Newspaper Page Text
7 V 1 A' A : .7 The" Friday December 3 V. I. L1M)EK. Kdilor. John Barleycorn ia , finishing what Jim Corbett left of Sullivan. Nashville will be full grabbers next . week. Tha cratic caucus will dish it out. of pi Demo- PnnKEviuLE Democrats held a primary election to decide whom they would recommend for post master. To our two thousand subscribers aad ten thousand readers, we-wish a bright, a happy and a prosperous .New Year. Sockless (Simpson and sister Lipase are rivals before the Kansas legislature for the senatorial toga. Kansas is bound to choose a freak. No child in the land received as many Christmas gifts a3 Baby Ruth. It would have taken the stockings of a hundred Chicago girls to hold her presents. The American hog seems to be getting scarce. Five thousand men have been discharged from the Chi cago packiug houses for want of business to employ their time. What terrible weather for the poor republicans and Populites shivering 'out in the cold! It is a good time to coi9 on back under the Democratic roof tree and toast your toes once more at the old family hearthstone. Blaine's health is still a favorite topic of the news gatherers. One day he is at the poiut of death, the next he is rapidly improving and in gay fpirita. They would prolong Blaine's life and do the public a favor if they would give us a rest. The politicians have ou hand i large and varied assortment of cabi net, slates, ready made, for Mr. Clever- laud to select from. Your Uncle O rover, however, will probably make his own combinations, without, COn- huUing th politicians. A United States Consul in India has beeu converted to Mohammedan "isfu and w'H return home as a mis Hionarv of Islamism. It remains to bo seen whether the Americans wil have the tolerance for him which thev demand for their missionaries to the heathen. J u no e Turney has been suffering with a relapse of rheumatism, but is now imnroviuflr attain. He will not be able to reach Nashville for the in auguration there next week, but will take the oath of office ae Governor at hi home in Winchester. He ex imcAh to be at the Capitol iu a few x - days thereafter. Governor Buchanan pardoned thirty forgers, murderers and thieves last Sunday. Among the number was the notorious forger, J. Clay Johnson, one of the slicke?t all-round scoundrels the courts have bad to deal with for many years. Of course Mr. Buchanan may pardon whoever he Jikes, but there is oue thing cer tairc: the neonle of Tennessee will never pardon'Mr. Tiuc'aans.n. . . Christmas week 1892 may be re membered as one of the coldest weeks In ih hibtorv of the county. We sometimes have colder weather for a lnv or two at a time, but rarely ever for so long as a week. The ther mometer has been as low as 12 d& crees above zero, and it has been in that neighborhood nearly all the time except about noon yesterday and the lav before. The outlook now, how- - ever, is for better weather. The Mexican border is iufested with thieves and cut throats. They aro mainly of Mexican origin, but - hate the Mexican government. These scoundrels on the American side of the line are constantly har- rjasing the people on the other side and endeavoring to stir up revolu tion. Mexico holds the . United States responsible f r their deprada- tiona, and Is (growing pretty warm because Uncle Sam don't stop them. She will hardly try to whip us any . more however. Cleveland has beeu severely ' -?Titijieed in some quarters for- th- -TvV-rart-he"ra taking agalnBt Murphy, Tammany's man for Sena tor from New York. Murphy has al ways been a bitter enemy to Cleve Jaud and is a man of mediocre ability Cleveland is opposed to him for both reasons. It is very important that one of the Senators from the Presi deat's own State should be thoroughly Ia accord with him on public ques tions and in the distribution of the public patronage. Cleveland's posi tion, therefore, seems just and well . taken. ' The crisis is over iri France and the Republic has trlulYivhed. A reso lution of "no confidence" was lost in - the chamber of deputies by a vote of four to oue. The Republic has lived for twenty years and is so strongly intrenched iu the aflections of the French people that no ordinary con vulsiou can overthrow it. The Panama canal scaudal has put its stability to the severest test aud it is gratifying to the adhtrents of popular government everywhere to witness its triumph against the ma chinations of the Imperialists and Legitimists. Congress was in session from the 5th to the 25th of December. During that time the House did five day's work. For nearly a week before the adjournment tor the holidays, no business could be transacted because there was no quorum. The members . had allowed their business or pleasure to call them away from Washington, either to their homes or elsewhere. This flagrant disregard of public duty should not be allowed to pass uorebuked. It is gratifiying to kuow that the editorial cat-o-nine-tails is being laid on to the truant members ."yifcPut mercy. '.m i We aw glad to know that our Rep resentative, Col. N. N. Cox, has been 'faithfully and continuously at his r post of duty. In do!ng tnis no mem- ber does more than bis duty. He is expected to be in bis seat at all times unless some urcert necessity calls him away- What else are the Rep resentative there for ? ' Uufrtuuately rany of them seem, tipoirc aching Washington, to forget -"that they, were sent there to their ovs n personal interest or t ..Tir constituents should emorles and should re- . . -o aeud back such on-( v S to represent lum In . CHRISTMAS TIDE. ? Christmas marks the flood tide of uman happiness in all Christian countries and no where does it rise toabizher point than in the South. Thanksgiving day is preeminently a New England Institution and our people are coming only by gradual stages to its general observance. Since the war the Fourth of July has meant very lhtle to us until now we bave ouce more been welcomed into our fathers' house. Into the Christmas tide, therefore, bas been poured the full flood of the year's pent up festivity. The effect la so joyous that he must, be a hopeless cj nic whose heart does not grow warm in the radiant atmos phere of good feeling that surrounds him. - It is indeed a season of good will to men, and only malignant evirita make diecords in the symphony sung by human hearts, in response to Bethlehem's angelic chorus. The custom of giving gifts to children, servants and friends Is a happy one and no money ia,Bpent with better effect. Nojwhere else are the old and de lightful Christmas customs more generally observed or productive of more happiness than In Columbia. We bave passed through the most glorious week of the yoar, and we will begin the new year with broader sympathies, deeper loves, aud loftier resolutions because of its hallowed influences. DON'T WANT THE SENATORSHIP. Iu the following characteristic let ter. written to one of bis ardent ad mirers who insists on forcing him into the United States Senate, Car mack says that he is neither a candi date, nor a dark horse, nor yet in the bands of his friends. In spite of his protests, however, a large part of the State press, led by the brilliant young editor of the Memphis Scimitar, are growing more and more clamorous for his can didacv. Carmack is the idol of the young Democracy of the State, and they respond with great enthusiasm to the call of the press. No where else is the admiration for his genius more ardent than in Maury, bis native beath. aud should he enter the list the friends of his youth would be his foremost champions From his letter, however, it ia evi lent that if "Fate would have him kiner. fate must crown him, without his stir." He says: "If I have been pileut on the subject it has beeu for no other reason tnan that I did not wish to be place t in position of treating the matter more seriously than it deserved, or of flattering myself that I was in any body's wav. You remember the fable of the fly and the ox. The arti cle in the Scimitar was a high com nliment from a high source, which very gieatly appreciate, as I have all the kind words from the press and i,artial friends, but I have never for one moment flattered myself that my nomination was a possibility of the situation. I bave not the least doubt, from mv knowledge of the situation. that the contest for the Senatorship will be fought out with the three candidates now in the tt-ld. and think it ought to be. I believe the fight will be short, sharp and de cisive. At any rate, I am not, lu any sense, a candidate, not a "dark horse," not even in the "hands of my friends." I think you overestimate the importance of my saying any thing on the subject, and I am a little bit afraid that a formal declaraiiou, takincr mvself out of a race I wf never in. mav seem to be in the na ture of a solemn and elaborate joke. The Herald appreciate very much the kind words "Richard" has to say of us in another column. We appreciate also the promise he makes to write more frequently in the fu ture. But "Richard" is mibtaken in the Idea that we are "spilin" for another fight. We are very muob like these ex-Johnny Rebs you may see any day in and about this town If they had it to do over again they would do the same way, but they are praying the Lord to let the cup pass. The Herald made the fight for Democracy, and the fight agaiutt Democracy was made personal against the Herald and its editor; the enemies of Democracy under took to overthrow the organ of De mocracy. And as Richard says, it was "the ngut or its lire," ana "very few know the sorrows we saw." But the Herald all the time knew it wa right, and having an abiding faith in the people .we believed-the right would prevail. Now that victory ie ours it is a sweet reward to us to hear from all parts of the county, "well doue.thou good and faithful servant." If the occasion presents itself again, the Herald will again be tiue to Democracy; but we hop the occa sion is far from us. We want the wanderers to all come back, and let the lamb and the lion lie down to; gether. Let's stop fighting; let's bury the hatchet; let by-gones be by- goues, and let good feeling, brotherly love aad Democracy be our common heritage iu the future. Some officer or the law at Nash ville has violated the commonest in stincts of humanity. He did It last Saturday when he kuowingly thrust an iusaue woman on the train ano started her to Columbia without any sort of guardianship or protection. We do not know who that officer was. We do not care who he was. But whether he was the sheriff or deoutv sheriff: Chief Clack or one of his suboidinates. judge or jailor, he has committed a brutal outrage on humanity. The poo. woman was le't to the chauce care of strange paesen cers. and if they had not been more kind than the officers of the law. she would have lost her life between hen and Nashville. And cruel to the un fortunate, it was a fraud on this community for them to throw the burden of her care on our officers She is no more a citizen of Maury than of Davidson. For the sake ol common decency and humanity the guilty officer should be found ou and made to suffer for his villiany The kindness aud gentleness with which Sheriff Ragsdale, his. depu ties and his family Lave shown the unfortunate form a bright, contrast bo the brutality with which, sue was treated in Davidson. - Col. Sam Mostly Dead. Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. 23. Coi. Sam Mosby, State Senator, cousin of tbe famous Oen. Mosby and a Colonel in the Confederate army, died at Linn; Mo., to-day For twenty-five years he bas beei prominent in the Democratic politics of tms State. W. P. Maury, who bought Pur Fountain College at Smltbville (oi credit,) and opened the school the lt or September wun a r;g nourisi of trumpets and much advertising ; x.WlTvnArl h tha luhl nf tin moon,' leaving numerous creditor 1 is iu uup. -o.u.j.iuuTiiia oiauuaiu. T STATE NEWS. Failures in Middle Tennessee, eo far in 1892, amount to 138 in number with liabilities of $1,073,970. The contrast between this year aud 1891 is exceedingly marked. For the same period in 1891 the failures in the same territory numbered 284, with liabilities of no less than $4,914, 913. This certainly shows a marked im proven?: in the financial status of this section. Milan, Tenn. A curious and puzzling occurrence took place at Mount Olivet thiw week. On Wednesday Joe Harrison professed religion, was baptized and joined the church. He was fifty years old and had never read a line, not even knowing the alphabet. He went home, took up his Bible and by in spiration was .able to read any chapter and pronounce the most difficult words? He ia truly a religious wonder. Henry R. Harris of Reelfoot, Lake County, went to St. Louia on a business trip for his father about the first of December. He attended to his father's business1, collected $1,000, settled his hotel bill and left, btating at the time he was going home. He bas not been beard of since aud his friends fear he has met with foul Clay. The Harris's are in the lumber usiness. ' .. At a primary election held at Cookeville the other day to determine who should, receive the unanimous indorsement of the Cookevilkw Democracy for postmaster, J. M. Hinds, postmaster at that place during Cleveland's administration, received the greatest number of votes and will doubtless receive the appointment when the time comes arouud for the- chopping off of Republican heada. SPRINGER'S PROPOSITION. He Says the Electoral College W a Miser able Fraud. Washington, Dec."23. "The Elec toral College as it now stands is a miserable fraud," said Represent ative Springer to day. "and the idea that all of the votes in the Electoral College from a great State like -New York should go to one party by a matter of a hundred or two hundred votes is a great fraud upon the e'ec tors of the country. Some of the news papers misapprehend tbe proposition which I submitted on tins subject Tne iKDUlar vote contemplated ia confined to each State. The States will have the same number of elec toral votes that they had in the elec tion of President aud Vice President. There will be no persons running as candidates for electors, but th? elec toral vote of each State will be appor tioned among the several candidates according to the number of popular votes eacb received in that State, the odd votes going to the candidates having the largest fractious. This will Drevent the vicious practice of gerry mandering and gives xact weight to the popular vote which each candi date receives in the State. It will nationalize the Presidential election and render contests of the succession next to impossible. Politically it would give effect to the popular will, limited only by the just representa tion whicn each State is entitled in- the Electorial College and would not Dread large.maiorities iu one locaii tv bevond the limits of the State. Besides it would make vote-buying ineffectual and therefore inopera tive." Mr. Springer said that the propo sition seemed to be growing in favor and was certainly attracting a great ueal of interest. MAURY COUNTY NEWS, Gathered by Onr Faithful Corps of Correspondents. MX. PLEASANT. Mt. Pleasant, Dec. 27. X?rR3 passed off very quietly here. The festivities were iuucu enioved despite the bitter cold and suow. On l-'ridav night the "society bells and beaux" gave a masquerade ball at the Club rooms, at which several visi tors were present. Christmas eva night tbe children of the Presbyterian Church received their presents from a tree, and Monday eve ning the M. K. Sunday-school was thrown into ecstaoies when Mr. "Santa Claus" arrived with his new and hand- snmn (ft wife. It was a novel idea and one that the children were thoroughly nloRSfid with. Miss Julia Smith entertained the "Adolescent Club" at her home on the night of tbe 23rd, and Monday night the real little folk ol tne town mei at ir. M. Smith's where thev indulged in innocent games til their "eye lids arrow wearv. Kev. sterling J. romer is Humming me nonaav wuu uin itiiiiny uiwu ftnrlntrn. Ala. Misses Nora Brooks and Alice Bond ar visitinc friends in Nashville. Mr. George Jones, of Park's Station, viaitarl rnlalivAH here this week. Miss Mattie .To.ckson is in Virginia; Judge and Mrs. Simms and two children, of Lawrenceburg,are with Mr. and Mrs. James Anaernon. Mr. Wash Irvine, of Florence, a ia., is Hi a irnpiit of his sister. Mrs. t. M RinlcAt.tH. Prof. James A. Bostick went to Franklin Mondav evening to visit bis father. Prof. W. S. Whiteman spent Xinaa with his parents in the "City of HAiba " Mmara. Rohin llarvev. jonn ana .Tnh (iarnor. will Dustln ana r-ranK Knnhhnan have returned Irom Law- rencebure. ' Miaa Branch nas recovereu irom a slicht attack of sickness. Miss Kate Ellett spent from Monday til Thursdav with Miss Hattie Uiddens. Mr. James Jackson nas returned to toe Vanderbilt after spending several days with bis mother. Mrs. Kobt. Watkins is at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. J.O. Ingram. Jno. Keginald is up from Lawrence burir. Air. X. W. Aicuanaiaa spent esunuay here. Mrs. A. B. Beech and Miss Nellie Cenil have returned from Nashville Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carroll, or Law renceburg, and Miss Nettie Irwin, ol the Peabodv Normal. Nashville, are visitincr Mr. Si mo Irwin's family. jlis Jessie itom win ievo ouuj for Nashville, for the purpose of pre senting herself before the Low er House ot (ieneral Assembly as a candidate for Engrossing Clerk, we truly hope she will win the position she ho iustlv merits. Mrs. j. j. Leiau, oi ureeiivine, ia here on a visit. Everybody is eagerly anticipating Robt. L. Taylor's lecture. We assure him a full house and appreciative audience. Athene. RICHARD IS HIMSELF AGAIN. I For the Herald. I suppose I should "come to the front" when such ladies as Verna and several others whose judgement J es teem have of late been calling for aome thing from my pen. I have no excuse to oiler for treating the Herald in a shabby manner, neither have I many uice promises to make for the future, reirardless of the "salt and the pepper' held in reserve by our Culleoka friend. Verna tells us that salt has lost its strength. I expected that. "It is henceforth pood for nothinir but to be cast out and trodden under feet of men." As I have a mighty tender "soot" in mv heart for the ladies. I will make a genuine good promise for tbe new year. I will promise to write ' -no re, wear out several pencils, uso up tablets and frequently call on menu Lander for stationery. And a these are Christmas times and almost all hearts are made lighter by the pres ence ol neighbors, distant menus, goon liuners and a universal good will to ward each other, it seems irood and In season to offer a few encouraging words to the Herald and its brave editor. A careless observer does not realize how many bushels of grief it took to tverv square inch ot land during "the year now almost gone. In my judge ment, it has had the hardest light of its life: it has been a "band to band" con flict until a grand a glorious victory jrowned its laudible eliorts, ana now. jlike the Grecian warrior, it feels like: ne rules to conquer. They are all dead ! Especially those in close proximity to -hishotly-worked battery of tbe Hkbald. iveisjne extend a compliment oy say ing you baite known well-your duty, tud tne careful performance of it has i proven V 'olessing to all. - we arc- enjoyiuar tne greatest anni- ersaryl ia world ever saw, There has never ba day ao kent and regarded by the ni n of the earth , aa the day hearts by onr Aitn a beaatlfal vision of lunriu s-.wvity. it oringi to ouri uiuiuiuue ui kjid wesitngers upom snowy pinions sweeping over tbe mountains of J-udaa, tilling bsiiveo cad earth with tueir song and pointing the shfepards to tt great blazing star stand ing over Bethlehem, telling them of the advent of Christ our Ijord. To the many readers of the IIkralo let me exteud a "God bless them every pne." ltiCHARD.- SA5DY HOOK. Sandy Hook, Dec 27. As we have been reading your newsy paper, and seeing no news from our village lately, we have concluded to try and .ftfve you all the news we hava committed to memory, though it may not escape the wasde basket, but if it does it may interest some of your numerous readers. Christmas, with its many joys, soon will have been passed and gone again. Now let's all turn over . a new leaf as the new vear eighteen hundred and ninety-three comes in. No news of very much interest or importance has transpired in our town lately. Xmas was very ami; no -vmag tree, hut plenty or .jugs. - W. I1'. Canman was in Columbia Fri day on business; say Bill, bow is cake and cigars? Misses una ana JNora Brooks, are spending the holidays with relatives; Miss I Aila in Decatur and Miss Nora in Nashville. Cliscian Bassham, formerly of this f)lace, but now of Texas, is on 'a visit lere. He reports the "Lone Star State" Oh so beantitull Mrs. J. M. Dooiey visited friends and relatives in vour city recently. As this ij mv first attempt to write. and tkinkins ho much about that awtu waste basket I read of, will say, good wishes and a nappy new year to an. Cruso, GIFTS F0K SM0KEES. TOBACCONISTS OFFER ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Curlou and Costly Contrivances That Contribute to the Smoker's ComTort. New ripes and Cigar Holders Ciga rette Novelties. Special Correspondence. New York, Dec. 15. This year the holiday presents in smokers goods are especially unique. A lady the other day went into one of onr leading cigar stores and gave an order for a cigarette holder, amber, pink veined onyx, diamond and ruby sparks price, $375. Another pre holiday order is from a vrell known resi dent at the Gilsey House, and consists of a brier bowl and an amber stem fif teen inches long price, $180. There not beincr a niece of amber that length in the world, three pieces have to be special ly cut to fit, polished, etc. Another well known man at the Ger- lach has lodged an order totaling nearly $ 1,600 with one firm for special lines, and the great representative of the Astor family has bought his Henry Clay and Golden Eagle cigars at $500 per thou sand for his friends, and a special stock of his own favorite brand at seventy dollars per thousand. This is not from parsimony, but simply because the cigar is more to his personal taste. A novelty is the hat cigar rack, which is a spring of steel, having clips to hold six cigars, and which is carried in the HAT CIGAR RACK. hat. To offer a cigar, take off your hat, But fastidious smokers will scarcely patronize it, owing to the odor of the inclosed air in the hat being communi cated to the fine cigar the most deli cate of all' vegetable products and the most easily spoiled. Another curious item is the cigolette, or cigar pipe, de signed to be a combination of pipe and cigar, it being a cigar with the end curved up like a pipe, and this idea is brought forward with the claim that it will obviate all chance of surplus nico tine reaching the mouth. The inventor and maker is one of our large cigar man ufacturers, and he has put $200,000 into his venture to push it as a holiday nov elty. Other holiday cigars are conspicuous by their absence this year, the general trend of trade being, according to one of our best posted men, in the direction of fine goods rather than the old style tawdry packages. Instead of stocking special new brands, the dealers are of fering new and finer sizes of those brands which have already been stamped with the approval of their customers. Appreciators of handsome cigar boxes may be gratified this year with gold boxes, richly chased aud engraved with the "Judgment of Paris," etc. price, $500 or others made of a section of ele phant tusk, with glazed bottom and moistening attachment, heavily mounted in gold, $300. Pipes are the strongest line this sea son. They are bewildering in their numbers and styles. The most popular shape is the English Carlton, or bulldo shape, which, the leading dealers say, sells in the proportion of about six out of ten, the others being fancy briers and a few meerschaums. Ten years ago if a dealer had asked five dollars for a pipe the customer would have thought him a fit inmate for Bloomingdalel Today he will keep in stock pipes varying from three dollars to eighty dollars, and it does not excite a remark. Among the highly artistic pipes the masterpieces of Herr Koch, of Metz, still hold their own, and they are unsurpass able. This year a Yale enthusiast or dered a dozen of these pipes to be plain bowls, charred black and then smooth polished, while upon the front was re produced the Yale college arms. Other handsome designs are a dragon's head, the scaly neck being charred black and polished, each scale tipped with gold leaf, the open mouth having the gums of the natural brown of the brier root, and the tongue of the blood red of the brier root when polished, the teeth being of gold leaf price, thirty dollars. Others are decorated in mosaic patterns, the varying colors being produced by the varying heat of hot irons and polishing, for no other pigment or color than gold leaf is used in these artistic Pompenau pipes. And here it is as well to point out that the "brier" root of these' pipes is not brier root at all, but bruyere root, tht French name for the sweet heather or heath root, plenty of which grows in Virginia, and which is now being sea soned and experimented upon by our pipe firms, who believe with the write i that the present craze for nne brier -nines has come to stay. This year the holiday goods in pipes run to cunningly contrived cases, wincn, holding a good deal, take up the mini mum of room in the pocket, the con tents varying from one bowl and two stems to four bowls and ten stems, all interchangeable and all of different ma- CIGOLETTE. terial. Some of these sets cost the smoker as high as eighty dollars. Aluminium has also been seized upon as a pipe nov elty, and there are bnlldog shapes made of this white metal having amber mouthpieces and a lining of meerschaum to the bowl, just half as heavy in the mouth as brier or meerschaum and more durable, if one does not object to its somewhat glaring appearance. The great novelty of the pipe trade ia the Colimbus egg pipe, specially de signed for busy smokers, and is a pipe that wherever laid down, on the desk or table, will always hold the bowl orifice uppermost, and not spill ashes or fire. The name comes from the Bchoolboy i'torv oCColumbus trying to balance the QEZ$ Which puzzle th ja pipe tatisf actorilj loivei. - " ". , Binokitig tobaaoit lit g t improve- foeut eh fortr yiftrf teas Tblh lh iae was to catch the eye and nose' before smoking. A handsome mixture of our famous golden belt of North Carolina tobaccos was perfumed with tonquiu, attar and geranium, delicately blended, and in the case of one old time leading smoking tobacco, now dead as far as de mand goes, citronelle was used with a lavish hand. When smoked the burnt essential oils ruined the tobacco, made a stinking pipe and called forth the pro tests of cigar smokers. This is all changed. Most leading dealers have special mixtures prepared for them con taining nothing but tobacco and a modi cum of New England rum for moisten ing purposes. It is this evolution in manufacture,' Introducing smoking to baccos worth one to two dollars pet pound, which is the secret of the present popularity of the pipe. A curious invention is the combina tion of a cedar lead pencil witk a pocket cigar lighter. It looks like a pencil, writes like one, but slide up a tiny but ton, and, pfestot it is a taper ready lit. A more substantial pocket lighter is in the form of a watch, which, by pressing the stem winder, opens the front of the case and exposes the light. Cigarettes are also in line with a num ber of novelties, the most striking one , being a walking ftick -with a ciga rette machine concealed in the handle. When the crook is lifted off there is seen a tiny funnel and a hollow tube; round this is placed a cigarette paper; loose tobacco is crowded into the tube; when full it is easily withdrawn, and the to bacco is left in the papva ready for smok ing. There is still :nother machine which, without any outsidte adornment, may be taken as the pocket cigarette machine par excellence. It consists of a divided cylinder three inches in length and about a quarter of an inch in diam eter. The upper of the two longitudi nal halves of the cylinder is dravn back, the lower one' .filled with tobacco, the upper one replaced, the loose edgs trimmed off and a piece of cigarette pa per rolled around the cylinder, when it may be withdrawn, and the cigarette is made. Still another, very good, but slightly cumbersome, is a flat box holding the tobacco and having two lids one to hold down the tobacco and the other to make the cigarettes. The upper ' lid is of metal, having two openings in it, through which runs an endleas band of silk ribbon three inches wide, which, when the lid is closed, is operated by levers set in action by the closing of the lid. To operate it open the upper lid, place a cigarette paper an a portion of tobacco spread over its entire length in the lower opening, close the lid, and the cigarette is transferred by the levers and the endless band to the upper side of the lid ready for use. Another improvement in cigarettes is the doing away with gum or paste to se cure the closing of the paper necessary to obtain the requisite draft. This is done by a mechanical twisting and in denting of the edges of the paper, which holds it firmly in position. Another idea is a "ventilated" cigarette, obtained by perforating the paper wrapper in a pe- COLUMBUS EGO PIPE. culiar way, which is not detrimental to the draft, and which insures cool smoke to the consumer. Still another novelty is an imported cigarette having a clip of paper affixed for the smoker to hold it by, thus avoiding the stained fingers of the "cigarette fiend." Cigarette holders are in force this year and range from to $ 150, according to decoration. Trick goods, such as the old plush cov ered sets representing ships, banjos, lo comotives, drums, etc., are out of date the only two ideas I have seen being a log cabin of fragrant weichsel wood which, when raised for inspection, pops a cigarette out of the chimney; and somewhat similar idea for cigars is a box made of fine olive wood, which has a lever at the side, which, every time it is pressed down, delivers one cigar and re cords the number left m the box. There are numbers of people who ob ject to the stale smell of smoke in their houses, but who do not know how to prevent it. For this purpose a neat but tiny lamp has beeu invented, the mere burning of which in a room completely deodorizes it. either after smoking or for the purpose of reducing "the fra- errant cloud" durin? the operation. It burns 95 per cent: alcohol through cotton wick, which, when lighted, heats a platinum holder, so that after the flame is blown out the heat draws up the alcohol and volatilizes it, the odor of tobacco vanishes, and the cloud in "smoker" ia sensibly diminished. WlLF. P. POXD. The Pressure That Kills. You have all heifWl how William Henry Harrison, grandfather of the present president, was killed by the office seekers. You have all heard, too. how other presidents have struggled under the pressure and the annoyance of office seeking till they concluded life was not worth living. The greatest trial President Harrison has had in the White House, and he has had many, has been the persistence of the place hunters and his inability to do anything for them. Private Secretary Halford said the other day that the president had come resolutely to the conclusion that if he were to serve a Becond term he would take steps to rid himself of this burden by relegating all the minor appoint ments to the bureau officers and cabinet ministers. That is where the business belongs anyway, and that is where i t ill go in the naar future. A Stand Off. "Where are you noiuc, my pretty maide?" "I'm going a-iuilkinic, sir," she snide. "What is your fortune, my pretty maide?" "About what yours is, sir," she saide. "Then I can't marry you, my pretty maide. "We'll call it a stand off, sir," sbe saltier Detroit Free I'ress. Mr. Qeo. W. Turner Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever' Saw Completely . Cured fry HOOD'S SARSAPAILILLA. "When I was 4 or 5 years old I had a scrofi ulous sore on the middle linger of my left band, which tot so bad that the doctors cut the finger oil, and later took oil more than half my hand. Then tha tors broke out on my arm, came out oa my neck and face on both sides, nearly destroying the sight of one eye, also oa my right arm. Doctors said It was to Worst Case of Scrofula they srer saw. It was simply swfsl! Firs years ago I began to Uk Hood's SarsaparUIa. Gradually I found that the sores were begin nine; to beal. I kept on till I had taken tea ... a . . . . . 1. 1 i . . 1. . Dottles, ws svusni jus. uuui vx ui m return I got for tint Investment! A .. mmmA Mr ccstt Yes. many thousand, for the past 4 years I have bud no sores. I Work all the Time. - Before, I could 4o wrU. I know not what to say strong enough to express my grat Itude to Hood's Snrsanarilla for my perfect curs.- oeoros w. Tt'KKsfi, f armer, ua wsy. Saratoga county. X. Y. " gpsttsaeattaasUif -.ttmaea. It U.a. Sq. a,l. FOASCIAL CONDITION OF TET The Annual Report of the Supe T. E. lS9i Dec. 1. To cash of John" L,kl Secretary W. .. 5,155 21 To cau ot-M7s. Kuhn. -1 r us tee To cash of . E. Erwin! Recorder -.. To cash of E. E. Erwin, Fretadeut To cash of Columbia Cotten Mill To cash of J ames Friel. 3,012 79 1,600 21 735 65 100 00 Captain 2 22 To cash tax collections 20,533 02 131,835 10 rvrsorr: - - a ij JOHN LATTA, Secretary. 1S92. Dec. 1. DR. To cash railroad police, $ 275 00 To cash, license issued. 1 819 16 To cash, merchants tax, 3,031 05 $5,155 21 E. E. ERWIN, Rjccordkr. 1892. Doc. 1. To bal.on hand Novem DR. ber 20, 1891 C48 35 To cash collected to Jan uary 1, 1892 1,017 80 To cash collected, fines and costs 971 80 To cash of A. J. Nicchols 57 01 To CRsh, H. K. Turner note. 48 75 12,743 77 BUDGETS 1891. Dec. 1. Bal. Dec. 1, 1S92 Tax levy Merchants license.. City Court State and County. . . $15,33ii(iG 2i.700 84 7,000 00 1,00 00 3,042 79 $5480 29 Balance in Budgets 1891. APPROPRIATIONS Charity department $ 312 72 Work-house department 908 90 Expense department 3,870 94 Electric lights department... 4,116 20 Fire and water department. . . - 5,014 92 Street and pavement dep't. .. 8,139 23 School department 8,139 23 Salary department 6,237 74 $37,339 94 Decrease of expenses for 1892 over 1891 1891. RESOURCES. Back tax books $ 6,535 00 E. E. Erwin, rax books or 1S91 7,21a oo Notes aud judgements 5T-3 31 Sinking fund 9,ls5 35 E. E. Erwin, Recorder 0-18 35 I.M.Sullivan, tax collector. . . 2,575 91 W. C. Taylor, hack tax collec'r 2,2b3 74 A. J. Nicaols, Treasurer 67 01 Heal Estate 24 000 00 Fire department 3,500 00 Street department 800 00 $57,333 70 Increase resources for 1S92 over 1891. Railroad bonds It. Friersou's note , IHH) 00 Warrants outstanding " V. II. Watkina, omitted Smith Bros, bonds W. J. Andrews' judgmeut, bal, Railroad coupons, omitted ... 7.1.U 4 1,ZZ7 50 4,000 00 51t. 90 -1,570 00 $65,324 Iucrease liabilities for 1S92 over 1601. Dt c. 1. blXKIXG 9.1H5 35 Aiii-junt on band $ Iuterest to l)jc. 1, LSifcJ . Cati, T. K. Liipscomb, Treasurer Biektax settlement... Interest ou same 551 12 1,000 00 2,101 05 132 ) $13,029 81 Ineroasa of sinkiug fund INTbRKST 1S9I. Ilec 1. 1892. Deo. 1. IR. Railroad coupons uup'd $1,570 00 R tilroad coupons 189 . . 3,000 00 Smitli Bros., int. 1891.. 2K) 00 Smith Bros., int. 1892.. 240 00 Interest warrants 281 34 $5,331 34 Decrease in interest for year warrant 1801, Dtc. DR. .$ 7,15 47 . 1,237 50 . 31,549 52 $39,920 49 1. Amount outstanding Due F. H. Watkins.... Issued during term... T. E. LIPSCOMB, 1S91. lec. 1. 1S2. ilec. 1. DR. $ c.rvti oo . 7,215 00 Am'nt back tax books Aiu'nt tax booka 1M1.. Atu'uttax books 1S92.. 20,700 84 4Q,4M 84 CITY Arrests 555; tinea 15 Appealed 5 Remitted ." 14 Forfeitures 28 Own recognisance. . .; 78 Dismissed . 81 Worked out 2d8 Collected l'Ui Uncollected Work-houae fees 555 CITY COURT Rent of old jail H. O. Harlan, sixty-four cases at jail K. H.Ouest, 241 cases old jail K. K. Erwin, costs Fees collected Fines imposed Balance .The following shows the offduse for lieiona inisfdiief. doine business witliout int? on moving cars, carrying slung .shot, assault with pistol, eacb, 1; tresspass ing, keeping open on Sunday, indecent exposure, shooting on the streets, each 2; resisting au otlicer, tailing to move ou when notified, keeping gamiug house, each, 3: loiterlug on streets, tippliug on Sunday, each, 5; walking wilu pros i nitea. t- vairranev. 7: carrving oiston. 8: unlawful assembly, 8: undue means, 10; gaming, 50: profane and abusive language, i; assault aud battery 101; drunk enness, ?24. TnThe Han. Board of Mayor ana Al tier men. Gentlemen: to submit to vou the follow intr rennrt of fires and alarms tor tne past year, commenciiig Dec. 1, Vol? or. iks 1891 to . n 1.1SU2. Tne City oi i-nasu i.-iiio culled noon Columbia lor assist ance. wbicn we gtauiy rwsuouuoo ouu . . . 1 , . i . .i was in readiness upou tne cars w at onee when a teUtgratn was receivou stating that the lire was under coutrol Sixth street at 51 o'clock p. m., at tne rt-Hidencft of Mr. Redd, caused by the nf bd and other furniture, I ossbu JWiiu; covered bv Insurance. The house was the iiroperty of II. P. Figures, S. Saturday. February M, 1S92. Fire . r SiirHi st reet at 3 o'clock a. III., at the residence of Mrs. Alice McCord, caufod bv the i.nring of kitchen and servants rAnm valued at $3 000: insured for tl laul T.. aa. ItM). " -.-,. ....... a ,om tt. A. Saturday nignr, .ipru z, of it ."o ,.i in hihcK t.;euter at nut grof-ery of James Winn a total loss. Inc., roil Fn.s'i, ML 1LII UHUIllfl t i.nwi. c In n..,, t-n 91. lS'.l'. rire l Ui'W s'niruiir waa discovered in OI1H Ol IUO . v ... v yj i .. . , ..,r....o.l hmmps or Air. W..Jyimo, iu . v..v.i . - - ... t,. ri '-n alarm was inn ou and we readily responaeu. lupre was but a small uoie ourneu iu iu floor, losses, about 70. uuy insureu. ; p,v.7Vii A,S' t uesiroyu iuu h..,i i,r.rr r,r Mr. Wilson which was n.nnH f.irtl ValllflU 1.JWH'. ni" ... V.V.J - - " . 1. ..1V'V. .v.. , - . - , , r. hnniPl1 nt Air. W . Jones " " s.' - " - .. a .l-i... were Dart v consumea oy o. "j were occuDied. There was ther of tha two. 7. Aitivau niaht. July V), lS'Ji. ai t ;to o'clock tire was discovered in ine grocery of Messri. Delk f P.edil and the ,itir stock was destroyed, and the ad joining store of Mr. H, Gross, dry crorwia. was also destroyed, as were both Ku, 1.1 ino-a. I f.A 1 IlliaiUKB worn iuvj bv Mr. James T. Moore and Henry Magrnder. Valued at 8,000 insured fortti.000. Mr. IT. - Gross stock was alued at ;i,oou insureu ior uuu. Mossra. Delk & lledd's atock was vaiiiAd at 8 500 insured for $0,000. Th atoek of K. 11. Peyton's saloon was fllihtly damaged -fully in snred. Also tbe stock of Chamn Bros, grocers,, was slightly damaged lully nanuul. 1 1 looked rar awuuv as i mo entire blook would be oousmned but the eood work of II re rue u aud oit aens eld tbe nre in aoeyanue. 8. Monday, July 11, 1XU4. fire was iscovered in the sexton house in Greenwood Cemetery which was ooou pied by Mr. John M. Dillon, who waa sexton. lie lost everything he had lu the house. The bouse waa tbe proper ty of the City of Columbia, and valued at $100, with no Insnrance. 9. S-,turday night, Anguat, SI, 1S93. The alarm of fire was sounded about 11:30; the eause of which was the bnrn Ing of twenty-five stalls at South Side Park. We were unable to render them an? assistance. Tbe losses were about $300. Also on oflce was burned. 10. Qciober ti, Mi. Fir w dis covered Jn th honse of Paroles Rowen, In Black Center Tbe ai'arht was tamed oa ind the nteuiea teedll responded HORATIO X OF COLUMBIA. Submitted to the Hoard of Mayor and Idfrmcti. "... j 'rfCOMB, TkuisiKEit. 112. Dec 1. CK. By charity vouchers 240 14 By work house 7(i2 35 Fire aud water " ,822 17 Lamp " 2,197 00 Expense 2.350 05 Interest " 4 !R 70 Street and pave. " 5.100 50 School . " 5.930 51 Salary " 0,251 13 Sinking fund" " Lot 0 Balance ou band 1.214 40 1:51,836 10 CR. Doc. 1. By receipt T. E. comb, Treasurer Lipe- $5,155 21 J5.155 21 1892. ' -Jan. 1. By receipts T. E. comb, Treanurer . Dec. 1. By receipts T. E. comb. Treasurer. By coxt allowed . . By balance CK. Lips l,(i00 21 Lips- 735 65 'M 15 105 70 ?2,71.5 Balaucson hand 1M92. .$105 76 Dec. 1 Appropriations for the yenr $3 1. Mi! 01 Intreit account 4 9iii 70 Sinking fund 1,010 00 $37,512 71 $10 07 58 1392. Charity Department Work-bouse department Expense department Electric light aepartinent. .. . Fire and water department .. Street and pavement dep't... Public achoot department.... Salary department 204 14 4S5 40 241 74 4,116 24t 4,735 70 (1031 40 7.278 19 6,393 12 $31,546 01 5,79.1 93 1S92. President $ 105 70 T. E. Lipscomb. Treasurer 1.214 40 Notes aud judgements !3 01 Tax books 19 917 82 Sinking fund 13.029 81 I. M. Sullivan and others 838 95 Real Estate 21,000 00 Fireengine 2.0OU 00 Hose carts and horses 1.500 00 Street department Moo IK) Columbia Cotton Mill Co., 100 00 Railroad police 50 oo $61,520 45 1891 7 186 75 liabilities. 1S92. $50,000 00 Railroad bonds .$50,000 00 . J,OiH 0J . 15,25t 4i :S74 f-i UK) 00 ninitli Bros, bonus Warrants outstanding Railroad omipous Rent City Hall $09,731 13 87 1891... 4,40o 21! 3.407 00 4,1W 20 2,710 4 7lil 57 7tj:i 57 73 57 371 01 7S 82 FUN l.. By city bon-ls, scbo d My Columbia Imp. Co. note. . By city warrants Byli.T Huglie' not By tieorgn Childress' note. . By F. J. Ewiug'i note. Hy city coupons By Columbia Banking Co. $13 029 81 3,814 10 ACOOUNT. 1812. Hoc. 1. Rtilroal ooupom paid H iilrja coup tn imp' Soiitli Bros, iutereit.. Interest ou warrant,. . .f.!,9.:9 12 d 371 01 2. VI 111 . 7M 98 $5,331 ;M 1,4 "15 30 Accci:x,r. 1891. Dec 1. cu. ? 210 14 702 :i5 , 1.822 17 . 2,1!7 09 . 2,S50 05 . 5,100 50 . 5,9:10 51 . 0.251 13 . 15,200 49 $39,920 49 By charity warrants.. By work-uouso war'ta.. By lire warrants Ity lamp warrants By expeime warrants. By btreet warrants. .. . By school warrants By salary warrants... By bal. outstanding. . Tax Ooi.lkctor. 1S02 IdO. 1. By amount collected.. $-3),5: it By bal. uncollected ly,!U7 140,450 84 COURT. f 1,40.5 CO 45 00 77 00 .r). 00 !)5 mi :w 475 : 201 10 201 40 " IW KXPKNSKS. Tl,b! 15 00 150 00 iw7 m 201 20 ZJti 15 $ 201 40 1,403 00 910 05 $1,005 00 f 1,0H5 00 which the above arrests were ruade: Ma- license, naviuir KauiuiK aeviee, jiniip- and the flames were foon extingusshed. The house was valued at 400 with no insurance. F. P. White, Chief Fire Department. To the Honorable Hoard of Maior and Aldermen of Columbia, Tenn., Gen tlemen: I here with submit my anuual report for the year euding Decern bo r 1, 1S92. T. K. Dipscomo, Treasurer, lias re ceived during the year, $31,835.10 and has paid out ou proper vouchers :j.l, 020.70, leaving balance in his bauds i, 214.40. Jobn Latta, Secretary, ha received $5,155.21, tor which he holds treasurers uceeipts. K. li. Krwin has received 2,713.77 and ras paid over to the treasurer .$2,033.01, leaving a balauc in bis bauds ol lU-j.Tt . On December 1. IdOl, the balance in the suveral budgets whs $15,3;i(i.i0, while the balance remaining In budgets, lor 1)2 amounts to $lti,707.5H. The appro prialious for 1W1 were $3,337 74, whilo tuose for lsifii amount tuq314d.01, a de crease iu expenditures ol $5,70.3.03. The resources on December 1, 1S01, amounted to $57,333 70, while those for 18U2 amount to $04,520.45, au Iucrease for the vear ot $7.1So. J. The liabilities on December 1, amounted to iio,3'4Js, wane ou Ueceui ber I. 18021 they amount to $0(1,731.12. au iucrease of $4,400 'M by deducting t(a increase liabilities irom the luoieaso assets there reumiua a net decrease oi the indebtedness of the city $3,780.10. Tbe sinking fund acoouul ou Decem ber 1, lSl'l, waa $',l,185.3.'t, while the same ouDecemter l,l8i is $13,021,, au in crease of $3 W44i The couoona of the olty que ana un paid on December 1, Mil I, amounted to the suui of $1,810 m whil.e those out standing aud unpaid ou December 1, 1K02. amount to 374 UI. a decrease of tl.- The warrants outtandina ou Decem ber 1, 181ft, amounted to $,3jo U7; amount outstanding December , 1802 $15,2tifi 4.U an iucrease of fo.sucvv-.- Tbe unpaid tax. on ueoeinutr J. VSH. was the sum oi &i.i,7.u.uu, wuere me amount ot unpaid lax. u Ueoemborl, lini, is tbe sum of ftVAOTW, u lucrea-u of ti,m7i!i2, . Thehnea and ooats aoeruiug in ttie city court during the year amounts to me iuui ot ii.mDU. wune ine expeuse Of maintaining same la the sum ol $7H4.9o. while the expense of eauiu for isyi luiouotwi io i,.M 3J a ueorease oi T3CW2i At the beglnulug or tbe year ine Board ot Supervisors asked au appro. prlation of $1 25 ou tbe $100 of tax.aWe property instead of $1.50, the r;e fur previous years. This sum w4 appiftpri aled by your Hou,orUe Board t aud upon the prap-rty eubje5t to assess ment tax amounting to $20,700 84 was v4ed. wlilie the tax raised by the levy of isWl amounted to tbe sum of $31,777.80, be city, lUUCO Hveu iu mo -uV I III 111 IA B J. K - - , - , regardle-eol tbe lacreaae u iue.i ! Ill ZZZiZZ m n !iy "' t Mri etii onaert iae mairucM . u(t j Vitiai S' . it-r'J'X .,' tlons of the board proceeded to assess the taxable property of the city at a CHt.h valuation; this caused considera ble complaint by the tax-puvorn, but this no longer exists, complaint ha given ppi-M to approval, especially with these who have paid their tax, hading that they ham to pay money this year than Tir t he past two vear. With the levy of $1 25 ou tho $KH) the board has decroaaed the uenoral liabilities of the city the sum of $2 780.49. The appropriations made by vou amount to $5,793.93 leas than in 1.89L, While this if true the presbut adminis tration has done more work for the aame ino"ey than any previous ttoarri. The work of the paat year, efpcially the fltreeta aud pavements is before the tax-pavers for thir careful considera tion, just and impartial criticism. Respectfully submitted, 'John Latta,' Secretary. A pproved. E. U. Eewin, Pres. Board Supervisors. All Along the Line Is heard the praise of Dr. Hale's House hold Ointment. Mrn. I. N. .lacobH, of b arminton, Me., writes I hat she nurtur ed live years with varicose veins and t wo running sores on her leg, and was completely cured by its use. D. IS. Fil ley, Salisbury, Vt., writes, "We cannot do without it; it relieves mv sister ol asthma at once; it cures a burn or hurt of any kind alutoMt instantly." I'mler date of May 30, 1892, R. H. Simpson, I, Roy, X. V , writes: I used Hale's Oint ineut Jor rheumatism three years ago and have not b. en troubled since. It is the llnest ointment In the world for general ush; 25c and &0;. per box. For sale by A. B. Rains. j4 lec9 ly ftt-vri-lng Tli I lit. BohhyFiiiiuy thing about Sissy's two beaux, isn't it. Pop Fond Parent is ilt Bobby Why, Mt. BoUlh-ixh is a grocer and .Mr. Uotrox hAio the rtd estate husi ness. . ' Foixl Parent What ahoiH. ilf Bobby Well, Sis says that -Mr. Boll!eili has lots of Hand, hut that Mr. Ciotrox luia more snar. Life. Why Notf Timid Youth Shu shall we ro anil sit under that w-w-willow. Miss Kthelf Demure .Maiden Why not umler that pop-pop poplar tree. George f Chicago Tribune. The KgoUt. I'm in love, and I'll never be Jilted Fur good looks or fur t;illou ur pelf; By none can my passion be n llted Because I'm iu low with myself. Chicago Nawa-Ueeord. WANTED! NAMES! Weekly Constitution, Published at Atlanta, ia. THE FARJ1EK8' Fit I K.N I , A 11 DM K COMPANION. Has already l"4i,0:j Su!xeriliers -The I .urgent Circulation or an v Weeuly Newsmp.r IN T UK WOK Ml. TUB OliKVTKsr HOUTll r"U WKKKI.Y. Its Agricultural lie; urtui-nt Is t In bl'Kt ill columns are the land. Its Women's and Cliildreiis of uuiisual domes! ie interest. I ts Hs-iiil Features '"l loon' mon llllll , Ill- In paid by any leu ouilicru iiiier bint-d for sieiei-al r-mtl.ii,' iinit. -r. lit News Coin m ns I 'over t lie orld. Kill Arp writes lor it. lr. Tiihiiiulve preaches for It. Joel Chandler Harris ( I) ni-lc Kermis). Will- lace P. Keed and Frank 1.. Suuiloii uio reg ularly employed by It A. M. w el r (.-4a lira fliniKet) nas u weekly letter. Mark Twain. Kobrt Jjouls .Stevens. m. Rudyard KiiliOK, Frame Stockton. Kieliard Malcouib Johns. and tut best lileruiy genius of the word cont l llinte to Ms columns. IT IS A MAGAZINE And every lu l i : ii educator ! Only 1 00 a year. Agents wanted in every loci. lily. Money for iiifcnls lu work. Un; torn. SKN1) FOlt SMIM,K CvlrMF.S. HKND ) Olvlntrthe ad iress. s of yourself SIX and live nel'bb rs win-want Iree MAMM. conies. Writ..- for atferil's terms Clubs of six for Five Dollars a your. Address (xTiiinuv. dec'J3 .'t ATLANTA, OA. $2,500 Ul Ki A WAY. '1 h M in j his Comiin'rt i.i', One of the befit na ners in II it papers in iluecd lis pi . Soul b, bus re to ,r0 iU'nls a ;ir, And In n.bli: ion is uffei!:'. s. ree v:i!ii:.ble pi lioilllt. ribi-i - mid I To tbe one m no lirsi s. in Is iu I be rot r. ct or nearest to correct of the M:tt.cs tro.ri which Mr Cleveland wi'l select his Cabiin t Tbe Conuiici cu.l v i 1 ic $500 In Grt'il. To the next near -s'. a ? i i no : be I bird, JJO iu K"ld ; I 1 1 ui i h. iri io t'ohl ; i bn till h, a Hm hri. of fnrtiit uri ; si xtb a T.-i in nu-y : I bti seventh, a ?." ..;a.m,n I r: un or pin; i iJilli, a $"XI Kol'l watch. Semi i-. .'i cents f..r a yai's nilwrri t ion ami iilx'i your tu.'vi on tbe I'ablt cl n tne following f.-riii. Aiy ,':u ss i : The Si-r. b In '- " lrolu the In w :'l Secretary of Iri 'I'n Heeretarv ol fr.i War in Jii- Secretnry of Navy fr. in ttu- K!:i e I Seeretury of 1 it i i..r fi in Uio of I'ostiiias er Gem n.l Irom the St.te f Attorney General fr .in 1 1..' M.ib Secretary of Vt: ien'tun: Irom I b.j s:. .ti- ol This Is no l.'ttci y, l.'it a n tul, Willi Its object to fun ii. r luere.isu t'n. circnl . I iou ol the Weekly Coiuuit rcisl and int rest Its readers In liie ;reiit issues of 1 1 c day. Write for a Iree sninnie copy. In euiiliion, Tne Com in rein I oili r.s a lis' of ino. c ami jiriEPH to agents who g.-t up clubs, and mImi ii liber al commission. Scud in al once for Iree sainil. s and I. st' iictiuns to airci.ts Ad lress JI1K tiiM MKUt'iAli, .Mciiiihis, Tenn. .lee' W. It Chaneery Sale of Land A. J. ltoddy, Administrator, t nl., vs. J. II. Marks, et si. Pursuant to an order entered in above eause, nt th" Oct'.Ner I: I III, is;t, in i no iiiaiicoi y i iuui iir .-.laury County, at kw- 420 o'f the loiunt'-H, 1 v ill. On Monituy, Junnarj it I Sit.';, Kxposp to pul-lioaale fit thu Coiirt-lionso door, in tha town of Columbia,, the fol lowing described tract r,f land, to-uit: Situated iu tho Kleveruh ei il district ol Mi-ury County. Trini., b.-lniiiny at a act siniiii in .i ai i s eo. iir in. v. ,. .lor row's lino; thence N. dcgrei-s W. Nl poles to a stake; tlieilco N. i: ilegri'cs 11 50 )les to a slake m ( i i llespin's line; thence N. Ks degrees W. 57' j i-dcs, to a stake In Douglas corner; t m.ns X. 2 de grees W. lllrt polos til a i vim tree, Liitl inulU'i-ry pointers; theio c N. ssi degrees W. 20 H-li) jMiies V, a luteeli stil.i'p; thence W. 2. degree W. 4 7-10 polos lo a set atone in Swmia N truer; ihencit S. M degrees J-i liil judes to a stuke in A, Ak Mot ruw a I'lie; llienco . 2 degrees, li polei to a stake; thence hi degrees f. 7 lMles to a Mtnko near a largo '.is-el pointer theneo 2 ilegn-es l, iV4 ts.les to the lieginning, eontauung To ucres more .or less. Terms ot Sale, e-ash, freo from the right and eumtv u reilemption. deeO 4t J'. C. DKXTKlt, U ('. M. Chancery Sale oi' Land. Alex Oant, col., vs. Caroline Davis et al. Pursuant t a of sale entered at the Olohor term, KLi, of t.'io C'lui ice ry Court for Maury Countv. in above styled oaimo, at page 'til of the minutes, i win. on Monday, January :t, 1S0.', Kxiixe to publio sain at the court-housA door, in l be town or cniumoia, not ni- lowlng described tractor parcel of land to-wit: Silusted iu ' the I ourleenl U civil distict of Mtury Countv, lvotidnd bv the lands ot Johnson, K -ecu. tN'Ster. Carrlgan arid itooinsoii, otui'.si lUe aaiue couveved by W. H. H.olJuao.u tu Henry Stray horn bv deed, and recorihuj In the Register's dIoe of Maury t'ouuty lu Book i,. Vol. , page 6KV Maid alo wil.1 lie ou a credit of six, twelve, aud eighteen months, free from Cue right audi eipiily of redemption. .otea with approved person il s-eurity, UuurinK Interuat from day of sale will be required Of the purchaser and a lieu retained 1 1 secure payment of the pur chase money. dec23 ids J.O. hBXTKIt, P. C. M. . . ,p s vf - 1 U tl ar j 1 1 a I w w anu Onlum Hw i -I J. Frankland & Co., Dealers lu Foreiin anl Dominic Dry Ms, lions, am! La.Iics and dents' FlTRNISHiNU OO HIS at Nc York no tations. 311 V. Cllflre Street, Aus'ivl'l-, Tenn. The only dry (foods limine that euiloyi the be-t Hh 1 1 1k1 Kulcamau to till all orders fur KoodH or Mi'iifili-H. CloakK, WiiqiH, Fine Shawl, new lino ol Silks, yv'ool liri-NM O kxIh and Wash Fabrics. Clirlstiillne silks in chaiiKcubu, ,ir els at T.'. II aiidsomu Hue of silks nl XTe. ami ti p. Canton Flannels at 4 e ; Heavy llriiwn ! iiichUch at :i c. ; Tabic- 1.1 iihii mI and up; Best Hue of Corse u: Tha H. 1., Tint C li , I)r. Warner's Head It and Car . .1 1 no. Thomp son's U'nvc Flttitnj CorsHia, The F.idlier Jioubl- H.nk Coi situ at 4iie.; J be Carie Blanch at :t!c Oeods amounting fo " and over, Ktnt Iree. Bend your orders to JUS. F1UKI,AN1 & CO., deeZHt N ASH V I L.I.K, 1 F.N N. Chuiu cry bale of Lund. Mrs. Susan I'reslun, vs. K. l. JsetA'd-v. ttl al. Pursuant to a th'oroe, rendered a-t the October te-r in, ImU. of .ho 1'buneory Court for Maury County, Tennessee, at piKi' 'Vk of tho iiiiun te.-i, I will, on Monday, Juniniry J;, 1 '.):, K)ose to lubli(! tale at tho court liousn door, iu the town of Columbia, tne fol lowing described tract or parcel id land, t-wil : .Situated in the hth eit il district of Maury County, Teunesstc, bounded on tho nori h by the lamia of A. F. A lex ander and W. M. Neellev, on lh eht by W.J. Fly and Mrs. V. K. Flillins and Pulaski ike, south by John Paris, . W.J. Fly and Mrs. W. K. Phillips and on tho west ty Mrs. P. K. ISeelley dower triielc and'W. II. Nelley. Said sale will tut for eah free. fioni Die riirhl anil vntv of redemption. Oec.-Sltds J.O. I'ICX I Kit. li.C. M.. Bv virtue of a writ of vend tiotii e(.vy, i!as issued tome from tho 1 Ion.. nil. It- y'i,r- t-tiit Court oi Miiioy i oiirity, i. nui, V s at the Si pteiuber term, IV-'A ill IV'.ei e of S. S. Craifi. vs. J. T. liauicl iUid M A. lianiel, I Mil, on Sill urdiiy. D. criiiljer 81, JWliJ, Within leirnl hours, at the court-hod" door, in the town of Co) it in hi Tenn., sell to the hinhi Mt bidder lor c isli, th fol nwiiif; ilcM-rilii'd I riteta of laud, situ ated in tin' F flh eivil district of Mau ry Count v, Tenn., bounded hh follows: 'f rui t No' 1 : on tho north by Hindoo, on the south by Hiitf'es, on the east by On born, inn I un tht west by Ibiniid, eon taiilini; It.fc! acres, known as the prop erty of J. T. Ibmicl. Tract No. "2 ml- jomis tract :n. I on tne west, aim contains 1. 1 acres. Known us ino property of Mrs. M. A. Daniel. Said lriiclsoV land sold as the p-rly of .I.T., and hi. A. lianiel to nitisty this order of sale and cost. .Ire'.l It P. II. KAdSDAI.P., ShlV. CllAXCMtY s vli:. A. .1. l'itvpa' rick, vh. Kuh Jolimon, et al. Piir-uiiiut to a d. creii of sale nili-red at the October lorui. 102, of the llonorublo Chancery Court for Maury County, ill above styled cause, at iik$o of tho nilliiiti M, 1 Mill, on Moiirlay, January tt, IMbt, I' x pose to public sale at the 'ourl-housn door, ii. I he tow n of Columbia, the fol low in it d i :.(! ibed t ract or pa eel of land, t wit: Siliinlod in the .Seventh eivil district ot Maury Countv, hounded on tho noilli by llie'biiel- ol' Hubert Craig, Sr.. on t he ea -d bv a i:n acre tract of ( '. .s. Scott, deceased, on the i.oiilh by thi lands of S. P. Stock :i rd, et a I., a ml on I ho w est by I he luiuis of 1 uve Ib yanl, et al., known ris the I. n.lon place, and con taining k acres, mure or less. This tract is subject to tho life e.-tate of Mrs. M. A. i. .union. Siiid sale will be on a credit of si x and twelve months, free from the right and eipiity f redcinpi Ion. Notes bear ug in t- rest from il i y of Male w ill be rniiired of trio puieliasi r, and n lien retained to (euro nielli ol ine purcniNc money. ileel'i lis .1. C. I ' K AT 1 . 1 1, l. C. M. Chancery Sale (' L-inI. W. I.J)n'l , el al., vp. II. T. Oi nloti, i I al. Piiisi.iiiit to a decree rend red at the (ictobi r lerin, ls'.i2 of I he Chancery Court for .Maury County, In aboo sty led cause, at P'H'" H'.l, 1 will ou .Vuii'My, rfinciaij 2:, I s;:s lxiiose to public sain al the eour t-lin0"O door, iu t he tow u of Coliim nia, the f I lowina described I mil of laud, lo.Mit: l, il ii in Ibe i'lst ei il dhlrlct of Msiiry oii'ilv I urn. ssi i , i ml bobiided north i.v I he! lands id ( 'Hid well, Scott, John si ', n I )i. v is , c nil .1 . '. Mucin P. east hy Juliiiyou li t vi i.rui .1 . 1 '. .Mncbell, and M tin v Cent ral I ui I-lii kc, sou t h by lb esta e of .Ino. P. I'.io'.vn, t'ee'il. ami west I. v Ino. P. !!ro n's eslaie, II. W. and l.'l.. P.oU r, Ci l.lvn II ::nd others, nnd k iioivn as the W. I. liavis place, i;ont ui n ii g about 22.1 acres, more or less Said sa!it will bit oi aen.litnf I eM tin nlhs, fri-e In in l ho rivlit nnd npilty ..f leib ri.pttoii. Nolo bn.ii ltii interest Iro n ili; of K ile w. n h i.pproved perou al hi cut it v v. ill b n ijiiired f lh pur-ciiasor.-iu I a I i ii u la. lie I to si cine li:- vinenl. ol tne i.uicriiise n oney. il' i '. It .1. C. liKXTKU. 1. C M -Noil" IJesitlenl Xetiee. i r.;:i:i: A N i M u rr u's (If ki 1 l. r.'llll.. r 111, -.lei. .1 OS Sli ires, et i' , Com j.lai'.a li t, a. .1 es se Chen.., I.'r, ot al., Delendanl. It Bpposring from Bill 's' it liied In this cause, that the d ef. nda nl , IImi. I,. Slums I-, a in n I s i i c u I t f the State of Tennessee, 1 1 is t heref ira ordered Ilia', he cnler Ii HHppcaraiico herein, b. tore or wilh :n t lift lirst. itiree da a if tb next term of the Chancery o.irt to 1st held at ( o iimbin, en tin. hr.t Monday A pill next, 10'., and lev.d, .it or demur to coin piaitiant'H lliesauie will be b.Km lor t a Lo liiin and seL fur lit-itf1 ill. or eonfcS'l g e x pn i U ; .....i 1 1. ..i ........ .ii- ig ex tin niiit..w..'i', .'. nils lishcd lor lourcotiMtif Columbia Herald. i der be r u b- ..1 ve weeks iu the W. W. WnlC HKX r 10 It, I). C. M. dee III P, er, S d'r lor Compl'l. Ti .tM-'s Sail? oi IJpiiI Rslalc. Pursuant to the terms of two deeds of trust executed to nu- by David K. lb, rich and wife. Maltha S uepla Doiteh, one reeorde.d in the Kegisier's olln-e of Maury CiipvIV ini., uk , Vol. I. l. 2M; iliu .nffr Iti l'..a.U T., Vol. :. p. .'.!, I Will so;l lit public outci V to Hie hiu.'o t bidder bir cash, :il Oie colli t-hollsit door ill Columbia, Tenn , free from the equity ol i eil' iujilioe, ou ThurNilny, Jaiiiniry A, 1 Si;:t, bet ween 10 o'clock, iu in. and 12 o'clock. iloon, lint lollowinvr described lots or parcels of ground, ly ing iu the Ninth eivil district of Maury County, 'lenn, near the S. I'.. inaiLiin of Columbia, bounded as follows: I list tract begin ning al the intersection of the r-owell mill and Ijcwislun u, ji k and an alley which separates tin- property herein Hl'ti r dch'eiib ii from I,. P. Pmlgc fs Ji'ib-c, and running thence south with tho w est margin of n.-ml Pdgeit alley i.- Hlreet 120 leel to the north IiiuilIii of it 15 fMil street, llioiiee west with said north margin of said 15 fo t s rent. 210 feet lo a Mta!. e. thence uorth-east-w ardly about 2no feel to a jhi t in tin south 'margin of tint li'wisburg piki 1 Si feet from the of beginning, and Iheiu-'t with s inl margin of s.-ii.k ike s." feet to lb" beginning, lieiu ots Nos. II, 7, K and 0. on pi An of lots in mv hands; on wbicli the Cluu'lii.-i green house Is located, also lots Noh. lii. 17, lN 10. 211 aud 21 on said plan do Kerile d as follows: Peginiiiiig at th Intersection of thu Pailgelt street nmi 15 foot street above deserils'il, uml run ning theiiee soul Ii I'll 1 udL'ett street 1 10 feel to the north in i.tciu of an nllev which si'parat.'H said lots hum J. i . Mayes property 15 leet h'et I henei west w ith said iilley, :tim feet to a foot alley, theueit north with tho 22! foot alley 140 b et to the lirst nauieit 7 tiKif street, aud thelic- I'll-t 'U0 feel b Padgett street, also lol. No. l.'l tin sunt fdao, Is giiining at the intersection ot' th" first named 15 foot street and r'ua- e-l or lOast Margin slreet, thttnei. south with said l,:isl Mai'cin sir. et l feet to tbe N. W. Corner ol lot No. : t. thence Fast 150 fuet to the 22 fisit slre-i. thence with it iimtli i tisa to lirst liimieii 15 foot stt'eot, mi l tlion. e wild it tict to tho is gum Wilt. Knvusl tract Ihmiiu1hI as follou m; On ilxt wer bv Kunmo1I ur Fast Miirirln a rwt. o, iiil'l oust by Dortch, all 1 moi j ' Mnterson i-stale, lrmi'r Fiissell stri-ot, ai- i feet, lstii'-' J truet Pl,Va baby was Iced YTieii she a X T ! 4 A T