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r PAGE TWO THE COLUMBIA HERALD ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER in, iqso I , - I I I" ' r ... -. .. .... m ii f i hi Jm n ri ri f 'i ri ri p a m i ii m pi n n i"l n PI f "I riLPlHPl Imi U Imi 1 UjiSaJ 18 U l-J 1-3 - S- " " fZ&SK;Ojie. Minute Please! ffod'H Should Read Every Word. I t " ? Announces a Big, Grand and Glorious 1 .. fii! Oneiifi Fridav. Wnftmlir life' 9 M ' Calico lights rfrtd darks at per-yard j 28-ihch'Percale all colors on sale at per yard 9-4' Peperall Sheeting Bleachefl,. and brown at per yard. Heavv Outint all colors i oi sale at per yard . .'Sr - (Men's Pants at Reduced Prices .. ; , 15c 23c 74c 23c i i t-Jil " ! :-u T'- "- 1 1 1 u- : " 1 LndfesShWMilUaryaM.highheels'J-''ffC'flQ 'v-1 ' Men's titftVy1 Work SIStts . QQa . Ladies Hose all ooors.- )n. i. lip t..ii values 8t-iVi...iL'fe,2i -JJi'L'- J J J,)0 tn sale :fittV;:: .i'Ji".' uOU , on sale at I b , f ,-,,., ,i c;7oa n'n'n ' HeaVy Shirting 40c values ., .j,M.t f,.'.0QfV't : Ladies Heavy Fleeced Underwear ' tl Ladies new coats all sizes CQ Oft. 0n sals at -; ' ' 7SC ' ' $2.00 values on sale at 5LZ4 special at , T-- 4IU.WU ., ...7 ""r" ' , -i .. ( wv , i ,.;,chin 98c ' ,Sr!s . $2.69 . Children's Coats $5.00 values $2 98 rf!-' 88C OSri8!?!!6" S1.49 t - c ' fonnn ,, ft rtft Men's Hanes Union Suits, Ribbed - M 7 4 Boy's all vool suits $10.00 values ffC QQ S9.98 Sate P ---- 51.74 anSa.ea. S&.S8 ", ' ,' - Men's Work Shoes CQ 91 Boys and Youths Overcoats $25.00 values ' (TO yJQ Vic; v Cut Prices on all Serge Dresses. Sale price . : Ju.Z'f On Sale at $0.43 s a a a a a a a and date S a bR bn South Street, ne ' - .'. i ' . ' . : . i -' : to Cook's Furniture Store . i' -I, .. . . .... mW JL .ft ' 'Jim ColumbSa, Te nnes s e e g r in F. W. IRWIN DIED IN UNDERTAKING BUSINESS FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS. LED ACTIVE LIFE. (From Friday's Daily Herald.) Alter a life of seveiily-nino years, practically all of which was spoilt in activities, F. V. Irwin, of Mt. Vlcus ant. passed away at his wno at sis o'clock this morning. Doceased was '. for more than, fifty years engaged in ti,f Undertaking business in Mt. Pleas-ant;-'k'i(t up to few yejir'a 'ago was ac tivelj'' connected with the operations of' thp ftim, but. retired allowing his s'oiis"'to..tak oVer the husiness, wlio pe'i'ix'tuafod if under the name of Ir win Ijnithers. Like his husiness life, he was also active in church affairs,, went ha'cit' aiomeji (iivsinity and settle'r 'down to business where he pursued the even tenor of life. He is survived by. his wife . and Jthe fol lowing children,;. .Ernest, L,j S. , and K. E. Irwin, Mrs. Frank Parks and Miss Pauline Irwin, of Mt. Pleasant, and Mrs. James A. 1'ostick, of Glen- having been a members of the Metho-j dale, and a large connection of rela-, dist church practically all of his life. J tives and friends. During he war of tli stales he ! The funeral services will be con shouldered his rifle and cast his lot ducted at the residence Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock by Rev. V. E. Doss, with interment in Lawrence. cemetery. with the Confederacy aud- fought four years in this cause. After-the 'ar he YOUNG WIFE IS DEATH'S VICTIM i i 1 .1 iifs -Get A'S achine km p 111 ,'4 i kw$ taodardM; 0k Mistake If You MRS. FANNIE REESE DIED AT HER ,, HOME IN SPRING HILL AFTER ILLNESS TWO WEEKS. (From Friday' liaily .Herald;) Mrs. Fannie Hoese. age. twenty-six years, wife M "J. UJ'Heese; - died this morniiiK'at Vr home vat--Spring Hill after an illness of two weeks. Mr.;. Reese was a member of the Christian . mum MAN HAS GAINED 25 POUNDS ".l.v victor Victrola or a A.LL. HISlTROUBLES WERE" OVER-J POME , AND.- HE FEELS FINE 1 SINCE TAKING TANLAC.'ii ' J Columbia Grafonola church and was .widely known 'and be- loved., 'f-, C-;'.!'! Deceased is survived by ier hus band and two small children. The fu neral will be conructed Saturday morning at lOftfylock at the residence! V VHerald' cfeap Coliimq. Ad Pay. with interment ii thSpring Hill cem-1 etery. The Maury Undertaking Co. in charge. .. . Mrs.' Nellie V. 1 Daker is the first The pay of cabinet menjbevs.unflcf womajb real esta(e dealer lu Junctipn tha lrisly iptJ)liian overnmeJiUiflx-V:., Herald Cheap Column Ads Pay. ; Herald Cneap Column Ads Pay. CASCARETS 50: IVIIII "They Work while you Sleep" They are reeo;niBd the world ovyr as the two standard music Wo have a complute line of these wonderful musical instruments in prices ranging from $25.00 to $300.00 Also a complete line of Records for both machines ur hristina sum "I have gained twenty-five "pound's? j lij" th'k'iii. Tanlae anil never felt liet 1 ter," said K. .1. Coleman, well-known painter and decorator, of 1!t5" Miclii: ' gan'ii've., Wiiinljeg. Mha. "Ahoit a year ( ago I had double ' pneumonia,''' said Mr. .('oleinan, "and it left me a wreck. I was too .weak to Walk' by myself and ,'iny stomach was in such had shape I could hardly t,, i;1... 1 .. l.':...l ..l;.. rj nerves were so shattered 1 almost col lapsed when a friejid omv.diiy . une "pctetlly slapped rm)ii h. . lupk! It was out of the ouestion for tjie to 5AI Bj.'sloefc tit .M'n;.ys i afraid to5 L3 b'e' alone Yirtiie (lark' and had to have; 541 T. ,L) you feel' at" '"sixes and sevens" toray? You 'are billows, constipated! You ' feel fafadachvj full of 'old. 'iin- 'l'Mi i f Hin'frl - Your meals don't, lit -breath IsoUid, skin sallow. Take Cascarets ; jj tcnisht 'for your liver and bowels and ! W wake up clear, rosy and cheerful. 1 J No griping no inconvenience. Chil-1 ift dren love Cascarets too. l't, 2., 5U cents. (Advt.) S It s a pity that many of our young men w ork so$: hard to earn money and then spend most of it ODlish j ly without a thought cf tomorrow . . 'j Today is a good day to mske x resclvt that you igj: will save at least a part of the mone you worked so -a j j! hard to earn. Our officers will encourage you' and give you JJfj helpful assistance. . 1 I .... . .... j 1 .. V' JJ Ijcre you.l'iml . , o, . . ": ' OurServict!'! ' 54J: Courtesy and - ' ' " ' at iour ' Cordiality " ' 1;'"' t-"i,rivict,!'-1 Maybe our Hahlv is the best bank for you.- All Branclu-s of Hanking. 1 9 V ny ray It is not t'.io late to get in on this wonderful opportunity. You , can have one of these machines put into your home Christmas upon the following terms. By paying tht bide duos ot -.03 per week, which amounts to about $V.C0 and then $-.00 per'., week, un til Christinas when tho n:achin; will be delivered to 'your home. After Christmas the tie fcrred payments will be divided into ten equal installments. ' There novvr was a letter opportunity .'to get a Musical Instrument than -1 ... . ' ' through our Cliristmas Club. JOIN TODAY. r i Columbia Hardware & Furniture Company Columbia's Musical Center CliS';'1' ,rrrHiS masters voice - ' t- - Pri.u Spat off ' K.FMtKA IWWSTRUU E3:STOi' - ':' k Jotb&iij lih-wi t n'. someone in me room wjiii me an nay. i . ..'.. ... 1.... ! l y Klllliev s , wtM e m kiii in mufi that I had a pain across my back near-1 fr; . , ... , i Gtl me lime ami i iosi so mucn.T tj weight I actually looked like a frame. ;ij ' "I liad takeu so much medicine without getting better that I was dis-' 'AJ couraged and when my folks brought me a bottle of Tanlae I didn't want i to take it: but finally I tried it and, much to my surprise, 1 hegun to improve right away. Now I am on my fourth bottle and am so well I can do i as hard a da''s work as any man. I j jQ eat heartily of anything I want and!??: nefr have the slightest pain or tron- JtS hie of any sort whatever now. As , Jf long as I live' I'll never 1 aide to j JA f. j- praise Tanlae rnough for w tiat it has 5 O . done for me." j A ."Tanhic Is sold in Columbia by j USnvder Ibugfo.; in ' Hampshire by J : Luun Drug Co.: and in Sawdust Val-1 Jrl h-r bv Wilkes & Son" fAdvt There is no necessity for paying high prices for your, shoes any longer, un less you just nM.ufallv' enjoy squandering your money. 3t All our mens $9 and $10 shoes vici kids blacks and tans straight toes and (?C Hf) Bluchers . Jl D.uG Men's $15.00 tan brogues goin at -. Men's tan officers' shoes $12 values at $7.50 $7.50 Ladies tan calf skin, English Walking Shoes $9.50 values Ladies Enli;;h black Walking Shoes ' '8.50 values .... . . i Ladies $6.50 Shoes in blacks . and tans ... $6.98 S5.93 S4.S8 BBS IX 9 n Walk a Block and Save a $ T..,..V.....