lor killing Mit carter, last .October. Ban- Oer. ....:' 1 t . " -Miss Hattie Hardison, of ilanrr coun ty, who is exceedingly pretty and mltotreth.- er lovely; visited her uncle, Dr. iJL M. PaV tetson, last week. Marshall Ga itte. ' e The Jcnrnal, Heratd, and Ha-atiiteL.'-ei Columbia, have been consoliilated and bow Rppear as one taper, at:d the Iertid is. the nuaie taken for the cor'elid;ed paper. Aif. Horsiey is editor, A. W. StockelL Eso., business manager. We wish the enterprise unoonniiett success uuaen limes. . , . ' Miss Mamie Johnsoc, of our town, is at Mnrfreesboro, visiting relatives-the fami Uy of W. M. Street, Esq. We 3eni that while there shir will take lessons: in "hard finish'' crayon work, under a noted: French artisLand thus perfect herself ia the art she .w much admires and so ably and beauti fully executes. . Her productions in crayan work form t an important part 'ih' the Art Department of the Nashville Exposition. We hope she will not make her ' stay too protracted Mr. Jesse Iloikjf, an oldj cittxea. of Cheatham county, was drowned ia Pine river, near Vernon, last Saturday, while fishing. He was on a visit to Ksu. Jesse James', near Vernon, where he lived icw years suice, auu starteu oii oaiuruay to go t Billie Mayes, in the same neighbor heon, and stopped on the way to fish, was not seen any more until the next iday when his dead body was found in the river. He bad caught a string of fish w hich! M as tied in the water and he still held the. pole in his- Jtand. - He is supposed to -have -died of paralysis of the heart, as he Was partly paralyzed...... Miss Mollie ' Thompson,, alio spent several days rtoeatly visiting hef sister. Mrs. If. Mclsnde, at bhadv Grove, returned ou last Friday. She 'was accom panied by her pretty sister, Miss I Aims, of Maurv county, who will spend awhile we hepa very eojoyably in our midst. We are sorry to learn from Esq. Pick Smith, that our friend Mr. J. W. Taylor, the clave-merchant st Jones' Vkllby.Jiad his hand very badly sawed a few days! since,, at 1 lanes saw mill, orr Leatberwood. We learn he will lose all his fingers jbb the in jured band. Hickman Pioneer. , ' . . WASTED . IMMEDIATELY j" IS fOll 1 ; . rS0X AL IXTEELI 5 XCT, " C. S. Gabard, insists. m . evuiigeli tng a certain person of our cityf and The peculiarity of the ease is that it is not on c- fort to convert from ludaism to -cbristinittv or iroui sin to salvation nut irom- the iaitv to tha itiueraney. - .T Joseph A. Bruton, repreaentmsr-. a creat saanvmas, ueo. v. iielme, -of .New lork, was in town this "week, . getting i Cornell j Pucknau ta make him two snafl wagons. Mr. Br uton says a Columbian won $4.t;00. Jrom 1,1. : 1 1,. A v.- - u 1UU Jiatll ,,tn AVIS,. . . ci james 1. onices, a popular- and - success ful young .business, maa of Pulaski, came np andtook bis lumily home, Tuesday, wlio nau -ie en on a yunt to v. j: uanea' lamily. Tha Piilaskiaius have a high au.l just ojiiu ionof JhInes,, . ' . Miss Lo"U Kecse has lust le turned ' from a' visit to Maury county. Review. ' Misses Ella and Maud Long, two . of the most desirable young ladies in, the -county, w ere 10 luwu recently. - --- Hon. E. T. Taliaferro of Pulaski 1 in town this week, on his way back home from Nashville. He had legal business with Esq. G. W, Stockard. one of the leading citizens of the lower end of Maury.-: ., Cant. Austin C. Hickev savs' 1r. 1 W. .1. Matthews is making a splendid Siie.iJY of Su Francis cirurity, Ark. The .circuit court there recently. thanked him foe his' prompt ness, eourt., and efficiency in the dis- cure ti ncj aury, - Major James. oedles returned from Wifhoite's, Fnnt.River-Ala.,!hist iTltursdav eveayir, wkh a 6i4 pound black bas alive in, his taok' He rtut very proud of it, aud justly so, for it is the largest .black bass, with one exception, we ever neara oi. "Gen. James A. Ekin, of Louisville,' came to Columbia Friday, on a vit do bis son, GepL V. M. Ekin, and 4o join his w ife, Who was already here on a visit to her sou. Theieneral is s very Laud some man, and possessed in a pre-eminent degree of the old-time coury, which is very beauiihii and attractive in an old man. His vii! here was a very pleasant one. At Mr. J. M. Mayes' request, he accompanied that gen tleman to Ashwood, St. John's church, and other attractive features of our county. Gen. Ekin was in Columbia in 1810, on a visit to his friend, Hilary Langtree.. - Me ssy he was so well pleased with I'olom'-dw, and all of Middle Teunesree, that he in hail a desire to revisit it. He was then 11 n oi I ackson Democrat, and visited the II-.:' aire, anu saw oltl .Jlickory. tien- l.-.m eft Saturday morning for his post in J.01: sville. If the distinct :ished eet'.i 'ecan V Of hii'Mv nod Witrmlv t-"lo t - " n-.l tj,;,..;.,, ,. i ni-iaH- ,Mi"t--.liv : w ould not hiive dera.sed U'e 1 1 - is pkuMi-t viiiii, - W. F. iiecdtrr pitsstl thrmch. ChUi-ii'.-.j. Saturday, on his way back from Richtiioud, Vs., where he went on a visit." On his way back' he stopped at Kitxville, sad visited "Island Home," Col. Perez Dickenson's model foim near Knoxville. He saw two steers which weighed 'J."00 pound each, for which he was ottered -10 cents per pound. Mr. lieedcr says it was te most niagiiitii cent fsrm he ever saw. He visited Frier son and Morgan's marble yard, and saw the nest marble he bad ever seen. . CoL E. W. Gamble, a prominent Colum bia merchant, came up to the capital on to see the races. Nashville Sunday Courier. James A. McNutt, an excellent voinii: entieman of Nashville, who fs general or the Hartford Life and Annuity. Insur ance company, of Hartford, Count Meut, was in Columbia recently in the iui n -t of the company hepresents. - y Mrs. W. D. Kilough, hss been in the city for several Mays 00 a visit to her sister, Mrs. G. T. Chatltu. . - IloliL M. Gill, a splendid looli.; : -ihtle- man from Allensviile, Kv.. srrive-i iu Co lumbia, a few days ago on a vi.ti o the family of bis friend, P. II. liirviueld, and other friends in the county, . R. Wi Watkins, One of our most popular and- thriving young MMohsnts,, visited. Nashville last Tuesnny C4 business, and 'in take in the Exposition. ' : Mrs. Ed Keebie, nee .Miss Tennie J.asiev-. formerly of this county, is visiting lumbrn. 6he is the guest of Mrs. Rushton. . Geo. C. Muner returned Satndav froi-i Florence, Ala., where he went on a visit 1 0 lends and relations. Col. K. C. MfcDoweU returned from K'.- ucky last week. - Capt. J. li. Andrews went to Nash ;;! nesday and returned. He saw ami n I- mired Mai-ir iieudes big trout. Andrew J.. MoCord, of Eonisville, li tJ been sojourning in' Columbia, his n,it't iicath, for several days. . Andrew hasinai-" frienils here find iu the country, who. always plcused to sea liinu. " . cordalt2udorsenii jr j of their work, kah(i ; tegrity In all ' ml" learn that thejf ' services of v get np A d to be jiie federal (i A. ,' Missi- paid Vei'.j 1" tslt viliTT. - , .- Chf-rie. city, ;1)t." vide, r isit. Ung Wiih sir will bo weh f ITe snys the fire pn'-j .;iiei"s ntr our " .'-ility EXCUtSIOX ..'JETS O.Yr;F.(iULAn h. . ' AilAlXS. A r . wiiiit v. May 17 id. Is t'ainp'.ie!! : Hill, "jut'fj -; OvcM'jii. Kirkni i s.' !. ' -.- ; -" Alio Corn warn,! 11. tVtfsnf, Rev. H . M. ; li .is HCCepud ll'i commen. eo.fjt :, Study it id in tl in 4, .!!'." i-i wiii le ti:,- ';... -' Dr. Left 11 : gni.-!,el o luinliia.".1, - extend I .1 inttr,-'."- We '!.:'; ti the fine t CViuml faction to shoes. G. yourselves ou South I ' -i rt.rjcttlie'DiitPt. : folk, A i," tod, T'j s-i.ty tti r r. lu 'i ''b' 1 rr t'ipson, fr-ckrill -. 1 .Myrows. '""""' i'-Ziiliiri! tt .",. "i; '.. 1. IK, l ."!! tO t),o Ilrtl., st !' ,'."-!!!U. , 0! Puii'1 itiaie the Vt'ieneaiMU 1 i s -e - .1 I..-. rt of uji- kilid?.f;i-i - ;-"i(1L. ' 1 1 r ! ' ,i..-k -..i ; '."'liors i-a-. i vet ot Lis ' orr..ri-in re it iiiii ,v I). mn's o bv. -- U ; .-I" -IC fK I ..:!.-. H !l r 1 with 'V Tt jr I. ,".p!) ! ' I ll'l. 11 " - i n . : - i.eeu ;-: nd 1 i'm- if usti .T-j- C"- f-iends hre "w-H nii, en the s'aove Irom Ci'i'.'inua ir erer broui;ht f ' five sstis- 1 i.;.v! nAis or an t exaruiie for i e ' Haianer1 Hall" " : . . " s ct FK;fsoN. I Joe If il, two celeb- w ere in town Mu- ,.ta-T"iil si:'.es, at . i Vein" SOS'S.. : dele'.'sphiH - 1 ot i. reeetttr, w", tne ,11 v int m la "iven - 'V.v J i 1 t c rrn 1 urf-M i At ion -Ml,'' 11 N. 1 fol ium our f:rtsi!. ' ' s- of "lllC - " ' ied s hand ' v f A to tiiiike clirticii. in W Co. 1 in '. "i't-iii-, -f iroi ni tp..vii 0110m- i ! ,yf0 Ijii.'ej' is tlie best., i-.e "e-tsclusivs atrnts for --eet, Nashviiio, Teao. hie l"dy. , The C'iui2usi. Dcilil A Lord srt this ."SUtW, Markft . iu,' v tri't. iiit- I.K.ies of tit. Peters 'hurh r-'oeHty return ( hanks Ui! fUlowi''-; t em, is. .Messrs II. li. 1 n eom. r liic, ji 1'ickiird and V many kindnesses, JL -1 tfnwell and Lattfuk-wn'"" 1 ff".-.-. to n iiber;J fiib'.i:' f' ilead Quarters for Heady Mixed Paints 'f arc - sole agcuts for -tlj. celebrated H.iii! aar paint, which we i:;iv'u been selling tor s years anu will gn:irai :ee . s, mayOtf - , 1 ; i T. B. RaKvk 4k Sor T ij nvm tup rnrvTVii t , . . v , y We'.will opento-day .1 cases oewvafi- cos, in all the latest styles, or best quality. 2w - -'-;. Embby FBiWiSfxr. The oldest house in the county is -fjie ".'Uildiug on the ohl Dr. Tom Brown likl-e -ir Creek, now owned byDr. Wm. A. It was bnilt about fij years s.'i, j beiu" umi os-u f re,) e!m,tiiy j ny sonatt t iioy present- y v. , ows conclusively, xuif valnc ami ....ty of the red elro lor -.yUdiUL-."ind t-iii-i er purposes. Carit. tlolia Tf,,rier s--; -? oi i r-e ! n d ehu, "it is the best an; mo'W'darable -lluber, and will make a bei- y-; than any 1 nllin, m-Aul t.Kat rrolC." - I Examine the. stock of Tab! , r,inens. .Towels and Nankins, at Embry fc'f'rierson,B. Mr. F. M. Veuchn has bce'l v. . . 1....: i ' ' :- .not expecteu to live, uui. i 10-- better.1- ' ' Ask to see the.T 'S.iylt" ices - for tniming ginghams, Ac, at - . LMtlKY & l-'KIERfiOH'S, -Newt Vaughn, Jr., brought his hand- souiad bright tookiDg oriue home irom Alabama, last rrn lay. An elrant.line of the latest styles of Ladies', Misses', and Children's Slippers. :..... S I., l..,r,.. t. ir,Ar?.,-., ' j i , 1 i,i ri vet, aa - , ..t, in x . tx, v 1. 1 ai,wn p. Neil, the only brother ol James, ami son of Harvey Hodge, 'deceased, died at the residence ot Mr. Io'hj bhull, near ML I'leesant, Saturday night,, the 7tb, of con sumntiou. - .. - if.i i ' ' Miss Mollie I'rewitt and brottur,Vitli Mrs. Frank Moore, of Cuileoka, spent two oavs with tne lamily ot Mr. U. W. MCCord. last week Miss Mollie is s blue-eyed, liizlit haired blonde of lovely manners, matchless grace and noble disposition; which has won for her many admirers among. Jicr. owh, as wen as tne opposite sex. , - , "The bloom of opening flowet'a unsullied ueamy, , .. ,,.,,...-- MUdeet aud sweetest Innocence she wears': And looks Ilka nature In the world's first spring." Hint Williams. Sam Cecil. Jim Fleming and iley Harris, who went to the Upper l ine L,niti noie on liunaio.iast week, caught about eighty black perch and trout. The larcest, a black trout, weighed three pounds. captured by Hint volutins. ; . t Mr. Harry Harlan, quite a hanitsome young gentleman of Macon, Miss who is a student- of the anderbilt, visited the vi cinity of ML Pleasant, last we'ot. It is said there is great attraction $cr inm.out, tbere. Mr. Henry Grimes, an oidciueu of the ML Pleasant country, died after a long and painful illness of dropsy," Monday night, the '.Hh in-t. A - short-time -since he made a profession of religion and joined the M. E. church. He leaves a wife and a large fami ly of children to mourn his loss. nday-scrtoois, Methodist and Pf esbyterian, of ML Pleasant;' pic-nic at Polk's Station, to-day. They will come up on tne train in cnarce ot the ac commodating conductor, Capt. IT. L. White, A large party of lin-s sod frejitlenien rut fropi ML1 Pleasant last Wednesday -to l.-uth-Mieke Falls. ' - Mr. Ben Perkinsou and John King are tatiwfr up a saw mill near the depot st Mt leasaut- Thev are I'.otie-t, loli-r.oned gentlemen, wiih eueriry ami enterprise which is sans to lend thtui to success. -Mr. ii.oot. uui, 01 Aileutviiie, Ky., is; ftiu; his fneud 1. Messrs. J. iv.. A. and Mn:k Oi, near Mt. Pleasaut, -. We'. regret to li ant tliitf Mr. I.nos LOomsort, an Old and csiei ure-i eit:; toi of lie 1 Ith district, is very sick Willi bilious fever aud erysipelas. itatuesniuie rmili has become One Hundred WagviBR ' ;Two , Dollars per &y ai(l for twri-hprsc wagons and teams.; to Laiil chestnut oakbark froiu tbe Helm Lanyard to Mt. rieaeant, a ditstance of etx miles. ; Couforta 1)1 ii stablca aud rooms inriiietlicd freer For particnlars anlyy to LT. Ward, Acreut ST. & F. 11. lVjr XI t rIcasant, "Teiin .-, Jfay let, 'Sl-tf. , ., - , . , . - o ' '.- :' Real l.stafe Transfers, -h Tlie followiu-. Vs a list af rcceui I jl .es tate transfers 1 various Qistri;! --. of ths CJ -" county: : M. M. McKl k,' deed "to iMKU juoll Eli?., f .eth VL ;. - y. 3i. c. a. . Although' the weather was very inclement there was a good attendance at tne meeting 01 toe xoung men s -uunsuan jtssocinuou in the Methodist church last Monday nigbL The interest in this christian work seems deep and abiding. . It is being put forward by some of the best citizens ot the city, and best workers in the various churches. One of the most tonchine speeches ever made to an association of christian men, was made bv John Latta. Jr.. and the -result was sironcr expression of sympathy and sub stantial aid otleaed to tha ladies ia the event they should establish a mission home. The room in the Brown br.iJding is to be furnished by next Sunday, and the young men wdl hold a religious lervice there at t P. M. Sunday, , .,. : Milch Cows for Sale. Several good milch cows for sale apply IO . . . ..) 1H021AS IX WILLIAMS. . .' , P0! tor the Picnic. ' To-morrow at 9 A- the Methodist Sun day School will fall aboard" for ML PJ ess- ant, where a delightful day Is i snticipatcd. Send your basket to the. depot to-morrow by 8 o'clock a. M., or report to J. W. 8. ! Taylo,KobL' McKay or II, i II. Ogilvie, um uiey may sena lor li at yonr borne. . fl '' ' I' " 1 ' I I .;: 0bltry ; Elinor Johsson Gordon, consort. of Jesse M. Gordon, departed this life January 22d. L58I, in the7'Jtb year ei her age. She died of "pneumonia, .front whioh she suffered in tensely. -She died in:peac,l calling her children' and friends around bet aad asking them ta meet her in heaven, where parting is no more.' She had been for many years a believer, a ! Presbyterian in faith. ' If er fa vorite hymns "ere, "Amazing grace," acid ''Am I a soldier af the eross.,? i , . Her death reminds as ot the olden tunes as it resiwcis this resrion of eo-nntry. A brief notice of her -parents will be of inter est Johnson Craig . was bom in Orange county, ss, c, November. I9tn,i 1774 died September 17th, lfciS; atred 74 years. His wife, Martha (Blackwood) Craig survived him and died iOctober1 15th. 1&39, sped 76 feana, "Mr. rJohnsrm Osrlg married Martha L-iaoicwoivi May tin, li t?, emigrated to Ten nessee 1 "'., and set lied- wrar ML Pleasant, Maury csutrty, on tha pla.-e aiof known as tii- Katrll eld mill place, where a fort was built as a place of safety. -His brother. Wit- lim -came with, him-and settled -where Capt.. Scotr Jennings now resides. . At the time they came, there was not, even , a tree marked where ML Pleasant . now stands. Wolves, bears', panthers and 'ether wild beasts infested the country.' They brought salt, augaC'and coffee from Franklin on horseback itTht) -brothers hsrl for several milies to cut their Own road. Johnson Craig roiuained in Maury county pntil 1838. when he started for :MxnsiAsippi, brrt Iris health failing. lie stopped near Sumntertown,-at i. L'. .. .1 t. , r . Ai'-.Ui- resides.- Here ha remained until his death. He and Lis -wife were members of the old sobsel Presbyterian church. They lived to SCO all Lfteif children; 14 in' number 8 sens and 0 daughters married and with farm lies. The memory of the just is blessed'. Mrs. Gordon was buried at the Cemetery near MX. ' Pteasauu Services by it v. J. . I- rierson. May her children remember and f alllU her parting and dying request to them tq meet her in heaven. ' v, J, r.. iAn . A fine jeibWk m I" lt stv voarfl old. Mil '!) ness, and free from ad i; ' : ii ! ir. iua it. Corn, Corn Vjncttd. The highest market price pa 1 by ' Mi-Ic- moreAliro. Office at V i - Giint , V. c t Setaij street, Columbia. Nov.-Jti ti i. Fathers ami Son. You ere Invited to inspect omi i f the Isrgest stock of men's, youths and boy ' lo. thing ever oilered in Columbia. Our Mvles are the latest, our material tlie best mid our prices the lowest. apn.'y-u. .. , . j- Atss,.Mii.ii . 014 FllcsjIVaktcd. Ws lack the foil us in if imuibers of the HERALD, which we wid thank our suli-u-ri-bers to send ws at once:' 4sc. 27, )o7ri; Feb. 11, 1879; June 4, I8W Octoln-r 3, l7U. Please look them np lor us, friends. leb.ll-U. ,. . -J) ' - Consider Yonr lott-ret-l. Every msn who expects to bav a Smii:r or Summer Hat would do well to examine our 60c ts. tt jpet. UaL They are certainly Uie cheapest goods ever offered. April th, tl. WILLIAMSk COtllllA' .. 1 -. .. I.. I'seil ia Searty Every Locality in Hany Slate. Settled beyond a doubL No one i ick- Uobs the fact that more cases of wl.ius, suppressed and irregular merges and -Tli-r-ine-obstntctions, ot every kind, are ting daily eared, by Dr. J. i UnuiUM Fom il; Regulator, than by all other remedies c ui. bined. I ts success in . Georgia and oiler States is beyond precedent in uie sunn I of physic. Thousands of .certificates iioiu women everywhere ponr In npbu the i -o pnetor. The attention of prouluient in li e4il men ia aroused, in behalf W this utn derful oompoand, aad tla stiost siircestlnl practitioners use iL If wotawfifniUrr Ii(m sfter it will be their .own- iaalL Fen lo Regulator is prepared and mdd., by Jjj .1. bradheld. Atiauta, Ga., and tuair be boui. it for 10 per bottle at any respectable di uj: store in tne Union. ForSaJeby'Wl'P.'M'oldri.l.-e - Apt-2Mn. t..-i "' - ' I 1 t l.,t - ,. , . , "L , , , vau eariv ana see tne coons we are ctoi- iacr oat at Kriine ensfL' Now t the time io save money sod get Imsintf U .. v, it. AVt'-SV ATKINS. -L. - I o-' ' ' 1 ' v i - "."' f-1 Chew the Befit. ; i't .t- Tlie celebrated Tar Heel Tobacco. ' .'.i'--" 1SM.OAB TMK IlKeT. '"'" i'fie Hot Spur Clears.' '- i': ' j . ,t ' SoleAgenU, ' ' ! J, AS. WlfORLKY,"' V , Apr-2tML i , Nashville, Tenn.- -t 1 DEATHS. Felix Torter, col , aged 23, eon- ll. ;a;ii r to n ilher;il t'ltu! . h- Press iur pur'. ' i.'il tt 1 A ill tel.. .'ids, i i-e I. J,. V. r. Vt bott Fri-i to i.t-iinville. h'tturday.." Mineral wa'- Dei hi fc Lord at - healthy . suumi.-; Ask yiki'r grore. rrderf to us, ..' Tenh. Kire F-mritfs Clark Taylor if man it- This if . 1. r.urk-cf a i botlied beer, ei. :. - - t'l.ft E(".TD J'i .to 1 aud i:eu-f-i 'ii- ;l:ir 1 ;.. 1 :iU, ir uisuy ciur heir patrcnuja remeniitr;nrt-s. ied cider -'lie Tn-iy t-.:t . io:.-oniiiitilt, J . ; road, went tioM il teti-j a pic-nic ou Scott to 2-1 acre" j trict. s.,.Kj- V Heirs or A. li. s liliams, oeci f. j noti'man'to Ids Vres lnnd ia I, u. nxsct, :l,l'ii. i i J. W. Harris i,ul wife, deed to t" . Us ris. et al to interest in -10 acres 1jiii , iu Jlith district, -5tr. I Siinis latta, need to Isaiah Oio,, son to 1 acre lot in Macedonia, S-iJ0O. . ..: J. T. Akin, to Cheatham, Pcarce t Co. 2 lots at Hurricane Switch. S . t W. J. Ktishton, decil to BcDi. Haney to lot in I'nd ward, $ltu, . Jiosj. lLnnev,iieed to Austin I'oe4-r to lot in 2nd -ward, iLsr: F. M Titvlor, et al deed to M". 13. Tomlin son, interevt in land in Uth district, 0.. T t , 1 . .. 1 J l . T , ' . . v. en -.issuuii. uccu to o. ji. Jv Inzer, i half interest in ViS acres in 18th district, 1,I)U0, Moore i rierson, deed to Issiah Gholston, to 2 'A acres land in Sth districtt. s-j.wt r. ll. vvatklns, deed to Jno. V. lpltou to AZl'k acres laml in 2fst district, MtiS-tiO. Jetson Gantt to S. S. C Gantt. to lot in Willismsport, WiH). '- i .,, tfiiu m. McCav. deed ta Sarah . Lou Brown, to two-third interest in 2- trscts of land in 2Uth district, llHi. . ''" I .. , Chas. , Thompson and wife, to ; II. ' T. Hughes to house and lot in Colombia. B. E. Bolaerts and wife, .to deed tot Leon Frierson, to 2 tracts of land 1n' 13th district, 52t.o0. ' . (,-, ipcixtut ui ianu a on. , , . The Iand of Nod, with its King and glit tering. Court, its sprite's, dreams goblin", and veritaWceleepy heads, can all be visi ted at Hainner Hail to-night for oO cents. ft v I'-n. V,.lt,u.l ... sAIJ -aav ,3,.,,,,,!,. ,,, . The Hoard of Mayor and Aldermen on last Monday night, passed upon its third and last reading, the bill providing for the establishment of a good system of public schools in Columbia. The bill 'provides that there shall be placed in charge of a Board of Education consisting of nine free holders of the city three from each ward elected by the Board of Aldermen, and this Board of Education will select the teachers, fix tha salaries and attend to everything connected with : the management of the schools, i A special school tax will be levied each year for their support While the ad vantages of free instruction are given only to actual residents, yet the bill provide hat those residing outside of the city lim its may have the benefit of the schools-by paying the actual cost of tuition. We are glad to see our city looking upward in this matter, and we predict that nothing will do more than these schools toward increasing our population sod our prosperity. The cre-itf tf tite-4noee.ts of this mcaa-ure is due larut iv iu Esq. V. J. Andrews, who as a memiH-r of till 11, pushed it through. May sumntion. . '. ..... . " ' ... infant ol W O. H itherspoon. white. ; May 8, Robert, Thomas, coL.ageai 60, bid fth, Ned Hogan- white, 15, consumption, Oth, Caleb Porter. c-oL, aged , brain fe ver. ,. . 10th. Amanda- Tenuesse. daughter of S. H. Howell, col., one year and 0 bios, old. , i - i Corn, Corn Wanted, " The highest market price paid by McLe more & iiro.. Olhc at R. C Uant's West Seventh street, Columbia, Nov. 2t$-b'm v '! - A Colored Jery. , VeSterday, by special request of the ate- feiuiaut, ftuenn w, u. witnenpooa snm- tnnooa a cotoreo jury to try tne aase oi wm. very, col , chargea vuu atliung nnsiep iq WUltain Holt, In, the Carter's Creek soantry, jauinetltne last year. This la the first eoiorett Jury ever empaneled in. tne history of Maury eouuty. The following r the aamea of the Jurors that enrn re tne jurv: jssrnuel Wliiiama. unni numi, R- V. Wia-d, Albert Foster, Henry Hsdn; t'hiilp Hfittrt, Frank Wlgfali, 1 W. Wist klns. Wm: i'K.rbtrlck, Win KUk-b rd. Hr. m riaiiH ' t 'l. i.tew-, t hii, nuna - -I Of lit:' V it tulns i-" C-JU-'ttry ij ji i , 1 ""' A 'i v. ; hs been thrown la tl:o an j hss caused a reduct', $7,00 un a suit. Our ji-ii stock i niens,' boys,, hii wbi so as to remain' im Sotitinue so, at A I.os 1 OO'OftMi miu, x- it.HL L ul v,iti y ' ne Mt. i'lwAbt s ii thing iaarkcu t. of from iv,0 to won our iiHuiense I youth, clothing o-tiit'ed and will U Til AX & DUO. Meteorological llecord at Ashwood, for - - , '-;:, April, - ... Highest temnersture on the SU.. ...... .HI Arv. Lowest temperature 0n the 2 .22 dcg. una t aii...o.....-.,. 4.U Number of days on which rain fell 9 " .: j' - entirely Iear.u 15 V . -k ,-t " lair...l..A(. .:. 1.1 ' " i eloudv.'' .v - .j . 11 : Thunder storms lltbr 12th, 21st, ' . ' Snow fell on the first, twntentii inches Unary, white frost oi the lutb.-t w Very thin ice on the 14th,' ,i " - - i Peach trees in full tiloera on the fth. Apple trees snd strawberries on the 17th Fesest trees commenced patting oat leaves ,.(0n tne ntn in on week were.fnlly .., grown, : no ii..-.t , - ..' C FOSTRS VYlLMAMK.' ' , Voluntary Observes l!i S. Signal Service. ... i I li i in I ll - ; , ' Down They S, : ' -i We have a Tine'"") toadies, il'isses and Children's Side Lace Kid Shoes, Zeigler's niak ' We sre selling at prime cost: come . ', . .. I.. .A. aad see. li, vv, WAIKINS ft Co. maylStr " , o- ard. dratted the act an r b-il-.d nnd sold ly iiie uiet itiiithtful anil uriiiss in the market. nr tflflil.or semi vour i'"kt fctrec-L Nashville, ' mav6-2t. K . 2 : U !u; depot, aud .-f.iag Vf a, coaijiiiu v; to. : L I Ul-' t C. ,.' seii i "..;l) & Iord's r aad uii.ior.ii waters. who way- Invor- te, as well as a popular and attra-iive place of resert, for our young ladies and gentleman, who every vear, sometime dur ing ih month of May, go there picnicking. Anoiuer party, cotiposed ot some as hand tome youiijf ladies ami gallant young men as are to be found in the county visited the tails last r rni.iy. The couples were: Chas Akin and Miss Minuie Wilson, C. M. Rey nolds and Mis Lticretia Bunch. Charlie Standard Pianos nnd 0 reran .'. - Why purchaae from traveling agettis, an pay lurte commissions, when the best pianos and organs can be bought at home st lower cah and time rates than elsewhere? - A. D. iTtlEKSON", Apr-22-tf." Public Square, iiJ and kn; ..-flifW . " x..i io' si the head l,i Dcc' 'I ned - j aud cost in the criminal cistrt, this week. ' ,-- , C harles Thurman, suj'p'iei tlie most ." : ;,l;ous taste ciNash'-'iiie .r.i ll line of t ; h:ng and pants furnishini; -soiif. Suits vu- it to order and perfect ga-tranted. V-,.i wiD find him V: tlie Mux well ji tse, with jjie lar-.'-t stock -f clothing .M.'.e city.- - "j ,. 1 eurl'li-tf l-.d. llem'.U'y has f ut nto Heaishrna in f l-;--'-: ii McGaw's bur, t i-i, tvs & Doiisou j, '! ,!.. .!- stau nun g tnem. i . The finest wens, ladie. ini -sct, boy'g -,.iI ehildren shoes aud slips ers ti,e U citv, i , nr. Winste.1.1 l.ros, .No 7. I I will int some a i sia a.- he gets Prosrainmo of the Mt, FleaKant Liter- ' ary Society, Friday Erening-, May 20. Address by the President Essay. Miss Camilla Bond. " ' ' ' s, - t . 1 v- .1 , il -r. ' t, . , ,f. . , - I - imiivw mt; uu'icib vi uie jieeri. ur. 111 flmi and Miss Mnrv ( Gordon A rmulrnni, f ... ...... H S,d Fleming and Miss Lillie Moore, Walter "iitsic on Pisno, Miss Ida Frierson. Dialogue, bv Mr. I L. Frierson and Miss ft aimie Jackson. ' Lecture, by Mr. A. S. Horsiey. ' Kecitation, ny miss ids r rierson'. ". Humorous Reading, bv Prof. Swan. " ' i Hecitation, by Miss Dickson. t XiscussioB-r"Prohibition" bv C. I W. Brown and Dr. Thompson. ' ' ' " . , Vocal Mosie, by Misses Dickson and Em bry. - - - ' : : - ' ' .. Report of Tenngsonian Committee, hoped for, Messrs. Horsiey, Southail, Dr. W; A. Smith, L. I i nersoa. Special Offer. SOcrs. will buy a No. one dollar Hat at Williams Jt Cochkax. Cant snd kli-s Annie Kittreil, Joe Flemi and Miss .Matt it; Williams. The eommetirttueut exercises of Cul leok Institute will besrin lo-niffht. and con- . - t. ,'L- ; . . . ' , iruu-.w wees- aiiis lnstlturlcci grows ' 10 popular favor au I prohciency- srith every ' essifu. ' 4 . ' 2 ! Taui?ny Webster killed a lir?e rattle faate.Vhile out hunting in W. Jl.'l'ntrlishV "woods. . Some of the rattles 'wet-- shi t off, but he thinks t hers were i'.t. Tiie sniike was in alumpau-d Tommy kicked, nt it, thinkinc it was i laru'e lniishroon, or toad stool, liiwy snakeship ouickly .assumed au attitude ot- defeLse ;Hi.t defiance, snd Tommy 'khot L ' -:. J F. M., aV excellent cifien ,.r this county, was taken suddenly aU k Friday and Saturday., It it as reported that he was dead Sunday, but we , irto, to say that he is bettar; and will s-on be well. Misses J.uJia. IJ. and Lens f. down. last week, to see Mrs. ll.ii-!.,' oi tne nicest pui isuies in tue worlnV und went 1 one I'!1- Max-Jftil Ho'iH', '.'s:ri, sk-ei.-t Tenn. I spent a lovely dy. They enjoyed it, al- hfjast I hiive been giving it to our little 11101011 iirimn vjrmjc uenry nor Alien nor tlteir beloved was there. :V ,:' On this evening there will be an erier. tninment at the resident,, of W. t). (ionlon Ifarks Mill, by tl,R yotiujr ladies neighborhofnl. it is siiiietliing simiL4r t,, the cooking ''"'', c:lf''' .vt-"n.g lady invites a gtntleiaaa friend. One young iliau oa ic- Oka VTVILLE, Ga., Adz. 2o'. 1879. Dr. C J. MOFFATT Dear Sir I cannot longer retram irom rendering to you my (jiiiei'il BcKnowieugements ior tne price less boce, you have given to the baby world n yoer "leetnma. ror several months ast I hiive been giving it to our little trirl now teevhiug, and with the most happy re mits. oineriJuicuucs are uroojung anil oyiiiu' while our little darling is fat and .cheerful. I recommend it to all with whom I eiitue iu contacL Y'ours very truly, Apr-in. A. 15. St tin it Inls Conuty, . Since our last lo the Herald. we have no- iced the consolidation, aad believe it will be a great advantage toys editors as well ss to the natrons. The farmers ar very badly behind hand n this section of Lewis, rain is the great hindrance a lew have got their ground broken, sad some corn planted; but some have only a part ot then- land broken np, There, ts considerable complaint here against the fish is wj. Bat this will subside as soon as the people can see what a great benefit it wui prove to them alter while. There is very lutle - complaint here against the road law, and they that do coni- luin do not understand w. ; . i ., ' I!tit!alo river has proved herself a better protector to the fish in their spwaning season tnau tue law uaa, lor itoas oeen quite iuii for a week or two. . - . Mr Jack Pope died a few'dsys ago. He was very old snd been iu feeble health for sometime, t nele Jack naa a nara me. James T- Turnbow, one of onr nearest neighbors, put ia tbe lowest proposition to rari'V the mail from Tony to Newburg. nd ttie nVnninitt was awarded So him by Jltll St Braanelu. . , .-i . .: ' ' Warren Smith, J i., of Uoenwald, the little village where the railroad depot H 01 pectcd to be bnilt, a hen our railroad is ptit in runiiini order through Lewis, will yue the iohsbitanls nf Tra-e. C'r'ifit a ieu:per Hii''e bxlure ou the Sth inuL, every bolv is iuvited. JhLs is anew feature for Uie coun try and it is hoped frill prove a stepping stone of much good. Uod rasas tlie t-n:-er- ance cause. ,. -i ,: - J. IS. Burns is having tan bark peeled, and is going to have his .tannery mat on first- class principles. Wa wish him much suc cess. . ' -. , i , . i - ' ; All well, no marriage no births to report. . i . -.,.,-... t ;, -,'t '" BY TONY. ' Sontniort.' W'e don't propose to wrlia a ikh-iu - r otherwise express our joy at, the coining f spring, but we wish to expri's.,nur syiupi' thy for the husbands of fashibijshle iv.-s and the fathers of eligible- daurh u-ru. for spring has come, and so has "the time for protracted and tyirraiuentul isetinca, Hml many a husband and lather's ltart tiuol snd the purse grows lean invpvniseqiiefii c. While oar. preachers nru. exerting theiu- lres t-i for a ard the cause. oi leniner.-im c in the land, strange to ssr, ws. never Io n r them open their mouths iu onlt .' to t,.p f h.. extravatjanee of the country. It u Wild travagance that is, robbing the' ' ii.ircii and ministry ot their just We, oaiikruptin; husbaods and fathers, and Uoa ofU-n de frauding the merchant ajirt oiUiis ;:wnlt, making every sacramental .tsorasiou mid protracted meeting a day ttdiafilay fooli-ii extravagance or a criminal jditajday of the merchant's misplaced , coufidcHce, driving -husbands snd fathers to driiikjaiid ruin, snd the swindled merchant (0 'Filicide or u drunkard's grays; aad all to tsnke a dis play at the big meetings. Suehls modem Christianity! Oh, give us only small por tion of old fashioned Christianity tliatal lowed ot- fathers snd notrr to co to church in homespun, and enabhil t.hciri to dav their debts and kent the Sule nut of debL The ministry wgu't at tads extrava gance because their wealthy inruiliers set the example and the poor encf loliow m their footsteps. Slaves to.'so-Tuor'linaic love of fashion are the ctimem i-Hnn li and Slate, forcing members of tfcivl-fcurch to re- pudiste their debts with tli meitiiant ami the merchant his debt wist Ve wholesale merchant, making the eh'cslv etai coumry wholesale renudiatiou. Mamutoitv. pav ing the way for State . repulifttien and dis honor, all done by chunn bioajibcrs lire- ' paring for the liig meet o-t,1 making our ) country poor in everytbir hot fiile dollies. .' Strange as it msy seem, ie hnmstry w iuk ! st this extravairsnce, bassa it is'jirai-tiep.t by their wealthy nisnliers. "ifJow, dear ! ministers, help us as tftsbatrds and father?., for we cannot help reading tlie neason at big meeting (tcssioi. l'oor as we are onr wives and dHUiits are dear to u, am; !ien fhey say tharvood sister Mrs. so-uuit- so, tbe Miss w-iii i-u has a new spring hat and has a lots siy: Ves, we nalUrally feel in ihe bottom "nr (lockets and frequent 'y he pr.i-frS little' mite1 aud tl:, suiumvmcrio',1 j i e to neip tna wives tic da. -liters. V'v l.i.S 'on i -t,ioi the cau -e I tetn erauce, pI'eaA strike a entJe: blow Let ns le t i -n'" i.i ivagait ' is In. i -. u; .' r .: . ' fcf-pr'i;.;!y where ihe pames if - ci. , .'fi aud exee,l their a'.U.-y to i the merchant 'or i glister, tv ho 1et pnys the preacher? Wef-.-twer ti'i-.-.: who j r ie tice honest frugalit.-i cspeciaily iu o.c .s. .Now if it was not 'h imposing farther on your space, 1 would give you a history of the II. g Creek liahiog party, but mince it to say it was a so, csri-s, oystu- sitppst nnd all, and we join Mr. 1.1am in bsvup that no cleverer Jicojile can be found tiiau those living near tbe iiaptist ci,'.ii.hTon Big' Creek. Now you ask a hard 'jm- njon when you ask what happened to W. J'.. H. Mat thews on that fishing et cnrsi"ri. II.- is known to be a modest msn, I tit, -rfekaowl-edges that either a bad I. v scared iln got. after him or be got after a badly fx-ftred dog. Any way, it looked that way toal uian ou top of a stake fence. Ask Jtob, to colored cook, he knows, and aiu't bashpil. f i-fis ,:"' LL Casipbell JiUtloh:''.' That ohl military chief taia. Ceo, Urecii. has almost complete puiuession otthe coun try, and unless his enemies, the. larmeis, tan get some yeiulorcemenls In Uic'way ot several weeks of fair weather, they; will be forced into winter quarters the nK season on short supplies. To be sef.i", there- never was as much complaint -on the part of the farmers as there has been In She last few weeks. Tbery is a gsod, deal.,f torn aud cotton that has not been plotted up to this date. The rains have not, beea heavy except in a few localities, but emtu di has tslleu to Keep uie iarmers iroin wuk. tin Friday, the 5th, a rain fell oh the Unii of O. A. Tomlioson and his Irainedjiije ncit borhood which played Fad havoc1 with things generally. A stoue fence was w ash ed away on the farm of Mr. Tomlinson where there was no stream, except a sm.Ul one in wet weather. . . r the sect imi foreman at this place, is putting tip ii steam saw miJl on the farm of John f lickuini, ear Stiversville. , ii Mr. Mc G. Ingram has put np a attire u the old Pulaski pike, on the farm heuoulit from Jesse Tomlinson. ;t -;:!' Sundsy night, the 2d ititL. .a.racan the accommodation train going isouuUaot nil the tiack at this place. The sccidcBt wits canned by s piece of casting lulling oh of a nat car ana breaking a nraae on oua pi me ears. Ihe train was not delayed mire than twenty minutes. '''.;"' Dr. Bernard Uracey lrom isuivrnn, Kntli- erford county, came out last See' So visit Ins parents. He staved only a i iow'ii.i v t and returned. , - - i l The sons of some are goiog u ocuool some how tave got Dr. Smizer related the fo.'lowlrc luiisa few days ago: Hicks Ellis, from Mit- i 'ijpi, lound a buzaard nest which" was tip ji li ir iK-.plar he conld not clisib.- .He took a rope aud went up a beech tree c!m' ib ll,e . poplar. When he got up aa hirli a the nest, he tied one end of tbe ropo ro the . . ; - ' ' I i of the preai ln w h. j 1 to tlie llt'rn. y'ei,i , . )t into a. sireakrof hi-', ; ; . ,w ...... Tor Sale. . - The charminz' residence, known ss the Finley place, -t between Spring Hill and Ewell's station with first-class, cistern, gar den, orcnara anu outnonses. .Apply to . ...i. t . ,i W, Whitthorse, . Dec 3rd. 1880; tf. 1 Columbia Unn. For Sale by W. P. Woldridge.. ; ! -'.3fotiee.: " '. T mve a n'ortable nrine, and Senarwtne that I will sell or trade for a large - i.nguie, situable ior a Sta". Jllill. ".Vildress U. P, Webster, Cross Bridges, Tens, - I . -,,, i , Mil ' l ! " TotheFftlls. , ... We are offering bargains in our Dry Goods Department. This , department is replete in all,. and our shelves are crowded to overflowing with a handsome stock beau tiful dress goods, which will win their way II examined. ; " a apr29-tf " A. ROSENTHAL & BKO. I'nblic SiHotsi Directors. There will be a meeting of the Public School Directors in -Columbia, on Saturday tie .lii uay oi ji;iy, insi. , r.very Director n the county is earnestly requested to at tend. Give one day to tlio public good. ud let us endeavor to promote the eflicient list of the means within our reach. Don't forget Ihe day. ;W, B. Woon, Sop't. . beech and threw the other end .ov-er s.a titer i sprout on the poplar, and then rsa.lo a fust to the beech, lie then started .'!. i3 the beech to the poplar on the rope. When about half wsv. the wster sprout brte aud he fell to the ground, a distance irrf -s-fWiit sixty-five feet. The only thing thftt,'"-ved him from immediate death was, be'fo'rrin a soft, marshy place. No bones Were brWken. 1 le was out in a few days, ready for sssther climb. tiiicrft Two young men, one a sou of Mr. Da tics n and tbe other a son of Mr. Futuiaiufjoth eame very near losing their lives,.itur dayby being drowned, at Mr. JlelrViuill. We do not kuow tne particulars.. We would state for the benefit! of fliose who exoeot to attend the Exposition at Nashville, that tbe grand military -ijmrade will take place on Monday, tjjo '3d.'t Ou tha three days following the parade, the different companies will- drill at the Fair Grounds for a premium. Tha UxiU Mill commence eich dav at 1 o'clock. . TJ.e in.', mission fee to the lair Grounds will be .50 , cents for adults, and 25 for child ren. Those who go out to the Fair Grounds wili have ' to go on the street-cars snd the Chattariuo-'V ga railroad. The fare from this place-for round trip will be $3.o for sin trie nnrsT,,c . , M for parties of five and less than ten. ,.! ' 2.35 for parties of tea. and over Ju addi tion to this, each person must pay 2 etjiits fora ticket of admittance into tl,,. r. ,..-' ; tion, to be bought at the station yiWe j starts from. Ihe return ticket bins' stamped at the Exposition buUdin; t r j 0 tkc it good. - ... ,. ', At the Bt. Louis lUir thf. Dremitimsi are to be if 1 yen t Ant us cattle. It U aitiil that "11 cows alive to-day are , t ' f ! X .4 Jt .a 'A 71 A til i - 4 V : J :