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THE COLUMBIA HERALD . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1919 PAGE FIViS 1 . Ft IT..1 pET) egDninioinig patyraay9 ,Nov.'5- mg. Saturday KiwB 2 S '.Ti ii Li I I 1 1 M.i,LUY Ui rW 11 -rffii.'arrrnaxuija: Whprf Vpr,uhol)j Shops': 5 7 s of Matchless Value Giving rtwii rWhe rt bvoi-.u lx1.ij b hops' lo) o lAi -A Wonderful Opportunity is offered in this sate for the early Christmas shoppers. An opportunity to save on your gift giving. Read over the many wonderful values in this profit-sharing sale You will find many suggestions for his or her gift. A T P R' F I T A Fenny Saved is a Fenny Earned." Are you saving Profit-Sharing Coupons? This store gives them with each 25c purchase. $1.00 in merchandise for every $50 in coupons. (A Sayings of 2 per cent.) 3 m A An. Event in Which This Store Shares Profits With its Patrons. Women of Columbia and Vicinity Be Ready, ComeandShare Merode and Setsnug UNDERWEAR For Women and Children - Profit-Sharing offers most sensational values in the SALE IY1 P WW $30.00--$35.00 VALUES a You will receive the utmost service and satisfaction from underwear Bought here, ilAll' weights, kind and sizes. ; Women's Pants and Vesttf $1.50 to $3.00-- ; ' Women's Unions. $2.00 to $4.00 Children's Unions $1.25 to $2.00 $10.00- 512.50 Sweaters At $6.95 These Sweaters are knit of rinest wool, in all wanted shades and combinations, coat and slip over styles a Not only does this store share its profits on these suits, but through the efforts of our New York effice which secured remarkable price concessions, you are enabled to share the manufacturers profit which makes the values the more remarkable. Here are hundreds of women's suits in 4 lots Suit values that no woman can afford to miss. , $40.00--$45.00 VALUES (2 fj n n AT AT fOftlU :j $29.95 W Y P . Materials of fine serges and tricotines in wanted shades, beautiful new styles only found in much higher priced models. v$35.00$40.00 ., , VALUES ' . No woman can look at Una lot without wondering at the groat values they offef. Materials cf silvertone serges and tricotines. $60.00--$65.00 VALUES'" S3 AT Suits at this price offer wonder ful values. Novelty plaids, velours serges and tricotines deve loped in the season's newest styles. Other Suits Up To $90 Specially Priced 2 Beautiful models, some richly trimmed with fur in broad cloth, ssilvertone, serges, tricotine, choice velours, novelty plaids. Opportunities To Save In The Profit-Sharing Goods Counter Woolen Dress Goods at .-08 Inctuding Solid Serges and Novelty Suitings Counter Dress poplins at ; 50 Flowered and dots on solid grounds good, quality. Counter Outings at 25 Dark and light 'patterns in solids and Btrlpes. $1.08 S3? Counter $2.50 Silks Counter 3c Flannelette, at 36 Inch Domestic at 25 In brown and bleached best grade. 40c Dress Ginghams at In desirable dark and light patterns. A BIG REMNANT COUNTER OFFERING UNUSUAL BARGAINS DRESSES IN TilS SALE Arc Wonderful Values You will think we have surely made a mistake in marking these dresses when you see them Such lovely styles and so many to choose from. Beautiful trimmings of beads, braid fringe, and embroidery defigns. Most Unheard of Values In Sale of Coats You cannot afford to miss seeing this great assortment of coats. Self trimmed and for trimmed models--Coatees, three-quarter and full length styles, no matter now criti cal you may be, you are sure to find one here that will sat isfy your ideas. At the following prices no woman need be without one. $25.00 values, at . .$19.95 $30 and $35 values, at . $24.45 $40 and $45 values, at. $29.95 $50.00 values,. at , $39,95 $60.90 values, at . .$49.95 NEW BLACK COATS AT $24.95 Almost any woman can afford another new hat with such a bargain opportunity as this SALE NEW MILLINERY $5.00 Hals at . . . . . . . $2.48 $7.50 Hats at . : . . . . . $3.95 10.00 Hats at . ... . . .$195 I $20.00 Hats at . . . . . . . $9.95 .3 v V X 11 C V 1 ZM Wool, Serge and Satin Dresses $15.00 values at -80,95 $17.50 and $20.00 values, atj51,.)5 $25.00 values, at 17.85 Dresses of Tricotine, Tricotette ann Wool Jersey $2-1.05 '-$27.-15 $31.05 $::o.OO values at . ;.:?5.00 Values, at $10.00 values, at $r,0.00 values, at 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL FURS Special Waist Values For The Profit-sharing Sale $6.00 Waists, at $4.95 I One lot Georgette Waists ...3,05 $7.50, $s.00, $S.5o Waiat3, at..Jj$5.83 I Women's L'ath Robes specially priced. $12.50 waists, at ?1.5 I "t?3. 15. $3.03, $ 1.15, $1.95 $6.00 Cotton Blankets at $4.95 In solids, grey, tan and white, largo plaids In dark and light . i i!u ' u a . . !A? colors, large 8i, lll,1BU- J .j. O J. . i ,i . i , . j, J I . Large Wool Blankets $9.95 In beautiful plaids and white with blue and pink borders. Won- j derl'ul vulucs sold as seconds. Large Cotton Comforts at $3 to $7.00 Iarge size in dark and liglit colors, well made. Lambs Wool Comforts at $13.50 Largo size in beautiful patterns, extra values, at $13.50 $3.98 - 200 Pair Women Shoes Carried over Wichert and Queen Quality shoes in Lace and Button styles, Patent Kid and Kid; Values on today's marktt up to $10.00 "$3.9.8 siz"' 6 Counter Children's Shoes at $2.98 Sizes 11V4 to 2. L j , ("Where Eveyybodjj Shops"! uM $1.98 $2. 50 Men's Shirts at All new fall patterns, cut fall, guaranteed colors, all sizes HEAVY WOOL SWEATERS 5.00 In Brown, Navy and Maroon with large roll collar, two pockets, coat styhs. COTTON SWEATERS Al $1.50 & $2 Heavy Knit Coat Sweaters in Gray and Navu. 7 ! 5f- I welcome rr OUR T..T..T. ,TtT..T..T..T..T..T..T.tT..T..T..T..T. -T.,T..T..T..T..T..r..T.,..V..T..T..T. . T O JEL Em 4t i 1 1 j i IT )