Newspaper Page Text
t "- miff THE COLUMBIA HERALD FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, ioai PACE SEVEN m 1x0x1 the PaTleyvboMstuff! WW 20 for 20 cewfr in air-tight packages. Alio obtainable in round jin$ of 50, vacuum-aealed. A FRIEND of mine. WHO COULDN'T speak. A WORD of French. WENT TO Paris. 4 AND THE first time. t ' HE HAD to get. A HAIRCUT and shave. HE PRACTICED an hour. t MAKING SIGNS. IN THE looking glass. 80 THE French barber. WOULD UNDERSTAND him. AND THEN he went in. AND WIGGLED his fingers. 1 THROUGH HIS hair. AND STROKED his chin. AND THE barber grinned. 1 AND FINISHED the job. V THEN MY friend thought; HE'D BE polite. ' : SO HE gave the barber. . . . , AN AMERICAN cigarette. - WHICH THE barber smoked. AND MY friend pointed. TO HIS mouth. AND SAID "IJkee voo." AND THE barber roared. AND 8AID "You BET. I USED to smoke 'em. WHEN I worked. IN INDIANAPOLIS. AND BELIEVE me. THEY SATISFY!" HERE'S a smoke that talks in any language and needs no interpre- . ter. .Light up a Chesterfield, draw deep and more plainly than words your smile will tell the world "They Satisfy". It's the blend that does it and you can't get "Satisfy" any where except in Chesterfields, for . - . r.r C IG ARB TTES MAY GALL EXTRA SESSION COUNTY QUARTERLY COURT MATTER OF CONSIDERING THE PROVISION OF THE NEW ROAD LAW UNDER CONSIDERATION, t COUNTY'S FINANCES NOT GOOD Delay in the Penalty on Taxes May Prove to be Embarrassing to the Various Funds Construction of the New Road Statute. (From Friday's Daily Herald.) It is not 'at ull improbable that Judge . C. Whitthornp will at an early rtate convene the justices, of the peace in extra session. The road law re cently enacted for this county and possibly the county's financial condi tion, the latter growing out of the extension of the time for the pay ment of taxes, will bo the. subjects for the consideration of the court. The county officials who are charg ed with the execution of the new or Looney road law are not altogether agreed as to some of its provisions or the effect of the law on the tenure of office of some officials. In the meantime it is realized that there should be an organization ready to meet any emergencies on the roads or bridges 'and further more ready to begin to operate as soon as funds are available. , : 3 - To thresh out these questions and to have thee ounty court agree upon a policy for the execute of the law, the spneial session may bo held. The court does" not meet Until the second Monday of April or two months in the, future and in the meantime the financial affairs of the county are not improving due to the tendency on the part of large taxpayers to take ad vantage of the extension of the time limit. " ' 1 Judge Whitthorae did not discuss the question of calling the court to gether this morning, but it is known that he is giving the i new law the most painstaking consideration and '.st familiarizing himself with its every provision in order that he may be fully prepared to intelligently dis charge his duties under that act. EXPENSES WORK HOUSE PAID OUT OF ROAD MONEY COUNTY ATTORNEY HUGH TODD SHELTON SO CONSTRUES THE NEW HIGHWAY ACT. FEBRUARY TERM CIRCUIT GOURT CONVENED TODAY MOST OF THE MORNING SPENT IN SELECTING JURIES AND CALLING TRIAL DOCKET. MANY CIVIL CASES SET Comparatively Few Criminal Cases on Docket, Which' Will Afford More Time for Trial of These Civil Suite. " ' (From. Monday's Daily Herald.) Promptly at 9:30 o'clock this morn ing Judge W. B. Turner convened the February term of circuit court. The greater part of the morning was spent in the selection of the grand jury and trial juries, the calling of the docket and other routing matters. No caes were taken up until this afternoon. The grand jury was selected as fol lows: V. S. Brooks, 9th 'district; J. O. Cockrell, district. 5; John W. Mas ters, district 9: W.. P. Morgan, district. 0; Walace Groves,' district 5; W. C. Sellers',' district 2; J, M. Alsup, district "; Mart Cooper, district 7; J. B. Shawj 'district 2; Harry Fleming, dis trict;; Walter Fraser, district 9; M. T. Voorbies, district 6. . Trial .Jury: No. 1 is composed of the following twelve men: John Harbi son, district 8; C. (llenn, district 3; Jesse Nolen, district 10; W. B. Trigg, district 7; A. J. Timmons, district 2; J. S. Haywood, district 2; P. C. Hick man, district 5; W. H. Kinzer, district 2; Buddy Hight, district 5; Walter McOandless, district 9; J. M. Sowell, Jr., district, 1; h T. Jennctt, district 5, . There are several important civil cases set or trial at this term of court, and 'judge Turner will make an effort to dispose of them just as called, and on account of the comparatively I few criminal cases on the docket, more time can ne uevoteu to civm cases than usual, it was believed.' l . . SANTA FE CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS ON FRIDAY NIGHT MEETING WILL BE ADDRESSED BY SPEAKERS FROM ENTER PRISE COMMUNITY. DANDRUFF GOES, HAIR STOPS FALLING ' Immediately after using "Dander ine" you can not find any dandruff or falling hair, but what pleases you most is that youi1 hair seems twice as abundant; so thick, glossy and just radiant with life and beauty. Get a :!i-cent bottle now. Have lots , of long, heavy, beautiful hair. Advt.) 1 HEATING TROUBLES promptly corrected and a w arm .costly ho.tsn assim-d if yon call us in: DR. TIMMONS TO . . SPEAK AT M'GAINS WILL ATTEND BIG BANQUET AND CELEBRATION OF THE LODGE THERE. AGRICULTURAL PROGRAM DISCUSS County Agent Will Explain Plans that Have Been Made for the Present Year Interesting Program Has Been Worked Out for, Meeting. (From Monday's Daily Herald.) A rousing meeting of the communi ty club of Santa Fe will be held at the school house on Fridavnlght, Feb ruary 24, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and for the discussion of the agricultural plans for1 1921. , . A most interesting program is being worked out, and will include an old fashioned spelling match, in which all will participate. In addition to a talk by County Agent McLean, who will discuss the agricultural plans, for the year, ad dresses will be made by T. Y. Eng lish, and Albert . Holt, of the Enter prise community, prominent in the af fair? of the Enterprise club and in the workings of the county council of agri culture. " 1- ..-.! :i ;V Special stress will be laid upon t hi bori.and girls club work in this com munity, as In other communities of the county ane. an eort will bo made to launch the boys wm club with a good membership Mr. McLean stated that the great Bt trouble, hi' had found in the organ- i?at'on of these clubs has been the ac-li of co-operation of the parents. With' ut this co-operation little can be icoompl.sheo, The Santa Ft meeting will not be addressed by Miss Weed at this time, due to the fact that she has a prei viotis engagement to attend the meet ing of the Hampshire club to be held ,n the tame night. She will, however, -.peak to thf people of Santa Fe at an, a l:.' Oate. - I Here's Authority For Optimism, $ Tj Judge Gary, of the United States Steel Corporation, said last Jjt ;T; Wednesday to a reporter for the Wall Street Journal - . & "1 do not see how, under the circumstances, any reasonable, thoughtful man can bo pessimistic, unless -perhaps temporarily." ; It has been said that there is room In tho world for a failure, but : that thero is no room under Heaven for a quitter. , ' It would seem, therefore,-that all hands should lay give the beft they've goty ' , ' ' A bank account Is one of tin best aids to success now other time. hold and ffi Li or any J SAVE A LITTLE AND BANK IT. .1 'I Safety Service Satisfaction 4i f!nliimhi3 Rank ft True Haiti nnnv W. B. GREENLAW, Pres. GEO. E. McKENNON, Cashier, ANNOUNCEMENTS JUSTICE OF PEACE. , " The Herald Is authorized to an nounce , w. jo Mcknight a candidate for justice of the peace from theksecond distrlcfto fill the va cancy caused by the resignation of W. L Goad. , jan 22lmon&wktt "California Syrup of Figs" is .Child's Best Laxative , Let us give you our figumt savo you money. j (From Friday's Daily Herald.) we can 0(1( !iows at McCain's are going to have a 'big celebration and supper Uouiiiht. Dr. K. A. Timmons, one of the leading Odd Fellows of the state, will be the chief speaker. RELIEF FOR THE COUNTY. FUND Will Greatly Reduce the Deficit That Had Been Estimated in the Ordina ry Expenses Each District to Pay for Hands Used. (From' Monday's Daily Herald.) County Attorney Hugh T. SheKon has advised the county judge 1 and the county superintendent of roads that under the new road law all costs for the maintenance and operation of the work house must hereafter be paid out of the road funds of the coun ty and not out of the general county highway fund as has been the case in the past. j Since under the new. act the road funds of tho county are distributed to the several districts as they are paid in, that is each district gets the full amount of its 'funds Jin return, the county attortiey lias $so held that thte expenses of the work house will be paid out! of thf listrict' fund ill which . the hanclsarut w"ork l Xv This decision was rendered Satur day afternoon to a delegation from the sixth district that was appealing for the work lions'? hands for road work but after it was ascertained that the cost of he work houiio would be charg ed to the road funds of that district, the delegation withdrew ' is applica tion. Superintendent flurke Wilkes says that no one seems to want the hands now. The decision of the county attorney will mean much for the county fund; it will reduce very greatly the esti mated deficit in the county treasury for the coming year, as the work house in the past has been u big drain on the county funds. Beware! Say "California" or you may not get the genuine "California Syrup of Figs" which doctors . recom mend for babies and children;of all ages, v Nothing else cleans -the little bowels and regulates .the child's stom ach and liver so gently, so tnorougn ly. , Directions on each bottle. But you must sav "California." Don't be talked into an imitation fig syrup which hasn't the delicous, fruity taste or the perfect "laxative physic; action. (Advt.J . . , , l CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE LOCAL HOSPITAL J. B. REE Took I Relative's Advice Sykeaville, Md. "I was in bad beaith for about ten months suf fered every day with my left side, f then began taking Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Pre scription and also the Gold en Medical DiscoveTy and was greatly Denenieu. Aiier taking six bottles I was welb "1 took Dr. Flerce medicines at the advice of a relative who uses the Trescrtptlon for herself and gives if to her daughter. I think this med b ine Is good for all women in a run down state." MRS. W. BLIZZARD. Have been old by druggists lot tU Mit fifty SUGAR PRICE TRENDS - TO HIGHER POINT FUNDS 'ARE STILL COMING IN FROM-THE POST CARDS SENT OUT TO FORMER PATIENTS. MAURY PIGG WILL ERECT PE SOON (From Friday's Daily Herald.) Funds are still coming into the King's Daughters hospital in response to the recent appeal made by card to all of the . former- patients but there are yet many who have not responded -and it is expected that renlles will continue to be received for some time yet. Several hundred dollars have been received t from these post card re quests for a dollar each. , Many have given more than the dollar asked for and some have given to whom the cards were not sent. It was hoped that the contributions would average a dollar for each to whom the cards were sent and this may be realized when the campaign is over. The hospital which is crowded to capacity, even with the new addi tion, needs the funds asked for very greatly and its friends are asked not to delay any longer than possible the request for funds. LIVE STOCK OF COUNTY VALUED THREE MILLIONS 4 ESPECTEO ClIIZtT - ENTERS INTO REST The Herald Is authorized ' to an nounce 1 ' . ' WILLIAM R. HAYWOOD a' candidate for justice of the peaco from the second district to fill the va cancy caused by tho resignation of W. L.v Goad. Janl7mon&wtf FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER. The Herald Is authorized to an nounco H. J. McNEAL a candidate for road commissioner lr the second district. Klectlon Satur day, April 2, 1921. FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER. The Herald Is authorized to an nounce . W. M. JAGGERS a candidate for road commissioner of the tenth district of Maury county. Klection Saturday, April 2, 1921. . INCLUDES HORSES, MULES MLK ' ' COWS, CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP ON THE FARMS. . . VALUE OF LAST YEARS CROPS N. A. 'ON BROWN DIED AT HIS HOME CATHEY'S CREEK AFTER LINGERING ILLNESS. " Were Worth, Excluding the Fruit and Pastures. Over $4,000,000, Accord ing to the Estimate of the Depart ment of Agriculture. Tho Herald is authorized to an nounce ; . ' J. W. BROWN ' a candidate for road commissioner of the eighth district '-"Election Satur day, April 2, 1921. - (From Monday's Daily Herald.) VT A Rrnu-n ncprl Keventv thieO lied at 3 o'clock Sunday morning at is home on Cathey'3 Creek, In I.' wis tour.ty after an illness of Ion? ciu'a ion. Mr. Brown wa3 one of Lewis cocn .y's: most substantial farmers and a: widely known. He was a member ,i, the Cumberland Presby'.orirn !i'Uich. Deceased had been twice married, tils first wife was Miss Priscilla Jrince, and to this union was born our sons, A. C. R. E., L. O. ami IV .'. Brown, all of whom survive him. !e, is also survived by his second w,Tc, who before her marriage was :.Mjns )or;t Jones. i ' ' The funeral was conducted at, ;0 .'clock this morning front the reii lence. inteiment, was in tho family burying ground. The Maury Under taking Company in charge, The Herald Is authorized to announce P. S. CRANFORD A candidate for road commissioner of the Ninth district.' ' Klectlon Satur day, April 2, 1921. ' The Herald is authorized to an nounce , CHARLES M. FRASER a candidate for road commissioner of the second district. Election Satur day, April 2, 1021. Tho Herald is authorized to an nounca HICKS RICHARDSON a candidate for road commissioner of the fifth district. Election Saturday, April 2,' 192L YOUNG MAN HELO ON RAD CHECK CHARGE HUNDRED POUND BAG THAT SOLD A FEW DAYS AGO FOR $3 IS NOW BRINGING $9. , (From Friday's Daily Herald.) For the first time in several week the price of sugar is again on the upward trend. Within the past week or so II has advanced a cent a hun dred. It sold around $s.T5 on the local market for some time and then dropped down to $S. It has now ad vanced to where the dealers are ask ing $! a hundred. There have been several fluctuations of a quarter of a c-nt a pound In the iimnuUuie. - PURCHASES DESIRAiLC SCHOOL STREET FROM THC ES TATE OF F. G. SMITH. E. B. NASH, ARRESTED IN NASH- CT ON VJLLE ANJ5 BROUGHT HERE BY DEPUTY RING. Herald Cbap Column Atfe Pa. Maury Figg has purchased a vacant lot on School street between Seventh and F.ighth streets from the F. O. Snlith estate. It is understood that Mr. Itgg is planning to erect a hand some home on the lot The purchase of the property was made through the real estate agency of Hendley, Thom as & Hendley and the price paid per foot shows that there has been no de in the value of city real estate. (From Monday's Daily Herald.) E. IT. Nash, of Nashville, is held in the county jail charged with passin? worthless checks in the Pottsvllle community. The arrest .was made by Nashville officers. Deputy Sheriff W. A. Ring bringing the prisoner here last night. . The names of the parties to whom the checks were given, were not avail able, but It Is understood that Nash gave them in return for eggs which i he nurchased near Pottsville. An official list or the heroes whoj Nash stat-d that he would make ,n i ,h war Is beine publish-, the checks good at once and called I0E HAGEY DONATES BACON TO KIWAHIS CLUB MEMBERS PRONOUNCF. IT ABOUT AS fINE AS THEY EVER SAMPLED. (From Saturday's Daily Herald.) . Joe Hagey was given a ris ng vote if thanks by ihc members of tho Kiw- nis club at their luncheon on ftid.iy vl.n he presfMic-, i.-em with a id;? biter of his. own li-inn itrown and sow cured ItreuVaH'. baton. This ijiucn, the members declared, com pared favorably with the finest palli ng house bacon and some even ex The' - Herald is authorized to an nounco P. C. CHARTER its a candidate for road commission er of the eighth civil district of Maury county. Election Saturday, April 2nd, 1921 : ' -'' " , (From Monday's Dally Herald. J There are $3,000,0fl0 worth of hors es, mules, cattle, milk cows, swin and sheep In Maviry county, according to the census taken by O. L. Morris, agricultural statistician of the United States, department of agriculture for this state. 1 . This estimate was made as of Janu uary 1 of this year at which time there were on the farms 'of the county 7,370 horses; 8,600 mules; 9,360 cows; 17, 140 beef cattle;! 17.670 slieep; 47,180 hogs, b1 having an estimated value of ?2,956,128. A striking feature of the live stock of the state Is that the ad Joining county of Marshall, with only about half of the population of Maury, has substantially the same, number of milk cows; the; dairy Interests of' Wtitt county having been, developed much more rapidly than in this. . , , ' During 1920 It is estimated that the ' principal cropo grown in Maury coun ty had a value of $4,240,000. This es tlmato excludes the value of fruits, garden vegetables and pastures. According to the same authority Maury county farmers last faill sowed only 1(5,401 acres of wheat out . of a total for the state of 470,000 acres. However, this acreage In Middle Ten nessee is exceeded only by that of the adjoining county of Williamson where . , aver 19,000 acres were sown. The largest acreage In the state is sown In' the counties of East Tennessee, that section in recent years having sur passed the middle division in the pro duction of wheat. v ' In Marshall county 7,000 acres wer,e reported whilo hi fiiles county but 2,100 acres are listed in wheat. OHes county has only half as many sheep as Maury county while Lawrence hns less than 2,000 sheep. The last named county, it Is said, has, 4,000 dogs, or two dogs for every bead of sheep in th county. Hllilirf) VT The Herald ia authorized to an nounce ALBERT HOLT a candidate for road commissioner of tho sixth district. Klection April 2, 1021. The Herald Is authorized to an nounce J. MORRIS STEPHENSON a for road c oramlssloner of the eighth district. Election Satur day, April 2, 1021. The Herald Is authorized to an nounce HUGH C. KIRK a candidate for road commissioner of the tpnth district. Election Saturday, April 2, 1021. GODSON'S LIVER TONE KILLS CALOMEL SALE Don't sicken or salivate yourself, or paralyze your sensitive liver by taking calomel which 18 quicksilver. YOur dealer sells each bottle of pleasant, harmless "Dodson's Liver Tone" un der an ironclad, money-back guaran tee that It regulates the liver, stom ach and bowels better than calomel wihout making you sick 13 million bottles sold. (Advt.) 1 HIRE BjY IS The Herald is authorized to announce LUTHER OVERTON pressed a decided preference for lf-j As a candidate for Hoad Commission. (From Monday's Daily Herald.) r Lee Monroe Addington, Imant sou ' of Mr. and Mrs. lee Adington, died ' Saturday afternoon after a brief I I ties at the lumie of his parents oh the Williamsport pike. - The funeral was conducted at Mt. N'eho Sunday. Interment ws.i in the family lot. Mr. Hagey bas Quite an inausuy n.'ie j tT ot llie Third Civil District of Maury Ir. the curing and packing of mew j County. Election, Saturday, April and ho finds that it Is difflcnlt to sup- . i ply the ever .ncreasms his products. . f r 2nd, 1021. . 4 'J - , . ' J 1 I H '! : .1- ed by the British government to be completed in eighty volumes. his father at Monterey, who promisd to wire, the money to his eon today. STOMACH TR0U3LF, GASES, INDIGESTION REO CROSS NURSE BUSY WITH -SCHOOLS During the past week Miss Lotiise Weed, the Red Cross nurse, has Uen active In visiting the schools of the "CASCARETS" TONIGHT FOR CONSTIPATION Tape s Diapepsin" is the quickest, ; county. Miss Weed during the week surest relief for Indigestion. Gases, visited the Andrews, Fernda'e and Hatulence, Heartburn. Sourness, Fer- pryaut Station communities, mentaion or Stomach Distress caused The proRram of Migs We?d for the ' af,.dity' lew tablet, give almost immeoiaie nn. -- rw. p,- on ach sweet and bowels moving as resu me stomncn ;a corrccieu m uu i.-.. D..... , - . . .. . mu.nj so sripltu eat favorite foods without fear. Urge Tn(nil,ny: yjen on Wednesday: Cnlleo- i case costs only few cents at drug u on Tnur3)l3y: nigbyvllle on Friday f lox8 Ch(idren live this candy cH- store, auiitoun uc.u namo.hli on FrUav alzhL Urtlr lm fAdft.l ' i Just think! A pleasant, barman Cascaref woiks while you sl?p aru has your liver active, heui clear, stoni- 1. i iff r! u .'t I ; ( , i : i