Newspaper Page Text
i .- $ lir (f'Whor o BvoniJbod Shops!) lU $ oik w , , " , r J : THE COLUMBIA HERALD-FRIDAY, JUNE u, iqzo - nrr ?AOE FIVE June Shopping , Unusually Profitable - - - At This Store Our New Ygrk Omce alert, wide awake, aJTords un usual shopping kd vantaRcs to the patrobs of tliis store. Not only do you have tin assurance ot bcinir able to securn '!. ,...."' V- .i L i 11. .! i litnrim i . . ... uuwuxiiinismuusai mis Kiore riiioi, out inroupn ttye close connection of our New York office with the leading manufacturers wc are enabled to make many special pur chases from, time to time, resulting in great savings to our customers. " Winsome Summer Dresses- Unrivaled In Beaujty At $9.95, $12.50, $14,95 - These ttanning dresses are fash ioned of on andics, voiles ahd combinations.- the -season's tnost favored fabrics. Their charm and clever ness in style are unrivaled at those citremcly low prices. . 4f Other Beautiful Dresses At- $19.95, $24.95 Special Purchase And Sale Sport Skirts $9.95, $12.45 Materials of Kumsi-Kumsa, Dew Kist and Baronet, in fashions new est skirt styles. You will wonder that we arc able to offe them at, such low prices possible through a special purchase of our New York office. ' , ; Silks At 1914 Prices A recognizes the Justice of . collective bargaining and declares that the Btriko or lock-out inflicts such Iobs or suffering to juattfy-govornment Initia tive to "reduce the frequence." The convention declares for the policy of tli KB h-Cumrn!ns law. On the high cost of living the con vention blames "the fiscal policy of the democratic administration" and pledgosan "earnest and consistent at tack" iy avoiding further Inflation of currency through government bor rowing and taxation. The people are warned not to expect an early reduc tion In the high cost of living "be cause of the government debt and ob ligation. , , On the soldier bonus, the conven tion "pledges the discharged men the fullest obligation, a, grateful . nation should justly fulfill.:' Without specific promise of legis lation on the question of equal suf frage, republican governors of states whose states have not ratified the amendment were urged to Immedi ately call special sessions; Farm government should be regu lated, and co-operative marketing plans encouraged.'and the farm loan should be administered so as to- ena ble all farmers to own their own farms. On the national economic question it was declared that "only stubborn refusal of the , admin ist ration? to co operate had prevented k IgreaV expen diture reduction. It was claimed that pledges have been, aarefijrjy planned for readjustment, r !ftgid economic" eliminatlo'n of employes was suggest ed. ; . Wilson was condemned for his veto of, the; McCormlck udget bill. ; ' Presidential wii-fpowers. .The se verest condemnation was heaped upon Wilson . for, retaining war powers. which the plank says shows a "deter mination not to restore to the states the form of government provided for by the constitution." r This store is now offt ringCoIunibia's lowest Silk prices. .You have only to compare the following " values to verify i this statement. ' . J - Silks at $2.98 rr$L.OQT a.ff o.l aU.i.aH.i shades, $1.00 Crepe-Meteor, $4.00 Crcpe-de Chine Shirt-: ings, $3.50 Satins. Silks at $5.95 ' ' 5 . .! f , i W h i s i tic 1 u d es o u r e n ti re '. stocks of sport skirtings, Paulette, Dew:Kist, Kumsi- Kumsa, and baronet in solid: shades and new designs. $7.50, $3.00, $10.00 values. ''Silks at $U9 -fftiaMVMHttfHrHJs; Ppngees, Foulards. jGreorg etts. VaWWt65:66: .Silks at $2.48 -$3!o6ifepldihfnes?in all shades except black, . .; whito af'nrd 'ttivy..4.oo Georgette', $3.50 'Foulards, $3.50 fancy Taffetas,. $3.50 Shirtings. r . i Good Suit News for Women TKnfr tAn.mQn4crinnlrl without a new summer suit is em- h phasized In Uie drastic reductions at which we now. offer our ; 12 entire SIOCKS Ot lasiininauic duud, j , !l! represent consiuerauK; iuMsn m uzauj cycij ov,.., ili ICpiCQCIU iuiioiuviuv - J must be reduced tjiey have been marked accordingly. .OnelotSuily, values to $40.00 ' . . . .; . '.' . iff One lot Suits, yalurs to $45.00 One lot Sultsvalnes to $60.00 h One lot Suits, values to $100.UU $17.95 f 24.95, $34.95 $49.95'. I Summer Millinery $ Trimmed-Untrimmed Reduced Table Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, val ues to $3.50 at . 98c Table Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, val ues to $10.00 at $4.95 Tnhli Trimmed and D Untrimmed Hats, val ues $10 to at $6.95 $17.50 Wichert Low " Footwear $15,00 , tu: ftcr itiriiidpa our entire line of -w g jj,p uuvi ... . & high-grade: Wichert Low. Footwear, in & Fump and Oxford styles, leathers of & Black. White and Brown . Suede and Kid. Extra Specials In Toilet Goods! Djer-Kiss Talcum Powder 30c Mavis , Talcum Powder 25c Palm Olive Vanish ing Cream 25c ' Palm Olive Soap 10c ;Colgates All-round Soap 2 for 15c FATHER OF THIRTY-SIX DIES AT AGE OF 112 UNCLE GEORGE KNOTT, MAKER OF BASKETS'AND BOTTONtER f t). CHAIRS PASSES AWAY, j t , llpcla Geprpe .Knott, Maury coub fy's oldest citizen, possibly the oldest in the state is dead 'at his 'home, Southside Park, near Columbia at the venerable age of "112 years.'- . Uncle George rememoered when Maury county was but a wilderness, and when only a few cabins of the earlier settlers stood, where now the prosperous little city of Columbia is built. He remembered when a hay, shed stood on the present sits of the1 court house. He remembered mem bers of the distinguished Polk family of Maory county, and many of the grand old men of this section who have gone before. He remembered the day Nathan Bedford Forest's cav alry entered Columbia, and the stirr ing scenes enacted (in the "Dimple of the Universe" during the conflict be tween the states, and immediately thereafter. Uncle George was married six times, and was the father of thirty six children. The last time he was married he waa. only ninety-six years of age, while his bride was eighteen. Only three children survive Uncle George, one being a son, Dock Knott, by his second wife. Dock says he does not know exactly how old he is. but knows he is more than sixty. For more than twenty-one years ;her has been living at the same placi'nd re members events wTiich'' took place Tally sixty years back. Uncle' George' has grand children more than, fifty years of age. . 1 Uncle George was the property of Wm. Knott of Williamson county be fore the war freed the slaves, and was a good faithful old negro. He eawied his living by making baskets and bottoming chairs, and he was en gaged in this occupation until just seven days before his death. Is loud In his praise of .the school and Its achievements. j .Mr,s. Earle H. West, who has, been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, F, C. Sowell, left Friday for Washing ton, D. C, where she will join Mr. West, who is taking a post graduate course in law at Washington Unlver sity.. f i : Mrs. Mary Sowell Is visiting her. daughter, Mrs,' Maury Vestal, at Cor- nersvllle. " -U ,i Miss Elsie Sims left this morning for Murfreesboro to attend the sum mer school for teachers. . , Walter Woldridge Capers, ot Jack son, Miss., arrjved Sunday and will spend the summer with his grand par ents, Dr. and Mrs.- W. B. 'Capers, o ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. P. .Woldridge, Mr. .and .Mrs. "Edgar Hill, of Fay etteville, spent the week-end ' with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carrigan on South High Btreet. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pointer were in Columbia Saturday. , Miss Goldie Berk man, of Russell- ville, Ky., is viisjfng her cousin, Miss Fannie Garber. .. s Miss Myrtle Carrigan, of Petersburg, Tenn., is visiting her brother,, A. J. Carrigan, on West Ninth street. Mrs. Rose Meadows, Miss Elio.'se Martin and Edgar Cayce, of Nashville, were guests of J. Walter Griffin gun- day. ., ... , v.. -:, ... . Mrs. C. A. Parker and little daught ir) Laura Chaffln, left today for Pine Bluff, Ark., to visit Mrs. Parker's parents. ' , ,' ' j ; ' liss Nannie Shaw, of Godwin, has, rbtarned from Knvillef where she has been attending the University of Tennessee. v , , Mrs. William Barker and daughter, Miss Inez, of Nashville, are visiting William Barker in Colombia for a few days. Miss Barker has just re cently graduated from Ward-Belmont with high honors. Misses Etta Wolf and Sophia Ver ber are spending the day In Nashville. Miss Le Myra Harlan left this morn ing for Lexington, Va., to attend the Washington and; Lee University finals, which will last until the ICth. She was accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Harry ,Sloan. . , , . , Thelma Roddy, of Spring Hill, is visiting Mary Sweatte, of Columb'a. MfqH Rnnnlhotln .Tonrnov tiaa rptnrn. from' Ten nessee College at Mur freesboro. . . ,,' j Miss Carrie Fitzgerald has return- Duckert, Tenn...., , . v - Mrs. Fin Hughey. of . Chesterfield. S. C, is vj8iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'BLiSlleWart at tfie.ingraham. Hotel in Mt. Pleasant, j . ' ' Miss Emma Louise Stewart, of Van derbilt University, Is spending her va cation with her parents, M. and Mrs. N. B. Stewart, at Mt. Pleasant. ISIR3t32iailI a m PERSONALS. i a " for the return League Nations riahk Causing Republican Convention Concern intelligent planning I c.f peace. -The platform enumerates the re publican congressional achievements, made, it was said, in the face of "vin dictive vetoes." The only reference to prohlfcrtlon ras that "rongrens fiR provld'J. for i,- nfnrcement of thn ciRhtlath . : M -itdnx-nt 16 the conKtitution if Wilson "lacked Tislon, leadership nd rn"' vv (Continued from Page One). - Miss Brownie Tomlinson, of Culleo ka, is the guest of Mrs. J. I.' Finney. - Mi-s. Hester Chumley, of Nashville, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. E. McKinney. . " " - Mr. and Mrs. Coy Smith left today for Nashville, where they will make their home. Miss Rebecca Wolf has gone to New York and Boston for a month's visit to relatives and friends. Miss Louise Roberts has returned from Knoxville where she has been at tending the University ot Tennessee. Miss Annie K. Bartlett, who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. B. E. Regen, has gone to Ridge. Top to be with her brother. A. Z. Zeitler. Miss Norma Warfield returned Fri day from New York where she has been attending school at the Castle in Tarrytown W. Y. C. Grant has returned home after visiting Washington D. C. and ether Northern cities for the past ten days. t ' ' Ralph Barker has returned from Bell Buckle, wher he hastBeea at ttndinf Old Sawney's" school,; .Ralph PORKER PRICES UNCHANGED TODAY TOP PORKERS STILL COMMAND ING $14.50 SHEEP AND LAMB MARKET UNCHANGED. Hog, sheep and cattle markets both at Louisville and Nashville were steady and unchanged today. Top hogs are still commanding , $14.50, while the extremely heavy weights are -naif dollar less. a On local markets prices . were un changed. ' LOUISVILLE LIVE STOCK (By Bourbon Stock Tarda.) Special to The Herald. J rjOUIstlLLE. Ky., June 10. Cattle receipts 300, market active. Hog re ceipts 1,200, market steady. From 225 pounds and up $14.00; from 165 to 225 pounds $14.50; from 120 to 165 pounds $13.00. Pigs from 120 pounds down $8.50 to $10.00. Throwouts from $10,25 down." , ; Sheep receipts 300. market steady. Spring lambs $17.50; fat sheep $?-75 down; bucks $5.50 down. NASHVILLE LIV1 STOCK. ' (By Union Stock Tarda.) Special to The Herald. NASHVILLE. Tenn... June 10. Hog receipts L200, market , steady. Heavies $14.00; mediums $14.50; lights $13.00; pigs from $8.25 to $3.75; roughs from $10.25 down. Cat tle recipts 200', market steady. Sheep and' Iamb receipts 4,000, market steady. Top lambs $16.50, seconds $12.25. Sheep $7.00'. PRODUCE." Egg3. 29S30c; hens. 25 cents; fry- Hng chickens, 32 cents; stags, 20c; roosters, 12c to 15c; packed butter 27x29e lb.; turkeys, 33 cents lb.; ducks, 23 cents lb.; geese, 8 cents lb. CLOVER AND GRA8SES. , Retail prices clover and gras3 seeds; red clover. $37 ba; aliyke clover. $35 bo.; bine grass, $4 bo.: orchard grass. $4 bo.; timothy, $6.7$ btt.; Iierffigrast." J2o lb. '- Oats-i1.09 Vi ftoibg. '? v4-- " . WOOL. . ; Wool Frea frow burrs, 38-. Cents MAURY WOMAN IS OWNER OF GREAT JOHN R. BRADEN PACER BELONGING TO MRS, CAMPBELL BRttWN",; SPRING '"'' HILL WINS GREAT RACE. ' WAS BRED' AT EWELL FABM Driven By Johnny Thomas of Maury County, Braden Defeats South Bend Girl, By Walter Direct at Cranwood , Track at Cleveland, O. Mrs. Campbell Brown, of Spring Hill, and for a number of years mis tress of Ewelt Farm, is possibly the only lady In the South and as far as can be learned, the only lady In the United States who is the possessor of a race horse, bred, looked after by herself, that has gone a mile in as good time as 2:03.. t Mrs. Brown bears this proud dis tlnctlon. She is the owner and breed er of John R,. Braden, the horse that won the race June 1st at Cranwood, Cleveland, Ohio, beating South Bend Girl,, by, Walter; Direct , 2:05. In the second heat this filly carried the field .to.tee fcaU mile In the fast time of 1:02U the fastest half of the year. but Job n R., Braden won the race In straight heats. . ( John R. Brades is by , John R. Gentry 2:0014 and out of Braden Girl, Braden Girl is a daughter of Brown Hal 2:1214 and is the dam of Hellena Braden 2:0914 and ( John R. Braden (.2) 2:0214, her ' dam being Kate Braden the dam of Hal Braden 0714; Braden 2:1014; Brown -Brad en, 2:1314 and. Hal Braden 2:1214. It is easy to see that John R. Brad en comes by his speed honestly, and as his record of 2:0214 shows this race is no test of bis speed, and if everything goes well he wjll beat his sires record this season. It is also interesting to note that he was carried to the pole each time by a daughter of Walter Direct, one of the greatest sires the South ever pro duced, making it purely a Tennessee race. . . John jR, Braden is being driven by Johnny Thomas, an old Maury foun- ian, and, on May 25th at, Findlay, Ohio, Thomas drove John R. Braden to victory in three straight heats. The following account, of the rac by . Ben. Scott. .Is , taKenfjo in Cleveland Plain Dealer, of June. 1st: Cleveland's harness, season opened yesterdayA at Cranwood in an auspi cious manner. John R. , Braden paced fhe fastest mile, 2:06, ..negotiated by a harness horse ; thjs season. Due. to the time recorded,, the 2:07 class special pace probably was the feature. John R. Braden, the favor ite, won in straight heats and won comfortably, but he had to pace one of the greatest races of his career. South Bend Girl was the contend' er. The erratic daughter of Waiter Direct was good. She chased : out John R. Braden in the first heat In 2:08. In the second heat she car. ried the field to, the half , in 1:0214; the fast half of the year. But at the five-eighths Thomas cut loose with Jqhn R. Braden, that pacer simply shooting to the front. He eased away and won off "by himself. He was pull ed up when he flipped under the wire in 2:06. If he had been driven out he could have negotiated the dis tance around the 2:05 notch. The third heat was a loaf to the three-quarters were South Bend Girl tried to Outsprint. John.R, Braden to the wire. -She failed. . John showed that he couldi sprint with the best of themt coming that last quarter in .30, a clip that gave him the heat and race easily. ,-. , Summary of race: John R. Braden, b m. by John R, Gentry ' (Thomas) 1 1 1 SMith Bend Girl, br m, by Walter Direct ( Moreheacf) t".-?.' ' i . '. 2 2 2 Robert E.. br g, by J. D. S. - (McCoy) . v . . .;. . , .i 4, 3 .3 Red Bearer, b go y'.,Cup Bearer " (Beck) ......... ...... '... 3 4 4 , Time 2:08. 2:06. 2:11. IPleiity-:pswpl - ,. . That have been at wdrk every day. If you heed some co me to s ee us. . .'4 ... s..m s 3 s a .a s a k .. . , . i ": n b.oc.iett . s a a t b ' s a s a t. Africa contains a smaller quantity of coal than any of the other conti nents. ' CLASSIFIED! ADS FOR BALK- . . FOR SALE A few registered Short horn Bull Calves fcf serviceable age. W. TURNER H ARRIS,. Wifllamsport, Tenn. . . . Jjd4tjw3t MISCELLANEOUS. Money to loan on farm lands, six per cent Interest for a term of five years. HUGH T, SHELTON,' Attor ney. r " 24jeOdlmonw4t HELP WANTED MALE WANTED YOUNG MAN TO FIN ISH UP TRADE. TWO-THIRDER PREFERRED. OR WILL TAKE A FINISHED PRINTER. ALSO WANT A YOUNG BOY WHO HAS FINISH ED OR. QUIT SCHOOL TO LEARN THE PRINTER'S TRAOE. APPLY AT THE HERALO ..Of FICE , OR WRITE OR PHONE. - Calendar Circle. .. The Calendar Circle of Jhe Garden street Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. .Miles Cook on Tuesday !aft ernoon at z p. m. at her home on West Seventh street. v. Voman's Missionary Society; J ) l The . .Woman s Missionary Society of the First Methodist ' church Will have their mission study class" on Wednesday afternoon ' at 3, ro'clock . In' the Sunday school roomi i " ' "'" Hughey-Dawson. t ,' Miss Nell Dawson and Chas. Hughey were married Sunday morning at the home of Rev. Dr. Chenault. The bride was lovely in a suit of browi with accessories to match, (arid oar' ried a boquet of KiUarney roses. 'Aft er the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Hughey left for an extended . bridal, tour.' ' Sandlin-Beard. sj ,,, ' ' Mr. and Mrs. F.,J. Beard, annotlnee' the, marriage of their daughter ViN afnih, tfc,WHar,,Sn41ifl,riwhiotouo curred at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jphn BIrmingfiani,, on May 31. Mr - Sandlia Is prominently con nected in the drug business, while his ride Is pleasantly remenibereft here; and numbers her friends. by hertac qiiaintances. - , . t i F ' Entertainment and Dance. On Wednesday evening, July-14th. Miss Catherine Roberts, a society en tertainer accompanied by her own su' pcrb marimbo orchestra of fl vex tal-' ented musical - people, will entertain at 'the Century Clubv , ThV committee on entertainment have planned a spec ial ladies night when there is to be an entertainment followed by a dance. The music will be played by Miss Roberts own Marimba Dance Orches tra of five musicians. The company play new dance music that has many novelties, and a genuine go and poi. The personnel of the company Includes the following: MIbs Catheflne Roberts,, entertainer, marimbaphone player; Miss Belle Bickle, pianist, piano ac companist for. Miss Roberts; Miss Juanita Noble, cellist, instrumental soloist; Prof. K. E. Horst 4musical, di rector) violinist; : Lionel . tNoble-,, trap drummer, bells, zulaphone. ! . a.;;ii . Alumni Institute' Meeting.-.,-. , . . .There will be a meeting of. he Alumni Association of the ?Colurnbla institute at 10 o'clock Friday morn ing in the Instltue parlor,., ' Officers for the, ensuing year will ,be-elected, and all members are urged to, be on time. " ." ' ,( .-i f U. D. C, Meetlna. '., Therewill be a joint meeting of the Maury Chapter and the Winnie Davis Chapter of the U. D. C.r.FrldAy after noon at four, o'clock at .the Century Club. All members are urged to , be present as arrangements are dis eussed for the reunion ;tp e hed, on Saturday, July 3. . j ,; . i -. , , - . Philathea Class Entertains. ;, , ,. ' Tuesday afternoon the Fbilathe Class, entertained1 In1 honor of" the Misses . Carpenter, in the .Sunday school rooms of tbe First Presbyte; rlan chgrrh. About'fltty guests were present, including the menbers..o,f the class and a few friends of, the Misses Carpenter. A delightful "program was rendered, consisting of readings by Miss Edwards, Miss Sue Todd Walker and Miss Elizabeth Armstrong.. Vo cal numbers by Mrs. ' ..Forgey Miss Jeannette Molloy and Mrs. Cant, violin solo by Miss Margaret Ralney, and a piano solo by Mrs. Norman Dale. The Sunday school rooms were beautiful ly decorated for the occasion in eweet peas, nasturtiums, dahlias aid daisies and at,the close of the program, de lightful refreshments were served A , factory fs. operating to Formosa to nuke caffeine, out of, tea dfC.'' m:mmw city ". ! f GREAT i OICOVERER'; lOF ,HOQ CHOLERA 8-ERUM JT6:'8PEAK TO FARMERS INSTITUTE. " v" , - iTv '' i 'Dr. M. "Dorset, aistinguiehed -Son of Maury 'county, chief ot chemistry of the bureau of animal industry' of tho United States department : of agr;' cultnre, "will probably- be1 one of ths "big guns"- who Will' Speak," to. the Midi die Tennessee farmers at the convene tion here on ' August 10( -U and 12. In vitatlonsto Dr. Dorset) to speak have been forwarded by-Pves Wont Grahani and Secretary Burkett. of the farmers organisation; and the'ybarve been Join ed by Dr. M. Jacob, statei veterinarian. , President Edward p.-Turner and, Secretadiyi H. - Cliff iiendteyu of the Re tail Merchants Credit 'Association, on" ' behalf , of the 'business iWonof Colum bia,,', bat also ; written, .to Dr. Dorset urging that he, -accept , the 'Invitation, and attond the , meeting nere. v it Is. known thatj Dr.' Dorset i would be de lighted i to visit tbe,,cpunt,y ,of, his na tlvitu n(jpakioJhejf,a,rmers here and . will assuredly accept the Invita tions, provided his official duties will " permit htm to do o.,..He does not or-', . diharily leave- his offiqe.'to speak' to ' farmer's bodies but-Ujs , basing his.. home, ;it.,is ..tftftt ,,0, 111 likely make, an exception .and, appear. ( . GovhiJohn . Ji, parKer,. pf, Louisiana,,, has already. ac9epted,n,inyiltatIon to; speak, here and tU$v$4are., othet "top flotobei's" w;bonj thpj program' cftmmittee hopa to., et, , .making? thlr! the jgreatest, farniera. meeting In ,tb, history , of the -stat.V,f '.- xs Dr. Dorsett In! the .discoverer of hog- holera sQrum. i ... ,, NEXT REUNION OF,- SOUTH AT HOUSTOrf VEffeRNS 'OF THE GfAY WILL HdL'b : th ei r 'an n !Ta IT' m e et- m JNG IN TEXXft-CiTY, W OCT. .'. v-i: -.'- i -, v' - J.'apt ? Brig.!Ge. Joitn U Jones, command ing tho-seoond brigadeiflf' the United Confederate' Veterans-of Tennesse, ' has teceived the follow jng.-iefflcial no tlce of the net renpioq of-.the (vetef ans of the SOutbl ! """ t: General Ordera No. 2. .1, The General commanding takes pleasure in announcing that the Invi tation from the city f; Houston, Tex as, to ,, hold -ur- re-union of 1920" W that ...hospitable city has, been accept ed; 'and that 'the thirUetlv annual re union and convention of the. United Confederate.. Veterans wilj , be hafti there-October-6th to lOtlv 192fl 2. It is a fitting tributt4o the brave Confederate, soldiers hro the Traiis MlSAlsslppi 4epartmenOhai the patrt otlo city, of Houston ,lOUld be the flrsti to; Invite rk hls year. '': J if. . q. PfOPerappltcaUon, forthe usual reduced railroad .are lllbej mad, and together-with otbc reuQfoiif mat ters bAannounoetl infte genec- al ordew.i ., 4iiV j "" ' ., 4,, General, cpmoianding thank ful, to God for the .preservation of fco many Confederatf , soldiers, to their present advanced age, extends greet ing to., his comrades, and hopes that many, of, them will meet with hlmjn Houston, t'.. fraternal iia jrlih .' each other, and to continue the patriotic work of-our confederation.,. ' ' . By command. of v1. . 7 K. M. VAN ZAKT. 'i -.'if- ... QeiieralCfimmandlng. A. B. BOOTH, ' AdjL. Gen. and Chief of .Staff I. i 4 1 '( Invitations. to,.'. met any member . of,, theBriysh atnjly- rank s N eommands; andt the jOnjy Invitation allVptw ,Vvj?rrUle,. ibtt of royalty la one from the peakf r,of the boose of commons to a. Ri:r;Ticr of parlia ment, T