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n . - . ...... . ......... I , ' VM. 'M... v ... . W Wfet " ...... V ..... 1 t. , TTTir, rOT.fIMT?TA TTKPAT.n TTRTDAV MAV " ' PACTE THRII1 j , ., jc i ' 3. i- . . 'MTjr 't- -.a"i Cultivate on Ball Bearings D ALL-BEARING ' automobiles, motor trucks, tractors and grain drills so why not ball-bearing cultivators? The purpose of the ball bearing is to reduce friction, lighten draft, make easier operation and add years to the life of a machine. That " is why the weight of the No. 4 International Cultivator rests on twenty steel balls. In each of the axle pivots there is a milled ball race with ten large ball bearings, such as you will find in high-priced automobiles. That is one of the reasons why a boy can handle an International No. 4 so easily. This cultivator can be set for cultivating 28-in'ch bean rows or 42-inch corn rows and 4, 6 or 8 -sjiovels can be used in a number of different combinations. Or we can supply you with special shovel equipment spring teeth, wing hillers, disk hillers, center tooth, etc ' , , I The unusual mechanical features of the all purpose International No. 4 Cultivator will inter est you. Let us show and explain them to you. You know where we are located. FOR SCHOOLS BY MANY SECTIONS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PLEDG ED BY POPULAR SUBSCRIPTION TO SUPPLEMENT COUNTY. TEN THOUSAND AT CULLEOKA Equal Amont Is Pledged by the People of the Ninth District fop McDowell and Other Communities Are Very Generous Too. X. I I in Hair ilton Walking Cultivators. We now have a good stock, your order in before they are all sold Get TTERFIEU ft m ten t iy4vwi r K I. Corporate Snares Stock Not Taxable In Opinion Of Chancellor L B. Lyile snares or ehjck in a corporation are not asBessable for taxation 'where the corporation as such Is taxed. This was the decision of Chancellor Lytic. in the case of J. A. Sloan. Company against the city of Columbia rendered Saturday iind involving the. taxes on somethinK like $300,000 .worth of the shares of stock tn the corporation. The bill in this case wa3 filed by J. A. Kloan Company to enjoin the city of Columbia from collecting; taxes for four years on the shares of stock held and owned by the shareholders of that BUGGY OVER BANK ' NO DAMAGE DONE corporation, many thousands of dol lars in stock being involved. Chan cellor Lytic saitl that personally he had 'no doubt of the authority of the legislature to tax the shares of stock in corporations, but in order to make the tax collectable a method for such assessment and collection must be provided by law. This had not been done and he held that under the gen eral assessment act of 1007 it was manifestly not the intention of the leg islature to impose this tax. - The b.H and contention made in this was represented by Thomas care Jias attracted a great deal of in- blcs and William J. Towle-r. erest because the points at issue ap plied to every corporation in Tennes see. Had the contention of the city been sustained it would hawc resulted in the imposition of an immense addi tional tax on the holders of stock in corporations. The defendant, the City of Colum bia, gave notice of an appeal so that the issues in the case will finally be passed upon by the supremo court. Hughes, Hatcher & Hughes reprc sented the complainants while the city H. Pee That the people of the communities of the county which wiU share in tin school appropriation of $120,000 madt by the county court Monday arc will fng to help themselves is shown in thr report of the committee and which was made a part of the action of th court. This report shows pledges of nearly $50,000 by various communi ties to receive aid from. the county. The full program is set out in the committee's report, which follows: To the honorable county court: We your committee appointed at the regular term of the April court to make investigation as to the needs of various communities for improved school buildings beg to submit the following report: The county board of education was called together soon after the meeting of the court and asked to put in defi nite form the amounts it considered necessary for the buildings and equip ment of the various communities. Those estimates of the board are as follows: District 1. For the consolidation of Luckett's, Johnson and Rail, $:i,000. For the consolidation of Bethel and Roach, $2,000. District 2. For the rebuilding of Beech Grove, ?:!,000. . . v For the rebuilding of New Hope $2,350. For Dark's Mill, $000. For Gravel Hill and Theta, col. $2,- 000. District 3. For additions to Spring Hill (white) $2,500. ; For consolidation of Rally Hill. Iee's Corner and Manasseh, $3,000. For McCrory's, $1,000. For Spring Hill (colored) $2,000. District 4. For repairs and desks, $500. District 5. Culleoka, $15,000. ; District 6. Bigbyyille and McCains, $15,000. Porters $1,250. District 7. Mt. Pleasant (white) $10,000. Mt. Pleasant, (colored) $3,000. Sandy Hook (colored) $1,000. For desks and equipment, $2,000. District 8. For Cross Bridges and Concord, $5, 000. District 9. McDowell, $20,000. District 10. For desks and equipment tenth dis trict, $500. These requests of the board are predicated on the idea that each com munity will, as a minimum, pay for one-third of the total building Im provements asked for in the cnimounl '.y. The board would ask to b left ,b use its discretion as to the amounts demanded of the colored people for in lorno cases with them they could nol neet the reiuirenieiits of the one third minimum, and also laickett's, iohnson and Ra l, and possibly on? community affected by tho cyclone, New Hope. The Culleoka community proposes o put $10,000 us asaliifit the $15,000 asked for. . Tho McDowell community will put Vp $10,000 against tho $20,000 asked for. .Dark", Mill will furnish two acres of ;nnd and $500 and ask for $t!00. Beech Crovo community hav.c put ip $2,000 and ask for $3,000. New Hope, where so much damage vas done by the storm, will furnish ho rough lumber for their building ind ask for $2,350. Porter's community have made up 5500 ami will do most of the work on heir building and ask for $1,250. ' BigbyviHe and McCains are at work n their consolidation and if they sue eed will raise $10,000 and ask for '15.000. The Spring Hill peoplo will have to mlaVge their plant We saw several if their citizens and they assured us hat they would meet the conditions :mposed for the $2,500 asked for. The Spring Hill colored school have BOW'S YOUR BLOOD? Pimples and Eruptions Mean Bad Blood People who have impure or impover iehed blood should be careful to take only a temperance remedy made of who. roora ana Danes, such as Doctor Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery in ana nas Deen lor nearly 60 yeara. Inredienta printed on wrapper. The first day you start to take this reliable medicine, impure germs and accumulations begin to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the eliminative organs. In place of the impurities, the ar teries and veins gradually get fresh . vitalized blood and the action of this Rood blood on the skin means that pimples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and many skin blemishes will disappear. Then you must re member that when the blood is right, the liver, stomach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, active and vigorous and you will have no more trouble with indigestion, backache, headache. Get Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to-day at any medicine deal ers, in, tablet or liquid form, or send 10c. for trial package to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. 7 " " ' Mas.:. ' OUR SHOES POSSESS STH.E mo comfort AfJD IAST A LONG TIME. yOU DON'T HAVE TO "BREAK IN" OUR SHOES. THEY FEEL GOOD THE FIRST MOMENT YOU SLIP YOUR FEET INTO THEM. THEY WONT LOSE THEIR SHAPE BECAUSE THE LEATHER IS STRONG. BUY YOUR SHOES FROM US. YOU WILL LIKE THEM SO WELL THAT WE'LL GET YOUR BUSINESS ON EMERY THING YOU NEED IN OUR LINE FOR ALL TIME. ' i WE KEEP UP THE QUALITY: WE KEEP DOWN THE PRICE. n ... i Bogatzky. & Baumari, WEST 7TH STREET. ; ; ; Chahles Cates had a narrow escape and thrilling experience when' th" burrgy in which he was driving turned down the incline at th north end nf the hill approaching the in! '.i o it Murk river this morning. Although t!u? bii'igy wept over no damage was do;:e to eilher the driver, horse or 1 ui'gy and nil wore extricated. As Dead v&Jhe Dodo tLOnU:::.:f SANTA FE CHURCH Vaccinate Your Hogs BUY RKHUM fllrfxl from MTiiifrtnrer ntid '.. '. iwmI of h fresh and rtsliable prortiK t. V. H. Vehitinary I.tcenmi No. 1H. Frlce 11 coiiM per r . c. Virus fnn. WHITE SEIUM COHPANT. Long Rist. PonB ijti j.sf,9 Nashville, Tenn . Write (or Literature. DEDICATED SUNDAY Every druggist in town-your druggist and everylqdy s drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel Tho all give the same reason.. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking lis "'Calomel is dangerous and people knew it, wW1fo Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives Letter results, . said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES MARK DEDICATION OF CUMBERLAND , PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH. impressive ceremonies marked the dedication of tho Santa Fo Cum bcrlapd Presbyterian church Sunday. At. 11 o'clock the Rev. V. M. Robin son, pastor, preached a deeply impres sive dedicatory sermon to a large an, after which a bountiful luncti was served by tho women of the com munity on the school campus. It is estimated that not less than a thous and people were present. In the afternoon a most delightfu' musical program was rendered by the Vaughn Quartette of Lawrencebur. Among the visiting pastors present wore the Rev. W. S. Neely, pastor of the Culleoka Cumberland church, and the Rev. Mr. Reed, of Pulaski. The handsome new church, built t a cost of $t,ono, a great deal of the la bor being contributed by the member ship in the community, was dedicated i free from debt. Be Rid of Painful Coras "Gets-It" Makes Them Loosen Up , So They Lift Off Painlessly. There' no more pain after a few drops of "Oets-It". lands upon corn or callus and instantly dries. Dodson Liver. Tone is personally gusrsntecd by Tery druggist who sells it. "A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in erery ease of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a peasant tastinjr. purely vegetable remedy, lurmlcsi t9 btl cliUJrcB and iu. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or corstipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio knt calomel. Take a dose of ealomel today and tomorrow you wi'.l feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver , Torn- inntoaS and feel fine, full of tiger atd ambjUca, I CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends for the r kindness to us In the death of our Var daughter and slstr. MRS. PATTiE M. JONES AND CHIL DREN. lOdCt wit Writ Dr. Pierce for free confidential medical advice 'or for free booklet on any chronic disease. Lenoir, N. C. "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ia a great medicine for me in building me up when I feci run-down in health. It gives me strength and flesh.' I have been using it at different times for thirty years or more. I began its use for catarrh, with catarrh remedy prepared by Dr. Pierce, and it greatly relieved me. I can heartily recommend the 'Discovery' as a blood medicine." MRS. LTJCT BEACH, No. 1, Lenoir, N. C. raised $5"0 and we have obtained for them f00 from the Julius Roseuwald fund, and they ask for $2,000.' ' We have naked for $:!,0(i0 for Rally Hill,'a Corner and .Manasueh. We believe they will win their part, al though we have not yet had a definite report. McCrory's asks for $1,000 and we are told they will do what is required oi menu .- s . , rhero 'is no building program in tho fourth '.district-1' - But the schools need deskB and blackboards and $300 is racked for this purpose.' - - Wre are" asking for" $10,000 for tho white schoolH of Mt. pleasant. While no definite action has been taken by the community, we are sure they will take action so soon as they know the conditions. The colored people of Mt. Pleasant have $1,100 in bank and will make it $2;000. Mr. Rosonwald will give $1, 000 and we hope to get $1,000 from the state. The county and city will have to do the remainder. We are asking for $2,000. . Sandy Hook colored school fH'ople can raise two' or three hundred dol lars and, we are asking for $1,000. We are asking for $2,000 to seat and furnish these schools.- - We ask for $500 for desks and pairs in tho tenth district. ' the total of these requests for tha county schools at $95,700. The corpora tions of Columbia' and Mt. Pleasant would slmro In any bond issue by thft county. Their part of any bond Issue is in round numbers 20 per cent, mak ing the $05,700 80 per cent. The total with the corporations added is In round numbers $120,000. .; Your committee recognizes th needs as set out above and would re spectfully leave it to the discretion of the court as to tho feasibility of meeting these requests. JOHN" P. GRAHAM, Chm. ' .1. T. WtLKES ' J. A. HUGGER --J.. ' ' A. U. MATTHEWS Committee. tee. METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL RE-ORGANIZED The Methodist Sunday school at Wa ter Valley was reorganized Sunday with an encouraging number on tho roll. Howard Jones was elected; su perintendent and Miss Annie Leo Pigg secretary and treasurer. , ISC F asmsew Stock F. R. SHEEGOG, Columbia, Tcnn. F airinrti IF.- I Herald Cheap Column Ads Pa. j In a day or two roa lift the ol4 miserr-maker right off without even feelin it. That'a the last of Mr. Corn and the last of your mis ery. Jrftllinns who have lost their a I ' - T ... I. a lui lis kic; uris-ii n m . . . " , aly rommon-sense way to gtt rid , I of the pste. ' - "Gets-It. the never-ralllna". puar anteed money-back corn remover rosts but a trifle at any Jrutr store. Mi d by JS, iAirreu Cw t uicarfw. f r ' I" ! ' '"''-;'. Hr"-";'':'.';'- orreet Ho. 020101, p, Standard and Registered; Record 2:03 Brown stallion, standard and registered in American Trotting' Register. By Diirclly 2:03 1,4, (champion 2-ycar-old pacer) sire of Directed, 2:09 1-4 and , 45 others by Direct, 2:05 1-4. Dam Sally Hal (p) trl il 2:18. dam of Correctly 2:08,LouiBC Gentry 2:0Vi by Hrown Hal 2:12 Va. icons- 2nd dam Sally Scott by Kramer, son of McMeea's Traveler, sire 2nd dam cf fUar Pointer 1:59 Vi. etc.. ivinl dam by Red Puck. . CORRECTLY U a rich brown, in color, clean cut lines, with nuality and j'nV.., 10' hands. He Is a horse of exceptional qualities and ,i"mp.-.;ts this splendid trait to his prony. Mn' lias only had one or two o'(s trained and they art! showing ;ieed. He is not only a '.lire of ppeed., but a llrst class satlcle and driving horse as well. . ( TERMS: $20.00 to insure a living .foal. i( THE DEMAND FOR SADDLE HORSES U Rieater than In many years. Good saddle horses are Belling from $250 io $.100 and . the do nutiid cannot be supplied. Itreed your ma-e to either one of those stallions nni you will liave the .op- . pottun.iy of developing a colt that w.'H bring you more money as a saddle hirsn than you ever realiz ed from a colt before. A number of. colts torn these stallions le developed into wonderful saddle horses. KING WATSON NO. 5351 ThU splendid register ad Ja k will o-ve mares at a scrflco fee of $10.00 in:.urc. He is a fine breeder ; r.d his colts brinj t -p prkes. ' LIBERTY LOAN 1 tW-'UTY LOAN is a rplendid Jack tbit 1 have added to my stables and be; breeding the kind that brinps the best mule col 's Hn is a hit"; Jack with white points and w!!l Mtk the season at fliM'Ot.i insure a living foal. You won't renret having bred to him. Pasturape furnished at reasona ble rates. All care taken but no responsibility pssumed. HIGH PRICED MULK3 will cont;-(U'3 fo some time. Mule colW will ea:ily sell for $100 and If tficy a.e by a ival good Jack, thoy wili,bri-.;'j:23. If you have a good mare ano want to make money ' out o' Ik:, treed to one of tU-ji-'J-a." . . " FL-'VJSjES Both Telephones ' i Columbia, Tenn., R; R. 7 1 -j j f ti mini '.