Newspaper Page Text
' i ' ' it' ":, " i ,4 , ' VOL. LXXII NO. '40 . COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER i,. 1920 ' ESTABLISHED IN 1848 GOX PARRIES CAMPAIGN urSmue'BI SAYS PRESIDENT'S PLAN IS THE ONLY DEFNITE ONE WHICH . WILL, PREVENT. WARS. THREE SPEACHES TODAY Making Vigorous Fight for Vote of That State, and Confining Himself Largely to Discussion of the League Question. , ' v ,' (By Unlfed Press.) WITH GOV. COX'S SPECIAL TRAIN', HfTTCHEJtSON, Kan., Sept. ;!().- Into the great wheat belt of Kan sas, Governor Cox carried his .presi dential stump campaign today, and further emphasized his previous dec linations that the league of nations i in the only definite plan suggested that will prevent wars. . The , governor was to speak at Jltitcherson this morniug, Newton this afternoon and Wichita tonight. Governor Cox's strategy in Kansas Kpems to be based upon the belief that the Kansas vote for Wilson in 1016 was because the people-of that state were opposed to war,, and he is mak ing most of his entire, campaign on the league of nations. MAURY MEN IN NASHVILLE TO RESIST RAISE ARMED WITH FACTS AND FIG . URES, COUNTY EQtlALI?ERS, BEFORE STATE BOARD, MAKING A. VIGOROUS PROTEST . ALF A. TAYLOR HERE NEXT THURSDAY REPUBLICAN NOMINEE WILL SPEAK AT COURT, HOUSE AT 1 O'CLOCK. Hon. Alfred A. Taylor, republican nominee for governor, will address the voters of Maury county at the court house on xt Thursday after: nuou at 1 o'clock, .Mr. Taylor will be introduced by Hon. R. . S. Hopkins, one of the r'e1hi1jilPan"1eaders''of the roimty. A large . reception commit tee of laeo'l republican will meet the iiomlnee on his arrival" here and he will hold a reception at the Bethel House. It has been many years since Atf Taylor was heard, in Columbia, his last appearance liere being as a lecturer. Tfheje are still a great many citizens, however, that recall his ap pearance with his brother. Bob Tay lor, when they spoke in the Athc tae nia grove in 1886. SCHOOL WILL. OPEN SEASON FRIDAY M&ETING FAST JONES HIGH SCHOOL TEAM OF LYNNVIL!. E SOUTH SIDE ARK. At ?, o'clock Friday afternoon Cen tral High School will officially lat nch iis 1!)0 football season, meeting the strong Jones High School of L nn Wlle. The game will be played at South Side Park, and it is expected that the fart flock will tnrn out en masse to witness the first attack of the purple and! gold macfiine. Will Show the Injustice That 'Would . Ee Done by Proposed Horizontal In crease of Ten Per Cent in Lac.d Assessment. Armed with facts and figures show ing the injustice which would be done by the proposed action of the state board of tax equalizers the county board of equalizers of Maury county, headed by Judge W. C. Whittborne, County Attorney, Hugh Todd Shelton and Tax Assessor Webb Williams, ap peared this afternoon before the state board to make vigorous protest, and to resist to the end the proposed hori zontal increase of Jen per cent in the real estate assessment of the county. For the past several days these county officials and members of the county equalization boad have been compiling data and securing evidence to be used in the fight to retain the county assessment just as fixed by the county board. Members in the Maury county com. mittee in Nashville, hoped that they would receive the final verdict before the close of the day, as it will be nec essary to have this information . be fore the'tax levy' for the year can be arrived at, and ;itjs hoped that this can be arrived at in time for the coun ty court, meeting the second Monday in ctober, to act upon it. i political Ball ' starts to rolling TWO SPEECHES WILL BE HEARD , IN MAURY COUNTY DURING THE COMING WEEK. Politics should liven up considera bly next week in Maury county. On Monday Gen. Charles' T. Gates Jr.," former attorney general of the state, and one of the most brilliant orators in Tennessee, will open the democrat ic campaign on Monday at 1:30 o'clock. He will no-doubt be heard by a large crowd. , x '' ; ' On Thursday following at 1 o'clock lat the court house, Hon. Altred A. Taylor, republican nominee for gov ernor, will open the republican cam paign. Locally there have been no de velopments recently in the political situation. TO HONOR NAMES TWO HEROES OF CHURCH SUNDAY REV. J. W. CHERRY AND HON. J. H. DINNING WILL BE SPEAK ERS FOR THE OCCASION. ' WILL UNVEIL BRONZE TABLET To Perpuate the Sacrifices of Lieut. Wooten and Lieut. Gilbreath Ser vice Men Are A3ked to Attend In Uniforms. ' Dr. J, W. Cherry, the pastor and Hon. John H. Dinning will be the ora- tora at the services to be held oh Sunday morning at the First Metho dist . church when a tablet to the memories of Lieut. James C. Wooten and Lieut. Robert Gilbreath, tile two members of the church who made the supreme sacrifice in the great war, both being-killed on fhe field of battle." . Dr. Cherry will speak first and then Mr. Dinning will deliver an address. There will be a special musical pro gram for the occasion and some un usually beautiful selections have been arranged. All of the ex-service men of the county, soldiers, sailors and marines are specially invited to attend. TJiey are asked by the committee in charge to come in uniform and as' far as pos sible to occupy Seats together. Space will be reserved In the auditorium or the church so that they may be seat ed together. " The tablet of bronze will perpetuate the sacrifice that two of the youngest volunteers from the church made. One, Lieut. Wooten was an aviator, the other Lieut. Gilbreath; was in the : infantry, the two most hazardous branches of the service. , Recently a scroll upon which was engraved the names of all of the- men and women from the church who were in the ( armed service of the country was unveiled iri the Sunday school room. , . LEGION PLANS TO OBSERVE DAY OF ' . GREAT VICTORY HERBERT GRIFFIN j POST WILL MEET AT THE COURT HOU8E TOMODROW NIGHT. - f' ANNUAL ELECTION OFFICERS Terms of the Present Officers Expire on Armistice DayTo Arrange for Participation in Q'$& Fellows Pa rade. : I For the purpose oflarranglng for participation In the gfeat Odd Fel lows parade on Wednesday, October 20, and to discuss plafts for the an nual reunion and celebration on Arm istice Day, November ill, the mem bers of the Herbert Griffin Post of the American Legion will meet at the court house at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night. Plans will also bemade'at this meeting for the' election ofofflcers to serve for the coming year. The terms of the present officers will expire on November 11 and it !is understood that Major Frierson the commander since the post was organized, will not accept another term. Several names have been mentioned as probable suc cessors. .'..' At the Legion meeting the impor tant matter of a proper celebration of Armistice Day will be taken up. Just what the nature of the ppgram will be Will probably be referred to, a. committee, but it is certain that the feature of the occasion will be a re union and parade. It was planned last year at the big celebration, to make it an annual event and it is hope dto have at least 500 of the men in khak parade on that date, besides all of fhe sailors and marines in the county. It .is expected, that before Armistice Day arrives the women will have completed their auxil ary which can take part in the celebra tion. ' All Legionaires are expected to at tend this meeting?"-- - v TIME LIMIT ON POLL TAXES -TO-END SATURDAY PAYMENT AFTER THAT . DATE , WILL NOT QUALIFY VOTERS FOR NOVEMBER ELECTION. REGISTRATION IS ORDERED GALVESTO Y A $2,000.0 WATERFRONT DESTR Citliens of the Third, Seventh and Ninth Diatrictg Will Have a Chance to Register on October 11, 12 and ACADEMY TO OPEN SEASON ON FRIDAY FIRST FOOTBALL GAME BE PLAY ED ON ACADEMY FIELD AT 3 O'CLOCK FRIDAY. . : Columbia Military Academy . will open the football season here with Springfield High School Friday after noon at 3 o'clock instead of Saturday as had been originally planned, and announced by the;School authorities. This change was requested by the Springfield team. It is expected tha"t the opening game will be largely attended. CONCRETS CULVERT FOR SANTA FE PIKE A new concrete culvert is being built on the Santa Fe pike at the Hull property, where the old culvert re cently went in and a truck was turn ed over. Fortunately nd special dam age was 'done. The culvert Will be lengthened and the road widened at this point. WORK HOUSE HANDS v ' GO TO PULASKI PIKE ITALY TO. DECLARE END WAR If 10NTH OVER $15,C00 EXPENDED ON THE ROADS AND BRIDGES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST. The work house force is being mov ed today to the' Pulaski pike where some extensive repairs are planned by the" county road commission.. Dur ing the past two months an immense amount of work has been done on the highways of the county and at the same time much has been carried on. In August over $15,000 was expended on the roads and bridg es. Of this amount something over $11,000 was pent on the roads. There has be'en a marked improvement in the roads of the county as the result of the work that has been done in sev eral sections. R, L, HAYS IS BACK FROM COLT BUYING TRIP POPULATION GAIN SHOWNBY KENTUCKY STATE GROWS DESPITE "BLOODY BREATHITT'S" RECORD FOR PAST DECADE. (By United Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. The cen sus bureau this morning announced the population of Kentucky as being 2,418,01;!, or an increase of five and one-halt per cent. M'SWENEY TIRES . AFTER THIRTY DAYS LORD MAYOR GETS THREE HOURS SLEEP, ACCORDING TO BULLETINS TODAY. (By United Press.) LONDON, Sep. 30. Lord Mayor MacSweney slept three hours ' last night, it was announced this morn ing: He is described as appearing healtry but tired.- OPENING ROAD SHOW OF THE COMING SEASON UP IN MABEL'S ROOM WILL BE, THE FIRST ATTDACTION AT ; THE NEW GRAND. , ; "Up in Mabel's" Room," a screaming farce comedy, will be the opening road show at the New Grand on next Tuesday night. It will inaugurate a season of high class legitimate at tractions that Manager Jackson be lieves will appeal mightily to the peo ple of this community. He hasbook ed about a dozen of the finest attrac tions that he can secure and will give the people a list that will meet popu lar approval. "Up in Mabel's Room" is said to be just as attractive and popular with theatregoers as "Scan dal" the attraction- that made such a hit here last, season. ' STORM WARNINGS SOUNDED IN SOUTH HURRICANE SWEEPS GEORGIA COAST, ANOTHER VIRGINIA, BUREAU REPORTS. ' (By United Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Storm warnings have been ordered up along the entife Atlantic coast, the weather bureau announced this morning. One storm is centered off the - Georgia coast, and another over, Virginia, it s said, and moving northeastwardly, gathering intensity. Supplemental registration will be held in the three districts of the coun ty where registration is a prerequi site to voting on Monday, October 11, Tuesday, October 12, and Wednesday, October 13. This will be-tlje last op portunity that the voters of the coun ty will have to register before the November election! Voters, who have registered since' August 11, .1919 and who have not moved tljeir place of residence since they were Jas.t regis tered will not be , required to again register. "Only 'in the. third, seventh and ninth districts is registration re quired. Unless votjers pay their poll taxes before the office . of Trustee . Burns closes on Saturday tilglit they wilf pot be qualified to vote in the November election. The law requires the pay ment of poll taxes not less than thirty days beforethe election, The "elec tion will bo held this year on Novem ber 2, so that October is the last day. But that Is Sunday hence Satur day is the last day. ." Judging by the utter lack of inter: est about the trustee's office, the fact that practically no one is paying a poll tax and none have ' been paid since the' last county election,, one would imagine .that a presidential and state election would be about the last occurrence in. this section. It is doubtful if a score of poll taxes are paid in the county by Saturday nigfct and yet there are hun'dreds in the county who have not paid and who are therefore not eligible fovote. MERCURY WITHI FIVE DEGREES OF THE DANGER LINE NO RECORDS BROKEN BUT LACK . ED'ONLY FIVE DEGRES OF,, FREEZING POINT. . WAS COLDER TWO YEARS ASS FEDERAL PRISONER TORE SENT HERE CONVICTED EMBEZZLER BE SENT TO MAURY ;JAIL FOR SIX ' - MONTH'S TERM. Record for ' September Was Made in 1918 When It Was Within Two De grees of the Freezing Mark Also old in 1916. 'Although no weather records were broken the thermometer descended to rather1 unusual levels this morning and fires were eagerly sought. At fi:30 o'clock the mercury registered 37 degrees or within live degrees of the freezing point. No damage was done to vegetation -of any kind as there was no ice and a stiff wind that biev all night kept away any hIiis of frost. ' The coldest. September wetttlier re corded by the observatory at AbIi wood according to Mrs. Fleming, was in September, 1 01S. On the 22nd of that month the mercury dropped down to thirty-four degrees or with in two of the . mark when real dam age, w-ould have been done, Four years ago on' September 2'!. nt(", the mercury registered 35 degrees, both 191G and 191S being colder than this morning. Warmer, weather in promis ed for tomorrow. The drop was orfe of the most sud den and precipitate' in' the history of thd weather observer""'" "Between 7 o'clock last night and (!:30 o'clock this morning the thermometer run down from 55 to .17 degrees, a sheer drop of IS degrees in less than. twelve hours or at the rate of over a degree and a half an hour, something that is very exceptional so early ' In ; the fall. ; '" ' EIGHT FJREMgN OVERCOME BY FUMES AS THEY BATTLE FIRE IN SULPHUR PL.ANT. ' BURNS FOR NINE "HOURS Started at 2 O'Clock' This Morning in 'Plant of Texas Gulf Sulphur Com pany Spreads to Adjolnlno Bulld . injjs and Piers. 'By "United Press.) G ALVKSTON, Texas, Kept. :!0.i Fire swept, part of the Galveston .wa terfront today, doing .damage estimat ed at $2,000,000. ' ' The blcze raged unrojjtrollivl for nine hours before' if wajg finally got- . Hen Hiider control by the heroic (;f forts of arireiiien,uiid allowed to "burn itself out.". The Are was discovered in the plant of t lie Texas Gulf Sulphur Company at 2 o'clock this morwing and a high north wjnd swept the bluze along. The fumes of the sulphur made fight ing difficult, and eight firemeu were overcome. The pier iiid plant were a mass of ruins and stifl burning nt no'on today, '.i j I'nitiHl. VresK.) OALVMSTON, Sept, nt) Fire which canned hundreds of thousands of dolr lars damage a Ions the Galveston wu terfronloday, has been-, confined to the present limits at li o'cloi-U. .Lit tle hope is held out for saving any of the" buildings now burning. Potato Prices Drop Dollar On Market today (By United J'ress.) ' CLEVELAND,- O., Sept. '.10. Tho' wholesuta price of potatoes fell to fifty cent per bushel this morning' ir decline of a 'dollar being recorded. Sheriff Hquser has been notified by federal authorities that Horace Smith, charged with embezzlement of about $2,500. from the Harpeth ' National j Bank at Franklin, who has been con victed in federal court' at Nashville, will be sent to the Maury county jail to serve a term, of six months. The sheriff said this morning that he had written Judge Sanford, ask ing that the prisoner he sent else where if a place could-be found, as he did not care to assume the; responsi bility for a fe'ra prhjaper if he could avoid Jt.'.' the federal govern fnentallows board in the sum 'of only seventy-five tcent.per day for each pfis;ierknd Sheriff Houser said it is almost impossible to "come but" on this amount. ' - President May Appoint Woman Succeed Clover (By ITpite'd Press.) WASHINGTON,' Sept. W. Presi dent Wilson nay soon appoint a wo man to another high federal office. Federal Trade Commissioner Col ver '.recently resigned, arid President Wilson is known o have been urged to name a 'woman to succeed biin. PRICE CUTTING BY DRY GOODS STORES. MANY ADVERTISERS IN TODAY'S HERALD MAKE MOST ATTRAC " TIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS. BIG DECLINES IN PRICE OF HUDSONS GEORGIA FARMERS WANT MORE CREDIT REGISTER A FORMAL PROTEST AGAINST POLICY OF SECRETA RY OF AGRICULTURE. n. (By United Press. ROME. Italy, Sept. 3(1 Italy will declare the war at an.emf on Octo ber 31, the cabinet h nnounced. L. Docque) Hays las returned from a trip north, where he purchased a car loa'd of extra fancy mule colts from Indiana and Kentucky. Mr. Hays says that these colts rival the famous Austin Harlan colts. They are offered for sale privately. REV, S. C. REED WILL SPEAK AT WEST POINT i h at Point next Sunday night at it o'clock. There will be a special musical program. PARENT TEACHERS TO MEET AT 'MCDOWELL MOTION PICTURES WILL BE DIS CUSSED IN A PAPER BY MRS. CHARLES A. SLOAN. Parent Teachers Association of Mc Dowell school will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The aubject will 1e' "Motion Pictures and the Child bhnU," Mrs. Charles A Sloan will present a paper and lead a dis cussion on the subject. Mrn. Sloan jviil be followed by Mrs. Tomlinson and -Mrs. Kyle. j. The meeting is an important one j and It l.hoped to havo all of the mem ! bers- present. -. , (By United Press.) ATLANTA, Gal, Sept. 30. Georgia farmers are to meet at the capitol to day to register a formal protest to Secretary of Agriculture Houston against his policy of restrained cred its, which means the failure of many businesses at the present , low price of cotton, according to Commissioner ot Agriculture Brown. QUIET SESSION OF . COUNCIL EXPECTED It is expected that he meeting of the l)oard of niayof and aldermen, to be held tomorrow night will be an un usually quiet one, as only routine bus iness wilj be transacted. The city fathers have disposed of the bond question through an . election. -nd there I little left for thpm to discuss. So far as has been reported no new ordlaances will be introduced. MORE AUTOMOBILE PRICES RE DUCED BYfMAURY JVIOTOR COR PORATION TODAY. The Maury Motor Corporation to day is formally announcing in The Herald stiff declines In the prices of Hudson and Essex automobiles, the Hudson falling; off $450, while tho Es sex price tumbled fc!00. The Maury Motor Corporation is expecting, a greatly increased business as the re sult of the price slashing." NASHVILLE BIOS ' - ON POWDER PLANT INDUSTRIAL. CORPORATION HOPES TO SECUDE BIG MUNI-' TION WORKS VflOPERTY. Automobiles aid tires are not the only tlilngsl hat have felt (Tie. efforts of the price knife, as a perusal of tho columns of today's . Herald will dis-w close. The dry goods merchants and department stores are making some most, attractive offerings. It. Is ex pected that there, will be a big rush to take advantage of those reductions. HARBISON MOTOR CO. GUTS TIRE PRICES SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION WILL, BE MADE BY THAT FIRM BEGIN NING NEXT MONDAY. Hardlson Motor Company tddny an nouifrcd a "reduction of tvpnty-fiv per cent on all tires, 'effect Ivo Monday. This is one of the biggest price cjit.-) on tires, that, has so' far been niado. The reduction will not be effective until next, Monday. C0ITI1E PROBE 1: BASEBALL SCANDAL . -n! I i :uH (By United Presa ) WASHINGTON. Sept. .10. The Nashville Industrial Corporation of fered 2,7.".O.00U for the' Old Hickory Powder Plant, it was found, when bids were opened by the war depsttremAO were opened by the war department this morning. A fluffalo firm was the 1 grand only competitor. No decision i fly l iiited l'rMS.) CHICAGO. Sept. :'.(. Th Investi gation uf alleged hit K.-la 11 scandal w'll be C(iitintii'd desiiite States Attor ney HoyiH-'s reque-ft that it tie delay ed until hU return from New York, n announced. -red the indictment fhe award was announced. i is the 1 grand jury foremar as to Hoyne bad declar are being improperly brought.