Newspaper Page Text
V s V ..JULASCEU. Deranged lletweeu -voi Uoei . Texas uinl Her 3ase of menial deram Mrs. Kluyon who bj J2tt THE. e or bbtritt iijj tek. It ha e trjn COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1892. NO. 51 VOL. XXXVII. L Z.I- CycoNsrTUToJ 1. i 1 I OIVU ENJOYS Both the m?thod and results Whet Syrup of Figs ia taken; it i3 pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acte gently yet promptly on tLe Kidneys- ; Liver and Bowels, cleanses the by- ' tern effectually, dispels colds, Lead- J A . .''hes and levers and cures habitual livti nation. Syrup of Figs is tle rr-T krexiely ot its kind ever rro- juce.. - sitig to the taste and ac ceptable iO'tlie stomach, prompt ia its action and trtdy lienefichil ia its fTects, prepared only from the ioost. healthy and agreeable substances, it& many excellent qualities commend it, to all and have made it the most IKpular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50c ij and ?1 bottles by all leading dru g gists. An reliable druggist wbo may not have it on hand will pro cure, it promptly for any one 'who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kf. HEW YORK. U.f. STOCK, FA KM AND HARDEN. Interesting to Farmers, breeders and Dairymen. Vac., Viguers and Information .elitrl ntrattotbs Couutrjr Cieutlcinan. Agriculture. Mixe l potato seed should not be planted, as the bahlts of each are likely to be quite different, aad disas trous results are sure to follow. It ix best to plaut medium-siiied tubers, uuiform iu shape and smooth, with snallow eyes, aud it i a safe plan to 1 ul roil uce s.'ine new variety each year from some responsible dealer, not expecting always to find them what is desired, but hold ou tuos which do please. A rich, fertile soil will glow a fair crop from cutting to it siLgie eye, but iu a thin soil th size ot the cutting ehould be much larger. That farmer who lias a silo is about as iutfepeudeut of the weather as h mn cau be. Aside from heavy rains, nothing interrupts this kind of harvesting. Liigtu rains and show ers, while making the work disa greeable, do not s:op it, and when odch properly in ttie silo all danger of imperlect curing Is past.. Tlie ear ly date at which the land can be cleared make it possible to either seed dowu to grass or winter grain u month before corn iu the sliock would be dry enough to husk. Auoiiier ad vantage iu the North i that varieties of later growth may he planted for this purpose which will no lul!y ripen before frost. l'aruir are too carHle-i-4 In regard keeping an ncouiu of tneir business, c nisequently they oltm raise crop which are not profitable to raise and Sill ott t lie farm, yet the farmer call, by knowing tbe feeding value of the manure produced from it, make a ca'culation ot wiiat ciops can be nold oll'ai a pr.dit, or t hell oiih crop ami buy another. The farmer's ahil ity to transact his business iu u bus i iic-s-like uianuer is increased in proportion to the increased knowl edge of his business details, and in in i'ie same proportion, also, are his pr- lbs increased. System iu farming H important. He who carefully lays out his farm in proper lleMs, making a map of the same, devoting each held to a succession of crops, with mitable inauoriug, b-isHig tlie rotation upon I he adapt iou of one crop to tit par ticular soils, and pursuing all his operations with a plai lor doing every thing just at the right time ami with a determination to make experieuce and the lights of science H4 available a-i posdble in his callinir, will undoubtedly ceap the most abundant reward for his labor. To complete the system, he must keep a record of all his farm operations, for iu no other way can lie be said to have a full knowledge or his busi ness. He should keep an account of all the expense, loss or gain ; in what particular branch of his business he is most successful; what crops are most profitable for him to raise; the most profitable disposition to mtke of them ; the best and most profita ble stock to raise, aud bow best to dispose of it. lhilry. The dairy industry o. IK United tates, not withstanding its low aver aee product, is more valuable than all our gold and silver miue, and if all the cows were as valuable as the majority of those which have been tosud the yearly output would be lucre than trebled. ltye ia an exeelleut fond for dairy cows, ana In some respects is worm more than wheat brau, having le-s indigestible tiber and mineral mat ter, aud more carbonaceous matter Its estimated value is$l a 100 pounds, and thus it s ouU be cheap at $l(i a too. It would be improved by a mixture of oil meals of either liu sec t or cotton eed. Vory tew Krrys have ever been brought to this country for bretding. '1 h-re ought to be a place for the tough little animals on rough, hilly lam's, where beef cattle aie warned, yet where tne large Short-horns and ilerefotds do not thrive. Kerry cat tie make teef of f-xct-lleiit quality. and the cuts are unall aud choice, betur for oidiuary fuiuily use thu thotefrom ti e large bet f cattle. The cow s are good milkeis, too, and aie almost as eay ketpers as gosts. The successful dairyman must now become a student in all that per taius to the care and t reedii g of his btrd. That a man is conservative dots not longer make the daily my. t is only in the most prop-r com bining of good ami abundant foods, fed to a well bred cow and of dairy temptation, and having the care that in kind bestow upon U other moth cis, which will bring tbe dairyman's reward. When m'lking avoid alt talking. Ary htrange motiou or noise wbich attracts I he attention f the cow a A-ay from the operation of milking has its t upon the secretion of milk. now pretty well known time of 'he tiraw- frcely ar d .'eiiient -Si)ll) foo long, -while tome has been spoiled by bad odor absorbed from too dose contract -with other substance. There is always a wide range of prioea from th highest to the lowest, aud it in rifl'icult to belit vo that there was rh wide a rausre in Hie quality of the milk at, the Kart Whence, then arises the difference? One of th most iotent cause of failure in village dairying is a 1 'ow ing the cream to collect until there is "enough, for a churning.'' Before the required amount in obtained a bitter taste has developed, which i-poilf the butter. Tlie churning must he done eve-y other day at the farthest, without re gard to the amount of cream gathered. The littlo swing and revolving churui will work v here the amount of cream in very H!iiU, but with a da-h churn it is often nceHn:irv to 1d water t the proper lempemture, (i. iegreeB in tuid from C(i to (;s degrees in winter, j order toujake the churn work ePily. In wiutering eulve-j n grent mistake is often made hy trying to get them through too cheap. Many larmra whe teed all oilier stock well wili try to winter calves upon not much be side the fctrav -stuck. It may he possible to get them through the alive in such a manner, hut they will eome out poor and scrubby iu the spring, and it will require a long time to get them iu good condition. Their growth aud development i arrested, ami to get them well started on the upward grade again will cont more than it would huve done to ueejt them well through the wiuter, hud the result iu the end will not be its uood. Horticulture. -TLe acid of ad ii uits has Ms value ia purifying tbe system, and it slKKild be ttie duty of every farmer to provide for his family all tbe standard iruits that lie can ifciesibly eu'ltivute. 1 'caches, grapes and straw berries should not be iiegicted. 'Without reference at all to some or the newer varieties wnich most farmers have not beard of, or at Jea-t have not tested, there are sorts wJiich lie can easily get in his own vicinity which have been known for im.iy yeaif, aud which will answer evrry purpose. Without question the strawberry is. a very desirable fruit to have ou tbe farai, but to have it in perfection re quires u little more care ttiau miwt fanners an; williug to give, and yet it only requires a good variety f berry, a liilie good soil well enriched, ami a little cultivation given at tbe proper time, ii Iiuvh tins most de lightful truit iu abundance in the spring. If larmeiB could only bt brought l reilixe the fact that sirawt'crrie- have a medicinal value, like nearly all otber fruit:, they might give more aUentinn to tLeix culu valiou. Apple Hoes ure slow in 'oiniig into beaiiug. and a crop ol peach trees will live t.iieif shorter itf'e, hei sev eral crops ol trui: an 1 bo out ttie way bcloiv apple, trees, plantc'f -tU1 Ie-t sp.rt ea.oi way, will gi-j.ily crowti inem. This close selling wuile jou.ig teu lits both kinds ol trees. Tbe apple trees sh;tde the peach trees IVdiii nuvcie wiuiis, and bol i more snow around ttie roots. Tbe peach tiees, if lue sod i sis noli s it Should be. check ilnj app:e tree growth and induce earner fruitlulness. Kven with I he hhI !' the ttppie ire 's I he niu!iicK H ild wilt o teo pay to & co-i of ibe wlioi..-orcliar i blorn u single bushel of apples is ready lor lmii ket . ctuslug llie lariner to wisli lluii, all the trees had b-en peach, iustejvd of merely filling in with mi lruit as ou ol tfeoojid.ry importance. There is no question out tltat a very large proportion of our orch- j ardsj after b-i'tg planted, takeu i-jiro ' of mitl brought iolo a thrifty stale of j bearing, ol'u-u tall olt'greully and fail to yiohl prolitable returns from C:uv es independent, of m-eots ami tnn goids. There is noiloottt that a largo number of orchards have not paid iu the past, do not pay in the present, and iu ail probability will not pay in ttie future. The leadiug ana most, common cause is starvation, for it is not too muoii to say that the average farmer, who either pi mts outau orcn ard for himself or buys a farm with one already planted, afterwards goes on treating the laud as though that orcnard did not exist, cropping It with wheat, oats, rye, etc., iu a rota tion, or want of rotation, until the wonder is, not that the trees uo not heir satisfactory crops, but that they arc alive at all. For onion growing the soil should be thoroughly plowed and welt har rowed just previous to sowing setd. If the coil is not rich it should bo well fertilized. Finely ground bone (Uone ilni-t) is a splendid fertib'ser tor oiuous, or lor anything else, tnr.u- huuil pounds ot it, with tbe same quantity of rotted (but not leaened; ashes, lightly harrowed l ti oaiore sowing seed, ia a good application for medium soil. After the onions have started to growing any good fertilizer, top-dressed alonir the rows aud hoed n from time to 1 inie, will be advanta gcoi s. One huiulrtd and fifty to two hundred pounds of nitrate of soda, applied alter the crop is stalled, is a very prolitable application usually. Have the rows two feet apart. Five to six pouuds cf good seed will in sure a stand. How in" very shaTow drills aud ruu a roller along th- rows If tbe soil is rich and cultivated it is not necessary to tmu to auy set dis tance. We have known as many as a dozen good-sized onions to mature in the t-pdce in a foot. Do not let the seed fall iu bunches, but sow thinly and eeuiy, and little thiuing Vvill be necessary. The tife of sets is not to be commended, except to grow on ions for early use to bo used graeu mostly. Some years ago I tried a number of experiments in pHck.ii fruits and vegetables in bran oh aft and sand for winter storage, v.'ilh a View, of course, of promoting their keeping qualities. In a nut shell, my experi ence letl me to the following conclu sions: i-Uir-h vegetables fcs beets, Hugl'sh turnip and eirots keep inu' h better when kei t in clean, dry sand, beets particularly. Appl packed iii perfectly dry buckw heat chatfor bran seemed rather less in clined to decay tli-m 'hose iu bins or barrels, but the ditlV-reiice Was no s'itiht that I do not con-ider t he bene fit wortli the extra bother. tuch long-keeping app'es'as Italdwins ard Northern Spies are best packed whsu dry iu clean barrel, double beaded, ami kept at in low a temperature as possible without freezing. Specimen Cases. S. 11. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with ncralgia and rheu matism, his stomach was disordered, his Liver was effected to an alarming degree, apetile fell away, aud he was terribly reduced in tlesh and streugth. Three bottles of Electric Bitter cured hiui- Kd ward Shepherd, Hari isburg, burg, III., had a running sore ou his leg of eight years' standing. Used 3 bottles of Electric Bitters aud seven boxes of Buckler's Arnica Salve, and We I eg is sound ai.d well. John Seak er, Catawba, O., bad five large fever sores on his ler, doctors said he was incurable. Ono bottle Electric Bit ters and ono box Buckleo's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Woldridge, Irvine & Towler, drug gists. 3 f dscSly- The fpiostion is frequently asked. Ji'm y Aver seiierry peciorai so iniicii al Trofc'jve than other coiiirh reine e Blr gnawer U, airnply because V iT ini v?mblnationof anodyne $suik" 'eavemeaU GROWTH OF THE SOUTH. ti. A tn.iiiairiol niivoloDment la thf Week Ku.Hugr WeceinUer 24th. The Tradesman. Chattanooga, Ten nessee, in its review of the industrial nituatloii iu the South for the week ending Dec. 24th state-, that an ad vance iu oottou mill productions, the second within a mouth, has been or dered during-the week, that foun dries, one with $75,000 and another with $0,0f0 capital and $50,000 ma chine works have been organized, a $100,000 brewery, an $80,000 and $o0, 000 lumber company chartered, show ing that the material development of the South stead tly continues Gener al business is reported as quiet, as it is to be expected at this season. The holiday trade however, has been . un usually good the yoluine iu most Southern cities beiug about 25 per cent, in excess or last year, witli cash receipts greater in proportion than ever before known. There is continued complaint of shortage in railway cars on the part of coal, iron and lumber shippers. Is Marriage a Failure? Have you been trying to get the best out of existence without health in your lamilv? Have you been wearing out your life from the effects of dyspepsia, iiver complaint and indigestiour Are you sleepless at night? -Io you awake in the morning feeling languid, with coated tongue and sallow, hsggard looks? Don't do it. A shout u. tbe camp tells how Aunt Fanny's Health Kestorir has edred others; it will cure von. Trial package free; large size 60c. at John J. llendricko' drug store. marll-ly. 00 SUPPOSE W TO BE DEJD. llo.t Ills Wire Meets Him On the Street of Cult imore. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 18 Per sons walking along Calvert street, near the liullimore & Potomac Kail road depot last Friday were much l-sur prised to see a woman wearing widows' weeds give au omciy uu then rush toward a fairly well dressed man aud throw herself into his arms. The man. seemed to re gard the proceeding as quite natural and planted an audible kiss on the woman's upturned lips. After a brief colloquy they walked to tbe station together and took tbe train for Wash ington. Not until to-day was the story behind the demonstrative dis play ot alFjctiou revealed. The woman was JUrs. Mary T. Ilobineou, of Washington, and the mau her husband. A headless eorp' was found in "one bushes near Elfeter, Md., on the Philadelphia, Wilming ton & Baltimore Ilailroad, about a week ago. The man was thought to have been murdered and robbed. The remains were identified by the clothiug last Tuesday by Mrs. Robin sou as those of her husband who bad gone to obtain work iu the Mary land canneries Friday Mrs. Ilobiu son came to Ualtit.o re to confer with relatives regarding tbe transfer of the body to the national capital, d in going to the sia ion walked into the arms of her bufband. The identity of the headless corpse ia still a mystery. STATU NEWS. A sbek negro has been traveling Ahroiitfii West Tennessee victimizing i lie colored people". He represents himself as a Government aeut to en roJI exclaves and telis them they are untitled to a pension of $i00 or $300. le secures from each a fee of from 50 cents to $5 for enrolling them. United K'ates Marshal Browu is wanting the swindler. Iu Perrv Count y, T nn., savs tbe Wavcrly Sentinel, a !i-year-U girl has been discovered who is said to be possessed of remarkable powers. Sho cures liie sick of all diseases and cau make the b'ind see, the deaf here and tbe lame walk, merely by the laying on or hands. . It is said that the afflicted are Hocking to br by the hundreds to have thir ilia relieved. Her name is Addie Perry. While trying ou a pair of new bo:ts in a store at-Waverly the other day a Mr. Bradley got one on that lie could not getotfaiain by ti e same ro'ute that it weut on. As his foot went in it struck a sharp nail almost an inch long, bending it forward. Ou attempting to withdraw it the point of the nail entered the sole of the. foot and fastened it there so that the boot had to be cut away with a kuite. A big black bear was killed iu Suck Ouleh, eight miles from Chattanooga, a few days ago. The locality is but six miles from the city on au air line, and is said to be a regular deu lor bears and otber wild game. It is a rough country, aud but few hunters from the city have every tackled t. They are afraid to enter it. The clilf- ou etch side rise abruptly to a height varying from 1.000 to 1,500 feet. In the Wrest the Suck Gulch would be called a canyon. It is very narrow. It was cut by massive vo'umes of water that collect on the table lands above, wbich iu times of heavy rains come roaring and plung ing down into the disrnal abyss with the roar of Niagara, shaking the arlh -around. During such timeB boulders mid other stones are loos ened and tossed about as toys, and thousauds of them are crushed to atoms. THE VOTE 10ft PRESIDENT. 2 ST re B " 2. - State. 3 0. Jvinbllliia 1SK.1SK 9,197 rknsas 87 fM 4i!i7l 'ahfori,ia 117,!Nis 117.7.5. I'uloraU JS.tfU Cminem taut.-. K2,:IT 77,0 Vi Jieleware 1S,.tS 1S.U77 Kl-riil: :'0,H;) Oeoritu 12,:;si; . 4S,:(0' Idaho ,"! Illinois 4J4 14t 3W7.Sfi Iiitiiauti i-2,Si; 2iM,!s Iowa liHi.liif. 2iy,:l7:i Khusus 1.7,2I7 Kentucky 17.ri42l lliJ LonNlttimi K7,.. 2.",:M-" M.iiUB. 4S,i4 27I Maryland ll:t.s. 9J,t.. M.-iKiiohuetn 17t!,si:i 5M-!,Ml Micrdsau 2,lt. 2 , Ties Minut'KOU J(KI,i7.. li;.7.1- Mississippi ' 4l,r7 l,4l. .Missouri 2-7,:lS 2Jli,:il' Montana 17,fWl IS,SS: Nebraska 21.7H' ti,KHr. feV!Ki 711 S!,Sii N. Hampshire 42.1S1 4"i,iis New Jersey... 171,01'.' li.Ki" New York 6i.tms Siw.ia" .Carolina... l:y,it')l ii,.'Uii North IiHkoti IT,o-7 I7,:tvi hin 4(H,ll r is-. Oregon I4.VJI1 .V,,ot: l'enusylvanla , Ii4 ilti.oii Khixle Island. 24,.itf. LT.IK.H H. Caroliua... " 64,ii W.WI Soulh UuKota S.siJT :4,hiv, Tenoessfce l:i.47. Ii.SiH Texas Hi9,t4.s 77,476 Vermont !ti,:-. 37 .(. I Virginia lM.Wis . 313,21" WhsImi.uhi.. as Si: . :H,rfi I W. Viriliuia... HI i7 ' Sn.-JHS Woonsin .... 177.4IS It7.S7s i WyouiluK ' S."i' Total 6 7H.;iW i,17.ll KS.1-1 II, SHI 29 113 7,ls7 1,077 4,025 '"soi OSS 2)vS 24.500 13,044 0,iS32 42,9 10.2S0 ai.lWii1 2,s 20.610 H;t,lll 6,385 "3,002 5,877 7,5:ffl 20,")7 11,079 U10 4,31s 517 2,IM. 7!! 3S1S 19,7M2 3,:air 41,102 7,2."iO S2M 2S 100 K.13I 9M59 26,6is X 25 1,064 l,4;iol 44,7.t;i L7,:Ht 1 4 20 K7il 227 2,401 2,:ts:! 4,S5 tW,-NS 2,105 ii'.iiii' 1,424 2.ol i,ai4 2,47 2 145 13,045 7,5m 53S 2s,:ii7 l It-VK- liiirri- 1 son. "Wearer. Bldwell. Jls-is 5,VJi,242 5,4 10.70S IW.K-Srt Ijnii. 20.K7S lr. ISSi I.K74.9SO 1,S51,SI 1 76,370 Urtwil. 150,:I9 Ir. lssejt, 114,052 1.154.410 i'V754r.-hh I0,:t05 Pr. i:ivmanU'H iilQmlily in IS2. .. .301 J79 Cleveland's plurality ia lsS.. D5 53I C')evtlaiiil's plurality In lhM 23,0n5 J:rflelil' plnralily It. 111 '. l. 11(4 No Harrison rlw.torial t IrkeMn the rle'd. J- In I.ouilna the lU-pnlllcarti and I'Ro plu's wrty havlnfr iKlndiialed atuftktn tlctcet, 011 which there ver live llarrinou t-lt-tor aud thru Weave- : electorn. the Vote Jor plurolitjrpariiwiea I f credited tt Harrlieitk Tutu fjill ta Ibie family doctor. TEXAS 15 ! AUKAXSAS. A Letter From Kev, T. J. Duncan. - EniToa Herald:-It was a friendly breeze ihat blew me the opportunity to visit the vast region whence "the star r.f empire takes its way." Thirty-hye years ajro I had spent some years in Arkansas, but the Lone Star S.ato was an unexplored re?iou to me. Loaded with kind wishes from friends at Le.ll Huekle, and arguments in favor of the Teimeaseo Metliodii-t,I whirled away.via Memphis, and Texarkans, to Waco, Texas. " ... , , The Arkansas bottom had been dread fully damaged by a spiing and fall overflow, bolating tfie planting and pre venting the gathering of a meager erop. it's wealth ol soil, aud grand possibili ties, awaits the development ol the ages to come. For want of drainage t ho land is, iu many places, of less market value than when the planter uv ned his labor. It will take combined elt'ort on the part of the land owners, aided by the State and General Govermneot, to make tha improvements necessary to an ideal development of the country. The high, and therefore the mne triable lanua, are in greater demand. It is a fact that a man can go to the bottoms, spend his life, and die with a wad of greenbacks iii one liocket, and a fever cake just abovo the other, or he can go to the Uighlawds aud have but little mert to pray Agur's prayer. The law of com pensation runs from Tennessee to Texas. It so much for so much aft the way from licit) to the frazzle end of the . , r 1 1.1 ran imuii.o. rrt x lie Ult-ua .1 ... . ,v - ------- --- .1... t ..,. in. -iiv I'otLoii lands in tti 11 re tie West I suppose the black bottom lands of Mississippi and Ijouisiana are etiual to them in the production of cot ton. Modern improvements have made the West. 14ailrods, agricultural im plements, artesian weds, manufacto ries, and all modern industries hnd in the West a back ground equal to all their possibilities. The youn man who purposes to "go west and grow up with the country" has no time to stand upon the order of his going. Towns jump inio existence as if by mag c, and they come to stay. The millionaire of to-day tolls vou, with no expression of amaze ment in his lace, that he went- west al ter the war, penniless, and had man aged to gut a competency lor his old ae. Sometimes you meet tho other feilow, aud he tolls you how he did 11 1 The population is an over increasing wuuuer. 44 ' hat Slate are you from?" gets to We as familiar as a question, as howdy uo" is as a greeting. Almost every elderly gentleman or ladv is a natiVo of some Middle or Eas tern State. I may add that the Tennes seeans of tho West are as proud ot their nativity as are the F. F. s. who lnvo found their way to Tennessee. To the maguiticent uistanecs of the West may bo attributed much of the breaath of character which distin guishes these noble people. Sometimes this virtue takes ou a vicious lorm. Societv iu the West is bold and dar 11 id nnt under the moral censor- .....i viyilance in every instant- i-e t.,..u ..!, ihe safe guards of Tennessee Society. The Tsatatoriuni is a popular place of resort. Ihe sexes join the sport. Like the modern dance Its votories regard it as "naughty but nice " aud woe be to the man who ceu sures its practices. The religion ot the W est is robust. It has cost the aureh heavily to extend it there, and right well has alio been rewarded 111 a wod roundod and muscular typo ot Chris tianity. Little men are not so hkel y to grow in a large country. Ihe West altords increased facilities, for every man who will, to be laryo. Vs the train moved oit from lexar kana in the glo.miing. 1 saw; a noble form move tlown tbe isle ot the car. 1 leaped to 1.1 v feet. I seized Ins ono haiul, in both of mine, aud exclaimed: 44 V hat in tho world are you do ng out here in Texas, Metcalfe?" aud pulled him down iu the seat beside 1110, assuring ing him that 1 was hardly ever as glad to oo anybody as I was him. ho he informed mo ot my mistake it Ma ill a rude, rugged,, untraiued J""t"" which clearly convinced me that I Had shot wide of iny mark. Uhe snio .th, velvety voice of my triei.d and biothcr i, not .'here. Though the contour was almost p rtect. Hie verj . . .1.... , ,1,4 IIIU l.llill. Ill, unrectorai oroniei !" u.. 'i'i,.i.ii. horn in Texas, near tho border, two hundred years ago. and that ho had neon traveling n 7 . ...,( tt,n niuM and hud 1 rv in 10 lit . wni, -j. - failed; tnat Tex:. a was the biggest phu-e 111 tho worm, anu ni.n. j ----- it I never could get out. lie also in formed me that, though he voted ior fl.irs. Hogg was the biggest man in the world; that he was much larger than the car we wero in. Alter appealing tl me to know 11 1 uau .any ui'" r " during vegetable about my ; luons," and being answered 111 the ne gative. He ventured to ask n.e whence I eame and whith.-r I went. W hen iutoj.m'd thatl hailed from iennas- see, and bird to v aeo, u-w, . i-....' .1 ,i.., it whs a hundred thousand ......... .....I would take one at nines aij, " - v4- - 11 . .1-. .1 least a year to reach iU I timidly pke him where ho lived and he said "Mem- "Mexia is the way we spun 1., out we have a way ol prououueuig wo please in Texas." . . I suggested to him the rigliine-s and couveuieii.-e ol liboity arrogated. Ihat : ,.i-.. iniiiioiinced lrom nanj " - f " " - . V.. ......... olh. tneenu o. 1 i . -.p, !; 1 ... to iro back to the root ot a a and roll a word clear over the entire territory, from the root to the , :. 1. .. it mi hanoened. to some men sometimes, that their tongues w ere so thick th-.t tneie a- j rm between them and the root of e mouth to pass a word over it nt all, , , ,..,.1 m,,,i uruvdt iust tossing a " 1 .K.. ,.m,i of tho toinruo and Word J.oin ". . KJ lettiio-the pronunciation taiio care 01 itself." He Assured me that he saw the .. .ii,w;,n. and that he rt 1 1 It . I it U t'o i..-s,.----T TAi7i -rw... have a thicker tongue ihan I..! ha rt iroi . Jifii iiu itT- ' - I ' I ,,-. II M I I If II II .VV. iv turned tho odor from his tongue ? n,,..i,l tilled the region w,if" elfectunl. As he i. i.,iu ma a heartv good bye. 1 '.1 i.;,.. ti.ut. T would be irhtd to know him better on both sides of tha 11.. l,.i HtentoriHn state- P 1... 1 l- Vm,.i t.lm Iront end ot the '"""i .-:.;;:- the m Texas.- ne car -11 , - 1 1 : . . . , was no Luui'ub , . The Conferences I attended wi re com- oosed of noble men -Many o. w.c- ..,.t froin among us to cultivate lm nanuels lands toward the golden 1,u ' rii li.-n iirilH lel'H. llOW- 4ver. are .'calm., ..v-.-.-. - , ,.,i,im(.e a transter unless f"TBr.r...Y Y-.,,.,iir. There we lind trausfeia lilling api-ointineuts all the wav froiii lluckle and Ton guv Mission, to 4iranh station. - . v ,1 l.urij of hnvs and cirls IO I ill- L ill ...... - - - - - . ' brought in from the West, to the Atho- IliiHIlll, IHSUlUUi, ...-v., . .... " '-C. i...:i, ..iior for Ynumr La dfJaand other schools 111 Tennessee, aics, niiu. 1U, p.liicational instl- ono nusnu .. .-- - ,.. Not rS a- leaping Into estence on evorv liana, ana aiu i ... . .-"j :-T ... ...., nnr older uistitu- in the United su. , est men f met on my trip rnqmred most tenderly of "Old Soiiney." and showed nlainlv the touch of this long time -,.honl. In one of the iamous i. i"'"i " ... . r. .. ,.... ,i.M,.,.a in White Itiver Confer- ence. I found a young an Jerhilter who frml i&ite. chosen Iiau a iom-it v.... . ------ from among the graduates of Columbia Female instil uie. On mv return I spent a Sabbath in the IHull fitv. laiienuBiwo i - . 1 ,.i...i;t ninirili. and heard Dr m..v on Arkansas man, transferred ri wmk liiii first sermon IO 1 1 M IU. s-it 1 . . ---- , on his fourth j'ear in that charge. nt he atenned n, front and nreached grandly, lie ia comparatively young and has a prom ising future. . . , Jo.)r Memphis', she still struggle with her city government. Whetlier by . . 1 ....... t. .it it-., nnuft. inurueipai vine, -fii.i.u. nientof spetnal form of governinent, 1 1.. i.l.. .1.1.1 1 1 ia u she groans, ocm .-- - . i.itr. It is a commercial een- r,u".VV.:"VK.,Kn o citv. lien ter. n" u -"j .- . . . ...... r.r tr at Auriirnalii ri in nerinic au aci-ouio. r -- . r k xrthodiai. T relumed to these vales of Academus grent.y re- lreshcil 111 miua ann mmji .,.o. riicr noon the work for which I have ld a " elats A M.-:..l un.l u ll:..,..V NeW merry v ui - - r - . - "Year to the IlKKA(,Dnd its two thou sand subscribers. ' WVAJ, Th. Hanrlsomest La4y in Columbia ! Remarked to a friend the other day A I .. b nu Xtr h a TTI Tt ' a IHt MM 111 IUI bllU lUBb OUTJ m?" ixy- y - Throat and Lungs was a superior vamarlv. M tt KtODOOd Her 4SOUgh 1U- .i.niiir wliAn AthAr mil rh 4-emedlea had no effect whatever. Ho toprova thiB I BUU DOUTIOOO JVU Ul I" uwi ' -p i LttrR Bias 60o. nd 1. foUfc w J. iVKYT i KAIVS IN JAPAN A CORRESPONDENT TELLS HOW THE "DAY IS OBSERVED. The Mikado Bold a State Reception, rreseuta Are'Glren and Heeelired The Celebration Continue Sereral Days A Universal lllrthday Onicr Customs. (Special Correspondence. San Fbanctsoo. Dec. 17. The greatest of all Japanese festivals is New Year's. Formerly it waa reckoned according to the Chinese calendar, but now the Gre gorian method is nsed, so the first day of the Japanese new year is the same as ours the 1st day of January. All classes, from the emperor to the coolie, participate in thtu festival, and the latter probably enjoys himself more than the former. For the mikado the day begins at 5 a. m., as at that hour he receives the princes of the blood, who come to offer their congratulations. EATING JAPANESE MACARONI. Tbe emperor and certain princes of the highest rauk pay a visit of rever ence and respect to the tombs of the heavenly ancestors and offer branches of the sakaki tree the emblem of pu rity sacred to the dead. This ceremony if so slight a per formance cau be called a ceremony is not Buddhist but Shintoist in char acter, for Shinto is the established na tional though nearly defunct religion of Japan. All day long the emperor receives his subjects and the foreign embassadors, the highest in rank coming earliest in the day and tbe lowett last. Presentation at court is held nowa days according to the etiquette of the British court that is to say, gentlemen must wear full dress suits, and ladies trains six feet long. On the second or third day the mikado usually has a magnificent garden party, wbich is the most interesting of all the imperial celebration. Every one gives and receives presents. Among the wealthy tbe offerings may be handsome antique lacquer, boxes, costly satsume vases, magnificent bronzes. The poor people can boast numerous pres ents, too, though not 60 expensive per haps. A little basket of oranges or a dozen eggs are very popular presents. Tradesmen send their customers small offerings,-usually of something in their line of business. A grocer will give ier haps a pound of sugar or a little package of rice. Every present, large or small, costly or inexpensive, is accompanied by a lit tle folded three cornered pajier, a few inches in size. Sometimes this is of crimson or gilt paper or sometimes bln or silver, according to the taste of the sender. The origin of this custom is very an cient and curious. In days of old a piece of dried fish waa sent with each gift, but gradually people full into a vicious habit of sending on the same piece of fish with the next present they 6ent away, as if they received so many of ferings they could not possibly eat all the fish that came. Finally matters got to such a pitch that a geutleman could frequently 6mell bis present coming around the corner; so in order to do away with thu abuse those little pieces of paper were substituted. Another custom that seems very Btrange in our eyes is that of sending presents of eatables, sweetmeats, inochi or bean cake, etc. Such dainties aie sent in pricoloss bowls of cloissono or sntsunia set ou a lacquer tray. Over all Is thrown a silk and gold embroidered square of soft ribbed crape, and the messenger carries it through the street held at arm's length. The recipient eats the contents, and without washing or cleaning the bowl in any way returns it and the cover with elaborate thanks. The little, shops, which look like dry goods boxes set up on end, are filled with gay toys, with dolls, kites and bits BATTLEDOOR AND SHUTTLECOCK.' of tinsel and dyed features made into tiny ornaments for the ebony hair of the brilliantly dressed, powdered aud rouged little girls. Acrobats and street actors attract crowds of not only children, but their elders. Then there are Punch and Judy shows, but Punch and Judy are replaced by fabulous cats, badgers and foxes, who play all sorts of tricks upon men and women. Conjurers and snake charmers reap a harvest, and the man who makes and plays bamboo flutes earns a small for tune. Every one, from little tots of six or seven to grand dames of sixty or seventy, plays battledoor and shuttlecock. And Bnch gorgeous battledoors as were never before soenl Great, awkward pieces of board, plain on one side, the othr elaborately decorated with a f ir ure of a noted dancer, or geisha, the hands and face painted on the wood, but the dress of silk or paper pasted on and Etanding an inch or more above the board. The shuttlecock is a gilded seed fctuck around wjth dyed feathers until it resembles a flower. It is a very pretty game to watch, as most Japanese are very expert at it and can keep the sunttlecock from falling to the ground apparently without the slightest effort. Eo3s wearing enormous masks like lions or tigers heads rush out from be hind house corners and terrify their surprised playmates. All the city is given np to amusement and pleasure. Tlie house decorations are very quaint and pretty. Across the main entrance a straw rope with a deep fringe is stretched to keep out oni, or devils, and the little pieces of paper fasteued to it are pray ers for prosperity and good health. About the center of the rope i fas tened a crab, a bunch of ferns and some oranges. Each of these decorations has its meaning tbe crab signifying a wish thu t tha Inmate mar liva to D9 SO old that they will U bent Ilka th crb The Urns, whlcu are sua vs jmi on new helm tkat there may be plenty of chil flrra to carry on the name before the parents die. The orange is emblematic of fraitfulnesa and abundance. Each side of tbe threshold stands a fir trsa bound to a bamboo. These are the ptaea of mntual old age the black fir tha father and the red the mother of the household and a hope' ia thus indi catad that the parents may grow old to gether. The bamboo means a straight forward aud upright mind. , On New Year's evo haudfnla of. beans iwe thrown aliout the rooms and over tae threshold to exorcise evil spirits who may bo about. Bwfera the new year the merchants endeavor to get in all tho money that is owed to them, and to piy or settle their own debts. As a consequence uvmy things can be bought very cheaply at the end of the year, for ready money js the grwat desideratum. . Men carrying trays of something look inj lake white worms go through the streets crying, "ieoba, soba!" the Japa nese form of macaroni which, eaten with soy sauce, is a favorite delicacy witfc the coolies and jiuriknha men. For their little customers these men make all sorts of figures of devils, gods and animals from this paste. Other men go about with a portable hibache, or brazier,, and some batter, and for three sen a couple of children can obtain the use of tbe brazier and enough ourinsccr winter costume of Japanese women. bcitc kes to make them ill for a 'Er&. fW principal attraction being that tl qr ae allowed to cook the cakea thein sefcraa. Tlkangh a considerable quantity of ga&e, r rice whisky, is drunk, little or no drwuiennvss ia seen, and no intoxicated man ar to be met iu the streets. lu dead the J;uanese are a very temperate people, drunkenness aud opium smoting beisj very rare vices among them. Tie first of tho year is really a sort of double festival, for the Japanese, like the Chinese, reckon their age from that data! A child born twenty-four hours before New Year's day is called one year old oil that day, so that it is the birth day of all the Japanese jieople. Usually the weather is very cold, and often there i-i a light fall of snow. Whan this is the case fhe children are delighted, 'for then they can indulge in snowballing and make snow figures of Daruna, a Chinese sage, who is said In have eomo from India to China in the Six 111 century and to have fallen in si deep a fit of meditation that he sat l-i the same spot until he lost the use of his ld. The wiuter costume of Japanese wom en consists of heavily wadded dresses, and the only visible difference lies in a silk or crape kerchief they wear over the head, a very becoming arrangement which requires considerable knack to put on properly. Tha new year celebration lasts nearly a week and only gradually dies out. IIi.L,F.N ii REOOUY-FLESUER. The V puhillon of Columbia Is about 7,000, and we would say at least one halt are troubled with some ali'ee tion of the Throat and filings, as those complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advlso all our readers not to neg lect the opportunity to call on W?ejr druggist sod -l a" bolt!" of Kemp'i KaI-hio tor the Throfit find l.urirs Trial size free. Large botll ode find Sold by all druggists. febabeow Ij Iti-foriu of llie Jury Syteui. Roako&e, Va.,i)ee. 22. An interesting topic in this and many cilies of tho st:ite is the reformation of the present jury system. The inadequate com utilisation allowed results, it is s:iid, mainly iu se curing 44profe Monal jurors,'" for compe tent men are a verso to serving at the ex pense of their private affairs. It is thought that six suitable men, proierly paid, will accomplish more and better work in a given time. The same men (professional jurors) serving frequently led to the agitation of a reform of tho present system in order to secure better meu and more satisfactory service. The main question seems to be, Can six competent men ren der better decisions, fecure equity and justice with more dispatch than twelve indiffereut men or "standby" jurors can give? Diminishing the number of jurors will, it is held, concentrate tho labor of cwt and savo valuable time in secur ijjjr propt-r juries in iniKirtant and excit ing Wkl. It is further held that tho rnuKLaii will have a tendency to make tke kHliviilual jurors more circumspect iu tkuii- duties and more alive and sensi tive k their decisions in view of the hTr responsibility. G. Stats of Cum, City of Tolf.oo, SJ Liichs County. t ' Khank J. Cheney makes oath that lie s the senior partner of the lirui of V. J. ' ll"lil-. V w., ,is,a ..-.-. .... - - - ---- City of Toledo, ominlv aud state afore said, and that said firm will j ay the sum of one hundred dollars tor each end everv cdsf. of catarrh thnt en n not be cured bv the use ot H U's Catarrh Cnre. , i . . .i. .1. ,;.,. Iiii.tiiiiu, in l li HANK J. CIJKNKY, c-.n tn i r.tra mr. ti ml siiliscribeit i it mv prfpence, this 6th dav of December, A.' 1). 1W. A . W. HI.RA RON, jSeal. Notary i none, n.ii. fa i.rrii fur;. s tfi.ken Infema)- unri nets on tho Hood aud surfucps ot the system. Send fortesti- TI T S . . ..... . . w t. i ' . tiionmls tree. r. iu-jm - Sl id hy ornggists, 7 . loiouo.o. oci2l 3y lm I-Ml THAT'S IT. Uttla panse-a banr: a wl frl A n8h a bkip a fe'idily irl AU plume anil curls mid fuss and frills A reckless care for bonus or bilU A lUtlo Bonn of maiden fan A tlttU cbat of wbut Is done. & rtain coy. coquuttUli ay. WUwu freed from tbe paternal coze A very big aud bouncing boom A dancing rusb about tbe room A tw-i&t a leap a Jump a skip A glidn a ulauce a sudden trip A maze of souie wild wbirliug thine Juet too mixed up for anything A bauii a bump off and away Aad that's "Ta-ra-ra Uooni-do-ay." -Boo ton Herald- Shortsightedness. To waste your money on vite, dirty, watery mixtures, compounded by inex perienced persons, when yon have the opportunity of testing Otto's CureTreeol charge. Vh.V will yon continue to Irri tate your throat and luriKS with that terrible hack in jr cough when John J. Hendricks will furni-h you a free sam ple bottle of thl" guaranteed remedy? Hold a bottle of Otto's Cure to the light and obsprv lis beautiful golden color an J think heavy s.vrnp. t Ltgt psrk p nd purosi Rooo-fcSTga botue ftoo marti-iy. i-j THE COMING CABINET INTERESTING GOSSIP .ABOUT" THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION. Fatrchild the Only Member of the Old Cabinet AVho May Jie Keappointed. Why Whitney Will Not Accept Office. Iiiaao Puacy Gray's Proppcta. ISpecial Correspondence. Washington, Dec. 22. It is difficult to realise that we are . within three months aud less of a new administra tion. In a few weeks the newspapers will lie filled day after day with gosdip concerning the formation of the new president's cabinet. Let us 'anticipate our frieuds of the daily dispatches a lit tle and see if we cau throw any light upon the important and interesting topic of what Mr. Cleveland ia likely to do and not to do. I think I can eay without fear of con tradiction that Mr. Cleveland is going to be a very large part of the new ad ministration himself. . He always waa accustomed to having his way about things, and as he grows older aud meets with new successes it i3 very natural that this habit should become more no ticeable. One hears about twenty times a day in Washington the prediction that in lesa thau six months Mr. Cleveland will be the most cordially hated and lu ridly cursed man in the Democratic party that is to say, his own party friends will be cur.-ing him. Tins may be true, but if it is I imagine that Mr. Cleve land isu't losing auy sleep about it. There are numerous and unmistakable indications that wheu he comes to the White House for the second time Mr. Cleveland will take up the cares of his great office with the supreme satisfac tion of feeling that he is going to do what ho pi oases and bother the conse quences. It is an oild thing, but a president of the .United States, the most powerful official of this continent and one of the greatest rulers .of the world, is under ordinary circumstances a man who soon becomes noted for not having his own way. A president who wants to Ik; re elected and nearly all presidents do, sooner or later must bow the knee to a horde of politicians great and small or bid farewell to any hope of succeeding himself. If he stands rtp and fights and has his own way about things, he will become unpopular, will be cursed from Maine to Texas and will not bo renominated or re-elected. If he succumbs to the. in fluence of the politiciaus and submits to their domination, he will advertise him Belf to the country as a man too pliant and weak to be trusted with the great responsibilities of the office. In seeking a happy mean between the two ex tremes a president of the United States is one of the most laiserable, most harassed and most unhappy mortals on the face of the earth. This brings me to a point which 1 have often mado before in these letters. It is that we are surely coining to a change in our constitution which will forbid the re-election of a president. , Men of all parties are now agreed that it is nnwise to choose a man as his own successor in 1 ho presidential chair. . The politicians are agreed that it is only un der exceptional circumstances, such as war or danger of war, that a president can be re-elected, even if it is then desirable. Cleveland tried it and failed; Harrison tried it and fajled. The trou ble ia that during his first term a presi dent necessarily makes so many enemies that when the campaign for his re-election comes on he ia inevitably weaker than his party. Slill more serious is the influence which a renomination has upon the pol iticians and local leaders throughout the country. They s;iy: 4,Oh, what differ ence does it make to us whether this man is elected again or not? Ho didn't give us au office during tho present term, and if we turn to and help him to a second term wo aro (-imply working Ka ket p in ollice the fe llows who are already there." But if a new m;m is put up ti e meu who already hold good jobs turn in aud work in hope of keeping them, and the chaps who are ou the outside pull off their coats iu hope of getting in. Besides thero is some peculiar quality in the public mind which welcomes change. The people become tired of the very name of a president. They become tired of gossip about him and stories which illustrate his character and meth ods. They would like to see a new sun rise in tho horizon. They have aii in stinctive, even if unconscious, craving for novelty. In four years alxmt all the sentiment there is in the personality of a president is dissipated in tho popular mind. Four years ago the people were a little weary of - G-rover, whose strong charac ter and certain mental peculiarities had at first strangely attracted them. Last month they gave evidence that the senti ment which ''Little Ben" had roused iu them was no longer a force. When you come to think about it, sentiment is after all tho biggest thing in the world. It beats money aud brains all to pieces. Andrew Jackson obtained his marvel ous hold upon the people of our earlier republic because his rude character and uncouth manners were just suited to fill and satisfy fhe imagination of the times. He was a heroic figure, and his clay pijie aud "By the Eternal!" did more to main tain him in power than all his craft and wisdom. It was the same with Lincoln, the next president after Jackson who appealed to the popular imagination. Of course Lincoln was a great, a wonderful man. as we see him now, but when he was proposed for a second term there were plenty of p oj.le who did not take the view of him which history takes. Yet tho sentiment which attached to "Old Al," and the rail splitting, and the sto ries, and the anecdotes about his tender ness of heart aud homeliness of speech made him invincible iu the face of pow erful opposition. Of course General Grant obtained a second term alino.-t without a struggle. A great military hero like Grant could never be over turned ia a ;opular election in this coun try ia the generation of the struggle in which ho had distinguished himself. Mr. Cleveland will come in with the advantage of four years' exierience and four years more of observation from the outside. If Iio cau't make a good presi dent this time, there is no virtue in op portunity. There is one thing that I do not think Mr. Cleveland will do, and that is to ap point any member of his old cabinet to a plate in the new miuistry. If there is any exception to this rule, it will proba bly be found in the case of Mr. Fair- child, who was secretary of the treasury after the death of Manning. Mr. Fair child is not only a warm personal friend of the new president, bat he is an able and experienced finaucier. I hear from very good sources that if Mr. Fairchild will make the sacrifice of income neces sary to enable him to come to Wasbmgy ton and work four years for Uncle Savu for a salary that will keep his jVses ahd nav his house rent aud leave 'hia oher tu come out oi niaTVivaio purse he iiv.ay be tusked to taki 14 old Dot at the head of the treaAu;- jlpari- tneni, . . ., . -X ' ClevelaaJV former cabinet, W. C. Whit ney, will not come to Washington with Mr. Cleveland this time. Shall I bluntly tell you why? Because Mr. Whitney does not wish to incur tho risk of quar reling with his rioud, tbe president elect, which service iu his cabinet would involve. This sounds like a queer state ment, but it is true nevertheless. - If any man in the world kuows Mr. Cleveland, it is W. C. Whitney. He knows how great and strong Cleveland is, and also how stubborn and unreasonable he is when the spirit moves him. They man aged to get through one administration together aud tho recent campaign, but iu both of these trials there was often more ot less danger of rupture. From whi.t I have heard I think ft 6afe to say Whitney is tho only man who could have '4managed" Cleveland with out a row through the last six mouths. If thero hadu't been so much at stake for themselves & .d their party tho fur would have been flying in tho surround ing atmosphere more than onoe. But the election is over, and Mr. Cleveland's future is fixed. He will serve as presi dent ijur years and after that will re tire to a well earned rest. He knows this as well as auy one, t,nd he knows belter than auy of us how much fun he is going to have during the next four years in the solid way of doing what he likes, irrespective Of Tom, Dick or Harry. He and Whitney are now good friends, and Mr. Whitney is wise enough to avoid putting any unnecessary strains upon their relations. There is an idea abroad in the laud that Whitney is to be the heir of the Cleveland political estate, and he doesn't want to have auy TOW with the testator. Mr. Bayard won't be in the new cab inet for a good many reasons. Mr.' Bay ard has lost his grip as a public man and always was somewhat overrated. Besides he is not financially able to in dulge the luxury of a cabinet office. .Don Dickinson wants to make some ruouey, too, and "doesn't hanker for the job of running the postofrice depart ment. Mr. Dickinson told me the other day that the postoffice department ia the most dirticult branch of the entire government to manage. It apiears to be well orgauized, and is in most ways, but the duties of tho postmaster general are just what they were when tho gov ernment was started. Technically he is supposed to do the whole business, and while this is physically impossible the law requires him to do so much, to at tend to so mauy matters in person, to sign such an enormous number of letters and documents that a P. M. G. must work harder than any slave of mine or mill. I shouldn't be surprised if General Pat Collins, of Boston, were in the new cab inet. Cleveland is fond of him, and Col lins isn't a bit afraid of Cleveland. There is a strong probability that Governor Gray, of Indiana, will be a member. There is a little history about this which perhaps I shouldn't mention. It is to the effect that during tho recent cam paign things didn't look well for Democ racy in Indiana. The Gray men were holding back. They had mt the vice presidency at the Chicago convention and weren't happy. Governor Gray win invited to go and see Mr. Cleveland. Ho went. In order to get Gray iido good humor Mr. Cleve land s:iid just u little more thau he had exjiecttd to say, and now the governor counts on Veing called to a seat lit the council board. The truth is, Mr. Cleve land doesn't want him und yet cannot just oeo how ho is to get out of it hon orably. So even the self willed and do-as-you-plcase Mr. Cleveland cannot al ways live on Easy street. I should be very much surprised if Mr. Carlisle were to be secretary of the treasury. He is talked of, but he doesn't want tho honor aud isn't fitted for the work. He is too great a man to le sec retary of the treasury. He is a student, a thinker and an orator not a mau oi business, not a desk slave, not a trained executive. In such a place he would be a conspicuous failure, just as in the sen ate he is an adornment to American public life mid intellectuality. For much the hame reason I should not think Mr. Cleveland would take Colonel Morrison, of Illinois, into his cabinet. Colonel Morrison knows a good deal about the tariff question and is one of tho most admirable characters onr public service has ever produced, but he has few qualifications for the sec retaryship of the treasury. , Where v. ill Jit Cleveland find aaecre tary of state? It is a queer thing, but in all our list of present statcsuieu there is not one that fills the bill for this honor. Mr. Carlislo would be better for that than for finnucc but he is too pxr. Sen ator Gray, of Delaware, comes well to ward the ideal, but I make my guess a to the man who will get it Jainej C. Carter, the leader of the New York b.r. a great lawyer, a wealthy man, au en tirely respectable figure aud a wurm friand of Mr. Cleveland's. Wrr J.MAN. WORLD'S CONGRESS AUXILIARY. How It la Preparing for Twenty-one World's 'iiiure. at Chicago. 'Sixii iid C'orretimiideiK C.I Chicago, Dec. 23. On the second floor of ono of the sky scraping struc tures that adorn the business portion ol La Salle street, under the shadow on the north of the temple that stands as a monument to tho efforts of the Christinr. temperance women of this land, and on the south of the massive pile of marble and granite in which the' bulls and bears of the board of trade hold daily high carnival, is a suite of ofiicea from which the work of one of the tnont important adjuncts of the World's fair is being rap idly pushed forward. Chicago's stock vard prince has his business habitation on the floor below, while above are lux uriously appointed bureans of insurance companies, legal corporations ' aud pro moters, the ramifications of whose ma chinery exteud over many continents All of them together, however, are not called upon to receive as many vis itors or to handle as large an amount ol mail matter as falls to the share of the second floor suite in question. In the matter of mail its daily receipts run into the hundreds of separate pieces aud will very soon be reckoned by the thousand while the autographs already laid away in its files would l worth a fortune to the professional numismatist or private collector. As for the visitors well, they come and go in a continuous etream bishops and priests, doctor ol divinity, lawyers of renown, statesmen aud publicists, journalists and authors financiers and social rforiuro. pliy.4 cians and surgeons, scientists, philoso phers, architects, educators. Ialxr re formers and so ou throngli an apparently endless classification of pursuits and profession and movements.. . . ... .i . ..... t CitvTuss or ostentation aiienu iur ork of the "World's Congress Arixil f i r that is the title that may la Qary. 6ten 'upon tiie glass doors as they con atantly oien and close, auu yet u is performing a great tatk, one bccoml iu importance only to that of the exposition itself. Under its auspices the most eml Dent women and men of the universe are to be brought together a faw mouths hence to coiamuue one with another tipon Baujt'cbAlbiOft without limit, tnt bi.aa&a ml tuecud t tit wtifit vf Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all hi leiivoning strength. tT. S. i overniiieiil i.ert, Aug. If, 1!. oct7 lv ' mankind. Nowadays an international convention ia an event of note. A socialist gather ing in Switzerland, a monetary confer ence at Brussels, a trades congress at Liverpool, a Federatiun of Labor at Phil adelphia, all attract attention on both Bides of tho ocean, and their proceedings are reported with more or less of detail by the press of all languages. What, then, hall be said or what can be thought of tweuty-oue world's congresses for thai Is the number whose organization has been effected to this writiug twenty one international assemblies, and aoine of them called upon to consider so many themes that it will be necessary for tbem to reassemble into twenty-one divisions. Two hundred and fifty, possibly U00. congresses in all! The idea in these days when, aa was' said just now, eveu a tangle congress is an event of worldwide -importance aud . interest seems to te chimerical, to be beyond belief or a oomplishment. And yet each and every congress will be held just as surely as on the 1st day of May the touch of an electric button will sturt the machinery of the fair iu motion and proclaim to the world that the Columbian exjiositiou is an actual, living fact. It would require columns, if not pngoa, to tell of what has been done and what remains to be done by the congress aux iliary. Soon after the old year has given place to the new, and before we have done with "speeding tho parting and welcoming the coming guest." a half million of enveloes will go out from the Chicago postoiUce. They will be di rected to as many people of eminence In their respective fields at home ami abroad, and the contents will ask their personal participation in the particular congress with which their interests are identified. The first mouth of tho fair will wit ness the inauguration of the opening congress that relating to women's prog ress. This will be on May 10. ' Uu ttie 22d tbe representatives of the publt0 press will come together, and, IJO.OOl) ed itors of as mauy publication are to b included in the list of iuvitatiitns. Une Week later the departments. (.Amediefno, co'-f rising four divisions, will bj in ses sion. June will witness the rallying or the friends of temperance, of nioral and tocial reform and tho representatives of commerce arid, finance.' Iu July men and women identified with music lo all its branches, with literature as authors, librarians, philologists and advocates of equitable copyright, and witli education in all its various phases, will gather to gether. August will be a busy month, wUU Us world's conventions of engineers, cf art ists and architiK;ts, of men who have made jurisprudence and law reform, k iticat and economic reform, social sci ence, international arbitration and city government a life study. The conven tions of dentists, pharmacists and those interested iu medical wilt be held during the second week of the month, and so will the assemblage of those identified with scieucp and philos ophy. September will opeii with the great labor convention, to be followed by the world's parliament of religion, (n which every sect, denomination and faith from Baptist to Budd'ii4 wi have its representatives, while in Octii ber the friends of Sunday rest, of pub lic health aud the agriculturists of the country will In afforded an oppor tunity of taking council together. The permanent Memorial Ar palace. Iprwhich all of thn congresses ill l held, Is rajridly arising on the UkV front, where formerly the stato exposi tion building hel undisputed, sway. t will have two umlieiice rooms, each to Beat between ,(KX) and 4,0MJ poopla, while twenty smaller rooms wilj afford accom modation for from 300 to 700 partici pants each. Henuy M. Ulmt. j , . A rreMluc Hint. J Dudely Do you know, Miss Warbler, that you are tike ona of those ciulual dolls I Miss Warbler Why nut Dudely liu-cHUse you must bo prised tc ing. Miss Warbler I don't remember having been pressed lutely. Tableau. Texas Sifting. (euipumry Mian. Yabsley Pie here, Mndgel When I let you have thnt tire pounds six weeks nun, you said you wanted it for a littlu w hila only. Mud go Well. I told the truth. I didn't have It in mi possession more than half aa hour. Tit-Bits. 5 thG best remedy for Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Eiliousness, and r-asy to. i aue euro to euro , all disorders of the Stomach, ; ; Liver, and , : Bowels. " iw. i w j i Pills m ta I . i-"-l 1 i t L t J v.