Newspaper Page Text
We are told almost every day about xthe good' qualities of our Chattanooga Plows, by some good farmer who is using it never failed to turn the land in the most difficult soil, runs light, easy to handle. i' ; " " . .'' !" - . . , . -.;; '; .' ' ,:'. ' - : ... ' , -.,i j " - f ; We have Steel Mouldboard ; Slat Moulbbard; and Chilled Moulboard. You want to try this plow it's a real; wil der. ' V;-. :, ' t" .".; ' i..i. V ': , , ' LOUISE WEED ,SPEAKS Home Service Nurse Explains Nature of Her Duties in County McLean Outlines Agricultural Program for Coming Year. ' (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) At. a most enthusiastic 'meeting or the Bryant Station community' club, held Friday evening despite inclement' w&ithor, officers for the ensuing year were elected) 1 and agricultural plans tor 1921 discussed. V v, Officers were elected as follows: John Bryant, president; Sam Jones, vice president, and Miss Sallie Orr, secretary and treasurer. - Miss Louise Weed, home service nurse of "the American- Red dross, made a most Interesting talk, outlin ing the work which she is doing in the county, and appealing for the co-operation of the people in everj'Bectmn of the county, :,.';'. - ; r- ? County Agent McLean discuussed in a njost i interesting manner the prob lems which confront the farmer today, and outlined a constructive agricultu ral program for the'eomihg year. Mr. McLean laid especial emphasis upon the organization iof the.Tboys and girls clubs in the community, and after he had completed his brief talk, six boys were enrolled in tho corn club, which it is believed will be one of the livest of the county. It was planned to have the club meet on the third Friday evening of each month. " ': ' The people of the Bryant Station community are interested, in commu nity organizations as never before, Land it is believed that a splendid com munity fair can bo held there next fall. - a, -x' liiffer?i HOSPITAL BOARD RETURNS 'THANKS TO ALL BIDDEPS FORMAL EXPRESSION OF APN&E. CIATION FOR GENEROSITY ft, THE HOG AUCTION. . ACHIEVEMENT OF THE WOMEN Although the Hospital Has No Endow" ment and aa Average Monthly Ex pense of $1,500 With Many Charity Cases, It Is Successfully run. (From Saturday's Dally Herald.) Expressing formal thanks to all o tliu bidders and contributors and oth ers who assisted in making tho recont auction of their, two sows such a do filled success, tho Kjng's Daughters Jiuspitif 1. board, has . issued a public Klati'tnent that c is ...'illuminating.. It ulimvs. that this. hospital,'-, without wlii'li mercy and BUcwr, and, relief oulil in; denied hundreds, Is opera-led at ;iu expense of $1,500 a month will '"il mi endowment and with many charity tuses. It Is done alono by the faith nnd devotion of a noble band of women. Tho following is the state ment of the board: . - "The King's Daughters, especia l' the hospital board, wish tosexpreS3 their gratitude to those gentlemen why by their generous bidding on the hRs run tho amount receive upon to JUMni. ., "Especially are we grateful to those exeeedingly generous friends who pur chased the two hogs at the Williams Eai iner sale and made this auction of "ins possible; and to them and all oth ers who contributed in any way to the Mu i ess of the sale do we extend our "; ty thanks, p. ' - Without any endowment,' with an yv' '!':is;e monthly expense cf $1,5X, nl doing .'a' large percent charity, are conditions that make guch help'appre; ciated. . X'-'i-;'' ' Si'-V- "It, is-a. -source-of solid comfort to diet faithful women of, the order who ;Under God's providence, have been en abled, tp give so much of themselves to tlie' work' that the good men of town arid county, are shouldering and shar ing tWu burden, thereby doing a great deal to render the hospital efficient in Serving and saving many precious lives, y V - "We pray, from hearts full of ap preciation, that God will bless all benefactors- of The Kiug's Daughters Hos pital.v "THE BOARD. "Feby. 19th,' 1921." ? Spanish moss which hangs so abun dant on tree in many sections of the South" in not a truo moss, but a spec ies of pineapple. ,. ( l '"t'ancolitis" has had a serious run, but it did not reach the war debts.--Boston Herald. ' EASES WITH HIGHWAY BOARD TOJERTIFV BILLS MEMBERS OF 'OLD COMMISSION TO MEET AT COURT HOUSE TOMORROW. (From Friday's Daily Herald.) Members of the court highway com mission that was abolished by the new road law will meet tomorrow at their old offices at the court house with Superintendent of. road Burke Wilkes and will go over and audit bills that were incurred before the pass age of the new road law. After those bills have been approved and certified they will be paid by the county judge. -It is probable that the warrants for these accounts will be signed , by tho county judge and the members i of Jtlie' commission so that all questions as to their legality will be set at rest. All parties having account are ieqtiesfod 1 to1 flkf them" tomorrow.1-"1 FORTY DOLLARS MORE . FOR THE STARVING SULLIVAN " SCHOOL j. PRESENT PLAY FOR ELIEF FUND AT Bl BYVlLLE SCHOOL. ' o t-' MR, LATTA GOES TO VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CO, "Pape's Cold Compsund" then Breaks I - Up a Cold in a Few rtours. ' Relief tomes instantly. A . dose taken every two houhs until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe misery. . The very rirst dose open your clog-fred-up nostrils and the air passages in the head. 3tops nose running, re lieves tho headache, dullness, feverish noss, sneezing, soreness and stiff ness. , . Don't stay stimed-uo! Quit blowing and snuffling! clear your congested head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Papc s Coid Compound." which costs only a few cents at and rug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, con tains no ouinine Insist upon Pape's. (Advt.) 2 WILL BE ASSISTANT SALES MAN AGER OF THE MT. PLEASANT BRANCH FERTILIZER. Keep Your. Blood Pure Nature Will Do the Rest cusly affected, ou enouia recus; the importance, therefore o very promptly cleansing; out the 55Xm, and keepin the blood sup r'ly pure ar.J robust. Get a bottle of S. B.S. at your Jrwrstore today, and note hew Jrmptly H builds up the appettte and ffives new strengtu and m- AJ$ lrift Laboratory, Bid you know that ninety per cent of all human illBent3 depend upon the condition of your blood? Nature give3 her warning In va rious unmistakable rays, so that hon the appetite fails, r.nd yoJ become weak and listless and a gen eral run-down condition teems to take possession of the whole body, it is an unfailing um that impun will steadily accumulate until J-wr Kencral bcaltii will be (From Friday's Daily Herald.) It was stated in The Herald ed-, nesday that Ben Latta had resigned his position with the International Agricultural Corporation and would go with tho Charleston Mining Co.. of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Latta will be with the Virginia-Carolina Chemi cal Co., of tho Mt. Pleasant branch and will be assistant sales manager of fertilize?. - The statement that Mr. Latta would be with the Charleston Mining Co.. was an error. The corrected state ment is made upon tho statement froni.Mr. Latta himself. Ho has' had considerable experience in the hand ling of fertilizers and will no doubt make his new company a Valuable man. the Tho "three balls." recognized world over as the sign of the pawn broker, was adapted from the coat-of arms of the Medici famiIy.,who were the first to,make money-lending a pro fcrsion.' Incidentally, the name cf the Medici family Is further perpetuated through the word "medicine." a tribute I raided (From Friday's Daily Herald.) . Forty dollars was added to the fund for the relief of the starving children of Europe as the result of an enter tainment given at Bigbyville school on Thursday night. The pupils, came over from the Sullivan school and gave "Wild Mab" and they were greeted with a full house. :The- en tertainment was i a pronounced suc cess in every respect and was great ly enjoyed by all who attended.5 The people of the1 Bigbyville section ask ed The Herald to publicly ... return their thanks' to the school at Sullivan for contributing the entertainment The net returns from the entertain ment were $10 all.of which has been reported to the school fund of tho county for the rolief of the starving victims of the war.. COLUMBIA DISTRICT IS AWARDED BANNER DISTRICT LEADS STATE OF TEN. " N ESSE EE FOR VOLUME BUSI ' - ' NESS DURING YEAR 1920. (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) The Columbia district of the Nation al Life and Accident Company has beA awarded a large pud handsome silk banner for leading the tate cf Tennessee in volume of business dur ing the year 1020. . This organization is headed by A. Hi Smith, district super.ntendent, and connected with the local office are seV en men and one woman', who have made great records for amount of bus iness secured. - . W000R0W SCHOOL 1 MAKES A DONATION ' ' ' ' , 4 ABOUT TWENTY DOLLARS ADDED TO THE FUND FOR RELIEF O'F 'STARVING CHILDRN.' J - (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) Through the school at Wood row about twetitdollars has been added to the fund from this county for the re lief of the starving children of Cen tral Europe. The schools have made a magnificent response to this arpeal and to them must go lion's share of the credit for the nion?y that has been in thff countv. There are a to the skill of the members of th.'s rouse in the art of healing. I number of other schooto yr t to report, i Prof. H!ankenhom, of Mt. Pleasant. - - 11 1 ! stated to Prof. Graham, tho chairman E.'B. Hutcfierson has returned to Al-1 for the county, that he expected the abama after a visit tofrioud here nnd i school- a that place ti make a lilnnl iu Nashville, I response for this fund, ,s :--n - - '. ; - r'J! tiTUl kn -I varum , Ild Wonders for Me," recIaresTbi$Lady. "I suffered for a long time with womanly weak ness," says Mrs. J. R Simpson, of 57 Spruce St.,AshevUle,N.C.!' "I finally got to the place where it was an effort for me to go. 4 1 would have bearing-down pains in my side and back es- .if -ms jjcti4uy severe across my VjJ baclc, and down in my niuo uicic- was a greai JrA ocaj oi soreness. I was ?jfj nervous and easily lip- set. TAKE lf id s& The Woman's Tome Xi 1,1 heard of Cardui and . decided to use it." con- KA, tinues Mrs. Simpson. "I WjA saw shortly it was bene r filing me so I kept it up and it did wonders for me. And since then I have been glad to praise Cardui.- It is the best woman's tonic made." Weak women need a tonic. Thousands and thousands, like Mrs. Simpson, have found Try Cardui for yow trou- Ljjc S DRUGGISTS IS mm G0UNT1ANS : RELIEVE SUFFERING . s - - -' - .. SCORES CONTRIBUTE TO FUND WHICH WILL BE USED TO HELP STARVING MAURY FAMILY. ATTEHDAIICE OF PUBLIC. SCHOOL BEST YET KNOWN J--1- - I ' . - ' THE COLUMBIA HERALD FRIDAY, FEBRUARY as. 1021 . " V. y - . . I fillMilitY fil MR S lanIrS I '.' 'X..-w:'.-: 8 ELECTS OFFICERS 5K s I . t-L . ". ... ' 4 ; ROUSING MEETING OF CLUB VJA IX . ' C-isSk - ' "' ' & HELD LAST NIGHT. .. ft: rr :iu - , km- , , $ MISS PAGE THItElT if iff 11 ions AVERAGE FOR THE TERM IN TfllS COUNTY WILL EXCEED ALL RE- . , CORDS OF PAST, ! SESSIONS WILL PN BE, OVER Strictly Elementary Schools Will End the Terms of 1920-1921 Within An ; other Month Seventh 'Pay Roll of Teachers Today. ' Use "GeisIt" For Corns Stops Pain Instantly Remote uorng tompeteiy. Every Iwxiju evfirrwliornedA to know What millions of tolka)iAVlroHtly lonrn ed about f Guta-lS," tbo gust vnteod pala- - (From Friday's Daily Herald.) The appeal of C. D. Sargent of Primm, Tennessee, for a family of nine, Elowly'starving to death in "the Dimple of the Universe" which ap peared'' in The Herald on' Thursday, touched a responsive chord in the hearts of Maury countlans, and today they busied themselves to see that tho sufferings of this family shall bo immediately relieved, that they bo given -to eat and to wear.- - The Herald was boseiged with tele phone calls this morulg from all sec tions of the . county, osjiing Jfor. fur ther inforniatiori 'eani-er'ntngf thl; jtrt j forlutirtje family.- NoUlef n hanu, hilt' Jozenlhf $tfin iitiitionsj tjM 'btfefif&i' this moining for the reception ct clotliin'? d itnd- oilier - cohtributitins, amoiiR theni be5ns' Ihe lionie'df Mrs: V J. Dale, the Junior Oriler Ameri can Mechanics also Kent n committee out to. solicit sul)K(:ript:ons, the Ixlse heading the list with $10.. T. L. Cun ningham heads the committee of the Junior Order. - It. E. Nichols also busied hlmtelf in the interest of this family and with in a few minutes secured contributions amounting to $27.50, for which he mailed his check at once to Mr. Sar gent, realizing that the family is in dire need. " It is believed that money and cloth ing contributed will total moro than $100, and will prove a great-blessing to thoskj in di.sterss. i (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) 1 Prof. John P. Graham is today pay ing the white teachers of the county their seventh, pay roll. Seven months of the term 1920-1921 ended m yester day and in another month the schools in the strictly rural sections will close. These are the purely elementary Bchools of eight grades , and which commenced tho terms early last Au gust. There are of course the larger schools where 'nine or ten grades are taught and where an additional month is added through private contributions that will wot .end the term, for perhaps. a coupje rrftdjithsf . '-'. ' Tho iernf that ts rapidly drawing to a'cloao;'' has been prolxably the most successful in many respects that has ever been, taught in this county. For one thrngnh weather has fbeen more than favorable and the attendance re ords will probably , set a new high mark. In several of thie .schools the monthly reports made by' the princi pals show that the average attendance to actual enrollment has; run over ninety per cent. This has been the case right in the dead of, winter, one of the largest schools of the county show ing that ninety-four 'out of a hundred pupils are every day in the week. .' ' 1 The enrollment lu 'proportion' to scholastic population is equal fto the best record the county ever made and is probably in excess of any former year. So that with a decided increase in the average attendance more pupils have received Hie benefits of tho pub lic schools than ever before. 1 v There have been no- epidemics and less sivkness than has been reported in any year since Superintendent Gra ham has been directing the destiniej of the schools of Maury county. The teachej'S have lost little time and vis itors to the schools' in ' all sections have remarked generally on the flnfl spirit of the pupils. ' , ' ' :i GLUS AT HAMPSHIRE . TO HEAR MISS WEED IMPORTANT MEETING OF COMMU NITY CLUB TO BE HELD ON NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT. LUTHER OVERTON FOR ' - ROAD COMMISSIONER (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) Tho regular monthly meeting of the Hampshire community club will be held next Friday night at the school house, and a most "interesting program will be rendered. In addition to the discussion , of farm problems, the mceting'will be addresed by Miss Louise Wecdi home service nurse of tho lied" Gross, -and by Gilbert M. Orr, chairman of the Maury Chapter American Ited Cross. Jt; ji expected that the . meeting will largely attended. !"!.' '' ' ' ' "''.' ALLEGED CHICKEN : ' THIEF SURRENDERED WILL RINDY IS GIVEN UP BY HIS BONDSMEN LIKELY BE TRIED AT THIS TERM COURT. (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) Will Rindy', colored, under indict ment, in criminal court, charged with Stealing chickens, was this morning surrendered by his bondsman, Sam Hardison, to Sheriff Houser. It is alleged that since Will was liberated from jail on bond he has been stealing chickens from his bonds man, Mr. Hardlson. The case against him now pending in court will likely be disposed of at this term of court. - - - Herald Cheap Column Ads Pay. WELL KNOWN KEDRON FARMER ! WILL BP A CANDIDATE FOR RE. ! ELECTION IN APRIL. (From Friday's Daily Herald.) Luther Overton, of Kedron. today ; .1 I 1 1 - ,...,,., II-.. 4 ( aiilllOi Ir.tMl UiU UltlL IIV would be a candidate for re-election as ro J lommis.iloiipr of the third district. Mr. Overtiin was recent'y j elected tD this office but the highway j romnM.ssioners and his. appoinment met with genorr.1 approval., tie is a progressive ysrng farmer and stand3 r,i'.h in his ((immunity, lie has had a good dt-al oZ-experl-jue in the con struction of roads and Is well quali fied for the office that he seeks. V . . .. .& f rTf " ' . . -;t.f i ; Heratd Cheap Column Ads Pay. MP' oi Washington, D. C . mr . a . . t was n guuerer ci touiu pation for about eighteen months. I took a good many things for it but cothfuy did much good. I decided to try Dr. Pierce' Pieas :;iif Pellets. If all Dr. Pierce' med icines are .is go ii as !.l3 'PK-ai'jnt T are for roiuttoatiou, I think O vtiTlJ KhonM Vjc- St." JMtliJ '..' -UN, 1 i.'vtb Sf N. K. .. ; 1! ii."!:rl;;- viaL End Your Corn With "CeUJt." ' less corn ond cnilus remover. ' Any corn, no twitf" how deep rootod, dopniw quickly when "Oeta-It" arrives. Won dorfully simplB, yet nimpiy wonderful, bromin- oil sorrnoss Mops with the Unit applteKtiun.i-.Ctat rid of your eorn nd . wnr sliot'S fimt fit. Big ilioM flmply wak-f f.rns crmw Wetter. Vowr jtii)T ' biiei; i "Ueis-H" fails. Insist on the Sxnuine. Hwts but trifle everywhere. ltd. by E. J.awreuco & Co., Chlcaao. LITTLE ft.!! IS - DEATH'S VICTIM i i CHRISTINE BEARD, AGED SIX, DIES AT HOME OF HER PARENTS MR. AND MRS. WILLBEARDi' ' " ' .- '- ' - ,' J (From Saturday's Daily prald.) Christine, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Beard died at 8 o'clock Thursday evening at the homo of her pareiits near Union after short Illness of membranous croup.. She was an exceptionally bright and attractive child and had endear er herself to all who knew her, and 1 her, death comes as a great "Wow to her parents. She is survived, In ad dition to her parents, by two, sisters and three brothers, v , , A prayer service was conducted Frl dayiafteVnoon at two o'clock at tho ' Adkisson, Cemetery. ' Interment was in the family lot, the Maury. Under taking Company in charge. ' ' , DIAMOND DYES COLUMBIA WOMEN DYE FINEST MATERIALS WITHOUT RISK. Each package ,of "Diamond . Dyes" contains simple directions to diamond dye worn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coats, gloves, stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, every thing, whether w'ool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new, ricb, fadeless colors. Buy "Diamond Dyes," no other kind, then perfect results are guar anteed. Druggist has Color Curd. (Advt.) ; - ... '--.' '-.a -' JUNIORS RESPOND TO : APPEAL FOR CHARITY TEN DOLLAR CONTRIBUTION MADE TO FAMILY IN WESTERN,; SECTION OF' COUNTY. r - From Friday's Daily Herald.) v? Juniors responded Thursday -night to the appeal made by C. M. Sargcant of Primm Springs to The Herald in behalf of a poor family in that section. They started a fund with a subscrip tion of $10 and appointed a commit tee to obtain additional contribu tions. This committee is composed of T. L. Cunningham, chairman t C. M. Edwards and J. L. Sullivan, and some additional subscriptions hava at-' ready been obtained. . -' The Juniors held a well attended and most interesting meeting oh Thursday night, the feature of the program being an address by Hoti. J. II. Dinning. V I - i .. , ;5: ;1U Maury County Farm Sells Tor Splendid Price (From Friday's Daily Herald.) ' As evidence that the Ulk of hstd . times is largely bunk, and that tho so-called business depression Is dlstl pating. attention is called to one of the realty transfers of the, week. F. M. Murphy has just sold to Smith Dujriter lt0 aerrs of farming land" M Mliameport for th" consideration of . $1.000.00 an average ot $1S0 per acie. i During the tast few vreks the really market has shown greatly Increased : activity. , ' i ; f i Heratd Cheap C9mi Ad Piy,"