Newspaper Page Text
Tun Herald. Friday Jauwary . 1891 -j-T--,, i:U. Editor. Jso. H. Savage Udaufrerous 11 4 has lived a long, eventful, Co i ly ill. houeritlife. Tin: Franklin Farmers Appeal and 7W, . an 1 Journal, have bee l con- ..ii.i-.tdd and will he issued as Ihe 1. Mr. D. E. Mc- JCCVi: u auv - rr (Jjrkle will b3 editor-m chier, Mr l it Johnxia. ore-ndentot the cimpa n v. and P. E Cx, nunaging editor ,i Ki,a!nA manage-. The HERALD u i i . wishes the success. nan management inucu Trin.' Oalloway, Senator elect nailed upon to iroiu ouciuji - , m,o oath of office, acknowledged to the soft impeachment that he three ftneaired in the picturesque of the code duello. misconduct however was in the state of Mississippi and Arkausas, and was n.-rpf. re alloweu to ue nihor Keuators will perhaps be Oltll. hary Judge how they rfinte witu me i KENATOHlUvKUH.of (Jilex, has made I... ....! motion and had the satis his bland smile I UTL.Jl. O . when it (the motion not the smile) ut ,.nu. Our readers who have -i .o'jiirA of knowing the Hon. Senator will know without being n,ut n.r. inntlim was to abolish lf Hi, lIlwV t.-v . .... . h.i..ij ri.i Flouruov losi the chauce of his life by not being donate to the recent Franklin coi veution. tM3.m In another column willte found an tlv passed, amending r, 1 ... ikinir stronger the law agains . i..,;ii;nr in the fire district i. i.. -,i .-.n l mi lit, mean t jsy una u.c Miipiitimuueeil apply. And li urd is ex ictly right ; they cannot be .,.. in, Ifanv owner cajum a(rrd to erect tin right kind of build iag of this valuable property, let Hell it to somebedy who can. him The Old Man" writes some in tTf.Ht.imr reading anent the recei. ...i.ot .urt.t to be done will MIC Z&Ult in.v v- " the rattle trap Court Houst-. lhl writer has done more for Columbn in the last ten years thau any man ii it, aud the County Magistrates shouh read his article aud think over hV sugge-dione. Warning after warning has been sounded; some of thes mornings the people will wake uj and flnd the Court House aud th Jtegistei books and the titles to al, land in the eouuty in ashes, aud then there will be a great uud mighty wail, it will be iust a day too late; thej will wish then they had built Court House, with lire proof a uev vaults TjrK Financial bill which now ha the right-of-way in the .St-nate, is a most important measure, and need be, and will be discussed at length The Republican silver Senators fron the West will not allow the ol tur gag rule to interpose and shut off their J)Jmocratio helpers iu this measure. 1 Is therefore safe to calculate thai several weeks will elapse before th Klection bill can again be called, an- in thewi several weeks the fourth ol March will be near at hand, at which time several changes will take plac in the Senate, and the House will en tirely chauge complexion. There is, therefore, good grounds for hope thai the Force bill is sick unto riVaih. The odious Elections bill is side tracked aud the of doing ii was Ihe neatest paiiiaineutary wort feen for lo! these many years. Mr. Harris of Tennessee, was in the chair: "-1 r. George of Mississippi, had tht ll oor. All of a suddeu Mr. Stewar was inspired with the thought t'tak. up the currency bill. M-. Georg. yielded to a motion to that effect, tl e Chair ruled the question uot debata ble, aud called for the vote. Of coursi all the Democrats voted yea, and tl. "silver bill" Republicans w. re afrah not to; and before Hoar and his gain could collect their wits their pei measure was relegated to the rear Was it pre-concerted? Whether i was or uot, it was awfully cute beautifully worked. ; . am itimwp litt Km ma Abbott is HU w. dead. The Giver of her beautiful voice has called her to join the choii above. She rose from obscurity au; poverty to have her name known and respected the world over. By th. proper traiuiug aud use of the gif with which by nature she was en dowed, she amassed a fortuueof foul inilliou dollars. She was au orua nient to her calling, a star in her pro fession, a virtuous woman, and out life abounded in charitable deeds. Several days before death sh told her physician that the next song would be sung Jin heaven, aud he! last words were: "lam uot afrarc to die." Iu the full glare of publh criticism her life shiues forth radiant with success, without stain or suspi cion to smear it. In the correspoudeuce between Sec retary Blaiue aud Lord Salisbury, concerning the Behring Sea coutro versy, Mr. Blalnd assumes a very warlike attitude. He is seemingly willing to arbitrate only upon coudi tiou that he is to be the arbitrator The wily statesman is beut on bus taiuing his "aggressive foreigu poli cy " reputation, and to do so would actually plunge his couutry into war. if necessary. Mr. Blaine is by m means willing to risk his Presidential aspirations upou the record his partj is making, but hopes by creating I commotion of some sort or other t . t ii.. a. r I mak a record for inmseL-in gu ""Tve hi.u the uorluatiou to be fought upon new issues. Protection tor pro tection Bake aud Federal luterferenc with State elections, have beeu ea1 upon ; Mr. Blaine wauts a new deal. In another column we publish a resolution adopted by the Maury County Farmers aud Laborers Uuioi at a meeting last Friday, iu which they declare their opposition to th formation "of any new political par ty," and further assert their faith ii the belief that they '-can obtain th. desired ends of our organization through the existing political par ties." From the acquaintance we hav with the personel of this body, this U nothing more thau we expected, bul it is none the less gratifying that the should eee fit to come out In plain and unmistakable words, so that both friends and enemies may know exact ly where to place 'them, vve cod rr.f nlate them upon this course, arid ... .A ll PIT have done the wise thing both for themselves and lot ihe Democratlo.parly in this bounty. Button -Holing the Legisla ture. Oar salons are in Nashville. They have mainly beenjemployed this week listening to the tales of woe", from hungerera after pie. Men, women aud children, nearly all of whom if they would display the same amount of energy ould da bitter at home, are there begging for office. Li'ttle actual work has been done; but that little Iia-j been well done. The demo crats are harmonious aud Citucussing upon all importaut offices and meas ures an 1 controlling them their own wsv. II m. W. C. Dismukes, of Sum ner, w.n selected to presnta in m S3uate, aud Hon. Thos. R. Myers was mide Speaker of the llou-e. liotli o! thoap n.r cooil men and Dem - craU Jas A. Harris was ehcted t n.inf Clerk of the Senate, and Ewing Caruthers his Assistant. In the lower II ue Mr. McClelland, of Marshall county, was elected Clerk, aud Maun Wills, of H wwool, his Assistant. Jake Youug was elected Sergeaut-at- -. r m.o senate. Miss Aunie r,add. of Humphreys county, was Ai.ifu i p,,:,..!.! (Merk of the .J. MY. Sullivan, of IiDOX, Serjeant-at-Arms. The solons wil perhapi till the offices this week and get down to business n xr. visTT1" ' bouyaut red headed orator from Shelby, wat made the permanent Chairman ol .v, rkurir.Ariin House caucus. Thi as a master stroke of policy ; by giv iug Ralph the chair it will present him from monoplizlng the floor, and is the only known way under the sun to keep his mouth shut. The Associated Press Associatiot telegraphs that Gen.. Miles fought a desperate battle with the Indians and that the brave and heroic Gen. vnioa w killed. But Gen. Milts ts.ioirrnitliM il eon trad ictorv story, and o l we are disposed to credit the (Jeuerah ersiou of it. To Patrans and School Directors. The last report of the State Superin- f.arwlauf nf h'.illll'Htioil. wllicll IS befOH mo, shows no material progress in pub lic educational matters over the repon ...uiuiiA.i in ixss. The report for 1HSJ hows that our public schools were in him tn.ln.ioi.: that the liHtron.- aiid School Directors wore not doin. .hei. uuty ; that the educational inter ts or the children w-r being neglect I. '1'i.iH HhouM have bneil rt warning an 1, being not heeded, I se no allerua ,vu .. iiut w are morally, ii ot l.jiiallv auiliv of criminal iifgli- fincH in this matter. I'his is the more surprising when w l. .L- il.p rp.inrt of tllH Colli 111 isslOIIB. Hiii. Mniirv county ranks tliflra. but at the bottom . ..... i in ir to that report oiii lands, our roads, our crops ana even o i uulesand nogs get more ot our atten ion than the minds of the children . ,. iTial Pointer is the mos noted citizen of Mury county. It looks to mo like Maury county ought to iiiit rais nir children anu o enure. ...i., n,p livn Bijvk businesH. A cele ........I u-hh once aDorouched b .-..r.i..r ulm wHiitml to send his bo ..o s. Ii.h.1 to the teacher. On asking hie ,-mim tl. farmer was annoyed to hud tha v,r ii u uniiru HHKHiim lie would have t .o.r i-.ivr iinllurs. "W'hat. fortv dol -wt" i.J i l:iim(l. "wliv. sir, fort ir.iil.-a would iwarlv Imv m a mule!' "Yes," replied the teacher, "it will; am it yuu'll j.oi. put into a mute and neg lect your oiis ineiitul training, In Ml liiiil vuu have got two .0, gentlemen, I wish to call you i i.miii ifin to m few facta: i-i Vi rMonlo can prosper, howevei ertile their soil may be, or howevei 'reat their natural, material and com .miviiil rftHources mav be. unless the .li.wiu Mmt. riii-Act the management ol i.oua rouniirrfAH. are trained and skilled or this very reason, coupled witl un.l the snirit that never saye tha onunAsia i race has risen above ill others: has built more cities, tun ..oil .a, I uinrn moillltaillS. CTOSSeii IllOH teas, fought more battles for humanity i.wio i.K.rA imiwl than all others coui- hinoi Thrown uoon the sea In a 11 it ooat, it Uhh tiirneu that huge and un outli crft into the hoantilul ships 01 to-day the white-winged and smoke plumed birds of commerce tn row i upon the chalk-cliff shores of England m.s racrt has converted them into pas ures of waving grain, or dotted them vitii the smoke of a thousand furnaces. )ne drop of the blood of this trained. 10 nest, brave and enlightened race, is .vorth more for mankind than all that lows in the brests of the sluggard and in cow"t: one musket that blazed at Bunker Hill has done more for univor ti liberty, than the torch procession hat blazed the way for the proudest Ionian Emperor. . In your eager desire to get rich, do tot forget that now, more than at any ither time in our history, do our chil lrn need trained minds. Trained thai they may rise above inferior races. . r...iiou, mat they may rise above pov rtv and ignorance and vice. Trained, hat they may tsarry on the work out .'at hers have so nobly begun ; that they ii4v bo a blessing to themselves and their eou itry. . 2nd. i his training can only come to ill the people, through tho medium ol Vee education. I do not decry privat. cliools. Let those who can, enjoy hem; but let education bo free tor tin se vhu iicci il. There is a ,diUereuc be- weeh enjoy and need. Uiie implies a luxury; tho other a necessity; andr edu ction with us is now necessity. We lo not wish to be bohbd the norlh and die west. Hat It yo study fie fret chools of those sectl.ns as 1 hjfvedone. ee their high gradey'iie monj raised ortheir support, e jKipulrity, th ilticiency and tlie .iistaiit Atreani u 'ducated men ai' woinei they ar iirninur out vear vearvou will b hliged to admit) are fallowing foi we win man that me ot our gr;ies can barely entei wine ot the I-5('?"c aenoois in uo on. I do n (T.O'f-B this in the sense ntended; lA04sYf"ar we would nnd n.r systeitf nuielow theirs. 1 Lie dujt.iu scuooi taea is taKiiiir tin vtiole wyi in. it goes ni with free vater, aid tree air, and p Hcience' ad religion.! h dom of con- Is growiuv .very year and is a true ga, lie's prosperity. Talk abo . . . - - . : . : . . ir i . . . . , lige to a peo- Iit cotton te onger. Thi llg IV 1 11 U , lb niu jiiu -p:.rit of Free Schools H kii tu,, tor it wit) nake stalks of cotton grow wtiere out- crew before; it will turn (gullies int. v-lieat fields, swamiis int meadows; md wherever it goes it calls tor mor irogress, more ad vancement, more re igion, more peace, more plenty, more .'unerals of hatred, malice, ignorance ind superstitions, and more resurrec .ions of good Jwill, charity, enlighten nent and learning. Shall Maury counties' children have his, as the constitution requires, as the age demands and as the dictates f humanity urge? Or shall the School Directors and parents sit quietly down md content themselves with two nonths schooling iu a year? Did yon ver think of it? Six school sessions of en months each is as long as the aver ige educated man or woman goes to ohool. I sav avenite educated person. Sow your child, ii bix years will get mly twelve tnontljis, or only one-filth f tlie education gotten by the average ni iJ. I d. In the thirjd place let us see the 'lj,v. f"r this s? Lfe-iifaBairs. I have aiKed tins remedr ior nve jm. lave talked and "tritten it so otten, hat I am at a loss for language to ex press it ditlerently. l'erlmps this anec lote will better illustrate it. During he Jate war, artor a battle In Virginia, t worn out, tired out, badly demoral zad and hunlry Johnny Keb was Uraggling along in the rod. when Gen. I ardee rode up: and pertiuptorily or lered him to hnrry up nd fall into anks. I . "What have you got toi do with it, aid the straggling soldier, t "Oh, nothing, except i li am Geu. lardee, vouiii comiiiani ing otlicer," laid the genera'i sarcastically. "O yes, I know you now," said Tohnny; "you wtote a book on military ".actios; you taught ut in that to louble column at hair distance; aud iow I'll inst let you teach me how to double distance "on half ration." I am l'ke that soldier, 1 want the lountv Court to teach us how to double iducational progress on half ration. tut as the County Court will not do 'hi. lt n. the friends, parfnts and di rectors of the school interests, cut down nir column to meet the ration issued. This iei all the remedy. As I have time ind again said, cut dow the (schools to in or two stood rnes to tBe district. tnkA more interest In them. Icenter on two or three good teacher ti run those ichools, see that they rel run ten nonthn In the rear, and ve'will soon have no strazal rs and r. disgraceful report of a low ebb of educAional inter ests in our county, ir.srim-inB in me face. L qr, Jr. behind them in us matter, i-ret ;o on for a few neratioira and wc tall behind thi in ability, in lood. in eiiliirimnient. It is said No Third Party in Theirs Last Friday the Maury County Union of the Farmers and L.aoorers- jj uiou held meeting m tne uuuri nouw. There was a full attendance of mem bers present, and the following resolu- lion was lntrouuceu, uioun. uu passed, without a single uissenting VOIce, lwii. vi'iiKHKistha burden of oppression woighiug iqon the people conies main ly through uniust legislation, and whereas Ihrougu tne recent, eieunuua great elation has obtained to the vari ous labor organizations of this nation, and as a result of said election a call has gone forth, asking a convention oi representatives from various taoor or ganizations to meet in Cincinnati Feb. 25th, 1891, for the purpose of organizing a new political party ; Therefore, lisHolveil, That we, tne memoers oi Maury County Union, do not favor the formation of any new political party, an 1 we believe we can obtain the de sired ends of our organization through the political parties. Resolved further. That we request, iour county papers to publish the foregoing resolution. Firt Monday PickUps. As usual the flrst .Moday of the New Year I rought a large crowd to town. A big number of the crowd were mules, and many of the remainder were mule men. Prices were a shade better tnan recently and sales were active. Couuty a'ld Circuit t:ouris ootn conveueu. the County Court, Webb- JNelson was elected Chairman, and the juries se- Lcted. II. A. Nixon, ot the loin aisinui, was chosen loreman of the grand jury. In the ICircult Court Judge Patterson was absent aud P. II. Southall was chosen special Jude. Judge Patterson reached here Monday night, I hough the criminal docket is light there are more felonies than usual, the civil docket is heavy, COUNTY CULL1NGS, Culled by OurCorrespondents Williamsport. ENTEKTAINMKNTS. Miss Pattie Moore entertained a num ber of voung ladies and gentlemen Fri day night of Christmas week. 1 hose present were: Misses Jilla and Noia Byrum, Hatiie and Mary Dorsett, llet tie and Lula Sheddan, Ada Dansbee, tlattie Harlan and Laura Porter, Messrs James Kussell, J. P. Choate, V . I'. Harris, Uussull and- Samuel Porter, V. K. and A. C. Moore, Drs. C. A. tor 'ey and 1. Sheddan. Nice relresh neiits were served and the evening was .n joyed by all. On Monday of last week the Messes Oorsett delightfully entertained quite a number of their friends The house was brilliantly illuminated, and decoratad ith eteigreens, ur indulging in innocent games the gents were invited nto the dinina hall, where an elegant .upper was served. Those present vere: Misses name nnu, taiiul.pp prtie Moore. Ella and AQH Kola iJyrne, ilettie and L,ula Sheddan aud l,aura Porter. Messrs. T. C. Webster aud Whitney Kittrell of Iipscomb, wil' Cecil of Mt. Pleasant, Sid Fleming ol Zion, Arch Byrne, Paul Nichols Slorv I. T. Uelk, A. K. MooreJW.T. Harris, J. P. Choate, L. Sneddau, James Kussell, i. H. Harlan and Dr. Forgey. Dr. aud Mrs, Sheddan delightfully utertained the yonr.s people of the .eighborhood at their beautitul new omeon Main street Tuesday n.ght. nd Miss AdaJ)ansbee gave an euter in incut Wednesday night. It will take too much space to givt the readei t full description of these, but we must av all had a delightful time. Mr. Will Gray, of Franklin, 'Miristmas with his sister Mrs. It. C. Dansbee. Messrs. Paul Nichols and st ry ei- ruests at the parsonage last weea. Miss Matti atlie tiarian anu rv ... on, of Water Valley, Visited iineiiu."- lere recently. , . Miss Klla Hyino is visiting relatives in Nashville. Miss Meta Craige, or 1-rierson, U visiting her cousin Mrs. L. K. Collier. Mr. Andrew Jacksoiv ot Hannibal Mo., was circulating anvmg old friends here recently. Mr. Jackson was once h resident of Williamsport, and although it has been thirty-live years since hi left here, some of his associates recog nized him on his return, which was unexiiected to all. . Mr. Li. K. Collier will move lo Lewp county next week. We regret ver nuch that he is going to leave us. Misi Ltfi x Tate, of hyunville, is visit ng Miss Ada Dausbee. Mr. H. C. Smith and wife, of Shad Jrove, passed through the village Mon- lay, en route tor loiumuia Kuxice. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cut Iruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Kneum .fflVBr Sores. Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup .iona, and positively cureB Piles, or no av reouired. It Is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction, or money re 'unded. Price 25 cents per box. For ale by mal6-ly. W. P. WOLDRIDQJB. Culleoka. Preaching at the M. K. Church Sun liiv inoriiiinr. conducted by our pastor. i4r... Pal v. and at evening by Bro. A'ilkes. The Christinas holidays have passed, f he young people of this vicinity, have leen enjoving themselves somewhat, notwithstanding the cool disagreeable -weather, which we are now having. Owing to the inclemency oi tue weamei e were compelleu to uispenso wim iu. entertainment Christmas evening. On Friday evening there was a party ai f rs. Dr. Smisers. at which the younu people enjoyed themselves until a lat hour. The next uay, oaturuay . i . . i . : . n V. 1 . spent very pleasantly at tue iiosinmun home of Clabe Taylor. Saturday even ing found your correspondent and mam others bound for the residence of M r. .md Mrs. J. B. Tomliuson. A happier throng scarcely ever met than assem oled there that night. We had Die., there no more than an hour, when sup per was announced. When we reached me uiumg-rooui we uo lomcu nn gerouthe threshold as the dazzling scene within burst on our vision. Th next day we attended Church both norning and eveniug. Monday Even ing Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson gave a mpper which was greatly enjoyed by II r.resent. anion tr whom were: Dr. .V lute and Miss Lacy Braden, of Camp K)ll Station, Miss Minnie Collins, ol Vlabama, Miss Maggie Brownof Geor gia, Miss Wyaot, of Kentucky, and Messrs. Bugg and McClorren, of Lyu ville. All kinds of amusements wer indulged in untrt the cock s shrill .irioii proclaimed the approacmng dawn. l uesday evening tuere was a mite neeting at Bro. Paty's. Of eourse every me enjoyed themselves immensely. Wednesday evening Miss Browiii rouiliuson entertained a few of bei friends. Thursday evening Mrs. Annie Tom linson gave a nice supper, which was mjoyed by every oue present. Saturday a number ot girls and boy were invited to Mr. Thomas White's, ol Campbell Station. . i : . . r;..Ma Pn...llnaAn aflArR visit Al two weeks home, has returned to hei school in Nashville. Two of her school mates, Misses Collins and Brown, ol Alabama, aud Georgia, spent some time with her. Misses Lou Cockriil and Cora Wils ford re visiting friends and relatives in Nashville. MissLucy Braden, a most prepossess ing voung 'lady of Campbell Station, visited her no less charming friend Miss Virginia Tomlinson, a few days f last week. - Mr. Seymour Bugg, a handsome young gentleman of Lynnville, was calling in our midst last Thursday evening. . , Miss Florence Williamson and her friend Miss Wyant, of Kentucky, spent Christmas with the old folks at home. .... Mrs. M. K. Abernathy and Miss Bithe Williamson, have returned from a pleasant trip to West Tennessee. Dr. James Covey returned to Nash ville last Sunday, where he is attending the Medical College. Miss Neely Abernathy has returned from Pulaski, much delighted with her visit. The charming Miss Lillian Love la the guest of Miss Ella Lowry, of Mt. Pleasant. Miss Ella Henderson spent sometime it I. nine Christmas. Miss Laura Taylor, of Columbia, spent the latter part ot last week with Miss l'll.i Tavlor. Mr. West visited friends at this place Chiistmas. . Misses Loutie Tomlinson and Katie Henderson, spent last Saturday at Hillsdale. Miua Mvers. after spending her Christmas holidays at home-eturned to her school last Tuesday moruing. tier .Uior Katie came with her. Mrs. Manston has been visiting her ton Eugene, who is attending school at this nlaoe. - Mra. Pride is visiting relatives at Elkmon. Mr. Will Cochran, of Haidison's Mill, was in our midstSunday. Much Success to the Herald aud its correspondents Betst. English Spavin Liniment Removes all hardTeoft, or calloused lumps and blemishes -'from horses Save 450 by use of one bottle. War ranted. Sold by Rains A Sou. ap4-ly Spring III1K Mrs. M. Roberts and daughter Nell. returned to Beechcroft Monday, after spending the holidays tn Nashville. Miss Mary Dale Banks, who attended school at 'Williamsport, visited her home near this place last week. Mr. Will McLemore, after spending two week's here with relatives, has re turned to Decherd. Miss Maud Saddler, and Tena Bond, of Ward's Seminary, visited Miss Mol- y, last week. Mr. James Hardin returned from Nashville on Monday last. Mr. Kennon Mathews went to ? ranit lin Friday to see relatives. Miss Mollie iCaperton: will leave for Nashv'lle Tuesday. Mr. Will Buchanan uas returneo in.iu Franklin. Mr. J. ii. Coats, of Domopolis, has been in Maury County, for Mie past several days. Miss Bessie uray was tue guest Mrs. Dr. Martin, last week. Kev. Charles Sullivan spent a part of last week with relatives at Milton. Miss Ida Cowsert, of Nashville, has been the guest of Mrs. J. A. Grigsby. Mr. James Alexander, of Abileiu, Texas, is now in this place. Mr. John Orman has gone to Nash ville, to be absent for sometime. Miss Mary Guthrie, of Franklin, is visiting this place. Kev. It. J. Craig conducted services in the Methodist Church both morning and evening last Sunda'. There were no services at the Presby terian church, owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. C. K. Sullivan. . The new hotel here, owned by Mr. J. P. Caperton, is completed and will in a few days be ready for use. The hotel will be quite an addition to Spring Hill. Hurricane Switch. Prof. Dodson's school opened last Monday with 35 pupils. There will be preaching here next Sunday at 2o'eloek, p. m conducted by our pastor, tiro. Urav. Mrs. Minnie McAlibter and her two pretty little children wre the guests ot her parents Mr. and V s. Booker. Miss Nora Haywood, one of Hurri cane's lovely girls, spent the Christinas holidays in Culleoka with her aunt. Miss Dollie May berry has returned home after a two weeks visit in our neighborhood. . . . .. . Mr. D. T. Hanis and wife visited parents near Forest Grove last week. HoraeS Chi'dress spent the Christmas holidajain Law enceburg. . They iiad an excellent Christmas tree at the Academy here Christmas eve: some valuable presents, and most all that were therd got semeth.-ng nice. Mr. T.J. IV.uglass, accompanied by his brother, of Nashville, spent the holidays with his family at this place.. Lkjja. Meteorological Record at Ashwood for Deceniher. Highest, temperature on Jgteth. lowest temperature on 4, 8, 13 ,...fio ...44 .i.oJ ..3.7i 6 .... 6 ....13 ....12 Menu temperature Yverage for mouth...... kain fall In Inches. ....... . . ... . . . No of clays on which rain fell So of days clear No of day fair v it .lavs cloudy hrevuillnn Wind, 7 A. M. North. Prevailing Wind, 2 P. M. West. Prevailing Wind, P. M. West, mill ice on 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, ai, 2S. Instant lightning iu Weston the 5th, 9 P. C. Fostkk Williams. Voluntary Observer, U. S. Signal Service. 4 oho Latta, General Insurance Agent, represents the following uuexcelled companies, to wit: . Cash Capital. N. Y. Underwriters Agency, $1,300,000 Orient 1,000,000 American Central 600,00 Office with Will Ruttle, West Sev enth Street. july5 ly. SPECIAL C0KKESI'0XIEXCE FROM DESVEU CmOUAUO, - Delightful Winter Climate. Rocky Mountain Sceuery. Siileshurg, Col orado, A Growing Young City. Opening of lite Sodgwirh Reserva tion. Trip to the Top of l'ike's Peak on the New Cog Wheel Railroad. A One Hundred and FiRy Mile an Hour Breeze. Prosperity of Denver. Mining in Colorado. Mu. Editor; Home was vividly br mght to mind lat fcvenhig by a stray copy of your valued journal. Uelicatf health necessitated my leav ing the blue grass region ytars ago, linee which iim I have been constant ly traveling. Last August I decid d that a winter iu the climate of fe- uthern California would prove less rigorous than one spent on the Atlantic coast. Reaching col. rado in early September, the temperature has since been so de liirhtl.M that it has not ben necessary to further pursue my Journey towards the Pacific. My time has beon spent in the Rocky Mountains, crossing and re-crossing the Great Divide," climbing passes, traversing picturesque valleys, visiting Iudian Reservations, prospecting forges with walls soaring thousands ol feet above the beaten trail, pausing al rich mining camps of gold and silver; in short, fabiiliaiiz'mg myself with peaks, plains, lakes, rivers, canons, and mesas. . , , Yesterday was spent at Julesburg, Colorado, jiist now iua state of excite ment owing to the recent opening of the Stdwich Reservation by the President. It is a growing town, the last census showing an increase of over 800 pereenf in population. Jt is also headquarter f The National Co-Operative Building and Land Association, the owners and manage I of Washington Park Addi tion, adjacent to the center and to the lepotofthe main line of tho Union Pacitic Railway. The Company has men of ideas in chargf. They have al ready contracted for the erection ot a large number of cottages for their agents, and frankly acknowledge that they are deeding every fourth residence lot, while they last, for twenty-live ents each, a sum barely sutlicient to pay the preparation of the deed, rely ing tor their prolit on the increased value of intervening property and ot neighboring real estate iu which they ire interested. They anticipate a rapid Increaso ol population In view of the early removal to the town or tho extensive railroad shops now located at Sidney, Nebraska, nd at Sterling, Colorado. That the members of the Association ire square, honorable men, is suflicient ly guaranteed by the fact that their warranty! deeds and their characters are fuHy endorsed bv the Comity Judge, the Town and County Ollicials, the cashier of the State Bank, the Post master and the merchants, all residents of Julesburg. 1 bad a ride last monin to tne top " Pike's Peak on the 'Cog-wheel" Rail road recently opened to tourists. It is the most novel railroad in existence. Compared with it, those of Mount Washington, N. II., and the Rhigi, Switzerland, are insignificant. -The winding and curving necessary to at tain three miles of al ltude makes the road ten miles in length. Its cost wa hair million of dollars. The road Led is twenty feet wide, the culverts are of solid masonry and the bridges and rails are of the heaviest, steel with 'a double cog-rail inthecenter. The track is substantially anchored at short in tervals to tba solid rock. The cars, without being tilted, are hung within fifteen inches of the rails and two pinion hrakes are so arranged, that, when necessary, the train can be stopped in ten inches, either ascending or descend ing. The engine was coupled at the tear and pushed the tram, a desirable innovation, relieving ones' eyes from the constant annoyance of cinders. Stops were frequent at all sightly points. The round trip, costing j.U0, occupied three hours and was the best invest ment of time and money, made in ten years of foreign and home travel. The prospective silver bill, of which the main feature is free coinage, is giving Colorado a prominence never before attained. Mining is to-day pros e::uted with renewed vigor, and vast fortunes are being rapidly accumulated. This stimulates real estate, the prices for which have advanced, not only in Denver, the so-called "Golden City ol the Plains," where over seventy-five millions of dollars were expended last year for buildings, but also in the small er cities, J. B. B. NtWS IN BRIEF. A Condensation, of Interesting Items of Various Subjects. The estate of Emma Abbott Is esti mated to be woit'-i $10 0,000. Haste is made to Ret the Mlssissipi levees ready for another flood. Twelve m n were killed in a California mine by a fall of 4 0 feet ilown a shaft. Thieves stood up the Joplin, Mo., ticket agent in Lis office and robbed the office. The crtd iters of Decker, Howell & Com pany, of Xew York, will be paid cash in full on their claims. The election o: offcers of the Chicago board of trade was tarried by the anti bucket shop faction. " Jacob'Ohley and bis wife, each about 80 years old, died suddenly about the same Lo ir at Metamora, Ind. The wii t r wheat crop of Kansas is in fine condition The heavy snow of the past week came just in the rit(ht timj. A ' company has been organized in Jamaica for tha purptsi of cultivatirg Ir jiu and vageiaUUs .'or ths United Statu markstk - 1 ENGAGEMENT. Indians Attack a Supply Train on Wounded Knee Creek. A Battle Ensues, Which Lasts Six Lcng Hours. - Private Collins' Bcld Dash for Assistance. ' Hfc TAKES DESPERATE CHANCES AND SUCCEEDS. When Things Were Getting Very Hot for the llesleged Reinforcements Arrive and the Redskins are Koj.ulsed Losses on Either Side Nut Given One Soldier Known to Have Been Wounded and - Several Indians Seen to Drop from Their Ilorses Indian News in General. ON WOUNDED KNEE CREEK AGAIN. Another Engagement In AVhich the Red skin Are Worsted. Camp Near Wocxded Knee Creek, S. Dak., Jan. 6. Another engagement took place at this point Monday morn ing. As a number of wagons with sup plies were known to be coming on the road from Rapid City to this point, it was thought best to send out a detach ment to protect them. So thirty men were immediately started down the road. They had not gone over ten miles when they discovered the wagons, thirteen in number, drawn up in the form of a square and being attacked by a band of about fifty Indians. The detachment put their horses to a full gallop, the Indians seeing which, withdrew to an adjoining bill. The de tachment now joined the teamsters, who numbered only nineteen. Sticks of grain, bundles and boxes were thrown np in front of the besieged as breast works. The Indians, noticing tliis, im mediately returned and commenced the attack, circling around the wagons, but keeping at a distance of 800 yards. As a result the shots from their Winchesters were not effective, often falling short of the mark. The carbines of the soldiers were used with much more effect, a number of In dians being seen to fall from their horses, Meantime their nmnber was augmented until they numbered some Cne hundred warriors in all, besides, some they had posted oS on the ml join ing hills. One soldier, during the comr tnencement of the fight, while arranging the brettstworks, was shot in the 6huulder but not seriously wounded. Took Ieserato Chances. A soldier was detailed to return to camp and report that the detachment was besieged by the Indians and that they were attacking the wagon train, Jle selected a fast horse and made a break at an opportune moment, the at tention of the Indians being attracted to movements made on the other side. As soon as the object of the ruse was seen, about twenty Indians gave chase to Private Collins and fired shot after fchot at him, but as he had a fast horse he soon distanced them. They then re-, turned with the others to the attack. Thre. pore Indians were, seer tp fal from their horses and WWP piekfd njj and carried away by theii' companions, four cavalry hordes wt-rese phot and killed, as were a large number of Indian ponies. "While tho large body of Indians was being engaged by the majority of the soldiers and citi zens, a few Indians scattered about dis mounted, and getting as close as possi ble, began firing into the horses and tr pig to stampede them. This they nearlv auoetkid ift tMu(f fcvral tune,' &n( had not some of the soldiers lieen guards pig and holding the horses they would undoubtedly have succeeded in attain Ing their object, Iteli.foreements Arrive. By this time things were getting pretty hot for the besieged party and shots were flying as thick as hailstones, and it was hard to distinguish the In dians through the smoke, The fitlzei.s had been fighting them for six hours and the soldiers alKrat three hours, A little before 4 o'clock p. m. a comin tion was setn among the Indians, -and they gradually retreated when it was seen that troops were coming at full charge to the rescue. Everyone gave three resounding cheers as the troops rode up, the Indians scattering in all directions, and Troop F giving chase. They were pursued till pear nightfall when the chase was abtintluiied, the iagfin trains and ever; pne returning to camp bringing the dear Jndians and some ponies ith theni, EXTREMELY CRITICAL. The"' Situation in the Vicinity of Pine JUdge Agency, PlWB Ridge Agency, S, Dak,, Jan 8. Jack IU4 Cloud and a small party of t riendlies came in from the hostile camp yesterday afternoon. They asked that the Indians now at the agency be sent out, to get away from Ihe hostiles. It is looked upon with doubt, and the au thorities reserve their decision. The suspension of Col. Forsythe came like a flash and created amazement in soma minds. Officials' mouths are closed to ftU inquiries on the subject. It is believed that the unfortunate dispo sition of the troops, making U possible for them to do cross-firing, with the re pult of killing one another, constitutes a part, nnd possibly the greater part, of the foundation for Col. Forsythe's sus pension. TLn general situation here is ipcreas ing in stflousuoss, Short Bull, leading hostile chief, who has distinguished hhu tmlf all along, during this trouble by pever for a moment considering any of the overtures looking to an amicable set. tlement, but who has steitdily stuck to bis lair In tho Bad Lands, and has no assumed command of tho great body of hostiles, Sunday night told the govern ment spies that lie would take this agency if it cost every warrior he had. lialf-breeds have been informed by friends and relatives, whom some of them have among the hostiles, that they had better remove tlieir families a long distance from the agency as a great raid and massacre was certain. The half-breeds are showing the agency peoplij what they think cf this information by getting their f amides out of here with a rush. The government herder, John Dwyer, and Issue Clerk Pugh, have both discov ered through their Indian frieads of years' standing that a raid and massacre has been fully decided upon and ma turely planned. Gon. MiJej is thorough ly conversant with all these facts, ami himself says that the situation is exceed ingly critical. There are less than iKX) soldiers here now, all told. J PHASES OF THE TROUBLE. 'Settlers Who Wa Forced to Leave Tlieir Home SuppMed With. ltaU.ins. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 6. Governor Thayer has received tho following tele gram from Washington: At your re mtst rations will be issued for th time being for the people who have been" obliged by the Ii.dian t:oallea to leave their l.o:nen. Thip, of course, is only for tLe emergency. They should be provided for otherwise as .soon a possible. Piroctions have been given fir the issue of Any arms aud ammunition that can 1 spared from Fort Kobiuon. The supplies can be sent from tLe araeual if theie are not sufficient at the fort. I.K FII LT Pi O TOR, Secretary of War. The governor is also in receipt of an extended letter from Hon. George W. Martin, special relief connnissioner, who is at Kushville, in which he says the ap prehension on the part of residents in the small towns along the ' northwestern Nebraska border is fully warranted. Settlers for miles around have flocked to towns, fearing an attack from roving bands of Indians, and the settlements are menaced. Many trams arriving in Lincoln Tuesday brought one Or more companies of the Nebraska National Guard en route to this locality. 1 Tac tically the whole of the state militia is now concentrated on the border. KILLED BY THEIR OWN FIRE. NosWnndcr the Lou on Wounded Knee -, -. :.. 4 cr. ek Waa , II avy. WasrrrxaTox, Jan. C Among the tel egrams bcarins upon the Wounded Knee Indian fight, which was made public at the war department Tuesday, was one from Gen. Miles to Maj. Gtn. Schofield, which says: "It is stilted that the disposition of 400 soldiers and four pieces of artillery was fatally effective, and that a large num ber of soldie rs were killed and wounded by fire from their own ranks, and a very large number of women and children were killed in addition to Indian men." HOSTILES MAY SURRENDER. General Scliofleld Receives an Important Telegram. Washington, Jan. C Maj. Gen. Scho field has received a telegrsim from Gen. Miles, dated Pine Ridge, Jan. 5, in which he says: 'In answer to a communication that I sent to the hostile camp yesterday saying that men could come in and learn what I expected them to do, the following men came in: Big Road, He Dog, Little Hawk, Jack lied Cloud, and High Hawk. The fiiv.t three surrendered to me on the Yellowstone in 1H77. The prospects tire at present favorable that the whole camp may 'surrender, but I do not wish to anticipate. There are no changes in the condition of troops." Col. Forsytne's Case. Numerous telegrams are passing be tween Gen. Miles and war department officials, but few of them are made pub lic. " Since the suspension of Col. For sythe iu the face of the enemy, many telegrams touching that case have passed between Secretary Proctor, Gen. Scho field tuid Gen. Miles. These telegrams are not made public, but it is known that an important tele gram from Gen. Miles aliout the For sythe case was laid before the cabinet Tuesday by Secretary Proctor. The contents could not be positively ascertained, but army officials who are in a position to know, intimate quietly that Gen.' Miles does' not endorse the suspension of Col. Forsythe, and in sus jiending hiin he simply carried out the orders from the White House, Investigating Committee. Maj. Gon. Schofield has received a telegram from Gen. Miles, stating- that he has appointed a board of officers con sisting of Col. Carr, Maj. Kenet and Capt. Baldwin, to investigate the battle of Wounded Knee, for the conduct of which Col. Forsythe was relieved of command. Keady to Treat With the Indians. ' Gen. Morgan, commissioner of Indian affairs, says he is ready to go to Dakota to treat with the Indians if the president and secretary of the interior desire him to do so. Kntiniates of the Indian Rurean. The following table shows the amount by which the estimates of the Indian bu reau have lieen reduced by congress from and including 1879: IST'J fl 5,oeo 18 6 $3Koro -..00 0 )0 1(0 010 . - No reduction 101,00 5 ),0tHj 1S-S0 ... lfsi ... If-S3 . . . IS! 3 . . . 1H4... 1S-5 ... 53 0J0 1S-SS is: 9 ISO n oi . . 2",fW .. 2r.,o;:o .. 2 :,.u;o . . 375,0.0 INDICATIONS OF A gATTLE. Hut It Will Vut lie Ut'tween the Iloatllea and the Tioojih. Omaha, Jan. 8. A World-Herald spe cial from Piii3 Ridge Tuesday, said: Evcrj"thing now points to a battle and a disastrous one. However, it will not be lietween the troops and the hostiles, but between the hostiles and the friend lies who desire to leave the histile camp and come into the agency. Red Cloud lias signified his desire to return to the agency, but he is pearly bljnd and nu one will voliintwr to lead him in, for the Brnh-s threaten death to the first Jeion that attempts to desert the hostile band. This is causing trouble. The old Indians want to come in, but the youug bucks insist in fight ing. The liands of the Indians are fast losing strength. The claim alx.ut Ghost Shirt lieing bullet-pr.iof, has caused the Indians to think the peace is niore desirable than war, The cordon of troops s drawing more tighter around the hostiles. This is shown by the dis covery, less than a mile frome Pine Ridge, of a l.uncn of cows shot with arrows. Evidently the Indians are try ing to cut olf a small body of soldiers to get arms and ammunition. The hostiles are on guard day and night. Fires are being burned at night to prevent any one front escaping from, tlieir cainns, more wpeciaUy Red Clond, s band. Gen. Miles has sent" a jieace. com-, mission to the hostiles. If they still ro fuse to come in tlieir cnir.p viu bo bom barded. Machine and shell guns are x?mg placed on all sides of the camp, and at tho command a murderous lire, of hot shells and caimlstcr can be showered into the Indian camp. This means utter annihilation to the Indians if the order con;es. Gen. Miles is fast becouiing im patient, and if the Indians do not obey this last order a bloody battle of oxter-, uiiuiition will then bt?. Ijegtin, On the Turtle mountain Reservation, Fort Tottex. N. Dak. Jan. 6. Ru mors are current here that ihe 8,500 In dians on the Turtle mountain reserva tion are liable at any time to inaugurate a massacre of settlers living along the. North Dakota border. This bajid has been unruly for s.'ine time on account of their half-starred condition, and have several times given trouble. The trxps here are totally Inadequate to protect sottlers should an uprising occur. Settlers are much worried over the situation, and have sent a protest to Washington agtunst leaving this bund of 3,500 savages to menace the people. AMONG THE TOILERS. The Switchmen's Strike at V.ttsburg I)eclarel Off- Other Labor News. Pittsburg, Janv6. The strike of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad switchmen, inaugurated about four weeks ago, camo to a sensational climax at a late hour last night. Grand Master Sweeney, of the Switchmen's National association, arrived in this cil y yesterday morning, A stormy meeting was held hist night, and besides the e.spuMon from the or ganization of twenty-tight of the men implies ted in tlie Baltimore strike, Mr, Sweeney declared that the grievances presented by the Pittsburg railroaders were unconstitutional, and declared them null and void. Among those officially extolled by Mr. Sweeny, is the piaster of the Pitts burg lodge. The expulsion of the lot al master caused much indignation among many of the members of the organiza tion, and considerable difficulty was ex perienced in the election of a new master. It is stated that steps will at once be taken to bring about a speedy change of affairs. Failed to Agree. Scotdale, Pa., Jan. 6. A conference was held here yesterday between the coke region employes and the orierators to settle next year's wage scale. . The eight-hour day is demanded by the men as well as weigh scales " on all tipples. These two points will be made the basis for a fight on the part of the employes. The operators met, and prepared an answer and handed it to the lalxir offi cials. In the answer they refuse the de mauds and ask a reduction on account of the depressed condition of the market. They state that the demands of the men are unmisonable and will not 1x3 granted. Another conference will be held shortly, Minori Strike Feared, Pittsburg, Jan. 6. The conference between the coal operators and the com mittee representing the miners waa proyipht to ai, abrupt termination by one of tne operators withdrawing and de clining to treat with the miners except as individuals. Tho miners are more de ternnned than ever, and say that the scale proposed by them must be adopted, or a strike will be inaiifcurated. If the latter plan is adopted 17,000 men will be thrown out of employment. Kefue:l to I'xy an Advance. Pittsburg, Jan. 6. The Millvale iron works, at Millvale, have been indefi nitely closed by the company. The mill was closed because the men running the engines and the firemen demanded an advance of twenty-five cents per day, which the firm did not feel disposed to grant. CONGRESS. Twenty-Eighth Day. . In the f enate eight free-coiuaie Republi cans combined with the Democrats to set aside the elections bill and take up the finarcial bill. Mr. Stewart p esented his free-coinage amendment, and Mr. Sheiv man spoke aalut it. The new Idaho senators were orn in. In the horn a bill was passe! for the erection of a pvMic building at Rich mond, Ky, ' ' - Agents wanted in every di-t'ict in the county .to cauvas for the Co lumbia Herald. Youug ladies who will work their 'districts ener getically and thoroughly preferred. Liberal commissions paid for sub serlbers, and also for renewals. Fo further ' particulars inquire at the 11 kk a 1,1) ollice. The agents we al ready have are making from $1 lo f3 per day. This is a splendid oppor tunity for any one who has the time to give to it. NASHVlLLK PRIDE. Mr Kijitor: Have you bceu to Nashville lately? If you have, you have no doubt i-eeu the Great New Store. Truly the march of progress is wonderful. Who' would have thoug'it a few years ago that there would be estab lished iu the South such a commer cial house as that of the Connkll-Hall-.McLestkk Co., of Nashville? To a lady going to Nashville, this concern is a blessing indeed. t?be can get olftho cars at the Union Depot, take a back or stre. t ear and go at once to the door of this greal store, where a cozy reception room, with dressing-room and toilet-room are at her service. Her baggage ami bundles may be checked, aud she can then go wherever she may choose tbout the house or the city, without Oeing encumbered with luggage. II Che weather is bad, and a lady g'es to the city only to shop, she need noi leave the great store at all. Every sort ot goods iu the greatesi variety is kept in the houce, and at me pi ice, everything being marked in plan figures; aud there she can .ind. anything that may uot be had f our" lecal nierchauts in (lie waj if Dry Goods, Boys Clothing, Cloaks. Dress-making. -Millinery, and every hing else. Even a luuch-ronm i? ept by this enterprising company. A-here such a lunch is set as will sur prise some oT our good housewives ol .Maury County, and at prices that jm istonisbiiigly cheap. A lady ueer1 .iot put her foot out of the door lo d t whole day's shopping, at this greai tore, and the house asks lhat iheii 'ecepi ion-room be made the place ol all visitors to the city. They wil akecaref all bundles sent them, anr -hip all together, relieving ladies ot ' in carimr for tbeii purchases. When visiting Nashvilh 10 lady should fail to see this great 'sfalili.-hment. A K'iikmi. P. S. I forgot one thing that wilt rreatly plea' e the young people, thai m, that they have aenmly depart nent, where fresh candies are niaib very day; and even sell hot sda ater, that exhiliraling French drill! for ladies, hoi loiillon, grape milk, etc THE W. C. COUP ENCHANTED ROLLING PALACE, Museum, Aquarium and Auditorium. 300 feet long-. The Xrwrat, Gran.lritt, Xot XotcI, Iatrrektlng and Wonderful Exhibition CTcr CunceNed. Nothiu; lik.0 it on Karth. At this willing (Dec. Glh) this Novel Exhibition h:ia boon less than t'.rce (3) weeks beforo the people and has more than realized the most sangfiine expectations of its projector. Its viist hulls have been packed lit every stopping place. It is the only exhibition that ever g-iv-o entertain ments in 3 or 4 places each day; in fact L is a tioirjpleto Innovation, and lu this short time it hsis been found necessary to add two more halls In order to accommodate the vast crowds who Hik Ic to seo Its myriads of wonders. It Is a "literal" Palace on AVheels, filled with wond'rs from earth, air and sen, such rare curiosities and scien tific wonders as can bo tr:tnMrtod in no other way. The entire imj:? Is heated by cn n)agidf'vwtly lighted by hundred,.! o the moat beautifully varie gated electric lights. Ya give below evidences of its merits. They are l".ie voices of the people who have visited us and speak for themselves. In addition to these I am permitted to add a message from the superintendent of the C. & A. li. It. iu which he says: "To the Manag. r of the W. C. Coup Exhibition : If you return over our Hue I will guarantee ;. u will do three (:)) times the business you did t:o:ng down as I have never seen people so en lmsinstic, but you must have more roo:n to accommodate the crowds." Funeral Notices. Friends ii trustca to order luneia notices, will ave niorey for the ts tate by calling at this office. Our ratos art nariy or quite 100 per rent lower thau ebewhere in Columbia We charge enly $2. Eemeniber this when the lime comes. tf. THE King of ai! Liniments. THE BEST, THE QUICKEST, THE SUREST, TO CUBE FOR MAX: Kheumatism, Sprains, lJniises, Swell' ..... o 't : iv li.. mi FOR HORSES and STOCK: Spavin, Splint, T!ingbone,Wind Galls, Scratches,, Strains, Swellings, Swiney, Harness and Saddle-hurts, Soreness, Stillness, Knots, lvalue Hack, SUlf Joints, Puffs, Etc. SPURLGCK, NEAL & CO., Props., Nashville, Tana, MTBCM!E(N -FREE I. o. pn i w im aye unRrtfcs-- ot MJittZZ tJIWIM- UlOW IIW " "THE OSSIFIED MAN. Hiik U. C. CDp'i CuU'ib; BuMn "Wlien death comes to thla Itclux of bona he will guard liU owu grnvt a M own tumble tone. c r. mcKfs. A living being of bone for mmc lhan 1 1 years and stone blind f.-r C years cia acinus of th.? nmnuUuiou-i jrast, Ci.Mious of th.-.e ye.;rs and perhaps the dull d i:k future, yet thU 'MMfified inaii e:it.inb. d 4 w.thiu himself has patience toenduic ut.d i says he!ii w -r! I and has no denire to l 'avo It. Ii: on'y brh.-ht h..p- b.-in a hraven beyond thU iuuduim ings. Soreness, Stiffness, Sore Throat, Weak Jhick, Cramps, Corns, lJunions, Watts, Insect l'.ites. Frost Uites, L'ains, Aches, Pains in the Jhick, Breast or Side, Wounds, Cuts, Hurts, Etc. -,lU:y S 1 Aril I P-JP'SfIL- I .-.iT.i."" -Uf-W I '!? r. inn, to .how K STREET, EMBRY & CO., Are Now Ready For 1891 With a f Hardware and Farm kplnts, A few of which are Tiger and Climax Disc Harrows, Smoothing Harrows, Chilled Iron Plows, Oliver Steel Plows, Avery Pattern Steel Plows, Aspinwall Potato Planters, Two-horse Corn Planters, One-horse Corn Planters. Farm : Wagons : and : Harness, Hydraulic Cement, Sewer Pipe, Stock and Cistern Pumps, Buck Wagons, Buggies, Phaetons and Surreys, Buggy Harness, Lap Eobes, Horse Covers, Etc., Etc. TELEPHONE No. 8. sepl2 6iu THE W. C. COUP mm ROLLING PALACK Aquarium Auditorium, A Series of Palatial Halls built expressly for this New, Novel, and Gigantic Exhibition. Kmiueiitly cliaraclerlwlic groups, reprenenUitp Kurope, Aula, Afrfe, tod meriea. An Kgyptian Mummy, and lbouHauU animate mid inanimate Woi dera from Kartb, Hea and Sky. .,.' A MIGHTY MOVING MIH..CLZ JOF Genius, Enterprise, Brains, and Poney. IConl Jtipaiioo "rIllnB: Rol ed in Ibeir National CoHtume, aud at work iu their peculiar waya. X'aP'fZt- "h 3E3C Jii O The onBified man, a breathing elatue of THE ELECTRIC Ituilt at enormous exivenwe by Prof. euu:l in fouud to a Full llrasa Hand brinir to your very doora kh1 lively ivbi'.ili n ver Men iu 1111a or any ciutr iauu. win uuui iu Columbia, Tuesday, January 13, '91, Near L. & N. U. R. Depot, from 10 oV-Uck A. M., to 10 P. M. AD1SSI0.Y. 50 rents ; CBILDREI ODER TWELVE VIAHS, 25 Cents. Wath for nil Line of Street, Emtry & Co. Ossipico Mam. CDHtCKi J krvfl wo Rone hlks Am) Dut ftu Com ttot VOdOigaiMMnt&QrftaBofCMJ.. KL 9 S3 boue, one of the my&terlea of the age. ORCHE3TRIAN, JukeH, of Vienna, the Invent r, and and OreheBtra of fifty pieoea. We the mot novel and Inatructlve Th.o Train 1