Newspaper Page Text
Lj (inhere -Eirafr -U; J t ft ft . 4 .vt .. . . (t.y.HJ Aa attractive wedding selmea- Ized 'at 4 0d'ck Moada. June 27th. at the ijaurcb; of the Good Shepherd. F Ift . i r'v, , fj , 1 TbMriiM drse4 la e travel- a,; wk or aara Blue tncouae ,wttn marriage by' oer'brother,t Henry Far-1 flatten,4 Th twlMd.8Bld. pre! MtsJoaephlBf eJdM Ni Orieee; La'.UvwwiB, tt the bride and. Mi Ann. Uw thlf eUv.lUj 1 Li G GREATEST 0 'I . 111 f 1000 irds Brown Domestic I i i i ! ; Nob over 20 yds.4 to customer 1500 yardarBleacbetf Domestic HO 36 inches wide "ZZI! s5 1 '. Greater stocks pn hand than usa4lly at this season, atd cftir determination that these-stocks must Speedily find new owners has made this without a doubt the great, est value giving sale we have . ever held. Read over these few items and remember everything in this big store is reduced, nothing reserved. . v 2B00 yards Glnghms Bulid colored chambryy tpron - 1 and dress ginghjttos k 1 v , 36-inch Percfles 1 J I5c many patterns t. NT- , All Roady-To-Wcar At Cloaranco Pricoo tvh.-l; i.jij. .uv. Vkji.i .. ro .vhit oriandii: frocki with 'col-1 ratten; : ;bnqy eitdf larkipun ; Th'a I The coapltt ifeh, immidutely.. titer will be at fad Colombia,' Tetjnflur l! - Mra. biomj-lr aa,- viniBuaur 'peanu (u! and attfactiTe Votinf ladr ntfi tor the paav, tm'; 'at vew : ot' t&V.inoat (Columbia , InatitatA - endeartar: henalf to the atudent ibcdj and er r aiecl 1 ateaby jthe fharnv ata Iraee ;of her manner ,'anii bearlBgi iSr. Sloaa; iaa Crecert C?m9ativaftd Ja a yonai: mao neiq in we waet fafeflm mtne .com j 1 1 TIT (Micro rt Trlnnlatta bulTb ot Tncotme, scree and wool. SILK DRESSES of taffeta, tricolctte. jersey sizes 14 tforMerlj Q4i nr - V.C:t ... ..$2.95 t:sa. greatest UlTiUJ i ot wAJSTs-of Georgete. is values in yrs. $25 to 40 at OlT IUU . ana r values, now .....a.UD . " V- r. u'"" 'Si,-1' vii : $25,to $35 jynlucsjwk . : a"4 serge, Sizes WAISTS-rWash materials; n SILK PRESSES CatltOtl Crepe tallCtSS II 40, former values up Afjj .Ac'. V white, taa and wr:80V;a'ndeW 000 fe II tO $50 nOW.V.,;.,. t 013,33 SroRT. fiKIBa; SMITS--n ,navy rown,; tap , and ::;,s iow..V.v,..i.;. V.. . . mm m m mmt . . - . kniiiiw a . . . a. . . uii , - a ... .- i W-fcTi U J 4 'V "table THATS-Trimmed ' and ' ,f in this sale :: 'f . O ! d U ' 41 J valuesupto $d01; . . .. -tit . TABLE HATS Trimmed ' and untrimmmed in white, black and til lUia ...... t . A I i SUITS in ;a11 Wanted styles, maier,iajs n co,ors. Values .to.' $5.00 . ..98 and shades, the values up 00n? flC-'! pattern hats Vaiiiea" to lD-viuJ . ; lio.oo.a lot. now .....3.08 . styles now. .. . . . $65.00, now . '.. WASH DRESSE5---of, ; fjranrJIy, slss and. beach cloth, all newest A V Jf ;ffl C Black vTaff etas $1.48 i i I 3inch Dress (Voiles 19e 32 inch Ginghams . 19c Bhirtipg ; Cheviot9 15c :"'.i -'." - "' i"' ' t . .:, Counter.'. Silks 79c odds and ends v. 31 PIECE BREAKFAST SET AT ONLY $5.95 Friday morning 60 of these beautiful Imported Chin Breakfast Sets, will be offered to the first 60 women at this unheard of low figure. Dainty rose decoration, ha nd work, with gold edge on every piece. Remember only 60 of these sets, so come early c " ,17i3iUuck ''jTblfels::'; 13c' .;' - '" :''v- ' ' lyxSijBath; ; Towels . i - H Table Damask ., 58 inches . 40c Table Ifaplfins K; 16 inch. , 72x90 Sheet 59c ! r PROF. DONNELL M. GALLOWAY - l Formerly of the Central High School i faculty who acccptethe; printip... , .ship of tne sen w n,--- m m rww,tflaOaiarM.aii1 EVAN JONES BODY ; iv, RECOVERED. AT BURII son -pp ; r MRANDMc ZZSWA JONES. FUKmfcKl.T, f, C OMIA, DROVVNEd.' f ' .;fy"i..:.;;Jv'.V-.i,ir t, ( From , Tuesday's Daiy Herald v.TJbe,body, of Evaft WeUington'Jpnes.' the ten year old son of Mr. ani Mrs.' E. W.Jotiea; 'drowned ai Vlcsburg Miss., one day "last week, , was! taken from the waters of the Mississippi at Burn, La., last Friday, and shipped back to Vlcksburg, and were interred Saturday in the city cemetery. . This little boy was In swimming with a crowd of other boy a when he. waa drowned and the - swift under current of the water carried the body several miles and it was finally re covered at Burn, La. : The little boy was bora in : Colum bia, Feb. 10, J91L Mr. and MLfi Jones moved from Columbia to Vtckl burg. Miss, in October ot that. yean where Mr.' Jones has been engaged to the ' foundry and machine 'shop busi- .The little boy Is aurYtved hij hiu parents and two sisters. Misses Lou ise and 'Clara Jones, -and cue brother, eGorge Jonea. - The funeral took f lsce at fisher's runeral chapel coryjarted by Iter. Aa(rustnrM. ;Ayer7 paster' of Vlcksburg. Mr. ant Mrs. JoneV many f rlenda . la ' Cojumbi deeply afP inize wua inem .niueir ioas. - ' "' uimnnoo nniino v k IIULll I Ullu LllJIIUil ' aiii. nnani rm is FOUA vEFENDAtoT FINED S50 , ANOc COSTS , IN;', COUNTS ; CfMi IFiAL COU RT TUESDAY. . Aflne.iof $50 and costs was assessed p 'eact-oif four aeeadahtsi injaa many liquor casea disposed offin County Criminal .Court fyeeterday. Th dftfnnilanta vn Frank Hill, site Love Hail, Charles TrieraoiiJde ctoK gros and Will ZingeraU- The tse were prosecuted by .Hob. L-' Z. Turbia in the absence' of County Attorney Hugh Todd Sheltod from the lty. ; a fine of 5 ind'eostf ai jlsseased against Jlmlarrls, eharged-lth talk ing an assault Vita, f kaif - Jfo caies wert.$ei-f or Irtal ta Con sty risriii&l Court today. : Esperanto, the only one of all 'the manj so-caned - uniTerial : UnnTs thatbowa, any signs of surrlvaL ai luvewea .oy i.'amenaot teealreira: captivity la' t eltsh i runia coraa; ria. wnea Misa Helen Farrmgtoo'; pf Puatadwd4,;.was sjtf e;Ai(clrJ8lSaii, of fc Colaii-' us auwer Kin w xwuf lUfrowf. no9 e;'.rr btothef; Alea.1 Drsioaa.lofcolaiijbla, and . ts'eWs's Waftsfi ' aid era -ywt farrf gd;,Cipt Gw.', t WlM;MyHlcRparison aaejpjfL KeAaa. ef auWly married Wedaes Home of; the bride's mother, Mrs. Lou tea Richardson, on . School street, onlj. thfiinmediaU J.rl6ajlw,f!kgt0f e;.1rat Baptist ichurch," said v the . . e'eremon ial' fWCwlclraBKed le in wtlotJtvlmedlatelytenthe Seventh "atfeetit wheta rthevf ha ' Theihrlda'la most tacaulat ' las Co lumbia and 'elace - her .rWleaceheVeJ vin ui lriouu;, - Quo ta niiyuUD httrwol, afjt holds ;(! ipoa'sl 1 0( .iWfWW-lh.. ? S r.i.rNel'q r;wajs-.torBerty;JotvW"a snail couniy,, d iorr .se, pai;iweiTf yeasvhaa .''niMat nla 'ta''tt: 4st; n t js now. nutoina b ,roBgop8iifj pinn tion with v. S. Richardson, local tarn ber dealer, t Mr? and Mrs. Nalms are receiving cne cDngTmtuiioni o taeir i t a o o o Mre. M. M. Cook hu retaraed after a ylslt'of bU1 weeks relatta.tej paai,:,TtMa ,, 5 i' l ,-i Will Cook aad; elate, Mr Polk Johnsoa.fpt ; Fort Smith. Ark, aad Mrs. Pony ;vVheatley, W Bora, Mo., are visiting their sister, Mrs. '.James Me Meea. .v;. l. Mr. aad Mrs. Joe S. -Heater aad sob, Clarence, of, FirttevlHf,ve1trW! visuiDg mr. ana wr,, .;r.:wKaiiuaj .'.Smith rwiB,;of Akron, Ohio, is vis iting his pareata, Mf. and. Mrs. f W xtti:&iWM ,lBtk'atrept. v J ' Misses Olive . Harmon ,' aad . Mary Klaaard hava retiirad, toiSpjiag )til if ter 4TwiekV Wt'- tv'citf.1..''-' CAt.TLl : MAHKET- slow and , iDRAGQY LOCAL MArKETf 4 iTlw prtpe pf jiwlaet aj jdchiiaf today'c both1' the Lonlstuuand Kah- vllle .arkej8.; .. QUotea at i.8V at jfasavuie, to whica joint - they advaaced",' rlTto'eaWr ViftaVkfc wit '.alow'1 aad ragfcy. bat auatatioaa were uachaag dt The shep.'anlamb market was trlcelpta d.f; Market, drag- HoaSr1leceiptl. lS00 head, Ma keciva. aBd"-steady. , -ai,2$oj pmjaa,;aRa ,nj,tas.ij rrpm; vwso Ijjds, ll.8:fr9m, M l7 f,throw4t8 from 16.90 down. .. K . nJWtfi fete f ardil K ' kmfa taVh isil: -viVVs ; rlptf-16'iaarket 'it'eadf.ftfota tlona anthiaged.!,' Cattle receipts "00, ret draggyt; . Lamu, prospects idv: J veslerda v's v tons . 18 to 19. Sew4iirfa'Ueep;:i ..' ...' if ... MiMiMMit - rr r-. ?hpie m.y I ; -ij i Chojea hogf,;16l tO;82(l,.' ii' i.'1;" 1 3ood pigt to-isor; pOUIXdl fl .Wir ad( rW. V ' 8.40 1 . . . puanuB ' auvn - .. Throwouti .. ',., ,v,v -... IHf Bna AND t-AHeiSj -' 1 " . laaice sirias laAbarl60d10.25 Seconds1. Commoa' sheep Wms'tWhiliplBi ffs ert,?i: ui.'?l.'.M,508rr.OO.l uare'hiplBfL?tHa4.t moa f 41r; WlcTietiv T-'v sa;.fv :JBit.bst6herJieife fiedluatt ' fcooa1; biitcher f .. ' itoireraVs'i1'ri:W06.00 Go.miioBMtOJ Skelter.;.' toeB.',TV,'5 . . . . . ... . .'... 'l.WUHfO.VUJ ttfd$ faf.ocrf a ,f p ;4JMtse Median ta'goed t'taf cows U3.SP4 ;CaBera U! . .3 ' .VxTOfiI.00 Jest bulla V.; - A V 3.604.OO Comn.oa bulla 'Vy ' ;-y vSfOSa JO Feeders !i. . ! 5.0006.00 Ckttsr Fit tttatet tt jBresaiisry, ' miss Mirarea ivipnoison,". or asn-j vliie,'ia-visiting Mral WRiie ' - Mrt vtf: t Owlhga AcnlldrVtvStl Memphis; t;e, nsiungeir.uncie anai VMra. rV4d. 54rbble aad aoa'Qwardil hava tbJiid y CiBcHaatCt r? 2 V8itrlB7ir?l yiaiting meBaa.L h. wul; reiura 19 ;ABfj ron Friday; . Mist. Marie Fisher isspeadlng the, waeVe'ad r with ';lrteBid"r;sl relatives J ..;Mr .Harry . W.. FWersoir aad tchufj dren are vrleltlng Dri- aad: Mra. Oeo' Hi Steea' la Meajphfev! k:f.. .'Jn ' 111. .f ..J. . .:. 111 daughter, Fraacee,- ra- bach V from a visit &tit&i''tniu.rt;t irr. . .-jMtb, P, Carter baa retaraed from a; iisW-t6-Bet"cWidreMriv aad MraJ 11.. ch.air ai ni.kA v . :. 'ni'nititi tl'niuinw nr f-rlr of Caltiiii. blai Bt -adw ot-'ui! ap k'.Siamlaeraj mull luiCiJi.ueic iu ircnu lua Mlss Elizabeth Moore, haa fetaTned to - her home at Will)amiport from MaryvjnerColkgCwhereshe'Vu'aji I honor aradnaie.-. '. . ' i Mr aad Mrt. TFraavwraiama. ens chfldrear of .HUfiil-A! are'ierf for tea aammer. waa- t&eir ttuiff, n A. I )ood to choice, veal calves ;st0iflXW Medium; tq goodjCalves , , . . 4,007jOO f3oaes a4 traahycaivea .004.0 Choice milk iowa . . ., . ;4().p078,00 kediu to jrood milkers . 25.O0as.00 , Egga, loose, 18 ceats; heaa, ,16c; fry 'BlckeBaiVKT. tltldtol, nt, JI eatsMagi, 20 ceaUJ ,.rpf ters, i ceats; ' ducka, llBeati to.; ieeae, .ceats ,'? "ito? fl :f-tOTTM.J!ftc.' K A. rents lb '- ' 'a. i?. -A. ;.'. V. parry, 10c li 4 fcar barry, ielte-7e 'lb. la. ; slshellB,,b4ga. ' ' '.CoT--Per'tbarrel,:33. ".w , ,. ; , aW'et-JociBiUs, rJo.JVfper bashplril.28.T N Ay. i ; . ; FJdMr-snperiatlvt -patent, -: irTelbest". ikteatvllf 5: barrel4. ditry reetf,; l3i.vy,.P'toB. ; 'i,:v- .RetAH, trte '.dovera es4'.rtfa WW ... .dorer. Ill ta ill.Sba-v. iyki-xloter,7 111 akd" fltV ty ( Wa Irass,';!!!1 ha.:', orchard ;lttae, ;I2,06, ba 'Ufflothy U& Wi herdinais. Hm."":',,,:7J,'r" 'it''! -v : v t - .- .; SANTA 11 TEHMINEp THAT SETTER COH. DITif0SrttML3; WlirUEtT'BllptSDiiY Crj?m(tte Appolntsd te ' Hspsrt Vh : i Cendmena Lpcaily and the' Maids v .Ntceaaary .to ftemedy TbarrhiA.-. :,,,Ctlzeaa ,pf the Santa Fe commuaj. ty met at, the residence of AJ B.V H. Alen Wednesday night, June 28th, for te purpose. ot perfecting an ortaoizV tton for:lhevnforcement of : law' add tij' etis1tlija TMlWi .E-WaJker-'acted aspp rary cbf irmaa' and-Dr M. W.CiW teipiforarj legatary. r'Fol!ow1flr8J aVettninimt orxurniiitiori wierWrt. .eWiWetttwr 1.';4l; . prBi(Jetit, Dr,vM.; ;; Wilker Ad t K Vhsta'vlce'.Dreeldehrt. Lk?U.4k. C::aetry,nii ' tttr e itengthjf i sus!n: pt ;m bopditidti lopaliytvii'neaiiset ictfr nwftlnr aaine, several cjmmirjepi were, arpoiBtedTkV Mtttit f -Jotfrned to meet next tt theapfi n ichwLhouae JufyBtaVit'S p.m; 't :;vit; v'.it amaSfet aa,a aiamsi a bm. . aaai JS. a V , ' sin inn iiii'iii rr? it nnn oiiuitinuu . , . i ! tEFflVICII DSEIDOi: WtlCfi INtiniStV feEIMOlTAKEN I N 6 A M E 8 PLAYE D j N COU nTV;, , ;''iA8llAI,EAlUE..f?j,f ta a anniiing contest, leatarea i y - - T' 'T- r tee .jMlttti mg'i'a f the Vga'ajd w pVeddifeT High! tad.Npaaucvw,iof'. she. Ow 4na gyst-Maey piay eo a afu Bpm.f la-vtbeif respecUvai botUtdna: f wffl d trews aad R.4Wsoa!aarTed,;wl 1 aiid R. 4WasMtari Is ft yu ;iruuH, vav,u . vlv luoiu yviju .uiffc ahomer. '' - jVj-t''.f; 'SaturdaW! game '4rewa)e4gcre4. maay ' rodtdra; 'oinpaBirld'tltt tJVil- A Hi jiija a f '.Aiil C .' j! ' 'i'i. uroToisaa icBia sea ia tskMdtaAtfted that ;taetrda:y oondltron Wthe dlahiond;,rai;Vip sibie; lofthsM'Wrjre -acete .wickti flUed The OroVelairdtteabtiaA o,tliys'rfde;the ; gaii.ea;)edairid 4tvaenieB'f?'Uie 'tltae.irla1i. iag'i;;jiobj.jdpp annqunoea Taat i aia "arm rapiosr roundinc Intd ihaaeiad'lt WAotvarf. likely that le wlli occupy 4h'htitlVi aiu wr itae uroveiana, Boy waeniwy fctagae'coatea;,:. , 'The county , league haa, been forlsiT eVft dtt .'adsoMribBtAMiei servtcB;lotrK;E. . (tafry) Moora.a'alunpfre: . Ha Is lag. ttBlvaraal Uatel'y' Ann6unceMini$ HI v :h Hetald'-W kathorlKeV'ta' 5t atrace-.:;..'i"'''V';''""": 7 .t v 4 CLAUDE L QOfJWlMV a' candidate tor Sheriir, subject te Ike atUon of the. democrattcpf Hnary Kjr Vembetljr WilV t!. l,,-?-Jf. : " r ;j!STK EI9;Fie:U HVr3iiOtAlJ IN CHANCERY, COURT, AT JEVj rwtEYltMir:MOII f - it the Lee farm ba the. Pulaski pile and 'four' nj ties west of Culleoka,,sold U anc'ticm brought what s reiarded is f fair Price: ' jfhla f arat consisted of.eightyeten acres, much)f It lying fathti fpngh; ad sold toVl34aa acfei Tr Mttoa'al DfODertv' also ioRf 1 ia eraUy at saUifa'!s-li bV&mwie'th"ai;iM bee';teidj4 Jewptftji) su)p the big championshitt dght -here SafuWysmadaetw today lp chaacerf 4Htt4H V ' V Robert Watkfr &MfaVkhK9: ternatlohal preform - bureau; accomr"' BiedbT. jc'fUsej'ahdtdeTlotil drr mea J.fs)WV abtt Vo Is'su anderdfrectai':Tit niQKrq ,aaa otaer promoiera -stjfae flghj ta Ibbwcaaee why 'an' iajuactldi should Bbtlhe teeaed agatast It; iAnnWHfii'lRr : Willi THEAT IS HEFuHTEq Fleming R. Sheegojk . has Blade' ode of . the best , wheat rops li thavoeaiy so , tar reponea. ".r.ueegog,wiu make, over 2,000" bushels and hit crap wUl' average from .eighteen, to erased kweaty has&eia. Th sample food. But' for the rasp tbat-strart-twa fteM his average yield ' would have ' bees hlghef."r " y ;-r - Moat'folka send thek. mtndl v4- cattpa about six. wesks ahead: of -their suit caies-PortsmoatB '(O.fvTtabe, U fWaate4f;that VeiTmaa warks' tv5mfle a. day.) if .mrfy vtfr