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THE COLliMBIA HERALD , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 19 PAGE SEVEN X y v n CalllMiMMMMMM 1 .... 1" - ,- if r 1 .tru..,..,Wu.t,,m, I - '" .1.1" in., , ., , IUJ A n I) 0 DUUIp) J Ml I 1 1 , .: The Dimple Ice Cream & Creamery Company Has To Date The Of Stock Holders: 1 Following List JOSEPH A. CHAPMAN J. W. CLOPTON J. B. LOVELL THE COLUMBIA HERALD CO. ALBERT NAFUS JAMES W. RIDLEY ' 'I JOHN W; SHELTON J. WALTER GRIFFIN J. SHELBY COFFEY M. E. ALLEN DR. S. R. HARDISON ASHLEY SOWELL J. FRANK RUSHTON HUGH L. WEBSTER NORMAN DALE W. J. DALE C. A. PARKER, Sr. JIM MOORE MRS. T. H. MANGRUM. MRS. H. T. SELLERS IKE W. LOVELL R. S. HARDISON C. D. PARK WM. TOLLEY WILLIAM P. RIDLEY ANDERSON BROS. & FOSTER N. F. VAUGHN H. O. PETTY J. T. PETTY J. M. PETTY WM. CHEAIRS This Company has the foundation for the new plant at the corner of Garden and 11th st reets, hear the railroad station, completed and brich laying will commence immediately; the Dimple Company hopes to get in the new building' before the holidays. It is not necessary to finance the company by the sale of stocK but the company desires that every farmer, dairyman and citizen of Maury county be directly interested in this the greatest industry that has yet come to Maury County; that is: Haying a safe, sure and constant daily market for all dairy products at the highest market value. In order to have this co-operation ol the citizenship of Matfry county, the management has deemed it wise to give the public an opportunity to take stock in the Dimple company and the stock subscription list will remain open for that purpose for a short time. It is not the purpose of the company to make excessive profits for the benefit of a'few individuals, but by paying the highest market valve for all dairy products and the parti cipation of the citizenship of Maury county as stockholders the company feels that the public generally will be served and that in time Maury county will head the list of all counties in dairy production, a position rightfully due Maury county. The Dimple Company has taken over the old established business of J. B. Lovell which is a proven success therefore there is no feature of speculation attached to the enterprise m mm is It region) m ""5,-'- T " WM mm d cw u 11 DUTY ALL GOOD CITIZENS TO SUPPORT GOVERNMENT DECLARES JUDGE TURNER RINGING CHARGE DELIVERED TO GRAND JURY ON EXISTING CONDITIONS. MUST SAVE OUR INSTITUTIONS Only Hope and Safety of the Nation Lie in the Enforcement of the Law and the Maintenance of Good Or der Criminal Statutes. "In this time, when the spirit of un rest la abroad in the land, when men and organizations who have no sympa thy for our system of government, are trying to tear it down, it is the duty of all good citizens to respond dili gently to any call for the restoration of order and the supremacy of the law." Ia these ringing words Judge W. Bruce Turner, of the circuit court, this morning charged the grand jury empannelled for the November term of the court. It was a charge that should have been heard by every good citizen of the county, it was a clarion call for service of country In this great cri sis. Judge Turner called attention to the present agitation. He warned against the efforts that are being made by foreigners and those of for eign parentage to change our system, which he declared was the wistest and best mankind had ever devised. He denounced all organizations or individuals who would take the law in their own hands. He gave in charge all laws passed for the suppression of mob violence and demanded that they be enforced. He said that under our "Gets-It" Peels Your Corns Right Off Two Drops "Will Do It Without Fuss or Trouble. Never Fails. There's only one way to get rid of a corn, and that is to peel tt oft as you would a banana ekin. There is only one corn remover in all the world that does it that way. and that As.Dead ath Dodo Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. , "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! Dodson's Liver Tone is personalty guaranteed by every druggist who ells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fills to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, Lurmleu to bota clulixtn and adultf . Take a spoonful at night and wake nn fcelinff fine: no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause in convenience all the next day Idee no-, lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day'e work! Take Dodson's Urn Tone instead' and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition, ; There's No Cora "Ceti-It" Will Net 'Get.' is "Gets-It." It is because of thle fact that "Gets-It" ia today the blgr pesi seller among corn-removers on this planet. It moans the end of "corn-fiddling." For hard corns, eoft corns, very old corns, young: I corns, corns between the toes and calluses, it means a quick, certain finish. "Gets-It" is applied in 2 or 3 seconds. AH you need is 2 or .3 drops. As easy to do as signing your name. It does away forever with tape, plasters, bandages, knives. corn-dUger3, scissors, files and blood-bringing razors. Ease your corn-pains, be corn-free at Inst. "Gets-It," the only sure, guaranteed, money-back corn-remover, costs but a trifle at any drus store. M'fd by R. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago, I1L benign system of government every individual from the lowfest to the highest could obtain a redress of wrongs through the machinery of the law; that all could participate alike in the making of the law and in the selection of the machinery for its en forcement. Therefore he said that it was not only unlawful for individuals or associations to take the law into their own hands but that it was in this nation wholly without any justi fication. ' This is a time, said the court, when it is essentially incumbent upon good citizens, who appreciate the blessings of our government, to come to its aid and to assist the officers in the en forcement of the law. There can be no good order, no protection for life Bnd property, said Judge Turner, with out the enforcement of the laws. "It is our duty to stand by and uphold, as true patriots, the government hand ed down by the fathers," declared the judge. Judge Turner's charge was a long and exhaustive one. Besides its gen eral appeal for support of the govern ment, it ran the whole gamut of the criminal code, from murder down to the road law. Judge Turner especial ly railed the attention of the jurors to the statute of the last legislature against the selling or giving to mi nors under eighteen years of age of tobacco in any form. He also stress ed the dog law urging that it be fairly and impartially enforced. He said it was designed to serve a good purpose and every citizen liable therefor, should be compelled to pay the dog tax. Judge Turner also delivered a vig orous charge on gambling in all forms. He urged indictments against those who bet on football or baseball or other games, or who played cards for a consideration. The various li quor laws were likewise given in charge. The court called attention to a new act which requires that the proper authorities keep the stars and stripes flying from every public school house. This was a statute, he said, designed to bring about greater respect for and veneration for the flag and insti tutions of our country. . Judge Turner called attention to the laws against "profiteering." He said that in ordinary times we had depend ed upon the law of supply and demand to regulate profits, but under the exist ing conditions recourse must be made to the law where there was undue profiteering. The law against com binations of trusts in- restraint of trade were likewise touched upon. Considerable time was required in organizing the grand jury this morn ing for many offered excuses, not all of which were accepted by the court. The grand jury was finally organized as follows. William O. Witherspoon, foreman; Alebrt 'Matthews, J. W. Armstead, J. Ripley Steele, D. Frank Fulton, Robt'. Holder, W. A. Glenn, W. N. Bingham, Clark T. Jones, Gid Sellers. John A. Gilbreath, Luther Overton and Sam Brown. JOM WRITE & CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. Established in 1837 Liberal assortment ana lull value "Sisesk Me LIVER DIDN'T ACT DIGESTION WAS BAD Saji (5 year OU Kentucky Lady, Wlo Tells How She Wu Relieved After a Few Dosea of BUck-Dranht Metdorivill, Ky.-Mra. Cynthl. Hlgglnbotham, of this town, sayB: "At my age, which la 65, the liver does not act so well as when young. A tew years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I was constipated, my lirer didn't act My digestion was bad, and it took so little to upset me. My ap petite was gone, I was very weak. . . I decided I would give Black Draught a thorough trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble. I began taking It ! felt better after a few doses. My appetite Improved and I became stronger. My bowels acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a few doses of Black-Draught" Seventy years of successful use has made Thedford's Black-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at times, need the help that Black-Draught can give In cleansing the system and re lieving the troubles that come from constipation, indigestion, lazy liver, etc Tou cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver and bowels are in good working order. Keep them that way, Try Black-Draught It acta promptly, gently and in a natural way. If yon feel sluggish, take a dose tonight Tou will feel fresh tomorrow. Pric 25c. a package One cent a dose An druggists. 7. SI ROAD BOARD TO PASS UPON THE TAGS EXPENSES THE COUNTY ATTORNEY HOLDS THAT IT HAS DISCRETION IN THE MATTER. DOUBTS LEGALITY OF CLAIM i ... But in View of the Recommendation of the County Quarterly Court the Commission Can Have Them Paid. Mr. Crowe Sick. REMARKABLE FALL NO KILLING FROST COUNTRY LOOKS MORE LIKE MIDDLE OF SPRING THAN . EARLY WINTER. Mt Plmsant. !. "When I found slrkims ippf n( g my IwrtJ 1 ft a 8 lb. poll of B. A. Tbonu' Uijf Kemdy. Before I enltb4 fe4iif it. I wm to iflrd ttoal I got .other, ana whes kit bofs wet ill well I got third pe.ll and Bod that letrea weak feed keeps taeas well." Jim Keraieea, it. lio. 1. OLD KENTUCKY MFC CO, be, PaJecakKy. i Without killing frost promised soon by the weather man and it already the eighth day of November, this fall has set a remarkable and unusual re cord for this section. Not many times in the past have tho pastures been so green and luxuriant as they are at this season of the year. Blue grass is even of ranker growth than it is in the spring and winter cover crop.? of the county, especially crimson clover, alfalfa and rye. It is already affording the greatest abundance of pasturage. All kinds of live stock are putting on flesh and will go into the winter in the prime of condition. Rains have badly interfered with the sowing of wheat and the acreage of that crop, due to this fact and to a variety of other causes, will be the shortest that the county has known In recent years. It has not proven to be a profitable crop in recent years and the greater part of the acreage would have been abandoned In any event, but the dry weather in Sep tember and the excessive rains in Oc tober made it impossible for many who intended to sow to prepare the lands. ' In the United States there are more than 5,000 women filling positions as public librarians. Herald Cheap Column Adds Pay. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuina Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablet of Aspirin" in a "Bayer package," containing propel directions for Colds, Tain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, end Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" mean genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets oat few eenta. Aspirin i trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie acideater of Salicylicacid, ' Id No decision has been reached by the county road commission on the payment of the bill of County Court Clerk Arch V. Lipscomb, referred to it at the last term of the qtiartely court. This bill is for the tags used and advertising in connection with the enforcement of the new road law. The road commission some time ago refused to pay this account, taking the position that it should be paid by the clerk from the fee colected n each tag. The bills were then presented by the clerk to the quarterly county court and after considerable discus sion the court referred them to the road commission with the recommen dation that they be paid. The road commission then asked County Attor ney Hugh Todd Shelton for an opin ion as to the legal liability of the county for the payment of the bills. In his opinion just rendered the commission County Attorney Shelton takes the position that while he doubts the legal liability of the coun ty for the payment of tho bills, under the recommendation of the county court, which Is the custodian of the county's finances, the commission hag full authority to pay the accounts. A meeting was held yesterday for the purpose of finally deciding what would be done by the commission since nndcr the attorney's opinion, it must decide, but owing to the Sick ness of Commissioner Crowe, action was deferred. It is by no means cer tain what action the rommi!nn will take. If the county is legally bound.' the commissioners declare the bill cueht to be paid, but if not they do not feel that they would be warranted la making settlement Just as soon as Commissioner Crowe recover! anoth er meeting will be held. Herald Cheap Column Ada Pay, i I I'M 1 !. ): , ! t I Ill -S. i I