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PAGE SEVEN Helped Father and Son ''4 ,"Ziron Did Us Both Good," Writes Mr. Gentry, of Norene, Tcnn. I T Is ft Veil-known medical fact, that iron is a necessary constituent of the blood, and that blood lacking iron is the cause of many troubles that only iron will cure. Ziron, a scientific compound of iron with other valuable ingredients, is the remedy to take when your blood needs more iron, and your system requires a tonic. Ziron is mild and harmless, does not stain the teeth, and is good for chil dren as well as adults. Mr. V. Q. Gentry, of Norene, Tenn.', writes: "Ziron Iron Tonic has made good in my family. I have used it to a very great advantage to myself and my, 14-year-old boy. It did us both good. ) think it is a good medicine for what it is recommended." If you are pale, weak, tired, feel down and out, take Ziron. It will put iron into your blood, and should help build you up. Get a bottle from your druggist today, and give ZIRON a fair trial. Sold bj him jjnder a money-back guarantee. Ask him about it. He will tell you. MRS. ELLA HUGHES DIES AS RESULT CYCLONE INJURIES PASSES AWAY AT HOME OF GEO. HOWELL IN PARSON'S BEND COMMUNITY. HAD SUFFERED INTENSE PAW Sustained Fatal Injuries In Recent Hurricane Which Devastated Saw dust Valley Section, and Other Com munities of the County. GREAT SALE OF ABERDEEN ANGUS HERE IN AUGUST DIVISION OF EXTENSION EXPERT ' HERE TO SELECT ENTRIES AND PERFECT PLANS. Mrs. Helen li. Ilight, New Orleans ,11 ly woman limber, runs a no tip nip. Mi! is or mo opinion that wo- urn liKiun lienor naruers man men because t!i;y navo a tignter toucn. f. xai Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, til Palmer, Okla., writes i "From the time I en tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread from one month to tha next. 1 suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. I would think 1 could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, 1 decided to TAKE FIRST BULLETIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUST OFF PRESS CONTAINS WEALTH OF VALUA BLE INFORMATION TO FARM . ERS OF THIS'COUNTY; PROGRAM FOR YEAR OUTLINED Ambitious Plans for the Year's Work Made by the Board of Directors. Reports on Results Will Bo Issued in Bulletin Form Later. The Woman's Tonic " I took four bottles," Mrs. Jones goes on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . " It has now been two years since 1 tookCardui, and I am still in good health. . . 1 would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who Is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up yourrun-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will he!p you. All Druggists J.68 . Tho first bulletin' issued fTy the Maury County Council of Agriculture, to be distributed to its membership Is just off TJie Herald press. The bul letin is attractively Rotten up and contains ii wealth of .Important Infor mation. . Vnder the bead of "Needed Work" is listed the following sub jects: Soil conservation,' use of lime, more legumes, better pastures, bitter-live stock, better homo condition !, better road's, better health conditions and a mere wholesome rural life. The motto of the organization In "Make the Best Better." The program of vork for the year It: ' Community meetings to lie held at all organized communities each month. ' also to he held in the unorganized communities for the discussion of, all problems pertaining to the farm and home, creating a "pu'l together spirit." The death toll of the recent disas trous cyclone, which swepi Mauvy ccunty, leaving in its wuko a trail of destruction, was Increased 'Friday morning by the death of Mrs. Ella Pip kin Hughes, aged fifty-four years, who died at the borne of (ieorge Howell in the 'Parsons Bend miction as the re sult of injuries, sustained when the j-iif was blown off Mr. Howell's home. At the time of the storm Mrs. Hughes was in an upper story and when the roof was taken off she sus tained injuries aborjf tho head which rendered her unconscious, and from whjch she steadily grew worse until death relieved her of her Buffering. Mrs. Hughes was a member of the Methodist church, and was widely known and bcAoved throughout, the ec.iniiuinity. Iler husband preceded her to the grave several years ago. -The funeral was conducted at 11 o'clock Saturday at the Concord Methodist church by the Rev. J. B. Spurlock. Interment was In the church graveyard. ANNOUNCEMENTS TRUSTEE. The Herald is authorized to an nounce J. Koss Burns as a candidate for re-elect Ion to the office of county Trustee of-Maury county, subject to. the action of the people of the county. Election Aiigut S, WM. d'-'Cmaylw TAX ASSESSOR. WKHB WILLIAMS Tho Herald Is authorized to announce Webb '.VII Hams as a-candidate for re-election MANY BUYERS ARE EXPECTED 4 Sale Will Be Held at Middle Tennes see Experiment Station on After noon of Last Day of Farmers' In stitute Here. A great sale of Aberdeen-Angus cat tle will be held at the Middle Tennes see Experiment Station on the last afternoon of tho Middle Tenne.ises Farmers Institute, to be held here on AugustlO- 11-12, and at wjiich time farmers from every county in this grand division of the state will b"? present. Preliminary plans for this sale were made hero Friday by L. A. Richard son, live stock expert of the division of extension at Knoxvlllo and A. L. Cooper, secretary of the Beef Breed ers Association, who after a confer once with several leading stock men who' specialize in the Aberdeen-Angus visited a number of herds In the coun ty. The cattle to he offered from tb's county have been selected and from now until the date of the sale wi'l bs put on full rations, and in salable con ditinn by the time the Institute meeti. Cattle selected already are in fair condition, and with a little feeding It :s believed that the prettiest bunch of cattta ever assembled in this section of the state wifl be offered for sale. All the cattle picked out were all pre bred, representing soma of the finest blood lines in tho state, Is be- Dye Old, Faded Dress Material Baggesfc selling in the overall world "I wear Blue Buckles, on every run. They're tough as raw hide and fit easy all the time." Entixr of Ihl 2(11 k Linlurj Limltii "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Stylish and New So Easy Too. The pure bred Sire campa'gn to con-, as Tax Assessor of Manrv, omintv tinue throughout the year. The organization of a county dairy association. T.hno for every communi ty, increase fe'f tha clover'acreago. Al- j faU'a in every community. One or j more growers of pure seed corn in each community. Pure bred bull in j every community. Community kitch en in every community. Community fair in every organized community. More boys and girls clubs in ghe coun ty. Mora home conveniences. More canninar clubs: A county agricultural fair at Columbia for exhibition of farm products of the men, women, boys and girls of the county. The program of the council Is an ambitious one, and if success crowns the efforts of the workers, the agricul tural intererts of the county will In advanced as never before. Bulletins will be issued from t me to time by the council, showing progress made. subject to the action of the people of county. Election August 5, 1U20. d.fcv CAMPUIWS BILL DISMISSED IN EQUITY In the chancery court Friday the bill of W. L. Grant against Uutle & Beal to enj'iint a suit instituted by th3 latter in the circuit court, was dis- i missed at Complainant's cost. By agreement of the parties the case was heard on oral proof. tTTo case in the eirtu.t court will now be tried. Don't worry about perfect results Cse "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to pive I a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, I whether wool, Milk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, i children's coats, draperies, everything! I A Direction Book is in package. To mutch any material, have denier show you "Diamond Div" Color Card. I ASPIRIN FOR COLDS THERE'S just one reason why more men wear Blue Buckle Overalls than any otner brand in the world. It's because they know that every pair always gives full value because they are sure of long wear and solid comfort every time. ' Denimofthetoughestquallty.widedouble-stitchedseams, a strong, solid back-band and A-l workmanship throughout make Blue Buckles stand the hardest kind" of wear. They are big and roomy, with riveted brass buttons, best quality buckles and loops and big reinforced pockets placed so you never sit on them. Blue Buckles have extra broad suspenders. Ask for Blue Buckles the next time you buy overalls. Blue Buckle OveTAIIs Biggest selling overall in the world J V lieVed that Buyers will eagerly avail themselves of the opporunity to so-r cure the offerings when It is present ' ed. - , v., ' It Is possible that before tho month has ended, . cattle from other nearby J counties will have been selected for 1 entry In the sale, and the greatest ar-1 ray of blooded Abirdcen-Angus ever offered In Middle Tennessee is suro to be the . result. ' - ! Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Fresh supply of Typewriter bona received by parcel post. Rib THE 17tf Jewett hafe the distinction of being tho Hist municipality of Texas to turn if;; city government over to women. In the . recent election women were chosen to fill practically all the city offices, Including the mayorality. Terrible Tortures From Itching Skin Diseases JNo Sure Relief Until the Cause Herald Chep Column Ads Pay. Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a "Bayer package," containing propel directions for Colds, Tain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Kheumatism. Name "Haycr" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen j years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets i cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark ; of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacctic- , tcidester of Salioylicacid. j HORSE THIEF I? ARRESTED FRIDAY l Is Removed. When the blood boccmos ' in fested with millions of tiny dis ease germs that attack the slrin, then tho fiery irritation and' in tense itching will remain with you until these germs aro removed from the blood. . ! Genuine relief therefore, can only be expected from a treatment that goes right to the seat of the trouble, tand strikes at its cause. Such a remedy is o. b. Ss., the re liable old blood purifier that kills the germs of disease, and sends a new supply of rich red blood coursing through the veins. S. S. S. has been used success fully in some of the worst cases of eczema and other skin disor ders. . For valuable literature write to Medical Adviser. 108 Swift Labo ratory, Atlanta, Ga. CHIEF PEYTON MAKES LUCKY. CATCH OF HENRY PER&USOM, COL., OF ALABAMA. A good catch was made Friday morn ing -by Chief of Police Bailey Peyton, when Henry Ferguson, colored, was llliced hcbjuid the bars charged with the theft of a horse and buggy, which had been stolen from Mora Bailey of (the Century Mines, near Mt. Pleasant. ! Ferguson had been attempting to iisposo of the horse and buggy to sev eral parties here, hislast price being ; i ! I Famous Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera, "Pinafore," at Chautauqua Here ! . ' ; : ' ' ' 1 x . . ' " " K - . - , . . .....wv-amm ' mniuu ihh'inb wiMHMnrwiiHIWfflHn'TKUrT ' W I mm !'" --4t fc. -M : t ;r.-- . --?v .r - r-rta Lift lils;' -L. j" i I In $120, when Clilef Peyton waB called, and after a few leading questions to which tho negro failed to give satis factory answers, Chief Peyton decld the best thing to do was to arrest him upon euspicion. After being tak en to the "cooler" Ferguson made a complete confession, officers say, and the charge has been changed to grand larceny. He will bo bound over to tha grand jury. Ferguson Is a native of Alabama, coming to the Mt. F'leasant section of the county from Creenvlle, Ala., some ten months ago, and since that time he has been at work around the phos phato fields. Mrs. Fannie P. Walker and HUle daughter, Frances Allen, of Wltchlta Falls, Texas, arrived Friday evening for a visit of several weeks to rela tives In Columbia and Santa Fe. Lift offCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. will he nresented on the fifth night of the coming Redpath Chautauqua with special lighting and scenic effects. Notable principals and Mcellent chorus and orchestra The famous Gilbert and Sullivan light ora. 1 mafon.. wtM.bc prejjnt d on ; a production of the Gilbert a.,J Sullivan -Mikado." It was enthusiastically received everywhere, and ever since Bed- 'i:;: - ------ - ltth rat! ui.:i Have Juaut urttui ' Chautauqua Week Here May 29th to June Cth. With your f ugera! You can lift off any liard'corn, toft corn, or coro be tween tho toes, and the hard skin (aliases from ItoMom of feet. A tiny botti of "Frflezona" costs little at' any drug store; apply a few droits upon the corn or callus. In Ktuntly it stops hurling, then shortly you lift that botbersonio rom or i alius right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! Ho hum bug! (Adrt)