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Hp 111 III .'I THE COLUMBIA HERALD. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1917. mmm MB TO T7 n D Pgail ir02S TOST H BBI WS3 BiB ... r .a ?1 I 1 i . . of the New High Brown Boots, from vV. W. Lvans s. sdrwiu Deawaraea to the First Special Prize This Week Only One Pair of the New High Brown Boots From W.WEvans Co. Shoe Store Given to the candidate turning in the highest cash report during the week. Thisls Your Opportan Will You Let II Pass? The campaign has narrowed down to a few short weeks, days, hours, minutes. Tne contest tor honors and valuable prizes will increase with every hour struck by Father Time, until the last few hours hours of nervous activity, suspense and wonderment. This week you can win a 'specie! prize by turn ing in the most money on sacscriptions, and t :en one at the end. Really after all tMs is the big wet k. Second Special Prize Photographs To the lady turning in the second highest cash rfpcrt this week only $5.00 worth of rhotogrrphs from the Columbia Photo Gallery will be given fes second special prize. Mrs J. R. Anderson is the only lady photographer in the city of Columbia and guarantees all work done to be satisfactory. Mrs. Anderson hns just returned from Chicago where she made a special study of Photography and now invites you to call at her nsw studio. . Columbia Photo Gallery Two Weeks Only This offer will be in force from Mon day, October 29th, until Saturday, No vember 10th, inclusive. VOTE SCHEDULE. By Carrier In City. 3 months. $1.00 4,500 votes 6 months 2.00 .. 1 year 4.00 .. 2 years 8.00 .. By Mail 3 months fl.00 .. 6 months 1.76 .. 1 year 3.00 .. 2 years 6.00 .. Weekly 6 months.. $ .76 .. 1 year 1.26 .. ,.12,000 Totes ..30,000 votes ..75,00 votes . . 4,500 votes ,.12,000 votes ..30,000 voles .. 76,00 votes . . 2,40 votes . . 6.000 TOtea 2 years 2.5 24,000 votes ft ia as Offers V ' ' ; ; -I- .is . 2 . ' pan Imcmc Last Week Only This offer will be In .force from Mon day, November 12th, until Saturday, November 17th, inclusive. VOTE SCHEDULE. By Carrier In City. 3 months $1.00 3.000 votes 6 months 2.0 . 1 year 4.00 . 2 years 8.00 . By Mail 3 months $1.00 . 6 months 1.75 . 1 year.. S.00 . 2 years 6.00 . Weekly 6 months $ .75 .... 1,000 votes 1 year 1.25 .... 4,000 votes 2 years..? . 2.50 16,000 votes . 8,000 votes .20,000 votes .50,000 votes . 3,000 votes . 8,000 votes .20,000 votes .50,000 votes Two Bracelet Watches Fourth Prize One to Each District Value $25 each Purchased from II. S. Lilius v," ' Third Prize s- One to Each District Two Ladies Suits Valued $25.00 Each Purchased and on display Maury Dry Goods Co. First rand Prize Ford Touring Car Sixth District Prize Two LavalSiers Purchased aad on display at Knebel Jewelry Co, Store First District Prize Two South Bend Ranges iecon s&d mm IBM fX( tr,i I Purchased of Lamb Piano Co., Nashville. MPVKI3HT a.i.c-. 1 r Purchased of Columbia Hardware & Furniture Co. Seventh Prize One to each district Two Chafing Dishes valued at $12.50 ech Purchased and on dismay at H. S. Lilius Jewelry Co , Knebel Jewelry Company. , i n JVM iecend islrlG' rize 77 li Two Kitchen Cabinets Valued $40.00, Purchased and on display at Columbia Hardware Q Furniture Co. JStore. Fifth district Two 125.00 certificates each Drauflb on's Practical Business College. The certificate are good for 125.00 on full court or good for a comple" course In short-hand by mall. You can go up In the business world if X00 really want to. You can fit yourself to earn as much or more than the other girts. You should make the start today to get special training by sending for Draughon's catalogue. 7 sea T 9 Room 10, Masonic Building Citizen's Phone 49