S 4 i ; ' .4 ' . ( : THE COLUMBIA-iPSibAY JUNE iiig4fi 4 , . ., PAOJT THRE -. J' ' We;Are Agents Tor Both Vw,. Mit't)itiiili-.iy.wnrufl-rv em. K generations Decrinc Binders: Mnwnra RbL-. nndt other unita of this famous line have brought success anrl satisfaction to farmers in. all sections. fa every farming community . all over this c.puitryvoiwiJl M , n large nurnWo'fWn whft haVrf md Deering binders all their yya. in many cases their fathers used too. It has become a settled business policy wila tncm. It might not be P95f ible for them to tell you why thl bouiheiV frrsY Dgrlnr '' bnfder, byt tjve firat verttutfe,Was saatisfaitory, that when they dded to buy a new bindev,, i - wiUi later lmnrovementa. thv invariably .bought a no t h eV Peering. - Y know tlio stnnJard of Deering teiWc how profnpt the repair eerv-ic-y4iow closely it follow a machine et. work to insure maximum result. Inthational servieje facilities are equal to otiy emergency thai; arjses, and this fact will have its weight with you when purchasing form equipment. Deering machines can always be de pended on to do their work well. Why lliis'ie true will be Imore clearly shown if yttu will call and civs us an oppor tunity to point out tjieir splendid fea tures, many of which e eclsive. Vt :sV . ;.'! 4...., ;:. T" onrfi, wi.. Ui . : 1 :IJ. t ' ... . : 2 SIGN CONTRACT 1 FOR RETUffW OF REDPATH ill 1921 n in c jo ; '-h . We H A. WT A If you want one of these ma- get your order in while you can get one later will be hard to get. are exclusive agents for both Deering and McCormick and sell only 0 repairs. 1.1 DELIIfflASSIS DRIVE HOSPITAL ATWILLIAMSPORT UNSOLICITED CO rjj jllll T fpN . TO KIND'S DAUGHTERS ' FUND ' BEGIN TO POUR. IN. . . , " . ... v . . fi.:.'..'Xv MANY FRIENDS OUT OF TOWN Checks Mailed, and Donors' Wish Those In Charge of Campatflrt All Success: Ioi World-Workers- Wilt ?e Busy Thursday. '.:'"- ' , , : i ii-i.u 'i; ; Unsolicited, 'eontrllmtlona''- 6. the' Kings DaiifeMf r' "Hdpltta ''BUiWing' PL JJUl-i- !L" "' ! ' '" Vaccinate .Your Hogs BUY PERCH U'r;t. Jtotii Mwuitaiiurars. snit iiMired' of lrpn and rolisbla product. U. H. Vetoiinry Xtrtnoa No. Priue If cents rwr c. c. Virus froc. . , Mw'mttHtm CTBfAiit, ' long Dist. J'JiiMain k(a ilsjhvjMu. WritH for I,itrturo. A Prominent Nurse : CoviNdToifv' Ky. I have 'beeo recommending Dir. Tierce's :Favorita t reicrirr tion to, my patients and per' e '0;n'a 1 .friends for several years, ever since- it re- .toccji no : to .perfect heTf th aff e-r 4'.very.""Ben-' ou. s ill, neps with InVi'fd -Jj -V-A ,,.,!-' '. . fund ''are beginjnfig jin. Sat; fa,!S. H. Delk, prominent citizen f"thV WilliaMrD lonim'unty.-tWtt ritting on, RjijaX Roqo Njij, i-outof Vl'irtiamsport, called on V. F. An deTHOn at.-'Andeaou' Bros. & ! oster and' askey -if " he" .we're.Tnot4 the chair-, hi art of tholcampaign to secure $15, 000' for the hospital annex and oquip metit. Mr. Anderson repliod in the afflrtnative, and was handed a chock by'Slr. Delk for ?25. "Not only d6 I wislr' to contribute this sum, hut I Twaht to assist in making the canvass 'in'tny district." ' Mrs. Eugene' Anderson, treasurer of the'1 hind has just received a letter From a lady who formerly lived in Crt ntmhia, but is now a"' resident of tlir mihgh'am, Ala. Enclosed in The let ter was a check for a' substantial sum for lite building fund. The letter said wr wish the campaign all 'the success in ; the' woHd." " ' ' It 'is expecfed that checks will 0n tlnu to'cbme' Vti uniiolioited from out 'bt V6wh: friends '6T the hospital who arfe! ramiliar with tlie great work of foVe that has been doeii Hhere. ' It requires little imagination to be lieve that by the . lime the campaign is launched Thursday morninr, quite a considerable sum will h;iV? 1 -en l;on. tcwa'rd the fund unsolicited.. fllli .li'ia tin. inrtance ihsl have known, wqtpcn jo take Dr.Pierce's Fav-onW Prewyip-, tion for femlnlhif VektheSi, Or' if lit sited in givins: tn It if' ivory's e1 PADGETT NOMINEE FOR ELEVENTH TIME ONLY CANDIDATE WHO QUALI FIED WITHIN THE. TIME FIXED Jt , PY COMPULSORY LAW. .. need of a special 4onic dnrmg" erptrt ancy, it has never failed in giving th ntmoet Fatisfaction. . It Wtfvortjaji s medicine that can be to relieve nervous con hnililinir rfnTJ sfrl)Hliitfi1 h entire wowily orgsniiJ1! 1 1 always praise Dr. TierceV FaTorite rrescription most highly." M ft S . Tvi-tie Elliott, 1413 Kendall Pr: Favorite I'rescnpliori slmtfhlKaVsJ the full confidence of every 'mfl in America because in contaWi alco hol and ni narcotie;. . Doctor t.r;ierr a knew, wheq e nt md.f t8,pUP,darcl medicine, 'that, whisky and morphttitj, hi' A -nS fiphan always T"' r r,,. ,,(;an'.:fjih ivT", ' 1 'r'w i rnvviuo icdviij." " - I , . i prcx-uredlh all drag stores in either- and tlr'N fluid or tablet form. g, - J y " t-- P Teing the pnly candidate to fjualify withiiv. the period prescribed b.v the (Oiupvl.iory. irrimary law, HouresenU; Jive. Le-micl rhillip- I'acigeft becomes irsti. facto the, democratic nominee for VfcJBgrs6' f'tm. t,lc f'l,vi'ntb district. Thin, hi the cievonih time Uiat Mr. Padgett has been the party standard iif.nrpr for consress. .. He-was first efrtcd in 1900, and has been regular- ected every two years since that He has already distanced all former records for service from the 1 "Alisf r. t and his length of service in As: WORKERS NAMED IFOBPPEAL TO COUNTY PEOPLE EVERY COMMUNITY WILL BE ASK ED FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO KING'S DAUGHTERS HOSPITAL COMMITTEES ASKED TO MEET To Make Plans to Go Over the Top on the First Day of the Drive No 'Trouble Is Anticipated In Any SeC. tion of the County congress is exceeded by only two Teiineseans. They aro both his col leagues in the house and are Repre sentatives Moon, of the third district, and Sims, of the eighth district. F.o'h entered th house four years beforo Mr. Padgett commenced hi Berime.! therrdn.. GrJMwo TenhtSKcaus TV ' . t V ,iaa f,i oai aT s long.5..twcnix jLe"" N Henton Jiai-iiin ins James md i IsonJ: (From7 Friday's Daily' Herald.) ' In preparation for the big drive on next Thursday for $15,000 for the ex tension of the king's Daughters' hos-' ital, Chairman William F. .Anderson has dppoihted committees in all sec-' tlons cf the county. The hospital is a Maury county institution, supported and patronized by the people of the entire county and it is expected that this appeal will meet a hearty ro sponsie in every section, of the county.. ; The workers in the various commu nities are -asked to get together and make their plans for the, appeal on next Thursday so that they can go over the top" without delay. A gener ous res'ionso is expected from every iifctibn of the county as there is not a haiiilft anywhere in the county where Boni( one has not received the benefits of the institution. Tlip'committecs for the various co'm miinitics are as follows: WilMamSpoft J. Frank Porter, Jas. Russell. Joe Wilkes. " Blgbyyillc Dr. Russell Perry, Wil liam Perry. McCains church Mrs. Marvin Fly. Culleoka Prof. John P. Graham, Vcps Evans, J. Leonard Reiding. Glendale Mrs. Dr. J. S. Covey. ' Sowcll Mill Pike Mrs. John Whit worth, Matcli section J. Humphrey Hardi son. ' ' - . NeapidisMrs. Dr.' Mangrum. Darks Mill Mrs. .Jas. Parish. Carter's Creek Mrs! Collie Real. Fprin? Hill Haynes Ayres. Mrs. Henry Pointer, Miss Su.iie Bell Moore, Miss Mary Odil. Beeih (Jrove Ir. Tom Hardison. Theta Mrs. John Walters, Miss Nettie McKr.'ghl. SatiH Fe Dr. Ernest Ragsdale, A. B. Ill Allen. ' rtsai iBf . TaVe Jenkins, i ilfiifnnioiid.. - FORTY-FOUR OF THE PROGRES SIVE CITIZENS OF CITY AND COUNTjr INSURE ATTRACTION.' h "FINE PRO&M' VHEiE i-; , :' -i - Unanimous Verdict That the Week's Bill of Fare Was the Best That Hat Ever Been Given to the People of Columbia The Guarantors. ; (From Monday's Dally Herald.) Maury' countians will have the Red path Chautauqua with--them again next year. That fact was made cen ts in Saturday night when the last number of this year's program was rendered by the announcement that, guarantors had signed another year's contract. Despite the v,ery ad vers weathei vof thV week the guarantors lost practically nothing and not only did practically' 'all' 'of them renews for another year but they were joined by others.- i Fortyj-fo.urj progressive ' and appreci-4 tive citizens of the city and county' haVe sfgned the contract With the Red ptth Bureau for the coming year. This insures another seven, day's great attraction for the people of this sec tion. 1 The following are the guaran tors;. Rev. John J3. Hight, James C,. Voorhies, Clint Moore, Wve Jackson, J. Alex ' Johnson, Dr. Robert Pillow, Sr.. Nim H. Porter, Horace Rainey, Al len D. Sloan, Dr. H. A. Gant, Flem Thomas, John A. Thomas, Jr., Dr. R. S, Perry, C. A. Wright, Dr. . II. A. Hurlbtirt, Porter Erwin, John L. Rob inson, S. Otey Thomas, Raleigh S. Hopkins, Dkia H. Foster, J. I. Finney, J. H.- Blacky Geo. O. Watts, Geo. E. McKenhon, ,C. H. Adkissori. Chas. A. Sloari, Maury A. Pigg, J. Lem Thomas, Theo F. Stephenson, T. N. Figuers, Jr., Fred Latta, Arch W. Lipscomb, W. W. jEvaris, Jos. M. pedman, Walter P, i L". nar- COUMTY IS SUED FOR LOSS RESULT BRIDGE'S DEFECT I ' ,"' -J ' '4 - ,'T.' . . . . ' s. , OWNER OF HORSE INJURED ON j THETA PIKE IS SEEKING TO ' COLLECT OAMAGSS. . ' " Sowel, R. Woidrflfsie. A. If. riB,;Hts. Shepherfl,-! Williathsoni W. J4fBtain, Y;,A,L Dae.Vj, S.. eas ley,'lTs. L. CunViinghbn, tti D. Park. The program on Saturday afternoon and nfghts wllich 'closed the, weeVs entertainment here, was up to the oth ers in point of excellence and delight ed the Jargef,audience, .t'ite tnijer-, sai veraict mat no weea s program ever given in Columbia has been "sip pertor o that of the Chautouqua, thatJ is .1sr rlORnrl. ' SCHOLARSHIP FOR iWORIHif' STUDENT ft V' FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS TO BE GIVEN AT UNIVERSITY FOR DAIRY TRAINING. Prof. C. E. Wiley, head of the dairy ing department of the University ' of Tennessee, has announced that the Security Mill & Feed Co., of Knoxville, has established a scholarship of $400, to he awarded to 'the most Worthy student specializing in dairying at the University. The scholarship is to be awarded by the dairy department to the most worthy student at the end iof his junior year. The money will be come available' in four equal Install ments of $100; each; the first at the beginning of (he school year and the other three at Intervals of two months thereafter. An announcement of the winner of this scholarship will be made at commencement if . possible and if for any reason the student to whom this award is made is unable at any time to complete the work of the senior year, the remainder, of the scholarship will pass to the second most worthy student in dairying. OFFICFRS RAID ' MOONSHINE STILL CAPTURE LARGE QUANTITY OF BEER:AND MASH AND ARREST HENRY ALLEN. ' 1' u H Vhlre, and Tom English. :om-I)r. M. S. Deputy U. S. Marshal Tom McLean has just rolurued. to .poluoibiaji from Hickman c6unty, where f he. fogether with U. S. officers Howard and Amitt, Sheriff Spence of Hickman county and Deputies Garner and Bond raided two, illicit distilleries,, destroying a large quantity of beer and mash, smashing the moonshine outfit and ar resting Henry Allen, charged with op erating the still. Allen was. taken be fore U. S. Commissioner E. J. Graham where he was bound over to the fed eral grand jury in the sum of $1,000. Marshall Mclean says that this was one of the hardest raids he ever took part in on account of the exces sive -heat. The . still was found In Allen's smokehouse, and had seen considerable service. The capacity was about thirty gallons per day. .The second outfit j-aided was. some two miles from the home of Allen. . XFt ER : CO M MISSI ONERS ALSO Insists That Either County as Corpor ' ation of ths Officials In Charge of Highways Are Individually Liable for the Losses Sustained.' ',: " (Saturday's Daily Herald.) Whether or not the county' or the commissioners of highways are per sonally liable whee ii property owner suffers loss because of the bad condi tion of the public roads is a question that ia raised in a suit filed against Maury county as a corporation and the hjghway commissioners individually. A, iiegro alleges that his horse wa3 badly crippled as the result of a.holo In a bridge on the Theta turnpike' and that by reason thereof he suffers a considerable financial-loss' and' for that, e, Bues the cqun,ty bd also tlie commissioners, a'lleging.tha: his loss was duetto the neglect aid careless ness of the latter. -. ' -. , 1 The question of the county's, cor porate ability for damages by reason of defects, in its roads or bridges has been passed upon by the supreme court in more than one case and up until recently the decision has' gener ally exempted the county from such liability. But a short time ago the supreme court of this' state held that under certain conditions and circum stances, where the neglect was es pecially flagrant, a liability for loss suffered would result. ' ' This is the second horse that has feen injured in defective britfges this ear. The county court made settle ment at the April term with one party, but in doing so it did not confess or admit ptfjy, legal liajbility. ut express; iy denied the same; and 'ade ths ap prppria$pk nly to. cover lotsiati a charily claim. iC is'rfnecess'ary to state that IrVthe case justfiled the county will strenuously resist the ef fort, to jnake, a collection, BOARD OF ;f fJEETAND ORGANIZE MUMFOrlb J1 SMITH; CHAIRMAN ; DAN DELK, SECRETARY OATH ADMINISTERED. .. (From Monday's DailyHerald.) The Maury county board of equali zation met this morning in Judge W. C. Whitthorne's office and after the oath of office had been administered by County Court Clerk Arch W. Lips comb" and Judge' Whitthorne, the board proceeded to organize by the election of Mumford Smith, of Mt. Pleasant, chairman, and Dan Delk sec retary. Other two members of the board are IL' L. Hendley, of Columbia, and Horace Armstrong The other member of the' boardr Thomas F. Hill, of the fifth district, has resigned. The board adjourned until Monday morning, June 14th, at 9 o'clock, at which time they will go into session for the equalization of thes property of the county as rtp,pta,t and county taxes, :,. ! ; '. '''" 1 --H'l: V; The board expects and are prepared for a three weeks' or more busy ses sion. - t ENTERPRISE CLUB HAS GREAT MEET t PLANS FOR APPROACHING COM MUNITY FAIR DISCUSSED. SPLENDID PROGRAM. t A most enthusiastic and largely at tended meeting of the Enterprise Com munity Club was held Saturday night. In connection with the regular busi ness a delightful program, consisting cf musical numbers, readings and di alogues was rendered. Mrs. Kate M. Crady, home demon ilration agent, spoke on the candling of eggs, and preparing eggs for mar ket.. After the program had been com pleted, a business session was held for 'lie purpose of discussing pians for 'tie approaching community fair. COLUMBIA MEN HAVE ' FINEJHANITE MINE E. W. Napier brought to The Her ald office this morning a. very fine specimen of Arkansas granite, which he says was found on the property of Mid Bunch, E. ,V. Napier, Mai Armstrong and Wills Napier in the state of Arkansas. The vein of gran ite was hx-ated ninety feet beaeitfv the surface. In the specimen whtrS Mr. Napier had, could plainly be seen a beautiful leaf etched into the gran ite. The above narud gentlemen re ceive a royalty of three rents per 3 ' WE GIVE YOU A PROPER FIT when1 wf. SEtlvbuYOOR CLOTHES i Wt ..sw . , , , m M.SQ SEE i HAT PURE "ALL-WOOL" MATERIALS GO INTO OUR CLOTHES AND ,TH Af. THE'STYLEJVIS, i TncRE. ' " . ' " '. .. r. . v ni WHEN VOU WEAR OUR GOOD CLOTHES YOU UMLtBE PLEASED. WITH YOUR LOOKS AND WHEN OTHERS SEE VOU THey WILLSAY- TO THEMSELVES: "THERE IS A WELL.DRESSEO MAN. ,. w! , . ) . A MANt MUST DRESS WELL TO SUCCEED: TO BE ' 5ft?fP.y?.yotLMUST LOOK PROSPEROUS; IF YOU DON'T BELIEUP IT PUT AN SfkMF RIlM fiim ANH STDIKP . A STRANGER FOR A JOB. il vi KEEP UP THE QUALITY: WE KEEP DOWN THE PR CE. Bogatzky & Bauman, ,: ; ; WEST 7TH STREET.1 j . rt'J: . V;. 1 v. ' .1 - .1: 'w . .' .1. Ji, " . n. CHAUTAUQUA IS GIVEN APPROVAL COLUMBIACROWD IMMENSE t)D I e'nCE VOTES W I TH , ENTHUSIASM. TO O, K4WEEK's4 SPENlOlD progr'am. ty&X COMING AGAIN NEXT SEASON ... i . . Guarantors Will Doubtless Make the 1 Same Arrangements'-; That : Were , Made This :Year. to Pring .Redpath Again to the Dimple. i c; , "That" the people! of Coltimbia; ajitj Maury county enjoy and appreciate' the Chautauqua wa3 evidenced last night when practically every one in the largest audience of the .week rose and voiced approval Jof tl, program that had been rendered. The question was submitted to the audience to de termine whether or jiot certain public spirited citizens would be Justified in making the guarantee necessary for the return next year. Almost without exception the people rose. , That the,, Chautauqua will be brought back for 1921 Is practically as sured1 although the .number of tickets subscribed Friday night was far short of what will bo necessary. However, another effort will . be made tonight and it is probable that the, guarantors will with additions made to their ranks, make the same arrangements for the coming year that were made j for the past. Unquestionably it was t he almost unanimous 'Voice of the patron , thaibiatif stheVjbeat " prJ gram that jvaB; je'yef rendered by Ilea path In this city. . The cost of the season ticket is so' small that the mar vel ia that more of them are not sold. The benefits of the Chautauqua and the appeal for its support was made by W. Andrew Dale, who has labored for several years as a guarantor. He explained why it was necessary to have a guarantee. The number Friday night, "Nothing But the Truth." had been truthfully described a3 a scream from curtain to curtain. .It was one of the most de lightful farces ever presented to the people of Columbia. It was present ed by a company of stars.' livery member of the cast did the part as signed with' credit. .".-They were all good and the afirtience was in an up roar from , the time the farce w3 staged until the expiration of the pe riod within wbich it was necessary to tell nothing bulhc truth. The far presented a line moral, too, as it il lustrated how many ills beset the man who Would try to present always and under every circumstance the naked bald truth. Feelings were hurt, domes tic complications were made and mat ters more tangled even that when we "practice to deceiver4 -v- Three I j8 Mop Corn 4 Killer - S "Gets-It" Stops Pain Imffitdiftttyi and Corn Go Quick. v The .way to hanrtlfi corns ) tha . tried (fend prpvsd TfetsU' Waj-.'V ' ,'S the way that milllnrm have found" --' quickest: .aiest. .,aleat .ud .n4st.' . . . reliable. .-, . .:'T'-r-r'- ---itr-' 4UM.w .'qua Lf1' "11. - V I H W, i .. fit?. Ml? m& iii A few drops of "Geta-ft" 1 knoefca v the hurt out of any corn at one' nd soon loosens it so it lifts rllfht off without any fpellne;. ,Oh,.whati.. ,i1l1i comfort! How grand to walk and? J,f' Sanre and jump without & slnfl . " twinge! Why not? ,"Octa-It,M the never falling; uar - ', knteed monev-back corn remover, ' ' pouts hut a trifle at any drug stora, ' , ., ( Mt'o py it. iawreuce ijo., cnipsgo. ;t ii-.j." FORMER RESIDENT OF . MAURY COUNTY DEAD -' "' f-' '-'' ! -' MRS. DIANA BAUGUS MEETS THE FINAL SUMMONS AT HER HOME - . IN, NASHVILLE.' .'' v.." ,' r -'. "'-: Mrs. Diana Haugua died at the horns of her daughter in-law, Mrs. Jean Bangus, in NashviUe. thin morn- :., n,..m .j..'ilL:.vjL-.i.-'- ' ii r ti.. Robert Jackson Baugus and had been a- resident of this county until "a fW years aga. Sho'was" the only surviving ' charter member of the Neapolis Meth- ' ''' h odist church, and had always 'been a - 'ft connlstent 'and; devoted 'Sfethodrs't.''' J''uj' The remains 'will arrive "tomorrow ' at 1 o'clock and" tlie burial will tak ' ' ;" place, at Rose Hill cemetery wlth'SBr vices By Dr. J. W'. Cherry ' . ' . " ' ' ' ' ' n ' " DR. EUGENE RAGSDALE . MOVESJO COLUMBIA PROMINENT PHYSICIAN FROM WILLIAMSPORT LOCATES IN i ,v CAPITAL OF COUNTY. '. ' ' ;. ' . Dr. Kugene RpgKdale ona .of .tha . most, prominent physicians .' ot th county, has moved -from Willlarbsport to Columbia and will in thefiltnrr be- located in the cty. Dr. Ragsdale):..", baa been one of the moat progrpgMy , '. and. highly.. esteemed, clUwn.'ot;.ai" y ction andihlf) removal from there , In a cauue of geniiino-regieL He-will, hawevcr, prove a valuable acquisition to the ranks of the porfession In' Cot, ' lumh:a. s -,.'.. , . , - .;.k.:k ., J t 9.)' it I i, k . I ,.. .. ',.1A ... ' 1 . - i I f.cwhi: FLOR THORNE WITH;; da times u:;ioif , It will be of -interest to the many friends of F..C. Whitthorne here to know that ho iH now engaged rn pre paring for the Florida Times Union-, of Jacksonville a -mad. hotel, garage and tourist gaide. Mr. Whitfhome'fe odr c rlhi; ' In dptair the ; highways,' froth Knoxville. Tenn-' to- Jacksoaxflle;. Mi ami, ft. Feimbarg and.F.ort-iTyera, Florida...-From the data sheared. by him a gnide of .fiiywo .copies will he published for fre. dlytricionv , Mtf 1 li-