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VUL. JLA Ali JNU. 46 THOUSANDS WITHFSX Rlfi - - um sr war g j n n m a n mm mm. mm j STATE SENATORS EXP HAVE GOOD fVlEET IN E COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1 920 ESTABLISHED IN 1848 New York World Advances eory On treat Wa last;. Agents 11 Busy 1 WITH FLAGS FLYING AND BAND PLAYING, FORMER FIGHTERS MARCH THROUGH STREETS. 1 ARE CHEERED ON EVERY SIDE 1 Ce tO t.V! Ca,xu Soldiers Are Reviewed By Brigadier General Lawrence D. Tyson, Who Helped Crush Vaunted H'indenburg Line Two Years Ago. Bands Mared martial music, hobnial cd shoes Kept time on paved streets - Maury county's own soldi! ry w is marching, marching through a sea ci humanity that lined either side of Hie streets, j ney were i-eienratiiig i that day two year apo when, came to ; an end the greatest war all history I lias recorded. They were celebrating j the signing of. the armistice terms I which meant the downfall of mil it i- rism, the crushing of autocracy and ihe peace of the world: , ; At the appointed hour (he mar-h ' begun, and shortly after 11 o'clock, 'j headed by Brigadier General haw- j rence D. Tyson and bis staff, Major! Horace Fricrson. Captain Otey ,). Por- i ter, Captain Dake Riddle, Captain Paul j II. Faucett, Captain Francis Warfiehl. l.ieut. Phinney and a staff of non-commissioned officers in charge of First Sergeant Clarence Watson, all mount ed, the parade swung into West Sev enth street. General Tyson and his staff entered the.' reviewing stand at the Bethel House rornev'; The cadets of the Columbia MiPtary.fcrt the senate LOONEY DECLARE; MOST HARMONIOUS SESSION IS HELD IN 'AS;!V!LLE AT CALL CF CHAIRMAN FISHER. i EGTS L BY LEGISLATURE EFFORT WILL LIKELY BE MADE TO WORK OUT INEQUALITIES OF EXISTING STATUTES. PLAN FUTl'HE LEGISLATION SOME SECTIONS ARE FAVORED Gig i Acpvc-ment Lii,i:p;;c Of Li'K Ths.-.-,:.olves i Counties in Which Australian Drllot Is Not Used Have Decided Advan tage Over These Which Use Serret Ballot. . Senator K. 1). Looney has iolu:;ied from Nashville when' ho i't'onded a cont' retire of st:to senators, called by "! I' r-hor, chairman of ihe ( env oi r.;iic i.'ate erceeulivo committee. Act ording to Judge Looney the ni'M-iii:;; was a most harmonious ."mi h Ipful one. HepaPirs tifjreod to lay v aside all p.uty and past differences ! and 'tv-X l'igbl down to business in 1,1 effort to expedite needed legislation "It is not improbable that some sweeping changes will be made in the election biws of Tennessee when the next general assembly meets," was tin a:ibHt;:iiw of a statement this iiiornitiit by Senator K. I'. Looney, foliori'r; bis return from Nashville res be at tei. ded a meeting of state dors calb d by Chairman Fisher, of tin; slate executive committee. "There are many iiwqualitits in ihe Each of Hi'' se nators present sisn-1 present elation Jaw which should be ed a ph dge to be bound by the demo-1 wc.rked out." Senator Looney declar- cratic caucus in legislative organ iza tion and to supper! the choices of the majority for state cilices. Only live of the tweni.v-four democratic wove absent, and two or Academy bea'ving arms and headed by the cadet blind were next in litie and tt was a splendidly military appear ance they presented as they passed in review before General Tyson, Ten nessee's ranking officer in I lie world war. Maury county soldiers, who saw ser vice in wrrrM : war head d !;. several ( nmmissioned officers from the county were next in line. Two companies of soldiers were followed by a squad of sailors, the rear being brought up by men who saw service in the Philip pines during the Spanish-American war, and there were those also who followed the stars and bars during 1 1n great civil war between the slate The former fighters were cheered and applauded all along the streets as they passed.' The day dawned darl; and Id nk, and with a drizzling rain which f r a j largest number time kept people from town. A! 9 j the office, o'clock the streets were almost do Tt- ed, and at that time it appeared t ,ere would be few people from the cor. .try bore to witness the parade, but a rift came in the clouds and Ihe crowd he gan to assemble, and from every l ok and cranny of the county they c. nc Hundreds of automobiles stre;. led into the city and an hour before the! (Continued on Fourth Page.) three of these by proxy it known they would be bound -by the a'! ion of th- meeting. No effort v.-its made to name -the 'democratic slate,'' eVi lared Judge Looney. Not a name of any candi date was brought before the meeting. The sole purpose of the meeting was for the .ir,;.:f of li'dd'eg to:-.c-iher the p:i!tv or.-ar.ialion bi the state. ef tb-' (femocat will be b. Id a Thursday, accord- made, by A similar r "f ! i:, ie repiv:.'!it;.i h es a:di;i!. on next in;.;1 to an 'announcement Chairman Fisher. Senator Looney, who has been prom-1 v. here Inei'.lly mentioned as a candidate for speaker of the senate, hud nothing to say concerning his candidacy follow ing his return, but remarked casually that of the entire number of senators present at. the meeting, by far the of them were seeking ed nrd to substantiate this he pointed out. figures from the election return.1: gathered irom over the state. : There are Unit a few counties in ihe I slat? i:t which the Port-.h election law ; auplies, latiier there are but few ceun ;iios which use the Australian billot. A greater pa it of the counties still v-te the obi open ballot, making it an easy matter for all to vole. AP ; that is necessary for one to do in vot ; lug is i i cull for the straight democrat ; ie or republican ticket, put a. cross ; mark on the names printed thereon j and the vote is legal. As a result of i tin's method of vol in;;' some of the '(Hinties much snniib'r than Maury ' county, rolled up bi",v,er niajmit ies for (By I'niieil Press.) SEW YORK, Nov. 1!. The Evening World, under the leadline "Vaii Street Explosion Solved." lias de hir ed the explosion was the insult ef a reolt of union lioi:. u i-ec.ers au.aiust Robert P. iiii.i.Iell, head of the Labor Trades ('(.unci! and Hons" .Wrecking Cent ractors. The declaration U ii,i.-.od upon an independent, invest igat ion. The World asserted that u had proof that "eigh teen hundred men, 1. early all of them foreign burn, sober, iod-jstrious nnti efficient, and weli disciplined, mem bers of I louse Wreckers 1'niou No. !i5. have within the spa.e l' fifteen rncnths iiecn subjected to an cotispiraey id' greed and injustice, and the explosion was the eulniinath n of this tyranny." The' World did not charge the union wiih the responsibil ity, but. declared ihe explosion was the work of individuals, possibly sym pathizers. "It was said the bomb which exploded on Wall street, killing more than thirty people, was designed to explode ii"nr the house wrecking job e dames Reilly, foreman and pro- working, bomb wagon wher f.ego of Priudell's, was Tilt; Woild said tb- GERMAN RADICALS PLAN CLOSE ALL INDUSTRIES i vVWWNNVNV COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL IN THE S OF BEST RANK PROF. HARRY CLARK, OF UNIVER SITY OF TENNESSEE, DECLARES THERE IS NONE BETTER. APPROVED COLLEGE LIST Another Big Tribute Is Paid to Su perintendent Harris and the Local Institution by Those Who Know What a Real School Is. COUNTY POULTRY EXHIBIT HERE TO BE GIVEN DEC. 3 COMMITTEES TO.SECURE PRIZES AND MAKE ARRANGEMENTS ARE APPOINTED. WORKMEN SEIZE METAL FACTO RY AND EXTINGUISH FIRESl OTHER FACTORIES INVADED. ' - TROOPS AND POLICE READY Government Ultimatum tor Cessation of Strike Expires and It Is Expected., Thr-t Steps Will Be Taken at Once to End Walk Out. MACK BOSTIGK SUPERINTENDENT .-. ! tI: i" c: miniates than Maury po'ied. j It is possible for every one p, 1 1 1 - j th" Doiteh law doer, not. apply. I! is nossible for only the educated to ! j vote where the Australian balMi is j j used. i j There are other changes in Ihe ex ! ; jsPnsr election laws which won'd make ; more uniform the privileges of vol:n-' I that, will probably be Hireshed out before the adjournment of the legis- j ilature. It. is hoped that, the present; was driven by a "big stolid Pole, who did not. know the contents of the bar rel." The clock works was set. for 12:0:'. 'Jdie driver of the wagon de- j biyed at the crosing, then went to see what, delivery was to be nnide, and ! i in the meantime the bomb exnloeVd. i Tin1 drivod had learned the naUn'r- of, the freight and j Tiy Tufted Press.) j VASinXCTON. Xov. 11. The de-1 nartniei t. of lu -tiee wl!l immedlatelv be.' in an investigtitiom iuo the stary i of the fetid among Nv. York Fr.ion ; House Vreekers, which the Xew York' World declares is hajk of the Y.'alP street exjdosion. ( Government ohVials ailniitled the i iii'-ui, .linn-. ,i iine eiiti iiiai i I the atteiiti :!! of (he department has i ... I been devotou to locating radical spct'-ilde for the blast. re- Decorations For Sailors Given Today Y,"ASHLf!TOX, Nov, 11 Secretary of the Navy made Armistice Dav the Harding Speaks At Brownsville Armistice Bay morteh law can be made to apply to' . . , ,, ,,,,, , .i.., ,, ,, i occasion for the belated distribution ' .t l com Lie;-, ji uh. i.n.nw ....... .. I few of the larger ones. "You will be proud of your rating as one of the best school's of the na tion. You will be still more gratified to learn that our list has been endors ed by West. Point Military Academy, the United States bureau of educa tion and the leading colleges of the nation. One hundred and fifty col leges accept this list." The above is quoted verbatim from in letter just received by Superintend ! ent Harris, of the city schools and the I county high school here from Harry Chirk, of the University of Tennessee. It should be a matter of extreme gratl h'cation to the people, the taxpayers i of the county and city and the patrons j of the school especially, to know that. ! Maury county's Central High Sehoal ; is at the very top of the list, i Some time ago the high school here ; was given the very highest rating by the state department of public instruc j tion. It was rated Al, which grade was given to just five other big schools in Tennessee and those were h eated at Covington, Cleveland, Par is and Clarksville. Xo school in the state ranks higher than Columbia and only four others rank as high. Testimonial after testimonial has (orne from the highest school authori ties, state and national, of the efficien cy of the school at Columbia. its graduates can enter even the most, ex clusive colleges in the country with out an entrance examination and now the school is on the select list of the imous West Point Military Academy. The letter from Prof. Harry Clark. ! acknowledged authority on efficiency of schools in the South, is not only a tribute to the school but it is a hii'h compliment to Superintendent Harris. Well Known Fancier Will Be Assisted By Albert Holt, G. H. Williams, Mrs. amb and Mrs. Knox Many Ex hibits Are Expected. ni HUGH t SUDDENLY CALLED YOKLEY ih I (Tv United Press.) PPOWXSVIi.l.l'l, Texas, Nov Presi.'ent-clecl. I larding today ab.tll doued his iishiiig ami tame, her.! to! mako an Armistice Day address, the j first st I speech si-nc his election. I II was -a it li some difficulty and per-; sonul discomfort that, the sunburned I starch-' MARRIED 51111 YEARS AGO I MR. AND MRS. CISV'.S LATTA QUIET LY CELEBRATE THEIF1 SIX TIETH ANNIVERSARY. ODAY BUYER DIES FROM THE RESULT OF BLOOD POISONING. has Col. and Mrs. Sims i.atta quietly eel d th.-ir sj i loth weddim v today. .Mr. and .Mrs. ebrate ! versar r.MCD a mp cTfi."K i Presn ent loci ciimnen into j ed shirt and hmh collar. He grown fond of his sott shirts and loose j (ll.ovl, j(0 Columbia this morning and j ! brown denim troupers. j saw the world war veterans parade I The setliiiL': lor Senator Harding s i .. afl(.nVani went to their home on, ; appearance here was picturesque, be-; t., .;.mpS,;r, pike where they spent I ,l:tl ! ing almost foreign. Mexicans and , (h,, ;l!i(. ,.,:,,!, jj, e:!eh other's company. J Mr. ami Mrs. Latta have five iiildr. n, th'-ce sons and two daughters, none of i i of :i,CLl I naval ions for mem i hers in the navy and marine service i during the war. , I The (lecoralions hae been sent to (commanders of ships and stations to Ihe presented with simple ceremonies i today. The announcement of the j aw awls recalled the famous controver- ; sy between Secretary Daniels and Ad- i miral Sims a year ago when Sims i 1 charged favoritism had been used in 'raking awards. Daniels' anuounce j men I today showed both sticking to j their guns. A medal was awarded to i Admiral Sims, but Daniels declined to anni- j ctfer one to Admiral Crayson, Ihe Latta i President's physician. Hugh U Yokley, farmer and stock trader and one of the most wiuei known men in Maury county unite suddenly at his home on the Cul leoka pike at S-.M o'clock Wednesday evening. His illness was very brief Two or three days before bis death lie sustained a slight injury and blood poisoning quickly developed and the end soon came. Mr. Yokley is survived by his w.f1 and two daughters. Misses .Martha an 1 , liuella Yokley. and three sisters. Mrs. j H. C. Horn, Columbia; Mr. J. Ca-j ruthers, of Mississippi, and Mrs. An drew liaker, of Texas. He was a lifej long member of the Cumberland Pi es- j byterian church and an honest, up-; right, industrious citizen, whose wordj was always accepted at its full face . value. He had traded in stock all over . this and 'Giles county and held the j confidence of every one. He would y have been sixty-two years of ase bad he lived until April a. next. He was j born in Giles county, mar Yokley in ix:.! , ; The funeral services were h'bl at i 3:::u o'clock this afternoon at th- res idence, conducted by Dr. W. P.. Taylor The remains will have tomorrow morning nt ! o'clock for Campbells ville for interment. Th f T in -named friends will a t as I beat ers: Frank Dale. Uoberi I. Moore. William Matthews. Tlrown Carter, Hud Dngger and John Gilbreath. i rancheis etnliered for miles around in ! motley contrast to the clean cut sol- HARD GAME BE PLAYED NASHVILLE SATURDAY 10 PASTOR YET CAllEOJO CHURCH BUT'DR. GEORGE H. MACK WILL PREACH AT GARDEN STREET CHURCH ON SUNDAY. tiers who formed his body guard. Sen ator Harding was to speak at. the Fort Crown parade ground. JUNIOR ORDER WILL HAVE tilt whom were v. itii liiem upon this occa sion. Today is also the fortieth anni vrreaiy of Congressman and Mrs. L. i P. Padgett. Mrs. Padgett is in Wash j ington City and Congressman Padgett ! is out on the Pacific coast with naval affairs e:tmmi!roe. MILITARY ACADEMY TO MEET MONTGOMERY BELL IN SEA I SON'S BIGGEST GAME. the HEREAFTER MEM3ERS BEFORE EEltVG INITIATED MUST HAVE AN EXAMINATION. There wi'l be m very important meeting of the junior Order of I nited i American Mechanics ;ii the lodge ' rooms in The lb-raid building tonight, at v o'chxk. Kery member is unre.l to be presens a; new regulations v.'.rdi bae ju-t h"-n made by the suir -me cii;r:. .1 v ill I"' announced .-,;! e .: l.!ir I C i'. I'nd.-r th" m w i .--'ilat : as all mrm il'TS V. !.:) b .Vj' la en ; it:t i the order i:ue .lune 1 'la must sumd an i'PTroxe'l medhal ex.,mi-iation. It is ..pec a"v f)"-ired therefore that n em bc! ; of t' is ibis-, shocbl be r. i- , .i id 'i.-1,! lii reeitir no mem hr v.'.'! ie reiiiv l into the order until be -'n'l have first p.e-se.l this approved medic::! examination. Columbia Military Academy faces c-'ie of the hardest games of the foot ball season on Saturday when the ca det team ( lashes wi'h the heavy Mont gomery Hell Academy aggregation on a Nashville gridiron. These ancient rivals are in the pink of condition, and both teams are fully determined to win. Montgomery Bell Academy has been playing a great game this season and is hopeful of uelting away with tlm prep champicn-.-hip but so has C. M. A. The local , p'titn has not lost a single pamc this Dim rf parties who have paid the season, having met some of tile stronp- -t prep school Tucker, of Springfield: PREPAiRING LIST OF i WHEEL TAXPAYERS GETTING READY FOR PROCEED INGS AGAINST THE DELIN QUENTS IN COUNTY. No pastor has yet been called for t he Garden Street Presbyterian church to succeed Dr. Samuel D. Iogan, who left a month ago to accept a call in Texas. However, the officials of the church have several preachers in view and some definite action may be ex pected soon. However, the pulpit will not lie vacant, because of there being no pastor as arrangements will be made from time to time to supply it. On next Sunday morning Dr. Geo. II. Mack, former pastor here and one of the strong men of the church, will fill the pulpit at both the morning and evening servic-ps. WIN TO ADDRESS . ELKS OF NASHVILLE WILL EE PRINCIPAL SPEAKER AT MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES IN DECEMEER. Prepaartions are well under way for the poultry show for Maury coun ty to be given by the county poultry assoi iation on December U and 4. Conimitees have been appointed and the work of organization perfected. Some splendid premiums will be an nounced and keen competition is ex pected. The several committees are urged to proceed at once with their duties so that anounceinent of the en tiro program can be made soon. The exact location of the exhibit has not yet been announced, but plenty of room will be provided for exhibitions as entries in all of the breeds are ex pected to be full. There has been a big revival in pure bred poultry breeding in recent months and the promoters of the ex hibition believe that i: will do much to further stimulate interest among the breeders. The following are the committees who will be in charge of all of the arrangements for the show: Superintendent M. A. Post cic, Assistants. Albeit Holt, G. II. Wil liams; Secriiary, Mrs. M. J. Lamb; Assitant Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Knox. Committee, on Prizes Chairman, Mrs. K .1!. Hatcher. Miss Flora Vaughn, Mrs. W. P. Morgan, Mrs. Jos. W. Fleming, Mrs. I). L. Fry, Mrs. W. It. Orr, Mrs. R A. McLean, Miss Cam Me Gordon. Advertising Chairman, A. L. Walk er, Mrs. A. L. Knox, Ashley Sowell, M. A. Postick. Program Chairman, Miss Perth a Vaughn, L. M. Ilobhs, Mrs. Amis Tini mons, Miss Chriesman. Decoration, Chairman, Mrs. Thomas Troope, Mrs. I. C. Murphy, Mrs. J. T. Jennette, 'Mrs. Tom Crowe, Mrs. George Pryant, Mrs. Geo. Nichols, Mrs. Miles Mnrphv. i Fgg Kxhihit Chairman. Mrs. How-' a rd Vnurhn, Mrs. J. M. Morrow, Mrs. J. W. Mnyherry, Mrs. J. F. Neeley, j Miss Tobitha Williamson. Miss Addie j Wool lard. Place--M. A. Postick, Judge Yv'hitthorne, Ash by Wilkins. Bertha Vauchn. A. L. Walker. (Tly United Press.) UKRLI.V, o 11, Geinian work ers have seized a metal factory here and ext iiguished lire::. Other facto ries were invaded simultaneously. Police surrounded the metal works,' planning an attack to dislodge the strikers. Oilier workers occupied the gas plant on the north sido of Berlin and haYe established soviet police, it is reported. The seizures are believed to be re sult of Italian communists riistrub auces. police and reserve troops ara being held in readiness. A general strike is the scheme which has long been planned by radicals, who gained a foothold when electrical workers demoralized the power inSus tries. The government ultimatum for the cessation of the strike expired las night. , COLORED FIGHTERS HAVE GOOD PARADE ATRACT ATTENTION AS THEYJj J MARCH THROUGH PRINCIPAL STREETS THIS AFTERNOON. . Maury county's colored soldiers cb!-: ebrated Armistice Day with a big" pa- rade this afternoon, and the para do was a most, creditab'le one, too. A year ago today Jim Cranberry Post of the American Legion was organiz ed here by Dr. L. H. Oilmore, and since that time it has done much to pro mote the interest of the colored men who participated in the great war. , CENTRAL HIGH TO MEET WALLACE HERE Yv c. Misg WORKERS WILL ROT STAND REDUCED WAGES the ' MOntgomeryl 0 1 1 j in Nashville Jou'jy (I!y United Press.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Or? aniz , el workers v,il strike instantly after the first attempt of the employer to cut. wages in union shops in violation of existing contrails, Vice President James Duncan, of the American Feder tion of Labor, warned upon leaving the opening executive session of the council "and the American Fedeiation of Labor wil back them up." Vice President Matthew Well added. ONE OF SEASON'S BEST GAMES TO BE PLAYED ON LOCAL GRID AT 2: 0 SATURDAY. A treat is in store for the football enthusiasts of Columbia on Saturday, despite the fad I hat Columbia Milita ry Academy meetij the Tiell Academy team in that day. Central High School , meet the fust. Wallace School'df Nlu -. .- . ville here at 2 o'clock, and it is ex pected that this will prove one of th& best games of the season. ' Central High showed greatly improved form In the last game played here, holdingthe Pranham v Hughes teaid tf a fcix to six tie. Central High this season baa been rl-iying in hard luck, but lias made ;i. caiin- fight to pet in the run 1 1 1 1 1 !'. and it is believed that Satur day's game wil! return a verdict for th" local elewui. HAS BEEN SETTLED wheel tax for this year are being pre pared for submission to the grand jury. These lists vviil be carefully becked over and the owner "f wlu el-e-i vehicies in the county who have not paid the tax will be proceeded atairt. 1 is cxix-cted that a similar li-t of the d- g tax pavers will also be made out for submission to the giand jury. There arf not so many of the la!tor r.nd the task of making o:lt the li: t will be a small one. L. ',. Turpin. past exalted ruler of in the state. Peoples-' Columlva lodge of Elks No. IjSH. has Williams, of (accepted an inviiaiion io ueiner itc- (Py United Tress.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. --The Itul ian embassy has received confirmation of the settlement of the ie dis pute with Jti"o Siavia. Gallatin: Massey. of Pulaski, and the St wane Military Academy have all gone down before the onslaughts of Captain Welch's aggregation, and an effort v ill be made to eo through the :.; v. n without a defeat marked .'"a ni-t the local team. Guile a rnmber f'f C. M. A. fans will : "oxp iny the IscjiI team to the cap ital city to root for victory. Memorial Day address for the Nash-! ville lodge of Klks No. 2 on the first Sunday in December. Mr. Turpin is an orator of great ability, and it is ex-1 peeted that bis address before the Nashviile Elks will make a splendid impression. The orator for the Memorial Day ex rreisc ? here has not yet f "en announc ed. AS MEETING PLACE WITNESSES CALLED. BEFORE GRAND JURY CITIZENS FROM EVERY SECTION i ASKED CONCERNING NON-PAYMENT OF DOG TAX. Witnesses irom every district in thO county have been summoned to ap pear before the grand jury to tell ' what they know concerning the non payment of dog taxes in their respec tive communities. It is expected that ; as a result of the investigations by the ! grand jury during the next week or ! two, Indictments will be retained 1 a-iain-t hundreds of Maury eonntiana 'Pr non par mer.t of this tax. Tl.' .-e ; an increasing popular de mand that the dog tax law be enforc , ed hb the value of Pie law is realized. 1 t-ist year the Ui tax not only paid for all sheep killed by worthless dogs iu ll.e (Oiinty, thereby stimulating the bun- (Py Uni'fd Press.) WASHINGTON'. Nov. 11. The Na tional Association of Raihvavs and Public Utilities Grimms-ion' rs voted rheen industry, but also added to me. t in Atlanta in November of dreds of dollars to the school fund of next year. t the county.