Newspaper Page Text
1 T "WMMMW The Herald. J-'rlday februarlS, 1891. F. I L.1XIIEK. jEdllor. A WM has been Introduced in the Legislature ruakiug competent the evidence of athienta. If the raiu does not et up soon the public will hear a deal about high waters. very good The Legisiatu e i in aeiii again. A great many bills have been passed on their first and second readings, and the fight over their final passage will now commence. i?v.TuemwT Cleveland has written a public letter to the Reform Club of New York, expressing his opposition to the free coinage of silver. Cleveland is monkeying with the buirz saw. The Democratic party mint look to the West for help in the w. Pau1inli!i1 rwe. and -the west U solid for free ooinaee of silver. the tenure of offl.ce provided polioemen. Th section now provides for their election "for good behavior." This is too long, or too indffinite, rather. We think they should be elected for a defflnite time, one or two yeai a, or during good be havior during that time. A Hie time office or good behavior la likely to make an officer sluggish or arrogant or too Independent, or all or these. Public officers are servants c I trie people, and human nature is mnii that l hey should every ouce and auu WASIIIJ?GTOX LETTER. Washington, D. C. Feb. 9, W. Dudley, of 1801. W, Hlix-ksof live" notorie ty, and ex-Assistant Postmaster Gener al UUrkson, both shining lights in the republican national eouiuilttee, are. if uiy informant uu iuuwmou, ha assures ue that he isn't, now band Iiuk "blocks of live" hundred dollar bills, as the disbursing officials of Jay Gouid's Western Union Telegraph lob by, which is said to have divided $o0, oJo among certain members ol the House tor the pui pose oi ueieatiug namakera postal telegraph bill. The bill has reauy never had much chance of getting through, because of a lack or general interest m it, but Dudley and Clarkson -made Gould believe that it was certain to go througu uuiesa ooujo- i. vicitinor friends on the Creek. There will be a large Irish potato crop planted in mis poruuu i ....-j if I read correctly those ominous signs which have already made their ap pearance in the constellation of Heaven, will have someming to wn nrtha Herald in my next com munication. - ' DVn-it-a-n awhile be reminded of this fact, nothing rerves as so rorcibie a re- tblng wu P7 ". , Vfi minder aa another electoin faring Unatnepartllar the "little wizards" iaviul'uu a v J amen Huelan. of the 10th Tennessee district, died in Nassau, Fla., last week. He was one of the brightest men of hia age in the Htate, but hid health had been ioor for several years and consumption had marked him for its own. Col. Josiah Patterson, thau whom there ia not a brainer man in Tennessee, is successor to Mr. Plielau's seat In Con gress. An exchauge says: "A member of the legislature, who indulged fn af ternood nap, requested his friend to awaken him when the lumber act came on. His friend forgot to do so, but accidentally gave him a jog as the-Homewas discussing a bill to prevent fraud. The sleeper started u p, suddenly, rubbed hia eye, and exclaimed: '-Mr. Speaker, a word or two upon that bill, for more than half my constituents get their living In no other way." Mil. Wm. Litterer, the Demo cratic nominee for Mayor, had a walk over at the election for Mayor of them in the face every now and then And we reieat the argument used above, that It is easier to re-elect a good man than it la to get rid of a bad one. Besides this there is a respecta ble number of people who do not be lieve in giving an offi ?o to one mar for a whole life time, however good an olllcer he may be. Tliey believe in giving somebody else a chance at it occasionally . We would suggest these amend ments to the legislature. However, they are minor objections, and mere ly our views, and we recognize and freely admit the fact that there are others who hold exactly contrary views unou these very points. f he main points and the evidenl purpose of the new charter is to put the business of the city into me hauds of men whose sole business it is to atten 1 to these duties, and upon thia main question we have no doubt; and we will veuture the assertion that not one in fifty, who has had ex perience with the city affairs, and who haa given the question any thought, will fail to concur. Aa it haa alwaya been and must al ways be under the present charter, the Important business of conduct ing the affairs of this city, whieh In volves the. expenditure . of . thirty thousand dollars of the people money, annually, la a mere side issue of men who are poorly paid for wnat they do and cannot afford to neglect their private business to give tnougnt and time to public affairs. On the whole the proposed change of It kill- the votes were cast, and of these Mr. Lit- 1- a good one and seems to meet with terergot 523. The Republicans and negroes were conspicuous by their absence. This comes of organization by the prty and nomm tting conven tions We expect just as easy going a time at the next electiou of our couu tv officers. The last election was a fair warning to all Republicans and Mugwumps not to apply. general approval. If there are ob- iectlona we hope thy will be urged dispassiouately una ottered as amend- ltg doing ft. pile of mouev. . , i. i.,K- Aimtuer scheme rjacKeu uj oiB ... io .i.o NLrKirmi Canal company's ofll making the Ouited S.ate Goveru- suui mm (mo of its bonds. Iflt'llK lliuvmu 1 J" 1 - . . .,!.. ii.iw iniuiD uo of members or all of them are Lui, ex-officials of either , i,u h..m r Sanate. which gives them .! hut facilities for reaching Con pressmen, facilities that they have not .....I, ...i rii l.ill will uass the Sen- tJrivithiiiit m doubt, but by the t me the .I....-,,. i.UUru iv. mi lIih country it will r.rolu.1.1 v strike a biir snag, although the f.i.tiv noues to rush it tuiough during l i auuiinistration scheme for killing the free coinage bill is uow being ooiuiy JVorkfHi by tne auu buci u.i.j...j the House committee on eoiuage ivmm Mr. Harrison two chances ol ?..r ti l.ill without suuarely vetoing it, The aim is to keep the bill in committee under oreteuseol 'jeanngs" unm wim- i.. u.. .iv ofthH end ot the sessiou; tuen it will be reported. If the House has time to vote upon it, and passes it, vir. Harrison may then quietly dispose of it by what is known as a "pocket .. lit not niirninir it previous to o.niri.ti..ri rf the Piftv-lirst Congress. The auti-silverites claim that the vote of the House 1W to 127-8ustaiuing a .laniuiitll of fl llA MnHltCf Mf. Hland'a motion to attach the free coin ge bill as an amendment to an appro priation bill to be out of order, makes it ti.ut. 1 tin free coinage bill cannot ........ I. nt tha ttlltl i not based upon Solid fniinHaMnn. There were only eleven republicans who voted agaiust .uauium tne speaker, and it is wet iMAn ii.uti.hnrri is a liuich larger uum ,.r rDt.iii.lwmiti in the House who ...iii.i vniu tr ih com nit e pure ana oi..,ia irihv wr iriveu a chauce to Viioru w a nrooositiou a few days since to have the Senate put the tree coinage bill on one of the appropri ation bills as a ri ler, but when it was iiunested that the republicans oi iub House might add as auother rider on .i.o Mm i.iit. the force bill, the idea out iuxui larit V w it.h tliH democrats. A caucus of the House democrats passed a r.intioii askimr that the committee hll Silvr hill. ' Sir. Blaine's reciprocity treaty ' with Brazil' is being worked for all it is worth rrv-tuesuio subsidy job tbrougb u...i and from present indica t ioi the prODaouities n Tribute trom t'olumbia Lodge, a. F. It A. M. It is our sad dnty to record another entrance of the "ureaa OT8wuy within our portals. Brother w . o. uan.. obeying his last summons, has gone to the'Lodge of immortals. - - 1 herelore, resoivea iiiat m ma Columbia's Lodge has lost art efficient member, and the oraer a uromer worthily wore his masonic honors. That his example was such as should encourage ns to cultivate the masonic virtues whicn were so ueaumuny, t so meekly shown in his life, and that we will cherish , and emulate this ex- in at numDiy suumiaaivo " muiis which called our brother hence, aud grateful for the example he set for m, we will, in token of our sorrow, wear tiie badge of mourning for thirty day s. That to his family we extend hearty sympathy, trusting that Ood will guide and protect them. t hat these resolutions u of1"" -y.. the minutes of the Lodge, a copy oe nublisbedin the Columbia, iiiha.", and tliat a copy bo sent to the family. VV. C. TATtOB. T. B. Kklly. Committee. lavor of meutt without any feeling. Our rei- resentatives have been requested to and we know will give the bill their prompt attention. A very stroug letter, purporting to have been written by Henry Wat- teison to Dtvld Bennett Hill, of Ne vV York, urging him to accept the Heaatorship of New York and get out of Cleveland's way for the Presidency, is going the rounds of the pre-s. The letter is a very strong oue and the reasons given in it are forcibly put, but they do not bear the ear marks of Henry Waterson's style, aud we are incliued to disbelieve the story. Mr. Hill says he never received auy such letter. Mr. Wattersou h s not yet spoken on the subject. Gov. Buchanan has sent in his first message to the "legislature. We h ve not space or ti ine to comment at length this week. He urges the re moval of the State prison, and rec ommends an appropriation to &he World's Fair. He also suggests the establishing of Public Soho Is where the higher branches may be taught. aud a uniform system of text books. He very wisely places the question o ' public roads ai among the most important subjects demanding atten tion, and refers to the Confederate Soldiers Home as "the most Impera tive charity before u-." We wil frive n svnonsia of the message and comment at more length, in our next it-sue. Tho Proposed New Charter. The reading columns of the lira, page is nearly entirely given to a cor rect aud complete copy of the propos ed new charter of the city or Colum bia as agreed upon by the Board ol Mayor aud Aldcrmeu at the meeting Jast Friday night, called for that pur pose. It Is long, as such paiers pro vidiug for so many rights aud powen and privileges, must be; but long s it is, those who Hve taxable Interests in this city ought to take the time to road aud study it andfeive It their ap proval or disapproval, as their honest judgments dictate. Asa whole, The Herald thinkt it far preferable to the present char ter, and believes that under It th city affairs could be better aud t more economically run, than is done under the present charter. As a whole therefore we give It our endorsement, though there are some minor amend " uieuts we will suggest further on. Under the present charter the Mayor is elected by a general vote of the people, and Aldermen by wards. The new provides that the Aldermen shall be elected like the Mayor, by a general vote of all the people, but the a Mermen are to reside, as now, two in each ward. That la rljht; an Al derman ought to be for the town, not for a ward. Under the present laws the Alder men receive one dollar for each meet ing, aud from $25 to $100 for the Chairmanship of fome committee. Under the new, the Aldermen are to UrvA without nav: they are to have very little to do, aud that little they ar to do for the good of the city and without pay. Under the new charter all the busl 'ne, all the work aud nearly all the responsibility is thrown upon three men, to be chosen by the Board ol Aldermen and to be known as the Supervisors. It virtually does away with the prescut ofllcea of Reocrder, City Marshall, Treasurer and Chair man of the several committees, and the work of all these ia given to the three Supervisors, who are required to devote their eutire time to the city and not to engage in any business that will Interfere with their olllcial duties. , These are the main provisions of tho new charter. It provides further that the regular term of the Super visors shall be for a period of six years. Tliia is one or. the objections we find. We think the term ot six years too long. It pla; s the Su pervisor toD far from the people, and political history we tniuK is a warn this. It strikes us it would be better to make the terms r.n two and three years, at first, and then regularly at three years, In r.r Hmihle that time, as the new charter provides. It Is easier to re elect a good man than to get rid of a bad one. and in six years the wrong trin,i nf man could do a deal of mis A Phenomenon Still. A correspondent in . this Issue dif fers with us iu the opinion expressed in the last issue that "accident and imagination" might account for tht nhnnomenon couceruing Mr. Wik Harris' ampuUted baud. To appre ciate our critic's arguments his paper must be rea 1. We are not disposed to argue the question at length or ti answer seriatim the argument against us, bat we beg to remind our friend that one phenomenon cannot be proven by citing auother. Our friend asks If we have never noticed a dog howl while a bell was ringing. Indeed we have; aud for that matter we have noticed a dog howl when the bell waa not ringing. But our friend says further that he believesJ'the dog aud bell have unison cords tuued to the same tension Hence when the bell begins to ring the same tension cord In the dog causes him to howl." Now we confess we had not thought of It in that way, and the proposition ives rise to soma interesting ques tions we wiil submit to the gentle man. For instance if the bell is tuned high will the dog howl tenor? Or if the bell is low will the dog howl base ? Aud stranger still, if ifis a Cathedral .ihirue will the dog go all the' notes? Vnd speakiug of dogs reminds us or tats, and suggests the tension that ex ists between cats and bootjacks. We vould be glad it our friend and critic .vould explain that to us. Our critic asks us if we have ever toticed window glass to shake and rattle when it thundered. He says he has, aud that he accounts for it in the same way he does the dog and lell unison. He asks If our imagina tion can attribute this to accident. Veil not exactly. We have "thought that the vibration caused by tne hiinder, shook the window glas. We had never before thought that the thunder, without the vibrations, (If such were possible; . would have a-iy more to do with the window r ittllng thau tho rattle would with t?e thunder. But if it did, then we would have a cause and not a phenomenon. Our critic 1 cites the well-known xample of oue vibrating tuning fork starting another of . the same pitch sounding. That is no phenomenon. We all know the cause of that. .The vibrations of the. air causes each. Vo prove that, take one too far for the vibrating waves to reach it, aud the sound of the other has no effect ou it. Besides, what has all that to do with the question? According to our friend's own faith one is mind and tne other matter. Take the case in point, and if, as the gentleman suggests, it Is the mind of the ma l reaching out ifter Its lost member, then we take it the mind will have sense euough to do the thing over again, and our critic has aa opportunity now, by ictual exparlnieat repeated several times over, to inform hhanelf and uliguten the balance Of us, as to whether or not the mind of Mr Harris otn follow his amputated hand and ill exactly what ia being done to it. Books like newspapera report a good uauy phenomeuan and a good many lies. We hope to settle tula dispute y the case in point. The gentleman uay theorize as much as he likes, but in ounce" of proof Is worth a pouud of heoiy. Let him test his theory if he ill, he knows where the hand is. Jntil he doas, having nothing else to tredicate an oplnloa upon we incliue o the Idea that the first experiment r pheuomeuou was Imagination, iUess work and accident combined. "6 - . i i i.. ........ wrRLH ol tue liouso iiavo pui .l,.n,luuii nn rnninl as OODOSed to the Bxlirv list uf the World's - r . ; The intelligence of the death of Rep resentative fhelan, of Tennessee, who .1,1 .i N'ami nn Januarv 30, did not reach this city until Saturday afternoon r. ....... ....w.. M.nthiH health was bad lit hi closost friends were greatly ghockod to learn of bis death. . i i.u Kiutiutn orot through amend ing the eight hour bill it would scarcely hv been recognised by its bestfrie:iids. It Is believid that the n-pul'licans h pe io kill the bill by getting it into a con ference committee and keeping it there beginning to-day the Senate will have evening seesions daily to the end of the ..nowi.. Tim HoiiHfl mar or may not !-..... -nit. Tim tact of the matter that evening sessions have never been i,i vrilnil hv the friends oi IDT... aw. T . i - - , ImriHlKtinn. although it has ben -uHtomary to have them at the fag end or tvery congress. skiirks made no mistak in counting upon the assistance of the re publican senators to cut ouu m cap tion in fees placod in the pension appro priation bill by the House. The Senate made the attorneys fee tor all tuture in creases of pension T, instead oi as the House had it, and upon motion or Mr. Quay the new fee is only applicable to the applications riled alter this bill becomes a law. That motion, if not in terfered with by the House, is ' esti mated to be worth more than ?o,UUU,0w to the pension attorneys. , Mr. Harrison is till wrestling with tho army of hungry republicans, each .f whom wants to be Secretary ol the Treasury. WILL S. IIABT. 81, TUESDAY IN CONGRESS. Senate. Washington, Feb. -10. In the senate house bill to establish the enstoms dis tricts of Tennessee, with a substitute constituting Nashviile . a port of deliv ery, waa parsed and a confeience asked. senate om to wnuurue uw xu-iuucovn Boom company to construct and operate booms and other structures im certain sloughs of the Mississippi river and sheer into Buch booms, logs, timber and lum ber found in said river was passeo. House bill to revise the wages of cer tain employes in the government print- . nflK ism nv1 with a snbstitnto thi all nnrht emnloves be ment, where fresh candies paid SO per ' Ccllk iu mimuuo w w7 onwMint noid for dav labor. A confer ence on the substitute was asked for. The naval appropriation uu was tnen taken up. . ' House. The house passed bill increasing to 1 00 a month the pension of the widow ol Gen. Custer. - . : , Leave was granted to the committee on coinage, weights and measures to sit during the sessions ox tne nouse. : The army and appropriation bills were sent to conference. HASHYILIirPRIE Mr Editor : Have you been to Nashville lately ? If you have, you have no doubt een the Great New Store. Truly the march of progress is-wonderful.. ' Who would have thought a few years ago that there would be estab lished in the South such a commer cial house as that of 'the. Coxneu Hall-McL.ester Co., of Nashville? To a lady going to Nashville, this .l 1...! 1 . couceru is a messing mueeu. " She can get off the cars at the Union Depot, take a hack or strei t car aud goat ouce to the door of this great sUre, where a cozy reception-room, with dressing-room aud toilet-room are at.hjef service. , Her baggage and buudles may be checked, aud she can then go wherever the may choose about the house or the city, without being encumbered with lggage. If the weather is bad, aud a lady goes to the city only to shop, she need not leave ine great store at an. Every sort ot goods iu the greatest variety is kept iu the house, aud at one price, everything being marked in plan figures; aud there she cau tlud anything that ' may not be had or our local merchants in the way of Dry Goods, Boys Clothing, Cloaks, Dress-making, Millinery, and every thing else. Even a lunch-room is kept by this enterprising company, where such a lunch is net as will sur prise some of our good housewives or Maury County, aud at prices that Jtre astonishingly cheap. A lady need not put her foot out of the door to do a whole day's shopping, at this great store, and the house asks that their reception-room be made the place of all visitors to' the city, 'lhey will take career all bundles sent thein.nud ship all together, relieving ladies of untold annoyance in caring for their purchases. When visiting Nashville no lady should fail to see this great establishment. . - A A'uiend. P: 8. I forgot one thing that will greatly pleaee the young people, that is: that they nave a canay depart are inane evervdav: and even sell hot soda water, thatexhiliratlng French drii k for ladies, hot bullion, grape milK, etc HARRIS -:- & -:- COLE -:- BROS., PUMP FACTORY. Manufacturers ana dealers In Mm a and v.Dr mi v mm OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also -:- SASH, -:- DOORS, : BLINDS :- AUD -:- MOULDINGS. Wood delivered to all parts of the city.- Good woolar loirs and lumber wanted. TELKPHONENo. 15. Call and see us In lore buying elsewhere or Teb2Uy -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS- educed Pr icei d Chilled Plow: South B PECIAL.TIES. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Flour, Provisions. A full lin ol Cigars, Tobacco, Canned Uooas, l eas, apices, urocers r-ununes. Merchants will Hud a complete Stock nt Low Frier No's. 2, 4 and 6 Cor. S. Main and Eight Sts. Janl ly TRADE WITH NICARAGUA. Oar Consul at Managua TelU Merchants . v' HwMftlt , WAsniNOTON, Feb. 10.As American inerchants Uave' awafcened to the fact tliat ttigy t an uiarkt-t many lnil ions of dollars worth of maiiufacturl goccU in Kill wia iMisfil for tha transfer South Ameiica. , the foUowiK. wliK h r . i - i m I : ..4..! fi't vt . thn I Initial Ktut Mnwnl at- lanusrua. iicarauua, mr. William Newell, will no doubt be of in- Many years practice have given C. . Snow & Co., Solicitors of Patents it Washington,' D. C. unsurpassed luccess iu obtaining patents for. all classes of Invention. "Iney maKe a specialty of rejected cases, and have lecured allowance oi mauy patents hat had been previously rejeetea. Their advertisement in auother col unn, will be of interest to Inventors, oatentei-s, manufacturers, aud all vho have to oo witu patents. u. Job lnnun?. The people and business men of Co lumbia and vicinity, have no need to -end their Job Printing to Nsshvllle jr anywhere else, as the Herald Job "looms have two new presses ana au the latest style Job type, and compe tent printers to ao tne worK. rrioe at low as Nashville Printer's Stationery. We have a oomplete stock of print er's stationery, a new press, ana type l-Vii-rsmi. : Iu tho first part of the nineteenth century it was tho privi lege of tale-tellers to open their atones in an Inn. So in the cloying years of this century we lind it?, noticeable .lact that correspondents ol County news papers have a weakness for prefacing thoir letters with . remarks on the weather. Wheather this hatfit arises from a lack of an opening subject, or the suitableness of .this particular oue, we hesitate to decide. Hcwever, we confess we have this weakness. Tii wnaiher is a subject of daily thought with us. Our interest in it iiavinir been awakened at that remote oeriod of life when ignorance, of the meaning of -tho pronoun in the sen ft is threateninir." cost ns our ir. V.ncrliMli SO we WOUld iira t.i ,i wniPiiDon tne weather, to tell .ri. h.r vrv fiAd our roads are in con f"t.lin nontinued rain: how the farmers are compelled to be idle, the ground being too wet to plough; how the ladies are forced to give up visiting for a time, etc., etc. itiit. thn announcements of nu inArniia editors in uiind, to the ellect that the limitations of tune and space compel the declination of many oner nru for miblication. we think it tin wisest plan to let our favorite theme go Tor this time. The Government has assumod charge of the weather busi ness, so we give it up as gracefully as we can to J. It. Marbury, Serg't Signal Corps. . , : ,r tr Jnlin J. StfinheiiHon ana Mrs, Clark Tiiidal have gone to Now Orleans ... .,.;t hA ru llnnrv Martin. Mr. Sam Watkins, after an absence of soveral months on an extensive trip ii.nnuh ihrt wild West, has returned. lie did not travel by railway, but chose 1 1 .k nnf A I ami ' indoDondent method of riiiiij4 fin vevance. lie nives amusing account of numerous iucidents . . i . . 1 v. I ,uKila tf.vutinir. w v 1'iimnnsoii returned last week from Kentucky, with two car loads of i . I n...A.MuAfl urhi at lord Mh. Mattio Mitchel who has been rinitu.inU for the oast two weeks at Krinrson's. is able to be up, Miss Laura Kittrell, of VestUarpeth, W Hiiiunn countv. is visihuk mmoos u a m.1 Kf tttt in Villiams.t - ittaa RuaiA Tnnii. at tr a oleasaot vUit to our nenrhborhood, has returned I f.onnvllln. MfL. Wiiiin .inMoml). of vour city atujtit. Sundav last with her cousin Miss Mnain T .i liKCOIll t). We are sorry to learn that Miss Stan field is no better. . Tho niitstn fever is rapine in this noiohhnrhniMl. and vast Quantities of limiwr are beimc destroyed in order to prepare ground to plant the Irish tuber. Bear Creek. Last Sunday was au exceptional iu.u,.t iful tiav. The sun rose from bo- hind the hillsof the Kast in brightness and beauty, with the warm rays kissing the clear and sparkling waters of the little brooks, as they rippled onward to old ocean, and tue Diras uiscourseu , sweet strains of music from the lealless forast-trees. .... liut I must turn from these to things that will interest the readers of the Herald; at least a few of them. There was quite a largo crowd at Mt. Olivet last Suuday to hear ltro. It. S. Haggard preach. Among the congre gation we noticed the attractive faces of Misses Bessie and Vergie Sowell, of the Lassea vicinity, also Miss Lou la Karis, of C'euar t-aus, iowa. Davis Mitchell has gone to Phillipl to attend school. . . Mr. Mayers, of Birmingham, is visit ing relatives near the lrou Bridge. Mr. W. II. Mitchell has been very much indisposed for the past week, but is better at this writing. Mr. Lovic Ioftin has been conhned to his bed for the past week from an attact of inflammatory rheumatism. We hope it will be our pleasure iu our next communication to report to his legion of (riends his complete restoration. Tilmon Mitchell, Irom the vicinity of Hurricane Switch, is visiting his uncle W. II Mitchell, tnis week. Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, who for several years past have been living at Suiuniertowu, have moved "into our midst and will make it their future home. ' ' . , J. I. Voorhies and II. B. Daimwood were seen going in the direction of the Iron Bridge late Suuday eve; we guess they were in search or the two brown eyed beauties of that vicinity. Sam oorter was at Mt. Olivet Sunday, with a ladv visitor from Iowa. Miss Mollie Adams, alter a pleasant urn of two weeks with friends, left of arm v officers on . . .... . . , - . . i - a i the limited to tne nnumiiea usv wmai they reach the age of 56, . ' j J.IUH Rsd path ltosd. " New Youk. Feb. 10. James Redpath, the famous Irish Nationalist, journalist and . lecturer, and vice president of the Anti-Poverty -society, who waa run down by a Fourth avenue horse car op posite the t ostoffice one day last wef k, died Tuesday morning at St.- Xuke's hcpital from the effect of his injuries. Mr. Redpath was born in Berwick-on-Tweed, Scotland, in 1833, and came to this country with his pjErents in 1848. Gruera! Sherman 8iek. New York, 'Feb. 10. Gen. W. T. Sherman is ill. Two days ago he canght a heavy cold, and Monday was confined to his bed, and bis physicians reported symptoms of erysipelas. He is under the care of Drs. Alexander and Jane way, and they take a hopeful view of their patient's case, nd y there is no imme diate danger. NEWS IN BRIEF. A Cciileiaatloii of Iuterestias Items of Various Subjects. The thermorr.eter 1 a? been at zero in Texaw Hollenburg, O., celebrates its dry yictjry. Tl,a IHxon-McCarthy match is finally deciarvd off. , A numljer of lives were lost in the South Pakota blizzard. A falojn at Fredericksburg, O., was bowu up Lh dynamite. Mis Maggie - Horabach, of Yorkville, Ind., dropped dead while sewing. Ten thousand coke miners in the Con- nellsvillo region have gone on a strike. c Tillic, O., saloonists are sending White Cap notices to members of the Prohibition party. It is announced that Stanley will -give all of his gifts to Gen. Booth, of the Salvation Army. The Russian government is encouraging the emigration of Jews to the United States. ...... A Pan-Handle branch from Spiiag- ficld to South Charleston, O., is a building project. Fitzsimmons refuses to fight Jim llalL the A ustralian. Fitz. claims Hall is a duffer." A tornado 1 over Helena, A'a., ooing cnMiderable damage and injuring severaf people. - Thieves secured $1,C00 worth of silks and velvets from Brigel & Company's store, Cincinnati. John F. Swilt, of California, is men tioned aa a possible successor of the late secretary of the treasury. Myron Manning, 20, at Youngs town, O., found the doctors of no use and cured tiis own ill health with a leaden bullet. . ' Mike Conlay, the lt&acsv giant, tvns knocked out in the second round by Blj Woods, of lenver, in the fight at Mew Or? leans. T." " . , i Tie heirs of the Fowler, estate, valued, at fS.0OO.0OQ. haw agrcd on a settlement, tyrant: . From time to lime the consulate is in receipt of letters a-king ' how can the business firms of the Unifc-d States in rrcase their trade.-' This is a broad n ruction, and one not easily answeied. ". .vMuch could be done by these firms if t.hv would studv the wants and re :nire ments of Nicaiagna.. "Artic'ei suitable for Em-ore and the United Slates arc nnt snch as meet the demands of the trile here. The wrnle of this country do not cai-e ?o much for an elabonitey finished imi leniC! t of husbandry as tl.ey rlrt for a KerviteaLle and d ruble article. The nature of the country, with its lnnp- peason ' of Tains and dry weather, mk( it absolute' v necessary that the tools La use sliould le snch as c m stand much moisture and dryness. This con dition of weather demands tha all tools vimnosl lareelv of wo.l i lionld De Oi thoronirhlv was :n.l and hard woods. This matter, either through careli ssness or indifference has txen entirely ignored hv the leadine firms of the United States. "In the matter of cloths and calicoes the merchants of the United States have been very remiss. They make au arti cle of this class that is too fine. Ti e laJmriii"- c lass of this country do much of their work in the forest and field; con sequently thev reomre clotinng oa nn snltantLd. lather than fine. Again ti-.o mr-liants have not considered th; uraierht fif the cloth that is nroix-r to le worn in a climate of a t opical charac ter. 'Mm h cf the trade of Nicaragua now p-of to Fns!and and Germany. This its because the merchants of Kicaragna c.n .rt lona-or credits there. A crilit m tingland and Ge.many can run for tight to nino months, while in the United States a credit of rnly six months is given, aud uyin small amonntsno credit at all. The mcrcnants oi jin-arajnia are as reliable and npriirht a set of men as ran ik found in any country. "The business f.iilnres in Centr;d Ampi-i are exceedinirlv wnull in num ber, which alona should lie an indnce- ment for United States finis io extend the lentrth of time credits. Kivi:ra.?tt; merHiant irive a-t anotl-er na- on lor fradin;? with Etitr'ani a:id Germany that thev can inv chcai er in those countries. "The froods that are sent from tie United States to Nicaragua aje not tarkel in a convenient 6ize. In a cnr.n trv like this, where railrtwi-l facilities ai p vet in their infancy. in;.ch of the tran'-portin& is done with mules so that nankaffes ot larire bulk cannot betariiM. Vhon the iroods reach the larire citie; thev all have to te nni acked and then rensif-ked in small r;!l'Ccls. " For 8hi1 ment to this country, goodj should be packed so tliat no one imkac would be over one hundred pounds in weieht. . This weigl-t enabkstlie mides I 4q be packed ;withuut ditficuity." ECHOES' OF THE BLIZZARD. The World's Fair People Knter Upon Re form I'ie Labor Unions' DruianJ. Cht-,ao, Feb. 10. The retrench ment reform at worlds fair head quarters has already liegun. Arrange ments have been made to drep Assistant Secretary A. B. Hurt, who hiis liecn re- ceivniiK :i,(MH) a year, ami . M. Allies, ; Col. Davis' secretary, at the ta.-ne sal- ; ary, and at least four of the employes of the secretary s omce. Promoter General Hanly has an-' nonnced tbe arointment of li. E. A Dorr as assistant promoter. Pre ideut Uage saj-s or tne iemand or the trades unions that union labor l employed in the work on the fair bu ld Iniza exclnsivelv. as fax as rossible. that there is no intention to treat the onions unfairly, und that he has no' doubt a savt- lsfactory airangement wm ws arrivea at. The matter will lie taken up at the next met ting of the directors. Heavy Alfui:!it t in Ktntu 1). Winchestfr. Ky., Feb. 10. The property of the Kentucky Union Iand company, at t.iay city. naj ueen at- i tached by creditors in tne inn oer. regions for claims amonntina: to $100.00 i. The ! tompmny is one of the largest corpora- j tions in Uie state, twns ac iiay t iiy the largest saw mill south of the Ohio river, thousands or saw-iogs auu large mantities of land. 1 ti.'.-J c'tj. " -wen &4 ts. S' A 9 fU-ri 4 a I i ri a ft WAS I HI H U P i n 4: G -7 00) 50' 00; 50 No. 1, (same size as Oliver No. A.) No. 1 B, (same size as Oliver A 2.) No. 2, (same size as Oliver No. 10) No. 3, (same size as,01iver No; '19) No. 4:, (same size asOlivcrjN6.'.20)U 8 00 No. 15, same size as Olive No. 40 ' 8 50 Extra Point TO "Every Plow Fully-"Warranted." TERMS: SPOT CASH. CONGRESS. Fifly-EIrl:th l.-iy. Inthesena!e Mr K.a:r's Tnot on tore- consider the re-t-oiuniutint: o. the:K"t- hourbillto the committee on education and labor was defeated. The l.oase copy right bill was taken up aud debated until adjournment. The house passed the sundry civil ap propriation bill with nn cmndiiient pro viding f r clerks for. representatives. The senate amendments to the fortillca- tion bill were non-io icurrcd m. Charles Knock, a resident of Tieopnlls, Wia., sliot and kiiljd his wife and himself one day last wevk. The be dies were not found until Saturday evening. The face of Mrs, Knock Lad been partly eaten oil by a cat, which was in 1 he room. I hey did not agreo, and it is supi osed the deed was d;-no during a 0,1 an el. '1 hey were both aed. WE GUAJtANTER Till fKEPA RATION OF SARSAPARILLA tolicthclK-st bl.xwl mf'Jk inc- iiwiile, ;nnl lln-mcwt nli:ilil l-L-nieilv known lor the ti-cutiiiuiit of BHETJ2IATISU, Scrofula. Old Sores, Pimples, Elotches, Eruptions, SkinDiseafees.IIuinors, Itching, Tetter, Scald-head, Swollen Joints, Ach-inf- Bonos. Sore and Tirad Feelines In the Limbs, Sore Eyes, Iyspop3ia, Disordei-ed Stomach, Peranpred System, General Debility, Dis- eased Xidn6ys and. Liver. It is also ono of tli brut bmirs to bnl'd up anil FtirnKtliuii the cnfouhlcil ami run !ovn confutation. A c.ovtmn blood cleanser and health restorer. The above prices are to any and . every body. We do not require them to be sub scribers to the Columbia Herald or any other paper. ' Street, Emtry & Co. SPURLOCK, NEAL & CO., past Side Public Square, Columbia, Tonn NASHVILLE, TENN. TELEPHONE No. 8. opl'2 Bin 4hunberof Utr t Stock. J'erUU In Soith Dakota. --' Chicago,' Feb. -! 10. The blizzard Tne widow haa brought auit at Lafayette, I PK n ronoweu tne enow rm t Indiana, - .-.. j nrday and Snnday on the western plains Farmer Jana McCord, of Maiijfi, 1 V" 1 " ; il, J . Ind., traded hi farm (or a patent right to a washing luachiaa, found It wouldn't wash, and hung himself, v , . Threa war veeiieU of the "whit aquad. ron" the Chicago, Dolphin and York town arrived at New Orleans Monday, and ara anchoted in frout of tba city., r.t The Iowa Driving park was oi g wlzed at KnoxvUla, - lewa, Saturday, 'the! first meeting will be held Aug. i 11-14, add (10,4 tM) will be hung up in purses. -A 1 , A bachelor named Hyman,' CO years old. down lu" Texas. In the nplandu of north weefvrn Texas 'the ero point was rnftflied. as the wind had ;a elo ity of thirty miles an houy. ' The bliziard prevailed from Dakota to the gnlf. In Dakota, with a tempera ture of 14 ! betow rero, the wind blew fiftr miles ari hour. ' " ' Mrs. MLton -Cnmminsa. near Rnsh- ville. Neb. . was found dtwid in her Imsgy within fortv' rrxw of a neitrbbor'u honisa ' ! Eddie Chester and Steve. it. ; Peters. 'both "14 'Tears old oufhnutinpf, near faventf. fiiu: Trn(":e-MarK obtained, and all i'at tu: bi.sii.c-? rtnniijrti.-l for Moderate Vers. Our Ofl ce is CopnsHe U. S. Paient Office, r.r.c! vc -:.r. -lira j.ntcnt iu lets time tu:iu tuos, ri'iMiK: fniir. Wiitiiiii'tcm. . St-iid tiiotlcl. flrawinsr or uhoto.. w ith ili-m-ni). 'inn Wf uiviHC. if jmteiitiibin or not. lreo tr c'u-itoc. Or.r fee not cine till l.-it-nt is i- urorl. & Varr oiict. ' liow to Ont:;m 1'atcnlH. with Tiam-f of atnial oiicTits in your State, county, or M-nt free. Address, C.AuSNOW&CO. Oppci'.ic Patent Ctlice, Washington, D. C. We are the Leaders in Farming Im- - plements. Our h i t 1H'.)0 in Farm Maehiin'iy excerdod ull umi ttitors- Cum bint u. 31 t Y Xcn and Valullc IiiiprotciiiciifM for 1SOI, Covering HoEsS' (JlcdTndeiis : uving near uuena Vista, Iowa, was foand I Kearney. Keb. i fro2 to death- in a corn ueaa m lkju ounuaj .aigriw i m nesa oi I Qeld. hia face had been eaten by a cat. - C Max. Gibba, a jeweler of Indianapoiia, was arrested noon landing in New; York from Euroje, and fi,5U worth of jewelry taken from bis pocket and "seized." i - At North Ternon Ind., Orlando John son pounded Silas Myers for calling on his " mother, and Silas ccm."3 out away ahead by becoming Orlando's stepfather. Hannah Ilenn, 10, of St. Bernard, Cin cinnati, died of hydrophobia. She was bitten in December. At the time a mad etone was applied and adhered for ten hours. Three Terra Haute, Ind., business men kindly answered a -written request from the postmaster to cash a $G0 check, and find, too late, that the postmaster knew nothing about It. Mrs. F. M. Lowe, who lived near Win chester, Ky., died at her home at the ad vanced age of 90 years. Her husband is still hale and hearty and at present is a magistrate of his county. Miss Loote, the school teacher, who was recently cruelly beaten by the Cruzen fam ily near Wiunebago City, Minn., is not dead as currently repoited, but is alive and will probably recover. . . After Anna Oakley, of Cambridge, O., had gone to the trouble to take poison aud be pumped out to bring her recreant lover to time, her cruel father stepped in and waltzed hsr back to his paternal protec tion. Ben K. Pullen, Jr who ple;ide 1 guilty to the enibezaueuieut of aboct t",000 of the city fut-d at. Me.nphia,-has been sent enced by Judge Duboiae to serve tea years ia the penitentiary and to pay a hue of fl.OOJt Mardi Graa day was celebrated with the usual display at New Orleans Monday. J lis Majtaly Rex and his retinue received the usual ovation from the crowd, which was largely composed of 'visitors from tha north. . . Woodward Romans, an Alliance, Ind., druggist, is having life made so hot for him by Mrs. Anna Cain, who says he haa broken his proaataa to marry her, that be has to- hire a policeman to keep her at a Many persona are'1-musing, and axe umoed to be dead under the snow. Grant Bay, a yonnsr ranchman, and Meta M. Gray, - school - mistress, near Sturgis, Mead county. 8. Dak., we.e found terribly frozen and helpless, .but may survive. In South Dakota considerable- ttock perished. - . ' A WOMAN'S LIFE. Blust , ICIfc J, . i J ll'.l .4 a Tnr I. op hnmO ill Kon- I " ' " ' " t - ' u.inA, mvi1 sad houris.l And still the Question is agitated al to She Married a Urate, and Death Have 13n Wel oiu. Sino Siko, N. Y., Feb. 10. Mrs. Will iam Stanton gave birth to a child sever al davs aeo and has since died for want of proper care and food. Her husband, who is a tine molder. workB in the ft un ary near by. He is a hard drinker and neglected her." She had had very little to drink or eat and" was in a very ex hausted condition. Mrs, McDonald, a neighbor, called in to see her Sunday and found her dead. A doctor was called in, and hes-rid she died, from a complication of diseases, brought on l-y starvation. The child had died and was found buried in the biu-k yard in an old cloth. Four chil dren were born before, who are all dead. One was found bune.l, wrapped in a rewspaper.'in the cemetery, about two yenrs ago. - Ihe coroner held an inquest on the body cf Mrs. Stanton Monday afternoon an. rendered a vermct in ac cordance with the tesliiDOiiv. She vus 150 s ears old. Died by Her Own Hand. ITareousburo, Ky.. Feb. 10. The re port that Miss Li lie Terhune. the un fortunate lady in the . recent Yincennes tragedy,:, was forced by rarental iunu-. ent to marrv JioLert Hampton is un true. On the contrary, they claim that she married Mr. Hampton against the wishes of her parents. A dispatch from Vincennes states that Mrs. Hampton is dead. . n , : - Corydon White Cap HMlng Again. CoBYDOtf, Ind.. Feb. 10.' A : raid was ndq upon house occupied Ly Jolin Thomas and Lucy Noyes at this place Sunday night by a band of masked men. I 1 he window were all broken out . with j s kind of man could do a deal or mis- . ";t : rr-:" "7 .nS tviie . " PIKr'."!? " "'--T .,hl """t" iT??ZrZZ stones and the door battered down, but chief without actually laying himself f deBOrlpUon. Job prinUng reading of a chapter by Mis "Mary ' oraBackey tip. - It ieto be hoptd that ; the Imnate. scaped by going. at .a: fMm 45 to 50. In groceries, sugar and itMiolmoeachment. nMrnntlT 6X0ttted k reaaonable Faris. theoakt tacuif thUaaM wtU seoa be window and crawling odex the coe Bteat!y. Oir. Will uoraou, 01 rnoaiuau county. 1 ---j-i . : .- . 1 noon ; vi : r ;:.,...-". 'cth the ir.etliod r.nd resulls v.lieti ynsp of Fijs ia taken; it is i!ens:int dil refreshing to the taste, and acta .jutly yet promptly ou the Kklneys, ivcr aiul Bowels, cleanses the sjs ni effectually, disjwls colds, htad olies aud fevers aixl cures habitual jnstipatiou. fcyriip 01 I'igs ia the ; nly remedy of its kind ever pro- uced, pleasing to the taste and ac -ptiihle to the stonm!i, prompt in .3 fiction mid truly beneficial in its .letH, prepared only from the most oalthy and agreeable substances, its .any excellent qualities commend it all and have ma'de it the most opular remedy known. .Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c ad $1 bottles by all leading drug ristd. Any reliable drnggist who day not have it on hand will pro--.ire it promptly for any one who vislics to try 1L Do not accept any ,ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' SAH rilAUCISCO. CAL. L0U13VILLE. Kf. f W rCRK, H f. Columbia Market Report. Corrected by Holding & Cochran w.ekly, Thursday, eb. 12, lbiil. COTTON. Ordinary 7 Good Ordinary Low Middling Middling PROVISIONS Ham, nominal Kaenn shoulders 41 Bides T..ir1 7 PRODUCE. Butter. Eggs...: Chickens. Feathers new goose. . . Wool unwashed " burry " tub washed Beeswax.- Rags cot ton Tallow Cheese FLOUR AND GRAIN Flour superfine. " XX " XXX ' patent process. . . Meal selling...... ..... Corn buying Wheat buying Oats selling GROCERIES Sugar New Orleans. . . granulated crushed , " powder sd Coffee Rio fancy " Java COAL OIL. Per gal. wholesale Per gal. retail. FIELD SEEDS. Irish potatoes per barrel 3 25(3 4 "Clover selling 5 W Timothy. . . . selling " 2.U Orchaiii Grass. . . .selling 2 W Red Ton felliDg 75 Wheat about exhausted. Nevv corn Non-Krsidi'i.'t Not ire. .1. T. S. (Jrieniii-M vs. Win. 1 Iasi-el 1. ril Kit HAS tin- il.iinl ill' in Hi is onus. .1. V T. S. ( ir.'. nl'n-lil Ims kuimI mil n writ o iiitsii-'iiiittiit. Iiutiiii' Inc. K. O. Put-ki lt, H Ju- 1 i.-.. ol tin- !Vi ii lr M.-mrv l oiinl.v, T iu. ii-rjiinst tli-"iiioiii i t v ol tin: it f luliMit Has- xHl.on the ground of the n ii-r-Mil-n-e ol said 1I:ish-I1. mill the n-li ru of suhl altm-h- ni urii in.tiu-i! nn- shows that the same luis bi-i-ii Icvici! upon tin- prop.-rty l saiil ili fi nilant, und an ord.-r of nlili-:it ion ;iil-r-l tilH.u sa'.il writ, h,s irovili-l hy law. Mow I li.Tt-lon- it is orili-i-cl hv nn- thai puhlii-atioii In; iiia-.h- in Hie t'oli-.inliiii Hc-raKI, iml.lisheil in- i '. .1 it i.i til ''(nn.. fi-r four i-niisi'i-ui ivr u-..!.ku lln ii. f-lHl:uil. Win. Hasst-1! niMki- his iinn. Nir:un- hi-lore me at my olllre in Hi.. !7tti district of Mitui v Coimty, 'Join .mS:iinrilnv lhi -'1st ilnv of February, lS'Jl. an, I il.-lBiui sai.l snit.or the sauie will be 1 u-ltli t. v nitric as to birr-. janilU K. O. 1'L'CKIJTT, J. i lro- P. Non UtsiiltMit Notice. t'l.KUK AM) M.VSTKK'S )KKH-K,j .hum iry -11, isul. S Kil li. Mm, il iitnlian. coiiuilainaiit, vh. Fruiik Jl. Mt't si-, ilcfcinliinl. ' It iiimcarinir from atTlilavit filcil In this cause that I ho ilcfi-iiilant. Krank H.-Mew Is a iion-ri-Ki dent, of the .siaie of Tcimesscc. 1 1. Is i iiHrcfurc ordered that hu enter bin ap- ticiirance. herein, before or within the (irtil t tiree ln vh of I hi next tevin of the t'lianccry i:.,uri. in l. be!,! at OoliiinbiM. m I tie hrst inoiiiluv in Anril next. lil. and .b-ail. an- .u.,,a-,i:iiiil:iiiiiint'.s bill, ol tue sunin will be token f, irj-onfess- d as to him a ml f,.'r beiLrlllc ex luirte: aud a eoliy ol this order be iMibiislied for four c.-iiwct i yi weeks lu tliel'oliiiubia lleraid. A. N. A KIN. C. it M. Kb.ininsr A Son. Solr for 'oti'lrt. tel l! II Insnlvort Vnliee. II vln.r 1 bl-J il-lV S11L"'L-Ste I the lllMIl! VCIIPV or I lie ..-P it" ol j. ! I . I)ll--ek. ie.M.aselt , t ll is I iu i.. ,wiii (u u ll lu-rsons ha viii2 elriinis a''ai nsl ui.l ..siuie to file I hem vi ll I lie I h-rli of I he i -oi.nt v Court ilrlv :m: lien: i-nie 1 on or tm- r..,-,. II,,. Ilrul - of Aui-n-i . 'S 'l. fiMi it KM.MKTT nm;i:. A'l'mr. The mst C nploto Pijintor on tho AUrknt; Un- cquiilctllor Lislit, Unut, Krgulariry inlirop a id Coterinj; tho Corn. ' ' ' - RKAD TIIIS-WE HAVJjtJIANY OTIIEU3. JUBT A CJOOD. . - ' 1-', Hpkiko Him.. Jaounry an, 1W)1. MATrcRFf ri.o A Church: Dear Hlm-f. We take pleftsura in HMiInK to you titat the Hamilton Corn I'liuiter" bourhtof you laat prin-c iivii hi eotlrfe wnlnfuctton In every puriicular; we bought the ui-whlne complete nl d ll with the Hewortta ChecK ltower, y hand ami with drill attaebmeut and have no complaint whatever. We lined It in plant Inif 2."i acres ofHee! millet and it workwd lla ciiar.u. We think great dual of Ihe clod tenders und covering bladuH, aa we got good Blaudu of both millet and corn. Very, jiaa H. a ham O. Oaky. IHE HiWOSTE. STEEL BAR CHECK 'ROWER. -i . ' ' '.i i j I f Nashviile . Banner, NA8II VILI.K, TKNN. eeawohtxi's 1HK OU10L.NAL. tBtta liOWUfc. 'Hike; Stra!gtite:tWon, tVKBTWBKRK BEIX&BLK EASIEST HANDLED. Tjik Xasiivii.i.k Wkkki.v one ol' the best lie w.:.p'rs It irives tho iic-.vm Willi tlio :irtia)it.v. Hint dot-s not I iMiin eth-el. Til K 10(215 15('20 10(.?U irc22 I 1015 oOC'tol 17 4 4 50 500 5 50 00(26 50 70(5 7-r 50 85f)5 4.j((i:70 78 11012! 30 25S0 ItANNKK 1H iHiliiishod lllliOHt Im- color It for mr- Jannkii in a bold, i'rnnk. iibleix-ibU'ill online jouniai, .l.i.l. uinl.-avors always, to ail Voeat 111 ri.rl.l utnl iiiiilitnn the wroiiir. Itinth' ..hUitinion of rA'orm ami the nlont (l ,.... I..r of i i- i i -1 1 ;i I . vet Mi-eoriiillU to ,,ii,,.r. tbo lihei-tv ol' views it claiuiH for ;.uli- i'i.k fA'UKKi.v IUvnkii in an eil ........ f, 1 1 1'.ui v - iTil'inin naix r. contai in ' all the iiew! i f the week, with much edTtoiial uti'l tiiiseellaneoiiH reading. It is a i.eriitii!ousl v clean paper which ...... i -i.., ii i,,l rei.dilv to the. home circle. TKI1MS. liui v llvsXKit-l vi a r. .".: ft lnontli s-.ji-r: iioi.itlisl : l.rjii: 1 month ;"0 , 7 ' ,.1,1, 1 M w l ... i.' I'.avm'.il 1 vear. Jl.dO; G iiiontlis, ;"!j cf ins; :S liiontlis, cents. jan.Kl 14 " Otff sratful Clect Bmr maCfi mi 7-m THE i mm El EEL i HARROW riisinftrrv of - Town Pro peri 3r". t f W. I). r,eii irsuant to " u-il Vi V. I). .loil )!l. liable to Impeachment. j promptly Another and 4 Blmllar objection we i rates. ' 1' ft ' - or.l.-r of sale eiitrr,-! at. the I Ketobitr i i ni i-"a ', !":-e in fcio.i.p. alile (;!i:inci i v I 'o'.n t t t; .luin'ii i Ten ii.. iiml revived at the lanir ry spec-uil term, pajjc Vviofsakl court, 1 id on Sut flileh l'tlh lsui sell at niiMle o-itcrr ' th-c- urt Hou-eil. or in the town of ( lnmbla Teim., t ie lot or parcel of bmd mentionc 1 In the .li ndii ic and ilecrils d as folio-: Tho Ir. II. A. iirown lot, I onii'Ied on the Ninth by St.-i -tni-t Kast l y Jim. T. Williamson, South by W F Kmiirv, od W, si. by H w-n! lutlw lol ii.'-v'owne.ll.y II. A. .Mclit-tilore). ' Terms of ml". The slim of 1,1m) cash p:iy uble September ITtli, IWil, bilimee in oi.e, twii.tliiw hi il four u:iM Imni Hint dale. Notes with approved si-cmlty lienrlnr -ten s from day of ie.le will l.e nit'ilrcd if ihe niirchoser nud' II, -n rctsined to aecure r," nent of the PXTaIN. C. Vt.'. 1 fiblS 4t by J. C IiciTtB, l. C, M. jyii v, r- Til! 3?K -ti; V I n anyQtiJtr.S"i0oth4n55rir?Tiadt. SEE THE NY HAMILTON ? DISC. HARROW A1ID CULTIYATOH. ftbl3 lui Columbia, Tenn,