m ' " ' ' ' - " " - 1 "
SEASON 1891,
Developing an trailing of h.rsrs a spetk -
Win 8erve a limited number of mare. Service fee 50.00 season.
for foals of Balmont Wilkes, MM, to be trotted I the fall of M Ent
BAY TOM Jr., 230, Trial 2:20.
Hire of Dunlex 2:Wi; Johnv Wood 2 23; Blllie A., (trotter) 2:24.
"toewftor tneaean. Season clones Juiy 1st
McCOY C.n Trial 2:26 1-2.
uollars on groin? No responsibility for accident, or escapes.
T.lcEwen Stake, $1,000 Guaranteed.
McKwea ktands at I3U0. Money refunded If
Tennessee VilkesStake, $500 Granteei.
I offer a unaranteed stake of 500 for two-year old trotters, foals of 1892, the set of Ten
stud bills. Writ for them to
janl6 7t
First-class Harness ail Mile Horses for Sale anJ Utmt Hie,
JaaSO Am
Chestnut horse, foaled 1879; sired by Brown Trlghain (sire of Tom Hughes :27JO, first
dam, Liaura by Loundes, thoroughbred son of Childe-Harold and H-a Bird. by Pacific; 2nd
dam. Alice by Brown Pilot, sire of Brooks sire of Boneaetter 3:19, who slrea Flash 2:19 and
J tmuone 2:i: tnira aam, ixiuiie neeuey,
BT PTtJT I. a ffntlau .adilla hnme.
He is also a very fast pacer, having paced quarters in 36 seconds a 2:24 gait with six
weeks handling. He will be trained this year and will undoubtedly enter the 3:30 list. A.f
a sire of speed, oonsiderlng bis limited opportunities, be has no equal in the Htate.
Bay Pilot, one of bis first foals, has the destination of holding the fastest stallion record
in a race on a half mile track of any stallion in the State, 2:21. Jeffle Leo, the fast yount
imitln, mull hma nmvuil hprwlftn be one ut the mailt rontlntent nerformers out last year
getting a record of 2:81, and being second In 245. Hue will be in Ed eers hands and go
down the (Irand Circuit this season and will nUt law record; Monogram, who has a two
year old record of 2:4 has shown trials in 22 and would have entered the 2:30 list last sea
son, nal lie not Deen inrown iui oi iraming.
Kml Pilot has nroven that he eets speed at
fIusbiiiiI unl .ailillnra In everv instance. He
uiunni iha luut. turn vttn.ru and hu alwavs n
serve a limited number of mares at my stable
Insurance. uanausfmj
Hv Victor ..1- k 42R sire rf Edgemark
k J
Mark 2:2:, anJ 17 others in the 2: ') llxt. By Hambletonian 10, sire ot Dexter 2:1',, and 4
others,i--:E. Dam: HaUle Wood, dam ot OaTeMe 2:21, by Hmx y Clay t
iir..m. M-rbM iiuni-I.ni'v Patchen b Majil-rino Hov i:2B'i: sire of tbe dam of Ail el 2:''
AllorUn2:13!, Barnhai t 2:Zy , and otuers.
in- .ou Denmark, 4ih dam by ltobert li.uce.
iJiiilted to S: mares. ....
Roan horse 15 S-4 hands high Trial 2:23 (.pacing).
423. OO Til K hEAhOS.
R. Tom Tlal.Hlre of Hal Pointer 2:0!". Ero a
by McMeans Traveler. 2 dam Maiua W-
Jran.lem.lun. 4 dam Patty Puff b - P :
Here Is a chance to bi od to one or I aa b
tbe-te horse; before booking your ma-My
lumbia Stock Parol 2 u lies West of Columbia,
lire Stock Notes. Transfers an4
Mule Qootatioms. Tbeae a ao na
tions are correcwa weekly oy j. w,
Howard A Co. Must be choice and fat
fro in 4 to 7 vaars old. in eood fleah.
14 to Unhands high $ 80 to 105
i to la hands high lu5 to 130
l.nuiliiUhHDdihiiih l:W to 150
15)$ to ltt uands high 156 to 17
Tennessee ia rapidly forcinflr to
the front in tbe trotting horse line
and her breeders have started rij;ht
ia the purchase of the best blood tnat
money can secure.
Toe growing popularity of the
Tennessee oaoer ia Indicated by the
numerous private sales of young stook
from Kweli Varm, such sales being re
ported from there every few weeks,
.innliIU ti P.atarn na.rttASU Mai.
Campbell Brown, the proprietor, has
. . . 1 - J , JM
recently lssuea a uauusowe priutvu
catalogue of the Ewell Farm stock.
His trotting stallions are MoEwen
2:18, Tennessee Wilkes and Nut
hill. His pacing stallion ia the great
lirown Hal, 2:12. The catalogue
embraces about 6G head of trotting
horses and about an equal number of
pacers. Tennessee Wilkes is by the
renowned Geortre Wilkes; Nutntll is
by the great Nutwood : and MeEwen
sis by MoCurdy's Hambletonian.
Browu Hal is by old Tom Hal, out of
tbe dam of Little Brown Jug, 2:11.
Live Stock record.
Jack 2:123 will in most proba
bility be prepared for a mile against
the watch, during the season.
$8,000 has beeu refused for chest
nut filly, out of the famous Tennessee
pacing mare Mattie Hunter 2:12;.
Millard Sanders threatens to de
molish they earling record this season,
with a colt by Sydney 2:19.
Stamboul 2:11 is going East.
Orrln Hickok is to have nim in his
Btring and he is to make tbe circuit
of the big tracks this season.
Although the state of Maine sent
out the fastest trottiong stallion that
has yet appeared, there is not a mile
track in the whole state.
The great brood mare Miss Rus
sell is represented by eighty-five de
scendents in the list of 2:30 perform
ers: of these 85 the peerless Maud
8 2:08 ranks first.
The fastest mile by a trotter last
year was the 2:10g of Sunol; the
fastest naUe running in a race the
1:G9 of lUcine and the fastest mile
trotted in a race against other horses,
the 2:13 of Palo Ait ; all the records
were made at Chicago and all the
horses were bred by Senator Stan
ford. C. W. Williams, of Independence,
Ia., Intends building a new grand
stand with a seating capacity of 10,
000. It will be furnished with chairs
and private boxes. A handsome new
gallery will also be constructed.
Orrln Hickok will handle Stam
boul this season in the free-for all
class stakes, and be expects to work
the great stallion down to 2:09 before
the campaign closes.
A new track, to be known as the
St. Louis Driving Park, will be con
structed at St Louis. Mo. It will be
located at Russell and Missouri
avenues. Ham W. Adler will be
president of the tew association.
Mr. M. M. Gardner, of Nashville,
Tenn., has been compelled to abandon
the breeding of horsea owing to the
pressing demand for hla time in his
business, and he reluctantly agreM
to part with them. There is no
breeder who, in so short a time, had
collects a choicer lot of animals,
both stallions and matrons and bis
foundation stock would certainly
have brought him prominence before
the public in a very short time.
At the meeting of the stock
breedert ot this ooanty last week, at
which a resolution waa pesed asking
the legislature te make the iKndlng
tl sua thrill ft prlTUg and Imposs
lty tieir new luVdapci mile tratk.
2:40, UKAU
Keaaou close July 1st.
mare falls to prove wun ioai.
Privlle. ofxetcrn. Full particular. Ir
Spring Hill. Tenn.
on Sand.
uioruunuunju ware uy Dwciuuiucr, uu v
arnlnr rn.ll th .addle traits with ease and style,
both the trot and Dace, besides getting first
has stood in West Tennessee and made heavy
roved himself to be a sura foal-setter. He w'l
in Columbia at the season or HO by tbc
juua f. mcuaw.jk.
Brown Mark 7546,
Record 2 :25; Trial 2:18 1-2.
950.00 TIIE SASO.
z:io, uinegrass tiammetonian z:i. urown
2nd dan oy Joe Down' 33, 3rd dam by Wash,
Hal 2:12' ;,Litle Erovn Jug 8:11?. 1 st dam
thington oy Amb s dor. a dam Celerity by
- oleU , ...
;t or o; Tom Hal at a nom'nal price. See
bre - dinii and tra'n ng stabl s will be at Co
on Huuip shire .se.
Address B. OZIAS, ColrmbjaTenn,
a tax on the same. Major Campbell
Brown was appointed si a member of
the committee. Major Brown ba
declined to serve upon tbe committee,
oecause ne opposes tne move, belie v
ing it will do no good to the stock in
terests, and serve only as an addition
al and unnecessary tax upon the
farmers. He was not present at the
meeting last week.
Only two Maury County stallions
nave oeen entered in the great Review
Stake offered by the Clark's Horse
Review Co., of Chicago, 111. It i
thought tbe wiuner will realize 20.
OC). The Stake is for the get of stal
lions foaled in 1891, to be trotted in
1894 as three year olds. The actual
breeder or the winner to get f 1030. the
,-l ,., mUn mnA K . .1
y"" iu uwuarui iud Hire
fl.uuu. "Jrown Mark"-and "Bal
mont Wilkes" are the only horses
whose names appear in tbe list from
Columbia. This adds materially to
the value of the st-aons and get of
the horses. Tbe race will be over the
associations track offering the most
flora Temple, 2:19)$, was tbe
nret mare to enter the 2:20 list. Dex
ter, 2:17 1-4, was the first gelding, and
Mambrlno Gift, 2:20 was the first stal
lion to euter it.
Axtell's first product since hi
purchase by a svndicate has been
foaled at Terra Haute. It Is a bav
colt out of Marguerite, full sister to
Graylight, 2:18, by Kentucky Prince.
At Independence. Is... on Febuarv
3, the brood mare Lou, dam of Axteli,
dropped a fine horse colt by William
ij., tuus making mm a lull brother to
the famous Axteli, 2:12, that sold for
$105,000. C. W. Williams owns a
half interest in the youngster.
It is said that there are one hun
dred trotting tracks In France, and
oveioue thousand trotting horses
ready to go.into training at once. But
the American-bred mare Bosque
Bonlta so far out-classes them all that
she can not get a race, and may be
shipped back to this country.
The following advertisement ap
pears in a paper published in New
Mexico: "I have for sale a good horse.
Drives single or double. Is rood un
der saddle. Sound everywhere, and
gentle as a woman (a tame one). She
(the horse) can trot a mile P. D. Q.
I have two (horses) ; one (horse) fills
my ambition. If you want to buy
talk to C. L. Hubbs."
Electioneer at the time of his
death had sixty-two performers to his
credit with records from 2:30 to
2:101-2; fourteen of these, all trotters,
have records better than 2:20. Geo.
Wilkes is the only sire that ever
lived who has more 2:S0 performers
to his credit, and at the time of bis
death he was represented by twelve
only, and but one ot these, So So,
had a record better than 2 :23
k Co's combination sale of trotters
and pacera opened last Monday
at Lexington, Ky. Although the
weather was disagreeable good prices
were obtained. Monday, seventy
head sold for $31,896. Teusday sixty
seven head sold for (66,750. Follow
ing are some of the largest sales;
Sternberg, $11,200; Egallte, $3000;
Yazoo, $2,503; Bell Medium, $3,525;
Clara C, $4,050; Bohemia, $2,800:
Emperor.Wilkes. $3000; two-y ar-old
bay colt by Mambrino Russell for $2,
500 and a two-year-old bay filly by
Mambrlno Russell for $2,200.
Montana's contribution to turf
men the coming season in the shape
of $110,000 to re trotted and raced for
peaks well for tbe turf's boom in tbe
far Northwest.
Syndicate of Nashville capitalists,
with a large cash capital. 'has been
formed for the purpose of buying tbe
famous Belmont Nursery Stud, in-
(CoftH l4f te Mtwuf pag:)
:Jt k iO- r-'tf-- -C-X'-' ' iT.
BROWN MARK, tbe subject of this sketon ia horse of rare individuality and royal breeding. His sire Victor Bit mark, is considering his oportumtio
one of the most prepotent sons of the "old Hero of Chester" Hambletonian 10, tbe greatest progenitor of trotters the world has ever seen. Bism ark's career
in the stnd has been verv limited. All tbe mares bred to him were without reputation as matrons; then anumber of bis best get were destroyed in tbe fire at
the Cedars; but tbe breeding and transmitting power was In him and within four years 20 performers with records from 2:13 to 2:30 have been placed to bis
credit. He ia a aire of game resolute raoe-horaaa; soundness, high form and good colors are marked characteristics of all his get, Another great feature of
Bismark is that he gels colt trotters. Edgemark m-as the most suecefnl two and three veer old race horse in Kentucky. Von W ikes 2:38J as a yearling and
nnimr as a twn-vear-old were treat vounfrsters. Brown Mark's dam also nas every reason to perpetuate that strong instinot to trot fast and
-i.. iM MomKntnn Rw 9t-fii
tha irmat. hnuuiinff nutowni of the familv bv Drodueina aome
tiiKiinn..niiinrniiM h Mamhrino
..o nH,. aahinnahiA. Toaatndent of nediirree the breedina of Brown Mark will be appreciated st once: hence
. . 1 t 1 l . - 1H .ma .Kan DMwn Kf .rk t h. I. a knraA nf omuvI finl.h 1 IA hanrla tiicyb a KAanf in I minal-incrfiTi v Krrtw: n
lor 1 n no ri can co to uruuiiun oiuu rani wi iinm ai m va j .. - , Mw. cV - -"", U...T . ..... ... .. - - -
color very atrong and musoular, with the beat of legs and feet; his reeord 2:25, 4tbtheat in a race, was obtained with very limited training. In his five-year-old
form 'after making a short season he waa broken and worked, and with five weeks handling be trotted bis third mile in 2:33 over a poor half-mile track) the
next season he was trained and obtained his present record at Montgomery, Ala winning the 2nd.3rd and 4th heats 2p, 2Tand 2:25. In all bis races Brown
.n,. . .-i flhtir tn thA finish; no race ia tooilonsr for him. andlwitb training be will get a mark below 250 (baring accidents! He is a sure
.. kik r.n. ni
-ho haa Brown Mark, also offers Price Hal. one of the best bred sons of tbe great and only Tom Hal, for public service.
M?. Ozias" training stable -t the Columbia stpcfc ftnp, For further parUculftW terme etc,, aee his ad elsewhere in this
Tbe only mile kite shaped track in the South is at this stable.
Culled by Our Correspondents
father's Creek.
We are having some very disagree
able weather at present, tieaitu is
verv bad in this vicinity. Some of the
tanners have commenced ploughing
preparatory for another crop, while
others are repairing fences.
lirotner p. j. ooweii win preauu i
the Christian Church next Sunday, at
Robiiiaon'Whiteside, of Snow Creek,
entered school at this place last Mon-
Prof. McConico was compelled to
close his school last week on account of
la grippe.
Mr. Jan. Binirham is sick.
Miss Parrie Beard will start to Texas
tbe tiftu of this month.
Mr. Alonzo Worley got in quicksand
n his way from church last Sunday
W. A. Kittrell has gone to Kentucky.
Mrs. Josie Kennedy has returned
from a visit to Columbia, where she has
been visitinir the family ot W. A. How
The crowd was small at prayer-meet-inir
laat Wndnnsdav nizht.
Miss Mamie Baker haa eone .to Gor
don's Ferry, where she will teach
Mrs. Ross Jones is sick with la grippe.
John H. Cathey, we are glad to eay,
is convalescent. Mabvbl.
The people at the World's Dispensary
of Bunalo, N. Y., have a stock-taking
time once a year ana wnat ao you miu
thev do? Count the number of bottles
thai, have been returned by the men and
women who say that Xr. jierceFa uoi
dn Medinal Discovery of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription didn't do what
tbey said it wouid do.
And how many do you think they
have to count. One in ten? Not one in
Ave hundred!
Here are two remedies one the "Gol
den Medical Discovery," for regulating
and invigorating tbe hver.puri tying the
blood; the other, tbe hope of weakly
womanhood: they've been sold for
years, sold by the million bottles; sold
under positive guaran'ee, and not one
in five hundred can sav: "It waa not
the medicine for me! ' And is there
any reason why you should be the one?
And supposing you are, what do you
lose? A oaolutely nothing!
Ilarrieane Switch.
Hy. Mr. Gray filled his appointment
here Sunday and delivered an excellent
aermon; there was a gooa crowu uui,
notwithstanding tbe bad muaay roaas.
Mr. and Mrs. i. x. narris visiveu par
ents in Msr8hal)county Saturday and
Sunday. ,
Mrs. Harris opened up her music
class last Monday ; she has a large claax
and we wish her much suooeaa.
Mr. Davy Trousdale was away from
school laat week on account of sickness.
Henrv Gillespie of Marshall county,
has entered 801001 at this place.
Maaara. M. J. Connitt and Ed Clark
were visiting in our midst recently.
Miases Etta Smith and Minnie Den
ton attended aervicea here Sunday.
Mr. Ed Morgan of McCain's neigh
borhood waa calling in our little villagi
Sunday evening.
Mr. j.F. Scott 01 uuiieoKa atteaueu
service bere Sunday.
Miss Maud Tucker spent vriaay
night with Mrs. B. S, Thomas.
Mr. Doss Hancock is on the sick list
this week.
Miss Lelia Douglass spent Saturday
night with her friend Miss Mittie Vosa.
Miss Susie Majors nas returned 10 ner
home in Bell Buckle.
Miss Mollie Vosa spent laat wee
with her sister, Mrs. J.D. Campbell.
Mr. Thomas uougiass was out at
home laat week. -
Mr. Newt Jones left weanesaay ior
Memphis to go into business, but we
a ere surprised Sunday, for the first
person we saw when we got to preach
ing was niewi. nji ugumiM
Nashville. Think there must be some
attraction bere for Newt, as this is
about the third time for him, but he
does not tarry long. We - cant blamo
vou Newt, lcr there is no piace line
aome. Lkna.
It ia too much to have to scratch for a
living and for relief also. Hunt's Cure
will uot help you in tne ioriuer vase,
but will sure cure the Itch or it costs
you nothing, for sale by all druggists.
Sawdust Valley.
P.1.1 row. Herald:-It is with feelings
of sadness that we chronicle the death
of Mr. Albert Goff, who died at the
Washington ilotei" in vicksdutk,
Miss., Feo. lst,18l. or conjestion. tie
hurt laft hnini) and irone there on busi
ness, waa taken sicK, and died very aud-
denly. awy from home and relatives.
He was a urotner 01 mi a. v. "mioi ,
of this place, and a young man or ater
ling worth, whom many of the readers
ot tne Hkkald will remember, as he
occasionally viaited his sister of this
place, and made for himself many
friends, we exteua to iu mnw iwi
and brother our sympathies in this sad
hr.nr ami would niiukile our tears with
theirs. . . , . ,
Ou Thursday the 5th, death laid his
icy hand on the frail form of Mrs. J.
Tip Moore and took her lrom a devo
ted husband and several bright little
children, and leaves them to mourn
their loss. Itaeems so sad for a kind
mother to be taken from her darling
little ones, just at the tune when they
need her care and counsel apparently
the worst. The bereaved father, and
hia motherless little ones, have the
prayers and sympathies of the entire
community. The remains were buried
at Mt. Nebo Cemetery. Funeral, by
Kev. K. G. .Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Sullivan, of South
Columbia, were the gueata of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Chamberlain, last Tuesday
night. .
Mr. W. K. Johnson has returned
from the South, where be haa been for
some time, selling mules.
Kev.G. W. Russell and vyfe are visi
ting friends and relatives at Water
Valley. . , .
Quite a number of cattle and hogs
were weighed at this place laat Monday.
Mr. George Delk being the Purchaser.
Wf notioe an article in last weeks
u not onlw a trotter himself but a sire
Bov. . Allevton 2:13i at four-veaFa-old.
mi mul vAnnmteri! hii oolti tra vet too
I Democrat, from the gapbic pen of Miss
I "Maddie Hi vers." which does Messrs
' KiniAr and T.inn'a ma trie lantern
show, as injustice. We have attended
circuses, fairs, operas, etc., and will say
that these gentlemen have as good an
entertainment, according to magnitude,
as any. and that it ia etiictly moral.
Miss Isora Richards! has returned
from Columbia, where she has been
visiting for a week.
Mrs. C. P. Mavberrv visited friends
at Foster's Chapel and Friersou last
Mr. W. G. Mavbeary, Miss Dora Bell
McBride and Mrs. V. T. Estes, spent
last Saturday night and uunaav 111
South Columbia, visiting the family of
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McKennon.
Summer cometb on apace, and soon
will the granger be engaged in his an
nual struggle with chills and fever.
Take time bv the forelock and lay in
supply of Cheatham's Tasteless Chill
Tonic that your days in tbe land ma
be many, t or sale by all druggists.
fei9-lm. - -
Spring Rill.
Rev. Robert J. Craig was called to
Duplex last week to perform the mar
riage ceremony of Mr. Fount McCord
and Miss Eloise Crutchen, both of
On next Wednesday Feb. 18th at tbe
home of Mrs. Robert W. McLemore
near this place. Mr. Smith of Pulaak
and Mrs. Addie G. Akin will be united
in marriage by Rev. R. J. Craig of the
M. E. Church.
Services were held on Sunday at the
Episcopal Church by Rev. Charles
Gray, the Presbyterian by Kev. C. E.
Sullivan and the Methodist by Rev
Mr. Craig.
Song service waa to have been held
in the M. E. Church on Sunday night
but owing to the disagreeable weather
it was postponed.
Miss Ethel Purvis visited Miss 'Char
lotte Whittborne of Columbia last week
- Miss Estabrooke of Beechcroft waa
thrown from a horse while out riding
and was seriously hurt, but at this time
nas aoout recovered irom tne injuries
Mr. T. S. Colley aud family moved
from this place to Franklin on lust
week, whei e they expect to make their
home in tbe future.
Mr. T. O. Cowsert and wife will move
t) Nashville; Wednesday to reside.
Mr. Tom Leneave haa gone to Ken
tucky to remain about ten days or two
Mrs. li. W. MCLiemore Jr. bas re
turned from Nebletts Landing Miss.,
arter spending several months there.
Her son ?Mr. Robert MoLeinore re
turned wit a her.
Dr. C. C. Chrisholn and daughter,
alias Miuan went to coiumoia tne nrai
of this week to Bee Dr. Chrisholn's
daughter, Mrs. Howell. 1
The entertainment which tbe young
ladies of Beechcroft purposed having
for the benefit of assisting in buying a
new organ for tbe Episcopal churchnas
peen postponeu. -
Mrs. T. . Dixon has been quite ill
since her return from Florida, but we
are glad to state at this writing she is
Mrs. m. J. caperton received news
ast week from her son Mr. T. W. Cap
irton of Miss., that he waa dangerously
11 with pneumonia, but a recent tele
gram states that he is improving, but
verv slowly.
Mr. B. C. Wells has been indisposed
ior tne past wees or more Dut ia now
able to go around.
A few very pointed reasons why
Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic will
be a great success. - It la absolutely free
from all deleterious ingredient; . a
pleaaant to tbe taste as honey; an abso
lute ana never-iaiiing cure ior ail ma
larious complaints. Guaranteed to
cure. What more could yon ask? For
sale by all druggists. febtf-lm.
Shadf Grere.
Editor Herald: Esq. W. B. Erwin
we regret to sav is no better. No hopes
are entertaineu of bis recovery. He re
ceives tbe closest attention of the family
ana nis many irienas.
The youngest child of Mr. James
Winters, late of Texas, died last week.
It was burie i in the church cemetery
Services by Bro. J. G. Blackwood.
Mr. J. B. Cathev has moved his family
into the village, and now occupies the
waiter" nouse on r rom at.
Mrs. A. G. Johnson and children
Enone and Stanley of Jones Valley,
soent a few days last week visiting Mrs
On last Wednesday Mr. F. C. Sowell
and family; Robert and Miss Jessie
Bibb, Mrs. Dr. Harrington. Archie Bi
ker and Elder T. A. Smith, enjoyed a
dining at the residence pf Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Baker.
Miss Eva Harbison "a maiden fair to
s'e," of Water Valley, visited relatives
here last week.
Elder J. M. Morton delivered his fare
well sermon to bis brethren and Irien a
here last Sunday. He expects to leavt.
with bis family next week for Texas.
Elder T. A. Smith of Kentucky is now
in tins section representing tne uospei
Advocate Publishing Co. and aiso
oreaching. He has number of relatives
in this vicinity. He will preach a few
days here and at Bethel.
' Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sowell of Colum
bia were here last week with the family
of Mrs. Dr. Harrington. Bro. Sowell
preached several discourses at Dunlaps,
and once at Letberwood.
Our school haa suspended until the
epidemic haa lost ita "grippe" on the
One of onr bachelors was heard to re
mark the other day in a rather despond
ing tone that "la grippe" and old wido
wers were about to take the country.
There is some difleieroe in the two
however. The latter manifest a slight
preference, but the former is "no re
specter of person" but in each house
thev that have done good aud they that
have done evil are alike rewardea. We
think the disease will soon take its de
parture far want of material.
Rom OLA.
BOYS etay on the farm who are
brought up under tbe influence of The
Rural New Yorker. Send a postal
card. Timea Building, New York.
""And ao you are married to Joe Wa
ters, are youT Do tall me, who waa the
best man at the wedding?" . ,
"My husband." aie.
- , . i
' . ;- t "
of trotters as shown hv the records: and
of the fastest oolt trotters of any age. Axtel 2:12 at tbree-years-old, that sold for
an equally hiah priced colt, was out of a
TOUDi to train bnt all ihow flue aetion and
Elggut' Surreys, Pktons, Buggies, Read-wagons
Fine Track d hi
feb 18 8m
Whither are going with hurrying
Forms that are passing to uigui ou
Faces ail sunny and faces all sad,
Hearts that are weary anu uearis
are Klad.
Evea that are heavy with sorrow
strife, . .
Eyes that are gleaming with beauty
aud life,
Pictures of pleasure and crosses of care.
Ooing, all going, Ood ouly Knows
where 1 .
Sands that have earnestly striven for
bread, ...
Hands that are soiled with dishonor, in-
- stead;
Hearts that are turned to a purpose
an hi i me.
Hearta all discorded and Jangled with
nrimo: . .
Souls that are pure and as white as tb
Souls that are black as the midnight of
Gay In their gladness, or druuk in de-
Ooing, all going,
God only know-
Some to the feast where the richest
And the rarest of jewels will sparkle
and shine.
Some in their hunger will wauder, and
Will sleep hor awaken when morning
shall come:
The robed and the ragged, the foe and
-the friend,
All of them hurrying on to the end.
Nearing the grave with a curse or a
prayer, .
Going, all going, Ood only
- Chicago Ewning Post.
Entitled to the Best.
All are entitled to the lest that their
noney will buy, so every family should
have, at once, a bottle of the bestfainin
remedy. Syrup of Figs, to cleanse th
system when ccstive or bilious. -For
Male in 50 cents and l bottles by all
laeding drnftxiats.
Letter Lists.
List of letters remaining
in the office
for the week ending Feb. 13th, 1891
nderson, W A
Appling, O
Heider, F
Hunter, A
Horton, J H
Higon, It
Irwin, S A
Johnson, E
Juda, C
Jones, J
Jones, A N
Jones, E
Kyle, A
McClun, It
Millon, W H
McPlot, H
Parliaui, C
Patterson, E
Phillips, W
Pater, It
Queen, A
8 butts, J G
Stockard, N
Stockard, W
Sowell, A E
Siprit. B
Tranthain, J
Wingfleld, W
Webster, E
Wharton, S D
Wafer, D C
Walker, A
Hulton, TO
A.exanuer, 11
Armstrong, C
Aooit. J
Alderson, J R
Alderson, A
Beach, C
Hooker, T'
Baird, M L
Hates, li
Bean, W
Brown It
Browning, F
Brown, L
Bostic, L
t'ollius, C
Collins, DT
Cooper, W
Canphili, D
Carolheu, M
Delola, D
Duw, T
Duke, W
Estes, J
Kherhort, Wm. W
Foster, T
Franks, J
Fleming, J
Furgerson, O
Frierson, W J
Greenfield, G
Gananey, G
iartlaa calling for the above
will please say advertised
v J. T. Williamson, P. M.
We predict for Cheatham's Tasteless
Chill Vonio an unprecedented success.
Tbe well knowu reputation of its manu
facturers is, of itsa.f, an ample guar
antee of its superior merits. For sale
by ail druggists. feb-lm,
daughters nf Mambrlno Boy have
mare by the same sire. Hence Mambrino
it will be seen that no horse baa a bet-
will make trotters. Mr. B. 8. Ozias
These horses will make the season at
WggfgStomhl Tenn.
on Wheels."
Harness, Whips, Lap hh
Columbia. Tenn.
Poet Did you read f he two poems I
le t here last week 7
Krlitor I dill.
" Well, erwha erio you tbink of
"Thelirst one was dreadtnl simple
and the otherone was simply dreadiui
Texas Hifiings.
Beware of Oitments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering 11
through tbe muoous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they win do is ten
fold to the eood vou can possibly de
rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co,
Toledo. O.. contains no mercury, and i
taken internally, and acts directly
iiDoa the blood and mucous surfaces 01
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get tbe genuine. It if
taken internally and made in Toledo,
Ohio, bv F. J. Cheney A Co. Mf-Sold
bv druggists, price 7o cents por bottle.
' Buy a mouse trap."
"Don't nee 1 it."
Mean to say you're without mice at
"Amounts to same thing. Every time
one outs in an HiiocaraiicK the way my
wifn aoroama frisrhtena it to deatl ."
Philadelphia Time.
Nei re.
There is no lunar lil.e It. ?t is tbe
founds' ion o.' all etiio.i. T. e man o
Nerve i. a sun'ess: ttie niru w-iliout
In failu.e. Mrny men a 'o wouieu
sie ove
vo l:'ci, sjj
e ii'0
'i'iie e
1 ue
3. !ir fo
some, i
vioi- an-.:
di'i'e 1 1
siifd if v
Teat.u -v
o '.ie w
a .103
.1 1 - a u a
o.'e iie-
. 1 a('-' ;'
Or. Hale's
K'lfja .--;..
1-. -oi : r id
je if-
...io'j uvL
ive3 iiaiu'-e
is 0 1 be
is Voe
ipio a ii -.
tj 'est je.1:
v 1.UOWH. Dr.
i'e.i, the great
u". ier anu
jse-. ve Ionic is
sold a'v t p od o0
Sou D-uStoie.
oct2i-ly. :
ceo 4 at Bains &
Nervous debility, poor memory, dif -
dence, sexual weakness, pimples, curet.
by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at
drug stores.
! ,'at-i Praeles..
M-. Davkl Nocton, of St. Paul,
Minn., fr.iai'es i'ot Ins son was entire
ly M'-ud ao1 bad been kepi, iu a dark
roooi au euiiie.veri' and treated, by
the best piiy H-iaos t". !)eciiy to" no
purxse, sou all iiid 'ven turn up,
saying he woe'd neve- be aoy better,
when they beso us-Iog wbat has
proven to be .lie lloest emedy Iu the
world for the core oi" luflainmation,
namely Dr. Ha'e's Household Oint
ment. It was enp"ed directly to the
boy's eyes, which soon began to im
prove, and to-day ids sight is entirely
restored and he is enjoying perfect
health, owing to tbe use of the most
wonderful remedy in the world Dr.
Hale's Household Ointment. Sold
by Rains k Son, Druggists.
oct24-ly. (2)
Green How was it tbe fox bunt turn
ed out a failure?
White--Tbe fox struck; said he
would'nt run with non-union dogs.
From Munsey'a Weekly.
Mr. Ilaynes Mrs. Hautton, do yon
know your neighbors, the Joneses f
Mrs. Hautton No.
Mr. Haj nes Why, tbey told me tbey
knew you. . . ,.
Mrt. Hauiton So they do, I believe.
- fYem Jdg
-A. Pi'oposed IV3xvr Cliartei for ttx
.h ir uuiti P, uliaii take an oath to
tiug oue ..1 tiifir uumbar Presideut,
aiso ot? c.erK or Secretary 01 tlie Hoard of
three tii uaud dollars, witli two or more good securieties; the Treasurer,
fo f;,0j'J, wi:u like securieties, payable 10 State of Teuuessee, for the
I'oniiiiliia . 1 . 1 ... . t .... .. m . a .1 t .1 .
Columbia, conditioned mat they will faithfully and diligently discharge all of the duties of their respective
om.tes, and pay over all money aud other property which may come to their hands, according to ihe provisions
ci iniacnarter aud t-u.;ti ordinances as tiie Mayor and Aldeuieu may, from time to time, enact pertainlog to
their olllces; such bouds shall be spread ou the miuutes of the Mayor aud Aldermen, as well as the election of
the Board of supervisors, aud tha original of said boads riled with the city Board, aud said bonds shall be re
newed -..nual y upon settlement of the account of the Board of Supervisors; a failure 10 do which vacates the
oltljes concurrent jurisdictiou with Justices of the Peace, is hereby conferred ou sucii I --I .ent in all violations
Skc 10. lte ?-t further enacted.
be pi e
ful ori.
or coii.
then 01.
sbail b
u over
o.v iiic i it-.-iueul
nee !
talU c.i . .11 1 1 .1 .
l tue Lii.-i fcj i rvit-n s .- ,
untied t .4 iir "I i !' 1. .
lor like .-r vices, w liu-h a.. all be
okc. a. ie ir jartner enactea, 1 nt the i rurei hball coiltct uno leceive all of the taxes and money of
said cii.v as?eed upon property, huoject to -e paiu out on. on ihe warrant if the Secretary and Financial
Ag-nt,4-ountersiguet by Hie Mayor wneu tbe wame has ben din t ied or appropriated by the Board of Mayor
ud Alut-riiieii, and upon I lie aruouui so received by him he shall receive two tier cent couiniitBiou in addition lo
me taiai-y Hereinafter provided. I
rt.iiula'ed by oidiuance or the .Mayor
wnat source, aud the di.suurseiiieuts, and ma'
city's liiiaucial conduiou, uud accoiijpaiiy eac
He bliai. collect no privilege tax, iiijikh I be pi
Secretaiy and Financial Agent, who is ht-ret
cen be . 1 1 be countersigned by the Mayor.
Sec. IS. Re it further enacted. '1 hat the r
tiou a aiay be provided for by ordinance. 1
...1 . ..1" s -
uu nu imuiriu laAn giun ma uui mereoi uuu pay me tame into nie ciiy treasury for which he shall collect one
dollar aud fifty cents, one dollar of which shall go to the Secretary for issuiug, aud fifty cents to the Mayor ftr
-couutersiguiug such license. He shall keep the minute of the Board of Mayor aud Aldermen, and shall make
monthly reports of all receivable and payable warrant:-, -howing from what source received, aud ou what ac
count disburned, duplicates of all of which warrants k.. 1. srktd and numbered shall be kept lu a well-bouud
book, and not detached ; aud n- sum whatever shall be pid out of the city treasury, either for salaries or other
wise, until the same has beeu audited aud appropriated by the Board of Mayor aud Aldermen by entries on the
minutes iu regular meeting, and payable warrants it-sued therefor by the Secretary aud Financial Agent to be
countersigned by the .Mayor. A violation of this section is hereby declared a misdemeanor, subjecting the of
fender to a fine of not more thau fifty dollar and impeachment.
Seo. li. Be it further enacted, That the Treasurer is hereby vested with the powers conferred by law on the
collectors of state aud county taxes, and lands shall be coudemued aud sold for falluie to pay taxes iu accord
ance with the laws of the State, for Slate and couuty purposes, an t the Bo.ird of Mayor and Aldermau may by
ordinance prescribe the mode aud manner of collecting delinquent of back taxes.
Sec. "Jil. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Supervii-ors shall annually, at Ihe beginning of each fiscal
yearamake estimates of the amount of taxes and moneys to be received into the city treasury for city purposes
forthe enduing year and on uo account shall expenditures exceed the amount to be received according to said
estimate. Said Supervisors shitll also erform all such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance.
Sec. 21. lie it further enacted, That the Supervisors shall appoint all necessary polieetneu, who aball be ap
pointed during good behavior, and aoy officer removed from office under this act shall be ineligible to hold any
office uuder the city government for the ieriod of one year thereafter, and shall appoint such other officers and
agents as may be necessary to execute the laws, and to direct and to carry out the intent of this Act; aud shall
have paved and keep in repair the streets, sidewalks, alleys, culverts, and bridges, and to supervise and manage
the city afl'airs generally, subject, however, to such ordinances and regulations that the Board of Aldermen
may enact, which may inure to the health, good order and government ani general welfare of tbe town and ita
inhabitants; and the cost of each department of tbe city government shall be kept separate, and every payable
warrant shall recite the claim on which it was paid. .
Skc. 22. Be it further enaeted, That the Mayor shall have no power or authority whatever to remit in whole
or in part, or suspend, or in any manner interfere with the enforcement ef any flue and peualty imposed by the
City Court on any offender ; provided, however, he may, upon petition of the entire Board of Supervisors, en
dorsed aud approved by a majority of the Aldermen, remit, suspend, or pardon such offender, upon paying or
securing the city from cost. A violation of this section is hereby declared a misdemeanor, subjecting the oifen
der to a fine of fifty dollars on couviction before the City Court, and impeachnieut.
Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That the President of the Board of Supervisors aball be paid a aalary of $500 :
the Treasurer a salary of $400; and tbe Secretary a salary of 800 per aunum aud tbe perquisites ot their resist
ive offices for their services, aud no more on any account or preteuse whatever, and a violation ot this section
Is hereby declared unlawful, aud the offender, upon conviction, shall be liable to dismissal from offloe.and shall
be liable on his bond for any mch excess and interest ao taken dir. ctly or indirectly.
Sec. 24. Be it further enaeted, That the regularly appointed police are emimwered to execute State war
rants and other processes which constables general 1 bae the power to execute, aud excute all process
issued by the C'itv Court or ou behalf of tbe city, foe which coat may be taxed, aa in ease ot countable under tbe
general law; And such olicen.en shall receive no aalary or compensation whatever out of the city treasury
other than such as may be fixed by the Board of Supervisors and approved by tbe Board of Alderineu ; and such
salaries shall be paid only by payable warrants ordered by the Idermen; and likewise aa to the employment
and com pen fat ion of the street overseers, and other officer and agents. - ;. ...'
Sec. ys. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws heretofore enacUd incorporating tbe city of
Columbia and amendatory thereto, aud which are in conflict with tbe provisions of this act, are hereby re
pealed. Provided, that the present Board of Mayor aud Aldermen of said city aball continue in office, and ex
ercise and perform-all the duties thereof uutil their successors are elected and qualified under the first general
election proided for iu Section 10 of this Act. And Provide J further, That alt ordinances and resolutions here
tofore euacted by the Mayor aud Aldermen of said city, uot in conflict with this charter, and uot reiealed or
rescinded by them, shall be and remain iu full force and eft'ect until altered, modified or repealed uuder ibis Act.
Sec. 26. Be it further enacted. That this Act Is declared to be a public law, aud may be read in evideuce la
all courts of law aud equity without special proof or pleading; and all ordinances, resolutions and proceedings
of the city may be proven by the seal of the corporation, attested by the Secretary, and when printed aud
published by authority of the city Ihe same hall be received in all courts and places without, further proof.
Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after tta passage, the publlo welfare
requiring it.
CASH CAPITAL, $100,000.
Accounts of Merchants, Individuals, Officers and others respectfully So.lojted.
F. J. EWISO, President.
A. D. FK1KKSON, Vice-President,
rualti 1 y
Chleaeer KaaUah Dlaaiaaa BraaA.
W -(57k. Orlfflaal m4 Only aalM
V Birr alsan roliahl snira sss
wumd Brand in K4 mn4 OUd met&lW
Urvgrl-t for Chichtmt Knelts Via-.
rsoxoa, swaiad with bine ribbon. Take
(wiu amd imitations. At Droggiata, or awnd 4a
la stmnip for pvtteubara, tea Umon tale and
MalL lO.OOO TeUmtiiaJs3. ipr.
ehcr Jfc4Bmlal laLd!aB Maura.
P. H. Sontball, Jr. J. A. Smlser.
Prompt attention given lo a'l business.
Attorneys ior the couDt v. Offlce No. 80 West
7th street, Whitthorne Block. mar29 ly
and other
ties for Gentlemen.
Ladies, eta, are war-
ranted, and so stamped on bottom. Addreaa
W. DUtULAs, llrocktaa, Hun. Sold by
janl 6m Aeent.
-Pine rurniture.-
Wholesale and retail dealer In
C . .-ii Woven Wire and Steel W ire
AV- oils of CHAIH8, KOCKKKS, anaevrf
rytb'-iii pertaining to the Furniture T aUe.
j ' o- ue win o i" i'" -
K o., A. J. WAULED.
2 leaves at
4 lea vet; -
8 (Accommodation) leaves..
O Jo leaves
8 (fast line) leaves
..6.50 p. m.
..4-.M a. to.
..6:28 a. m.
..4:M p.m.
. .9:10 A. SI.
. lU:ut p. m.
. .5:45 p.m.
1 UO leaves
7 (Puliiskl Acc-ommodation
ves 10:25 a. ir
OZl rK"S" ,.iK1 a,l Tron HltT
So 25 Mil. Acc..-.-' -
.. leaves
The above trains carrie passengers.
iOBTH- , ,
a V 411 anil frtln vwilalaa
No. 26 mix. acc. oei-'" a in a m
leaves j nuw" V.an m
... ..L..n,.rlvHbeffled 1:45 F. K.
arrives at Columbia....
So. 1 leaves Columbia.
NO. 8 leave. Columbia .y.
Vo. 1 arrives at Columbia
.9:80 a. m.
.6:10 p. m.
.4:80 p. m.
:w a. in
Oraat Southern Bal toad.
a?tmm i?i
Cont:nned from the frt page.
; 1
faithfully perform their duties.
The said
er Treasurer, and the other Secretary and Financial Agent,, who shall
Mayor aud Aldermen. The Presldeut shall give a bond in the sum ot
Ti at a Coin t is hereby eta 1 1- in d 10 ' -
t- ton 1 i 1
J.. - . ,
t -u -.. .
car.. . a . ,
- ae Hi
i 1. 8 . .. tli. i" 1-1 ..
bill 01 fort ativt llllf .
up t nil li.t
oe lorni, ni' le of issuauce, aud preservation of all such warrants shall be
aud Aul
ieu. 1 he 1 reafurer fcliall keep a book sliowiog receipts, from
-ao uiily reports to the .Mayor aud Alderuieu of the slate of the
prl wun ail w .rraute paid iu the meantime, duly stamped,
rlitili i,e .a .i 10 iiiiu ou a payable warrant, to be issued by the
' ue tin.. v eic u iPBi -all license for privilegis, which il-
tary mi ii 1
1 cial Aueut
- 1 HI 1 ll-f-U'
a. u' n- r 1-
1 1 . . . -
J. T. CKAIK. Dr. J. 11. WILKES.
Nos. 218 and 220 N. College Street, Nashville, Tenn.
Stoves, Tinware, Dl:::v;arc, mmm Lamps,
And Lamp Trinsing., Water-coolsrs r.l filters, h Cream freezers,
Tin roofing, guttering, Galvanized
tne cnarter Oak Btoves and Ranaea.
Fumituro, Carpets, Laco Curtains, Shades, Etc.
No charge for packing or drayage.
416 ana 418. Union Street,
orrt31 4m
OdaUa PlaniHjj Mill ani Pnilire . Facicrj . , EslaiMei 1857.
(Suoersaor to
Sash, Doors, Blinds, and Moulding. Orders from Dealers solicited, promptly atteided
Turning and Scroll Hawing of very Variety. Htalr Hailing. Ballolr: N.wi-ll pn
Doois, Blinds, Kte., wtaleb I
w jm mwuw m m w. wi
sell on ttas
Janl) lj
(Suoeassors to K. L Bmslit),
General r: Insurance :: Agents,
And Notaries Public, 1
Whitthornb Block, : : s : Columbia, Tewbt.
AcknowledgemenU of deeds, eto.i taken in city or country. We keep a Probate
"ook- . aell m.
BRYANT& STRATTON Busiiinss College
WrlU Tor Catalog tt full txfurwHmUni..
Ju' J5
love 1 nunoc
m a-
And are careful with them, yet they will get sick, and THEN
is the time we wish to help you with
is ill
Cure your horse of his Lameness, Cuts, Bruises, Sweeny or Stiff j
Joints with the LINIMENT, and then KEEP him in condition
I with the POWDERS. Write to us for Stock Journal.
Corner Chorcn and Bummer Streets, Lewis Block, Booms t, 10 and IX. Second floor.
Main approach on Bummer o tract.
vupirinitlfl TUP fit nrfT The Best. Tna most praeueai ana tnorougniy
THE LEADinUj THE OLOESTl ssumaue training soLool la the land.
inXvidoW-u-? enter at
wben ooiupUnt. Terms reasonable, mm
executed. BaUsfaotloa gaaranieea.
City of Columbitl,
Roard uhall Hi on nro-atilzA hv Alan.
a 00:1a of lai.uuo, and Mecretary a bond
leilHHOf lliu At .nH A Irliipman rf
1. 1: 1
m hich shall
r bt y law
. 1 fame,
r bOiM'Ul,
i.rn 1 u uses,
flitllltrd lo
J U-i '' i
of the 1't-ac
bhall assess all proterty for taxa
iirivlluu urn! oniivnt uli tlia rirlvilira
rr-:r . t-..---o-
SURPLUS, $15,000.
J. J. KliAM.
W. K. WEllU.
C. 13. EAHLEY, AsDislaut Caahier.
Iron Cornice Wo
ka specialty. Aorenta for
Also Agents for tiie Van's Wrouabt Utee.
april4 ly.
Will aave yon from 15 to n per cen.'.-
Lamb A Hmlthi.
AS? "O" ES
umiiui ana ureaseo
most adyaatagsous tartn. . '
' .. w. ii. wiISJST-
( a rsnnn
a si n
Condition Powders.!
THE 1800
any time. Good pc.UUons seenrd tot all,.
tow cauuogaa. ii.wnm wi"yw'
Proprietor tlid IVliiclpal.