. Subscribe for
The Herald.
Try our
70L. XXXV.
NO. 50
A Happy Hew
This space will bo occupied during the
year 1891 by the
outh East Side
1891. LOW PRICES. 1891-
The Oliver Leads the Procession!
Farmers and Plowmen know that the
Is the best plow on earth.
Prices reduced as follows :
A to 84 50.
IB to 6 00.
10 -to 7 00,
40 to p 50.
DOBBINS & E WING, Sole Agents.
Beware of imitations. See that the name
Oliver" is on all extras and wearing parts.
We now have the Agency for the
Improved Aspinwan PotatoPlanter
We keep constantly on hand a full stock
of these planters and guarantee them to
work well and are substantially made.
We have just received a car load of the
world renowned
ciiiitleiY 5$Fagon,
'j'.uiiy warranted.
- We carry a full
- baclc-bands, hames, bark collars etc. A
largo liho of Avery Steel Plows and repairs.
Year to You All !
of Public Spare.
13 to S8 00.
19 to 8 50.
20 to 9 00.
stock of trace chains,
tato mm
The Trade Center or au old Settle
moiit in Maury County. With Sto
ries of its Citizens and Talk
About Fine (Juadrnpeas.
Catheys Creek is a Hue stream
which gurgles amid the rocks and
past pebble and sandy shores, and
nineteen miles from Columbia it adds
beauty to a little bit of a village
known as Isom's Store. A settle
ment sprang up, along the creek as
far back as 1803, and nearly sixty
years ago a merchant by the name of
Isom did a lively trade. That was
three miles from the present village,
aud the post office thereby got its
name, which has been, retained, al
though during the war it had uo mail
The way to' Isoiu's Store, Jfrom Co
lumbia, is to Hampshire and then "it
is a rocky road to Dublin" of about
three miles up and down all the way;
but there are several farm without
boulder attachment, and they have
big reputations for crops, when not
surtVringfrom drouth, which for the
last two years lias depleted consider
ablv every pocket book in the sec
On the last bill stands a church
and a luodest graveyard and then
you come suddenly to the village
with a number of dwellings and two
handsome stores. On both sides of
the Creek are farms owned by gen
tlemen who are pleasurably known
all over the county; the veteran citi-
zeu being
a polished old gentleman whose sun
ny disposition has been blessed with
eighty-two summers aud he has re
sided at Isom's Store since .1837. He
was born in Dixon county and loca
ted near Cross IJridges in 1831 his
first work being to build the first
bridge across the Tattle liigby River.
For forty years he was a blacksmith
aud in work was equally expert, aud
as au artisan he made his money aud
uow owns lauds in Maury, Liawrence
aud Hickman counties. His home
farm encompasses 400 acres, and the
survey of the Midland Tennessee
Railway passes about five feet from
the chimuey of his pleasant abode in
Isim. On the VVorley home farm is
a noble horse of Almont stock. He is
black as jet, without a mark, stands
10:2 weighs 1300 pounds, is a little
over three years old, and as gentle as
a lamb. There are also a fast trot
ting team of four 3 ear old Tom Hal
mares, aud a dark gray four year old
Jack bears the name of Cleveland,
and is lo'.j hands-high.
The general maager of the farm is
Willard P. Worley, a most energetic
aud capable youug gentleman and is
the father of two bounciug boys one
of which came iu time to give Christ
mas joy.
In the early part of the preseut
century the Kittrell family located
here with the Cathey's, after whom
the creek is named. Their descend
ants are prominent people, physically
as well as socially. The stock farm
.r J. R. and W. A. Kittrell, father and
-ion, has of late years beoome widely
known and at present they are ship
ping mules to Atlanta Georgia. Those
euilemuu own separate estates, and
are iu company only iu live stock o
eratious. Their lands, on both sides
of Cathey's Creek, have many barns
aud it does not matter ou which farm
the horses and cattle may roam, it is
all the same. Several horses are
-pecially worthy of note, as they pos
sess the best strains of blood, and are
as handsome as horseman or artist
could wish. "JJedford" is a five
year old, standing 1-VJ., hands, and is a
finely proportioned burse, well gait
ted and drives kindly. He is a beau
tiful chestnut with stripe on face aud
white foot, aud his pedegree is uuex
liouabl", as htf is by Aaron Hart's
Brooks, sire of Rattler Urooks 2:23.,
dam by Cummings Hal, he by Gib
)ii's Hal, sire of ilrowu Hal, JJrowu
Jug and other flyers.
'Cleveland" is also a li ve year old
ind has paced a mile In 2:32 with lit
lie handling. He is lt:2 bauds high;
,:olor dark brown, with splendid mane
tud tail. A lady can drive him and
le is good a to saddle. Clevelind is
ly ltrooks Jr., he by Riack Prince,
ne by Pilot Jr. Rrooks Junior's 1st
lam was by Story's Old Rrooks, and
Jleveland's 1st dam was by Maru
rino's Pivm 'Ster, 2nd dam by Lip
scomb's Old Traveller.
At the Kittrell stables is also
'Traveller," by Rrooks, Jr., dam by
Lipscomb's Old Traveller. Ho is a
three year oId15:3 hands high, with
1 beautiful red bay coat aud sweep
ngjmaue aud tail. -
Tue pick of the .brood mares, of
which tiiere are many, are thie
grand thoroughbreds, by Cauwell, he
iy imMrted Cauwell.
The Kittrell's are alaoto the front
18 owners of mule paternity. "Rob
I lill," cost $1,500. lie is a coal black
Spanish Jack, five years old aud
linety per cent of his get are like
heir daddy in color. Rob Hill was
'niported by Goodpasture, of Nash
Pri nee Rupert is a deep blue long
ared three year old, sired by Pruett's
m ported Lcvii, first dam by Young
r'a "Morocastle" he by Mays' im
ported Morocastle second dam by
slarengo Mammoth third dam by
ld Rlack Warrior, imported. With
che ba'ance are seven Jeunetts aud
t hree youngsters by R b Hill," and
any amount of mules, getting fatter
every day.
W. A. Kittrell is also a merchant
it Isom's with a store containing
.4010 stock, aud his clerk John R
vViley is a pushing aud atteutive to
business gentleman. The other store
is that of Suterfield & Jones. They
lao carry $4X)0 worth of goods, in a
big handsome building. W. G. Sat
tertield was born in Williamsou
county and owns several thousands
dollars worth of real estate at Isom's.
jilicially he is postmaster.
Erasmus Jones is popularly called
''Roo." and own" a stock farm saw
mill and store at Farmers Valley in
Perry County, and is always a most
pleasant geutlemau to meet.
One of the most stirring business
ueu in Maury couaty is J. S. Ring
imn, who has never stopped his
work or delayed a journey ou ac
count of the weather. He has a good
farm, saw and grist mills, cotton gin,
aud is in the live stock business.
A. B. Cathey, a descendant of the
pioneers of the region, is one of the
host, intellectual men tnerein anu
Dr. Bingham is professionally ami
otherwise a leading light. At aud
around Isoiu's the people are clever
nd hospitable, aud it Is Terveutly
toped that IS!) I will be a year of uu
isual prosperity aud good luck all
irouud. Ahrotskord.
I) . Hale's lloiisi liM Ointment
Is t lie tiuest remedy in the world,
li absolutely cures Cattarrh. It
tires Neuralgia ami Rheumatism,
'tires Piles like magic. Cures Salt
Itlteum in the most soothing manner,
"ures lull nnd and Granulated Kye
ids. Cures Coughs and Colds. Cau
e a ;en internally. Cuts, bruises,
uru-t, chilblains, Sores of long stand
ng, corns and bunions are cured
juiekly; dill'ereut from all else;
uperior to all else; it has 110 equal;
!5 and 60c boxes; large size cheapest.
Sold at Rains & Son drug store,
oct 24 ly
. Ageu'.s wanted in every district
u Maury County to solicit subscrib
ers for the Herald, with its bond
nd coupons given free. Liberal
comiulbsiouB paid. Apply at Her
A.LU cfilee.
Culled by Our Correspondents
Mt. Pleasant.
Since Christmas and Xa .v Year have
rolled away on the great "Wheel of
Tirnn," ne'ws is scarce; nevertheless,
we will tell what little we know.
Miss Donna Frierson left last Satur
day morning to visit tier aunt, Airs. A.
(i. "Jackson, of Nashville.
Miss Bottie Akin is the guest of Miss
Ida Akin, of Lipscomb.
Mrs. Henry O. Jones of Columbia
came down to visit Mrs. Hint Kittrell
this week.
Miss Lillian Love returned to her
home in C'ulleoka Monday.
Mr. John -Frierson, who attended
school at Clarksville,spent the holidays
with Lis parents. He was accompanied
by his friend Mr. Ctaud Dunne.
Miss Sail i Nelson, of Kutrprise, at
tended services at the M. R. Church,
Mr. Vill Pillow and Miss Josephine
Pillow, of Ark., were visiting Maj. Lem
Long's family last week.
Mi-, if. M vers is selling out his stock
of goods, as his store has been purchas
ed lor the bank. Athene.
We're not waiting for the bats and
moles but for men and women who
have eyes aud use them, who havp
brains and reason! There's a new
world for them suffering and sickly
as they are a new world created from
the brain of a skillful physician a dis
covery the "Golden Medical Discov
ery." Years ago Dr. Pierce found out that
the secret of all scrofula, bronchial,
throat and lung trouble lay in the be
ginning at least in impure blood and
the weak tone of the system; that the
way to cure these effects was to remove
the cause, that human nature being the
same, the same results might be looked
foriu nearly all eases. So confident
was he that the exceptions were uncom
mon that he took the risk of giving the
medicine to those it didn't benefit for
nothing, and the results have proved
that he was right.
And "Uolden Medical Discovery" is
the reined v for the million! The only
guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lung rem
edy, lour money uack 11 it doesn't
help you.
Thero will be an oyster supper here
Tuesday night, the 13th, given by the
ladies ot the M. iti. uiinrcn, tne pro
ceeds of which will be used for the
chii rch.
Mrs. R. P. Gray aud daughters, of
Higbyville, spent a few days of the
Christmas here, en route to Franklin,
l eun., where Miss Bessie will resume
his studies at the Female College.
This has been their home for the last
three vears, and their visit was highly
appreciated bv their immy friends.
Miss same naggard speni unrisimas
with friends and relatives near Mt.
Walter Moore was out from Nash
ville Christmas.
Kldridge Campbell, of Nashville, is
here spending a few days with his
rfunt, Mrs. W. J. Allen.
George evil is now visiting his sis
ters near Columbia, but we think he
will be back soon, as he left his heart
with one of Cupid's dear little experts,
who will handle it with care until he
C. P. Bush has moved to Spring Hill.
Messrs. Thompson and Vance have
moved to Wilson county.
Tom Leneave snipped two car loads
of mules last week.
When afflicted with any of the miser
able skin diseases which make Iil'6 a
burden, try Hunt's Cure. It is guar
anteed. If it does you no good it will
cost you nothing. For sale by all drug
gists, jaua-im.
Campbell's Station.
Wo would have sent our items last
week, but thought there would be no
paper, as it was Christmas ween.
Mr. Jesse Li. iMartia auu iiss jeiuiie
Groins, of Marshall county, were
married Christmas day. liie uroiuer
of the grocm, W. G. Martin, gave them
a reception, t ue reception was io uavo
come oil trie nigni iouowiug me
marria-jre. but the weather was so in
clement the bridal couple did not arrive
until the next day.
James R. Wordon, a former citizen ot
this vicinity but now ot lexas, arrived
hero a few days before Christmas. Suu-
lay the 23th., he and Miss i,hrence
Perry were mat ried. Mr. W orden will
return to the Lone Star State in a short
time with his bride.
John M. Branch, wife and sister, airs.
V. G. Kerr, are here from lexas visit-
ug their friends and refatives.
John ltatusoy, who moved to Texas
ileven vears ago from this neighbor
hood, has moved back and is now liviug
11 this village.
Owen Mahoney, of the Vanderbilt,
in. I Gus White, of the Webb Bros.
School at Boll Buckle, visited their
parents during the holidays.
lucre vFiis tjiiristmaM ireo at ever
green clturcu unrisuiias-eye uigui.
t he churcli was pacxeu to its uuu st
capacity. Kverything went oil very
nicely, me young loiita enjoyeu uiciu
selves immensely.
Professor J. K. scoov anil wue, 01
Pulaski, visited
d the family of J.T, Rod
ling in this place during Christmas
holidav. The professor will preach at
the Christian church in this place next
Sunday. -This will be the commence
ment of his services for the year. His
appointments will bo the 2nd Sunday
u eacu motitii, miiriuug uu iiijui.
Tim following voung people met at
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White's Saturday
Jan. 3rd, lSSU, to participate in an enter
tainment given in nonor 01 miss josie
Fanner, of Lynnville, Giles county, now
attending the Nashville Normal Col
lege: Misses Emma Kennedy, Liz.zie
McDonald, LiUie Campbell, Nettie
Campbell, Lena Cassey, Pattie Shar-
ber, IMannio Jteuumg aim miss iont
Farmer. Mr. Allen Tomlinson, Joe
Moore and Lindsev Ilobbs. The young
people enjoyed themselves In the fore
noon with music and conversation.
After a bountiful repast the real fun be
gan. It consisted of blowing soap bub
bles. Three Judges were chosen who
were to decide which person blew the
largest bubble. This one was to get a
prize of an elegant cake. After several
trials Miss Pattie Hobbs canio otl victor
and "took the cake." As the shades of
evening began to fall the young people
lispersed, feeling compensated ior coni
ng out SUCU a uisagreettuio. u.
Mauky County.
Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonio la
now on the market. Try it and be con'
vinced that it is the only real pleasant
aud effective medicine known that will
in every case cure the emus anu tever.
It contains no quinine or poisons and is
sold un ler the lauuliar motto, "no cure
no pay." For sale ny au uruggisia.
j any- nn.
Wanton's Chapel.
Vnirnii Herald: The old year, with
its many joys aud irrepasable woes, has
passed away, and as we sit by our bright
burning tire, this calm and beautiful
morning we will try to pen a jew items
for the Hkr.vlu. We have now entered
upon the thresnoia 01 a new year mm
we hopo that each and every one will
begin a newness 01 me oy oeing more
devoted to God, to whom wo are in
debted for th preservation of our lives
and for the many bountiful blessings
we are daily enjoying. As we take a
retrospection of the old year, memory
recalls to our minus iriciiua
fallen, one by one, and here and there
are new made graves; reminding one
and all that we too, are passing away
upon the swift wings of time into the
boundless ocean of eternity. Then et
us resolve this happy new year w pre
naro to meet those dear ones that have
crossed over Jordan's waves and are
uow happy angels in tho bl ight celestial
city above.
Since our last letter to tho Hebald
death has Invaded our community, and
taken one of our oldest aim uost oii
,.w Mr. Jolm S. Coldwell, who was
N years of age; his disease was dropsy.
He was a consistant member of the
Christian cmircu, 01 uisea, iur a num
ber of years, had won lire esteem 01
many frienis who deeply mourn his
.leitartiire- He was a most Kinu anu
atlectionaieianier.auu ucuwu uuaumm.
' .. . I .l.....wl t...l...wl
Funeral services were conaucteu uy
Rev. Felix Sowel, attBlanton's Chapel,
and his remains were interred in me
Cemetery or tins place, wo sincerely
Sympathize with the bereaved family.
"Bro. Haggard tilled his regular ap
pointment at this place last Sabbath.
Sabbath School opened at 9 o'clock.
There will ne prayer-meeung as me
residence of Mr. Sam B-own'B Friday
night before the 3rd 8 .bbath of this
month; we hope our community will
take a great Interest in attending the
nppointmrnW of prayer-tneeting.
The Maaon of Blanton' Chapel
Lodge met at this place Friday night of
i-nnstmas. Alter transacting all im
portant business supper was announced
and all gathered amid a sumptuous
noaru lauened with all kinds of g od
laiugs, which an present ate with a
relish and seemed to eniov immensely
Among those present from a r distance
were. Maj. N. F. Cheairs, Messrs. Line
and Watson, of Spring Hill Lodge, and
Mr. Willis Brazier, of Rock Spring
Moving is the order of the day. Mr,
Guy Jarks has moved toNeapolis. Mr
Karnest Smit'i. formerlv of this Com
munity but now of Nashville, has ac
cepted a position in the drug store of
.Messrs. Fryar tt Co.
We read the last issue of the Herald
with intense interest. The article from
ine I'rattier contained much good ad
vce to the society girls, on modesty,
1 he Prattler is one of the most ellicieut
contributors, and as "modesty is that
quality that most adorns a woman."
hope the "Prattler," through the wide
circulation of the Herald, will accom-
pnsn m ueu good. Juliet.
We claim somo things for Cheatham's
Chill Tonic, but not everything. It
win iiol euro soitemng ot tne uraui or
ingrowing nail, but it will cure chills
cold chills. Guaranteed. For sale by
i Santa Fe.
Lditor Herald:-Tho year 1SJK) with
all the cares, troubles and disappoint
orients, is now numbered with the things
iiiai were, anu witn new, and per-
naps greater cares anu responsibilities,
is upon us. nut we start witn renewed
energy, and a determination to suc-
eeeu; as 10 now wen we succeed, or
whether we eueceed at all or not, will
be left for the future to determine. It
is so common for people to make re
solves at the beginning of a new year
and soon forget or disregard them.
This should not be.
We. have beard that the Alliance men
have met and reorganized at this place,
and that they have resolved to continue
to be good democrats in spite of the
third party move. This is a move in
the right direction.
Prof. J. W. Patton, assistod by Miss
Lucy Beaumont, opened school -at tho
College oh last Monday with fair pros
pects Vor a good school.
Prof. A. J. Hibbet, ami daughter Miss
Vallie, will open school at the Institute
on next Monday.
There is some talk of this district
following the twentieth, In consolidat
ing all the schools of the district. This
is a good idea and should be carried
into ettect.
Mr. Newt Pickard and family, of
Sandy Hook, were visiting the family
of his brother-in-law Mr. W. II. Cook.
To live or not to live is a question
which annually confronts the residents
of our low grounds and swampy dis
taicts. Take Cheatham's Tasteless
Chill Tonic and live to die a nobler
death than by a commonplace chill.
For sale by all druggists. jau!)-lin.
EniroR Herald: We are all aware
of the fact that Christinas feasts, accom
panied with its merriments, are of the
past; that the year 1k:h) has closed, antl
that the New Year 18V l is.upon us. As to
our resolves, whether for the better or
worse, all is left for us to decide for
ourselves. Time, -in its relentless flight
will not wait for us to close or deter
mine this important matter. But we
will not attempt an essay upon this
much needed system of lYiorality, for
we are aware that news of us is de
manded, and if we fail to heed, a clip
ping we will receive. So to news we
turn our attention, to give fresh infor
mation is our intention.
Our vicinity during the holidays was
unusually quiet. The young people
showed their appreciation for one
another by visiting and returning
visits. A nice bevy of young ladies and
gents assembled at the home of Airs.
Win. Sodberry's last Monday evening,
and were very pleasantly entertained.
During the entertainment a beardless
lad of sixteen summers, equipied with
false mustache put in his appearance
and created much laughter and amuse
ment. This laughable project was pre
viously arranged by a couple of expert
schemers and was successfully carried
Mrs. John Dawson, of the village,
favored the young people with a pleas
ant entertainment last Saturday night.
The most valuable Christinas present
given that we hear of was donated by
Col. A. S. God win, of this place. Christ
mas morning lie presented his wife
with a live hundred dollar check to b
distributed at her own pleasure, and
then he gave his near relatives to the
amount of five hundred, making a total
of one thousand dollars.
Mrs, Tom Hughes and Mrs. Win.
Sedberry o'f this place, were the happy
recipients of fine plusi cloafvs, presen
ted by Mr. Lewis Timmons, their broth
er, a generous-hearted and whole-soul
grocer-inau of N isli ville, who cauu out
011 a visit during the holidays. Also
Mr. R. A. Coloman. of Rocky Fork, ri
iiiembered his mother-in-law, Mrs. A.
J. Fly, Sr. with a present of a tine cash
mere shawl. We could report other
nice gifts, but must not give the girls
Zula Timmons returned home Mon
day evening after a pleasant visit of two
weeks to her cousin Pearl Derryberry
and Mabel Timmons, of .Nashville.
Miss Roxie Timmons, attended by
brother Kvin, went to tho city of Rocks
on a.visit last Monday to Mrs. Wui.
'Pi m mens and C. Derryberry.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sed berry of
Thompson's aud MUs Lucy Sedberry,
of Carter's Creek, are visiting iu our
Miss Josie Fly, ot Nebo, spent the
holidays here aud was the appreciated
guest of your humble news gatherer.
A substantial reoeption took place
among one ot our respectable colored
natives, Harriet Zelner, of this place
last Thursday afternoon, given in honor
of her baby son who had plighted the
marriage vow the evening before. We,
in company with a few of our lady
friends, took a peep at the hpavy lau
ened table of nice edibles. We tarried
until the first table was called to order,
and thanks oflered, and after their
plates were helped bountifully, the
pastor remarked "arise, slay, and eat,"
and one of the guests drank his boiled
custard for milk, whrch created some
laughter. Then we took our exit.
Takes 100 people to buy Dr. Sage'a
Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to
make up 500. One failure .to cure
would take the profit from 400 soles. Its
makers profess to cure "cold in the
head," and even chronic catarrh, and if
they fail they pay ."i00 for their over
confidence. Not in newspaper words but in Viarfi
cash! Think of what confidence it
takes to put that In the papers and
mean it. .
Its makers believe
Isn't it worth a trial?
nrofariiMa to ftt.ftrrh ?
in the remedy.
Isn't any trial
After all, the mild agenciea are the
best. Perhaps they work more slowly,
but they work surely. Dr, Pieroea
Pleasant Pellets are an active, agency
but quiet and mid. They're sugar
ooated, easy to take, never shock nor
derange the system ,and half their
power is the mild way in which their
work is done. Smallest, cheapest eas
iest to take. One a dose. Twenty-five
cents a vial. Of all druggists,
'They say there are bacilli in the
natural ice," remarked a customer to
the maker of the artificial product
"Well, I'm not putting any in mine,"
wa the reply; 4 but -I siprose I'll
have to, if my customers demand it,"
Absolutely Pure
A'rM t artar baking power.- klthfeat
fill in lavolnt ttrMlilW'U.
Sa-rcii Et
The LEADIMG Merchants in Columbia.
" iiimiiii m . ). wiiium ' in. ' t' ' "1 I " "' " ' 11 j
liTinirmi Mil riiin ii.i iii ibiimh
sialer the condi
turns which
rfan he f4uni 31 out
mi he seeiired hy any oaie
who wilS honestly
aagage to do as scich - for the
people a we have alwayb done
o few are willing to sell goods al
reasosiable profits hence
o Sew achieve the
secured by m.
Measure- Square- Piling
wtcn tireatociki Suave immh
sesccess which is