Newspaper Page Text
i". . 1 - i VOL. LXXII NO. 48 COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, igao ESTABLISHED IN J848 ADMITTANCE OF FORMER E1NE MIES OF ALLIES R ECO MM EN D FD BY COMMITTEE' TODAY. FRANCE REFUSES TO DISARM Wi.l No Cnr-t Aside Arms Until Cei-1 many Has Carried Out Terms of j Versailles Treaty, Speaker Tells I League Today. I (B7 United Pras..) 1 (iKNF'VA, Nov. 24 Tho immediate! mlmission of Austria and Bulgaria' will be recommended to the league of; nations by the commission on mem-1 In 1 rthip, Tlie commission reached a ' tiivomhie decision on tho former en-! mien of the allies, but withheld roc-! (.mnii'inlat'on for several small Euro pean stales until conditions are more stabilized and until recognition has ! been Riven by nearby powers. The states favored for membership ; in today's report were Austria, llnl-j wiria, Finland, Albania and Luxein- hers. j Speaking before the commission, j Leon Bourgeous, 'of France, declared : Franco cannot disarm until Cerntany j SENATOR LOONEY ALREADY AT WORK OH HEW ROAD ACT WHEN COMPLETED WILL CALL CONFERENCE OF CITIZENS OF VARIOUS DISTRICTS. COURT SESSION IS HEARING END JURY TO REPORT JUDCE TURNER TO WAYNES. BORO MONDAY TO OPEN CIR CUIT COURT TERM THERE. POSSUM SUPPER FOR EMPLOYEES '.HOUSESERVICE" ENTIRE ORGANIZATION GATH ERS 'ROUND FESTIVE BOARD IN NEW SHOP LAST NIGHT. SEVERAL CASES DISPOSED OF! SOME SPLENDID SPEECHES .HEARD REPRESENTATIVES INVITED TOO Practically That Main High ways and District Roada Will Be Separated District CommiEGioners Pews;- !ncrc;.32c. Negro Sentenced to County Road for Theft of Watch Mistrial Entered in Civil Case Grand Jury Calling Many Witnesses. .ludge W .1:. Turner will leave Mon day for Waynesboro, where he will open circuit court, which will be in session a we k before the Judge goes to Pulaski on the following Momlay. No further cases have been set for trk.l in Hie circuit court here until Doi-einbi r It, when work will be resum ed here. It, Is expected that the grand jury will be dismissed until that time, when it, will be re-assembled. The case of John Wilson, colored. Senator M woik in the law which he will have pns.-ou in the senate for Maury county. Already Senator lyootiey has the general .plan for the law in mind but there are eer- j lain ili-lails which he has. not. worked j out. It is probable tint, the law in j some of its important aspects resi-ni- Workmen Discuss the Giving of Ser vice, and Best Methods of Gaining and Securing the Confidence of the Automobile Owners c the County. 'Possum, 'talers and accessories, including sfeinning hot coffee and plenty of good old fashioned southern hoecako disapeared in huge iianti fitsat the get together meeting of the force of the Maury Motor Corpor ation, held last night in the company' new shop. The force gathered around the fes tive board shortly after H o'clock and for nearly an hour waiters were kept busy bringing up fresh supplies, plates were replenished and when the inner (Jie entiro fnmilv cir- PREPARING FOR ISSUE SCHOGL BUILDING BONDS SUPERINTENDENT GRAHAM URG ES THAT COMMUNITIES HAVE SUBSCRIPTIONS IN SHAPE. WILL ESTIMATE THE EXPENSES Latter Will Be Prorated Among the Communities to Share in Benefits of Funds and Must Be Guaranteed Before Sale Is Made. HOUSE C RESO OMNORS PASSES LUTIOH CONDEMNING TRIES Iff iRELlfl LOCAL PLANTS OBSERVE LAWS lias been compelled to fulfill all condi-j ble the one outlined in The Herald j lions of the Versailles treaty. The j recently, and which has been approv- j speaker admitted that Germany has ; ed by many citizens. One feature of j begun disarmament, but this, he said,! the hiw that seems assured and that is . i. i -..j.,. ,i i ciuugou wiiii giuim larceny, vu;s iwh 1) l,oo!i"v is already at posed f hero Tuesday, AVilson boius j rotn had been satisfied .,,.,,,,..;',. ,,,,, " , i given a sentence of thirty days on the ! force gathered in one hi county road, lie was accused ot ne;et. around a blazing lire, lighted theft of a watch, the pi opeputor being 1 splendid cigars rial tli.-- fun was on. R. 1 Cooper, j Acting as master, m' eerenxriies In the case of D. 1!. Alexander j Captain Bill Beard called upon every against Work Chapman, in which the j man present to mal.e a speech, and the complainant sought, to replevy a mule most of thern responded, some with from the defendant, the jury was una-j just a fev,' words, but others wil a a lib' lo agree and a mistrial was enter- j most interesting and entertaining de ed. - i scription of the work in the awial The grand jury will probably re-1 departments of "The House of Ser- has been uncompleted, but before dis-l.tljat the district and main highway Firming France will await the report I read funds will be kept separate and of the military commission which will j that, the district funds will be expend meet at Geneva to prepare the plan, ed absolutely under tho control of the I'd said. j district commissioners. I After .1 ndge Looney has finished the draft of his road law he will call into 1 conference at. Columbia a number of ! citizens from each district of the i . ,...1 n nni'.njnn I -i I ' Vf COU Ml V ilOU will in ne 1 1' i' i -" - I .Tmies iinrl Russell to meet with him and go over the law TO DECIDE BUCK TTX CASETOMORROW port late this afternoon or Friday, as there will be no session of the ecurt ! tomorrow, all officials observing ! Thanksgiving. I It its expected that quite a number i of indictments will be returned when the jury next reports, as a large num ber of witnesses has been called be fore the inquisitorial body since the last, report was made to Judge Tur ne?. The activity of the grand jury in in- vice." Those who work in the shrp told how they strove Co give the ser vice which the firm boasted, and how "the boss" inspected ' each piece if work before it was allowed to leave the shop, so thaJ this service might be maintained. j William Fry told of the system." Mz- ing of the business, saying that the most modern and up to the minute JUDGE LYTLE WILL ANNOUNCE ... HPLDINgJJSLOAN COMPANY AGAINST LIPSCOMB. trrtnHnntliwr rmn.liovmflni if t llO flt& Suggestions for -"'h ' " , , ... , ,1 ,1.,. ,1 : V.M I V HIT! lU.Y HUD fc,in. o ... ... n n "hanws w 11 be received and the de- .. . .nans, , . , , , I payment of these taxes since the term talis of tile proposed act worked, out. i ,l J the conference will not be a general j J(lgi,n nis nieeiing as n is recogniz"ii inai , t-mh a'i asFe.iiblv would he wholly 'm- practicable, bu will be a c.or.fcren cf reo:-es(-:dativi citizen;' County Superintendent Graham Is preparing the data for the issuance of the school bonds heretofore author ized by the county court. Under tlie resolution of the court these bonds are lo be issued for certain school houses with the proviso in the case of a majority of them, that the citi zens of the communities shall supple ment thecounty appropriation by the gift of certain specified sums. Before the bonds can bo issued for those buildings it is necessary that the sub scriptions made shall be pafd or guar anteed. If In somo of the communi ties the subscriptions are not collect able now. or for any reason are in longer to be counted as assets the committees in charge are urged by Superintendent Graham to arrange for subscriptions to lake their pljces. Only in this way can the bond issues authorized be made. Cnder the resolution of the county court the expenses for issuing ' the bonds, which include cost of advertis ing, lithographing, etc., must likewise be shared by the communities in inter est proportionate to the amounts im propriated to them. The amount of such expnese is to be estimated by the county superintendent and he must have the guarantees of the sev eral communities that theywlll be met before the expenses can be in- mrthods are now in use. by the compa- j Mr." Graham is now making ny, making it possible; to tell at a glance just what department is mak ing money, and what .department, is losing money, how much work ' nch man does, and whether, his work Is coming up lo requirements or no . chancellor Lytic announced this aft ernoon that he would tomorrow morn ing announco his decision In the big back tax case of J. A. Sloan Coupa ny against A. W. Lipscomb, eler.;. in ibis case the question is raised that merchants' stoik cannot be assescl at a higher rate for taxation thin '.'ier i norlv. It is contended by the liuit the company's property slum! 1 be lack assessed at actual ca;.i v: This is denied and tho int i t made that it would be un;us;if irscr'in'natioh to assess nnrcb m. ' nieiem at actual value whei: i" UTious that for years all classes ot property in Tonnes.! 1 In en a; sessed at. far below th-iA s : i d. Of coiiv e (he lie v road law will 10- .v.l tho gi neral ve'iicle tax exc-pt on motor vebicb.'s and it will also abol ish 11. e county road comne.-i.:'.'!!. Those feature?, were prominent in the platform i.pon whi-'i f'nialor I -y nv'd-j h'- n-ce. e i Senator Knox Seeking Peace With Germany ne i mr rnnTnii I IA5I rUUlDHIL GAME " OF" SEASON ue. ::ce ble nts i is Her ivo nd- i (By United Press.) j WASHINGTON'. Nov. 24. Pca.-e I wiih Germany by congressional reso lution should be accomplished as soon as possible, Senator Knox, of I'ennsyl i vr.nia, said today. He announced his ' intention of introducing the measure j as soon as congress convenes. HIGH SCHOOL MEETING LEBANON HIGH ON LOCAL GRIDIRON THIS AFTERNOON. ARMED GUARDS STOP ! LAYING OF CABLE NO HOLIDAY FOR' .CHANCELLOR LYRE WESTERN UNION WORKMEN ARE PLACED UNDER GUARD EY FORCE FROM CHASER. COURT WILL TRY CASE TOMOR ROW DESPITE FACT THAT IT IS THANKSGIVING DAY. Despite the fact that it is Thanks giving and a holiday, at least one case wjll be heard by Chancellor Lytle in the chancery . court tomorrow, "'he docket of the court is f.u crowded, and i hat Is the case in other 'uJi-'e ,ytle does not feel -pare a full day. He hopes to attend the big game at N'ashvi.Ie j as tie is an enthusiastic football fan. but several lawyers from Iwisburg j are threatening to come over to try j i case here and if they come there, ah .i,,, rifv il:iv irame for the ..j, ,- I,,, i ti iv. ...... r-.-- . Meeting Irf'b.uion High School here this afternoon on tho gridiron, Central High School will formally close the j 1920 football season in Columbia, it j is expeeted that the game will be hard fought despite the serious reverses! suffered by the high schoolers in tlie j game, against. Murfreesboro last Fn-j day. when the Rutherford county road j roller ran over Central High in a thirty-five to nothing contest. a pip ;!( ross the Biscayne bay teams were confident of victory ! s ; b- t". .;on Miami and Miami beach. A they lined up for the gani". i force (,f fifteen men was at work lay- ! the cable when an armed patrol j fnim sni'inarine chaser .o. pui -f" frrtrT!rowiiIow' discussed; "Ser ; vice" at the front. lie declared that the sfamo rules which applied to giv- ing Service at the front, applied in the shop also, and that the only real way ! e( ."tving real service was for every department to pull together with a good strong pull. I Frank 1'ale, who recently became Tssoeiated with the organization told of the value of systematizing any bus iness, lie said some system should be adopted, which would tell at a glance what departments are losing money and what departments milking money. When that is known the management knows how to go lbout remedying the sit nation when a loss is shown. Judge John W. Fry discussed "Ser vice" and briefly outlined the progress of the business since its organization. He declared that the men who made up the working force of the organi zation were its greatest assets, and Uiat. by giving good service to custo- an estimate of those expenses In two or three of the communities, notably McCror'y's and Rally 1111, in the third district, the citizens have erected the houses. They have put up their subscriptions and in siadi- tionhave 'guaranteed the "payment" of that portion appropriated by the coun ty. They will, o course, lie reim bursed when the bonds are sold. This is also the case at Sandy Hook with the school that was authorized there. It. is estimated that, something like $75,000 or' $S0,000 of the bonds that have been authorized will be sold nt the first offering. z E WORTH IMS SEIZES FEDERAL PROHIBITION AGENTS BUSY CONFISCATING $40 WHIS KY IN ILLINOIS. (By United Press.) " WASHINGTON', Nov. 24 Whisky worth $1,200,000 has been seized from mors assured a second call from the fcootleggers in Chicago ana outer uu customer, who secured the benefit of nois cities during the first nino aood workmanship. months of the year by federal proh'bi- llarvey Neeld declared the shop bus- tion agents, according 1o a statement iness has shown a material increase niade by Commissioner Kramer. Ofli- OF THE STAT DEPUTY FACTORY INSPECTOR GIVES COLUMBIA CONCERNS CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. BIG IMPROVEMENT IN THE YEAR Twelve Months Ago a Number of Vio lations Were Reported But He Has Discovered Only One Infraction at Thin Time. Columbia stores,, shops,, factories and mills are In fine shape and only one violation of the shop and facto ry inspection laws of tlie at ate was discovered by ll K. Woodward, depu ty Inspector of tho state, who has just completed an inspection of the city. This,, Mr. Woodward said, was in marked contrast to conditions which he found a year ago on his former in spection. At that time there were about .twenty or more violations of some provision of the law. In no town of tho slate are ennui tions better with respect to the law governing workshops and factories than he found in Columbia. Since his last Inspection several concerns have opened and come under the opera tions of the law but. Mr. Woodward found that all of them were comply ing with its provisions. The concerns are inspected with a view to their sanitation, safety and j employment of child and female !a- bor. There is not a great deal of i rehiid labor employed in Columbia i and the employers are strictly observ ing tho requirements with reference to the law. The same is true of the female labor, which ns employed very largely here. Mr ed The Herald -office and gave his em phatic approval to conditions that he found with reference to the matters covered by the rules of his depart ment. He has been on his job a long time and as a result of his labors con ditions have been materially improv- SPREAD OF SINN FEIN PLOTS Td ENGLAND REPORTED FROM LONDON THIS MORING. ' GOVERNMNET AGENTS ' BUSY. Many Arrested and Incriminating Doc urnents Found in Police Raids Mada In Southern Iri-land By Secret Sert vice Men. (By United Press.) LONDON, Nov. 24. Steps for tha Immediate establishenienl of pencn ' in Ireland were urged In the housa of Premier Asquith who was supported by labor members, Joining in resolu tions condemning .outrages and policd reprisals in Ireland. . , The motion opened the debate on the entire Irish situation. Asquith opened the discussion and Lloyd' George is . expected to follow. ,, - v The extension of Sinn Fein plots to Fngland has been reported. It wast declared that the secret, service has uncovered plans for violence in Lon don, Liverpool and Manchester. Incriminating documents are said to have been obtained in many raids In Southern Ireland. Reports from the Irish office said the roundup of sus pects was the biggest yet undertaken " by the governments. Hotels of Dub lin have been commandeered and turn- : od over to the soldiery, while tho pri vate homes have been searched for men and documents. . ' SPLENDID SUCCESS BETWEEN SIX AND SEVEN HUN DREO ENROLLED IN FOURTH " ROLL CALL CAMPAIGN,, .. With a few scattering reports still ; out, it is indicated that tho member- i shin to the Red Cross, secured in Woodward inspect-! Mmn.llw iw n, fm,wh roll call will run between six and sev en hundred in tho city of Columbia alone. Reports from tho rural dis tricts have not been received. It is planned to continue the work in thi county for a few days longer, and as a result it is expected that several hun- ed in the plants of many concerns In j (Jrp(J n(Ulltionn, mimpf) will be a(lde(J the state. United States Has Big Supply War Materials to the membership roll in this county. Liquor Ring In Windy City Being Probed, (By United Press.) MIAMI. Fa., Nov. 24. An armed force of the United States frustrated an attempt of the Western 1'nion to- BBM EFFORT 10 HI! SUNDAY SPURTS t Snn- t ci 'Tin. By Cniteil Press.) vfii.'k" :-,v 21. St: day laws prohibit ing mo! ion pici ures, professional (-ports end bnsiue.-s -A ., .-ort will be introduced in mor. j ,,.",,, n.i. ty state b -islat .in s this v. ijl . .. .1... idv.l's Dav Allium ii" an- GULLEOKA CHURCH i,- -e SACRED CONCERT AJ since the last get together meeting of workers a short time ago. He said the different branches of the organiza tion were comparable to the human body, and that, when one of the mem bers, or different, departments is dis eased, the whole organization must suffer. ,f. R. Stevens, head of the battery"! department, told in a most interesting tlie workmen under guard. One of 'manner of the work of his department. the iuimier was released to go back i and how hard he is striving to ive for instructions. j the best service in Columbia. . j Kd Matthews, head of the used car .... ... L l 1, V.I., (lep.ll l Iltl'lll, UIIU miw inn .uriiniiu..;... has been reaching out for business. The speechmaking for the evening ntAnlllU UtAllliwho most interestingly discussed the financial situation of the country, tay- ciais havo confiscated more than 20, COO galloi.s of booze valued at about $!' per f alion, Kramer sail. TENDER TRIBUTE PAID LITTLE GIRL (By United Press.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Th Tint ed States for tho first time in a cen tury has sufficient artillery to equip a large army, Major General Wil liams, now chief of artillery, said in j his annual report. This is due to the j large quantities of guns and howit- i zcrs and other materials left from j the war, he said. I (By United Press.) CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 24. "M ke do' Pike" Heitler and thirty others, ul- . leged members of tho largest liqior , ring operating in the country, have . been indicted by the federal grand j ay, charged with conspiracy to vio late the prohibition laws. Six pol ca sergeants were among the Indicted. FORMER EMPRESS Simple and impressive exercises were held at Miss Carrie Smith's school this morning in memory of Leah Sharp Park, after which school was dismissed for the day as a trib ute of love and respect, for the little schoolmate. The Thanksgiving program was not ; given, but the children brought gener- FIRE THREATENS HISTORIC CHURCH STUDENTS AND TOWN BOYS STAGE FIGHT, (By United Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 24 Fire this morning destroyed the Sunday school building of historic Plymouth church at Brooklyn, where Henry Ward Beecher preached. ... 1 1 r i v ' ing that a wave of economy lias struck j oua offerings ot loou ana cio..s .u, nun TAftl LI i merioa. necessarily affecting the au- muse imiu"" LATTER FINED $10 EACH, FOR, MER ARE DISMISSED BY LEB- . ANON COURT. . LEI1ANON. Tenn., Novb. 2i Two law students and two local boys4n-i 'gaged in a free-for-all figlj here, Sun ! day night about ti o'clock, in which jail were somewh?t bruised up, but ; no bones were broken. DELIGHTFUL MUSICAL PROGRAM t WILL BE RENDERED THERE TOMORROW NIGHT. , Tism imsrn HfU lULLLU 111 I n I y v ill 1 v: v 1 ivdo.; ,lll!t'l Ita, i it .-n j n j j AMSTERDAM. Nov. 2t. Kx-Kaiser- j tomobile industry for tho time being, in Augusta Victoria's children (tuth- ; that sales have fallen off, and that in ; eied about her at Dorn Castle in what j the larger industrial centers of the is feared will be their last visit. Her ! Continued on Fifth Page.) fever is high, and specialists held lit-j ' " tie hope for her recovery. HAVE TYPHOID FEVER: MOTORCYCLE HAS BEEN PAID FOR IN FINES BOMB E vmnoifu ArlUJlu COLBY TO LEAVE There will be a secred concert f-t the Methodist church at t'ulleoka on . !iday nisht. A very delightful l"' J omm embracing seventeen numbers! las Vli' prepared under the direction! "f HnsL;it!ie Ti'r.iMr. on ;:td Hi 'veirrrt"ni rare li'.e.lUie lo all W :ltlt-til Then' Will 111 iree . .. . .., :.. the from a tai. CUNNINGHAM LEADS i IN RED CROSS WORK no ili.irL-e fur nilmision. but a will offering for tlie benefit of I choir equipment will b-. taken up. piv United Press.) ! CORK N"V. An explosion in .tricks stre,t last nUl.t kilK-d two . . ..-.,.,1 11 nil llil- ,:f:::,n- " ed critically, i":'"v r" ' !: rimcn'r ' lo:rb w.i- tbrov : (By United Press.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 24. Secreta ry of State Bainbridire Colby and party will sart for 011 tli America on Sun day, according ti plans aniiounewd tot!' r. Tb. mas I Cunningham led all of the teams soliciting for the Red Cross mT.-hfrship yesterday. Mr. Cunning- .... ham wtirked like a trojan from o't lock in the morning until 5 SPECIAL SERVICE FOR PRFSBYIERIiNSiderson Pogue at Hampshire ars down j ' )w,th typh'dd fever. They have been j ' " ' j inuite seriously sick but are reported! A,a 2The J At the Fir,t Presbyterian chcroh , to be very mm l, unproved. nr.B in lhe t,.y court yesterday morn- jthe usual Tha:.ksgivi.,.i D:.y sy iccf, ' ! ng amounted to $Cf.."i. There weo i! be lu-ld at 11 a. m. Thnrsd-. jn- . 33 arrest. Twelve poker playe.3, room. ,tran,- n , J HANKSBIVlNb Al ! eight crap .hooters, five h. de at f.w side door on K fch myt. , . . , FIRST M h CHuRGH number. The city recently pun ha.'jd - ------ . Tti" Thonksciving Day sp"',:al offer-1 lug f. r ,;.o yonroe Hardlnj Ch' drcn' Home will be received, and any girts! ro o: i a ntot'jj cycle at a M of ttoOO t catch 1 .u1.i.-t. j Thj reiiliirrvrlfl tllLH be. n , the ! t tho local poor of food and cV, thing 1 T,auks,iv!ng paid for in flEe and It is now lff v ni in to't prs tomorrow morning iu iut "w"r ,J' ' aft 'moon and lie was rewaraea wiu a... ih-,n r-ihtv-piht membrrs tn tUvcn 0 ciock a. greatest mother of them all." ta',e 1 charge of and fiistrib iV-d i oWx k at the Fir?t Methodist churth. 1 reef t every day.