Newspaper Page Text
'i I jMiiasi jm lis... j.i JL" 'f I'M .J -t the Tide. it Is V : A fl r u!f Ton w wi, n v:th the rirt lcs i rtlii of Lima, i tr:tj fourfM oi iLe river. I-.lKe rnr.Hie to Honift old rnvmA ! J! laies cojn-a HnJ ptUono AgHluBt ita current tj rtile ; And we muKt iiav strength, from heaven H'i" ruwiug HgaiuM, lae Ude. We may lloaton the river's surface -W bile our oan muw toocU Uie stream. , And vlut oim of etgrly glory . ... - Oa ourdiltu sight may gleam; . We forest tliat ou bciore us ' " The dashing torrents roar, And. wlule we are tally dreaming, lis waters carry uso'ur. Bot a few ab, would there were many ' Itow up the "btreain of life:" - Tney sti-uie against lta surges, i r And mind neither toil nor strife Though weary and faint with labor, ; logins-, triumphant, they ride; For Christ is Uieh.M-C Captain '' ' When, rowing aaaDt-tlie tide. ' rr ob thronich tbe hazy distance, Utte a mist on a tHHtant snore, i Tbey the wsjia ,f a olty, . Vita it banner flouting o'er. Seen through a gltwt so darkly - i They almost mistake their way; But faith throws light on their labor, . Wlios darkness shuts out their day. And ahail we be one of that number Who mind no toil nor pain T Shall we mourn the loss of earthly Joys ' When we have a crown to gain? . Or shall we glide on with the river, - With death at 'Jiu end ot nor rldn. W nils our brothi ,r, wit b heaven before him, CO..lTCII.'' rirtil Tennwsee ItejlmerU, or a iue buow 01 me isig ' BY ."R. WATKIXS. April 20, 1861 vs. April 26, 1SS1 ; "WE AKE ONE AND UNDIVIDED." About twciity years ago, I think it was ; 1 won't be cei-tam, though, a man Whose name, if I remember 'correctly, . was William Lu Yancy I write only from memory, and this vas a loag time ao tooit a strange and peculiax notion that the sun ruse in the ast and set in the west, and that the com pass pointed north and south.- Naw everybody knew at the time that it WM but the idiosyncrasy of an unbal anced miud, and that the United B tales of America had no north, no South,, no west. Well, h be gan to preach the stranga dvctriue of there being such a thing. B.9 began to have followers. As you i inow, it matters not how absurd, ridiculous and perposUrous doctrines may be preach- ed, there will be some followers. Well, one man by the name of (I think it was) niieu, said it out loud. '. jtie was told to "s-h-e-l-l." Then another fellow by the name (I remember this one be cause it sounded like a grave-yard) , Toombs, said so, and he was told to "s-h-e-l-I." Then after a while whole heaps of people began to say that they thought that there was a north and a south, and after awhile hundreds and thousands and millions said that there was a south. But they were the per sons that lived in the direction that the water courses run. Now the peo pie who lived.where the water courses started from came down to see about It, and they said, "Gents, you are very much mistaken. We came over in tbe Mayflower, and we used to burn. Witches for saying that the sun rose in the east and set iu the west, because the sun neither rose nor set ; the earth ' simply turned on its axis, and we know, hecRHse we are cropeared Pure- (I J tans." The spokesman of the party i Was named I think I remember his i name because it always gave me the tines when I heiird it) Horrors Greeley, od another person by the name of Charles Sumner,' said there ain't any north or soutn, east or west, and you han't say so either. Now the other . people who lived iu the direction that the water courses run, just raised their bristles and continued saying that there H a north and there h a soul. When thoseat the bead of the water courses came ont furiously mad, to coerce those in the direction that water cours rtin; and to make them take it back. Well, they wen t to gouging and biting, to and scratching at a furious rate, one sid, elected a captain by the uaie of Jeff Davis, and kuown as one eyet Jeflf, and a firt lieutenant by the nam ot Aleck Stephens, com monly styed smart Aleck. The other Side select! as captain, a eon of Nan-' ty Hanks, yif Bowling Green, and a on of old Eib Lincoln, tiie tail split ter, and who iiuuie was Abe. When be was a y, he was called Abe Hanks, but be became- age htv took the n:nvrr his father, the-rail-eplltter. Wei! after he was elected i captain they J rWti as firt lieutenant an Individ uai(f doubtful blood, by the came of Uau:.jbal Hamlin, Ixing ade ceiidant of Vie ''iurabion -of Ham, the bad son of old Noah who he went to curse bluvb overdid the thing and cursed jfn black. . Well, an 'said before, tbey went to fighting, iut old Abe's side cot the beet of tie argument. ' But in Ketting tbe best of tbe argument they; called In all the people and wise men of oth- . er nations or trie carta, and they, too, said that America had no cardinal joints, and that the sun did not rise in the east and set in the west and that the compass did not point either north or south. . Well, then cairtain Jeft Davis' t-ide , , save it up and quit, and the-' too went iomyinsr that there is no north, nth, no east, no -west Well. 4 . boys" all took a small part in the fra- - en, ana bnep, the prophet, remarked that the dav would come when ! those Who once believed that the American ranUneut had cardinal points, would be ashamed to own it. That day has arrived. America has no nori, no ovth, no east, no westr-tue sun; rises over the biJis and seis over the moun tains, the compass just points up and Md clown, aml we can -laugh now at the absurd notion of there being such a thins as a north and a south. Well, reader (let me whisper in your ear) I was in the row, and the fol low- Inn pages will tell what rxrt 1 took in I the little unpleasant misconception of 2 tnere neing sucn a thing as a nortn sad a south. t 1 CHAPTER I. i THE BLOODY CHASM. 1 In these memoirs, after the laiwo of twenty years, we propose to fight our "hatrJoa oVr Airain." ' , -1 To do this is hut a pastime and pleasure, as there is nothing that so msch delights the old soldier as to re visit the scenes and battlefields with Which be was once so familiar, and to recall the incidents, though trifling they may have ln.-cii at the time. The histories of the Ixst Cause are all written out by "big bugs," (ienerals and ienowned liiftoriuiip, mid like the relica- that called a turtle a "cooter," being told that no such word as cooter Was in Webster's dictionary, remarked that be had B inuHi right to make a dictionary as Mr. Webster or any oth-. T man ; so have I to write history. But in these pages I do not pretend to write the history of the war, but nly give a few sketches and incidents (hat came under the observation of a "bigh private" in the rear ranks of the rebel army. Of course the histories are all correct. They tell of great enlevements of great men. They wear the laurels of victory; have grand presen ts given them; high po sitions in civil life; presidents of cor porations; Governors of States; offi cial positions, fcc, and when they die long obituaries are published, telling C their many virtues, their distin guished victories, &c., and when they ax Dune! the whole country goes in jnourning and is called upon to buy an elegant monument to erect over the remains of so distinguished and brave a General, Ac. But in the following peges i propose to ten or toe fellows rho did the shooting and killing, the fbrtifying and ditching, tbe sweeping Ct the streets, the drilling, the standing r i&ra, picsec ana vinet, and who drew t was to draw) eleven dollars per V.nth and rations, and also drew the fwrod and tore the cartridge. Par wen me should I use tbe personal pro noun 1, too l do not wish to be sailed egotistical, for I only write ofwnat 1 saw as an nuuabie private In tB0 rear rana in an iniautry regiment, eenynonly cafted webfoot. Keither So I propose to make this a connected jouiual, for I only write entirely from memory, and you must remember, oh, kind reader, that those things hap yeaed twenty years ago, and twenty years Is a long time in the life of any Individual. ! J was twenty-one years old then and at that time 1 was not married. Kow 1 have a house full of young "rebels," clustering around ' my - knees and bumniitir ncaiast mv elbow, while write thefe reailniscences of the war of secession, rebeUs. State rights, 8laverv or our rizhta In the territories, or by whatever other name it maybe called. These are all with the past now, and the North and Bouth have Ions' aeo I'shaken hands across the bloedv cbHm.t' The flajr of the South era cause has been furled never to be aain unfurled forever: cone like dream of-yesterday, and lives only in the memory of those who . Ilyed through thsme bloody days and times, . 1861. V CHAPTER II. Reader, mlne did you live tn that storm v wrlod? In the year of sr Lord elgateer? hundred and sixty-one, do von rcmerr.ber those stirring times' Do yeu recollect In that year, ft the nrst tiaie jd your me, or Hearing jjix le and . the Bonnie Bine Flag? Fort Sumpter was fired onon from Charles ton by troops under General Beaure gard, and MaJ. Anderson, of the Fed eral armv surrendered. The ale was east : war was declared : JJncoln call ed for troope front, . Tennessee and all the Bouth'va States, but jTennessee, loval to her southern Bister States, nassed the ordinance of aeeension, and enlisted nnder tbe stars ! and bars From that day on every person alMost was eager for the war, and we were ail afraid that it would be oyer end we net In the fight. -Corfifeanies were made tip, regiments, organized; left, fefti left, was beard from, morning till night. By the ngnt name, file lert, march, were familiar sounds, ivery where, could be seen Houthern cock ades made by the ladies and. our sweet hearts, v And the Union men of that day-, made ' the 'tnost' fiery secession speeches. Flacrs madt by I the ladles were ' presented to companies, and to hear the young orators ten 01 now iney would protect that flag and that they would come back- with the. flag or come not at all, and if they; fell they would fall with their backs to the field and their feet to tbe foe, would fairly make our hair stand on end witb in tense patriotism, and we wanted to march right off and whip twenty yan kees. But we soon found out that the glory of war was at home among the anies and r ot upon me ueia or uiooa ani '. carnage sod death, where our comrades were mutilated and tern by shot and shell, and to see tbe ebeek blanch and to hear the fervent prayer, nay, I might say the agony1 of mind was very different indeed Jrom tbe patriotic times at borne. " '. TO BE COKTIITTTKD.J ' The Greene county Democracy are in favor of General Hancock for Pres- dent in 1S.U ' Smyrna John GFJesple might si m little stool with Marsh Martin on his lap without burst ing it down, if you would brare it np with rocks. John T. Dcrryberry might staud tip toe on the bureau and perp over the joist pole. David ft. Sowell might sleep on a six foot bedstead if he wonld draw hie knees np to his chin. 8ix big (tout men might whip Frank Wheatley with their fists after two diV bard fitthtit)?. Your Uncle Jim might be good looking if he wag not so dratted ugly. It von read the Bible you might find where it says, "clap your hands and rejoire," bnt I will be blown to London with blasting powder if I can tell just when s north wind is roing to come sweeping across the valley where Bill Jack son's old mare died day before yesterday, and bringing with it a sweet perfume that makes every person in the neighborhood clap their hands to their nose and stagger backwards, those that are not church mem bers can be heard sending forth a blue streak of cuss words that would make a whole campmeeting qnake and tremble, and those that belong to the church tarn quite pale and no doubt think d n, if teey don't say it. - " s We learn through letters that V r. P. H. Martin, wh left this neighborhood about nine years ago and moved to Obioa county, Tenn., is now one of the best farmers and wealthiest men in that county"; he has had a fine house of eight rooms erected and haii given it the finishing touch with five lk-Mr" nine rods. Kir. Martin is a strict 'wmi -:r of the Methodist church and no doti!t tii, people ot Obion are glfed to hove him iu ' their midst. . ' '. About three weeks sco some devil o devils who have neither teart or concie ' , in their bosom, went to A pile of timber ih . Mr. K. M. Nicholson -Jind got out IS se-H J; snttron snoxea anil ,cat Jver loree. - seres ol ground. - Ota the fofloicur Biornf On night laHt wflek the heartless wreehesic:( f ' bnck dud rejwated the same dtrjyriek t" then had the impudence to call the t(-i and tell him to send Etta and Katie bsr-. to pile his spokes. The ones that did tt guilty Cf a dirty trick. Mr. Nicholson i m -. old man, worn down with the long yenr i f j k l I I 9 A .1 - t IIQie, U2U WWH unr iiuiu ur.j " t " , , ... . . , i - i , j I tbe Close OI aay, who gray oiiinhi uid low to keep hp a siclly family. Yot'S UsiT-S Jia. Letter From Texas. . y Dresden, Tbxas, April "24, Wl Mr. Editor, as wa have been so fortunate as to get the Herald on time, we will write again. After reading my last lette, I guess some of my friends are preparing to come to Texaa Hold on friends, do not , be in such s hurry, perhaps you had better look at the other aide of the picture; 'you per hsps ware sever cant ht out in a - blue Norther, several nv'iea from boms without your overcoat, or ten er fifteen miles away in time of rain and have to drive home in yeur wagon or buggy across the black mud havine to ret out every few hundred varda to clean on the wheels, and perhaps you would not uxe to nam your wood lonr or five miles; you might get s home ia among the timber, but tasa it is not so healthy there as it ia-os the -prairie. Sometimes crops are cut very short here n aecount of drought. ' We have been having about a month of dry weather up to this time, bnt we are having a line ratn while I write. It will bring tbe cotton an and then the (arm era have to go to work in earnest. The Ppnng has been so cold, but few ef them are done planting. I have made three !lantings ot mine, and my first is up. We tad a freeze here on the niitht of the 1.1th of this month that rve our corn a check some little that was nearest water courses, was killed. Gardens, more or less, were damaged. The leaves on the fruit trees were ianre enough to protect the fruit to a great extent, consequently but little of it wsa killed. 7 he nroste-ra are trrwl fn fine crop of fruit of all kinds. The health of the country is eobd at thia time. We have had an epidemic of meas les that at one time nearly broke up tbe schools, but they have subsided, and onr schools fre flourishing again, . I am in clined to think this country is as health v as Tennessee, if not more so. I can see no local cause for sickness on the prairie lands unless it be the raising of cotton. I have long been of the opinion It has been the cause of chills and malarial fevers to some extent. Persons auftering from lunir dis eases seem to do much better here than in Tennessee. We have rather mere wind here than most other 8tats, but take it up on the whole, I think th .s is a more dIms-. ant country to Ure in than Tennessee. we are having fresh arrivals from Maury truuiitj every w weeks, among me nuiti ber is iominte Jamison, eon of Mai. Jami son. of Carter i Creek. ' Tommie stayed mth us about a week and then procured a s-tnation on a farm near Dresden, and has gone to work ia good earnest. He savs he is roing to stay three years. I think he will do well; he is living with a very nice htniily, and if be will hold out as he has be gun, he will succeed. And I would say jnst here that there ia a demand for aober, in dustrious young men, noc only on farms, but in other pursuits. I am always glad to see a ynarjg man irosperinf, makinc not only money, - but character, that has left home and friends behind, and all the influ ences of heme life, that have cast their lots in a new country and mmoas stnanrera. I have known some young men that were not only sober and steady ia their habits, but seemioEly devoted members of the church. after leaving home and getting from under its restraints ana influence, became com pletely changed in many i a stances, taking the lead in vice and sin. Now, young man, from one that W'"1 1 70 u well, take this advice, especially U you are a Maury coun ty boy coming to Texas, if you are sober, pious young man before yoa come here, stick to it and try to become more so, for sober, industrious, reliable young men are at a premium ia aay connti-y. Hut on the other hand, if yon have formed bad habits before you come here, now is the best time in the world to reform and make a new character, and be sure it be one of honesty, industry and sobriety; that is the best in vestment you can begin life with. In my next 1 win give an account 01 a trip West, taken soon after I came to this county. - T. M. B. 11. aa reported. Samuel J. TiWen is re- sponsible tor the exposare of the Star route thieves, it ia in order for the honest people of America to rise up and (ail them blesa- Spring ilM. i: We a f sire, Mr. Editor: We desire, thronch your columns, to express otir hiKh appreciation of the princely manner ia "which we were entertained at the recent meeting of the Richland Presbvterv of the C. P. Church at Sprinc Hill. Tenn.; The resolution of thanks unanimously adopted by the rresbytery was onlv an intimation of the "immense denttia" nf otir en tlesa arratituds to the kind peopla who so . widely opened their doors andso heartily welcomed us to the hospi talities of tbeir beautiful and pleasant homes. Their eenerositT was nnbounueu, and from the depths f the soul's great fountains there come wslling p emotions of gratitude unutterable, and from bosoms tilled with tnanktulnesa ana praise uren k np fervent prayers that heaven's brightest, sweetest benedictions may ever rest upon tbe good people of Spring Hill, who so cor dially received ua and so transcendently eladdened our hearts with ths sweet sun shine nf kindness and love. Among ill the homes that hsvs crowned and blesxed us with their angel !o ministra tions, and have forever enshrined them selves in memory, none deserve s more sa cred mention, none are more meritorious, none more worthy of a hallowed and anri vsled place in living, loving hearts than the charminir homa ol Mrs. M. ' Stephenson. When wa entered Its sacred precincts wt felt ws were in an atmosphere refresh- Ine. enlivening, ennobling and transform ing in its influence upon our heartaV'Ia it there moved, ss an angel of light and love, Miss ATollie StenhenBon with lorm OI lnex- nre&sible irracefulness and loveliness, voice as sweet as the "music of the spheres" and ai gentle as "evening sephyrs wafted from far off seas,'-' manners ss bewitflbing the most beautiful nrmchs of . Ideal lands, smiles as lovely as the rainbow jof hope and f'roniise, and eyes a-sparkling as the winkling, silent'stars in the bright dome of h kv. In her nresence we seemed to be in a land of enchantment, of fairy forms, beautiful visions, rapturous music and de lightful dreams. Kever again until e en ter tbe land beyond the ahadows, do wa ex net to nass another threshold ; where our eyes shall behold such radiant beenty, such matchless eletrsnce. such transeeadent love liness, and where our ears shall be ravished with such ecstatic converse and such fasci- natinir sontr, and where we ehau meet our beau-ideal of all that is beautiful, nobis, lovely and captivating. . ' M. C V. Preparations lor Iswolng tbe ew Bends About the Mid dle of Jane. 7, . . New York San. ; Col. M- T. Polk, State Treasurer of Ten- vmim. - ann uii. j. ai. s:iu. cian Comptroller, have been in the city for some days past on business connected with the refunding of the Tennessee State debt and will return, home ia day er two. CoL Polk said yesterday: "We ooias to make arrangements in regard to tae printing of the sew bonds, in aoeordaaee ' with ths recent act of the Legislature, i The terms of the contract have been agreed upon and sent t Gov Hawkins at Kash villa for hia rati6cation. The statement that he was going to remain away from Tennessee to avoid a possible injunction la entirely un true. The contract for printing the new bonds is on the basis of an Issue ef $25,000,- 000. About 11,300,000 of the total debt ol $27,000,000 ia held by the Federal Govern ment in trust for the Indians and eoidd not be refunded except by consent of t oa Kress, and $700,000 is held by charitable and educational institutions. These last bonds are not affected by the refunding law. This leaves $25,000,000 to be refunded at 3 per cent, share for share. About $1,- 600,000 of the debt is held in Tennessee, a good deal of it is held In ftew 1 ork ana other Kastern cities, but most of it is held n Eurone. These bonds were fl noted in this market a year ago at from J8 to 33, bnt to-day they stand at 73. Tbe refunding will probably not bcem antu about the middle of June." '' ' i A low-lai Intllgoatlon Mealing i - at Slnrlreesboro. Nashville. April 30. A Low-tax in dignation meeting was held in Murfreestx to-dav. A special to the Banner from th savs: "The Low-tax iudienation meeting was called to order ov jueveriy iuuiaoipn, Chairman of the Rutherlord County lut- ecutive ' Committee, and John Buchanan was elected Chairman. A Cemraittee on Kesolvtioas was appointed. John U. 8av- nire. JY. l'rotean loiiey ana u. Ij. onoa- iTnuu are . here. The tatter was the speak er, and he arraicns Democrats who voted for the J00-3 hill, lor violating the pieuges contained in their platform opposing cou pons, and said thai Wilson would have neen eiecieu nut lor me uisihtbii.ivu i Democrats to vote for the regular nominee, There are about 200 persons present and tbe meeting is lacking in enthusiasm. Ihey l'tok like men whoos cause is hopeless. - 1'rfcduian'n Bank lroperty Comptroller-Knox. Is tryinjr to sell the Freedman's Bank Property at Washing ton to the Government under the appropri- ation for a new f'eusion Office. Tl At- ttirney, General 1.1 diwided that the srpro- , nriatrou cannot so usea except lort me - purchase of a site-:- - Mr. Knox has in,'t for the Freetfensn's "fc Jhe rropeity on a part of "thlch stands tbe LuiUlSig now occupied by the rtttorney tiencralVnd Court of Claims, and . o argues that oth the appropriation it be purchased, Ixx-suse there can be no i jection to buyjJg a site with a building t. rean'y npon iw M". Knox will sell it or 'o0,000, whic would bring the total div- , jt-tiii of fie . defunct corporntion an to sboat fifty per cent of its liaoiliiivs, an4 ) it will erer pay. Costal I'nrd Itegalatloun. The following new order has been issued by the PostofHce Department. PosTOFFioK Department, Wasihnc- TOS, D. C, Aprd 21 1881. "On and sfier June L, ISM, no printing or writing will be permitted upon the address side of postal cards, except that imprinted thereon at the manufactory, and such aa may be necessary for tbe proper direction ot the , same. AU post ul cards bearing any 1 other writinsr or printinr upon the address side are declared unmailable, and must be re turned to tbe sender by the Postmaster at the othce where thev niuv be mailed. . Huch cards may be treated as 'spoiled,' and re- aeemea oy any l'ostmaster upon applica tion of the holder as prescribed in section 171, postal laws and regulations, 1879." "Future supplies of postal rarde will be printed on the address side with the words, "nothing but the address can be placed oa inis siae. Thomas K James. Postmaster Geneai.' Four School Boys Killed b; . , UKniuiBS. lyOrisvii.i.B, April a. a ncarr' rsin with liciitnini; iirevnileu in this city at o'clock P. M. rutir Iwith were killed at th v est r.nd by lizlittuiiir. . The acciueul occurred at Trenty-tixth and Marktt streets. The boys were play in nase call, ineir ages range iroin 13 to 14. They were pupils at the school and tbe disaster uBieuel d urine reoess. Thei names are Lee fleck, Joe Shnltx. Will Tahalscr and Harry bocty. Tbe three first named died a few ruinates after being taken to their homes in the neighborhood. Tbe latter was burned beyond recognition. Their gauie was just concluded, and the bell summoning them to their school duties was ringing, thereby causing the boys to be in the saine-t-iot, wbere tbeir coats and hats bad been placed before they began the game. As tuc nasn 01 lignlntng struck the earth, the boys were lor a moment obsenr- ed from sitrht, so vivid waa the liehtninsr, When the few people in the neiirhhorhood seatu looked tewnrtht the hors tliey were all fiat oa the ground. Two guiitlemen ran to the spot, and to their horror discovered 4 dead facts upturned in Ilia ilim-tlM of the sky, from which ther had but shortly re ceived their last summons. I we other hnys, stunned lay near their companions. The gentlemen quickly procured- water and quenched the fire in the clothing of the boys, as well 113 FUuuping out the flames which were fast burning xrls of their ap parel mat nnu Dec 11 torn Irom tbeir bmlies. Vain efl'orts bad been previously made to revive tne boys, all 01 whom appeared life less, and fonr ef w hom were recognized as positively dead. J)rs. J. Wi Griffith. Given and Dougherty, who arrived shortly after tne accident, examined tne boys, and foand that four oat ef six had been struck dead. 1 he lightning culminated directly over U'ra Soete, son of the teacher, to whose elasa all the boys belonged. The spot of earth which bears the marks of the bolt could be covered by a bushel measure. The surface of tbe ground is but little disturbed, and resemoies a Hole which might have been driven in by a crow-bar. On th Konnd. two or three feet from the rjtot where the bolt entered, coald be seen, -when the re porter suited the place, pieces of clothing, parts ol thirts. drawers, suspenders and fragments of a boot, all bnraed by electric his, resembling niaes of chopped-up rags baked ready or the manufacture of paper. Young Soete was worse disfigured than any 01 tne rest. 111s clothes weneiiteaally burn ed from his body, and pieces of searched clothing were picked 00 on the sret wbere be fell. Ilis body was burned to a crisp, and blackened and charred in e horrible manner. A piece of his nndershirt picked np by a reporter looks like a rag which had been burninc on a stove and suddenly ex- tingusihed by a dash of water. KnoxviJle Chronicle: Col. R. M. Ed- wards, the kind-hearted, good-aatnred tren- tieinan who fooled away his time in can Tossing the State on the Greenback tick a i, is now canvassing Sumner county on a matrimonial platform with better hoDr-i of suecess thau he had last summer. One vote will elect him. OO C. S. JUDD'S , - -NEW : " IN THE BKANCH KLOCC M Largo Pictures COIiXJlIBXA, j NovJ8-ly. ' " .' ; . , FIRST Cerriap, Bh - 1 : 'iAHi IFOIIK IfSSTRepository on South Main Street, to tt. lAzarus' unxry btore. i AprU U-ly. ggy Jin 1 .' : : ;' at Tin:'-'. - - i .iaisfiiioy s Havl'na received my second stooJt of Bpnc J'n't Rummer oda, 1 brrolna my customers and frlentU and I lit public" generally thatrt oiler as fin and aa well selected Aock 0 j fmlno ,n V . SPRING piEfc GOODS aa waa ever Been la Columbia, oi VsUnjof the very litest novelties la Dress Goods, CloiIiiiis,j4lH' anil 0 tilts' Boots and fc V fin n Vnns-Tis. linrlifnir Shoes, fine jmilincryxiW)oiis,.Tis, Uueliinj " . JVnd r'ino"Asortnicnlof - Gcntis' I nr, jicaYiSliTm Ooods. Our stock of Clothing for men, boy youth .m. v.. vLt i h.v.uiiu to iu tbo county, from ths very finest ..worsteds ilnejif.ladloB' and gent's Hue in French Rostand kid cannot he Hoods to select from as yoa will find ' will enumerate prices, and rnep,; Ylnord that we will sell bettor y . ', - New Spring and New Kpting and S' . ". , caucd an '- v tbe vir Just rtceivci horn v - than 75c. , Our Hue of' flainbtir . , and Jniruciisi rt tbe same and t We bare a very fine f , bsndkercbiid'n inyite cvo,ryho! tve nae taireu spft.iw tiiiest Freni-j Coat an ' acc,-from t jo up to Onr grand second Invoice of sprlns nd bavs marked them down to tbe very Towei-t Ktoii wors't and oiaconfcl nnltn tliat hid We alto rM-' vd a very fino HMnrofiit r In short. w have tbe flneet and mnsfWleot la fair and Impartial trial nnd lnperlWn,i that we are the ladlng hoo In U10 ctiJsJor Clothing I-t jpcf - J T dt.m one and all anrl esamtne nr .K!l, Biol' m will g'- j ou tlt we ptopoe to do exactly wbat we advertise. We bKM-1 lie cools and ,' A unil shall be mid re saroless of everything, and If jnn want 1 save money ' ' -t i i.e bwt rornls for the least money, eonie to the Hontberu Trade ,Klc, and eqoarely, ana every iuid jusremreu n ltBSPISCTFULLY. SOUTHERN TOAJPAlpACE. ANNUAL LIVE TENNESSEE Tl'leSUAY, 31 AY 17. W. & Y. L. rOLK.jDoIinubhi, Tennessee. tuenilern l V CAMPBELL BROWH & S; B. THURSDAY, mmi, THOMFSOS, OMAN, 0?K' The three davs' sale will inelu.lelul'i-a HOR1E3. by such Rtlll-n as C-inwiU-i l-.U), (2., Trouble (lre li'.ste M.'i'Jii'A ih years). A l .uiui,iit u j ,;ire 0 Memento, 1-yenr tril HhI (Kire L.Hlve llrowa Jan. p-1ji reo-.rn- un Almont Jr. (slrw Annie .), Chieltjiln (A. ill, Coluioba (-lire Little alack Pfitco i'liluskl (-lro Mattie Hunter, pacing record a U. Fifty head of H. 1 JKKHICya, lm-lmllno the entire roar.lri.t Brtl cT Mr. V. L. KlTknun. (sold because tno owner irtvee ni (srmmt), BDtl reprt,-?iit.lne nliorwt all the text log families ol tne l nnwi rttxToa. roriyoeuum ireii-oreaii t;HiiKT-HtiKNS. Two nanarea nasaoimunjuguiwi wuia-iAjn,, head of H1UH ORADK hllEKl. Mr. Klrkman's herd Is deemed wortny or hard, mt Naehvllle. 1877 and 17S. the Heooud Imp. Jaael (I) and Lord Uwrenre (14141, by iflj; wiwt imp. m.i, jRun ir,, - p. Sprightly (2t), 1st prize u rU. IxmiIh, 1W-. ne place and time, and elttht other Imported attH. Low Is, lbTS, Maid Marlon (lUli ), aauKiiMtr ol imp. Liy Mry (1HS), and young ani mals from all tno above dams by Irnp.Jasei-and I, rtt L,wreii-n,Jt Is believed,, that no pi ore superior lot of Jorsi-ys has ever beon uiiortd at pubito sale7Vv f May 6. EtJNEEAL AND PBACTICAEX'HDBirirAKEK ' Ho. 15 SOUTH MAIM STfiHETs Keetw constantly on hand, a (treat variety of Metallo CaskoU and Case. snl a. wi Caskets and Ca, and all kinds of cheap wood , .. . ,1 Alauant uuutrl muf.l nl M iu.,' iocs i-'i" " -- & - - - " . mayti-tf TO fiirr-iM mi a Spc !aii9 : & BBffliU ! - CLASS ieirers. 1VARB lttw".fcJ. W. Gamble's an 1 next d i ' , wida, f take pleasure rn In- nt ehlMo cannot be excelled 1 by any the mnniuitas well as the lanjwt ion In ,ar.d cabsliifeie suits lomo eneapeai. Our in -LbSl - iave as flne strck of Hbllssment. Kelow sy rs and! be oon- ; ttHi-clty . V y . and bro. 'is. and all ' 'uwish it. vouju wr icss J A si ill pi v graud . just to TtiKpect y. - , t .tKllk aiui linen 'hicU wi.eincially. "'7.1.,..' Mir Ktock ol iduies i 1'sfromti jheapest to the very u, Bitlc lifce jpid frout a kiti.,iuttoiiet utmniKrV', li (ores si vo just arrived and we we rtT, u-e evpry artlol fier for H. w!J noil at iiuv ooutp "fmiM.r,, 1 former pnoe M-,ck of -lo, ;ia t tho city, and all we sK m- xtock, ai' , ou will noou le couvlrced n, iwsi ti"1 ij sold tor the leant mrney -nnre 5 , .-!. 1.1 i (rr xl horej-tly, fairly repreveniea.j L UtPJ. JLS-L1 STOCK SALES. SElltKSHt881.' MSr , . T i COOrpt i ITfTivnnr'nfi iijuiiiJUUUU. f MAYA 1831: s l - tvHMI I ANTED 1831 f 4 r C - --T hun'lv, . - ,".f N ai .irs,F: h.v .., .. -j.'.,. jt ijrtm ). Kniivid nuuvuiiiryijitMiu;!!,!'. rive uundied 1 upocini ntitice. It include the first nrlze. i ir.o lim4 al HI. Imi. ihtx- um imi ,nll Imp. I.wrvnv ni Mt of lrnp. Lady Mary ,ri. ,,m .. .h, wwk u 4 years old, and Imp. ilj- tiuHioBtin ri71:), 2d prize rows. A.Ua Ppita fSh-jB), 1st prize, hot'er .DIRECTOR ' :H.' ' J"tim. 1 liavn aisojOKt addert to mv T a 1 1 mm' m Ti ! (.,,: ! . '.. i . . , . '"u-u - uuniu r j u-s AiBARH. j .- y!, -to : f . K:n ,.: ... , : j m - Ulu:. :-- :' , ' ) I '"3 - - 'i .i N a ' ts - j JJ j:. , I 5g : ' I T'Ti, -': B- j - wm eaasarsu.iilifi. I rnnan Or, IMPROVED CHILL CURE. I A Certain Cure for every form of Fever aiiu KUC , : c vuic ' . . . The chill once broken will net return. Th'u -preparation hai all th -virtue of quinine, without any ot its auarr;eaDie ciTocts. All who have had Chills and r ever and have taken qninine, calumel or arsenic, (which are the principal injrredients of most of the medicines now in use) are aware that the medicines often iuave the systeia in an unhealthy condition, mak'ng'it more diln cutt to relieve it of their eilccts than of the I srifrinal disease. Winter. -.nith lmprovec i Chill Cure leaves the system in a perfectly I healthy condition, with no bad effects in any vav to be worn 01T. Unlike chill remedies I gecerally, it requires no purgative to be taken witli it, the meaicine useu acoot rentlv and acreeablv upon the liver and I bowels, effectually removing the cause of the disease, not merely temporarily check ing it. . - . WINTERSSlTTirS And PA HEIR A BRAVA. The Great Diuretic. Saperior to ny Preparation of Buchu in. the Market. It is a certain remedy for all disease of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsical Swell inp, &c, &c. It has cured everyi case of LHabetes in which it Las been given. It a specific remedy for Stone in tke Jiladder, diseases of the Prostrnte Gland, Retention of the Urine, Mucous Discharges, Gleet, Ir ritation of the Bf.idelcr; in hort; for all diseases of the Urinary orgsns, whether existing in male or female. For many dis eases peculiar to females it is of great ser vice, and especially so is it at that period termed CHANGE IN LIFE. ForChiorr sis or Retention. Irrejtlarity, Painfuloea or Suspension of Usual Periods, Ulcerated Slate of the Uterus, Leucorrhoea or Whites, it is a specific remedy. It is a certain cure for Ncd-wcttinj in children. For weakness arising from early indiscretion, excesses in youth, and dissipation, it will be found a specific. . . It is not a secret noctrum, but i recom mended and pricrRied by our leading phy sicians. ! . WINTEESmTH'S Worn Canty or Santonin timm The most reliahla vermifuge ever offered to the public. Entirely harmless, frafe for ! rliilrfn if anv f "- i Thousands of children die annually foi want ot a reiianie worm acsroyer. a n.scan i be depended upon as a certain reracdy. Iodized Sarsap3ri!!a&Sti!!jng;ial THE GREAT EiLOOD PURIFIER. Contains three grains Iodide Potash to the j done. A certa'n cire for all di-tenscs arising J from an impure' ttrt- of the blood, such as Scrofula, or King's F.1, Pimple on the facr, Cutaneous Disise. lioils, kheumatic Tis- l j eurial Ui!cases, r-icaiu ricaa, uyipepsia, iet- If er Affection, Femnle Complaints, Loss ol j Appetite, Costxvenes, I vr Spirits,, I.ivar fi CotuplAiut, General Debility. Bottle Medicines SI each ; s for $5. i iZIBOL PiTB 0, C il UhiU. tin-!. at.P . jN '.111 .nam. iiaiuwunoaftuiact ery Lady . Should Read LOUISVILLE LADIES' PURCHASING AGENCY. The OMenipied, with additional facilities dn r ifler along ana sueccsstui experience in the purer, .nuns, busioeu. desires to nznin call ecnccial tErcion tn hmm amnsements for filling orders rom a distance lor vay uuc, iu wie complete sausiacuoa Ol tcas Wile iut uunor ncr wiLa mar patronage. t A specialty is made of buying and tuperlntefidfns the manuiictirre of TrOssbai', and the ordering and trimming cf Bohnhts ami Hats. Children's suits will bo trade to order, sad Patterns, Dresses and Cloaks cut and basted. A mistake has never, been nade in fitting any article of dress and ehargt tuiil Hundreds of patrons can be referred to yhe will certify as to successful operation of Agency. Every Nwuwmumi Mtjgjo w li do prepareu cy a tfianipg artist in their particular line. 7 Hats,, Cloaks, Gloves, Hosiery, Jewelry, Cuffi'. Collars, Lace, Ribbons, Carpets, Furniture, and ruuuiung wou5. ana every article or wear ov Domestic use bought upon the most favsrablo terms. leathers and Gloves cleaned and dyed. Private sr. rangements with the most skillful modistes and leading wholesale and retail merchants in every line enable her to hold out rare inducements by which from so to 5q per cent, can be saved by buying through this Agsncy. Every article sent out will be chosen with the greatest care. J!.verytnmg manufactured is made under- per. s vuficrruion ana wiu do ot tne oest material, finest finish, and in the latest modes. If more elegance, in style, more beauty of material, and more eemolete work for the same money can be obtained through this Acui.y, ia W ine iniUCH Ol SKU1CV OC5UV1&; W ttXWS The large clearing and bankrupt sale fd th City continually present magnificent opportunities for get ting great bargains. Samples sent free upon receipt of sump, ana iuu miormation as to style ana mode. Correspondence solicited. It costs little to mail a letter, and it will be promptly and satisfactorily ansvercu, The LouIsviTle Market la esnecfally adapted' to the Southern taste, and it will be found to give better satisfaction than either Philadelphia or New York, while prices are really less. There is an elegance, conservatism and crace in tha lressincp of Southern Ladies which cannot be imitated, and which is one of win, uiLaivuarmG, X O BUUCUin LUIS IS DDQUI UIO chief efforts of the Manager of this Agency. Any article mads or purchased East, will be duplicated with to per cent. olT. Refers by permission to Key. Stuart Robinson, D. D., W. N. Haldeman, Manager Cmirier-Journal; and CoL Bennett H. Young. Testis s per cent on all purchases. Money eaa be sera by Check," Registered Letter, or Post-ofiioa Order, or Will send C. O. D. Address, 9 -- . MRS, B. P. MITCHELT-," ' - LoVmviu.b.Kk 37 Conrt Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A Fwiflrir MTirt'1 aofl (fsfiiHr nitlr1wj physician ssri tfat Uio-r niuoc-iul, 'tii rr'tic wilt .ti?.i'. Cures nil forms tF PRIVATE. CHRONIC ami SEXUAL UXi- Asje:s. Spermatorrhea and Impotoncy, S tr.f r-vtH nf ll-sruT-ie in ''num. "fittini txcws tn ma t tr'T r.'- i. or " J-r s'ld r-ti-tn-inr ttt' fi 111, 1 rr ; .- ;t o" -; M i ii'iril Kmmittii', tnic'trl ernis ' si'Ti" ! 'lrcaii!, t'tiHUOM of Jii-lit, lirfir-'Uvr Mttnnrr, i'liy si Bllnv, Fi'M).(1ii Face, Avci -ton t Kociitr of Ferns r G'-niir--a r c;t, I.'-m of t,KH!tJ Pr.wer, ., rr-odt-rmic isrnsTt' imnro- r.r imh.tpr'. ro ihmtjuirhly sni piTtin tuty mrc-. SYPHILIS rifit-.'lv cur. 1 autfeii- Gonorrhea, I'll- s Atidottitir riTti2 ItM'airf .juii klv curii. It tsscif-erid-tst Hint a ..hi v tf jn srrial t miion t si oerutn clsu of ji--e.-ue!. ami trt-atin" ibmiymi'ls atiiut- allr. .--itirT. ervst afciii. I' iue tliis f.i-H ci'n rrmmtnt'tnl fwrson to my er'. Vt in n if i" iiit-nifui,ihr to rtM the oitr frr imtmi bt, ir.(i.;itirs em b scut friMtiiiy and -arsly .y niiil or ix.rr5 any i Uere, Cnres Guarantaed in all Case i undertaken. CtiuHsiK.nt ('"ta-mrtllv or bv WtlrT fry rind itlTitfeV ' barge rntsoBabk- ua corrcflnd:iict: strictlj ctuLiwutiiU. - PRIVATE COUNSELOR ' Of 70 psxjs, pvrtt to inr pAAmn, prnrelT isiM. frr thirty r eena-. rhviM rt-i hv ail. Adr-. aa ilne. (Mom homm from A U. tul P. U. Snodsff s. 1 to t P. Is- 1 Mver n With the AKti-Malaxia. CffniTQ t till Is nnrt lover, Iys LbilimXJ pepafft, Mver Com. plaints. Kidney Alloc! Iouh. nrnl : In. tonstlinlloii, Sick llrsil-m-lie, l-viiinio 4 m jl,lil, Hilioii 11 ., liili t.-tt ion. ni,,l nil JlMlarlHl IiirtsH nliiiont mciliclno. No Dot in(f no inconveoience, and a positive cure. Price, including Bottle Anti-Malaria, $a.oo. Sent by mail to any address upon receipt of riee. Principal Depot, 1S 0rlMia ft., IhIio., Ma. Sold by Drucists eetieraily. Buy none but i-Ihix" I'Hli ut 1.1 r aikI Stwimtcli I'H'I, others are buiiy, hard and troublesome to w---, W. P. woldridge. Druggist, " Sole .ts'cr-ti fr Columlij, Ten, I ! i J m m. Ext. Buohu V.MT TT T urn -. 1 ! f Lincoln and Robertson County Whiskios;J3ourbon and Bye w.h:rr't Poach Brandies, Imported Brandies, Gins- Hums, Scotch and Iririi V ' : . . - Sherrj, IrTcdeira, Malaga, Clarot. and Champagne Vr.! ; Afr.2!).Gm. . ' ' ' . , xllJlA tLJdmll - - DEALERS IN Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varziislies Cigars anckT ' ' f, . t ! No. 55 North Market Street, "(ilnser(r, Bewwir, Koatbem, Kacs, Wool and Country Produce generally, takon on accounts from cunJouu charge for their aocounts at highest market price. T ?W. -Frierson. - with - J. A. TITCOHB, PHARMACIST . City2DfugSior6f . Ho. 2x PuDlic Square, Kctls on liiinil tt fun.iin of fiosli ran :g.h. wi nes, lkiuoiis, TOUJ-:X AUTICI.EH, BRUSHES, CIG A K.S; TOUACCO, ETC., ET;. rrcscriitioiis- - Hours, Jay or Xight. ! , LOOK OUT Ph. Hirshfeld's Cor. Korth Main St. & rubltc fciu:irc, coiuuioia, leun. DRY GOODS, CLOTH T.OOTS, . liOt;a A.U JiOTlU.VSAT woou WOOL! WOOL! WE WANT- 25,000 Pounds A For wliicli we will pay the Highest Market Price. ; MARTIN 5c EMBRY. Apr-22 8t. ? r ISarifieldi I 2,1ffl (Trial, i:2t.) Will be twrmltted to serve a few choice mares at S-s) hy the w-ewm, Kystly k's Jlainbletoni.m the sire nf Kn fleld, stands ftrston the list of xli- of '2-.:ii) horses, having ;! to bis ctedit; his (re. Vol unteer, stand second, havina U. The tlHm of Eo field, J ulla Mmihre", (finl KtHtor to tbe wonderful nuirp, WkIow Mn-ftri,) was sluo the dam of I'lieMler, wit h roconl of 2:27 makinic tier t dam ol two trailers In tlio 3li c1okh; showing her to bo Hy piolnor of t,roii.r. American Htar, tlie Hire of Julia Machree. wns the Klre nf more mires tnui Tsrodnced ll:So trottera than anv ltlier horn. ENMELi) i a reinsrkxlilt' pure Kfllti l horse, and iseversl colls lfi.t have I ituli, better Uiaa a: . HewillmVfl the ni-f-,m of 1.-1 at Ali',-od i arm, "nary ,; M Tenn. W.AT.Ul ji , Apr-3 tf. J. il. Titcomb, PH ABM AGIST. City DrujrStonv No. 21. Public Square, Keeps on hajid afull line of fresh DRUGS, WINES, LIQUORS, T0I- .i.X AKXICi. ts, iiKUSHES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC.. ETC. PltESCltlPTIOJVfS Carefully Compounded at All Honrs, Day or Night. July 23-ly T.EE7 HITvJA. i.'--ir--T"r CS-'J.Jf- t k ..... -. ! M. 41- st Irrltsiksa saa" Pr-.M, 1 'i,ii lrf".A ' T'or sale by W, P.. ULar.6.;;.lH':),lyl" Itf YORE Aeit Yo Prices m- i , fsfl cSs 2 - m- & L. . , - 11? hi- - r. II -- 5 f W. 1 I III! -3 . - f Mil e 2 tlli'n l - i- Ill & r:f 1 ' Sa- v ext. k; r. h . m i i-fo) ' : fit - ' ' -?a . ' WilOLEBALB DEALERS IN Wo. 11 Sontl Market ,Slr , .' -WITH lis Wf4N 9 tWWsU C3- at 'A 3 Finest and Best Selected Stock il tbe H ukei j - Wholesale 33 O 33 4XD Wines 'Cz Liquors. Special Inducputciils to ja-i-oiis wi.ihiiig' to rurshase hy the Wliolc&ulc. E. 7. GAMBLE, COLTJI1BIA, TENN. 33 a. FJ5.IR O BROWN & CHALMERS ha vo just rocoivod a. mautn cent stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Saboa and Hats and offer great bargains in every department. NOTIONS. Good Handkerchiefs 5 cents, better " " 10 cenU. Beautiful Ilenistitcbed 15 cents. Lndies 1Ioe3 10 cents up to best. Silk Embroidered -'5 cents worth 40. Large stock of Feather Ivlge ami queiioc Laces, every variety, cbeaj Cords and Tassels 75 cents worth $1.25. Zephyr Shawls 50 cents up. Kid Gloves 25 cents periuir up. ' rar.isols, a trerueailous stock. We have extra bsri; -.iiis, a. at $ioO actual -worth from if t to ? ", Lead reucils, rubber head. 25 cts. a doscu. ToiletSoaps, line quality, 5 to 10 cents. Beautiful Iittvus, "Mc. Kxtra fine, t and 12c. ., I-ace Bunt.lri?i, 12Kc. and up. AlfUUlM, M-liK, and rip. , Brocadea'oplius, lovely styles, 10c. Calicoes, fast colons, ltj yards for $1. It will pay to examine this Stock,' less than you will Black Silks, bii bartrains. Silks at $1.45, worth $2. Quality guaranteed DOMESTICS i Bleached Cottons, 8c. worth 10c. Bleached Cottons, 10c. worth Good Sea Island, 7ic worth 10c. Heavy Browu Cottou, G'sc worth g c. A Large Stock ot Jeans and Itrbivn Linens IVr MEN AND HOYS. All Wool White Flannelt. 20c worth 25o. All Wool White Flannels, 25c worth 30c. See our Pretty Shetland Shawla at Si-rj). vorth $2.")0. - See our Silk Handkerchiefs at $l.oa. worth $2.r. See our Silk Handkerchief a at $1. l, worth $2.('K Good Note Taper, 5c er quite. (omhI Kuveloties, 5c per pack Men's 4-ply Linen Collars, 8 for 1. Calico shirts, 25 cents each. We have a large stock of Goods aii-.l ii',iKi-te to ivAl tl THE CHEAPEST. PRICES: Au examination anl comnarimn of IJliST WlWli-iT 2'2-3m Lilian' . -OPENS I 1500 Trimmed Hats and Mrs. M. Kuttlehaa Just returned frooi New traouve stocir. oi uimoery ana iMotions. r tji.ij an Hats, Bonnets, Normandy Caps, Etc. Flowers, Plumes, Ornaments, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, and in Fact Everything Kept in a First-class J MILLINERY AND NOTION HOUSE. , ( Besure to call before purchasing. And for oub it ia no trouble to show goods, aj that la on r " i! OT TO. " BECOLLECT TilEPMCE, NO- 16 WEST SEVENTH STREET, COLUMBA, Sale anc iivcry, iNos. 17 andlffSodth I;ui! 'Ziioci, COLUMBIil, -IT VI . i. Tor as!ri AT ' , : and ?ctail, THK 'c i re? ): 5 Corsets TM cents worth 7". t'or8:ts 75 cents worth .M. We have reduced our .7 Our Z cornels to i I . Id. Our jv! corsets ts jf J. s Iiiok-ll;uk lirai 1. Torflurii prices, C-tHb'a llf :i intj- ail I Collar and CtifU .-;! 'nsr-'nyi--. Tinted IVarl !'.ntii'... i ii-. nl.s -,v Fans in every lyl, nil tlj ij Sl'h Mil f PitjH-r Coll vrH, linen cuvored, I- l aper Ottlli, linen covcrcil, 'ft r Heal I.iueu Ia.r !"!. wt-rllif Victoria IjtwiiK.-.i'l Afti-Oiii--1 has, Organdy, KiuTirwAerv f Ac in l:ir ;e vurr:tv iiifd vu, Piiines, lti yards f-jr -il. ns e nell many if thine r lintl them eL,wlit.'r'. j ilks, $1.75, worth 2 .VI; (ii!iii Silk, $2.00, worth W.i k; unlit .j. HM Sliceliiif.', heavy, '.'. '.2;. north j flood Cotton I'luiils, lo-; worth 12'. I Cottouades, U Cottonadoi, V worth ja. uui th All Wool White i-'l-iiinel-i, ll'if. All Wool White- Kia-ini-N, :,nt. won h -Ilk-, Men's tinlaiiuilrieil whirls, WaiiiMUla lilt.. 2-'txl line lincu, r iiiln--il, 1; ti for $.)..hi. i ilea's White Sbiil", Cue qtt.Jily, I 2 ;. " i prices will imivo tmr inMi-rti.m of havin;; rJilClii, lo Ikj true. 7 f l' i " M ' 2 - ' j . I f9 P WITH- Soai!5teri0i;i; Yorlr, where she puwlmsed lt'.-i AU goods will j; solil at v - TENN. l t a 1 J - l- TEHSi. L'fW ' t f I i f V r ...; Jf..