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115.00 for S1.00. 810.00 ir U. Subscribe for The Herald. BIA Try our . BondScheme COI.IJMBIA, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1891. NO. 5 7QL. XXXVI. I COI 3 ft Hi ti 8; 5 ml II if ALL EXAMINE And Prices. Beds, . . $ 1 35 and up. Bed-room Suits, 10 00 and up. Bureaus, . . 6 00 and up. Tables, . . 1 00 and up. Tin Safes, . . 1 95 and up. Chairs, . . 40 and up. Rockers, . . 100 and up. Plain solid facts like these prices speak IOr MieniSeiYUS. UVUipumg mmiivvu plain figuers and at bottom prices. Give us. a chance to save you something when you need anything in our line. Columbia Fumitoe Compaay, South-east Corner Square, next to Embry & Anderson's, Columbia, Tenn. 1891. LOW PRICES. '91. THE Oliver Lsdsilie Frocsssicni Farmers and plowmen know that the Oliver Chilled Plows Is the bent plow on earth. Price's re- A to : : U B to : : 6 10 to : ; 7 13 to : : 8 19 to : : 8 20 to : : 9 40 to : : 9 00 - oo. 9 00 9 50 DOBBINS & EWING, Sole Ageutc. Beware of imitations. See that the name "Oliver" is on all extras and -wearing parts. Wc now have the linwall 1 We keep constantly on hand a full stock of these planters and guarantee them to work well and are substantially made. We have just received a car load of the world renowned Scantier Wagon, Fully warranted. We carrv a full stock of -trace chains, back-bands, hames, large lirib of Avery Steel Plows and repairs. TclCphCriO ?3. DODDINO & EY7INC. OUR GOODS Wy m fri f KM P 81 WiTitfi'a 1S.:t-.(C.,,i. r .,v? ma i Agency for the bark collars, etc. A s&K A W 7.1 t 'MS s mm I " CM m PotatflPlaater COUNTY CULLINGS, Culled by OurCorrespondents - Andrews. Bringing back a genuine case of "la grippe" Irom our recent trip to Hick man county, and other cases having de veloped In our family since our return, has rendered us incapable of news gathering of late; and, really, I think there is little to be gathered except the two inexhaustible subjects la grippe and the weather. To-day makes us feel as if we would like to be gardening; but the monster still has too linn a grippe on us. Mrs. Kosalie listen has been quite sick; also Dr. Long; Dr. Jno. Wilber spoou having been called to see both .ol them. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwiue are on the sick list. Olie Davis was bitten on the finger by a dog recently, but seoms lo be doing very well now, and ho may have no further trouble with it, but dogs are a dangerous plav-thing for children. Mr. N. A. NiHioNon will move his family to Carter's Oreok soon. liiither An. hews is now acting as siilcMiiuiu for Mr. lagan. Mr. J. K. Evans and family, from near Thompson and Miss Lillian Uibb, from Junes Valley, were visiting rela tives here recently; also Mr. J. D. Kvaiia, of the lirm of Miller A livans, at Shady Grove. Dr. Chisholm caino down from Spring Hill Saturday to get a lot of grape vines of" the Lutie variety from Mr. T. W. Sowell. The Dr. is the origi nator of this grape and a liner variety it would be hard to find. Well, the long anticipated marriage did materialize on last V ednesday. and the groom, Mr. Sidney Dooly, looking his handsomest, and the beautiful bride her loveliest, attended services at Corinth Wednesday, after which they tlined at Mr. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cook and Mr. ana Mrs. Walter Davis, from Columbia, at tended the marriage. Elder D. K. Hardisou will preach for the congregation at Corinth on the third Lord's Day in March. Novice. It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the ignorant. The doctors fos ter this idea. "The people," we're told, "are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are! What a sick niau needs is not knowl edge, but a cure, and the medicine that cure is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures the "do believes" end the "don't belioves." There's no hesitance about it, no "if" nor "possibly." It says "I can cure you, only do as I direct." Per haps it fails occasionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the moiii cine fails to do good. Suppbso the doc tors went on that principle. (We beg the doctor' pardon. It wouldn't do!) Cooking, sneezing and every other form of catarrh in the head, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, fifty cents. Sold by druggists every where. Cathay's Creek. At the reeidence of Mr. U. A. Kennedy on last Thursday evening at four o'clock Miss Iettie Houser and Mr. J. L. Stan till were married. Hev. J. M. Morton olliciated. Mr. W. A. Howard of your city, came down to attend the wedding but was prevented by a sudden sickness. Death has visited our vicinity again and taken Mrs. Jesse Savage; she leaves xvnr:il children to mourn tier death. Miss Mattie Galloway is the guest of Mrs. II. It. Delk, ot Kettle Mills. James D. Cathev. of your city, atton- l.j.l tli.i iimrriairn hmt Thursdav. Kev. J. M. Morton preached at the Christian church last Sunday at eleven Miss Ida Cathev snout Thursday night with Miw Melia Morton, kittle Koss Jones is sick again. Vaunie Stanllll and J, j, Shipp wore at the wedding. It continues to rain and the roads are very bad. J. It. Wilov has la gripDO. Mrs. Anna Kittrell has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. L. Delk, of Kettle Mills', Mrs. W. A. Wetherly is visting her daughtor in Shady Grovo. MAUI lL.. A few very pointed reasons why Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic will le a great success. It is absolutely free iVniii nil deleterious iugredieuti as pleasant to the taste as honey; an abso lute and never-failing cure for all ma larious complaints. Guaranteed to cure. What more could you ask? For Male by all druggists. feby-liu. Little Bigby. AppHrilinir to the dictations of my own will, and for the gratiiication of those wlio reau our scaueriug luuupum, we will still attempt to give your reau- ers some 01 ino items iruui tuw uu, The health ot the community is gen erally good, with the exception of La Grippe, which has been tjuite prevaleut here tor tne lasi uiuniu. auuui Ca mill in the neighborhood has had from one to four members dowu with it. Nothing serious, only slight attaexs. The farmers have been quite busy the inuf uik nrenarimr their ground for potatoes; some have commenced plant ing, others have their ground ready. Mr. rellX nelson nau inn cur broken one day last week, while at tempting to break a couple of young mules. Miss Lena Nee'.ey, a beautiful and all'ible young lady, returned Irom East Tennessee last Thursday, where she has been teaching a live months term. She was called homo on account of her mother's sickness. The presence of Miss Lena acted charmingly, as Mrs. Neeley is decidedly better. Miss Maxie Perry has a nourishing school in liigbyville. She Is an excel lent teacher ami deserves the patronage of all that are in reach of her. Mr. J. F. Tinnon returned to Law renceburg last Wednesday, after sever al days visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Adkisson, of Co lumbia, were out last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Dr. Boyd, who was seriously ill last week, we are glad to state is some better, I will bring this communication to a close for fear the Editor's patienue will be so sorely tried with my orthography rlu-torie that ho will consign it to the the llames. Wo predict for Cheatham's Tasteless ('hill Tonic an unprecedented success. The well known reputation of its manu facturers is. of itself, an amiile guar antee of its superior merits. For sale by all druggists. ieuu-iui. Left wich. Editor Herald: News is somewhat scarce at this writing, out 1 leel it my leasant duty to send in wnai news J iave fathered this week. There was no meeting at Autioch last Sunday, on account of the bad weather which we are having at present. Misses Nannie 1. ana iai riaruison mul Mrs. Callie Little were the wel come gucots of Miss josie ana lizzie Harris last aionqay niKui anu iney were joined in social chat with Air. Johu Tindell, Johu Harris, Gid Bain, Cnlman Fox. Tom Little and your cor respondent, who enjoyed themselves until a late nour. Mr. Walter Hardisou and wile and little Katie Lee were visiting thejr par ents Mr. llamp Hardisou on last Satur day night. Mr. Willie Wright spout last Satur day night with your scribe. It is toojmuch to have to scratch for a living and for relief also. Hunt's Cure will not help you in the former case, but will sura cure tho Itch or it costs you nothing. For sale by all druggists. leosf-im. I'liIIeoWo. Kni-roR 11 krald:-I find myself sit ting this beaulitul evening, with pen in hand, trying to recall the events that have taken place since our last writing, that would be of interest to your many readers. I have been keeping house sinen last Friday, and tue result is i have not had time to huut up soarcely any items. I would give you a descrip tion of my house-keeping, but fear it would take up more room man you have paper. . Uro. Patv preached an excellent sor mon Sunday, to a large aud attentive audience. A service of song was held Sunday uight. Miss Maggie Howlett, who was our organist at church some time ago, has again accepted the plaee. Miss Mike Wllsford has returned from a visit to relatives anil friends In Giles. Mrs. Lizsis Taylor, ef Nashville, is the guest of her mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. John Ballanfant, of this place. Mr. L'ndsay Hobbs, a handsome young gent, of Campbell's Station, was calling in our midst one night of last Our roads are not in the best condition now, but a little too muddy for con venience. They say we will have a marriage in this community soon. Mr. Will Moore spent last Sunday with his friend, Mr. George Jones, of Park Station. The general belief is that his visit was for a particular occa sion, but we won't tell that 'till later on. Miss Ella Lowry, alter a visit of two weeks to Miss Ionian xjovb, u turned to her home in Mt. Pleasant. She was accompanied by Mr. Willie D. Love to Columbia. The health of Culleoka was never bet ter; very few are comp.aiuing or in disposed. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Tomlinson and little May spent the latter part of last week, and the first ot this in Nashville, with Miss Virgie, who has been quite 81Miss Brownie Tomlinson spent from last Friday until Monday with her cousin. Miss Willie Tomlinson. Mr. James Covev, who has been at tendingschool at the Medical College in Nashville, is at home now. Messrs. Covey, Withers and Tomlin son, Misses Lena Covey, Neeley Ab ii Krownie Tomlinson. were the guests of Mr. Allen aud Miss Willie Tomlinson sunaay lasi. Mrs. Lafayette Wilkes has been quite sicjf , but is slowly improving. fcMnilincr it imoossible to ascertain anything interesting for this week, with one more tnougm, 1 win cww. AnvnnH wishinor a "sure" receipt for chocolate filling will please go to Miss a. Tomlinson. ii. .(.!. o ... i tlilnrci f, f Hi am 's Chill Tonic, but not everything. It will not cure softening of the brain or ngrowing nans, out it win cum cold chills. Guaranteed. For sale by 1 druggists. . jan9-lm. Shady Grove. d TVk-ilav bearins to savor of the season for fried chicken, green t.suu oml Bnri n nnntr: hut to-morrOW. ah! to-morrow! "that pale, misty phan tom of a dav," who can ten wnat it may bring forth? Our farmers are tiring of the monotony of doing nothing, and a va nnt vnt innmnti to aDnreciate the divine injunction. "In patience possess ye vour souls." liygeia nas once more resumeu uor sway. Prof. Cummiugs opened up school again, aud now "all's quiet along the fotoinac. ' Several of our people attended ine iinnuur Mt.ntiti murriftcw last Thurs day, at the residence of Mr. A. A. Ken nedy, in the nettle. Mrs. IS. It. uarner ana nine asuguwr Fannie Mty, of Williamsport, are visit ing Mrs. Grs parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Miller, in the village. Mrs. Wm. Dean, of Prim ms, has been spending several days here with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Allen. Mrs. Amanda Harbison went to Lrck Creek last week to visit her aunt, Mrs. Jerome Keevos. Mrs. Willie Bobbott, of Columbia, is here now with her father, Esq. Erwiu, who is not so very feeble as at our last you take our breath away with the "Harris phenomenon." Please give us a rest on the "howling, tuning fork" theory, and while we are trying to di gest it all, let tome one, well versed in psychological lore, give us the benefit of his opinion. P.OMOLA. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever- Sores. Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price ' cents per box. For sale by W. P. Woldbiikik & Co. marlo-ly. Jit. Pleasant, Last Friday at 10 o'clock a. m. God sent his destroying Angel to snatch from loving arm's the bright and pre cious little jewel of Mr. and Mrs. Tup Howard, lie in his innnite wisaom had ordained that Hattie Bethel be transplanted in his garden of Everlast ing ljlte. liurial services were tuu ducted at the residence Saturday morn ing, by ltev. W. B. Lowry and inter ment at tho family burial ground. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a host of friends, Mrs. Fannie Arbithknot retprned to her home in Nashville Monday the liith inst; after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Jim Walker. Miss Camilla Frierson. a young lady of unusual grace and beauty, of Flor ence, Ala., visited Miss Donna Frierson, last week. She and Miss Donna are i.q v visiting in Nashville. Miss Susie Sullivan and children, of Shellield, Ala., spent a few days with the family of Mr. Tup Howard, last weeK. Miss Ella Kowerv has returned from a two weeks stay at Culleoka, where she was the guest of Miss Lillian Love. Mr. Orange Connor, of Paris, Texas, is stopping for a fev days at the Frier son House. 1 f our conjecture is correct as to what his object is, you will be able to write something more sensational in the near luture. The amiable and popular Miss Flor ence Williams of the Institute, spent Sat urday and Sunday with her parents. Miss Jennie Bratton, of Porter's, is visiting iriendsin Nashville. MiiH .innsiitt Both, is sueudin? a tew days with Mrs, Webb Ridley, Jr., near twn , .... Miss Nettie Halev. our brilliant "Tempest" of yore, paid a flying visit to this place last wee. Miss Alice iiotid, nas reiurueu iruiu the "kunlry." Our village was Infested last weeic with commercial travelers, "snutf agents, bag-pipes and monkeys; what pester On last Monday night the residence of Mr. Henry Johnston, about fonr miles from here, was entirely consumed bv tiro. It was formerly the property of Mr. II. C. Jones. Bro. Lowry went to Kntherford county last week to marry a couple. Miss Annie HicKett s, an aocouipnsnea musician of Florence, Ala., is visiting her grand father Mr. It. D. Ricketts. Mr. Editor, we ask that you pardon our "prolixity" but we thought we would mate amends tor our past pro crastination. Athsne. Files! Piles! Itchinar riles!! Symptom: Moisture: intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors tornr, wnicn otien bieeu anu ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne &' Sou, Philadelphia aprl-91. William port. Mr. Editor. Rev. F. A. Thompson delivered three excellent sermon at the Presbyterian church Saturday, Sun day and Sunday night. He left an aji- nointment ior tne lourtn sunaay in Starch. There have been several cases of la grippe in this community, during the past few days, thouvu noue of them proved fatal. .- t Rev. R. Hull and wife, of Santa Ee. are visiting her mother, Mrs. King, who we regret to say is very aiok. Mr. M. M. Russell has returned from a trip to Franklin, Nashville, and West Tenn. Mr. James Russell is visiting his sifter Mrs. James Walker, of Centre- vine. Mr. J. A. Bynnm has moved to our town and taken cuarge ot tne biaca smith shop. Mr. Jim Stockard came down Sunday to see his little daughter Laura, who is attending school here. Mr. A. C. Moore has been suffering during the past two weeks with a severe rising on his hand, Mr. G. 11. Harlan attended service here Sunday night. Rev. O. D. Byrne being called to Nebo to hold the funeral services of Mrs. Teranle. Sunday evening, could not fill his regular appointment at Foster's Chanel. It Is rumored that Dr. Forgey is going to leave our town soon. During ins short stay here he has been very suc cessful as a physician and we hope the report is a mistake. - tuvsiCK. Eugllsn Spavin Llulment - Removes all hard, soft, or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, gave $50 by aae of one bottle. War. raotsd. Sold by Balm & Son. ap4-lj Spring Hill. Misses Susie Cheairs and Pointer, of Price's Colioge, came out Friday and spent until Monday at Miss Cheairs' home near tms place. Mrs. Josie Ludiman and little daugh ter Freda, of Tuscumbia, are the guests of Dr. L. C. Chisholm's family. Lieut. W. B. Caperton and his lovely bride, or Washington, u. c, are now in this place visiting relatives. Miss Willie Figures returned to Prices College on Monday morning. Miss Mary Lou Wade is again at home from a pleasant trip to Mrs. Tom B. Wade, of Giles county. Miss Kena Fitzhugh has been visiting in Franklin' and Nashville for some days but has returned to this place. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Caperton and little son Sam are the guests of Mr. John Wade and family. Bishop Quintard administered the rite of Continuation at Grace Chapel on Sunday. Services were also heid there on Monday morning. Kev. Mr. Met calfe was here on Monday morning. Hev. C. E. Sullivan conducted morning services on Suuday at the Presbyterian Church, as Kev. K. M. Kennedy, uf Zion Church, who was to have beeu heie could not be present. The usual morning services were held in the M. E. Church by Kev. K. J. Craig, and on Suuday eveuiug there was a song service there. Mrs. Robert Grayaud two children ol Bigbyville have beeu the guests of Pr. W. E. Martin's family. . Mr. T. W. Caperton, of Guutersville, Miss., is here visiting his mother, Mrs. M. J. Caperton. Summer cometh on apace, and soon will the granger be engaged in his an nual struggle with chills and fever. Take time by the forelock and lay in a supply of Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic that your days in the land may be many. For sale by all druggists. febtMin. - Sawdust Valley; Editor Hkrald: Death has again entered the home of our friend and neighbor WV L. Temple, and claimed his bosom companion, as another of :t victims. Mrs. S. C. Temple was a daughter of John and Hannah C. McBride; was bom December 5th ISIS, professed religion and joined M. E. Church South, at Mt. Nebo, in Septem ber 13; was married to W. L. Temple April 10th IStW. Six children blessed their union, four of whom having crossed the mistic river, no doubt were standing on the sunlit shore, waiting to welcome their mother who went to join them, on February 21st 1891 at 1:30 p. M. sue was an nouest, earnest, zeal ous, christian woman, whose Lands were ever ready to labor in the Master's vineyard, and whose feet were quick to go on errands of mercy. Often during uersbort sickness she would speak of heaven, bright, beautiful heaven, her eternal home, and longed to join the re deemed of earth, who had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Just before her spirit took its flight, she called her heart-broken husband and her two weepiug children to her side, took them by tue hand, prayed God's blessings on tneui, asked them to meet her in heaven, and bade them good-bye; after which she called her friends one by one to her side and in like manner bade them farewell, sending a message of love to many who were not present. Then calmly fell asleep in Jesus. Sho leaves an only brother B. F. McBride, three half sisters, namely: Mrs. W. K, McKennon, Mrs. S, A, Stephens, and Mrs. wnoui we tender our sympathies. -To the heart-broken husband aud motherless children we would say, weep not. Your loved one has quit this vaie of tears, and found a home where all is light, life, aud love, where all is harmony, happiness, and heaven, a home in a world tilled with the unsurpassable grandeur, goodness and glory of the eternal father. Her remains were followed t) their last resting place by a large concourse of relatives and friends, where they were deposited to remain till the trump of God should bid them rise. Funeral by her beloved pastor, Kev. G. D. iiyrnc. Mrs. Helieua McBride, accompanied by Mrs. A, u. ivinzer, visited ,ue iauiiiy of J. L. Williams, of Water Valley, lasf Monday. The Sawdust correspondent "Lloyd" to the Maury Democrat two weeks ago, stated that:Mr. W. O. Wither spoon, of Alliance fame, on a given date addressed the people ot this place. "Lloyd" must have beeu the people, as we nave not seen auy oueeise who heard M.r. W. O. Witherspoon. Mrs. W. K. McKeuuon, of your city. is visiting in this part ot the county this week, - The many friends or "uncle" Abe Kinzer. of Loioer's Creek regret to liear of his serious illness, and of the little hope eutortaiued of his recovery. Mr, and Mrs, ueorge ajayoerry visueu the "old folks at home'' siuee our last. Miss Laura Johnson is visiting in the Foster neighborhood this week. V ISMK V KAL. "How to Cure AH Skin Diseases. Siumlv aonly "Swayne's Ointment No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, Ac, leaving the1 skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. apri-yi. Mount Nebo. Mr. Editor: Permit me again to enter, after a silence of several months. I I deem it mv duty to chronicle a lew lines in memory of the doath of one of our best Christian women. Mrs. Billie Temule. who was born Deo. 5th, 181'.), and died February 21, 181)1. She was a consistent member of the Methodist Eoisconal Church, and died with the fulL assurance of meeting her God In ' peace in heaven, where there is no more death nor painful separation ot kindred souis. Her blessed spirit is now at rest with her tour children that proceeded her to the eravo. She left a husband and two darling little childrena pirl and a boy besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death. We deeply and truly sympathize with the pereayeu lanpiy, out tui f- j is uoue mat can enter so deepiy into your troubles as yourself,. There's a sad spot iu the heart of almost every living person sa cred to the memory of some loved one who has gone on beiore. It may nave b eu father or mother, sister or brother. busbaqd, wile, or child, but tne spot is there. In the first hours of our bert av nient we think and feel like our sorrow is more than we can bear, and perhaps long and pray for death ourselves to end our troubles. Beit as time passes on the necessities of living occupy our thoughts, ana gradually tne blow seems less sever". W e never cease to mourn, we never forget our dead; we remember every good and loveable quality, and if they possessed others, wo never think of them, and gradually we bring our selves to think and believe they were perfect, and we cease mourning so bit terly, and only a sad, loving, tender recollection remains. We ought to so live as to have our happy home above in view; let the glories of a eoming eternity revive our drooping spirits, amidst life's trials and lile's contlicts. There will be services at Nebo next Sunday, by the regular pastor. We are very sorry to hear of the ill ness of Mrs, John Mayberry, also the serious illness of Uncle Abrel Ken zer, who is. not expected to live lonv) we expect before this gets into print the cold, ley hand of. death will have claimed him for its victim. Mr. Ben Fly had a fine colt to full in to a well he had dug at his barn; fortu nately its life was preserved, the water not being quite deep enough to drown it. It was drawn out by a pulley. The well is about twenty feet deep or morp. Mr. W. T. Houser was at the Mt., Sunday. Dr. W. W, Jovoe and family speak of sellintr out. and moving to Columbia to live, it would be very hard for us to have to give up the doctor and his amiable wite. Mr. B. F-, has his neat cottage house about completed ana also ms commo dious barn. Bv-the-way his neizhbor Mr. J. F., has erected him a nice dining room and kitcnen. story and a naif nign We did not get angry when we got our oorulo valentines, out tne nice one we received I presume helped us to Keep our temper. i.ut;iLK Sleeplessness, nervous prostration, nervous ujripvpuh uuuudbsi uiuob, cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at drag stores. , A FREE EDUCATION for any young woman in Amerloa If he or. aae will work for it. Send for bartloutarst The ttaral Pttbilihlnj Company, KeW York. A WAR LETTER FROM GE. SHERMAN. His Idea of Colonizing and Coulls . catiug the C'ouutry South ot the Ohio. Cleveland, O., Feb. 15. Ex-United States Coinuiissiouer A. J. Williams, a member of the Loyal Legion, to-day gave out for publication a letter writ ten by Geu. tsherman to his brother, Senator Jno. (Sherman, in 1S02, while the former was at Memphis. It is interesting at this time, aud is as follows: "Memp'iis, Aug. 13, 18&2. "My Dear Uioiher: I have not written to you for so long that 1 suppose yi u luink 1 uaye dropped tiie cor es.wudenet. For s x wee to 1 was n arching along the road fro n Coriutu to Memphis, meudirg roads, biiildu.g i ri lg-s and doing an sort of work. At latt I got hero aud foud tne city coutribulii.g gold, arms, Kiwder, salt and .ver$ luint! the enemy wanted. It was a smart trick on ibeir part, thus to gi e up Memphis, that tbe desire or ga:U to our Northern merchants sIioujU supply them with things needed in war. 1 stoimed this at once aud de clared gold, silver treasury notes aud salt as much contraband of war 1 8 powder; I have one man under sen tence of death lor smuggling arms across the lines, aud hope Mr. Lin coln will approve it. But the mer cenary spirit of our people is too much and my orders arereverseu, out I am ordered to encourage the trade in cotton and all orders prohibiting gold, silver and notes, to be paid for it, are aunuiieu oy oruere uum n imrton. Grant promptly ratified my order, and all military men here saw at once that gold spent for cotton went to the purchase oi arms ana ammunitions of war. But what are the lives of our soldiers to the profits of the merchants? 'After a whole year of 'bungling i he country has at last discovered that we want more men. All knew it last fall as well as now, but it was not popular. Now, 13,000,000 (the General evidently intended only 1,300,000) men art required, when 700,000 was deemed absurd before. It will take time to work up these recruits, and thev will reach us in October, when we should be in Jackson, Meridian aud Vicksburg. iStill I must not growl. I have purposely kept back aud 1 have no right to criticise; save that I am glad the papers Have at last found out that we are at war, and have a formidable enemy to combat. Of couree I approve the Confiscation Act, ana would be willing to revolu tionize the Government so as to amend that article of the Constitution which forbids the forfeiture ot land to the heirs. My full b.-llef is that we must colonize tbe country de novo, beginning with Kentucky aud Ten nessee, aud should remove 4,000,000 of our people at once south of the Ohio river, taking the farms aud plantations of tbe rebels. 1 deplore the war as much as ever; but if the thing has to be done, let the means be adequate. Don't expect to overrun such a country or Bubdue euch a people in one, two, or five years. It is the task of half a century. Al though our army is thus far South, it can not stir trom our garrisons. Our men are killed or captured within sight of our line9. I have two divis ions here, mine and Hurlbut's, about 13,000 men ; am building a strong fort and think this is to be one of . the dopots and basis of operations for further moveiceuts. "The loss of Halleck is almost fatal. We have no one to replace him. In stead of having one head, we have five or six, all independent of euch othc. I expect our enemies will mast their troops aud fall upon our detach menta before new re-enforcements come. I cannot leuru that there are any largo bodies of men near us here. There are detachments at Holly Springs and Seuatobis, the present terminal of the railroad of the South, and all the people of the country are armed as guerillas. Curtis, is at Helena, eighty miles smith, and Grant at Corinth. Uragy's army from fupellQ has' moved to Chattanooga, and proposes to march on Nashville, Lexington and Cincinnati. They will have about 75,000 men. Buuli is near Huutsville, with about 30,000 men, and, X suppose detachments of the new levies can be put iu Kentucky from Ohio and Indiana in time. "The weather was very hot and Bragg can't move his forces yery fast; but I fear he will give trouble. My own opinion is we ought not to venture too much into the interior until the river is safely in our iosses sion, when we could land at any point and strike inland. This attempt to hold all the South would demand an army too large even to think of. We must colonize and settle as we go South, for in Missouri there Is as much strife as evtr. Enemies must be killed or transported to some other country. Your affectionate brother, " W. I , SHERMAN." An Anatomical Proposal. "Why did you refuse the learutd and rich Mr. Signence?" "He is too precise, wnen ne pro posed h a9ked me for my hand and liver. . He says the liver has been prow j to - be the seat of affection. Fancy living With that sort of a man!" i m r Mrs. De Visite Good afternoon, Miae Blank! Is your mother at home? Miss Blank No. She has gone to Mrs. De Mugg's Progressive Conver sation Party. By the way. what sort of a party is that, Mrs. De Visite? Mrs. lie Yl site it is one at uicn the conversation begins with art, sclenoe, and literature, aud progress es very rapidly to fashion, gossip and servants.- i'Vowt Slrcct & Stiii(h,a Good iVeu'8. Dr. Hale's Household Ointment Is the finest remedy in the world. It absolutely cures Cattarrh. It cures Neuralgia and Rheumatism. Cures Files like magic, cures bail Rheum in the most soothing manner. Cures Inflamed aud Granulated Eye lids. " Cures Coughs and Colds. Can be taken internally. Cuts, bruises, burns, chilblains, sores of long stand ing, corns and bunions are cured quickly; different from all elue; superior to all else; it has no equal; 25 and 50c boxes ; large size cheapest. Sold at Kama A eon drug store. oct 24 ly He Philosophy teaches us marvel ous thlngp. ISne Inueel y He Yes. For instance, it teaches that I am merely a dream existing in your mind er but why are. you pi aching yourself? bue i am trying to awake irom the dream. New York Sun. - Absolutely Pure. A eream of tartar baking power. Highest ef all la leavaalng trnatli. "U. 8. Govern meat Report. Aniut ia,lSb.M looeaoiy ,6 b Of our But our business principles will continue the same. In the future, as in the past, we will handle nothing but u OUR FLAG STILL And will continue to flutter until every citizen of Maury County comes under its protection and buys his If Of us. Our firm has been reinforced with additional capital and in the future we" will endeavor to make Even closer than heretofore. Everything will be marked in PLAIN FIGURES And that will be the price to all no favoritism shown. No deception practiced, Wc solicit your patronage. THE STTL.E Firm is nn And undersell all would-be competitors. ool ml Ellis Changed, WAE 'riGirsflin J 7 j 5 ii