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I t , - fj THE COLUMBIA HERALD FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1919 rAGE NINE " . I :0tlffla!?IE'. 6CaiClf ' I nnw re-elects all 1 ymM: 1 ,V.VWIHC WMiW J usniiH m OLD DIRECTORS Get Ready Now rl: m Buy one of our Air-Tight, Down V 'Draft if you want to Keep your room Comfortable EATEBS We Sold Monarch Ranges last week to beat tne band-have a few more coming-Phone your order if you want one. It's not too early to begin your Christmas Shopping. Do not wait for the rush, but buy now and have your gifts ready. 0) atterfieltf':fi'6ft INDIGESTION CANT STAY Stomach Pain.SoOrness.Gases, and Acidity ended with "Pape's Diapepsin" Uut-or-prder stomachs leel line ai once! When meals don't fit and you belch gas" acids and undigested food. When .ymi feel indigestion pain, lumps o.t: distress in stomach,' heart burn or .headache. Kerens instant re lief. ' " " " Just as soon" as you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the dy spepsia, Indigestion and stomach dis-, tress caused by . acidity , will end. These pleasant, .harmless .tablets of Pape's Diapepsin always put sick,' upset, acid stomachs in order at once and they cost so little at. drug stores. tlAdvt.) 1 The earliest college exclusively for women was Mt. Holyhoke, founded iuj. 1837. The system of co-education iA the UnifedStatfis began "at: Oberlin college lift'1883. 1 V- ' t?V SplendidPrice For Farrii Lands In Matiry County ! Maury ipoustj real estate prices are still going skyward.. During the past week several''' farms have changed hands at splendid prices. The best price recorded for the week is noted in the sale of. 31.36 acres in district seven by George W.- Hayes to H. G. Kittrell. The consideration as $7, 000' or $225 an acre. Another large sale in .noted in the transfer of 95 acres ,in district to by C. D. Loveless to ' J. P. McKee, the consideration beirig $10,500'. The largest transfer of record in Columbia- as the sale of the property on ' the Wtestside' . of " Garden street, known the MeAlpine boarding house from Meade Frierson and wife to ' Mrs. JU W, Journey and Mrs. May -Shields. ; .? It is usderatood that negotiations are now in progress for other large ujflinga ' in ' the county, and it is hcMght the transfers for the month of November will push- record trans fers for all : time. - . "TTr"T!TTrrr' LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers iConvert Your i Loan 1 ft liberty Bonds Why should the men of this county receive I J less interest on their government securities than jthe people of other counties? Examine your g Liberty Loan Bonds and if. they, bear only four j (4) "per cent interest bring; theni , to us and we will see that they are converted into the higher 1 1 rate which is foiir and gnequajter per cent. ij micuu Ay lllP YV Sj S-We are offering to do this Idbkiiia Jto your r J interest alone, and therefore make no charge for rijourservices! ru S Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tinty bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is sufficient to remove every hard corn,' soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discov ery of a Cincinnati genius. It is won derful. (advt.) l CREAMERY MEETING IS POSTPONED TO DEC, 15 3T A The 3 IPhnpniY Alafinnal Rnl( PROMOTERS OF CO-OPERATIVE PROJECT WILL DECIDE THEN ON COURSE. , - . There will be no meeting of the promoters of the co-operative cream ery here Monday. The proposed meeting has been postponed until Monday, Dec. J 5. In the mean time the ..solicitors for stock are urged to continue their work so that when the meeting is finally held it can be defi nitely decided whether or not the project will be undertaken. Prof. Hut ton telegraphed to Prof. McLean, the county agent, thi9 morning that he would be here on December 15, at which time it was hoped that some definite action would be taken by the promoters. SELMA, Ala. Bear traps have been resorted to by moonshiers in this sec tion of the state to guard their stills from ."pussyfooting sleuths." Sheriff Stan field, of this county, stumbled across one 6f the traps near here and narrowly escaped being caught. The moonshiner and his trap were brought to Setma. The still was de MRS. NORMAN DAVIS READS I TERESTING REPORT OF CON GRESS OF MOTHERS. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS RAISED 1 Americanization of Foreign Born Chll dren Must Be Accomplished Dress ing of School Girls Is Also ConSid ered by Convention. ORPHANS HOME RE-ELECTS ALL OLD DIRECTORS SAME OFICERS ARE ALSO AGAIN CHOSEN FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. A splendid meeting of the Parent Teachers' ' Assbciation was held Fri day afternoon at the McDowell school with a full attendance of the membership. The program was a most interesting one. Airs. E. B. Fishburne read a de lightful paper on "School Lunches." This was followed by a most enthusi astic discussion. Mrs. Norman Davis, delegate to the 8th Annual Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacheis' Association in Knox ville on Oct. 30 and 31 was present and read a most interesting report. One of the greatest thoughts stress ed in Mrs. Davis' report was the prob lem of Americanizing foreign born children now in the United States, I and instilling American principles in American born children. Mrs. Davis' report continues: The only way we can ever make democracy safe for the world is to educate the poorest and make them able to care for them- seves adequatey. "Our children must have better education that we have SPLENDID REPORTS ARE HEARD More Inmates Than Ever Before and Children Are Found to Be Happy ..Contented and Well Cared for To Build House on Farm. . Dr. J. C. McQuiddy was re-elected president, Col. John W. Fry was again chosen treasurer and Rev. J. W. Slay den was reelected secretary of the Tennessee Orphans Home at the an nual meeting of the directors held on Saturday. The reports submitted by the officers were of the most encour aging nature and showed that al though the home was taking care of the largest number cf orphans in its history and the cost of living had ad vanced the year was ended without a deficit. There are now seventy inmates of the home, largely more than ever be fore. The directors were very high ly gratified at their insepction of the home. They found the little children happy, contented, Well fed and well clothed and those of the proper age in school. The bills of the institution have been promptly met during the past year. It was decided to erect a residence for a tenant on the farm owned by the home on the Williamsport pike at an early date and plans will be prepar- had, if they don't we have made a I fifl at 0,lce- 11 is the intention of the great mistake." The report also discusses the short age cf teachers, and recommends the payment of larger salaries. High sr;hool graduates are urged to turn to teaching as a profession. Mrs. Davis also reports that espec ial attention was given to the 'dress ing of school girls. The speaker call ed attention to the fact that mothers were not paying enough attention to the dressing of their daughters, that they were over . dressing, thereby causing poorer class mates to leave school because they are ashamed to appear in class with clothing not so good as that of wealthier students. Other interesting phases of school life were also discussed in Mrs. Davis' report, and those whe heard, her were apparently deeply impressed. SPRING FLOWERS ARE BLOOMING NOW directors to continue the operation of the farm. The entire property of the home was inspected, the children inter viewed and the accounts and re ports carefully gone over by the di rectors. At noon the directors, their wives and a number of visitors to the home, in all about a score and a half, were served an elegant luncheon at the home. All of the directors were re-elected for another yeur as follows: J. C. McQuiddy, president; John W. Fry, iice president and treasurer; Eld. J. Paul Slayden, secretary: Di rectors: Dr. S. T. Hardison and W. D. Fox, Lewisburg; .1. C. McQuiddy and S. F. Morrow, Nashville; E. A. Elam, Lebanon: F. C. Sowell, T. L. Cunningham" J. Bassham, John W. Jackson, V. C. Salmon, O. L. Dortch, John W. Fry, Columbia; C. M. McDan iel and G eo. W. Johnson, Franklin. COME IN AND SLIP INTO A NEW SUIT AND OVERCOAT" AND SEE HOW WELL YOU fWWAty) (.j, . COCD Von-- "MATERIAL MAKE AND STYLE" ARE THE THREE IM PORTANT THINGS ABOUT CLOTHES. NOTHING BUT PURE. ALL-WOOL CLOTH GOES INTO OUR SUITS AND OUERGOATS. THE BEST TAILORS IN THE LAND MAKE THEM RIGHT-RIGHT DOWN TO THE LAST STITCH ON THE LAST BUTTON HOLE. THE STYLE IS UP TO THE LAST TICK OF THE CLOCK. WEAR OUR CLOTHES. THEN YOU CAN MEET ANY BODY AND KNOW YOU ARE WELL DRESSED. DRESS ING WELL WILL PAY YOU: IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESS ARY FOR YOUR SUCCESS. WE KEEP UP THE QUALITY: WE KEEP DOWN THE PRICE. Bogatzky & Bauman, WEST 7TH STREET. O GRACE DIRECT WINS TWO MORE ' RACES AT PHOENIX IN 2:02 1-2 ARRIVAL OF NOV. . 10 WITHOUT FROST OF KILLING KIND IS WITHOUT PRECEDENT. Oldest inhabitants are agreed that the arrival ov Nov. 10 without any killing frost, ' fvith the dandelions blooming as 'Vigorously as in the spring and with no real suggestion of winter in the atmosphere, it is a most unusual phenomenon. Many flowers that ordinarily, bloom only in the ear- spring areto be seen in the fields and forests in the greatest abundance. It may be, declare some that this weather is a special dispensation from provdence postponing winter as long as possible because of the coal strike. In any event it is a condition most gratefully acepted hereabouts. HAIR FALLING? HERE io mm it cunu 10 IIIILIIL II Q UllUlfU Don't Worry! Let "Danderine" save your hair and double its beauty YOUR GOLD USED AFTER FIRST DOSE "Pspc's Cold Compound" then breaks up a cold in a few i hours Relief comes instantly. A dose, taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe misery. The very first dose open your clof sod-up nostrils and the air pass ages in the head, stops nose running, relieves the headache-, dullness, fever ishness, sneezine, soreness and stiff ness. ' Don't stay stuffed-up! "Quit blow ing and snuffling! Clear your con gested head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "I'ape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape's! (Advt.) 2 P WOMANS' AUXILIARY WILL MEE HERE The Woman's Auxiliary of the Mid dle Tenessee Convocation of the Episcopal church will meet in Colum bia on November 19. Delegates from throughout this grand divison will be present. Misionary matters and other busi ness of importance will be discussed by the ladies of the church. Because republicans are discussing a proposal to send a woman as one of the four delegates-at-large to the national convention next year. Vaccinate Your Hogs BUY SKItt'M illrt from Manufacturer unit !.i n-minxl of a fr-h aiul teliiililu product. V. S. VHuiiuarr I,irrne No. 1M. I'rice li cent rt-r r. e. Vim frm. WHITE SEKCM COMMNT. Long Iit. Phnn Main -.'5v ys h vill. Taiin Write for Literature. Grace Direct, one of the greatest mares ever produced in Maury county contiues to win races and shatter re cords. ' This morning information came to Peter Porter, colored, who trained the mare, that she had won two more races at Phoenix, Arizona, time 2:02Va. Grace Direct has prov ed to be one of the greatest campaign mares the world has ever produced. She has broken hll records for work having raced continuously from May until the present time. Since enter ing the grand' Circuit she has' w6h! eighteen races out of twenty-five starts, run second in four and third in one, thus it is seen that she has been "in the money" in twenty-three of the twenty-five starts. Grace Direct was sold during the past spring by her owner V. M. Tol ley to Mayor W. H. Foster, ot Elkhart, Ind., for the consideration of $5,000. During the first year the mare has won for her owner in purses many times the purchase price, one race at Phoenix paying $5,000. ''.,' Grace Direct was sired by Walter Direct 2:05 probably the greatest sire of speed that was ever in Maury county. Her mother is Mister Gentry. Grace Direct was trained in this coun ty by her owner Mr. Tolley and Peter Ported, iho, when1 she' S's-,fetld,( pi- dieted a bright future for her. She has more than upheld their opinion of her and the traditions of Maury coun ty where the greatest horses of the nation are produced- " IMtJA TO ENROLL MEMBERS OF LAW AND ORDER LEAGOE IN COUNTY During this week the Law and Or der League will scm to have every Tennessean renew his. pledge of feal ty and obedience to the laws and insti tutions of his country. To that end the league lias opened wide its doors for the reception of members. Every oue who desires to be enrolled as a member of the league should read this pledge and write or notify Secre tary Joseph M. Hayse, Columbia, so that their names may be enrolled. Secretary Hayse has these pledges and they will be sent to all parts f the county so that loyal -citizens may have the opportunity to sign them and enroll in the league. LOS ANGELES Three drunks a year won't cost any man his wife in this court, superior court Judge Crail declared in denying a divorct In three years the Women's City Club of Cleveland has atttained an active, membership of over 3,000. Herald CheaD Column Ada pt The pledge for membership is ad follows: "Pledge of Membership. "Believing in the principles of free government embodied in the constitu tion of the 1'nited States and In the orderly processes established for their preservation, and believing that at this time, Vhen the security of our nation. is threatened by dangerous ideas and by mob violence, every cit izen should leave no doubt as to his attitude towards law and order1, 1 here by enlist myself as a member of the 1 Law and Order League of Tennessee. In so doing I pledge a renewal of my allegiance to the government of the United States and to the state of Ten nessee, and my full and hearty sup port of those charged with the prima ry responsibility of maintaining the majesty of the law." ANNOUNCEMENTS - TAX ASSESSOR. WEBB WILLIAMS The Herald is authorized to announce Webb Wil liams as a candidate for re-election as Tax Assessor of Maury county, subject to the action of the demo cratic party. d&w To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp o every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dand- ne" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Your hair will grow strong, thick and long and appear soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. Try it! (Advt.) 4 B. F. WATKINS PRACTICAL TINNER Job Work a Specialty Bell phone 177, Citizens' phone 129' Iron and Cornice Work. . Steam and Hot Water Heating. 6ANITARY PLUMBING. 6 aMttnwiiimmMn e l Ebb A Bank account one that you continually add to and economy in living will do more to combat the high cost of living than all the theories in the world. Start a Bank account here, if you haven't one here already and start your economy at home. We Pay Interest On Savings Accounts , . Safety Service Satisfaction Columbia Bank & Trust Company W. B. Greenlaw, President Ceo. L McKennon, Cashier if ', : i.