Newspaper Page Text
PACE TWO THE COLUMBIA HERALD FllIOAT. AUGUST 54 t Valuable lo You m r ff ytiici do oai bminesi with ttm bank,:!: you have a VALUE in that fact; for we make f& poifit of raartajjiog the r eaoarcis of the bank toj$ the ffi(f thni at! thme tfoina hmmcn with it may jjj g reasonably count on the bank" for an necessary rg fiflanefns fif their affairs ', :We have plenty of fundi for all necessary and reasonable handling "fe of wr customeri business. There is a VALUE $ $ TO YQLF in doing yonr bfisinc3s with thi bank.i Ks - $ Resources Two Million DoUars . . Maury National B311R 5fl52:fCVTDll QTilDV 10 $ LA I nit OIUJU 10 Skin Eruptions Came . . $ Constant Torture Dwi Gnna Mast B EKmJwat' ' l From tJU Blood. exeraa, tetter, bwifo, eftrrpfes,. nf cern, trriainj sea! emo tion.,, at well a tt other form of stcia tfiseitw, com from a disor- der4 donation of fheMood They flinr Pie enrtrf throm! 6h bfoorfr and tai exgfiatns why focal treat ment fair so absolutely. The rjdfcaf and rational treat- jj.U- .1 j j.i .. .' ,' j.nj .. j" a?j j -L-r f w f ta a tJbWlWi cows j of &S-,S. waicfe will ront out the disease germ from your blood, your eompfewoW wHI Tbjar;tt t clear uo- aruf yow vET saom 6? rid el the diseas as taonsaads of others have. ;- . Get a bottle of S.S.S. today, wrfre to oaf Bead physician, wft will, gladly jrhre yo futl -med-fta-! a f vice wtfnocft eha-esre. Arfdfes Medial Director, Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga, WORKING OUT INSTEAD PAVING BOAD COMMUTATION THIS YEAR , Keafi itmm mvMvtf county arr r.ortimnting tffl faaoe fa-fs year Instead of paying Ehefr J.'.fl'e- road tax to a extent knaw mufwr . pTeaeiM! toad law; S(5wtrfnwftirt fwttef, of the fctjfSway dna.rtiwwt, ati'il that m far 4 Ib tft-'ewvl!y siTfv ! to rof ty ba4 nrrir out ftrir flf.faffy enf94' hy the' for7ma a,a4 inn worn iwr 07,. utmnr prji i!f cnTOTnasstoif r pr.a XIT tit tat. he m arM4 tfcat i fjfcJarir for work rfirrln? th pat w nA thv,taf Iw4 yfrf. bwit eaifil faet thft ItM&Ottft rtf ;tW 'iotamrrfa ttrtw tax t very mnck.amaEter tbb year than Ja&t. TOMATO CROP OF COUIITY will; BE BEST EVER KNOWN M. PWJNEAS MUrrPHY, FARMER AMD PEAL ESTATE AGENT, TALK Of YIELD. TWEHTY JOHS TO THE ACRE - : . PrK Ar Mfltr Than Have Ever Been Pl n4 the Crop Promia- T Be,- Very, preitafete On 3 on'e, fave' able, Wftatfeer cojwtitloos hare beew ex ceftlonally faorab( for tfc commer cial tomato ;rpj jn tfc county this year and the. y!&ii I espct to break sU tecoHj. There a fcis acre e,g flait'ed (or the canning (actor? her and ttj'j- aj&;jFijt begianlitg to come Into, market-1 a hog qaaaUtie. Th tofnatoea. have, own to an ex ceptlonal sbe tU aAa an4 th rtnes are heavy , In fruit With the high price that are being pa(d an 4 the heavy yield the crop promi?9 lo 'C the best money maker that the people of ttw county hare erer grown. M. rhlnas Marpby declare that be :ty of Michigan for bai twelre acre of tomatoea that he 'yetys. Th mart franvfa mvM ?.t &.T muck cheaper hy payfn? th eommaUCo fax of IS t&Ai fty erortrna: out thetr lilrnev ftwt! (&y prefer to- wortt i't ont eatwB tftw worft fti rfofle- on tft road fct whirft. ffn?y ftaire th areatesit later et. Apr iTnmeiTse amount of work Sa felTg; done ott tfiff roafe of trie, eoim fy at Chi; f.fme. Tfi' o(Re of the fcfjrftway rommliwfoTiera' were ewwfKf t&i morning w.f)J . fotevft -aff A'v- eek tot tltrVf4W.'iHeV't- :ery t'''.el wftfc the character of work that tar 6i-n .tone.. Tfie forces are ciiaw wasr pos3:rT i.wii year. a ktwt for the cattifrltijr factory ow W farw wew nrHest mt. n ffrer fe'trf W)ira rof thai Ffe- eliiees vfff jirfrf iti far frtat ':wfTrf.y' tow of frail te tftei acre-. "1 h Offerer anytnfrrjf Ifke- thff yiM of temvatflea.'- gatd Mr, f ffrp&y, "an-Kf aorr.e ttee1 a?o ' when Mr, Wilson rMed my flefffs he1 eaM tPiat then was no, les than feu or twelve tows of frnlt on the srwjff oa every acre. That was some tfrae ao and I hae nener seen mch growth." Mr. Sfnrphy f geKMnjf IIS a ton for Hr. crop 4e!frered here ff fcfs estt mate shM prore to hu correct he, wotld get a gross ret.trrrf of I5fi9 at acre. Eren at ten fena to the acre he tfl get a groas return of H9 an acre which fa donbfe that any of the af re which Lt donb'e that any other of the waal crops grown in he coun ty would return.. ' Mr. Murphy-i enthaaiaaflc' over hfa crop bf fit& lae pimosts to Matrry cotjofy i(jt track growlm; anrfrfafry lag. Ife belie?e that hoth of thesa lEdnsitries wll grow rapidly in the near fatre. addliog mmenjely to the wealth of JhG connty., BEING ADDED TO COLUMBIA MILL BftKSK WORK ti PKAC?JCAC.LV COMPLETE CM THE WAN01OME NEW STRUCTURE, nmim asjuust rinis WrlC Hav a Wueft taiTwr Cafliatfity Than th Hiu Than Waa Dsatray ed Laa December a Wifl) Be RfiV MMfti Iw Every WeafVtetr Tnw aanim mill BMfWia tile torumJift 501 A levator Ompnay fa rauldly nearlnir em-pftinni'a to thw ft (Hi ffoM'tlis story andl It Has f- cfid Hy the manaf ers- to Dlacw nfl&- er atnry on. this-, maftinar It. ftv atea' hiash. J;mt as now sw fftrt roof fi pfaeit oa thrt finflrfinar Jhrt pfacinsf f the clhiter earvi.t. ete. wtTI eornmW(e. aiko tli sett fan o the new ma&fiiery w&fclt will hrt t& hrtat and mot mod em that ca ft secured. The mill la er-natrncted' ow tte ery Tatestl metft of m tn Are, malin-j tt almoafc finpoa te for tt to harm Ta floors'- ;iae- eenatnrcted ia what fa tnova t biiilA -s and architects a t& sldir hrn- hsgt mietliodsr, aEI o 4ft tfmrs oflvrti? eatra hry and air apacea alwotntefy cfoaed. - ;( ; Tft huiTdinar fe rn tw compfeta compartrnemta with. Are1 doonr- f th fir waif. This & anotft pnscaatiiou faftei hy th ownert fajtB eooatrac- t'ow of th Rii1TJin whlc4wElf Bsor make te fan sura ve rate emaualfy tow, ' ' The mill will hai? a rnnch larfer eaeacfty tlia the on that was de stroyed hy fire I'aat December and will ' more mod era- (a every rewprtct. Tker stmofce stacft will aliw hav, to Jus add ed to h order to carry ft afeoT the Willi hwibthwf. Tl-e fwwfers are- to flrt cFan shaprt and wflT srtdht aw Btfm wfll he iastaRed. ,-' REMARKABLE TRIBUTE ' -I -jit . TO SOLDIER BOYS au! BUSHME&S .SrjSPENDCO IN COLUMSfA DURING AFTER MOON TO ATTEND FUNERALS. The average man will die for want oi air In 5 minwtea, for want of water (1 a week, toj want of sleep in ten, daya. Remarkahie trP'mte waa paid to the RTemorfea of the three Coiinmh'm sot 4a who were Itirled otf Thursday afternoon by the peojrfe of thrt "city vhrttt erery hniniaa horese, almost without eicrtpf.iow, and incfndinsr erea the rfrnK stores, were clod from noon anffl 5 o'clock and many of them fa the remainder of the day. The stores and shops and banks- were c low ed tight and the down town streets of the city appeared as quiet and as free from business as- on a hot mm ner San-day afternoon. Large crowds wftnesaod all of the funerals, the first be in 5 at 1 o'clock and that of Wilson Holmaa, the next at 2:?M o'clock that of Basil O. Block er, while at t o'clock ewWTed the services in honor of Lleat. Clarence fry. The crowd that attended" Lferat, Fry's funeral was an enormoiM one-, the procession beng of nnusttal length. Many came Iron Giles ty, where he wast born, to pay trihnte to the young sofdter. The floral offerings were exuataite aad filled two ipwj?yiBes. x CANNING PLANT TO MAKE RECORD PACK THIS YEAR crop1 ta la pg est aiuij ies? mr WAS EVE W WAN'O'LCO DECLARE MANAGE J., J",. WILSONS isseheb Yut m : day t I Eatiw Wi4 Be the Receipts 8?tn(it4 ttie First ef (Veirt Wee. PijceAra Makif Wamry for the j4WraV . Ob BHlEkiw time h.fred fhouaaad caa f totMa fa- tA giml: that fa se hy ftli Coiumuia Caaainar Co. for tae antfaoaT of yyi). ' I -A- repwweatativrt oC Tin FferaW Ttsitet t8 alaat of ta-ia- eaterprtije ; jfil's aiomlng and waa amaaed at the I aeOvttfes-,, btt was liif onr.ed ay J. J.. ! Wfaony thrtx general BTaaager of the : plant,, tiw-6 th plaa-fi w jnt begia1 1 Brng1 tot take oa tii semblance of ;orifc aat that ii he would come hack, a wee it Safer, wara about IDi)- more .aaadL wera pt" to wovlt there womfd h aomihtj ding; jiire enoughi At- peeaeat t& pVnt fa receirfe?r, ! alwoA, fouty .waoa load of tomailoe iperi-day-lMX tafa- fa expected tot mt thaof thri-bbte aeit week4i the-, CTBP fa jiwt begin nins to r , andl taw frait that fa bein arowsr&t ia fa eieie-ftionU.y good. I Mn'WHaoa stated that it was hfa eptaiow that the erwa thi year would ; be ae' of the. &eat that h eounty had ewer ftfwiacei, and he- was sure ta tie anaBty fa as good if ao bet ter thst any they had erer received. . The eompaay are starting the- sea son, thfai year wtta a forty per cent aappfy of cans, and they hope to keea right on. recetTtag a ear load of cans fer week or oftener so that they wffl 6 abf-e to care for the cropv For the past several years securing eana ha heea a pro-hlemv but cond-ttion hare fas-proved a little along this line, Tim yrodijcers are receiving Yt ctnts: per hundred, or !3.W per ton for tfretr fmit this year and at the prfart and ttm-yield .that fa promised an acre: wil ftake its owner mre than 3 r, vi'za - . The undersigned will sell at public auction at the late residence of L H. (Hill) McKibbon, deceased, about one mile East of Culleoka in the filth civil district of Maury County, on Thursday the second day of Sept ember, 1920, the personal property of said decedent, consisting of household furniture and kitchen furni ture, about one hundred bushels oi Wheat, about two hundred bushels of oats, many tons of baleci hay about fifteen head of work mules, ages two to seven years, aJ number of mule colts, twelve horses, mares lantf colts? five jacks, one brownwood stallion, about xweniy siuc k cows anu tiivcs, iaigc numuu vi j riogs, consisting of sows and shoats, sixty ?t head good H stock ewes, one binder, one mower, two ' horse wag gons, numerous plows, gears and other farm imple B menls. . v k TIME The sale to begin at ten o'clock forenoon. . TERMS Purchases aggregating ten dollars or less, cash ia Land, notes with good security, payable twelve months after date, with inter est, will be required for purchases exceeding that sum. August 10, 1920. t Thos. H. Peebles,;'; C. L. McKibbon, AdminiatrcitotB Estate LH. McKibborijDeccased. Women students bare been admit ted to alt departments of the U&tver- the pa.nt fifty IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SLIPPING? r r f ' 4BaBBaaMapBBaBwaaMBBaaeaefeaaeaM Inferertifljr Experieact of, a Texas Laij Wdo Declare Tkat if Mora ' Voiuni Knrrr AUat Car&ri Thtj WmH Be Spared y ; IIocK Skkueis aa4 Worry. JONESTIHMBE f OB REUNION TRIP WELL KNOWN CONFEDERATE HAS HAD MUCH EXPERIENCE IN PAST OCCASIONS. Cea. John L. Jones has practically arranged for the rates and accommo dation for the Confederate vet erans who will attend the reunion for (the South fa Houston, Texas, next Oc- tor-er. Cea: Jones baa bad long expe rience la making arrangements for these trips and be will be ia absolute charge ia this section. The oid sol diers who are planning to make this trip will do well to can tim for par ticulars. FOEllESIflT OF COLUMBIA DEAD END COME , TO KNOX FLEMING WELfc KNOWfj A NO POPULAR SON OF "Tk l $ .COUNTY. Kaox neming.formerty a resident of Columbia, but lately of Birming ham, Alabama, ' died last evening at the latter place, and will be buried there this afternoon at i o'clock. He is- survived by his wife, Mrs. Kate Alexander Fleming, and two aoKS, Knox Fleming, Jr, a leadtar lanker of Birmin;hawt, and Albert Fleming, also of BirmiBZhara. and eae daughter, Annie, wife of Proctor Pcik of'Naahvtlte. - Mr. Homing a a son of James A. Fleming, of the 7Joa neajitortool, here be wa bra and reared, aad where hfa sister, Mrs. W. T. Frierwa and bsother. James A. Fleming still live. f Karly in life he rem7ved to Cofara Wa and entered neon a business car eer in the store cf Larkin A Walker. Afterwards be was Cashier of the Bankof Conmbia. and 3bemn-t - iAIaHire ia 151 was empioiftd jia. Bookkeeper .In several ; prominest firms in this tits. V ' ' . Arter the remcval of his sons to Birmingham, be and his wife follow ed to that placev wbere be has spent the declining years of a life of more than three score and ten. At the time of his death aad s.oce early manhood,' he was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Co lumbia. He was a kind hearted, modest gentleman, and very popular in social l.fe during bis yoctb. and among bis business associates of later years, who recognized in him the elements of integrity and business ability com Itned with a pleasing address. Col. R. Fi tVJoore, Auctioneer. - ' - - - J " r f .uLt.ij-! I.;l : 'f 3t & & v T JxtA'A',A Ai Aa A vlv!! A. A DAIRYCATTLE FEED TOLLEY'S HORSES MAKE CLEAN TO BE MADE III HEART INDUSTRY DIMPLE WILLING COMPANY WILL FILL A LONG FELT VACANCY IN SOUTH. SWEEP AT SHELBYVILLE RACES i Nivasofa, Tex- WM. Pedea, of IMs pface,relaie fhe foltewinjc fnferesl Ing account ef hew she recovered ber slrentfh, ItttliiE reaHwd thaf she waj actually tosinj hef txalth: "Health is the greatest IhJng hi the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly tit ep and Ukf notice. That h what 1 did tome tine ago when I found myself in a tity nervous, run-down condition ef health. I was 10 tired and felt so fitetess ! could birily pat all. "I was Jttst so account for work. I would tjet a bucket of water and would lee! 6 weak I would have to set it down before Uen like I could lift it to the shelf. Ii this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. .. , ' J,J was ,-, nenrous and easily upset. I couldn't rest well at right and was . ust lifeless. "I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided I bad some female trouble thai was pufrag me down. I sent for Cardui and began it . . ")a a very short while after I began tht Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im provement and H wasn't long until I waj a3 right good appetite, splendid rest and much stronijer so that I easily did irrj house work. "Later I took a bottle of Cardui as 1 tonic I can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for if more women knew, would save a great deal of worry aw sickness. " . The enthusiastic praise of thousands 0 other women who hare found Carda helpful should convince yoa that it i worth trying. AO druggists set! it FITZPATRICK PLACE IS SOLD FOR $43,500 ONE OF THE BEST ESTATES IN MARSHALL COUNTY GOES UN- -DER THE HAMMER. The oid Fitzpalrick plvre at Mooree one of the largest and ia times past one of the moet noted estates ia tliat section of Tennessee, was sold at public auction for f 43.500 on Thurs day. U was sold la several tracts. This place was purchased a short time tgo by Representative Cbsrles L. Cheek, of Marshal cvuaty, formerly of Maury county. Tb sale was consider ed a success,. The property contains about 575 acres. . REALTY TRANSFERS SHOW AN INCREASE AFTER LULL OF THREE MONTHS MUCH ACTIVITY IS BEING . SHOWN AGAIN. After a !nll of aout three mocthf, rrnewed actrvitj- in real estate Is be ing shown In the increased number of transfers that are being probated and d-eds that are being recorded Regis ter pogue bas not been rushed for some time, but deeds and mortgages and other instruments involving real erute are coming la now at a lively clip and be is just about as busy as be can well be. lie ia, mastering the book j typewriter and yesterday signalized j Lit -triumph by putting tr .record no. less than seven long legal documents, i LOCAL COHOmPS AFFECTED Has Been Desire el C. D. Parte foe Many Years Dream Materialized VVhen R. H. Forster Approached Htm With the M Idea, i When R. H. Foreter a pvroacted me on the sabjecf of erecting a Potr ing mill and feed mill Ira CoiuoMa I giadfy jumped at the idea, as it bad. been a de-;fr for a nnnsber of-, years apon my part to erect a feed mill in CtlTrflbia for the maftofaetnre of all kinds of stock feeds," said C. D. Park, So a Herald reporter Friday while at 'tUetyant cf th'oompaarf.r:'! "It is the parpo-se of this roBipany U manafactare a stock feed that will meet every demand of the farmer of all kinds. Especially will we de rate our efforts to the manufacture of a dairyman's feed. ' We realize that the dairy product baa become one of the greatest assets to the farmer of the South and especially is that so with the farmers of Maury county. We realize that Tennessee is fast forging to the front as the banner dairy state of the anion and while he stands fourth in the list now. we believe that it will only be a-matter of a few years when Tennessee iill be at the top, where she justlv Le longs. "Maury county is the leading coun- In the State when, it xomes to duiry farming, and again we say just ly so. We have everything to make It so. We have the best Wood lines of dairy cattle in America and Every thing that will continue to produce sii:h caftle. We hope to be able to manufacture a dairy food that will help the dairy man get beOr results than be has ever Rofton. and we hope to pat this food on the market at a much cheap er price thaa the obr feeds are blng manufactured. "We will also manufacture a mole and horse and bog feed, aad thicken fed of aH kinds. We expect to make the Dimple Feeds the same as the Dimple flours, the best that can be manufactured." W. . Teller, of celebrated -ToUey Farm, aide a cfeart sweep- of the races at SheibyvfUe ott Wednesday and Tharsday of this week. Driving bis own horses, Mr. Toliey won the en tire four races in which he entered, i record that has been very sefdetn nade fat any fair. The track was fear fully heay and no exceptional speed records were possible, bnt the Toliey horses went right trader the wire every time ahead of the field. On Wednesday Pat Carrnody Victory Medals ,ForrExisailors I From CdpL Dyerl Capt. Herbert R. Dyer wiii secsre tie.TicWy."jBiedafs. f or." .the ex-aailors as well as the ei -soldiers. Handsome redat.j have ben. prepared for the M3H who served during the war n both braches of the service and they ire ufged to apply with their discharg es to Capt. Dyer without delay. There are probably IW men from Maury county who served in the navy during the recent war and they are all enti tled to the navy medal. They will cherish them in after fife. la Paris a man who laughs is con- 1 . a 1 ideiTd effeminate, but free license is Herald CbJ Cs'un Arft Fty. I given to fnaN merriment. MAD YET MRS. HUGH FARISS DJIPI CDOM uHua inuni 11 IN NEW YORK BUYING MILLI NERY FOR ANOERSON BROS. & FOSTER. Mrs. Much Fari has returned from N'tw York City where she has been for the pat tn days assisting Eigene Anderson in baying millinery and mil linery accessories for the store of An ccrson Bro. & Foster. Mrs. Farfss is creatiy pleased with the nw styles ?nd says that the millinery depart-nv-r.t of the store will be rizht in the frcnt rank. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR LEGISLATURE. Th Herald Is authorized to an nounce ANDREW H. WIGGS, of Perry county, a candidate for the senate U the next General Assembly ef Tennessee, sebjoct to be actioa cf the A?wo?rt '? -,?-t, . !'. . 1 !J won the ?;IS pace. Mr. Toliey thea entered Rose Kiag 2:1? ia the 2:11 tyjt aaij woa handily Oa Thursday Mr. Toliey won the J:l pace with AenstLHaBV Jr.. 2:IIt4. and hie von tae 2:2-5 trot with Beauti ful BaPry. a sorrel mare. Atffe Ktt trell's Ifenry Direct Second won sec end money in the 2: It pace. Mr. Tottey did not enter aaythin'in today's races acd shipped his horses to Fayettevai.t where he will race them next .week. . DEPUTY COLLECTOR PEEBLES BACK HERE WOBtC AT MEMPHIS. fXWWcIcTEi - 7- im nmimimiMmmm -ms - -'- nun mmm iinesaaasar . - m e 11 A&aT$ in p h.aWqe 5T THIS DIVISION. Depnty laternal Re venae ' Conecfo? Irving PeeWrs, whose territory er fcraees the division composed of the counties cf Maury, Marshall, Giles and Lincoln, is back from a forty days stay in Memphis where he was trans ferred to check ap luxury tax sales Mr. Peebles will have, his headquar ters in Columbia from now on al though for the next two weeks he wi'l be out of tie city lha moLof the time checking 05 tv-jajers to the other counties of his division. DIMPLE Ml INSTAL LIN8C0. NB -FEED-MILL WILL HAVE CAPACITY OF ABOUT THREE CAR LOADS STOCK FEEDS EVERY TEN HOURS. The Dimple Milling Company is nr'v installing the machinery, bis, chutes, elevators, carriers etc.. necessary fr the manufacture of stnek-feeds of a'l kinds and for the mixUfre cf poaltry fveds. The capacity of this plant will b aloat three car lod every ea benrs. sr.d It U the purpose ef the compauv to operate twenty-four hours per day If necessary, aad the management is of the opinioa that the demand wili be sufficient for the mill to rua day and nighL Large taaks will "be installed to which will be pcmprHl-.' d.reet frcn tanks on cars the muUstes frca whkh the sweet feeds an mansfactured, ,