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r ...... t . ' :v: ' :-,.v . ' ; ,'. : -:':y. ; - .. : . -., .. ... ,; . . .. I A . 1 ' " ' " THE COLUMBIA HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920 " ' T?3rgACB MVB'j IJjM,,,-svia,i;,-rTa '''""'"il'BJlli'nti 'frVI. "J Wh'mii' liiri Hii..u.' i,.'!.'. ' y fS8WBHIWWtmBaJMWre:ivf -W1ffif" 1 Til "'-""II"" ilf lllllimL"l'tl'M'l "'- UHJID--.J ..'-MU l -. M THonderboSt off (Marvelous WaOiies-rplursts' Forth M'tWs j caca p- I J I a ll '7 ; l 11 IT tvY) V A Ijf2 I n , : Profit Sharing' Sale OFFERINGS -From Here and There On 1st Floor COUNTER SILKS at $1.48 Yard Including Taffetas, Satins and Georgettes, in solid and figured. COUNTER WASH GOODS AT 25c YARD On this table are Ginghams, Suit-" ings, figured Poplins, Skirtings values up to 75c. h 1 COUNTER PERCALES at 35c Yard 36 inch in new neat 'patterns, good quality, worth 50c yard. SPECIAL LOT MUSLINS E AT 12c YARD 27 inch white ground, with small figured designs. SHEER L1N0N AT 25c YARD Solid White, a lovely sheer qual ity. -f; &t' - ,45c NAINSOOK , s $3.48 hox, 10 yards. COc GINGHAMS at 49c Yard 30 inches wide, extra quality in new'patterns and colorings. 35c HUCK TOWELS AT 29c 18 36 extra good quality, white with red borders. : 1 LOT WOMENS FIBRE SILK HOSE 79c All shades, three-quarter silk lisle tops. 1 Lot CHILDRENS STOCKING 15c Black and White, all sizes PALM OLIVE SOAP 10c Sale Sparkling CUT GLASS , Choice of 20 Items 1 $1.49 Each A special quantity purchase of 500 pieces enables us to make this great offering of Cut Glass it will pay you to purchase a number of pieces for daily use and gift giving at this wonder fully low price. 10 cENT,,jff On All Low Footwear Mens, Womens and Childrens From Men's Section On 1st Floor Men's New Wash Ties' at 35c Men's Muslin Union Suits $1.50 Atheletic styles, good quality 1 Lot Men's Silk Socks at 49c 1 Lot Mens Hire Silk Socks 29c 1 Lot Taney Silk Sods at 49c Closing Out All ARROW BRAND COLLARS at 3 for 50c To make room for our large stocks of Ide collars we are closing out these collars at this sacrifice. Boy's Muslin Union Suits at 75c -$1.00 Inaugurating the Deepest, Keenest and Severest Price Cutting Sn Apparel Ever SCnown at this Season of t he ear Sale Starts Saturday Morning, Hlaiy 22, When we will throw our doors open and invite you to come and share these sensational bargains let nothing keep you away. You who shared in the savings and values offered in our PROFIT SHARING SALE last Fail will need no urging to he among the first to attend this sale. Yon re member the extraordinary values that were offered and what an impression they mpde. You will be one to spread welcomed news of the comingof this sale to your neighbors and riends, that they too may share in the generous sav ings it has to offer. This will be our greatest PROFIT SHARING SALE greatest in the point of increased business, greatest in value giving, greatest in the quality of the merchandise put forth at such reduced prices. It is a fitting way to reduce the II. C. L. 'hence it is an event of extreme prices andkier ling values. Yon Have only to scan this great list of opportunities to realize, as we do, what a wonderful event it will be. CLIP COUPON Profit - Sharing Coupon v This Coupon Represents $5.00 Purchase Start saving , pront-sliaring coupons, use this for a tiPstegg.. They represent a savings of 2 per cent, for cash or bills paid by 10th of each month. Given on every 25c purchase. We re- J deem them by givintf $1.00 in merchandise for every $50 worth of coupons. At Absolutely Sacrifice Prices The winds of winter that blew into spring helped bring these marvelous ready-to-wear values to you. As the roultof unseasonable weather we have now cn hand more apparel than ordinarily at this season of year. In order to reduce stocks PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT TO THE CORE in the Profit Sharing Sale without regardpo former prices and values. 1 Lot Suits Values Up Td $40 Vatf rials gfjiavy, sergp, wooI, .Trjspy, and ilcm carried '6 ver models, but goocl "Styles big values at--. ( 1 Lot Suits Values Up To $40 Materials of serges an,d tricotines, silk lined,; new styles. These suits have no rivals at ' mm 1 Lot Suits Values Up To $45 Fashioned of fine serge, tricotine, and gaba dine, lovely models to please every woman at $24.95 1 Lot Suits Values Up To $50 Beautiful styles, all the newest materials, you ... have only to see this lot to appreciate thera- ! $34.95 1 Lot Suits Values Up To $100 These are our highest grade suits, fashions, most exclusive styles think of them selling at 1 Lot Capes-Coats Values Up To $25 Those Coats and Capes are 'made of, good ma terials, carried over, but extraordinary values at $12.45 1 Lot Coats Values Up To $35 New half, three quarter and full length styles in the newest coat materials offered at only $19.95 1 Lot Coats Values Up To $50 Tioautit ul coats offerered in all the newestma' te rials and .styles, a real 'Investment' at 300 Charming Blouses In the Profit-Sharing Sale at Only A special purchase, materials of Crepe le Chine, Georgette aiul Novelty Silks, beaded and embroider ed. They will be here Saturday but won't last lon at $2.50 and $3.00 Wash Waists These waists are extra v'alues at their - original prices and not to be dn plicated at $5.40 Profit-Sharing Savings in Undermuslins Wp pnrner.tly counsel you not only t o supply present needs but to supply future needs as well at the following prices. Our greatest profit shuring sale offers you the opportunities at prices not to be duplicated later on. ft WOMEN'S COWNT., DnAVtlRS, CORSET COVERS, nRARSIERS, TED DIES, UNDERSKIRTS, CAMISOLES AND BLOOMERS; CHILDREN'S RINCESS SLIPS, TEDDIES AND GOWN3. Table No. 1 Table No. 3 100 Pairs Women's Carried Over Slippers $1.98 InHuilins patent, kMr-l'h hel values to $8 Counter Wo;ii. n's !arriPl Over Slippers at $4.95 ; All co. d sv1m in bbick, brown and prrev kid, 5 Iff and pat-nt, hib and military, hj'Hs, lac, and pump styles, valu.'s up to $12.00 Onnter Men's Carriod Over Oxfords $4.50 Sand tans.Oyssott mado, wonderful values ... A. . (19 AfK Ctunter ClnMren s nnpin vMai, 98c Sri.. . $1.69 $2.98 ITZ. $2.19 Table Children's Drawers, 35c, 40c, 50c , 1 Lot Silk and Satin Dresses $14.95 Every one a wonderful value at this drastic priae, the material alone w ould cost you more than the pi ice of these dresses. " 1 Lot $25.00 Silk and Satin Dresses,$19.95 L,ovfly quality materials anil beautiful styles, all the wanted shades, There is a prea assortment, assuring you a satisfactory selection at this remarkable price. 1 Lot $35, $40.00 Silk Dresses, $29.95 This lot of dresses have no equal in style and loveliness at this price. Materials are of Georgette, Taffeta and Satius of good quality. Many to choose from. 1 Lot House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons At Slightly soiled, . , . , 3c The Newest Arrivals in Lovely Wash Dresses, $9.95 $12.50, $19.50 Our newest wash dresses, the season's newest styles in organdy and sheer voiles of solid figured and combination. A delightful display from which to choose at these petial profit-sharing prices. 1 Lot Carried Over Wash. Dresses At $4.95 Material of solid organdy and iigur d voiles, wonderful values at tl.H price. 300 HATS Trimmed and Untrimmed, Manufacturers Samples, Divided Into 4 Great ! Lois . Offered in the, Trof it Sharing 5ilo- f $1.95 $2.95 $4.93 $5:D5 H Price . - ' ..'I ' A VI till. '' A special purchase of mannfaeturers sau:ples, in'.ludin the lateat Buiuuier fashions in- millinery, :i vast';iissetii blate which offers ttrea't'st'.tf trigs' .!at these extnoiiely low priee."1 ' Tlils is undoulitdly the greatest , miliinpry values we have ever offered, consider ing that they comprise t the newest Htjiiniitr styles. Choof.eearly for best selection. . . . $4.00 VALUES PETTICOATS $2.95 Jersey with sillc flouncing, elastic bults. -$G.50 Silk and Satin Petticoats, $4.93 Extra quality in all wanted shades NEW WASH SKIRTS AT $4.50 $7.S0 New ariivals specially priced fori the Profit-Sharing Kale 11 1-2 to 2 worth '.ouble today. ' V l : IMMIIMJI.I WMHfcMWWMWII in HI m il i. HlilH I H HI II I I llh. . I.I. mtZA, IM III. Mil HI iMUM. Ill II .. I UMIIII I I I W Inl n V Ml .AV .V.l Y J (f'Whprp Everubodu ShoDS U I urij i n l( - ' i i lU jwi ? wmm Kwm m i 1.1 . m.m n wi,j. biii . im.nii.iiwniii piito m mmmn imn. i urn l I nl - 1 'in RUGS--AI Profit-Sharing Prices The great floor covering stocks at' thjs store," l)ouRht months ao, offer you the opportunity to purchase here at prices that in nearly every instance are less than today's wholesale prices. $25 0O Brussel Hugs at..'..' .....$19.95 $4").00 Velvet and Axminister Hugs at $39.95 $50.00 Velvet and Axnjinisk'r Uurs at $44.85 Crex Hugs in All Sizes Specially Priced. " I